
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - Apple recap, Elon Musk, Batman screen time, Ep. 1629

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Ross rustic how are you so Jeffrey I'm good I'm good um you know always a sad day yeah it's a drag especially in the city it's it's tough to get it's a weird day it is it is a weird day it is 14 years later and stuff just still feels weird and I don't know really much more to say then man that's a that's a weird time in New York you ever go down to none of the ground zero and like see all the tourists walking around and like feel like soup that makes me feel super weird uh I i have a few reservations about how much of a touristy let's smile in front of it not only so towards the it's also there's like people selling photos of like the plane crash no they're not yes one hundred percent I've I was lucky enough to have seen the museum before it was opened I we Justin and I were lucky enough to go to the top of tower one before it opened it was amazing the entire stuff politics aside about you know what how long it took for all the stuff to get into action whatnot it is an amazing sight down there but yes there is something really bizarre about what it's evolved into and how it has turned to such a commercial almost brand here I say where it's like that's rubs me away I'm not sure it does you know it rubs anyone else yeah being from here I think we you know we kind of like take umbrage a little more than others but that is human nature that is was is how it all shakes out my friend yeah yeah that's that alright uh today was an interesting week so this week was an interesting week in the world of tech if you're paying attention to stuff like that Apple had their uh jig Nate shindig of the year on Wednesday yep wasn't there big it wasn't the Apple watch also this year it was I feel like in terms of like if like excitement the Apple watch might have like that build-up might have been bigger I think the reveal for that was a bigger deal yeah then what happened on Wednesday yes well what happened was they everyone knew what was gonna happen on Wednesday yeah and that was super anti climactic I mean I'm at the point where like I don't I don't need you anymore I don't need your keynote anymore yeah because I don't think I'm getting you know all I'm getting is this like you know spin from you I'm not getting exactly what I want here and I get it that's the problem with all press conferences sure that's the problem with any keynote delivered by a company you're going to get a very one-sided approach at the entire thing I don't know I feel like we didn't need it I feel like we got everything we needed all it did was allow for let downs and disappointments yeah and it's also kind of funny because it usually hits their stock pretty hard like it almost every single press conference their stock goes down afterwards which is normal for the stock market but it is weird that they build so much around it but it is I mean for their brand I think it's very valuable what happened this time when you say it cuz it so you're saying when when Apple has a press conference yeah the stock takes a hit because it sort of corrects itself it's exactly right so you're supposed to uh the the old stock market adages by on the rumor and sell on the news right because nobody in there like no one everyone knew what was going to happen Wednesday so that public knowledge already had its effect on the stock market so what I mean I what are you just spilling this out because you uh here on Fox Business no I just think it's interesting that like as if or like there are obvious benefits for their brand and like awareness and stuff like that sure but as a like strictly numerical like one-to-one connection it is a little bit damaging to their bike stock well and what it like like it that goes down now so what's it at now do you know I don't know I haven't looks I know it's split like six times and now it's so valuable of course no I'm not worried about Apple's stock long-term just I found that interesting I I don't know but as a press conference in terms of the reveals like as we as we said we knew everything we did except for maybe the pencil I don't think you knew about the pens did not know about the pencil so and there was this great comic I don't know if you saw this comic did something done in 2012 yep and it was literally like the first panel is uh Steve Ballmer on stage introducing the surface yes and saying hey and it comes with a with a keyboard and a stylist is not OS and all that stuff and he was like and then it's him getting angry at the crowds that crowd hates it and he's like well apples gonna rip us off in three years and then the last panel is tim cook at WWDC 2015 yeah revealing literally everything that was revealed in this press conference which is pretty spot-on it's a very strange reverse reversal of roles I I don't know how anybody cannot take a second guess and you know cut I mean look it's a tip of the hat to Microsoft it is yeah you're the first to do that it was a good idea it's a good idea people I I the keyboard thank you again I know a couple people who have a surface and they like yeah they do yeah the third one I don't know if the first no way it took a little while then I do know people that like it right so people like so okay so here's my own thing right the ipad pro yeah with its keyboard and it's pencil I just don't understand the evolution of this product anymore at first when the ipad came out was at 2010 yea rather ipad comes out and they go hey check it out we ripped the screen off a laptop and now it's just the screen you can't touch it yeah right ban life's change you didn't know you needed this product product your life's changed yeah fast forward five years later they've just reassembled a computer yeah well that was a my question is like okay so why doesn't this why his macbook air just have a touch screen like a removable touchscreen yeah and then it's that same thing yeah so my guess because the biggest issue that people have had with the iPad like I like the iPad it's okay but in terms of doing work on it you really can i think not a product you just can't IG typing is annoying and just like moving files around doesn't really work and there's just like a lot of issues with it and and the surface sort of fell into that hole where is like hey you can use as a laptop essentially right you know you're not going to do intense gaming on it but certainly if you're just using it for work it's like a viable travel that's an option and it does seem like that's essentially what Apple's trying to follow but the but iOS still doesn't really operate in such a way that like unless you're just using like like Gmail and drive and whatever to do work it's still not really great for like file management and all that stuff just doesn't really work on iOS it's just not made for that it's a and that's the thing like a lot of people are saying okay fine so now this is a clone of the surface but like you just said the OS it exists on is not a OS that lends itself necessarily to product right it's really just designed for entertainment digestion and I mean and don't give me no like yes they showed off the autocad software and the film and photo editing software sorry video and film and a photo editing software but but if you're a serious video editing person like you're probably not going to use this I can't imagine a situation where anyone's like oh I I need to do a quick cut right with this get all the like don't forget that's also understanding like oh I need to dump all this footage on the iPad how's that all going to shake out how's it gonna work it's crazy I don't I don't really see like I get the demand for using as an entertainment device beyond that I don't know it just seems more like more of a novelty and the size of it is like I mean it's huge it's huge and I mean it's the size of my laptop essentially without the keyboard right so let's just like enormous and your key in your macbook also has a USB port right and it's you know it's this modular sort of device with a trackpad to yeah I mean you put a touchscreen on that thing and why am I ever yeah I think that's the thing I you know and and I know when the ipad first came out I remember specifically saying this thing's a joke it's never gonna take off I ate for that obviously yeah and you know now it's like all right the ipad is such an established product which explained to me you know the reasons why i didn't know i needed this and i don't know if i see that even though the ipad is a type a pro is an extension of the idea i still don't see where it falls into my everyday life where I'm not taking my macbook that has a very better keyboard to that keyboard that's attached to that thing that is not gonna be the most fluid sort of comfortable keyboard you've ever used it be a travel keyboard essentially yes it's it's it's it's a stream so i thought they made a better argument for the apple TV out of all the products they revealed i thought that was the one that like showed the best you know i was hoping more certainly of a gaming focus and it took a backseat yeah i mean the games that they showed were like basically wii games with like a lot of waggle and like crossy road and stuff like that fun like if you ignore that stuff and like I mean it works with third-party controllers is like a high-end steelseries controller that's going to work with the Apple TV and like you could play like bioship like Bioshock runs on an iphone 6 now and a various other like hardcore games so you could use this as a hardcore gaming thing hmm you could ver a handful of games for a handful games iphone is not made for that and you're not in rarely are you going to get a simultaneous multi-platform release we're like you're playing that game day one yeah no that's not gonna happen because the price difference what I do like about the apple TV tricky from a gaming perspective is I think it might be one of the easiest systems to do multiplayer with okay because it works you could essentially use iPhones as controllers gotcha which is kind of neat so so you know if everyone at your party has an iphone you can play a four-player game without having to worry about like charging controllers and and all that stuff yeah so that's kind of neat I don't think it's like a world-changing thing I like the Apple TV as like a concept and like a very simple set-top box solution to like do most of the stuff you want to do media wise like Netflix and Hulu and all that stuff and this is definitely not Amazon not Amazon that's true that's a big deal man it is it's a big deal it's a huge deal it is a very significant emerging platform with tons of fantastic original programming and there is a void yeah I this thing not having it yeah I mean if I'm choosing between a roku and this sure you gotta take that into consideration yes don't get me wrong the series stuff it's a great demo it's a great I would never I don't think you're gonna use it as much as you as you might well the question is do you use Siri now right I never ever you never do but you don't have a well no I still have a capable you know phone that aucks to you does it have a name I think you just say ok Google oh it's google um you don't want to look like you don't want to connect it is it a show it doesn't matter because I don't need him to write it's worth us because it's pointless the only and the xbox that's the same thing and I neurons it yeah I don't even think connect deserves to be in the same conversation it did feel very similar that demo felt like a kinect demo didn't it it did but to apples credit as seemingly unfun as it is to use Siri yeah the voice recognition it works and yeah it's pretty what connect does not work 30-5 p.m. in the time grade um so yeah the only time I talk to my phone is a voice to text I never use all the time yeah walking down the street texting I will each day stuff yeah what's that eat there's a Simpsons moment where Nelson has an apple newton yeah and he writes out in script he writes beat up Martin as a reminder and it changed to eat up Martha yes that essentially that I'd love you're saying yeah that's that's what I'm talking about but it does work like the what the voice the tech stuff really works well yeah on google it learns your voice it learns the things you say often like i say a lot of words that aren't common vernacular and through like what like you know my weird words like ginz I say oh yeah and it comes through yeah and is that because you type it a lot yeah okay yes there's no other reason so if you have no idea to talk about GI NS yeah is what I use for the word dinner yeah what are we doing for ginz what's for dinner yeah anyway my freakish vocabulary is such thing I never used that stuff it's it's fun III have a thing so let's get into the phone the apple TV I think we covered enough yeah uh the phones I'm not gonna lie i kind of think like this is the closest I've ever been to wanting an iphone really yeah cuz of the 3d stuff that's icing on the cake what was it for you I don't know I think I mean we can go out on a women say androids pretty crap no Andrew like no one will agree with you android is good okay android is a good operating system i would then i haven't used an android in several years i'm sure it's much better than it was funny it improves by leaps and bounds where's iOS has this like stagnancy issue sure stagnant yes ah so i think my whole thing for me number one and this is gonna sound lame but like there's gold do you want a rose gold yes i want to roll is gold 128 iphone 6s yeah no uh everyone i know has a knife okay and it's getting to the stadium an iphone yeah it's getting to the thawing it's annoying yeah and it's not and into me like now I'm at the point where like okay I'm maybe one out of like 25 people I know yeah that don't have an iphone and you know you can stick to your guns as long as you want and I've never owned an iphone and I don't think I'm gonna get one anytime soon okay I just I just know life's face I message is that the I message and just like compatibility Alec I get asked a lot of questions about the iphone I just don't know the answer yeah and like if I just used it I feel like people look I don't know I hear what I'm saying it's interesting that this was the 6s was like moment when you realize that also the camera is so goddamn good a phone yeah i've never used an android phone that comes close I know the LG g4 apparently has like cherries unbelievable camera and I like the one on the g3 that I currently have but I can tell like men that iphone 6s camera is super fast yeah and to me that is the most important thing about uh uh your phone's camera yeah it's got to be super fast work real well in low like actions and not suffer from blur yeah and it looks like all of those ingredients have lined up perfectly for this new phone not to mention they've bumped up the the the what's called the resolution and did they just add a transfer to aunt from Android yeah feature there's no better time jack I have a um I have a rooted g3 that I'm very happy with yeah I love everything about it I just I i don't know maybe maybe I'll do that t-mobile thing where it's like you can try out this phone for mobile yeah I'm gonna switch to t-mobile I think really yeah I'm getting I'm getting you think the service is ok on tmobile in Manhattan I'm sure it's fine yeah but what about Jersey what do you mean like where I live it up okay i'm pretty sure what if you went home what if you want hope you don't think it'd be bad I don't define the sticks when Alex my fiance has sprint and her reception is tarah yeah I had sprint for 32 and I didn't get a phone call for three years yes no that's how that works yeah everyone knows sprint is currently not very good but t-mobile customer satisfaction is very high okay and let us not forget the insane amount of money you will be saving yeah I will be saving feasibly when I when and if I sweat what's your cell phone bill at how much did you pay like a hundred bucks really yeah wow that's with that CBS discount weekend wow that's crazy what do you pay I pay 80 bucks and i still have unlimited data on verizon on 18 20 you have eighteen t so what the hell what do you mean what the hens technically like the best price is more expensive though yeah my point exactly i guess i think i just i like t mobile's like a few attitude also i mean their marketing is smart like their CEO that legate like he clearly done carrier-grade wants to like you know get dirty yeah he just wants the set aside like he's got nothing to lose he's not getting beat by sprint look I how do people vote for their president whether or not they like I like this guy I'm gonna give his service a shot yeah um I think we'll see okay but uh yeah I don't know would it be totally like I wouldn't be able to tell anyone no you'd be really embarrassed you know I'd have to like just be a hundred percent quiet about yeah do it quietly and not tell anyone yes they I have like maybe one or two friends who are just like man I give you credit yet you said that your guns of that Android me it's honestly like you've been a Red Sox fan all your life and and then secretly you're like I'm gonna be Yankee fan now and let's see if anyone noticed it's the cameraman the camera so Jackie's spend a lot of money on camera oh and I'll jailbreak it and I'll do what I gotta do my own but live the dream Jeff I message is great it is great I just and I can use my own keyboard now Rio that's a big part that's big deal big deal field big thank you know all right let's move along enough Apple for today we spent 15 minutes on Apple uh hopefully we covered everything you wanted to hear or least would you would expect from us covering Apple moving along to a very important man mr. Elon Musk yeah he's pretty smart we need Elon Musk Elon Musk is just the right amount of crazy for Humanity yeah he is the guy who will bring us to the edge of nuclear holocaust and dangle that you know complete end of humanity experience in front and then pull it back just safe enough for all of us to have a good night of sleep yeah you think his I think his cars will come to life as the robots are like attacking and they're like the Autobots yeah in real estate and they'll save us he'll just have to like you know whisper into a very small device protocol 8 15 X activity and then we're safe oh yeah it's it's all good if you haven't been watching the new Stephen Colbert and Late Show with Stephen Colbert fellow CBS fellow CBS never i'm not saying this because we I work for CBS yeah I happen to think the show is pretty good yeah it's been good I mean we're only three episodes in but it's exactly what I wanted it to be yeah which is like a little bit of a smarter night late night show yeah i mean look Jimmy Fallon's entertaining but no one's ever accused the guy of being cerebral ah I happen like Jimmy Kimmel too yeah but that's its own flavor that's its own based and I think what people loved about the colbert report the you know mr. Colbert is a pretty big geek that's becoming very apparent yeah I'm is the CBS debut I think this is exactly what about what we need in Anna I think it's good anyway my heavy feeling for my own company yet have you been liked you watch it on television I've seen the first okay I can't watch like the late-night TV anymore I don't I am not glued to the TV i am doing others earnings sure um but you know I'm digesting it and it's and it's on the level I needed to be sure that said on Wednesday night he welcomed Elon Musk as a guest which is sort of a good self that's a good indication it's like who you can like I think Joe Biden was also I like he's definitely not just trotting I George pony was on his first episode but he's definitely not just trotting out like you know pretty slept with a week at least not for his first week I you know I think it'll be a nose I think it'll be a nice mix at the very least right on and yeah he was he was on mosque was on did you see the interview I did and so musk as you may know has these dreams of populating Mars Mars being the closest planet to us and he seems to think that it's possible to do it with large clear bubbles you could just live on bars even though Mars pretty inhospitable but eventually you would need to change the climate such I guess make it warmer because right now it's super cold it's very old so he said he had a plan to do that knee and colbert asked him do you have a fast plan or a slope and he's like well my fast plan is to nuke the poles that is amazing like the poles and the fact that like this guy exists is so awesome is kind of fantastic and also a little bit scared well cuz think about it like if we had to do that yeah like just hypothetically sure we have to do this humanity in order for Humanity live on there's a comet coming yeah its gonna knock it what's into the site and Billy Bob Thornton says the only way for us to save humanity is to inexplicably nuke the North and South Martian poles yes that's what we have to do yeah who's the first guy you would look I'd be like oh we'll get bringing musk he's already been thinking about if he's in years I got a plan and guess what he does not only that he's already have them planted in the polls here just waiting for some of the ask Emery's like okay I can take that that same little Tobias execution execute Martian explosion and I amazing he's a card he's really interesting I when I was at e3 we interviewed the guys that are making what's that space game Rivas all planets no man's sky no man's sky and apparently while they were there they were invited by personally by e1 must to visit his plan and they like the gigafactory i guess i think that's in nevada know wherever was it was like near elica and and they met with him and they just had like they obviously all day long or looking at people that are like in all of their game cuz read a crazy game and I we met with them like immediately after they had gotten back and you could see it in their faces they were like awestruck like they just met bully wonka and visited the Chocolate Factory it's pretty crazy I love he is he's a fascinating dude he also said he should run for president he should yeah I don't think he can you can't well cuz he's a South African but now did about so you have to be born in the US you have to be American citizens so I think if your lies have his American citizenship no but you have it's a little bit weird I think as I understand it like if your trap if your parents are traveling for example and your parents are both American and and they have you in France or whatever you're still you can still be President okay but you can't like turn 13 or turn 15 and then get your American citizenship and gotcha God can't do it after the fact that's essentially you're born it well rules are made to be broken true and if anyone's gonna break this rule that's crazy Elon Musk man he's a very interesting person but yet he sit so the fast way would be to inhabit Mars yeah make it suitable for human existence well it would be to drop thermonuclear weapons over the poles yes so the greatest part of that and the article we're referencing makes note of that he says that and he doesn't even flinch now he says it's so calmly and nonchalantly like yeah I could whip that up in 18 months if you need that yeah yeah he what that would be the thing how would there not be like a radiation fallout though I mean it would be located in the polls you doin centralized to the polls theoretically I mean I guess you could move right that'd be bad but you're in bubble so it's fine so if it doesn't work out worse comes to worse that's another problem for him to solve someone needs to just sit him down for five hours and come up with every science fiction movie for the next 15 years just from him battling ya get Elon Musk drunk like that's what you gotta do get him drunk and just have him like completely have diarrhea from the mouth and just science diarrhea and just give us like endless amounts of inspiration for sci-fi yeah that'd be so cool he's he's terrifying he's put in a in a good comforting way yeah we need him but that seems like doom it's always the case where it's like hey there's this guy that's like super smart and a little bit intimidating and he leads you into the future and or leads you into 1984 high-risk high-reward sure you don't you don't get anything significant yet without actually putting it all on the line yeah you gotta let it rot amen all right before we hit the brake let's talk about pokemon game on okay so pick pick a man Jeff you're a little bit older than I am by what it would say nine years older than me I uh yeah so I'm 31 what are you 33 3333 so you 1984a 30 so you and your birthday's in what October right so it's coming up yes you're you're barely you're an old man that's uh that's the upshot is they're two years apart um what I would say is when I was growing up I was sort of in the like the heart of the sweet spot for Pokemon cuz the game came out I was like probably 11 maybe around that age on gameboy and I it just like was like perfect for my age you were into Pokemon big time like I played all the games i watch the show that's not such a door I mean I'm yes there's no question about that and you know in the in recent years I've sort of like moved away from it because like I'll play them but like not with the level of passion and obsessiveness that I used to but i still like love you know the original 151 all that stuff I don't know what that means that in the original pokemon game there were 151 different pokemon that you could catch I think my pokemons uh what sounds like hate it's not hate I ignorance it's ignorance yeah cuz I just I'm upset I was left out of that well what was the equivalent for you I don't know snap bracelets will do they like i said less than to your separator songs just see my age we're into what was the like zeitgeist thing that I yeah I guess people maybe but they were more losers because they were even older no I don't want to call anyone a loser but I like familiy might when I think of my childhood if you're talking like the NES like sorta yes it was all Mario and it was all sure I was like a fanuc mom was a phenomenon in the way that like Angry Birds became a phenomenon and I was but then I'm thinking I was like Ninja Turtles ghostbusters yeah you were that yeah that was me too yeah anyway long story short Nintendo as you may not may or may not know has begun making mobile games they actually just released the Pokemon match game on iphone and various other platforms they're making them with DNA um who is a Japanese company that makes mobile games that are their newest announcement is this game called Pokemon go we're just coming to Android your favorite home and iOS and it's essentially an augmented reality game right where you walk around the world and you hold your camera up and hey there's there's Charizard hanging out on that couch and you could like catch him some way sure but in watching this trailer I got like really into it for some reason it's like this just live action trip as a live action trailer where people are like running around like different cities pointing their cameras and like oh there's Pikachu hanging out in the fountain probably not he's electric but hanging out in the electric factory right and uh and then there's this moment where everyone converges on like Times Square yeah to fight Mewtwo who's like the ultimate bad guy right the original is he a pokemon he's a pokemon he said there's bad and good pokemon yeah Mewtwo's the ultimate evil huge ethically created by scientists oh all right there's also Mew he was he was cloned from me he's the sequel he's the sequel to the evil version gotcha isn't the number two or to spell that gotcha so Mewtwo is very evil anyway everyone comes and they're like pointing their phones up in you too in spite of him as throwing balls at him and and all your pokemon are going after him and I just got like really pumped it's like a really well-done trailer it's definitely worth watching I don't think anyone that doesn't like pokemon it's going to be converted by watching this but it really did tap into my my love of Pokemon well and there's a million people like you I'm sorry there's 40 million yes yeah so I feel like it's a it's a good indication that the game is going to have the best interests of your kind in mind yeah I just wonder what its gonna do for Nintendo's brand like are you going to start seeing like kind of crummy mobile games by Nintendo and what does that mean for them no I don't think you will yeah i think if nintendo is backing this oh they they own pokemon by the poet it's complicated but the pokemon company is like a separate company that handles the branding for it but they have like a licensing agreement with Nintendo yeah I don't think Nintendo is interested in releasing crap anything and I don't think they as we had so much crap but like just sort of like forgettable things it's possible but I think their first significant foray into this world would not be a half-assed one yeah that's just my take um so yeah I'm pretty excited I think it comes out next year and I'm not related to this but I don't know if you're familiar with the diss track phenomenon that's going out going on in the UK no it's like this underground hip-hop phenomenon and people are producing these diss tracks and apparently they're very well regarded in the hip-hop community and this guy named JM e created a diss track that I don't know going just play a few few seconds of it what ok I've it yeah here we go trust what Ronnie charmers out for life just know when you see me you're looking at a monster bug juice to cop man get my vision of e buzz you can't attack I only cash it's pretty good video that's it yeah you guys are like a hand-drawn I so dis track is just like a song making like it's talked about like how good you are cable throw new contract it's just very earnest than like spot-on for someone that clearly loves Pokemon like he's talking about link cables those were used in the original Gameboy transfer Pokemon he knows the stuff hey so uh is cool yeah I believe it yeah I respect passion yeah simply put so del the funky homosapien also a big gamer yeah yeah well thing about Dreamcast I feel like I'm talking gibberish to you Jeff no I get it it's not you're not talking you know it's not all about Hoobastank I'm just not connecting I just can't relate you just don't have that emotional connection I understand it's you are kind of speaking a different language to me because I am only on a very surface level and my familiar I know Pikachu jar there and nooo squirtle yep and like that's it yeah yesterday Vinnie was tell me about all this talking like did that 37 year old dude is all about it was like all right you know I did I guess I just missed the boat on Vesta boat yes I don't know III won't lie like I definitely remember in my own mind making fun of those people yeah being like oh they're a bunch of losers well I made fun of the magic card kids so mad and what's the difference nothing it's a register my opinion could be more creative it's certainly more social yes you have to play with other people yeah I don't know I'm curious to hear what people think I was never into any of that stuff no magic no pokemon no card games none of that I was an NES kid that's not sure but that's about it alright we're going to take a break word from our sponsor when we come back big news in the world of entertainment the world of European football and potentially a quick and dirty Mission Impossible rogue nation review from our very own Russ rustic more for for right after this also gonna say a very special guest coming on the show in a couple weeks stay tuned hey Russ what I noticed you don't have a website no i don't what's up with that I'm terrible at the Internet Jeff you know that you're terrible at a lot 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show today head on over wix com that's WI XCOM hey welcome back to the 404 show before the break talked about a very special guest who will be here the week of what what's that the 21st the week of the 21st yep so that friday show we will welcome mr. Derek waters the creator and star of The Comedy Central show drunk history I love that show you do I'm a huge fan it is a very good show that's tremendous it's brilliant and such a good idea it's so well produced and hilarious so there's a lot of things I want to ask him and if you want to ask him something by all means participate in the subreddit i will make a thread to day for that um but I I guess I want to know like apparently the idea came from like a YouTube video he did okay I haven't seen that you do I don't know if it's him I've seen youtube videos yet where people got really blitzed and like explain six playing some stuff and then you saw you heard about the drunk history wedding video thank you I sweet this couple is it's produced its but it's supposed to be this like wedding video about how the couple met and they did like drunk history that's right on that I've had they met that's great ah yeah so it's it's absolutely phenomenon does very well in comedy central we're very excited to welcome to the show for the first time so yeah we'll have some fun with Derek waters and unfortunately Russell yeah I didn't want to bring I are you know I'm sorry I'm bummed somebody in San Francisco that wicked sucks but you guys will hold it down oh are you crying I'm crying I'll be drinking jager this already and explaining something ok ok let's talk on I so on this freaking headline yesterday and I'm just like you know why I'm done with this yeah why are these things a big deal maybe it's my fault maybe Jeff you shouldn't be reading about the trending topics on facebook maybe they are only going to do nothing but disappoint you ok why do i do it i don't know but i saw this headline and I'm like what who cares why is this a thing headline said hey zack snyder confirms there's going to be more Batman than Superman in the new batman vs superman movie coming out in march ok did he did he give a ratio right did you give a ratio sixty-three percent Batman what my first thing and I'm gonna going to breathe easy and calm myself and collect it why does anybody need to know that right now sure what why I'm why do you need to why do you need to ruin everything before this movie comes out this what I'm gonna say I think there's a lot of people that hated the last man movie myself included I hated it I thought it's garbage them which one is that mana mana steel okay thought it was guard shack Snyder do that Zack Snyder director oh let's give him those give him the keys to the castle again so I don't think he's directing this one or he's not he might be directing this one but he's not writing it there's some element of that anyway um I think that some of this might be getting ahead of things where people were like there's like a lot i hate around it and people are like we don't like Superman he sucks he's not an interesting character so this is like them getting ahead of it and saying like no no it's more of a Batman movie really you think this is a play I think it's a play the first blind to this freaking article maybe want to throw my computer at the window also while promoting the doritos crash the Super Bowl ed contest director and DC extended universe Godfather's x night oh who gives a Godfather he's made one movie oh I guess he's working on like suicide squad and all that stuff I would godfather denote like some sense of authority yeah and I mean I mean he is at the head of this thing but there's only one movie that's been released and it was poopy so it was poopy rubbish yeah all right regardless how we personally feel about Zack Snyder and his inability to make me care about any movie he makes I don't understand why we need to find out everything yes you say it's a play by Warner Brothers to get get out of the fact that why someone writing because Superman inherently sucks no one wants to see a movie where he's waited more than Batman I get that fine mile thing is like why do we care why do you the average viewer want to do this to yourself don't you want anything left for surprise do you want to know do you want to know why don't you just find out what happened tonight why would you show you the last 20 minutes of the movie I can put that's what's gonna happen i completely agree I you were getting towards but people look at me like I'm a crazy person when I sit in movie theaters and a trailer comes on for a movie I wanna see and I look down and shut my ears like is that crazy you're not crazy I do that with TV shows next time on sons of anarchy I can stop right I happen to like the art of the trailer I like your so here's the thing with trailers for me and you can't compare a trailer to next time on those are not the same thing no trailers are highly produced there but these days trailers are reviewing more and more like understand or disagree short I don't disagree um you know maybe there will be a movie that comes out soon where I care enough to not see the trailer but Star Wars I don't know what any more storage trailers yeah I guess I'm with you on that even though I don't care about services much you apparently do uh Star Wars is a car yeah so I just I just there's something about the composition of the trailer and like how much work goes into a trailer were like I'm not sure the same kind of blood sweat teacher goes into your next time I'm sure plus like the proportion of like the ratio of like a movie time to a trailer yeah so there you have it I don't know but yeah I mean but there you understand that there's a large chunk of people that just want to know everything I don't care again that's nothing like I don't I want to get inside the PERT the mind of that guy the guy who's like oh yeah give me more leak the whole thing out like I just want to go for the credits essentially because that's what you're doing that's what you're setting yourself up for ya and not only that the more you see of a movie the more the more and this is my opinion you could do whatever the hell you want but the more you the more you let yourself understand what's gonna happen the more you form opinions and the mail that compromises the final experience I would much rather go in raw for every movie possible yeah um totally it all impacts it I have known just in really seeing this movie if it comes out and the rotten tomatoes score is like 98 sure I'll even 88 you and see it I don't know that I'd see in the theaters of his 88th because I think even Roberts this man of steel was pretty high and people were just dead like it was garbage right there's there's times where you you you need to see a trailer though like I need to see my new Ghostbusters trail sure so I watch trailers when I'm not sure about the movie and I don't know if I want to see it and then the second I see a trailer and I'm like oh this is a movie I definitely want to see for example last night I saw the trailer for the Johnny Depp movie where he plays Whitey Bulger black mass and i was like well i am in like i'm watching this movie so now whenever I see a commercial or whatever see another trailer I'm gonna turn away right because I know I'm gonna see it right it looks fantastic so I there's definitely a value in showers I get it one-hundred percent it's the yeah it's this in it two minute crap that I'm really hoping for like again Star Wars I'm excited about Star Wars and i think j JJ Abrams is pretty good about keeping things under wraps and and or at least releasing stuff in uh in a manner that is not offensively spoiler what what I will say though is that JJ Abrams also put out a trailer for that second star trek movie and in the trailer is the scene with the enterprise like falling to earth yeah I don't want to know that happens like that's in the trailer that's a big reveal I know and it's infuriating it sucks this movie came out a couple years ago so I don't it's not fun okay but that's what I'm saying is like don't put that in there cuz my crazy brain will be like wait we haven't seen the enterprise fall out of the sky you went seeing a trailer creates this checklist in right hand exactly every now and then you sure things like are in the trailer or not in final film but then you're then you're struggling with that your mind that what time you're watching it for the first time all right let's go I want to talk about Mission Impossible you saw last night so you saw the trailer for black mass what are the trailers you see nothing super memorable clearly I don't yeah the black mass one stood out I was like oh I'm definitely seeing this movie I saw the Zoolander trailer is it a trailer or tues it's the teaser with you know the fake voice robot I was named Stephen Hawking and I don't live all right don't worry about that mission impossible vogue nation but it works 45 theirs was the brad bird one was that was ghost protocol oh I didn't see that how it so you haven't seen that one so I've seen one two three that's it yeah okay so this is the fifth one is you like those Pro Ghost Protocol i get actually today and on twitter i gave my order which is 313 serve bet three is my favorite i love the philip seymour hoffman yes i think three is excellent three is fun that's what like the the windmills oh yeah this is even the helicopter with the deep a wind generating yeah thnkx yeah okay um yeah so 3145 into good one is really good one is quantum three tied for me I I mean genre no other side what's his name jump jon voight this no estimated stand by an elevator there's three seconds man that movie is so damn good and it's like the perfect moment that movie hit at the perfect time where it was like it's just for like stuff was like almost believable yeah but still outrageous yeah actually I was as i was walking over here i was listening to that soundtrack on spotify sneaking through music it's like I'm walking on the street and you can't help but you didn't feel like you're on a mission of some sort it's fantastic to greg did that soundtrack by the way i didn't know that he can pose impose the score not not originally there was an original theme song but yeah the whole score of the movie so good um so this new movie and we're not gonna go with the spoilers because i know i don't want to run it for you I haven't seen ya um my first of all I would say it kind of came out of nowhere like I didn't know that they were really working on it until the first like marketing material Sura came out I don't know if you saw this there's like a stunt that Tom Cruise does that was like a big part of the marketing materials apparently was inspired by a video game oh I didn't hear that maybe think of video game inspired that stunt ok well what I will say was nice about that marketing material is like that stunt happens in the first five minutes of the movie so I was no longer like waiting because they knew they did they know I don't worry once we're gonna check I can be box um so overall I was a good movie pacing felt a little weird a little slow at times and it kind of was a little more serious I feel like Mission Possible the good ones do it a nice bounce between like goofy and serious like there's a lot of comedic moments especially in the later ones good and this felt a little serious but the biggest sticking point for me and I think you can judge a Mission Impossible movie based on its big ice scene because they all have like one crazy heist they do it's always something crazy and this high scene was like very cg Laden and kind of lame in my opinion oh no just didn't really do it for me it was okay but it just looked like it felt very fake whereas like you think of the best heists with you know breaking to the CIA yes which they actually make reference to in this movie is like an amazing scene and it is no cgt it's like crazy wirework and like the guy getting diarrhea while he's having lunch remember the guy that record yeah yeah yeah they put the poison it is reckless they gotta get the knockos it's amazing and the third one has a really good the heist in the third one in my opinion is the when they're stealing philip seymour hoffman from vatican city is like an amazing high see that one again oh i just rewatched it a couple weeks tremendous really great um the fourth one has the great scene in the burj dubai jana i gotta watch that and ghost protein this one oh we're not even gonna talk about the second one because the second one is dog duty it's like terror which one is that the jumbo directed one it starts with him a free climbing up the rock oh right it's really Tom Cruise credit I mean he's in shape doing it and he's doing it yeah do majority of the stunts he he does do a lot of the stunts what I've heard among Hollywood is that certain you travel in those circles read interviews with people and certain actors that are like action stars and kind of feel it's obnoxious that he he does his own stunts because you're essentially taking the job away from someone that would be doing those stunts you know what I mean right like where that's such a good point no and all people only get commended for that right they're never like oh yeah you're actually removing 15 dudes job and not only that if something goes wrong during the stunt oh yeah that forget about like the movies done like you're done like yeah the Johnny stunt doubles not gonna take your right place dramatic versions of the movie so idiot I don't know I mean it's impressive that he does it and the stunts in this movie are crazy you know that insurance policy must be I don't yeah it's insane yeah but uh and he's in very good shape good for him yeah it was good I did I wasn't disappointed that i saw it i would I felt like I probably could have been ok not seeing in the theater I was like kind of that vibe um it was fine though I don't know I one in three are just so spectacular yeah one in the best thing about one is it's always on I haven't said I can always watch yeah and it's antiquated to say legumes own to view with this on-demand world but yeah it's tough to look away from now yeah all right there you have it kind of an endorsement you're telling me I should see it right I would say I wouldn't wait you i would say wait okay i think it's worth seeing but i would see for people i didn't i liked for but I didn't like wasn't over the moon about it people love for okay and that was directed by brad bird who did the incredibles and pixar Tomorrowland but he's incredibles and people like that so and and that is has a lot of comedic stuff in it which I liked I had a lot of Simon Pegg in it for what it's worth okay so I enjoy him a great deal um i was gonna bring up real quick i totally forgot soccer yeah we're gonna get into the soccer thing and then I was thinking about more mission impossible things oh the director of rogue nation Chris Macquarie I believe it's wrote the usual suspects really really that's really interesting i didn't know that mm-hmm i also directed a fair amount of good stuff to i believe if I yeah accurately recall my Wikipedia IMDb deep dive i did on those dude I'm not dude rather yeah he's uh let's say I've got him a period love that I love making those connections and you realized stuff yeah like oh I think that's why Simon Pegg was this guy there well there's a lot I mean and you look at Mission Possible three there's like a ton of JJ Abrams normal like Felicity what's her name the plate Felicity on that WB show you know that which chick she was Felicity was that that love hewitt or is now sarah michelle gellar was your way off i confuse all those 90s women um anyway he had a lot of familiar actors Chris McCrory for what it's worth yeah so he directed he wrote edge of tomorrow which I really like yes we we love that film another really good nobody saw it's funny because he hasn't really directed huge movies he's written a lot of good so this is the third movie is directed he directed way of the gun which I didn't see ya jack reacher which was the other x oh she's got a pre-existing regionally and it but in terms of the movies is written thou curry which is like real I didn't see a people of all received Coweta Tom Cruise stuff in here um check the giant slayer which I think people hate it yeah that was that uh edged with the effects the Bryan Singer connection yeah Bryan Singer so it's funny like unusual suspects as you said right we're so funny where's wonder what those social like dinners go like a note i love working with you tom no no no I I want to read that no Tom let's just have dinner we're here to talk about the movie I love you he seems like he'd be such an intense dude Tom Cruise oh my god of course but everything I've heard about ignoring the like crazy Scientology stuff people have said any time that they've like interacted with him on set or whatever is great he's like the nicest guy like super well I want to believe that I want to believe how you know here's why I will say people stories about people tend to get out right so like there's a kind of this thing about like chris pine for example who's Captain Kirk on the new Star Trek and he has a bit of a rep for being not super easy to work with even though using wet hot he wasn't wet hot that's true but he has a bit of a wreck a rep and this stuff tends to get out cuz Hollywood has so many people that work on movies and like you say the wrong thing to the wrong gaffer and that's sweet and it's gonna be out there so it's kind of nice to hear that Tom Cruise is not super crazy maybe whole lose the Scientology thing you know whatever but let's put that aside as much as that you know perks people sure I owner of him I love the accent he is a great act the actor Tom Cruise very charismatic yeah I mean Minority Report I love the sci-fi he does he can do comedy you can do actions funny he's and you know I'd let him leave me to Xenu anytime any day of the week twice on Sunday yeah speaking of Sunday's the football season has begun but we're not talking about American football we're talking about the first football does that happen on Saturdays though what soccer I maybe I think it might i understand i i i feel like the reason we call soccer I know the reason I soccer yeah is why there's the world hates us do you know what do you know why this is actually an impromptu explain me like I'm five yeah why so in England um you must do a British accent and merry old England I we joined you what you you physically cannot do it why cannot do that accent and I know there's like a long joke about you and the whole Michael Caine thing but you can't even try and do it you want like a real one don't you try and do a British actor like a genius like a normal walking down the street British first 90 worn a merry ol England I know Chuck not capable I can't do a serious one I don't know you can't be like what I love also the problem is i frequently dive into australian accents cuz I like I just conflate the two all right well then what do you want for me I want you to be able to do it because most people I feel like they can at least give it a college try I'm sorry yeah give me a sentence not i'll do it over to say okay so i'll say something like that's stereotypical let's say it normally don't say English hello love okay you're looking smashing today okay hello love you're looking smashing today that's not the word that's not that I'm in the Beatles any of the Beatles ever since I'm in the veto so long story short a parent as I understand it and this might be corrected on the internet but as I understand it there was a thing called association football and that association football it was like the organization that had a lot of okay football games okay football being soccer and association was shortened to soccer that's where the sock comes from Association so you understand what I'm saying yes association was shortened to soccer and well but there was the a yeah whatever abbreviations do not need to use every letter all right they called it soccer what do you want from me got it it was an upper-class thing it was like a rich people thing they called it to call it association football or soccer was like an upper-class thing so as a push against the upper class people started calling it just football was like a classist thing yeah but by then it had already come over from England to the US and it stuck here as a soccer that is such a better explanation than what did you have I don't have one I just have like a stupid American expectoration right so yeah we call it soccer cuz beauty have a football it is funny because they obviously make fun of us all the time for calling in soccer but it did originate yeah so it came from a good place f you come to my place nevertheless the reason we're talking about soccer which is a fantastic sport it is a lovely it is a fit like it's like big hockey it's big hockey yes and and the reasons I love soccer are mostly in line with the reasons why I love hot it's a very similar I mean almost almost identical is a frenetic chaotic sort of uh play style deflections close calls goals are important lots of athleticism logical athleticism and good looking people and guess handsome people so what's happening with soccer so I feel like everyone has had this same complaint about soccer forever generally it happens during the World Cup because it's the only time when the u.s. cares about soccer but we say hey it's crap that so much of soccer is focused on yellow cards and red cards and people essentially flopping there's a lot of diving and there's like oh I touched you like with a feather and you flew across the few lot of diving and they're finally seemingly going against it and ruling against diving so the way the ruling works is if someone has a red card pulled against them for committing a foul and then it's reviewed and it's realized that the person that fell was faking it how can you review this video but I feel like it's easy have you ever watched these videos of people I guess that was the hard part was that they had to make these calls on the spot right but in a video you can tell you can see the cognitive process where it's like all right that hurt now I should fall and it's like it's like those terrible like stage combat things where they're missing by like a mile but people are like complaining about it so retroactively so on it's retroactive and it's not fine specific I it might be fines but the big one is that it's a three-game suspension who just for any kind of incident so it they have the scenario here Paille is sent off for violent conduct dismissal over termed after the referee reviews the incident and sees that player B has feigned an injury player B is open to a charge and could face a three-match ban I think that's fantastic it's smart that this hasn't been to think so lights crazy that it was now think about it like all these now all the diving is going to happen the last five minutes of the game because there's no time to review like what is this what you gonna happen eight I could I don't know the details of that specifically yeah but I could see if they can't do reviews then maybe it's like they certainly could review it afterwards and say oh you're suspended for the next three games right because right that's interesting man I feel like any time that anyone gets a red card and gets thrown out for something like that it should just be reviewed like have someone in the box just look at it for 30 seconds right I understand the value of like keeping the game moving and stuff like that I don't want to slow it down but sure this saw like what is the word for it sucks and it slows the sport down it's sort of you really discourage it a lot by doing this sort of thing like that's fantastic you keep things moving people stop doing it and it's like the true form of the game which is as you said a really good game and I wonder if like injury time changes yeah well right I stoppage time is very crazy to establish time is I get the reason for it but it's just very confusing and yeah sure yeah there just can't be a definitive 0 yeah like it has to be it hacked like there just has to be a time where you can call the game off where the ball is not in jeopardy of being scored well I I do like that idea that you can't just end like if someone's driving right you can't just end it i would love for that to know what ha yeah it should be like if you're on a breakaway right 10 seconds left yeah but hockey I think baguette by the nature of its a small smaller and faster yeah all right very good finally product hunt yep game of the week product hood yes you can go to product uncom / gaming check out all the games we got up there today good man thank you tell you do a really good job thank you i try i love it today we have a game called cursor tag actually a pretty neat idea so you go on this web page and all you see is like six or seven mouse cursors so the arrows on the screen is just a blank screen okay and your objective is to click on one of the mouse cursors what you don't know is that those most cursors are controlled by other people and when you click on them it takes a photo of them with their camera it's like snapchat so help but how like how does that work what do you mean like you have to have so you have to have the camera to play you yes it requires a camera gotcha and it you have to grant access to use your camera when you're playing the game and it's pretty awesome because you're you're clicking on so and then you see their face reacting to it yeah like they're like you see much of like dirty faces yeah and then a dick for no reason let's chat roulette that's gonna happen product hunt calm / games check it out over the week end that's gonna do it for us mr. over us thrush dick you have anything to say to the fine people no be good to one another be excellent to one another follow follow us on twitter we don't we don't pimp that out oh yeah we should do that Russ's oh how many followers you up to Jeff ah I don't know man you don't check it every day I well I'm on it every day yeah i think i've got a little over 12 and a half yeah I feel like the Beast cast has been very good for you and followers uh I'm going to say yes it has been it is not me it is that yeah you're so right in those cocktails yeah I'm a 3 i'm a 12-6 now 12 secs pretty good it's okay i want to get to 50 and where can people follow 15 $50,000 really I want that Wow I want a hundred okay well you just trumped yourself by Jefferson any other guys baggles and Jeff Beck where I'm at Russ fresh dick you should follow us not only that you should if you haven't given us a route review on iTunes usually that that's pretty cool what are you waiting for it helps us it helps our ranking and helps other people find the show and you know it makes our dreams come true and and please be nice to the sponsors participate in that that they do that as well and participate in the reddit except read it of course reddit com / r / the 404 we will be back in one week have a fantastic week lots of games coming out what what start emptying your bank accounts and giving it over to wherever you buy game flappy bird crossing roads to is coming out Apple TV what but we'll see you guys next time i'm jeff beck alone I'm brush brush like this has been the 404 show high tech lowbrow thank you so much for tuning in today's episode was brought to you by wicks is used by 60 million people throughout the world empowering business owners to create their own professional websites with the drag-and-drop builder and hundreds of designer made templates to choose from you can get your amazing website live today it's easy and free head over to wix com create your stunning website today that's Wix WI XCOM
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