The 404 332: Where we're in a glass case of emotion
The 404 332: Where we're in a glass case of emotion
regional mmm okay get the video you
crave at seen at four-four time
ladies and gentlemen I'm Jeff baggala
Wilson time Justin you and this is the
show we're in a glass case of emotion a
lot of things trying to kill me going on
in here but really it's very emotional
this morning highs and lows it is a
beard man ups and downs yesterday was
kind of a sad show Wilson was in the
dumps yesterday well all this work yeah
we Jeff Rosen yeah it wouldn't ruin if
you did get a chance to catch
yesterday's show don't know it at least
don't operate heavy machinery while you
do it was bad you're having a bad day
just don't it's not gonna make you your
life it's okay because today is looking
a lot brighter Wilson's got his
turtleneck on you got a snuggie can you
cut you a picture of Wilson's looking
like a big idiot thing you got a slanket
I don't know what that is like this hey
I'm confident in myself yeah that's fine
yeah I dare you to wear that outside too
I'll do it right now I'll go outside
looking like a bleep fool I don't care I
do what I won't speaking of some video
though if you guys haven't had a chance
to wake up early wake up late whatever
11 a.m. eastern time comes on in your
time zone check out the live show cuz we
got the video up and running it's
looking do do some crazy stuff in here
girl yeah things looking good we're
gonna be on Sina TV proper in a very
short amount of time that's right Jason
I was helping us out are we have our
replacement TriCaster it did come in
right we're like maybe next week for I'm
thinking by uh well this time next week
we'll definitely be on that yeah I want
to have maybe the first 44 on CNN TV
read by monday i will hold ourselves I
say Tuesday's what are we were shooting
for right now we're doing all the videos
on youtube so if you want to go out and
check it and check it out we post those
usually at night time yeah they come up
around four or five o'clock eastern time
right so check that out go to youtube
type in the 404 and maybe one of our
names and it'll show in like the episode
number bridal show up arm also coming
down the pipe you know forget Cena TV is
not just going to be the live
destination for
or if you want to go back and watch it
later on which we're really encouraging
everyone to do when the time comes right
that's where you gonna watch it on
demand yeah they tell you want so
whenever you want for 42 44 @ 404 am
yeah you'd a big dose right up in your
face right there a time you want
whenever you wanted that's we're trying
to do arm and you know we're really
gonna gain the hell out of it it's gonna
be like five dollars per view so that's
really not a lot to paint no way as you
are trigger for ya it goes right to
Justin use ATM bank and that's right by
Justin you some new bike tires but no
but all kidding aside getting that
computer by no I didn't and we can talk
about that later on all kidding aside it
is free 100 sent for so make sure you go
to Cena TV you should go there anyway
donations especially when we are on
there it's gonna help out everyone and
we thank you in advance for helping us
out with that the show but no getting
back to the laptop you just brought up I
am thinking about doing that but I want
to ask you guys what you guys think
about uh apples refurbished laptops
because there's a pretty good deal on a
map book right now it's like twelve
hundred dollars like 250 gigs but it's
refurbished and I'm thinking that Apple
probably goes through a pretty stringent
process I've always heard that
refurbished things are even work better
than because they've had special
attention yeah they've had or the fact
that they've been used before and they
work so you know like he's got to make
sure that some of them it like have
glaring errors yes it works this like a
giant scratch on the top thing is though
I checked it on the website they don't
tell you what was wrong with right for
well you know this is not necessarily
something's wrong with it it's sometimes
what happens is that they're like the
floor model right you know and then
they're just they're not then nothing's
broken with them nothing doesn't work
yeah it's just that they can't really
sell it as new right anything is it does
come with the standard warranty as well
so you know if it does break you get a
brand new one or they'll fix it for free
yeah exactly so maybe I'll just buy that
one I mean to three hundred bucks it's
like a new iphone when it comes out or
yeah which I needed I still need to do
that to my Apple products are breaking
left and right hmm iphone still broken I
was telling you yesterday they wouldn't
give me a new one I know apparently I've
been submerged in some sort of liquid
yep I might even get we haven't even
discovered one knowing we look well they
had a backlight and they looked at
black black not yet apparently they
found out some DNA protein and it looked
like a hotel room yeah this bad date a
twenty20 special on it in the store
which is cool we're here with Justin you
I don't know yeah this is a known has
been for more undercover camera right
yeah it's boys your phone glowing yeah I
don't know so you know we're asking you
guys what do you guys think about the
refurbished products suspect
specifically from Apple what do you
think yeah I would adjust worthy wanna
know that have had experiences if you've
bought a laptop off the refurbished
website let me know how that turned out
for you if there was anything crazy that
happened I want to know it send us an
email at the 404 at cnet com but do it
quickly because I'm gonna buy today your
your can take I don't think you really
taking that much of a gamble if the same
chef warranties intact yeah and and you
know refurbished products yeah they've
been used before but that's a good thing
because you know works and apples I hate
to say it but I trust Apple you know
that they back there products pretty
well the warrant is good unless you put
it in water but I'm you know I'm gonna
see how it goes why you just blindly
trust Apple I mean in treating well if
you had funny iPhones break on you yeah
but each time they've been pretty good
about replacement old up until now and
it wasn't really their fault is one air
know what I did go swimming with it on
now all of a sudden the truth comes out
yeah I did take a share with one well I
mean I trained dolphins in the weekend
and I like to be able to talk to people
on doing it so you idiot you know that's
why didn't you get the underwater
dolphin training accessory for I should
have bought the submerge insurance yeah
they have that support the econo shoulda
woulda coulda and uh moving along palm
is looking speaking of our hands it's
tom is looking for people to review the
pre I'm here yeah this'll it's there
it's called their real reviewer program
and they're gonna be giving a select
amount of people that can go that you
know they'll to pick them through an
internet so you gotta go on the website
well what are the qualifications for it
though then there's no mortgage yeah you
must have digits no the qualifications
are that you use social networking a lot
different forms so you have a twitter
account your facebook myspace whatever
now i haven't tried this my thinking
though is
you know working in the review consumer
electronics tree that they're gonna weed
people out and only find people who love
this well they want like mr. Joe Blow
like whatever phone use it you don't
have to have used a pomponia past they
just want like a real-life review so its
cool the only thing you have to do is
once you get it the contract is for six
months they'll pay for the services what
school they paid well yeah all you have
to do is comment on whether you do or
don't like it through your social
network it's not like you have to go
online and fill out a survey every month
as do you know yeah everyone say for it
it's really just a 10-question survey
you fill it out and then there's a
comment section you write why you pretty
and I think they'll announce the winners
are on may eight yeah our secret
considering that we work for Cena I
don't know I was thinking about it you
know I don't review phones neither do
you guys well obviously the bunch is
gonna be in on this the watch you
probably have right has done for five
years or it no we really gotta get in
touch with the bunch about this cuz all
kidding aside this is probably my uh my
top contender for next cell phone right
yeah absolutely today don't give me that
what I mean you have you seen it though
I've seen it I haven't touched it yet
it's really small guess what so what do
you want me to do man I don't care I
mean I think it's pretty cool that I
heard they were may be releasing a new
one there was some news that came out
today the post a new picture got like
it's smaller than the palm pre and it's
got no keyboard yeah there's no no I
just know I keep it I wanna get I don't
know I played around with it it's really
small yeah why is that bad though cuz
it's difficult it's even smaller the
queer agencies I'm already yeah my HTC's
kind of small I just don't really you
know the keyboard on it is kind of going
on I feel like my mom is like twice the
size of it well palm palm PDA have
always been them they've always had
really small screens you know the trio's
had like that two inch screen O's not
enough all right you will have to wait
and see what the bunch says I'm not that
excited about I'm not that excited but
you know what uh I'm excited about
having multiple applications open at 1x
arts program it's pretty cool it's cool
but nobody's tested see how well it runs
yeah you know like whether it sucks up
all the CPU cycles you know your battery
really knows how well before well we
haven't had Bonnie cha the bunch on in a
while she's the senior reviewer for
digital or smartphones yeah whatever on
it'll be here actually really bothers me
Sam I don't think it's a good idea for
palm to release the pre june seventh why
is that that's a date that like
everybody's speculating apples gonna
have a new is apple like two and a half
weeks later is gonna release the iphone
nobody's gonna remember the pre no but
the pre supposed to be the iphone killer
right yeah but i don't think anybody is
really considering that so i was telling
me something cool about the pre they
were saying that the pre is gonna
magically like sync up with all your
facebook content yeah it does today and
that's kinda cool and I think it was it
was a really good product when they
announced it at sea yet yeah but from a
like a marketing perspective in front
like a business perspective to release
it like the day before since is this
pretty stupid and you know what that
card thing like having multiple apps
open at one time that's just software
right you that in the new iphone you can
actually hack your iphone to do that
right yeah really ideal or having your
contacts imported from facebook that's
to software to right okay okay so my
biggest concern though is just because
the iphone is gonna sort of like
stampede the pre palm is really
depending on the pre to survive yeah
notizie the last call you may not get
any more support by the oh yeah this is
that you get their pre yeah they're
already not offering support for some
their previous models yeah so I don't
know this might be the last ditch effort
if it would have come out in January I
think would have been a really big deal
but now like the day before the iphone
comes up real smart yeah we'll see how
it does we'll get Bonnie on the show
soon to talk about it is for sure it's
there you know it's there Hail Mary
right basically but let's talk about
other things that don't really work so
well apparently walmart sold a d/s a
nintendo DS it was ended up just being a
box filled with rocks this doesn't shock
me that this happens like all the time
they like people buy ipods and rightful
but the story gets even better
apparently this happened twice yeah so
apparent okay so what happened was a
consumer went into walmart bought at des
right brought it home feel realized it
was filled with rocks brought it back to
walmart they exchanged it gave her a
refund in exchange
or a new DS but then they put it back
out onto the shelf and somebody else
bought it obviously found out it was
filled with rocks again twice yeah and
then they took it back but they wouldn't
give her a refund so the second time it
came around they were like no you
clearly fill this with rocks yourself
have it still having the record from the
previous transaction the accused her of
putting the rocks in the Box themselves
and it wouldn't give her back a refund
we talked about this a lot of times
walmart for some reason or another thing
they always do this they used to sell
all those broken xbox 360's bad people
could you imagine some believe me I
could you imagine spending you know like
hundreds of dollars on this piece of
electronics coming home finding a bunch
of rocks in it and they'll tell you we
have to call Nintendo they told her you
have to call Nintendo to get now your
money up that's guys out of control I
mean Walmart is just this some of the
things like I don't understand there's
no communication there whatever you
would put that back on the shelf
afterward zingo walmart I've been to
walmart yeah we're in my hometown
there's one okay is everyone in a while
you know sometimes you're you're you're
desperate yeah you need thing that's the
only way to shop you need to buy a tire
and a lawn chair and a pack of gum the
theory goes that walmart doesn't pay its
employees well enough for them to
actually care about their jobs right
well that's true too i mean if i'm
working at walmart i am putting a box of
wrong there's another to the show this
blog i I've know people who've worked
there for like 10 years yeah still no
health insurance still no health
insurance no no it's terrible and we all
know that's right there that's their big
uh it's not like Walmart's not making
any money where the hell's all that
money going to I I really can't
understand how they justify not giving
out health insurance for someone who's
worked there for decades right this
definitely I mean this fits a funny
story but I think it represents a bigger
problem with Walmart well I remember ahh
dude and don't get me wrong I I've also
been on the other side of the fence I've
I've act like scratched video games yeah
by accident brought it back to them and
seen them literally like sits on to like
the you know shrink-wrap machine right
to go back onto the shelf the problem is
that they should tell people what what
issues were playing it before right when
they sell it again yeah it should just
put it back out there be like a good
luck with it they clearly do and I've
I've I've heard literally dozens of
experiences were people open up like a
360 or ps3 you can see that it's got
fingerprints on it and it just clearly
been used before yeah and it just
doesn't work in I don't know where I'm
you would you imagine either it's a
their policy to do something like that
which I kind of doubt Walmart is sending
out memos to every store like yeah give
this crap back to me yeah yet RB it's
probably in which i think is definitely
having it's just the apathetic attitude
towards all their employees yeah I'm
working at Walmart yeah I don't give a
you know so that other that's what
it is in red you really have to take it
for what it's worth you know this is
you're not going to a really high-class
place right right I will speed let's
move on to the next story here speaking
of people that have gotten gypped this
dude this is kind of an old news but
apparently this guy downloaded Wally on
his computer while he was in Mexico
ended up getting a bill for sixty-two
thousand dollars it was crazy actually
so listen CNN last week yeah and what
was crazy as it even though he got the
bill reduced its still seventeen
thousand dollars yeah still got reduced
down to seventeen thousand dollars the
company justified it by saying that was
what they paid in bandwidth which is not
unreasonable considering like they're
roaming in one right and he was all the
way out in Mexico apparently he bought
this wireless 3g card while he was in
the States uh-huh brought it down there
contracted swine flu and then had to
watch movies for the rest of his trip
you idiot haha what the hell are you
doing in Mexico the first place dude
seventeen thousand dollars is not your
problem when you're in Mexico
contracting swine flu with your problem
it is it a good drug war going there
like the week before yeah there's a drug
war and they put they put their cartel
videos up on YouTube Mexico is not the
best travel destination right now come
over but the vacation rates are so
affordable god it's like thirty dollars
a night in Cancun you're good you have
to get seventeen thousand dollars for
your cell phone right we're gonna take a
break when we come back no more swine
flu do I cannot get it yet I love Silas
what I love that just I just love CNN's
but the Sanjay Gupta guy he's like I'm
here looking at the pig
hahaha i am making out with this big
right now Bochy on my little mask here
it's so weird he's down there in in the
stuff yeah like he's there is in the
she's in the crap I got away and i'm
really i'm not i am i'm not worried for
no no i'm not worried I judge my level
of how worried I should be by how
exploited this is so because they're
making too much of a big deal about it
I'm not worried anymore see I'm worried
about it 4 sep tember thank you what's
going on in September well like when it
starts getting cold again yeah it was
really cold again pigs are flying again
yeah they are predicting like a terrible
terrible things I can either call
something your mongering that's right
tell someone everyone something about
the common flu not just swine flu the
actual regular flu that everyone suffers
from a quarter of a million people die
every year from that regular yeah right
all right but that's the old in the
elder but nobody cares about elderly not
said no we definitely care about that
but you know people get struck by
lightning too and that people get this
girl walking across right but don't
tweet about that wash your hands don't
kiss any pigs yeah and stay away from
Mexico she didn't get as you can it's
real it's truly all that you have to
worry about let's not add more fuel to
the fire let's take a break we would
back in a second don't go away Wow
Justin that was amazed that you're gonna
cut right there no fake until you had to
come say we'll be right back again all
right rude we'll be right back guys
don't go away stick around that was
until he's been gone for ever effers the
show where we all sing song
traffic delays stock market reports the
latest developing stories CBS radio's
award-winning all new stations are
always there every minute every second
listen live online twenty-four-seven x
CBS radio com hi this is travis report
collins and you're listening to the 404
we're all of us want Justine's number
who i want just a number oh it just
seems number two oh wow is banging on
the door see not the only thing is
banging but you know you're the reason
why i didn't really catch up with you
there it takes a while for me to like
swaggin switch apps and then get blowed
up that thing right yeah i don't know
but that was great though really good JQ
you know I think how about you don't
grow if you do the calls from the public
sigler that help you yeah that'll help
me out a little bit alright guys you
know what time it is it's calls from the
public plated time to show the love it's
home for scenic all right with you this
is becoming a total shock jock radio
show pulse on the public times sponsored
by Justin you just want you and swine
flu and the letter e um first off we
have a lot of people called up about the
devils and stuff condola you know
consoling me yeah other people the
people calling up about the San Jose
Sharks who also got eliminated they were
the number one right and then I kicked
out by the number eight yeah so I yes I
share your pain gentleman for calling up
I appreciate uh Tim from San Jose nobody
out there much love oh yeah and uh we
appreciate those calls and we'll all get
over together are you are you feeling
better now I feel a little better yeah I
do you know what pain yesterday dude
knows well cuz no no I'm sorry it's big
it's big deal you know what here's what
I gotta say to that big dude it's just
an effing game do you understand who
cares first of all you're not even
playing the sport you're just watching
it on TV then I didn't you know there
are things more important things going
on around us for sure I mean like you
getting your twitter followers up you
know you need a focus on that right now
I'd some money on it really cuz uh
that your wedding ring that's why you're
you never bet on your own team you never
been on your team I've learned that the
hard way um all right cause when public
I gotta take a drink of water or
something uh this is this is a talking
about the fortune oh my god you Chris
here I'm just calling to comment on the
porch and story from yesterday you guys
talked about how the pool look on time
amazingly spelled marble cake also the
game yeah and I just did some research
turns out it's not a coincidence it's
called a precision hack and apparently
time pools actually really simple
program and these hackers from fortunate
started making like web pages I would
auto vote on the poll so people who had
voters that would vote for mood say like
two thousand times a minute and they'd
like down goat anyone who got close
thousands of people doing this so yeah
there's a result Marie the pool doesn't
mean jack right now no other people
just auto vote is a spot well you know
the eyes after really because I didn't I
noticed the marble getting as I read the
story on the show and I thought I'm like
well you know that's a weird coincidence
you know that I was like you know what
man those guys really are you know and
it doesn't not doesn't mean jack it
means that fortune really does only in
an hour right it's all Stephen Colbert
that the exact that's insane inter
that's a name that's um I don't think
that little Wayne is one of the most
influential people in the world gotta
figure and I mean recognize have those
names so that's a clue right there as
well yeah anyway congrats the fortune
like turd Ferguson yeah that guy um so
yeah thanks for letting us know about
that you're so down here is another call
talking about audio file formats it's
not the real Jason Alton imposter hey
guys this is jason howell from
California it's a different Jason now I
know I've already been told about
there's another jason howell but anyways
you guys are talking about like music
and stuff and vinyl and like good
quality and how a sea of good quality
ace is not the best quality with aflac
flexibility that's a good home why would
you want vinyl who get flack flex much
better and Jeff I feel your pain about
the hockey
yeah yeah oh i think there's dog met the
Sharks don't whatever yeah big deal i
wanted to clarify aec i meant for like
purchased music there's not many places
online where you can actually buy music
and download the flack right I know that
there are mmm but none of them really
that popular but it will try to dig
himself out of it oh no AC sounds way
better than mp3 the right whatever lack
though I you know I've never liked is
like the pretty much the most raw okay
you're not totally uncompressed well
it's like a zip file under way okay good
analogy all right I'm with you there we
got any more calls we do let's keep it
going dudes James Meyer also known as
balls Maximus in the chat room um I'm
not going to be able to make a show
today because my firstborn son is
probably being born right now maybe this
effing crazy man I'm at the mcdonalds
next to the hospital freaking out why
are you in the room if you guys could
relay the message to chat room and
everybody that james christopher is
being born and dudes I just want to be
able to play my favorite podcast in that
for him when he's you know maybe 14 yeah
wait a little and say you dude this was
the day you were born oh well that's
kind of weird today one reach that is Oh
nugget snuggers later dude Wow welcome
to the world you name is maximus i was
gonna say james christopher balls haha
that is adorable and you know what this
is pretty cool it took a time capsule
he's gonna hold on until the kill the
kid gets older yeah he's probably gonna
hear our voice so what's up teenage
James look at some porn from the past
Justin didn't make it check out a joke
ah ha ha I'm probably dead now no that's
really cool there's actually a milestone
in her show this is actually pictures of
him in the chat room and the babies
adorable that no so he was born first of
all great ball is Maximus what the hell
you doing calling it art show when your
son is being boy getting the freaking
dice are you mad McDonald's freaking out
I'm eating I'm eating a big mac right
I do with my problem now I feel you man
I would not want to be in that delivery
room either other that goes on in
there that you know you just don't want
to see how do you know there are some
parts of the body that should not be
stress how do you know cuz there's a
Justin jr. yeah trust me there's several
I proxied and every country in this
world that's a lot of countries Lenny
what's even know what any named his son
after one of ya what a name like uh will
Jeff in or something cuz he's not a
lunatic chef Justin Wilson yeah that
would be cool three middle names hell
yeah well yeah well post a pic of the
kid in the blog right now yeah official
mascot of the 404 yeah we actually this
is our first baby that is adorable and
congratulations man we really uh
absolutely really way to be and thanks
for letting us be a part of your little
miracle at the show uh uh last voicemail
questioning our manliness so gentlemen I
think it is a very sad state of affairs
when mr. Justin you is basically the
manliest presence on the 404 I mean you
know back Laura thought there for a long
time hey you know he can get a woman
he's getting married you know maybe he's
got some chops and then I got chops
gonna show yesterday we called you out
son I agree with that man you still have
a job you're healthy you're looking good
what do you have to complain about your
bottom locks off the roof your kid up
you was it's amazing you guys really do
a 180
no yo yes sure you guys are like Jeff
you know man I'm sorry you guys felt for
that's one day you get you know I
haven't yet today trust me people have
bigger problems in their hockey team
losing a game I know like i said before
if they didn't lose that that game they
would have lost the next well like you
know anything all pleased that gold
stocks the last that's the last Hakeem I
take you to man play some hockey right
now oh my god you would you be able all
my god you'd be bleeped the blood would
be flowing yeah but I wouldn't cry about
it the next day that's dieting cry i
weeped as a difference all right well
let's get back in some stories here well
Jeff I want to cheer you up a little bit
let's talk about drop dead Fred dude
this is crazy now the reason I want to
bring this up is just because I wanna
get a feel for everyone's uh taste here
you guys like the first drop dead fred
movie you know I was really really young
when I watched it but I gotta be honest
it freaked me out yeah and I was weirded
out by it I remember that movie I loved
it at that time course I was like ten
but I'm not exactly sure now now you
know what else is interesting about the
original drop dead Fred I don't know how
many years ago was made but the female
lead in that movie is also in Fast Times
at Ridgemont High always was a maybe
judge reinhold is watching her right so
there's that which is kind of
interesting but the russell brand will
now be taking the place of Fred in the
New drop dead Fred people i don't know
who russell brand is he is that english
pirate looking dude who just prances
around in all these movies we actually
xperia i actually think he's very funny
yeah I've seen a lot of his stand-up and
it's pretty it's pretty good so he's
actually signed on to the movie he
signed on it's gonna happen I on it I
think he's a good comedian I don't know
whether Americans like him or not right
he has really found easy thing well you
know what MTV is not a a shocking
example of our American people watching
right he's gonna flamey isn't he I mean
how is it you know he's pleased he's
he's just very out there and I just dig
his sort of community he's a great time
me too and that's exactly what uh fred
is supposed to be right I think he I
mean honestly I really can't think of
anyone who would fit that
more more perfectly wretched I take over
phoebe cates roll ooh wait what was
their name no that was her ed case is in
I thought that was the atoms at
Ridgemont High oh that's a real name
yeah real name I ok so who do you think
should play her no I don't know I get
fox yeah be hot no really hot uh maybe
uh I don't know I guess I guess that
character really isn't important yeah
it's all about Fred all the other things
that that bothers me is that like drop
dead Fred isn't he in high school Fred
himself well yeah like the red is dead
yeah fred is dead we know fred is is is
her childhood imaginary friend right oh
yeah right it's not like some friends
yeah that died in a motorcycle accident
came to life definitely man you Phoebe
I'm here to teach you math of you to
help you seriously you need some
tutoring it's really hard that's pretty
cool i'm psyched about it hey you know
what speaking of remakes and mtv they
just had an interview with mr. Zemeckis
yeah he talked about potentially making
a Roger Rabbit sequel nevermind Roger
and I are totally behind now be really
cool he was saying that with all the
digital tools and like uh performance
capture technology we have now he was
thinking about maybe making a sequel to
now you gotta be careful with this
though because the reason Roger Rabbit
works so well is because the cartoon
aspect of it they still look like
cartoons it was very it was so well done
and really interact with the Hewlett
realist I want the car I want them still
to look like cartoons i love them to
look like CG well you know the whole
show the whole movie is based on that
idea so they'd have to you know the best
part about Who Framed Roger Rabbit was
aside from just a car the car is really
funny no no no car the car is cool but
not the coolest what the bullets memory
and the gun in the Cowboys yeah would
shoot at are they can get Bob Hoskins
back in it I don't know probably haha
I'm pretty sure he's halfway to the
grave oh come on don't forget Mario in
super Mary and I was ten years ago
what's going all that almost probably 20
years ago yeah
me he was also in hook he wasn't really
me you know your career is taking a
when diver would you get your
place it is but that's not the best
character for an actor's look he was
like the fifth-leading guy yeah can you
imagine him getting that script and
being like a man you know what hook is
taken but Smee is still available run
home jack and how could you really
imagine him as hook so easily yeah like
52 min come you ask me yeah really good
we're gonna play Gimli and Hobbit next
step but now I am looking forward to
that I hope that's in the works there's
nothing official yet he's just talking
about it so we'll see how that goes and
we will see how it goes but let's move
on let's move on uh last story before
the end of the show yeah we're here
talking about uh students getting
financial aid from my you yeah this is
pretty cool my sin my friend actually
sent this to me this morning apparently
some kids who are receiving financial
aid from NY you are getting personal
phone calls asking them to not
reconsider but just think harder about
whether or not they actually want to
attend the school and receive the
financial aid you show the economy is so
bad uh-huh that NYU's asking students to
question whether or not they want to
accept the financial aid basically
implying that they won't be able to pay
back later on so they're predicting that
it costs about fifty four thousand
dollars per year great for the average
NYU student to attend the University
yeah right but a lot of people are
getting financial aid recently and not
paying it back and I just think it's
crazy that they're getting individual
phone calls from financial aid advisors
asking them you know I do you really
want to do this right now I think that's
crazy you know what else the thing is
even more crazier is that they're still
asking fifty four thousand dollars yeah
a year no this you know it is like I
regret to find yeah I know am I use a
great school and it's very prestigious
but you know what lower the goddamn
price tag yeah maybe break down you know
don't ease well call it could be like oh
you sure you're gonna be debt the rest
of your life you might be a doctor yeah
Jimmy in debt the rest your life see I
know what lower the price to like you
know the breakdowns right here it looks
like the tuitions what about 38,000
I don't doubt the tuition and what no
what I'm saying is I'm I'm doubting that
the University call the student be like
hey it might not be it happened is it my
you or is it maybe it could be let alone
it's NYU themselves financial counselors
called 1800 of 7,300 accepted students
for 2009 we looked at your w-2 I don't
think you gonna be paying it off any
yeah these are people that have been
receiving fun that got approved for
financial aid and it was just a
confirmation a all like philosophy
majors like they were all bets to
veterinarian status and horticulture
students well because even like I know
you know several successful people yeah
we're like in their sixties and still
paying off their student loans yes I
like a hundred bucks every month yeah
it's a little bit discriminatory right
and and it's not like they were saying
like hey you can't come to the school or
receive our financial aid they were just
asking them to reconsider it's
interesting let us know if you had a
story like that yet you got called I
want to hear it call us up it's 1 808 a
1 866 for 14 against now let me know
what they told you not what not 1 804 on
866 414 is the number emails the 44 @ you can follow us on twitter
you can follow us on facebook yeah all
the links all the good stuff from
today's show can be found the 44 dot
cnet com make sure you check out our
little blog there next week we're going
to be rolling out scene at TV 404 style
unbelievable groundbreaking it's gonna
be pretty cool and I don't know if
you're ready for our faces in your face
every day you'll be able to happen yeah
yeah uh so everyone have a great
thursday we'll see you guys tomorrow i'm
jeff bakalar I'm Wilson tan I'm Justin
you it's the 404 we'll see you guys
tomorrow have a go on
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