called burger robot poised to disrupt
fast food industry great headline it is
a great headline apparently there is a
robot out there that is able to build
quite the good-looking burger i might
add in a few seconds so will this change
the world now obviously this one little
machine is not going to put the entire
fast food industry out of a job but it's
definitely going to Nick away at it and
it's going to make a dent I was looking
the this guy's quote from the the
co-founder of the company says our
device isn't meant to make employees
more efficient it's meant to completely
obviate them right so he's legitimately
telling you they are trying to put
people out of work yes by saying that
you'd I would you okay if I if I go to a
nice four-star restaurant yes I want the
chef's touching my food if I go to a
fast food place if I go to a diner I'd
rather have the robot make my burger
yeah but then so let's so McDonald's
could basically be effectively a giant
vending machine it's kind of ridiculous
it's not already it should be a vending
machine so you walk into this place you
do this you hear all this worrying and
stuff in the back yeah and then there's
your burger here's a big mac and like
fries or whatever the hell they sell I
think this is a good idea I'm not crazy
right like this will definitely be a
thing if Google already has driverless
cars right now we're going to have
bending machine McDonald
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