coming soon get this ladies and
gentlemen Bioshock well I mean if you've
listened to the show you know bioshock's
like my favorite video game of all time
it's coming to iOS and our buddies over
at GameSpot they've played it and it
looks like it kicks a lot of ass
actually so it's coming out very soon
for iOS and that means your iPhone and
your iPad and it's actually also going
to work with a game controller for iPad
with some game controllers that have
been released in the past so you got
that going for you I don't understand
who you are if you haven't played
Bioshock but thank you neither I have
not played Bioshock we just started man
so here's what Bioshock looks like guys
thank you have you ever heard of it
I've heard of it I've seen gameplay I've
actually seen the news about it alright
so this is what it looks like on iOS I
mean yeah it looks like it's gonna suck
with the virtual buttons but hook up a
game controller and I'm on board man
yeah like that looks terrible this poor
schmuck is touching everything it just
looks terrible but it does support there
you go look at that game controller on
you're kidding I'm all over this I love
it I don't know how much gonna cost I'm
a little nervous about that
but nevertheless it's happening it's
coming soon that means this year iPad
iPhone and if you have an Android you're
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