
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - Avengers 2, Daredevil, Kurt Cobain, fecal beard fears, Wudup app, Ep. 1613

hey what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 404 show it's Friday it's May it's the eighth it's 2015 thank you so much for tuning in to my left as always I as akhtar how are you sir I'm good area is was back I as his name was printed out on paper today is like I as act re on which was awesome yeah because it looked like a transformers name like Akhtar on is a much better name than act on its your Decepticon name only I could transform and then across the table from me right now you may remember this guy from shows known as the 404 show mr. Justin you hey everybody we got an impersonator ha what's up dude how are the top Jeff what's up is how you doing dude I wish you would have collected a bunch of your old coffee cups from starbucks because I bet you've gotten so many wrong names written on there you know I I didn't bother giving up my name is because it became easy to the hassle cuz it be like what's your name and I'm like Alex yeah yes Alex yeah and it still be spelled wrong but that doesn't matter it's like well they're gonna screw up somebody else right yeah from you I totally give like Bob yeah my I'm not doing is what peony does too because so many people wrote pony and panini alright that she just started saying Jennifer's it went over PA yeah it was a level to which I was like screw it I'm gonna just use my name and then people are like how do you spell that so I'm like go actually writing it out in the cup and they spell it right yeah then the person the other other end is like they hold up the cup in there like uh I'm like that's me yeah that's just me cuz if they don't want they don't even call up the name is a butcher like I don't care if her it's only looks I feel like there's only three ways to pronounce that I mean I'm not even double macchiato for I yeah yes that did yes Jesus Jesus is the worst one of her yes he's as no less he's someone put the Z in front of your name like Batman villain this was this was at a high school the guy that just like cuts himself that's a superpower that he can already know he can see really when he kills people he makes hash marks right how many superpowers no he's just crazy talk about this calendar man have powers no he's just like super obsessed with the year whose calendar man oh yeah give me clock King no no no Kara the calendar man's a Batman villain I don't know calendar man yeah did I just you just one up on ya I believe he's a friend of Jarvis tech right the Mad Hatter and you owe the mad hatter ok I didn't know his real name was joris either you're full of right now I gotta he's right I i I've seen talent actually has one of those pull away calendar numbers i think on a hoppity survive like the multiple like reboots to the universe's you said around slicing up now my calendar man yeah just one extra later it is like a easy you look at me costo and I see dadjokes usually names I calendar and high fives all around you idiot speaking of the superheroes actually that's a good transition for what we wanted to talk about our first run 10th pick of the day it's not a good transition if you run talk about the transition I can't believe regardless i'm sorry i did want to spend more time on calendar man but go ahead well we're talking about superheroes you could still do that but i wanted to talk more about daredevil and avengers because those are two things that i've watched recently and you have tues would you think about well where do you want to start well i mean it's our said before we start it's got to be spoiler free ok he promised yeah because to stone adventures like we're devil maybe not oh yeah it was okay Neville's been around for her in a month that Netflix show right yeah and watched it I probably will I got a lot of time on my hands these days it's really good and I didn't really care for daredevil as a character before I never read the comic book a second cuz that comic book movie nearly destroyed the yeah character itself yeah that was bad yeah but jennifer connelly who I think did a good job she wasn't in that one you think it wasn't she was in Hulk know she was in daredevil as electro right that was uh Jennifer Garner yeah wait would you know what alias was yeah that's right was dared Affleck was due and kevin smith had nothing to do with that movie I don't think he did if he did it wouldn't have sucked as bad I don't have you seen jersey girl Kevin Smith's a comic nerd he would do a better job would I don't know why I associate him with that film it's associate with Ben Affleck you can't think of one without the other does daredevil have any actual superpowers aside from his height is getting enhanced heightened heightened senses that actually happen when you lose your sight uh not to the point of super heroic well we could try that right now live he can ascend this I don't think it happened to in either they got my glasses guys I think you developed the heightened senses of if you watch the show they actually talk about the training right and that thing is it's based on it's a lot of it's based on the man of Man Without Fear mini series that ran so daredevil essentially can see his eyes just don't work uh well he uses echolocation the way a whale does similar to well except he's not constantly going wah yeah I'm not like tapping monster by the way that would be so much more believable if they're devil just you always knew where that guy was though that would be that would be as giving any more like an owl or yeah I should be more Matt who can do the bloody of dolphin impression yeah they do like that that's knocking that's not echo look right but a whale is like they do stuff like that your radio is fine and we're getting back to daredevil go huh if you were a fan of the comic book there's a ton of really cool easter eggs in it too so i don't want to give too many away you can look up lists online but there's other characters that appear in the background within like drawings and scuffs keep a lookout for that okay and kingpin I think that guy just does an amazing job being sort of the pre pre kingpin in that show it's d'onofrio as kingpin he's really good kingpin had powers or is he just like a walking talking block of stone i freak i mean in the show he's basically just a big deal e yeah she basically is that but he's just kind of unbeatable in general so like it seems like he's got super powers but you could shoot him in the head he died he's just super fat yeah the reason i got into that show was because my friend linked me to a clip of it from the second episode where he's in that hallway and they just film all that one minute fight sequence that looks to be uncut i don't know if there was damn it well go watch the show it's awesome yeah it reminded me a lot of old boy on that movie from a couple years ago where they film like a 10 minute just straight through fight sequence they did a great job with it so if you're into action I mean superheroes aside he doesn't even real get into costume until much later in the series okay I kind of liked that they didn't yeah it's kind of see it's all pretty like it's almost pretty daredevil yeah and the weird thing was if you were watching on Netflix as the days went on that the art would change for the show right so the first day it just matt murdock and adjusting his tie and he's got bruises on his face but like the third day that it's on they show the full day rubble costume and I'm like damn it yeah I want to see it yet I guess netflix it decided I have to see it now what do you think about that costume uh into it zoom read it is red black I mean it's night what I don't like is the I got the mouth an opening part of it you don't talk my cuz it shows a lot of his like his neck it's true and that's that's what reads weird to me when I see it cuz every other action hero batman of super master commands never was mask but even the other daredevil they kind of cut it around the chin see right they'll have this little weird piece of skin I get this extra bit right under his chin yeah that's a little odd not for nothing but what the hell does he care about what he looks like that I mean that's a nice to look presentable since 22 yes sorta yeah why he's wearing this thing and what he's trying to be it I mean it's a spoiler to think that he wants to be a symbol right like he's a symbol that's a concept all right I'm gonna have to watch this now so I think we have a universal endorsement for daredevil I would lower your expectations I think he made it sounded way better really i think it was good okay okay i think it wasn't amazing i like and there's some scenes that are really good but like Karen page is really freaking annoying Karen page who's that oh yes yes it's like would you just shut up this is true every time she's on screen I'm like the first couple episodes all right she's there and okay she's talking and she's a moding a lot and I'm like okay bye episode 10 I'm like whenever she comes on I don't we can do anything right now and start talking and because you say one watching in peace and quiet I'll start vacuuming right if she gets on screen cuz she's always like you gotta do something she's and she's the anti-feminist I don't know she's just always helpless even though the rest of the characters around her are getting work she's it in really bad situations a lot she's almost like a look up what's that thing like a hostage constantly yeah spoiler that's weird um all right good to know that I'll make sure I don't like that character check it out again I guess you didn't know for yourself so who's boss who's behind this and trying to figure out who's behind this like if it's a good show you gotta gotta tip your hat to the people behind this the showrunner I don't recognize any of these people no I'm not didn't feel so strongly about Avengers though yeah that's that and I think that's because it's the exact same movie as all the other Avengers movies yeah it's basically get more of the same if you like it's Avengers 2 we like small ships coming out of bigger ships in the sky then you'll love you is that not what every Avengers movie in one right I think slugs of small alien horde ships coming out from a larger mothership couple you brought this up last week did you not where you said the Avengers are the most powerful team of superheroes ever what else can they fight resides otherwise the universe's most you know awful creations yeah i mean like Thor could take out everybody in any girl it wasn't why the hell the rest do you hang on he's a living God yeah the guy who can run real fast thrown a shield so good I guess now uh someone was telling me that there are more members of the Avengers than the films are displaying is that true is there like a lower ranking of the Avengers as if they need more disciples there's a ton of Avengers really yeah why are they all in this on this team because this it's the idea when the books it's the idea they've like as many members as they have evil doesn't pop up as much if you like look you're gonna get hit by the Avengers and they have like everybody everybody at some points in Avenger okay even like Wolverines been an Avenger spider-man's manually and you're gettin laurels been Avenger like everybody's been an Avenger I'm surprised Wolverine did that yeah it was like a fairly not recent thing yeah I'm kind of 15 years so what happens do they have like this indoctrination like ceremony are you just like United they kind of come together there's never like oh we are the Avengers but it gets it's basically already happened they have to like show up to one location be like okay are you here for the Avengers me exactly they have a conference and they're like you want to listen to the shield guy yeah okay cool I'll listen to red white and blue guy we're good and as long as they do that everything's fine but they're gonna be like you know bastards and be like am i listening to you yeah they're off before the show we spoke briefly about the trailers that preceded the Avengers film I still have not seen Avengers 2 how old is Ultron age of Ultron dopeman snowmen I'll see that when it comes out somewhere else because I saw the first Avengers in the theater and I was just like this was a waste of ten bucks yeah yeah just like I don't know I thought it wasn't bad what are you expecting Justin that's why I wasn't expecting a lot cuz I didn't really like any of the other Avengers movies so if all you're looking for is some violence and explosions a decimation of engines favorite city are DJs if that you'll get that for sure this is our DJ making like dumbass quips every 17 minutes right and they do sort of a lewd at the end to a larger villain that will appear in the next movie that I'm pretty excited about so I wonder what that one's gonna be about there will be about little ships coming out of ships I guarantee you there will be a mothership and warship that'll be the subtitle more ships coming at Ashley this one was kind of different because they came from the ground like slightly opposite so you always welcome to the water yes the next one wins so the first Avengers correct me if I'm wrong was low key yeah yeah and Loki was lie working for somebody he was working for like a gland in the middle of space like just hep athanas yeah sanaz so so Thanos just has like a chair he sits on in the middle of space well yes wouldn't you I mean how do they get there it's all its paces big and he's just like on one little box yeah like oh sorry fan aside be here quicker I know premium real estate in space man you didn't see a lot of mostly rock higher caliber like I don't care how big you are I have no freaking idea where you are you're smaller than a satellite little easy really there's like apps for this you know there's like an uber tooth nanos the order it seems ridiculous to me anyway so is that us in this one Dennis isn't a little bit here's a spoiler there's an extra after credits scene oh my god movie do tell but it actually happens before the long long credits there's like yeah who else jeje credits and then you have like so you what sit there for five minutes and there you go here's the scene yeah and then it's 10 minutes of you know the black screen with like Sheree but his name's so a bunch of us still sit there and wait they call that something regular edits no I forget they call that I don't I came in 30 years I can wax poetic about when I was your age age to wait to the integral yes for that pretty quick wait so was there another second see no I just want to make sure that everyone who's listening to this now you haven't seen it there's no unless you really want to see that that no animals were harmed yeah and that's actually a trademark phrase that had no idea i'm just sitting there staring it is what couldn't you just put that in your own words you can change it you just don't use their Drake bar huh no animals were harmed in the filming this movie yeah wow I didn't know that that's amazing that someone copyrights that I don't know these are things that you look up i'm so bored i'm looking at i'm like okay i don't okay i don't know anybody on this copyright reform was it trailer it's a little different um alright yeah trademark reform ok back to the trailers what what were the trailers what did you see yes see I'm reserving my hate for Avengers because I'll need that overflow for ant-man when that comes out and a lot of people not happy about that movie at all and it's still months away or haven't seen a single trailer people are watch the wait did we watch different versions of that movie well so i came in late to the movie um well hang on now are you that guy yeah is it die max first of all and i have reserved seats just what is that what does imax event i'm the same like there was a giant imax like 10 minute trailer 20 tomorrowland gotcha so i got there was this when i walked in there's George Clooney fighting off something I'm like what the hell I don't remember him in this movies on an Avengers is he yeah and I had no idea what the trails were going to be so I got in a little late and tomorrow line was already gone so i'm assuming kind of cool by the way that was was that lawman effects it was that none everywhere else I think that's every world oh yeah yeah that's the george clooney movie and we talked briefly about that last week right Russ fresh dick believes that there's no way he's making it out alive of that film oh you think that George Clooney will die I just got a funny because it's just like me he's already kind of old like yeah happy ending exactly alright so what other trailers did you guys see yes I saw Ant Man which on you know there's not much more to say about that aside from ant-man it seems like they didn't know how to make that yeah does that make sense where they where it seems like the direction the the thematic elements of that because I'd never heard of ant-man before yeah the film and it seems like it was supposed to be a comedy but it got wrapped up in something else and now it's just directionless right and it's it sort of has a self humor about it which i can understand movie called that and in the trailer and it is not a spoiler because i obviously haven't seen it but uh Paul Rudd kind of talks about how it wasn't his idea to call himself at man oh boy and so it's a little self reflective I don't know me I'll probably watch it when it comes out on to rent yeah to Brent to rent to rent old man yeah did you see like the little uh there's little viral marketing campaigns are the little signs like tiny little billboards at bus stops oh that's got a viola I kicking level yeah yeah that's kind of funny cheers for their marketing to you that's not a bad idea doesn't say much for the movie though what else are you not excited for no I am excited for Batman and Superman oh that makes one of us why wait guys on my line or do you yeah you all watch that no not yeah oh no i'll watch it i'm not excited about it yeah i patch it the way you know Malcolm McDowell how to watch all that stuff and clockwork are ya is hella watch that yeah with a group of scientists being monitored that's all i watch that piece of garbage that's a pre-emptive piece of garbage yeah come on what I mean I look I I don't like what you were saying earlier I as I don't have a lot of hope for these movies I'm definitely sort of you know tempering my my expectations all right that's so I don't know it might be enjoyable that's what Avengers was too it's a good way to waste two hot hours in New York sure I don't know Avengers had years to build up you got these characters right being developed yeah this Superman Batman movie you've got to explain who the hell Batman is first of all because it doesn't exist in this world wait I thought he was supposed to be older well he's still oh there's not it's not attached to any of the other Batman wait so this is a new Batman we've never seen him in this world right so this is not in any way shape or warm related to Dark Knight Returns know okay there's that part and then which apparently there's going to be a sequel of two would think the due to the dark knight returns 0 NE right of what's his face was writing another Nolan no not know the dark knight returns when Batman's old and so that's basically what this movie is yeah that's right milord yeah right so this is gonna be like a Reagan a Reaganite sort of well known fact that they have this giant fight even the metal armored version of Batman it's kind of from that book right I returns I think I'm right logo the benin logo looks very similar um but what was the thing so it's a different thing and then there's going to be a wonder woman that's gonna be introduced and Aquaman so like if you're gonna introduce all of these people and two hours versus Avengers would say set up what how many years right five years to go here's an Ironman and here's a captain america and here's a god yeah one movie we're gonna get three massive characters and they're gonna be hanging out with Superman yeah but they won't be telling jokes like the Avengers are so that'll leave a lot more time we keep screaming great people I mean I know I there is really no excitement no buzz behind this it seems very forced um I think a lot of it has to do with the people behind it they're just not directors that have been uber successful with comic book stuff right it's Snyder I just I don't think he enjoys the world it's like it's so bleak I mean he's doing Superman Superman is like the brightest happiest freaking guy in there all things like I'm really down that's all the time I feel bad for anyone that has to endeavor to make a superhero movie now well so what happened with Joss Whedon so Joss Whedon left Twitter I think earlier this week a lot of people are speculating that it was because um it was over criticism over the Black Widow character Scarlett Johansson in the Avengers um the controversy is that uh I think a lot of people are upset that she fell in love with the Hulk in this movie um boy that's not a spoiler everybody knows that it's in a newspaper oh is it I read it in the Daily News I just heard that for the first newspaper yeah I picked up every right next to the red robin you rent your moves actually I've never been more not upset about here yeah is but that what's about that when you're watching because I thought it was kind of uh it took the movie down in tempo a lot which I was like said about but I didn't you know I didn't take a feminist perspective he's come out and said he's called horse literally keys that's his a quote from joss whedon BuzzFeed reports that he'd left he says it's horseshit that he left because of feminist right yeah that was all speculative so but as he said why ah it's just sounds like when you become mega famous specifically in a realm in a medium that is filled with the majority is geeky sort of pre-pubescent hyper-growth overly critical like you said maybe there comes a point where you just can't take it anymore because you can't do right unless you're Christopher Nolan right or someone who just is untouchable so maybe that's what it is yeah and I up until he left Twitter I thought Chuck Sweden was untouchable as well yeah but I guess he's not he's not doing the next Avengers movies right he's just out yeah done with Marvel he's done with this and hanging up unrelated right okay yeah it's interesting I don't know how it's all gonna shake out for the guy but whatever right leave him alone I didn't think that the the Black Widow turn was like that bad I kind of like the story getting smaller I don't want it necessarily want to see giant villains taking on the giant super team it's like hey let's get some character development here right and it's possible maybe because if you work together close enough with somebody may be like yeah you know either build a relationship or friendship or romance it seems normal a little confused cuz I thought in the first Avengers movie it was Black Widow and Hawkeye that were sort of together in retrospect i'm kind of realizing that they never showed any kind of physical intimacy with others oh yeah you know he gets knocked out in the first movie and she takes care of him I don't know maybe I just assumed that he's like it wasn't me just got to go out with him maybe hot guys like me and falls in love with every woman that takes care I don't know that's probably accurate um all right let's let's switch gears moving away from sci-fi fantasy to documentary this week saw the release of montage of heck right which is the kurt cobain documentary Kurt Cobain everyone knows who that is he's on your classic rock stations folks if you don't know that is Kurt Cobain recently what it's baby can you believe it's been 21 years the fact that it's on classic rock stations yeah makes me sad yeah it's strange you'll hear like Boston more than a feeling and then you'll hear you know breed right on on 10 43 here in New York anyway the the film is out it's in theaters and on HBO you've made your way halfway through it about halfway through what do you think is this for me it's been touted as the definitive whether it's official unofficial the definitive Kurt Cobain story yeah how do you feel about it so far well they got their hands on a lot of artifacts from his life that a lot of the other documentaries don't have which is cool and they find kind of unique ways to tell that story so for example a lot of the cartoons that he'd ruin those spiral notebooks yeah they actually animate some of that sky well into moving pictures tell the story of his life with voiceovers and stuff like that so it's very unique in in terms of features I'm not done yet so I'm going to reserve judgment for it but I do like all the multimedia in it and you learn a lot of things about how Kurt Cobain was kind of a humorous you know a lot of people paint him as a real aduro's guy but through some of this archival footage you can see him crack jokes be comfortable with Courtney it's it's really cool and a lot of it you can sort of tell is framed has a story to be told to Frances Bean now about her father yeah so it's it's more it seems close a closer look at his autobiography I'd his biography than some of the other ones you know probably because she served as executive producer I think i right it's so interesting because you know she doesn't really she probably doesn't remember him no she was two when he killed himself right uh and i read an interview she gave I think it was rolling stone yeah and that take one of the takeaways is that she's not a fan of Nirvana really right which I thought was interesting yeah which is a big Foo Fighters fan I'm just kidding oh I'm gonna have no idea what I we say seven the vacuum rolls over in his grave there goes my hero Oh God either way you slice it all it does seem like she she doesn't necessarily it's gonna sound crazy but she doesn't necessarily have the undying respect and admiration for her dad I'm not saying she doesn't appreciate him and understand but I think she's sort of you know because he was not in her life maybe she has that luxury of detaching herself from the pop culture icon that he evolved into posthumously hmm so I don't know what do you think about that it's kind of a weird thing do you think that had to do with Nirvana's music perhaps not holding up to a new generation I I don't care who you are never mind is a freakin masterpiece yeah but I remember when I was a caterer and I love the Beatles now but when I was growing up I didn't really see the appeal for it it kind of sounded like simple childhood so like childish songs to me but when I got older I realized that a lot of my favorite bands were influenced by the Beatles maybe that's what a lot of kids see Nirvana as they don't realize yeah maybe you're right thats rips came from that's a fantastic point I remember growing up I kind of didn't respect the Beatles yeah until I was like maybe 12 or 13 when I was like oh wait a minute and I got my hands on my guitar and I was like they did everything what are drugs you know wait what drugs were like you learn like six chords and you're like they used all the chords and they've done every progression you could do ya know the songs have room them so that to me was kind of like the eye opening yeah thing for the Beatles but it did wasn't hervana though it was all like about context because I think back then it was all like really poppy glam kind of crap oh yeah it totally smashed it smashed through all that oh my god somebody's got guitar again yeah and there's a good actual loud crunchy guitar not overly processed and crazy was like oh good this is what music to sound like kind of money the Beatles is like it's clean music versus overly echo didn't and layered and layered and layered and layered to can't have something that you recognize this I music yeah I think it was the grittiness like just how dirty that record felt nevermind yeah uh you know it happens to be like one of the best quality sounding records you can find much of a ever recorded right arm I think was like the grunge eNOS not the genre the the just the grime eNOS of that and then don't forget couple that with that music video which was so important in the 90 yeah and I've been parodied of course but I mean I remember watching that as a kid and being like we're part of this club that like we're all mad not sure why we're all mad and we're all in this club and this music speaks for us that's what he talks about a lot to is his resistance the idea that he's the voice of writer and that and and he assumed that without his he didn't want that no he just had stomach aches he was just a guy with an ulcer you know he just wanted to get rid of that pain and we meet labeled him a figurehead after that but anyway go go and watch the documentary it's definitely worth checking out just for the eye candy alone speaking of the Beatles not a Nirvana fan oh yeah for sure I mean I and I won't lie like I became more of a Nirvana fan the older I got ya uh he died when I was 12 right and III had a copy of nevermind then but I don't I wasn't as obsessed with that record as I am now yeah like I listened to that record now and men that that record is not so I think I'll call it a record dude you gotta come on out an album it's a record later guys movie also may go back and rediscover whole I'm guys wherever into it I liked her have been like terraria and is but all parts doll parts I think I won't live through through the both of those records are so good good yeah I mean there's not there's no live performances of hole in the documentary there I'd be there are plenty on YouTube I'm sure Courtney Love man she what a weird bird huh she is what not I'm attractive especially in this movie too well have you seen her lately dude and yeah actually you should see her in this movie they yeah that's good okay good I don't know if that's the bill Mueller that's another reason to one son do you guys are thinking of her in the roast where she's like falling off the chair next to Pamela Anderson and like she can't keep yourself in the simpsons auntie or order character in The Simpsons but what about the People vs Larry Flynt II where she well my friend she's she every now and then she like pulls out these brilliant pieces of artistry hmm right is a very strange Courtney Love I've always had a crush or any love yeah she's beautiful but now's your chance she's 50 yeah go for it oh wow she's tall until 5 10 Jesus that's yeah good go go for it man I don't know she's tied up right now yeah definitely hit that space bar a few times story okay so we we were talking then we talked a little bit about the george harrison yes because i was wondering how long this document is this is particularly long no it's not that why is it called montage of heck is that that mixtape he made that it's called that question I remember reading I don't I can't okay that's too George yeah there was a there's a George Harrison documentary that's on HBO now and because I saw that the kurt cobain thing was available there so it's gonna check it out right but I've watched like the first half of the George Harrison documentaries like four hours long so there's two parts two hours each adds to its directed by Martin Scorsese so it's completely authorized so you get like everybody there you get McCartney you get Olivia Harrison you get a son you get George Harrison of videos you get everything and it's freaking awesome if you're a beetle spin or a George Harrison fan I mean like it really is it's killer to see like this guy who just kind of like they're asking question like so you made a comeback why did you go back to music this like in the 70's he's like well you got to do something you know what are you gonna do with your time that's basically his weird attitude towards life is really intriguing hmm the spacing somebody who dropped out whenever you wanted to come back in show up and do you like with the one song you know from def oh um I'm not my mindset I got I got mom onsen yeah all the taxidermy animals singing that one was a remake of like yeah it's an old some these songs I thought he could make it a hit I'll do that that's we want to give these guys a hit he remade it I think like what movie took it was like a lethal weapon or sup I don't know but that song was immensely successful by a strange now he doesn't get the reputation that some of the other Beatles get right yeah was he a nice guy because it seems like a lot of the other Beatles just garda nice guys cuz you brought up something that I had never heard before you you brought up ooh does that sound be their opinion no i didn't i'm not saying that i subscribe to this but a lot of people think john lennon was John Layton's kind of a dick which on some accounts i certainly agree with one being an absentee father to both of his kids and sean and who's the others Julian Julian right to the point where I think Paul mekia Julian when he grew up he was quoted as saying that Paul McCartney was actually more of a father to him and his own dad ever was and people don't like Paul McCartney either well Paul McCartney's a nice guy like Paul McCartney and generally known as Gabby's a perfectionist that's where the the attitude thing comes in because he would talk down to George Harrison Wright and George Harris you would say something like this part is complicated and this is like in 1968 right The Beatles been playing for what 20 years together yeah Harrison like it's not complicated I'll do whatever you want yeah Johnson okay guitars but I wouldn't say that he's the greatest guitarists of all time I don't think he's retarded I don't think is regarded as that great songwriter a great songwriter you wrote a couple I think you look at like Clapton and Hendrix for like amazing guitarist Wow so I I didn't know that that and then on top of physically abusing a lot of his ex-wives yeah I had no idea about that reversal apparently there's a lot you're showing I think it's kind of its vilified rightfully yeah yeah appropriately not a cool guy or he wasn't a cool guy i mean look say let's may weather you know fight and right he's apparently an awful human being as well oh right yeah everyone writes great songs don't ya all rights great team his whole may wear this whole thing is any time like Katie Couric asks them about oh he's histories like were the photos yeah how come there's no photo I think your looks like i have a photo of the police report yeah he sucks why would you that be your notice let's just go just go to just go to response and the as if we reveal because a las vegas local toy department covers his ass exactly they love I'm kidding the the whole DP of Las Vegas is tethered to mr. mayor may come this way look hundred twenty million over that over that anyone fine I read a hundred million dollars and a journalist asked him to produce the check and he did yeah brought it out hundred million dollars what a dick speak in a dicks I don't but I don't want to go down that Jackie I got on there like 80 to 100 also right but he's getting sued anyway um because he announced his injury too late and that compromise a lot of stuff whoa we're time traveling here ok back to the Beatles real quick so then what was the thing about so so John Lennon is a dick apparently incident like if there's one thing you take away from this episode if that John Lennon was it didn't write though the same way like Steve Jobs like apparently posthumously became a dick yeah not posh mr. he was it he was a dick every day during it was covered tyrant right yeah he'd fire people it stories of him firing people in elevators yeah like legendary is a minute a through in the fact whole hiring whole teams like it like a conference is yeah he'd forget though that's the thing though that's strange um yeah I didn't know about the abuse abuse is not I mean you could be a dick but once you start hurting people and women that's not cool that's the thing is a lot of people hate on Yoko Ono they blame her for breaking up the Beatles but it was actually him who came we went to the group you know it said that he was done with it and yet he beat her which is not cool you know I didn't even I had never even heard that and I've been around for 33 years I've never even heard that life lessons so you can pass it on Oh keep looking like keep looking at your pinky ring yes can I do something for me yeah I've got a pinky ring it's on my ass on my pinky so isn't it what's the origin behind that so if you if you guys aren't aware and you should be now I do have a pinky ring on it's a little silver thing with the flowers on it right are you the head of like a crime family that I am that's exactly but I get a macro look at that thing macro yeah you want to see yeah i think i've ever heard anybody say this is cool well it's not a perfect circle either it looks like you forged this yourself it is a you in Mordor that's true what I said I used to do back in California to make sure no no no what had me go I've got a good poker face no you're that superhero poker face absolutely not so that ring uh is actually my girlfriend's ring it was her thumb ring and one day she wears lots of rings lotsa jewelry she's very decorated so I I decided to take it from her ok can I heard on you and I said I i think i'm gonna wear this ring so i tried to all my fingers and it only fit on my pinky uh-huh and i was like i think i can wear the she goes it's got flowers on you're not gonna wear that does i was out i was on the air like every day back then you're not gonna wear that on screen and i go yes and watch me i can rock a pinky ring that's got flowers on it let's see if I could do it yeah but you can't see the flowers well these aren't full hours these are floors like a fluidity they're not like you know okays a flat it's not like it's their new did you know with bright colors its silver and it's been in our family for like a long time there was another thing o.o that ring that's why it's all beaten up like that so I grabbed it kept it on my finger and I just been wearing it since then I just like to spin it and everything it's like a promise ring I guess so I like a reverse promise damn thing too noisy lose ya so I was taking out the dogs today want to go to the bathroom and there was snow everywhere and so we left with the dogs and then I came back and I didn't have my ring on them oh my god I lost the ring so tell my girlfriend this she's like oh it's okay I hey wasn't 40 of them it wasn't really okay says she's like like I'm gonna go back outside and search so I had to search through like snow banks uh-huh and it was just my son was with he goes I maybe Audrey try to eat something you try to stop her and that's where it came off and I'm like that's exactly what happened cuz I grabbed my dog's mouth I opened it up in a kind of shook her mouth oh my gosh and slobber on my hand so it's kind of like oh yeah totally totaled that ring went flying off cuz I lost some weight which was a problem so like now the thing came flying off and there was sitting perfectly on top of a snowbank and I was like there it is Wow grab it you're extremely lucky very lucky falling deep into the Snowden or it could have been eaten by something or whatever or a vagrant could have taken off with it yeah I thought that maybe it fell off when you were scooping up the poop or something no they never guess you know that's what I thought too so actually found the bag yeah man and I assumed it I squeezed the back from the outside I wasn't gonna go direct I'm like oh god I can't believe I had to do this to get this ring back and I didn't even find it in the it was just it was just having to be sitting cleanly on the snowbank look at the home and it cleaned it off a lot before yeah amazing and that's my pinky ring there you go you're gonna put it on wrapping film I all right fantasy of putting her oh there it is there we go you slid that on so gingerly go and if mins anyone well any rings in your future just stop it I got so much changed propose to Courtney last episode yeah I know he just confessed your love the coordinated yeah if she's listening she's a longtime friend all right very good not only has the history of the pink it is not a wedding ring no all right fair enough fair enough um what else we got here today I want to tell you so yesterday I saw Justin walking around with a with a speaker and he's looking for like a cauldron filled with water a cauldron cauldron basically only a cold so tell me about this speaker you had that was like supposed to be waterproof but you broke it yeah this is uh this is a chronicle from the life of Justin you this is one paid out of adapter but the last product that I reviewed for Cena which went live on Sina yesterday is the Philips shock box mini this is a small micro bluetooth speaker and they've kind of pin it as something good for the shower Renee yeah it kind of looks like grenade or you know you could put it in the in the next to you while you're washing the dishes or at a picnic or something like that and it's pretty nice it's like 60 bucks sounds great but one of the marketing pictures that i was looking at on their website shows this girl lounging in a floaty in a pool uh-huh with the bluetooth speaker next to her in the water in the water and the marketing materials also said that it floats and so they encourage you to use it in the pool obviously so i thought to test this myself until I realized that date sticking I just realized the middle the story that's not exciting snow it is because you broke it yeah so this about so the specs say that it's rated for IP x6 what does I mean yeah this what's IPA you you know what a lot of these rugged gadgets say that their quote waterproof or water resistance it's so i PX it's a standard that basically seeks to define the differences between water resistant and waterproof so that you know exactly what it can what's there and so I p x 6 is right at the cusp between being water resistant and proof so you can spray it with water you know can get some rain on it or maybe some droplets but you certainly can't submerge it it's only until you hit ipx7 certification okay that you can actually push it underneath the water right all right so this deep level stuff so that literally and then you cover them to Justin I'm like looking for a container and no one has a big enough containers I can fill it with water to see if this thing floats right and so I finally empty a vase all right I found like a flower vase that was filled with candy all the candy I used dumped out all of Kenny's candy right and you filled it up with water color in water until I see them like what happens like I broke it yeah it sounds like in the kitchen and I'm like playing music like oh this is great and then the thing accidentally tips underneath the surface of the water and immediately bridge like a me likely test over so the pool though it's a great speaker but if you try to put it in water not so good that's so funny so I'm saying Phillips you need to look at your marketing team and really see if you guys are connected to have some kind of communication you can't freakin show of a photo of a speaker in the water and have it not be completely water break you know in the bin to be fair here play devil's advocate actually yeah play there's no no we're in the marketing materials is it like show like music coming out of it right and no loading next do this show you're lonely in the water you'd like it could be like your Wilson it's a Phillips so it's cool to the pain little face or like you're the marketing materials could just be like it won't sink right then ain't gonna work but I'm gonna sing you'll find it when you drop it in the pool you'll just it'll come right up that problem to its credit it did play music very briefly pointed down underneath the surface of the water and it didn't sound good so even if it was waterproof playing music underwater I don't know if you ever tried talking to somebody else water them sound doesn't sound good not recommend it keep it in the shower that's what I do all right do you guys like to shower to a silent a shower Oh to music yeah I I guess I used to do that and then it was too much like set up time so I was just like well I'm only in the shower for seven minutes anyway if that long that's it you don't need one song oh you know while I'm in the my problems try to find a song i'm like no i don't wanna sing along to this no i don't think i have a Spotify playlist but that says shower yeah and then I'm like I've already sang all these through this and they're like I have to go why am I still messing with modify I gotta go to work you've wasted 40 minutes that's crazy was just seeing a three-minute song that's silly that's assigned overnight how long do you shower I understand I for a long time what yeah well you listen to what's a long time rock up what's a long time uh maybe I don't know 20 minutes if that blows my now very thorough I get all in there even well as it's not hard to do that quickly i mean when i get home even if when i get home from a hockey game and i'm at the dirtiest and smelliest i could possibly be it's eight minutes 9 minutes the max and you and I have different body types do it should take me far less time to wash my body I don't know about that you're talking about like surface anything skinny people don't take us long to should take less time I should write because they have less surface area no that's the thing i should hear 4 inches on me equal out my girth what are we talking about you're taller oh right yeah yeah perfect what yes your gigantic penis takes forever oh yeah i would imagine all right okay so the extra height all right for the difference for ya for my gut i guess i don't know i'm not a scientist you own speaking of scientists apparently there's a study that found out beards contain fecal bacteria oh and then someone even quoted was quoted as saying there's dirtiest toilets I don't believe that I as what's the deal fellow beard friend yeah so I have a beard and I saw this stupid story on facebook and oh my god good god I got to see what's going on here eat just for the record even if this is is true I don't care and I have a beer I don't care yea there is a little poop in your beer there's always my beard come on oh poopy be someone this idiot to actually click something through on facebook yes once I did that it actually gave me a bunch of the story so the actual story is somewhat some anchor in albuquerque new mexico took a handful of people that she found and swabs their beards okay and then took kids this event is something that she does royale de that's her name a royal day okay okay isn't either after she said it on the air its royal day okay not royale it's got an either the metric systems so royale with cheese she goes out who am i to make fun of somebody's name by the way uh she goes ahead so i was people's faces for this thing for beards and then she brings it over to quest diagnostics yeah this microbiologist John gall BIC he's like these are the things you would find in fecal matter huh so uh the the anchored starts saying well that's the stuff if you found it in water they might have to like shut down a disinfect that area right so the anchors that are talking around if this little package piece like oh it's just dirty as a toilet so everywhere all these headlines are your beers full of effectively and I'm like god damn it I have a beard I don't god damn it i have a shoot you I'm not just trace amounts of fecal matter like you know a doorknob or something would have this is enough to where you said if it was in water then it would become it would shut down an entire yeah but that was it this is a huge jump and it actually got debunked crazily right after that because when the fun things after I clipped that stupid story facebook all the other like once the debunked it showed up underneath nothing oh cool or as I read these I mean you look at how many people get pinkeye right and we all know where pink eye comes from there's def I'm a link to there a lot of people don't get pink eye I've seen a lot of people think in this office you know of course but the babies can get it really is babies all the kids always get it but since I see where that could come from where maybe if yeah you're changing a baby's diaper then you go to like you know do a little dance the thinker you know and you're like rubbing your beard it could get in there like that I mean the second I'm done you know hanging around his bottle I go right to the sink and wash my hands what Oh Dylan yeah first thing I forgot that you have a kid that just added that's not in the front of my mind what the mud went there it's a club oh boy the model is downtown oh man yeah but but the thing is the guardian immediately published something said this is a lot of garbage because first this is going to be a study it's not a study because there's a handful of people it's not a very good that's right ample sized in the first place and what the microbiologist actually said the bacteria that was present something called an terex which is actually the bacteria in your stomach your intestines that is and that's gonna be on fecal matter anyway so people use it diagnostically to check water supplies if there's fecal matter haha it's an indicator of right not necessarily saying it is the same as right it just hangs out with wait because it's gonna because they're being tested right right even if there isn't actual particles in your beard I'm sure that there's a ton of germs just living around there like you haven't any part of you says the guy who never has one yeah you guys are gross well they found guardian actually looked up a couple of studies actual studies that like we're published in journals yeah and bearded people did not have any more bacterial issues than people without beards or that would exist in your fingernails and and the things we're always covered in bacteria anyways if I'm saying showgirls you're covering bet yours like yeah everything is all the time yeah and don't look up yogurt then you're gonna really freak out yeah oh my god and don't use your phone in the bathroom or just don't look at your phone don't look at it don't even touch her don't lick your phone is really I cannot stand that right column in facebook of all the trending stuff I don't watch arrives me crazy because it's you know I guess like the worst trending thing ever is is Twitter because it's always like what all the 12 year olds are going to do on a day with one direction or something or or something completely asinine it's 5 seconds of summer right right it's five seconds time right and and the facebook one isn't really any better this one's fun Kevin Bacon actor post selfie appearing to show weight gain yeah like it's never real news always pop culture's up and yesterday i think i read the dumbest one yet what's that like tell me if you've ever heard anything less important okay tell me if you've ever heard a less important sentence in your entire life okay so you know it's like a little bold and then the text yeah so the bold part was the game okay and then the regular text was rapper threatens to beat up young thug / ongoing dispute with little Wayne yeah wait young thug the rapper I guess the game is a rapper right right so the so the got like a young thug like valium I don't know almost capitalised yet that's really that that would to note it's a proper name right oh no but it's the whole it's capitalized like a headline yeah I'm noticing that now to you right it's pretty strange yeah and that's what trends on facebook that's I mean that's not uninteresting you just don't happen to care cuz you don't like hip-hop know or like if you don't keep up with modern hiphop gym not well not modern hip hop i guess if it was a bell I see now to click through to that you would actually know what the hell's going on I did so maybe I didn't understand it led to scary lyrics I was just a bunch of symbols that made no sense to me I don't know I feel like that right column on Facebook is really starting now hmm starting to be the body's not see it I don't mentally I think I block it out yeah it's there I just don't your brains just processes as the right whales right rail i don't i'm not looking at that oh I'm always looking at it there's nothing I can do what about you you look at a lot of what oh I really go on facebook too much yeah yeah I'm back on Twitter though you what does that mean well i'm just posting some stuff on Twitter yeah why what why the Russian quick first was it because of the bad writing of Black Widow yes that's right that's why you left too much criticism over the Black Widow no I don't know I just want to take a break now I'm back all right before we that's good to know malice Brutus go follow justin before we say goodbye i wanted to talk about one quick new app that i heard of that's interesting it's called wud up wud u P and it's calling itself tinder meets facetime who think about that they match you up with someone random and you have like an auto auto video conference I don't know welcome megalyn huh it's not like the old thing we just have the video matchup yeah yeah yeah yeah that too yeah omegle is the video ver SI so there's some see i can't figure this out because it's only available on Apple iOS devices I don't know what the hell it is but apparently you it doesn't use profiles the way a normal tinder connection gets made I have like I have like screenshots of what it looks like but it's not really telling me a lot and you don't just get instantly put into a FaceTime with people you have to like both agree on the picture and then you say oh it's found a match and then chat and then all of a sudden you're looking at each other and you're ready to you know faced how they just added a video chat to tinder effectively I guess that's like obviously what we're looking at I mean I you're not a single man but no you're not in a very are you in a serious relationship I'd say ask you a personal question like that we're at I mean you gave each other ring I mean you are wearing her thumb ring on your panties really yeah what what what ring are yours it's what's the ring it's a was like a gold ring with the like a star pattern diamond thing what a hang what that's like that's what that's a promise all right that's initially that means not doesn't mean like it's not an engagement ring it's a regular ring okay it was like we were in line for a beer hill and so we just went up to the store and waited no go got it in a ring it's like what L not usually diamond ring afternoon now's you gives your SOA ring you give your soo ring that's been two years and I'm like I'm stalling it was a two years of one year I don't know it's been two years I think it means something maybe it's felt like two years that's do you so none of us would be on this we're now hold we're not what up what up w you DUP if you have iOS go check it out when your people are using this report back to us maybe we should get on that you guys ever wonder you guys ever wonder how you would do in the modern landscape I'm dating now that you've been out of it for so long because now you never hear about people that have met on okcupid before no I have um well you do but those relationships have lasted for a long time I think the majority of people that I hear about online dating or on tinder down yeah so if you say that you met on okcupid that you're like a grandfather right you might as well met on myspace right somo it's always think it how do I think I do I think I just yeah you know cuz we had to put in so much more work back in the day for okcupid is a lot of long-form message- I like that again my time is before okay Hugh bright who that time was my time was a 0 l profiles that's how you guys met no but remaining well we're from the same hometown with the same college you men basically are really it was what was the most convenient for everybody is what I did right now kid how do you think you guys would do on tinder right now uh I have a question I would be horrible horrible horrible i know i do not i don't have an not smooth at all I don't have pickup lines actually you're a you're pretty clever guy I'm gonna be on a podcast i can work talk i can work off of people yeah but like if I have to sit down and like try to schmooze somebody to like buy into me I don't want to do that can I ask you where you and your girl met at work why oh not at this work no I was like wait did you work it you know not who is it yeah really tell Noah no no we met back in California so we worked we're friends I you know like we've said this so many times on this show but you can't sit here and not think about what if hmm like what and that's not a bad thing it's not it doesn't get your unhappy now no no no no you just wanna you want to have this sort of like self qualification come out of retirement for a little bit you just wanted to see how you were doing the game want to know if you ever like you said came back decided to strap on the skates again and take a couple laps around the rink would you hold up is this a perfectly normal thing to to wonder about that should be another app right but that's what it should be it's like nobody can actually hook up on this F way they just want to see if it would have happened yeah yeah what do you call that almost there or just the tip just the tip isn't other unretired yeah yeah what would you call that been like coulda woulda shoulda right yeah I don't know I there's something about me I don't know would I be something just for sport that be the app just for sport yeah like that or like Benchwarmers or some shiz you call shiggles adventure warmers yeah I mean that'd be cool you could do everything but meet up yeah you're you're not allowed they say i love you give you block each other right can't chat you will never see me again yeah Chet you can't get their number right you can own you get too close it sends a message to your significant other like you've reached the point where it's weird turn back now that kind of thing it'd be like LinkedIn when you see look how many people be applying for a job a significant other we're get-- yeah as a report 85 people are interested in you like oh no guys step up my game dead end path com do you think how do you think you would have done on tinder cuz you're your beer before that too I'm gonna say out kill it yeah I think you would yeah I think I do very well for myself I think you would isn't it it's it's like this amazing thing I need I need to know yeah how's fatherhood working free by the way huh what we're not talking about that right now we're talking with something else just to get a curiosity come on my poor child's virgin ears switch gears for a little bit it's working out great you believe he's gonna be a month old on Monday you talk about that does he talk about that enough on this show I mean only been one time he's been gone for like forever yeah okay something I bet people have been waiting for me to ask you well know we answered a lot last week yeah how's it going it's it's going you know he doesn't sleep a lot but wait that change because yeah I don't even sleep in he was good he was sleeping more than I thought he would and now he's sleeping yeah about the amount i thought he would or it's like three hours per second thought that I'm holy crap thank you don't see that yes absolutely yeah means the states for me yeah very limited English mr. engine is that why not ah it's you know it's it's weird and I'll be as honest as I can be yeah I'm not at a point right now where I'm committed stable with the whole thing we're to the baby no no I'm not at a point right now where I'm like in a groove it's still very fresh and new to me and every day is a learning experience and you know every father mother I've talked every parent I've talked to says you know it just takes time to like find yourself with it I don't and I'll be honest and this might sound you know a little harsh or you know not crass but definitely a different than what you might think if you're not a parent I don't end this and I hear it's very common from parents like I as has told me this I don't feel like a dad really just yet because it's just not I know I'm not having that like father-son relationship yet I'm having adult and infant and helpless baby relationship I think that I was thinking missed this gelatinous stage that's what I think I'm the person is like you got the soft head and you looked right how do you pick it up how do you put it down is it gonna roll over what's gonna do now like let alone not able to make eye contact I can't even like tickle him I can't really tickle him and get a laughing where's gonna scare you just get why are you doing it yeah I'll tickle him thinking like he's gonna be like stop that Daddy no I tickle him and he's just like me yeah just like wow actually that's what they sound like his response I'm like you he's essentially like Krang from Ninja Turtle I just this blob and very accurate you know like completely help yeah yeah yeah so you need to build up a metal suit no idea no you're his me now today yeah we do like there's nothing I can do with him at all right I can work that into Cho's with my son like actually knows characters as punch a difference and they'll be like dad what's shredders origin so how long is it gonna take for young die lon to get there I love I'd say one and a half years it's real it's really easy to it's like yeah okay this thing is like this thing is really really alive yeah yeah yeah and you can actually talk to it you know about like interaction though like reinforcement like stuck where I can be like hey buddy and indie like huh like 3x three months oh so right here yes gelatinous for too long he's gonna actually like laughs and like actually look at you yeah I understand that you exist but takes it i'm a long time to realize a lot of weird stuff that you don't think about he's definitely aware of my voice already I can and stacey's for us we can kind of we can kind of sense that and um but you know I just I just want to sleep for more than four hours at a time right now wow it's really like that hun you guys have shifts or how do you work that you know she's not working yet so she's been very generous with her time yeah yeah um and the days that I come into work I I kind of get a free pass it doesn't keep me from you know I still get up because it's a crying baby crying because he needs a new diaper or no freakin oh he's just a baby and they cry for no reason what so that's all they know it's it and I get it I'm sympathetic I understand like that's I love sent me go I'm sympathetic yeah I understand yeah hard like I get it like living sucks yeah especially when you've been spent it when you spent nine months doing it in a really small quiet and dark amusement yeah and you're like super psyched there and you know you never hear a baby's crying in the womb do ya know cuz it doesn't happen because the second they leave they're like oh wait Obama you know I just hate ever hear ya and I don't blame them life sucks Avengers is terrible but he's got to deal with that on his plate the poor thing oh no actually the first couple of years and they actually pay attention to movies like this happened with my son we were watching a trailer for paul Blart 2 right exactly right purchase date that's actually child abuse in solana like oh is this stupid this is stupid stupid this is stupid but then paul Blart like runs head-on into like a clear plate glass window to which my son laughs you love it and I'm like you know what this is actually really funny if you've never ever seen it before yeah that's not a trope yet and never seen a boot like people do that and like Mike oh my god I guess that's kind of a nice thing to see but like I'm like is it can be why i said i'm like no yeah no we won't like that i will show you stuff that is funnier than that but we're not watching that I don't ever like if an eight-year-old asks you if you want to hear a joke say no say no because your fist will almost instantly punch them right in the face and ear the 19th not not so uh but yeah it's I'm having fun with it you know there's I I think everyone just needs to know that it's not i don't know i don't want to say it's not as bad as I thought it would be it's exactly what there's no that is way worse than raising a child there's no way for you to know but I do think there is a way for you to have an idea and I'd like to think even from the point where her water broke till now I kind of had a very specific expectation of just place shifting my mind into what it must really be like and have to say if I am going to be at all self-congratulatory I'll be I'll recognize the fact that yeah I kind of like knew what I was getting into and that's nothing has shocked me and say that the only like shocked me was they are way more durable than you think yeah that's that's I want you to talk about that cuz I'm very awkward around baby oh yeah I mean everyone's like to protect the head yes you protect the head but like there's ways to pick them up where the head won't even fall back and it's easy by the arm yeah you just lift him up by his legs you know like I wanna like and I'm also surprised at how strong he is very strong surprisingly strong is there picking up his head yes you know when he's on his back and you put a cinder block on making hold them up haben a second one odd yeah and you break your head what you do and it's pretty good in a couple months this is the way good relationship you guys have but no it's it's fun you know uh I didn't of someone asked in the subreddit if you guys got to hold him yet yeah no no no I haven't but I'm looking for damping a lot of people have come already visit him right it's still pretty early it's early we've had we've had about 20 people oh well thanks man I mean you want to come by you're more than welcome to come by how do you be here by now he'll be here over the drawer he'll be here he'll be here if not in June's a busy month he'll be here in July yeah for sure a busy month I familiy for me not for him you'll be here in jitsu he's got the e3 next yeah he's got a schedule gonna check out the new terminal at grand central path or maybe it may be the end of this month or maybe beginning a June we'll see how it works arm shifting over to the subreddit real quick jdl are 28 wants to know if Justin you've had any more near-death experiences like something like a hiking thing like harriman state park yeah we have not yet been back to harriman but we almost did last weekend because I think last weekend was the first one where is mid 70s nice enough to actually do a hike without bringing it Jen you wouldn't go back to the scene of the crowd would he go back to harriman want crazy I don't trust myself but we ended up going to Staten Island after researching a lot of the parks and I do not recommend going to Staten Island I don't know why I thought that the middle of Staten Island would have this beautiful park yeah and there is a nature preserves where we throw our garbage but it's really bad yeah and I know that now after hiking this yeah you know what you're hiking you're hiking landfills yeah basically you're hiking behind a freeway which I didn't realize and you can see cars on overpasses throughout the entire night in nature which takes it away from the experience again the wilderness d saturates a little bit well you know in doing research for that hike last weekend we realize that we've done everything besides go back to harriman off the metro northern go back we don't have a car yeah don't go of it I think we might go back sometime I mean there's a lot of new things there's a lot of changes we'd make I feel like maybe you should start at six a.m. and i want you right i do want you to go back so you can have closure yeah I call chairman you have to complete that trail closing the circle of regret and kill that bear that threatened me right right don't you think you should go back to the scene of the pink you definitely in revenge the revenge on that trail let's go hiking oh no none of my friends care to go hiking no it's just not something I want to do okay you know it's just I'm okay one of my buddies is a big climber now loves climbing wants to climb up rocks and I'm about rock walls ya ever he can that seems like fun there's an indoor rock climbing place by my house yeah but I haven't tried yet it's you know he's like I got a chalk bag yeah my cool man is you know fall off you don't like climbing then I've died before it's not you know something I want to do a few heights I have a choice to play hockey er climb a rock wall I'm gonna play hockey what's your sport is what do you do for I used to do I used to do climbing indoor climbing alone yeah these days I don't really just sports I just dude crazy cardio workouts yeah like you have insanity know what that's one of those DVD ones like the beach body doesn't have insanity max which is like 30 minutes and it's super intense and crazier than insanity it's there's no there's no brakes wow there's no break so you're sweating and dying and it works really well cardio was in st. Michael when I was doing that regularly and I would ditch things like office parties just to do it my cardio was like through the roof ridiculous so now I'm lazy and we're done a week or something that's not bad if you do as long as you get something really intense once or twice and you know yeah actually ok finally I believe it or not I'm gonna play a voicemail I'm gonna play voicemail because it's been so freaking long since I got one that I thought was good enough to play this is one from our buddy in I believe he's in California just hurt the feelings of a lot of other callers yeah well guess what try and match the quality of this guy no get on the air that's here hi Jeff and act is congratulations Jeff on your new baby I've been listening to you since the 2008 and I feel like we're friends in fact I met you one year at comic-con in San Diego hey I want to know I just you know it didn't hit me until now to call you about this but I own the coffee shop here out in Southern California called Coast coffee and tea in san juan capistrano California and I've had this drink on my menu called the 404 well it's it's are basically our Vietnamese coffee four shots of espresso Lance milk over rice well I call this 404 on people ordered to call this pit can I have a 404 and it's it's dedicated after you guys and I didn't I didn't think about telling it to you until now I don't know why what yes congratulations take care um where was that inside think it's in san juan capistrano but you remember the name of it uh coast to coast coast to coast coffee that's rad and I love enemies coffee too III don't want to screw is that what he said coach Jose oh I don't know I'm not sure wat to play something coast I will listen to it later but yeah dude that's amazing thank you and you should totally send us a photo of like the menu I don't know listen I want to find out more about that right that's freaking awesome that's cool for sure own breast bags I mean I've had a lot of Vietnamese coffee but damn they just sir lecture just serve you that in the bathroom yeah your disease Wow Plus these sugar from the condensed milk too Oh that'll get you going in the morning yeah rocket ship um alright well I think we'll end on a good note thanks for the call and a big thanks to jesting you for joining us the 404 yeah man thanks for being here for it's been the first time but it's been a good one the first thing first ever episode 4 I think seeing the other thousand this fun yeah oh you'll be back soon yeah sure malice bruise on twitter now that you're back and make sure you read all of his fine Stefan seen it including all the speakers that he broke yeah Phillips shock box mini I think that's on the front page you do a video in science huh you do a video yeah it is an ideal for it fantastic okay 866 404 seen it tell us about your coffee shop and how you named a drink after our show that'd be nice and you can reach us on twitter at the 404 we're back here next week with a brand new show I talked to Shannon kook the other day she'll be in one of these fridays which will be very nice and and I think Jill's going to come back soon as well so we'll have a lot of fun with that until next week I'm Jeff Bakalar mis and I'm just need sure are buddy everyone tell court next time you see Courtney Love just I'm just looking for this has been the 404 show high tech lowbrow have a fantastic weekend with you next you
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