The 404 331: Where it's going to take a lot more than a pony
The 404 331: Where it's going to take a lot more than a pony
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hey support for Jeff Bakalar I'm well
someday I'm Justin you and this is the
show where it's gonna take more than a
pony to cheer Jeff up yeah it is what a
downer morning so what happened to you
been yea it's going on I've got all emo
this morning so what happen tell this
story I was outside hanging out this
morning before work started enjoying the
weather is a beautiful day in New York
all of a sudden I turn around here comes
Jeff trudging up to me with his head
down there's literally a cloud over his
head run directly on th doing them he is
streaming down his face look like a
little boy and wow he was bummed out
then here's why well um you know not
like anyone really follows the sport but
uh last night was by far the most
devastating loss yeah in a hockey game
that I've ever experienced and those
were or even seen in my entire life and
I'm watching hockey for more than 20
okay so you know explain to people don't
really watch hockey how many points are
typically scored in hockey what does
that have to do with it I know cuz this
is important is like what happened at
the end yeah basically at the end of the
day we're talking about the first round
of the playoffs stanley cup playoffs in
hockey yeah and the Devils were winning
it was Game seven so the winner takes
all for the first round Devils were
winning three to two reten with a minute
and 20 seconds left in the game Rhett
listen to his voice and they improve his
voice and they didn't even make it to
overtime they lost and no regulation but
this would be like the football criminal
like three touchdown right like a minute
left no two touchdowns but you guys it
must have been devastating because it
was so close right you thought you had
it I was getting met I was getting text
messages from people saying like all I
can't believe you guys did it yeah yeah
you know everyone was expecting when and
all the sudden they came back it was it
was just devastating and it happened so
quickly yeah it happened
what hat what fails nothing that really
failed they just you know but they like
bounce off the wall they just a you know
the way I got happens on tying a shoe
they were space it wasn't it wasn't one
play that just was like over the floogle
rise just the you know they were getting
pressured and yeah you know they just
let up a good play Andy you were saying
though that you're probably be bummed
for a really long time like you could
barely talk vision after the upset this
loss stings more than anything I've ever
experienced in any sport really and
whatsoever it's that bad because you're
80 seconds away from moving along in the
players releasing the way from going to
the second round and in it felt like
that gone yeah just and just like you
close your eyes and and I was watching
with a bunch of people and our jaws were
just hitting the floor it was the most
devastatingly heartbreaking loss I've
ever experienced in the history of
watching hockey and the Devils are my
squad man you know I'm a big net fan too
but you know hockey is just on such a
different level for me and told to watch
with the how that happened yeah last
night was you're saying that all the
cabins in the world working really upset
to kevin smith was pissed Kevin Rose was
pissed who the hell was not hard you
said Kevin Rosa like Disney Twitter in
the elevator said that Kevin Rose
Twitter no I was contemplating suicide
in canvas no I'll just say there's me
like a dig article on it no no I some
tells me is not a hockey fan yeah um
yeah Kevin Smith was like on suicide
watch she said I know it was bed it you
know I've seen a lot of crazy stuff go
on in hockey games yeah it really makes
you just cherish those Stanley Cups that
we have one because it's the hardest
trophy to win in all of sports seven
rounds for Round four well that's for
best out of seven round okay yeah you
know really hard you have to win 16
games to win the Stanley Cup which is
like how many okay so let's be real the
devil's probably wouldn't have clinched
it anyway they lose in the first round
or the Louisville really close by the
way this is well I don't disagree with
you that that was probably one of
on the cup yeah they at one point in
this season they did look like they
could do it yeah arm you know I don't I
think they're better teams in the
playoffs now that had their stuff
together better than the devils oh yeah
it's just tough man gonna watch the rest
of the play of course is the best sport
in history of the world you gotta watch
and I encourage everyone to watch it now
you have the big you know captain
penguins planes others like the big
names in honey Crosby no matter who
you're rooting for now now don't go it
now i'm gonna go with the caps I'm gonna
who the Capitals the Washington DC
capital I've got their superstar that's
a great no veg king yeah all right well
what can we do to cheer you up cuz I
don't want you be bummed out for the
next two weeks unless you got a little
time machine and just not gonna happen
you know talk about there you go about
you know it's tough it's really just
tough to swallow it's a big pill to
swallow um and what's even more of a
bummer i was talking about it with uh
Dan levy on his show yes yeah on the DL
podcast and we're talking about hockey
and I'm all excited going into Game
seven and I was excited until a minute
left in the game last night too hi ho
mites to that often equal my friends who
were there I people cry that's rough I
heard people were crying oh man you were
saying that people that you were
watching it with you're on the verge of
tears all were teary eyed you know you
don't say hockey is it is different it's
just that you know and it's it's just a
different niche sport if people don't
really get it I mean an upset is an
upset so that I I mean I think I can
sympathize with sure you know but you
know I'm sorry to hear that's not what
this too and I'm not gonna lie it helps
when you guys are really you know
sympathetic about it yeah I really doing
this we don't care but it does you
feel bad for me and that means a lot
yeah you know I don't like seeing my
friends upset so I don't know yeah but
anyway let's move along yeah or I really
start slipping oh maybe yeah maybe this
will help you feel better genetically
altered dogs that can glow in the dark
we have them now according to eric
franklin it's about dog crave dot sina
com apparently some Korean scientists
ahead the Koreans right well I'm just
reading the article some South Korea
South Korean scientists i'll have you
know this is some king of Kim jong-il
but some
South Korean scientists made uh a
genetically altered dog that can
apparently glow in the dark under a UH
under a black light well that'll help me
at all because when i lose my dog I'm
not run around with the black light I
was gonna say I thought it was
ultraviolet light not back lights oh ok
ok so I I thought it was like literally
the dog would burn out the yard like 30
yards away right that would be actually
a really smart idea right well a bit
basically I guess the articles saying
that the scientists did it so they could
prove like uh they could insert you know
different traits into living animals and
whatnot so who knows we might get you
know dogs with glowing eyes next do you
like kissing tails or dogs you know i'm
waiting for the point when you can go
onto a website and literally build your
dog that would be cool you know no and a
matter that i'm not a fan of it either
playing God is not really funny already
have a cross breeding with the puggles
and the you know sure different kinds of
dogs was that's one thing though like
you cuz you still have to get the dogs
to get down with each other yeah yes
actually you know unless you can select
like a turtle head your body you do a
little from column a a little from
column B got yourself a little turtle
dog I just had a little horses ass too
why not offset the head why but now that
is pretty cool though I don't know it
cloning all this new stuff makes me kind
of excited really like how did you want
cloned who would you weren't close
myself there needs to be more just news
on this world just to make the world
needs to be more glow-in-the-dark Justin
you yeah that appear what part of my
body would glow in the dark down oh noes
Wilson what were you thinking of uh tow
you pervert yeah so it seems best buy is
a very progressive company yeah this
story is pretty interesting i read this
today in the New York Post apparently
all the best buys across this country
will now have a very small vinyl section
wait what why that's right what why
would they do this I don't know but
they're dedicating about this this
really really small section I think it
was like a 10-foot by 10-foot little
square a little vinyl vinyl it's the
vinyl look yeah it's very most New York
apartments though
be an eight square foot a little kiosk
in each store okay just for minor foot
yeah which is tiny they don't have feet
better have 10 records for sale at any
one time but apparently there's been a
big jump in a vinyl sale since last year
I feel like there was a vinyl a sort of
uh revolution in the late nineties right
well you know there were all those
products that would uh record your old
vinyls onto mp3's right red but that now
we have on here ill that nobody uses I
know I I need to get one of those things
might go into the whole vinyl thing I
don't have a turntable here I had one in
San Francisco that I used sort of like
intermittently but a lot of the bands
that I used to listen to in the mid
nineties and couldn't afford anything
else other than vinyl it was all just to
have that like 12 inches yeah I had a I
had a vinyl uh no but are you guys like
vinyl records and one yeah they sound
better I think that available but i
think they sound really good yeah they
sound awesome but they sound good but
for me especially compared to mp3s yeah
well at the end of the day though it's
still not even the vinyl per se as much
as the amp yeah like people have shitty
amps now yeah for sure I didn't have a
legit audio setup either I had like a
head little pair of headphones crappy
years I really was not taking available
the artist you have to pump up your uh
your vinyl please yeah they're so crank
that school needs blow into little hole
in words now but the articles is kind of
interesting the article saying that um
you know since 2007 vinyl sales have
grown 89% year after year what you think
collectors thing or like an actual audio
file I think people are finally starting
to realize that mp3's are lacking that
tangible quality you know me people like
putting a record on a player bring
needle on here that scratch you know I
mean that was always the appeal for
records I don't think that's the reason
why vinyl has a new fan nobody's I think
it's more people just being like you
know the retro the sort of novelty yeah
you know I think that's what's really
appealing to people because at the end
of the day nice ice break the vast
majority of people don't understand that
mp3's are like 90 grand equal you know
missing but most people it's good enough
three honest like it I mean yes mp3's
don't sound that great but they don't
but they're not terrible right no I mean
especially if you have one that's uh
with a high bitrate you know and it's
not really well okay that's get to tell
ya oh here we go you not to get too
technical but actually had a
conversation with someone about this
yeah mp3's versus a C's also like you
know people are like getting on to Apple
about using like a see ya as an audio
format mp3's actually no mad at note at
any bitrate yeah you can't hear are they
cut off everything past i believe it's
like 16 kilohertz red so like all that
that quality of like you know like a
drum snare or um even like the vibration
in the guitar string you lose after 16 k
but most people can't hear it ya can't
like a jeff apparently has like super
year i have unbelievable hearing I know
what's happening right now in Jersey
people are crying what a baby is crying
in Africa right okay people in Jersey
are probably crying over that game was
no not to bring that back sorry man we
have got so far well Jeff we've killed
your dog and here's the court hahaha but
no I I think it's pretty cool that it I
think it proves that people are still
willing to spend money on a physical
product you know because vinyl is more
expensive than CDs you know these are
like what $13 $12 it's a recession
manwani dollars for a vinyl but
apparently people are though you know
with the reporting of the sales you know
people are actually paying for stuff
like that but I mean that was like two
thousand seven what about like today
yeah you you got some extra cash you
really want to buy like a vinyl record
like a giant coastal every want to pay
their mortgage right I'm surprised about
to go to business aren't vinyl vinyl
records comparatively cheaper them no no
no finals are always like twenty
twenty-five dollars compared to a CD
that's ridiculous yeah how many songs to
you don't let standard set of songs yeah
like 12 tracks earth I actually don't
own a vinyl record player you've never
owned a record player before I I used to
when I don't hold on to that laser disc
I whatever Wilson
this guy's just got a whole collection
of karaoke laserdisc CDs hey come on
look at that you need good Chinese boy
used every day oh I was actually
flipping out when I believe you posted
this year Twitter yeah but that karaoke
machine yes I karaoke machine is crazy
you're likely 20,000 hits yeah and you
can import your own songs into this
machine really and it'll take out the
vocals and you can sing taught school
whatever songs you want like that pretty
cool no don't Jeff don't lie ya know
karaoke is the lamest thing to ever
happen to you let speaking of lame uh
turns out the winner of the I guess I
don't is the winner but the one
billionth download in the Apple App
Store which we talked about yesterday
we've never actually talked about the
app itself Brett it's called bump yes so
what is this it's a it's a application
where you open up the app and to iPhone
users must bump their visits together
therefore exchanging information right
another two way to exchange contact
information so you terrorist fist bump
Terry yeah but before you call the Obama
fitspo tactic you can do the Michelle
and Brock fist bump and then yeah it'll
transfer your contact information to
them which i think is kind of cool but I
don't know if it's worthy of the 1
million or 1 billion prize you know what
did this guy even win I honestly I think
it's actually a lot better than the I
fart application yeah what do you think
Apple would have done if that was like
the right number one app or if it was
like the I am rich imagine with the baby
shaker amazing you know congratulations
Apple you stay classy yeah yeah if your
baby shake it out like how about one
billions and one then just get to that
one uh we're gonna take a break more
baby shaking when we come back plus
calls from the public oh yeah Elliot you
you uh so yeah stick around guys I will
try and cheer up during the break be
back this is the 40
or ever f'ers the show where we all sing
songs catch the all news cnet live every
thursday afternoon at one pacific for
easter call in toll-free triple eight
nine hundred scenic and get expert
advice from real people in real time so
join us live four cnet live every
thursday afternoon at cnet hey
this is danny d from on the dl podcast
you're listening to the 404 where Jeff
Bakalar is a devil worshiper Oh extra
sting yeah strike I'm look at this guy
kiss you in a diaper I didn't realize
you know it's even more messed up screw
what I think honestly yeah through my
feelings what about the team imagine
you're that toe of the team must still
be in the in the locker room they were
having a locker room thinking they won
didn't they right well no I got halftime
they probably thought there's no
halftime I mean intermission maybe the
goalie should have been twittering in
the middle of the game it'll suck are we
turning against the devils now do we
hate them no okay just I just wanted to
make sure God hey hey Jeff no it's fine
it's just that you know it's just a game
it is a little just again it stings a
little all right I believe this sword is
yours mr. you know what'll help right
now is a little bit of the calls from
the public time to show the love a jig
6404 cnet
unless this is the Commissioner from the
NHL tell me apologize in overturning
last nite chef I'm really sorry about
that or that could didn't work out for
you mr. beigel are um play a voicemail
ASAP yeah it's pretty good guys Sarah
from Kansas and man am I glad that I
skipped work today so I can watch your
show on the Internet I was wondering did
anybody else catch the post-show look
like Justin was looking at men and
underwear oh when you finally come out
man you gotta love those new cameras
she's right that the new cameras do add
a certain many interesting problem with
these new cameras is that we have 15 of
them on our face and on our kit are my
monitors at any one time so they could
see literally everything that I do so
every time I like scratch the back of my
head some jackass in the chat rooms like
hey got an itchy head jokes are like
Jeremy came in like adjust your crotch
or anything like that without you guys
it used to be we only get like you know
our shoulders and up yeah essentially
can't even look at men and underwear on
your monitor anymore I would live in a
private this is world coming to when a
man can just let me uh let me clear the
air right now they weren't men in
wolcott they working there on teenage
boys and underwear yeah they were young
adolescent coed boys now what happened
was I was doing some shopping yeah right
on the site guilt I think I've talked
about this you have yeah it's an
invite-only clothing store online and uh
okay they happen to sell men's underwear
alongside other types of clothing and
apparently somebody saw that but why do
they have to be shirtless and all okay I
don't know what why is it called guilt
and a half naked man it good that is
pretty funny actually you got me there
nice and made of funny hey I don't know
anyway thanks for the call one last call
this is an interesting idea we've never
done this hey guys my cell phone Jamaica
hair I was wondering if you ever thought
a best-of episode Oh showing all your
favorite or funniest moments from past
episodes and then when I used to listen
to bore out loud Jason how old did it
all the time and damn it was pretty cool
maybe members of the nerdy dirty can
send in their favorite clip submissions
and have a nice compilation I know my
favorite would be the Justin puts a ring
on it episode things all my single
ladies it's dying of laughter never
fails to champion of it well actually
you know we've been meaning they want to
do something like that but I actually
never have the time to yeah we bizarre
but what is it that's a great idea
actually let's get the nerdy dirty yes
ending clips yeah of their favorite
parts of the ships do it if you guys
have the equipment to do it it's pretty
easy to do just go back and listen to
your old episodes and if you have
anything out like you know you really
want to hear in a best of so then send
it to us yeah we'll put it together
maybe put out a CD or something I like
that idea to give it like that maybe
while we're single yeah here's why we
are single ladies staying single with
the 44 like it arm let's move along
thanks everyone for the calls by the way
yeah definitely um so firefox 3.5 is on
its way that's right Wilson you put this
in the rundown right and I special about
this new one is supposedly let you you
know it's got the private prawn you all
right what do they call that again they
call it something the uninvited see mode
or something right forget what it's
called I'm not exactly sure but I that's
that's the most important feature my
heart yeah the ocean mode whoops I
wasn't doing anything this is not what
it looks like I'm definitely not making
love to myself but yeah you know what's
weird is I downloaded the previous
update Firefox and I noticed that a lot
of my apps weren't working really yeah a
lot of my extensions worried it would
shut down like randomly Facebook was not
playing well with it either a lot of a
lot of random restarts and whatnot
absolutely this new version what I
really liked about the whole you know
like Safari released the update a couple
of weeks ago
it's fast man really yes the new firefox
has been very clear yet no it's it's
ridiculous might you know all the all
the pictures that have to load up in in
yeah my browser pop up instantly yeah
but what when they get what is Firefox
gonna have the UH the windows view that
Safari got remember that oh yeah yeah
browsing view we can open a bunch of
different windows I want I 15 watching
one extender that does that what would
you want in a browser like sort of like
as a standard feature um I don't I like
that boss mode button that would be
awesome wait what was that oh I don't
know just like a button that you could
hit when uh you know oh when your boss
comes back John Falcone walks by right
BAM and then seen it comes up randomly
it's just like unicorns yeah looking at
unicorns here it's totally cool rizzoli
involved in what I was doing it worked
yeah you know I mean I'm not gonna talk
about the ways that I hide how i browse
internet work is we're at work right now
boss is probably listening but uh yeah I
don't know it's hopefully Safari has
patched up all the all the agency you
suppress crash all the time right but I
don't know man like a try to think like
what would I want yeah in a browser is
fast it work yeah you know what I browse
I can't really only care about the
operating systems totally relevant right
at this point right I just want
something cool in my browser I faster a
private browsing mode is awesome yes as
always embarrassing when someone walks
by you're like typing in the URL yeah
you know my problem is that I always get
items from random friends yeah and I'll
send me like this giant photo of like
the guy from twilight or something right
and it'll be like right on my screen and
then my boss will walk by be like oh I
didn't know you were interested in
teenage boy models yeah you know or i'll
be looking at like guilt and it'll be
some kid in his underwear or something
and always walk by it the worst time
with my run card right yeah pretty much
I isn't there actually the segue to
another story like a 4chan right yeah
yeah this is pretty interesting so time
officially named the founder of 4chan
the most influential person in the world
now it's its way what is working cuz
like not a lot of casual people know but
okay so 4chan in my opinion is the most
influential group in the world it says
online terms of the Internet yeah it's
this forum started by this one guy and
it's pretty much this free for all right
everyone's anonymous on it and they the
most infamous uh infamous sub category
is the random okay right this is the
these are the people that uh were
involved with that crazy myspace suicide
right they started lolcat basically um
yeah they can pretty much ruin people's
lives if they wanted to have that much
influence on it granted that this uh you
know this survey or whatever was a
voting process so what they did was
probably they posted the voting poll and
everybody voted for this guy and now
he's the most influential person in the
world in front of the Dali Lama in front
of like Kobe Bryant Oprah try come on
rock Obama are freakin president so why
why do you think he's the most
influential because he if at his word
I'm pretty sure these guys can do
anything you know they're a bunch of
hackers kids at home developers true
they probably people that listen to this
show they can do whatever they want
that's amazing if we're and this is a
great example of that they got 12
million votes the next guy after moot
got 1,000,000 so he had almost eleven
and a half more a million more votes
than writing a person the closest next
in yet ongoing so what can you find in
Fortune cuz like I'm looking at the
website right now and you know I see
there's a big column for Japanese
culture right doesn't really pretty much
find whatever you want so if if you want
to ask somebody to like hack this
website or whatever or like f with this
dude that you know I mean like you can
do that like people post phone numbers
and whatnot I feel like a lot of like
anonymous people are from that that seem
to like the other after the other forum
anonymous that was doing the don't you
feel like a lot of those guys are all
friends yet they branched off to read
their own little community but it's cool
because it can be as small as like
posting a bunch of pictures of cats or
can be as big as really affecting you
know a pole like this on a side note
they have the top 21 of names here on
the list people like tina fey eric
cantor little Wayne little Wayne driver
how's he doing the Papa jestingly enough
numbers one through twenty one if you
take the first letter of all of their
names ah this is so strange it spells
marble cake also the game was weird it's
got I don't know that very strange
though I don't really use anybody but we
got a link to this in the in the show
notes one of those I mean obviously
doesn't mean i think it's just one of
those really weird coincidence right i'm
looking at the website right now and you
can a fortune right now yeah yeah i
don't think it's very NSFW yeah it's
definitely not cuz like i reserved for
chatting for at home but you know their
actual rules to 4chan you know there's
there's no child pornography loud or
anything like that or or or messing with
the website they got trouble for that a
while ago or missing with the website
yeah yeah they mess with some sports
website which was actually pretty funny
but uh you know this can read it could
really affect people's lives in this way
I think it's pretty cool and you know
what they love cats to Jade you better
watch out i go on record right now
they're listen to this I love cats don't
mess with me I mean no Jeff I think
that's getting me into much trouble
nature of cats um but yeah really weird
stuff you know they really are sort of
the controlling force on the internet
yeah yeah they're like the guardians of
cyberspace well I don't know how
Guardians people some people would call
them troublemakers I read this article
on New York Times you guys should go
check it out this crazy 13 page article
third on yeah this guy interviewed the
founder of this guy moot of 4chan and
you should read it they've done a lot of
really influential stuff on the internet
did they get Barack elected is that what
happened and it would only what happened
they are the Beatles of the Internet
yeah they are unbelievable stuff think
yes that's it yeah that's all we have
way but I'm just waiting for Wilson's
obligatory that you have saying one more
thing that was up to today well tomorrow
is the last day that you can vote for
the Cena TV on the web ease yeah oh so
be sure to do that Peavy its people's
vote peavey Webbie dot org so make sure
you vote or come not exactly what
happens if and when you guys win cuz
you're gonna win let's be honest all I
don't know not get the wear tuxedo I
just ate the Paisley you're allergic to
pay for your award yeah we are we gotta
send ten thousand dollars for some
reason why I don't know photos
gratulations now give us money
understand that that's like who's who in
high school right yeah yeah sure let's
see what happens you forget those a
letter sperma knows who oh yeah I know
what you guys are talking it's like it's
like a high school thing like you
supposedly you're like a really good
student in school uh put you in a book
but you have to pay again I'll do a
really shitty student in school so I
never even know that I wasn't even in so
yeah we'll just call but I think it's
like who's who's something yeah the
who's who of Wilson tanks high school I
just been too busy being a fortune
written answers what do you think all
those crazy pictures and you come from
that is true though it's so true how
many times a day weekend and I am with a
random photo link from other than you I
like I click on it the photos that are
on Fortune's random site are effing
hilarious some of their were doing some
of them are tasteless yeah you know it's
just always like a crocodile playing the
piano or something no no man it's always
a brand that people oh that's not random
okay it's because you gotta give me that
right i mean come on either way go check
it out yeah you should you should
definitely check it or don't check it
out it gets kind of a closed community
anyway yeah they don't watch yeah leave
a voicemail guys 1 866 four for Cena we
appreciate all the calls send us an
email before for it let us know
what you think of our show and yeah we
love hearing from you guys appreciate it
yeah maybe 4chan can get us to the top
of the iTunes most popular list mmm 10
weeks with a any fortune why you're like
that screw these guys back on the least
the most downloaded by guessing it
doesn't Social Security good can they
really do i will see you at if they
wanted to we'll see you guys tomorrow
everyone have a great wednesday i'm jeff
bakalar I'm both contain I'm Justin you
support for gonna go cry be gentle
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