
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - Car hacking, eSports doping, scathing Pixels reviews, Ghostbusters, Ep. 1623

hey welcome ladies and gentlemen to northern so dove the 404 show on this friday july twenty four twenty fifteen my name is jeff bakalar across the table from me mr. russ fresh dick how are you sir why hello there going on now you know you're still engaged still engage shockingly I've got the ring resized so for a week she wasn't wearing the ring that was my chance to get out still engaged so uh I screwed that up to the ring resized even though I like I asked they see you know and I and I even remember putting that like multi ring you know starting thing on her yeah she probably should have known at that point that you're gonna propose oh please she knew she knew right away um so i thought i had the sizing correct turns out nope didn't get it correct here uh so she wore the ring on her opposite hand that was a little meteor really i don't know weird yeah my right hand is definitively meteor than my left Alex just wart on her middle finger ins ah the old a few engagement exactly she appreciated fucking people the bird um but yeah I got resized it was it was fine there is apparently in the heat your fingers get stubbier yes as well that's true you collect more water or some stuff okay Norte I think it's retaining well good you on the other hand are actually reverting back to single life but with an added bonus of having a small life to take care of yeah I want to see if I could like complicate the matter or any way shape or form so this is gonna be my first weekend watching Dylan up by my lonesome completely alone oh it's just gonna be me the dog and Dylan right and this is a big deal for me because well I'll be honest between you and all the listeners I haven't been paying attention this whole three months ago by and I've just been like this amazing innocent bystander this has been like make sure you don't scald him with the mill yeah yeah nah nothing happens I've been playing rocket League a I'm just not really watching what she's doing sure so I'm understandably nervous for this coming weekend and it's not just like the weekend it's tonight Saturday night Sunday night and like maybe sunday afternoon up Monday afternoon really before she gets home from the thing so are you taking monday off no no he's gonna go to I'm gonna bring him to daycare on Monday no it's a lot that's a lot like if any we got any single parents out there you people are ya Saints you are magician Saints yeah that's that does not seem like fun oh I'm just I'm the he's I don't know if I said this before but we're very lucky he turned out to be a relatively low maintenance baby but it sounds like Stacy has taken the brunt of the unfortunate moments that you've had with him so far whether it's covered in poop or like I'm kidding around like I've been paying attention you know like I've been is it is there gonna be duct tape when you try to put a diaper on him maybe he'll do down the diaper massive there's everything that I've been held responsible for its constant change diaper master i think that's like a fetish that people are into yeah you know I'm um I'm all up in that up to my I'm up to my elbows in there uh in the first she didn't change diaper for the first three weeks of his life really yeah okay so you did have that down yeah so that's the least of my brain you've got the breastfeeding down yeah you know it's weird it takes a while sure he latches on shirts odd you know it's like that scene in family guy guys doing the hair out but uh no it's gonna be a good time i'm just saying i have no proof that will be yeah i would be super stressed but I mean you've been stressed you were stressed about the baby's arrival this is just enough next layer a new level of stress that you're feeling this I mean I'm not then what would it take for you to call like a parental figure and be like save me from this oh my god that would it have to be like cash really bad yeah really bad because it would basically say that you are a child and cannot take care of another child it would get to that that point where yeah and I can't see it getting there sure you know the dog in Peter Pan uh Anna I believe the dog's name is maybe they leave the dog to babysit and that's why the kids get kidnapped by Peter Pan is cuz the dog is out there barking and that's it and like they put like a hat on the dog and that's it so like worse comes to worse if you have to like go out and get a pizza yeah just leave Marty there so it's fine so here's where I probably said something out loud to stay so that made her nervous oh no where I said to her I was like all right well in the morning if he's like if he's not up yet yeah I could walk Marty right and just leave him by himself right bright and she's like no and I was like well why but you can't you just can't do that why like you can leave the room tour and like maybe if he's in the crib let's say there's a crib I guess yeah we got wonders if he's in the crib and let's say it's like 6am and he's sleeping what I mean he cries for 10 minutes what's the big deal am I gonna get arrested so I think that's only cool at night when he went in during his server instead of waking up from it what happens if you don't between you and me yeah I'm sure he'd be fine I feel like you that you just develop like tendency is where it's like oh I cry then people are gonna come and fix my problem yeah and you get used to them that's not like the first child syndrome well so here's the deal at night Marty peas 15 seconds comes back in sure so that's what I'll do because I have no choice really in the matter aside from like patty you are gonna say you're gonna leave the bait your child your single boy yeah alone while your dog pees outside for literally 45 second okay which aisle which I will leave him in his room for way longer periods of time when I'm in the living room in the outside what happens when you thing a shower yeah right like a showers longer than a walk yeah but but at least I'm like close enough to him okay where you could like run out yeah he's Billy uh what was that but then he'd be scarred by your naked body believe me he's already been traumatized by some of the things I've been doing in front of Omar on yeah it's not that bad um but anyway I I will take this as a good luck Jeff well wishes to your weekend of doom yeah I I have no real insight whatsoever the causes that I've come is to taking my one year old niece on a train which was moderately traumatic but you know good luck I think my brother's gonna come by on Sunday we'll go out to lunch okay I gotta bring the kids yeah you gotta like fill the weekend yeah I I'm gonna do stuff my god tomorrow morning you know he slept like 11 hours last night so I'm hoping he does something similar where like tonight he sleeps forever and I'll wake up fresh and rested yeah and me him and uh I'm already we'll go out to the park and maybe maybe I take the wedding ring off oh yeah you know maybe goes babies man and dogs maybe I can for you baby I got a key dog and he just looked like really forlorn yeah you know maybe put on saw ck one yeah something like that you know oh my god oh I'm running right yeah maybe do my hair dress nice and then take her out to a movie with the baby at like an r-rated movie by 10pm just saying I think there's a lot of good things I think all the stars and planets are lining up for something special Age of Aquarius I think it's kepler-452b right in line with Mars indeed it's gonna be a good one cool well wish me luck best of luck sir if you see me in town just say hi and yeah and offer a comforting hand I will uh ok lata a lot of interesting developments in the world this week man crazy stuff that you don't really think about but then when it happens you're like ok course perfect set course this is going to be a problem I for I think the last year or so have been whenever anyone asked me about self-driving cars i'm like it's great you don't have people driving drunk you can go wild you could like chill out do a crossword whatever i think you know self-driving cars are the future i still think that they 100 0 100 percent are is definitely 20 years from now I think we're gonna have all self-driving cars and like regular cars will be like driving go-karts people will like get a throw from it but it's not going to be the way you get around that said there was this great article I'm wired this past week about a jeep one of their reporters drove a jeep and the Jeep was hijacked by a pair of hackers using a very intricate as the way they got into the system to the radio and essentially we're able to take control of the entire Jeep now I mean this is a plan this is player they weren't brand of hackers cuz that would be really awesome ok can I wired right about this story so I will say this a news outlet that will remain nameless ok obviously not CBS sure reached out to me about this story ok and the producer was basically because like every now and then I help this person writes shark questions for their talent cuz I'm you know so I alright consult a little bit ok they thought they thought yeah they had not read this clearly they thought that the cult like they did this to a random per share and I'm like are you kidding oh but that's where the fear amateur and that's the argument is that you could theoretically do this to a random person it would require a little bit of work but you could I erotically do this to a random person so can you explain how they got in i'm not really cuz i'm not a scientist i'm not a hacker's i did as i understand it they essentially went through a loophole that has to do with the radio entertainment system right we're not a certain brand of that right and it connects through the cloud you log into something or other so if you got that someone's password they get in through that and from there they start by like jamming up the volume all the way yeah and like making all sorts of crazy like you know changing the radio station and stuff like that and that's very distracting and eventually they basically use all sorts of extra add-on loopholes to shut the entire car down like literally he's on the highway and the car rolls to a stop that's terrifying crazy is that crazy they even said you could take control of the steering right now only when people are going in Reverse can you take control of the steering so is that you think that's like I think it's probably tied to the auto parking mechanism would be my guess and it's just an exploit they found right but like legitimately do serious harm to someone if you wanted to write so me and you would require it would require a level of like James Bond dedications like dig into this person and really make their life there are easier ways to screw or so totally but but it was enough to for them to do a recall on the cars right because there is a vulnerability now the thing that freaks me out a little bit is when you think of the technology inside of cars like for the most part I I consider all that like in the same category as like ATM software and the same category as like you know kiosks and like really primitive shit sure there I'm sorry some cars like yeah Tesla Assad yeah um what what else I've heard of Mercedes has very sophisticated computer system inside their cars sure they're getting better and Microsoft had their whole like sink right thankful from what I understand he did write it was a lower saved I've been in a link in that head sink in there and it was dog shit like I think you know yeah I had I was not happy with that nevertheless you know these are not like the bastion of like high-tech you know infrastructure and that might be part of the problem that's what I'm saying right it's so simple I mean granted the as you said like especially with tehsil and stuff like that they are getting more complex but still you're not playing whatever a doom for on these things like they're very basic right and because of their you know basic full of cum probably a design powerful is like a phone like a mobile phone I think that's eyes less yeah I would say less for most cars okay um you know I be with that comes a less sophisticated security system and sort of protection yeah and that's what freaks me out where like you have the vast vast vast majority of cars on the road with these vulnerable sort of systems in place yes it is not like you know throwing uh you know a rock at upon and just like yeah I can just you know nail anyone I want right it is way tougher to single someone out the these guys how to create this sophisticated choreographs that you nation where they could hack the Jeep and take it over yeah but it's still something to think about it might be a problem yeah I can definitely say N and again like if you have self-driving cars the cars obviously have to connect to a GPS through the cloud etc and the second you're connecting to the web in some way there is going to be exploits um which just freaks me out yeah man you could like force everyone to drive to one spot and like have a killer concert just have like a rager lock the doors and like you're coming to my ass nigga man that's creepy there was actually did you watch that episode of was it Silicon Valley so much yeah he gets stuck in the self-driving car and it drives like an island did you know it drives to like a seaport a seaport and the but the boat takes into like a private eye that could happen man this is the world were limited this is the paying the price this scenario is painting yeah okay deal with it the future is about to knock you on your ass yep Iraq but as much as this is so obviously this is a big sort of you know scoop / feature for um for Wired it's it's being turned into this fear mongering story sure we're like you know everyone who's covering this from from a mainstream sort of casual technologist point of view is like oh my god this could happen to me time to like you know drive uh time to ride a bike right because that's the one thing not gonna be able to hack and that's the funny thing about this story is like I'd buy there are stories of like oh you know some hackers tried to get into NORAD or something like that and those stores do not get the same attention as like a jeep shut road experiment yeah yeah I'd be much more worried about like someone getting into the new codes and starting some truffle but ok so let this is more ground it like it's more grounded more practical share a regular uh uh you know John Doe now here's the thing do you think we'll ever get to the point where we just won't be able to protect cars and like they'll need to sort of be you know air-gapped away from the internet yes you do I think every computer given enough time be effectively cracked given after two if it's connected to an hour sure so so that's why george RR martin types on a you know get air gap computer right because he doesn't want you know the zombie blood and I plan now do you think this is gonna now so how does this play uh in with driverless cars um watch out Oh obviously watch out is gonna be a lot of security I think it's there are probably ways to air gap probably not like the entertainment system because that's gonna be a big internet driven thing yeah but they'll probably get to a point I don't know man like there's to me to me there's gotta be a way be connects to your I don't know but do you understand what I'm saying the obvious like the great system thing set up were like the engine like how is it that the design Jeep yeah has it so that the car can be taken over her like how is there not a physical gap in the surc and there needs to be some sort of kill switch which obviously one of these self-driving cars will have the options like take control yourself that needs to but like a lot of these jeeps are not putting that function Elian because who would ever think that they would get hijacked so they would need to be an element of like Oh something weird is going on diagnostics going off saying oh I'm not doing what I should do in the way that like if my credit card gets stolen the bank knows i'm at automatically because someone just bought right 15 i keys there needs to be the car needs to know Oh something weirds going on I'm gonna not let the cloud control what I'm doing but who knows like again this technology is so new that five ten years from now I think driving cars going to be vastly different than it is today so it's hard to say like what's going to be controlled by the cloud who I just want to like kick back and like play some game boy and just let the car do just let the car do is to go over jumps I don't care go mudding right yeah see we took we talked about this like a month ago and it's it's kind of like I don't think we're prepared for like the there will be a little bit of like culture shock trauma when we move to a driverless it's like horse to car yep I'm sayin it's like what okay the example I've been using a lot in conversation this is always like what my bar conversations devolved to sure where it's like there will be you know the first death by robotic all right that the the car made the choice to like sacrifice it's no list the car me they chose to sacrifice it has messenger because it saw that a bus of school kids sure was ahead and like if he didn't vert out you'd have 19 dead you know kindergartner right and chances are it would be the other way around which is to say chances are if the car is programs is to prioritize the safety of its driver over all else and then like you have a guy who like hacks that and says like oh I'm just unlike a juggernaut car and now yeah you can have like a murder cut like a computerized murder car like in dual where essentially it's it has no feeling or emotion it's just driving around just demolishing people and the guys like I'm sorry yeah I just programmed it you know yeah well that's a drag so that is super so like yeah that's yeah the first time that happens it's gonna be a problem but I think about it think about like a futuristic like tale where you have like you know these guys figured out how to hack the cars near the only ones really driving cars and everyone else is like stuck on the mag rail you know ya like like that's the that's sort of like a road warrior imagination yeah for ya hack the presidential motorcade yeah right oh man those always writing this movie those will always be human operated yes president never lets a robot drive them unless it's a robot president ah could happen it's like future army in our lifetime that's creepy stuff kids suck on that this weekend speaking of cars that drive that practically drive themselves uber I don't have you been taking note and I and I know people are like oh ooh BRR is such a New York only such it really isn't it is not uber is everywhere if anything I would say uber for me at least has impacted Los Angeles way more than I've ever used it in New York because every time I should go to LA I'm usually staying downtown for e3 and I can never get a cab but uber is literally everywhere it cost $15 to take an uber from downtown to the airport if you use uber share it's super crazy cheap and it's totally like changed the way I travel it's a shame that the company is run by moderate scumbags but sure no one's going to really argue that like people seem to not buddy code but their technology seems to be pretty on point but it has obviously created a lot of strife with all these different governments New York City included and that's the one that's like that that's the super hot issue right now is uber and New York City and I don't want to spend too much time on this but uber was on the defense with New York was sort of going after uber specifically the mayor de Blasio was basically proposing a one percent cap growth on uber expansion in the city now if you don't know why that would be an issue so there's about 13,000 yellow cabs in the city and now there's approaching 18 to 20,000 uber drivers in Manhattan so there's more uber cars in Manhattan than there are cabs and you know proponents of the taxicab industry say this is causing great deals of traffic and the average speed in New York City for a car has slowed down by a mile an hour over the last year there's a lot of yeah stuff to unpack here there's a lot going on but on Wednesday the the city of New York decided to pull out on its campaign to cap uber growth in Manhattan and I'm just like you know I kind of understood where New York City was coming from because they do I guess have the right to do that all right uh the the city is as well as I mean hindsight's twenty-twenty the city does feel more traffic than it's ever been yeah is that Uber's fault you can't really point fingers I mean I'm sure it's an impact uh you know you have all those feet all these people that couldn't make money before can now just like get an uber license I mean it got to the point regionally locally here in New York where there running propagandas yeah our stuff on TV at Hoover was paying for uh as pretty got pretty well cuz it's line so much money for them like Tony's market right if they get booted out of New York City where Sir again this is wasn't them talking about getting booted but they it's just so much money for them and obviously new york city doesn't I mean part of it is like new york city doesn't want to lose that income and the other part is like traffic congestion is a serious problem and you know a cities like London have imposed like crazy strict traffic limitations that will probably have to come to New York eventually yeah so something is going to have to bend or break um so the way it's shaking out right now we'll move on after this the way shaken out right now is that the mayor and uber did strike a deal they're going to take four months and sort of study with a lot of data transparency between the city and uber because apparently that was like a closed-off situation where the city just did not have access to the amazing amounts of functional data that uber generates just by operating as a service they're gonna work with the department transportation like sort of figure out just what the hell is happening now that uber is such a an unbreakable pervasive force in Manhattan yeah and they'll reassess that after four months there's no cap so uber can ed 30,000 cars tomorrow um and we'll see how chicks out this is very interested is very interesting I'm I don't know I here's what I'm gonna say is if you're visiting New York City take the subway it's really nice and easy to get around well it's not nice but it's nice when you say nice do you mean like nicer than a puddle of crap alright that's I know it's safe is what I would say yes as long as you're using it in normal hours right like not it to am in a really bad neighborhood maybe not the most safe thing but it's pretty say if you're going from like Midtown to Soho take it take a subway it'll take way less time and you know give a little back to the people and i'll i'll give you this free advice as well if you're traveling only within the island of Manhattan cabs probably still going to be cheaper then then uber yeah you're probably right because of the surgery it may not be as pleasurable of an experience also surges pretty regularly in Manhattan yes yeah so so so beware if you're visiting our great city yes all right we're gonna take a break when we come back we've got a story about doping is good this is a thing now it is plus you're not gonna believe some of these reviews of the movie pixels that have been coming out let's just say uh people are opinionated they are that's hands this new Adam Sandler video game nostalgia flick more 404 right after this big shout out to our new sponsor this week Backblaze backblaze is an online backup solution for your documents music photos videos any user data you can think of go to backblaze com / 40 for show to get a no risk free two week trial users of 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backblaze com / 40 for show and start your free trial right now welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the 44 show um so let's talk about doping in eSport okay you're gonna laughing like well you know obviously this is an issue in hmm how would you differentiate eSports and sports well one doesn't involve a computer in any way right you're not sitting the whole time eSports his video games right playing video games sports we're talking league legends counter-strike this ilk there's street there was a big street fighter competition over the weekend against a las vegas the evo tournament yeah so the eSports are big deal a big big deal lotta meal there was $250,000 tournament recently in Poland and there is this issue there has been this issue that the one of the teams at this tournament was for counter-strike admitted that they were using adderall which is a methamphetamine don't you take it I think it's just maybe just an amphetamine I think it's a methamphetamine I do take it yes I do text I was really called so I have been diagnosed for a TD not ADHD but the not think I knew that you know the difference between the tomb I have a little class right now is one like adult now so ADHD is hyperactive hyperactive mph oh that's the na dhih dhih is just straight up so a DD for me at least sort of surfaced when i was in middle school high school where I would literally just like be in the middle class and like fall asleep or like tap on the desk and just like constantly distracted not really paying attention ignoring school work etc oh you mean like every like literally everyone you mean like the difference is I medicated and fix the problem so waited but but yeah I'm not gonna get into like that whole miss Shore knows there is it there's there's drama to I mean whatever I went to a doctor yeah I took a test like they literally tested me with like a bunch of questions and you didn't finish and then there and I literally I'm not even joking literally fell asleep during test so you were straight of falling us leap I mean it wasn't like narcolepsy but I was like well this is a lot to take in and I can't really so I just I mean it was like a three-hour test and I fell asleep during the middle of it huh so that was a pretty conclusive and what year was that that your dishes like ninety seven or eight maybe so so fair so I've been taking it for a while so you've been taking adderall for 18 years yes so I don't take it on weekends um or when I'm like not doing work but if I'm it's a work day like I took it this morning not a huge amount i take ten milligrams you do notice a difference there's a serial serial difference I do sort of want I don't drink coffee and I do sort of wonder like if I just drank coffee every morning so there I do the same thing tomorrow morning sure on your non adder all day yeah have coffee I don't like coffee you're gonna learn to love it uh no I love at all oh noes you just filter out our way through hot water what's good is that like I don't really it is potentially very addictive I don't have an urge to take it when I'm not taking it but it is obviously a very dangerous drug it is an amphetamine which is very illegal if you don't have a prescription and in large amounts a lot of people you'll go to jail etc etc they've been using these college kids especially I've been using these for like study like oh my test is tomorrow I'm gonna study all night um I definitely feel more it's weird I feel much more productive after I take it it helps you focus it house focus a lot of people say that they clean their entire barman on adderall okay is it like speed it well yeah and so far as the damn feta mean so it's an upper yeah uh it was originally created for diet loss like as a diet pill Oh weight loss weight loss yeah thank you title anyway that's sort of a long circuitous story which is to say I'm familiar with the drug and it's interesting here because so the team was using it now within my counter strike so they were using it for the sole purpose of concentration in chemistry presumably that's sort of the question is like okay arguably if everyone on the team has a prescription I don't even know how prescriptions work in like Poland sure Europe maybe it's different system but if everyone had the bridge had a can you make that illegal now obviously in sports like bicycling they had to make some drugs illegal because they were a huge advantage and they were essentially testosterone and human growth hormones stimulate whatever there's plenty of sports wear shirts all that stuff's not cool but some of these drugs are potentially legal for people that have prescriptions so where do you draw the line right and what counts as an advantage if someone there are people that like cannot I can obviously function without adderall there are people that literally cannot like function I can't get up and do stuff in the day which is obviously sad but like if one of those people was competing in this tournament how do you draw that line yeah how do you say uh you know I realize you need this to be to be regular right and that your regular is enhanced yeah well and that's the question is is it enhance so they I don't think they've really done Studies on how much of an improvement someone with pet that has taken adderall would be at a video game and I think that's the issue they haven't actually announced a policy for this or anything like that they've said they're working on a policy the group that runs the tournament this ESL electronic sports league is working on a policy to solve the problem but without real data to say I took adderall and I was thirty percent better at this game or even five percent better it's very difficult to enforce especially if you have those prescriptions especially if you have the prescription but it's also $250,000 and if anyone feels like they have an advantage what do you do about and then do we get into the prescription dr. Nick people right it's like you want that prescription no problem right so the easy advantage the easy solution would just be to ban it but then you know then you're discounting people who need it who want to play and what other drugs could you like if someone took excedrin in the morning that yeah off it's not gonna be an easy solution to this so it's it is interesting though like it never really occurred to me I actually I've heard that people who have a.d.d actually I wouldn't say better but it's definitely more inclined for video games because there's so much stimulation that like you're constantly being bombarded buy things yeah like if when i play borderlands there's like 10,000 guns flying at me and i love comparing all the stats and all that stuff and you would think that would require a lot of focus but it's so diffused there were so many different things that it almost works for my brain better it yeah it almost plays into you like right are we saying are we like gonna discover like oh my god video games really just help people with these conditions well I don't know if they help but they certainly they play into the right arguably if you could make a lesson plan that used video games as sort of a like a baseline like oh let's use these tactics they use in these games to teach actual things yeah which have actually started happening you might see a lot more success that way so it's pretty cool it's cool but it's tough man it's really tough it's very difficult to study and you know I think we're gonna see a lot of advancement with this stuff in the coming years as like video games like people enter Congress that play video games a lot like there are not very many people that do that right now maybe they play snake on their flip phone but as people you know enter public service and government I think we're going to start seeing more of this stuff coming into play and being like oh let's use some of these tactics that people who design video games to teach kids other things it's going to move I'm waiting for the first presidential candidate who has like a recognizable handle I mean like oh my god is that notorious yeah oh man I used to playing rock Utley no but you got to imagine it's gonna be a few years from now so it's gonna be like X X underscore notorious yeah we're the one right because that generation will be the first to get the call we are holding on to these user names for all time or past my username down through the ages isn't that wacky it's weird is her it's a very weird someone was trying to argue with me that the generation after us which is I guess people born in the 90s have seen more and I would argue that was that means team well we'll see more but I think there or what more of a jumps are more yeah that was had a contact we'll see more of a change in humanity oh so here's what I argue I argue that the fact that we lived on both sides of that digital divide sure where it was way more of our life has been spent on on the internet the shot but we we saw that enough and we're old enough to remember yeah like I remember using rotary phone yeah I remember using shit like that like I remember legitimately playing in television like this is what the what we have yeah so I you know I had to go to a library yes study course and like threw a book report or whatever yeah uh yeah I can't imagine it's possible that it'll happen whatever in 50 years there's going to be the equivalent of the internet I have note there's no way for me to fathom of course something that huge and that impactful in the entire world I I don't know what that would be so so instead of load of like aliens landing exactly instead of debating who has the more impressive generation ours right just because you're biased yes I think it's cool that we are one of the only ones that can say that we sort of saw both sides of that yeah i agree i think about that all we're like my kids not gonna have any idea of what it was like to send the fax no they're just gonna know oh i've i've never used the ipad eight but i've used the ipad not exactly and that'll ipad sucks right that's all the work is going to be um yeah it's crazy it's really crazy stuff okay speaking of nostalgia you know we've we've talked about this movie for a little bit we talked about pixels and you adam-san away film that comes out today yeah ah the idea of the movie is that back in the day when we sort of sent out a SETI uh you know throw capsule probe we put in some 70s and 80s gaming uh you know sort of and probably like a bee gees album but like there was like arcade games we should we like through donkey kong and packmans in there um an alien race discovers this probe sees it as an act of war yeah and believes that they must emulate that to take us on yeah anyway good good use of the word emulate thank you it's also funny because it's emulating the literal plot of a futurama episode mmm directly like it's literally the same key right so aside from how you feel about that plot sure um the movie has been open to reviewers for a few days yeah and my oh my yeah it's not pretty people people don't seem very fond of it as it's actually I checked it a couple days ago on rotten tomatoes and it was at zero percent which is fifteen percent there was 15 reviews and it was at zero percent on rotten tomatoes it is up to twenty percent around is actually higher than I was expecting but the universal agreed-upon claim is that the movie is a steaming pile of horseshit I've heard some amazing someone said it was an unmitigated god-awful piece of dog shit yeah is what's one reviewer said yet that my favorite critical quote that I've heard for anything was of a Styx album where it was called a parking lot full of a whale vomit hahaha but some of the reviews for four pixels have come close to that so there's this guy he calls himself movie Bob and he's a ranter yeah he gets off not unlike zero punctuation yeah probably not as um he doesn't quite sound as stayed calm as your punctuation days old zero punctuation he's a million british maybe british australian he has a sense of decorum sure you know to his delivery movie bob is much more direct movie Bob Bob doesn't really hold anything back and you know maybe I'm not in love with his delivery and I'm not in love with like some of the adjectives in the colorful language uses in which to describe this movie but for what it's worth he does back up every yep tirade with logically laid out uh excuse ins and and and evidence as to how truly got off of this film yeah I'd yeah he released this video is definitely worth searching out we'll post a link in the in the post but essentially going point by point on all the things they screwed up in the movie out of it is like plot and logic base were like certain things act one way we're pac-man's evil in one scene and good another scene I it's sad because I like video games and whenever anything video game related has announced for the film community it's almost always really really garbage and this is just another iteration of that and it makes me sad because it was probably someone somewhere in the production of this movie that really in his heart of hearts loves video games and loves how they made him feel in the 80s I really believe somewhere it wasn't Chris Columbus who's like 93 right now yeah uh and it probably wasn't Adam Sandler but somewheres maybe a PA was like playing clash of clans on his phone was like yeah I I hope this movie is good and it is just terrible and it's embarrassing and Peter Dinklage I hope that boat is nice peter yeah right there's really no other explanation for it some payment was due i'm sure this movie is making people various yeah uh what this guy movie Bob described it saying this film will make you hate the things you love and to me that is and it's like the worst type of criticism you could give something and I don't know I mean we've talked shit on this movie for a while just because of the absurd premise to the whole thing I mean is this really that surprising now can we just maybe like let things like this happen no uh with like we can't I mean I sort of i mean like yeah and here's the issue is that the people that come in on the internet people that have Twitter accounts people have YouTube are a lot of them are like tech savvy people in all of them are gamers so this stuff not only can't pass it can't pass without anyone commenting on it because it's all like directly attacking the things that they love right it is a form of blasphemous yes it's a and and I get that but it's like you can also go a little overkill on berating a film too i'm not defending anyone know i know that there are in watch it be held accountable you're right in watching his video like there is a lot in that video that's like he's obsessing about like wait but why did she get a certain character do this at this given moment sure and in 10 minutes in you gotta realize no logic is being pushed to any of this I'm not excusing that but you sort of just need to be like oh this is garbage and move on like you don't need to dissect every horrible piece of crap right unless that's your job which apparently movie Bob's job is to do the same and without the only culprit like there's no plenty of guys doing the same exact thing that he the you know yes guys goes it across the board doesn't Matt people universally yeah are all up on this yeah and uh I just hope it tanks like please just hang and that's the only thing you can really hope for yeah and and people who like go on you know you know drives me a little crazy too is like some of some of like Hollywood people get none Twitter and being like shame on you a lot of people made this movie and a lot of people make a lot of movies and I don't want them to lose their jobs right and they didn't they got right and then no one's not gonna hire a like oh he worked on pixels I'm not gonna hire you as my gaffer oh yeah come on exactly they're gonna be fine yeah and you know what if freaking Adam Sandler isn't fine after this well guess what he freakin deserved it and and he can take that hit right okay I'd be fine with that if Adam Sandler doesn't make any more movies I'd really be okay with I i just cannot stand this like sense of like oh we're we're Holly we can't be criticized yeah like you're all buddy but up no this movie apparently is terrible Grandma's Boy not the worst video game movie if we're gonna talk about Adam Sandler look like you guys about that that is a huge guilty pleasure of mine LT well and it like does a lot of things with us of some level of respect some of us jokey and stupid but like does sort of treat the video game industry with some level knowledge so if you do want an Adam Sandler hit I don't know if he's actually in the movie but he does not it's a happy medicine jabya it's like video game adjacent and not totally merits the funny thing about grandmas boy is that it came out when like xbox 360 was oh yeah and put everything in the moon he was like very very dated yeah well them the game that they used in the movie actually got canceled molly was an actual game it was called whatever they call the something with addy ternal death Slayer no it was something with addy was an actual name yeah and it was an actual game that was gonna come out i think THQ or some mullah and it got canceled wow that is the only French that a missing Chris but I did not know that yeah so there you have it mom just I guess all we can say is we're not surprised no not not noise oh sad days all right but let's maybe get a little more positive okay anh anh de Paz on the potential of new movie franchises well not new movie franchises but you know playing off on 80s nostalgia that really worked and maybe not exploiting it okay and I'm starting to turn the corner on the new goes bust I don't know why you haven't been around this corner for a while I've ever do hater I've never and I will the only time that I was a hater was unlike Ackroyd was gonna make it and it was like the DS a ghost yeah and like it sounded terrible yes if you don't know there was like this very strange and brief period in time where ghostbusters 3 was in quote unquote pre-production and it was about them going to hell right that was a part of it to something they a half of them died or something bill murray was a ghost or something like that reason they went to hell and they fought demons and it sounded just awful and then obviously when everyone heard that oh my god they were they were gonna reboot ghostbusters like beetlejuice go to Hawaii that was originally beetlejuice I guess the equivalent of that right which I think everyone wrong with but now that we you know have seen a lot of the UH not I guess production still share movie yeah arm and and the detail and like the homage that they're paying to the original yeah it's not and it and we're not gonna get into like the female versus mething cuz that hopeful so we can talk about it you can but like it pissed me off the people were just like yeah people are idiots testo that people are idiots first of all here's the thing Paul Feig who's the director of this movie I you know directed bridesmaids very funny movie starring a lot of women and everyone says spy is amazed by supposed to be amazing even all the ads made it look like Paul Bart yeah like with the spy right um no so he's very talented and very funny and tonally it looks like as you said in all the production stills there's like this from penis to the movie then seems very honest to Ghostbusters which is to say like none of them really want to be there except for maybe one of them right none of their awesome oh right there all just sort of like like mechanics that happen to be like in in the neighborhood and I don't know I've really high hopes and I think if they like stay true to the like I mean at its core it's not an adventure movie it's a comedy it meets the people one another sonic comedy and Paul Feig has shown that he can do that and the best part pretty excited the best part is that now that you've seen like what the proton pack looks like yeah you know it's like I saw that thing I was like oh this is awesome I was like I took that no like it what was it about the proton pack was at the the the height of it that name is just like the this sort of like DIY pneus of oil we're like it wasn't this you know molded sort of and their suit that jumpsuits they wear just like frumpy like yeah they're like each other I'm like you know what like I think they're gonna do it I think they're gonna be able to the ecto-1 is a hearse yeah like they're gonna do it they seem to really be on the right track and then and this is why I believe this movie is gonna work it's being made by people who love ghostbusters yeah and very funny people too and very funny people Kristen Wiig is very very funny anyway and I understand like the initial knee-jerk reaction from a lot of people specifically mail people in their 20s melodies who has these these white men's activists but like this so hard I white and male the worst people like losing their mind I was gonna be all female and like to me that was like oh no I'm not upset it's all female that's fine right you do whatever you want oh yeah it was more just like oh no you're just like touching a child memory yeah you're making in the engines for which was a calamity totally so I we didn't want that but the fact that they you know seem to be very true to it and they have the right cast and there's and they're not like like if they brought in a Chris Columbus it'd be a disaster right but they brought in a comedy director and actor isn't awkward executing he might be involved in it which does easy to you already it actually the brief side note apparently in pixels there's a scene where sorry spoiler dan Aykroyd shows up okay and in a following scene they're actually drinking crystal skull vodka dan Aykroyd vodka to give you an idea of the like glad heading that's going on I have heard that Aykroyd might have a cameo in the movie the only thing that could possibly ruin this is like cute little nods like I'd be cool with seeing oh no they're gonna do that I that needs to be a very small I don't think someone's gonna they're gonna bring up a Twinkie okay maybe or like that needs to not take over the entire thing or they're gonna be like don't look at the track here's the only day of the trip the only reference I can stand is if winston zeddemore is the mayor of New York City because that would be fantastic he's the mayor of New York City and then I think they need to say something like if someone asks if you're a god you say yes no they can't quote nothing they knit the Cajun they can't do it they can't Oh would what do you think there's a chance to film worries in it do you think there's any you think he is I i think as years and years he said he would never do but he's also like Warren the outfit in public the last ten years yeah that's true I don't think he's he's turned his back on that's true I don't think he's upset no no uh and he loves to be loved and he loves to be loved and he is the most loved person arguably in the world yet in terms of celebrities uh I think I would not I would not be surprised if he shows up yeah I can see it I'm excited I'm sorry haters when's it coming out my god next year said I don't know when it's coming out I think it's it I feel they be falling zakappa be real quick you know yeah well it doesn't I mean yeah it's not like a Avengers where they spend a year doing post-production right I'm excited yeah it's gonna be good I'm excited is there gonna be a ghost oral sex scene you think oh there is one you gotta do like the flesh I that I'd be fine with to you I think you got it better if you're really honoring the past chore you gotta bring that that supernatural sex yep seen into the future right I don't see why not ghost dude's got to give it up to theirs is it just looks like they have that cam penis I think it'll be good I'm very encouraged I'm not worried now i'm ok i'm up now now i guess the big thing for me and what we could leave it at this if you want to move on for me the thing they have to do is get the ghosts right yeah they need to look kind of shitty they have to look kind of shit yeah you can't throw a movie magic at it and because there's no way to do a Ghostbuster style ghost and have it look good right like there's got to be like torn rag right like there's got to be like maybe someones real slimer have to be in it I don't know man I guess that that does love pizza he does he just loves to eat and stuff and have a go right through him I feel like there's a lot to there's still a lot that we don't know like does this take place in the same universe because it's the same logo right so like this it the same um firehouse of this from the heart house I don't know so exists in York City you can business try might get married there really no but I would love to I suggested it now it was like yes funeral every-down wait no it's a real fun i guess i can't go there that's so cool alright one more break when we come back continued the saga of Russell's color blindness your point but not really you'll see what we mean don't worry stay tuned more for for right after this Jeff you know how I work from home and sometimes I you know prep the show dropping links and stuff in there and I want to tell you about these awesome links iphone but i cannot ever find you won't respond to texts or emails i feel like you're avoiding me if only there was a way that you would just be in a digital world that i could just reach you at all times well guess what what what I can't even guess there is a way oh my god there is a way and its name is hipchat HipChat is the game-changing team communication app that helps all teams work together more effectively and productively that's why to hear hip check gets you the information you need faster than email and reduces those meaningless face-to-face meetings yeah the words just do our show through hipchat yep agreed that would be employed more efficient not means of doing it you make decisions and get work done faster with group chat video chat and file sharing HipChat keeps teams connected to great solution for remote work as well as Russ alluded to lets you bring the office with you wherever you go best of all HipChat is easy to use and gets everyone working in real time on that fake time real time great teams get more done with hip chatting and right now we're offering our listeners 90 days that's three months of free hipchat plus all right that's the premium service for free three months get premium features like unlimited file storage unlimited message history and guaranteed support get your team started right now using hipchat plus today go to hipchat calm / the 404 show that's HipChat calm / the 404 show go do it right now hey welcome back to the program love that Ghost Busters chat yeah let us know what you think go to the sub reddit reddit com / r / the 404 um okay there's a bunch we wanted to discuss about you specifically yes you just like you can't like showing xiong current you just brought all your prize i'm gonna kick you off yeah it'll just be me complaining just 70 and now my elbow hurts and I don't know if I OBO does hurt does it ok so quick I want to talk about you and how you bought animo yo do you know okay so real quick amiibos you may or may not know Nintendo started producing these little like three inch tall action figure looking guys from all their characters and for the last two years I've been like who needs this thing it's like a hunk of plastic sits on your desk I don't care and they barely do anything and they barely do anything like people are not buying them for the interactivity they have with your wii u they just like I want to like the characters and they want have him out what you do is there evidence of that I've spoken a lot of people like people that are obsessed with the toys and I'm like why do you buy it is it because you like using the wii u stuff and they're like absolutely not I've never once used it it's just people that want these toys there are well made toys are they yeah I mean for what they're not whatever 12 inch tall Marty McFly's with the individual zippers and shit but that's why I'm that's why I want to bring this out okay so I've been like rolling my eyes at these things for a while i was at e3 the big gaming show and i saw in a glass case a yoshi made out of yarn it's a yarn handmade looking little yoshi it's absolutely adorable google it if you want to check it out just google like yarn Yoshi little see it instantly also the game that's coming because again that's coming out where he's made if you aren't and I was like that is the cutest thing I've ever seen I just want that for my desk and this is I make funny all the time for your action figures are like Joker with the mirror and like Marty McFly all that stuff this is where ma that kicks in for me it's like weird cute things from my childhood that I just want all my desk there you so same exact thing but yours are all like emo it's like the Joker's looking to a mirror and thinking about the time he paralyzed Oracle oh they're so they're all so serious and mine are just like oh here's a cute like Jigglypuff it's a cute Jigglypuff alright so you bought it I bought its cut it hasn't actually arrived yet it's coming I'm on pre-order so it's not for sale in the US i actually ordered an import from europe to pay a little premium for that I mean it'll probably go insane us for twenty dollars i paved 34 the which really isn't that bad is it softer yet sauce off the covering no it's oh I don't know I really held it but at the outside is cloth it's not like plastic I gotta get my hands on one it's adorable maybe I feel like Nintendo is gonna send one with the day you want they probably will there is actually gonna be a bundle with it but who knows these amiibo sell out like they're so awesome popular yeah it's crazy uh last week we talked about color blend yeah I'm on huge revelation but notice that no one sent me four hundred our coal mine glasses like and that was a noticeable omission during the wee big mistake listeners let's see if we can remedy remedy that has freaked ok then the expensive glasses so I guess now now what prompted this I don't know I spent a lot of time on unread at six plane like I'm five subreddit because I really dig it and I think it's interesting and someone had posted the simple question what do blind people see and I fit by in my default brain I'm like always they see black they see just like black right and that's I feel like the default for people that can see that's what they would imagine when people see is just darkness right turning off the lights which is just so yeah it's weird and rice Lee said to it is unless I said so so the post went up and a blind person presumably a blind person with a sense of humor with a sense of humor posted first blind person here responding and wrote a bunch of gibberish we're just funny she's amazing and then responded below that with an online link to another site called nada will dot us an article Oh Nautilus the UH and basically here's the quote from the article it says the try to understand what might be uh might be like to be blind think about how it looks behind your head oh my god think about that how it look what you see behind your head and and what they they say is do this experiment where you hold your hands out to the sides your head and then push them back until you can't see them anymore and what color are your hands then when you can't see them anymore what that and that's what why people say is not cool at all it kind of melts your brain right yeah and I had never really thought of it that way but that is kind of a perfect example where you just can't comprehend presumably it's different for people that had sight and lost it but you don't can't comprehend what that is it's just like nothing it's out of your view right so flow instead you're comprehending sound and you know daredevil stuff right so it's not so much that it's black no because you probably do see stuff right right it's not black it's not black it's just like you don't see it it's just like MA right it's just Guiche and that seems like a good I don't know I thought that was a really good way to explain how blind people see that that is so I mean if you're born with it that's one thing sure it might be different for people that have seen and can't anymore because obviously it's usually gradual where you lose vision in his vision we used to have a blind listener chime in a bunch yeah it was very insightful in a way that seemed super human almost yeah like he was such a he was so grounded with it and was like that for me is my biggest is like where my heart really like yearns for them where it's like people who are not only blind but they're like oh they're like they're making it work and they're like a very optimistic not that they shouldn't be sure thing like they're just they're just so functional and there is something about the human condition that's just like obviously it's a lot easier if you were born with it because that's all you've known so I'm like there's no alternative but for people that lose sight like a lot of people say like it's really obviously very tough at the beginning but the way humans think about things like you sort of eventually go back to your base line of like what you are as a person right whether you're an optimistic person downtrodden person would have you and so people eventually just normalize and they devote you know you have to live your life and deal with it they persevere and it's very impressive but that sort of gave me a little bit of a kind of kind of a cool insight into something that I've never really understood definitely interesting so thank you for explaining like I'm five and there's been some unbelievable advancements in that realm yeah as well there's been some like crazy like obviously like cochlear implants are equivalent to that and some I like there's like a cyber I were like you see like digital pixels yeah there someone was able to do like a like a very low res reproduction about people seeing and connect it to someone's it's like a google glass that you wear and then it like translates amended and you can see a screenshot of what they're saying is even cooler because you see ya you see the the feed yeah and it and it looks like like almost like black and white version of what the termination is right yeah I got with the readouts but just like a very low low resolution pixelated but like enough that you can make stuff I mean wait 20 years Oh it'll be outrageous yeah yes pretty great um okay before we hit the reddit portion of the show I guess maybe we should have used the pixels discussion to parlay into that was a good segue that would have been a good segue but that's not how we play things here in this program we jump all over the place not at the point yet obviously my son is only three months old you're about he's probably about 14 weeks old right now um but I have noticed that he is already looking at the TV a hundred percent like he just sees it he doesn't realize obviously he can't comprehend what the hell it is maybe you can I saw that movie he was talking a lot about the things he saw he did right right Bruce boss except for exactly you know I don't know uh he's drawn to it because its a bright colorful thing or it's moving and it's moving it's now it's more entertaining than the ceiling fans like his big thing for the first real it's a pretty dope fan so he's looking at so I'm and it got me thinking like oh man you know we're gonna is he you know obviously this was not something I was not thinking about for a while uh leading up to me becoming a father but like yeah he's gonna play games yeah in and maybe a couple years right yeah sure that's that's a huge deal so how do I approach this and I guess the biggest thing is will he think I show him the original mario brothers sure is he gonna be like dad is garbage what the what am I looking at here you know yeah now we had a big conversation about this yesterday on the because we were talking about like your nostalgia from your childhood sure you have an inflated sense of it being way better than it maybe was yes arm but maybe that doesn't translate to movies as much because there's movies from the 60s and 70s that hold up in our job as good as they did games are a different thing because they rely heavily on technology they do and you know there's an advancements in design stuff like that right sure this nascent category where we where's it gonna be Mike is he just gonna look at these games and be like wow dad this is truly pathetic you know I woulda said I think probably five or six years ago I would have said yes definitely but each day I'm seeing more games that have like Barry loaf I look pixelated like retro inspired games right but there are using that aesthetic to talk to us sure but i think if you grow up and a lot of the like games around on the mobile app store whatever are those games that's sort of like you're in road to that right like it'll basically be like uh you know if you're a band comes out that mu like like when amy winehouse sure was hit in the seen her style was a style born out of 50 years prior yes so you know it may be there was a sort of you know double-headed connection where you had people of an older generation saying like oh man that sounds like a you know like the do op sort of era and then the newcomers being like oh my god this woman has an amazing soulful old you know sort of voice i think you're right i think there will be sort of like a stereo minded approach to that but that's only with the graphics now the the issue is with gameplay gameplay evolves and gets better right so while a game like mario i think is somewhat timeless a game like ghosts and goblins i think if you handed that to a kid today if anyone's ever pointed it's an arcade game you're a knight you run to the side but the controllers are like very stilted megaman that style game very difficult and very like stiff and i don't think those games will work for this younger generation because they're used to like this smooth like accurate controls and I think that's frustrating yeah it'll be I so I think the number of games that will cross over I think a game like super mario brothers or super mario world is somewhat timeless like I think it's an amazing game and doesn't feel unfair and is incredibly well designed and probably is what makes them so good right you know a lot of the Zelda games kind of feel time was too but you know it's going to be very selective and just like all art forms you know the second that 10 years has passed a very limited number of those movies that you loved will actually stand the test of time you know i love the first batman i don't think it's age that well you don't think the 1989 batman is age too well i think the second one has aged better i think the first one sick really rough yeah the fight scenes in that movie there's a lot of pretty big eared put it next to it when was last time you watched it I like of four or five years ago hmm he's not doing that well no I was not yeah I see if it's in pieces of it there's a lot of like miniatures in it too said that yeah kind of takes you out or like look at Lord of the Rings 10 years for my god lord of the rings even now no Lord of the Rings looks like shit now looks like garbage and that's what I'm saying is like it looked amazing it was the top of the line see I pic i maintain yeah that I pointed my finger at the movie theater screen yeah and said this is not that good looking yeah I'm serious also there's gonna be a black president one year no I didn't sell did you predict I didn't say the Jurassic Park but I also said it during the first spider-man yeah first buzzing park hold up it still holds up because it's this brilliant mix of CG and puppets right that really but even the Velociraptor the Stampede Sharon looks yeah it looks good there's something there's magic yeah the scenes where he is running along the rooftops and spider-man one yep it looks like and I think to a lot of that comes from the green screen resolution of moviemaking which was just like everything like the sky captain World of Tomorrow like introduced this method of just making the entire movie on green screen Jurassic Park wasn't made mostly on greens when it was shot in Hawaii so there is a level of groundedness to it um and obviously Lord of the Rings was shot and wherever that his magical land is a new zealand magical land of new zealand but you know also kind of like maybe a little too ambitious with the number of people and and what they were trying to do i it just does not age super well don't get me wrong there's plenty of a maid filmmaking done in that trilogy but the CJ does not aid the CG in return of the king yeah specifically when Legolas takes down that like gigantic elephant looking thing yeah and Ollie font man that is Ned bed he looks like this prancing yeah he looks like the was it the bendy fight from matrix too yes thank you for bringing that up yeah then barb early this the burly fight the Smith fight yeah looks like a joke it's like a comic joke but it looked bad when you saw yeah and it didn't matter i'm saying like that was noticeably bad when we got to see it because i think people were chewing off a little bit more than the hue ambitious i think there's like you're gonna look back and there's going to be this like cinematic a blunder era where it's like 2001 to like 06 yeah we're like any high budget cg movie that came out during that time yeah look shitty then and man does it look shitting yeah yeah and we're gonna toss is really I get totally you're with me and and that crazy and the flip side of that is is star wars which is obviously you know they are have made it very clear that like the focus is going to be on like traditional effects and puppets and and that's gonna make it bed the new Star Wars gonna be better i think i do too um as much as i love to make fun of JJ abrams i do think he does that stuff kind of well yeah um man i'm sure there's totally like a dozen more of those films in that era that just probably looks so stupid yeah i'm trying to think of them if you can remember send it over to us finally we'll take maybe just one from the subreddit today oh and everyone's very happy that you've joined the show sucks i actually popped into subreddit so if you have any questions for me i'm happy to answer them but people have been very kind thanks they have been thank you for that oh so one of the comments this week was about rocket League which we've got which we touched on you know anecdotally in the show today it's it's free if you have playstation plus on ps4 it's on steam go play it for me it's the best online multiplayer game I've played in a very long time mmm three other it's it's it's sounds like Socrates yeah it's pretty mom it is tremendous and and if you don't really want to play the but you want to experience it for yourself google rocket League gifts because there's tons of amazing like saves and plays that people have captured and it's just like even before I started playing the game I was like in all yeah of people like being really good at this game the game remarkably captures like the chaotic pneus and you know frenetic action in soccer and even stuff like hockey where it's just like deflections and hazy saying it's just people chasing an orange so much is really a lot of fun Oh be one shinobi says are you guys watching mr. robot and what do you think um so here's the deal we have talked about it i think maybe before you started yeah have you seen it i have not watched it yet but I've heard very very very good things yeah it's pretty good so I enjoy it I saw the pilot I'm actually working on getting the creator of that show into the office and to talk with him a little bit so here's the deal I really do like it and I'm going to continue watching it and I thought the fourth episode was was really good there was a few in between that I was sort of like all right what's going on there seemed for me right now there is this one potential plot point that I feel like they're not hiding very well that I've figured out okay sure and I can't tell if they're like if they want me to figure this and they're gonna like Pola and then they're gonna twist it or they're just doing a terrible job so i'm not sure where that's at right now there's an episode two nights ago that i gotta catch up on ok either way it's a great pilot yeah pilots gonna suck in uh watch the show ok it's it's very there's there's if it look it's shot like a fight club sort of you know you this guy has this like angsty sort of feeling about the internet and the world is a hat it's for it's a lot of fun yeah and it's totally out of USA network's wheelhouse tier which is like but arguably the most the best part about it was just like previously on blue blood on that note and then they're like you know drugs and hackers and as like more FX yeah totally totally I I do I did notice i was looking at on my my guide on my cable guide and i did notice the episode titles are actually file name file names but i really like it's pretty great a touch pretty great stuff there's and there's a lot of like hidden little easter eggs in there it's a lot of fun if you're even in the least bit interested in the underworld of hacking and computer espionage watch this program it's it's it's shot very well as well and the performances are pretty good all right there you have it oh another one in the books 866 404 seen it is the number i think there was a block on the voicemails i fixed that of course right us in the 404 at cnet com or if you want instant feedback that is almost almost guaranteed to be touched upon in the next episode of the programme go to reddit com / are such 240 for that will do it for us have a fantastic weekend back here on the last day of July oh my god believe this summer's more than halfway over it's terrifying it's awesome it is crazy bring winter bring it on bring it I do want to mention just a reminder for folks if you haven't subscribed to the show and you like getting show automatically definitely do that it's super easy and you won't need to watch for our tweets or anything like that and also super important for the people that listen every week and really really love the show give us a rating on iTunes it really helps our ranking on iTunes and it shows that you love us and we appreciate that and we cash those rankings in for unicorn farts yes this is a high currency here on the Internet yeah it's very valuable and then go to product uncom yes please do see cool games we did an ama with the creators of journey this week so if you want to check that out definitely do that excellent follow us on twitter and we will be back next week with a brand new show until then I'm Jeff Beck a lot Ross perfect this has been 404 show high-tech lowbrow busy pixels right let's see you next you
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