it's Wednesday februari 29 2012 it's the
404 show on cnet TV I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm
Steve Guttenberg and I'm Justin you this
is the show where we're all young again
yep Steve brings the average age to the
show down to 22 yeah and with lee p ER
we're all turning five years old this
year that's it this will be the second
anniversary of 40 that's right that's
technically the second leap year show
we've ever done right but you as Steve's
on the show you love crap like this I
feel like this is your bread and butter
weird sort of cultural you know oddities
that afflict people once every 60 years
or something that leap is a strange
situation a challenge risks for Steve I
want you to explain leap year in the
simplest way yes okay do it in under
three sentences yeah no I'm finding a
very hard concept you don't get it I get
it ever in 65 days right and we were
always 365 days we would be losing right
would be a day behind every four years
we have to make it up some genius line
get out we gotta add a day every day so
every four years the bot to me the
easiest way to explain it is that it
takes the earth 365 days and six hours
yeah to rotate around a son all right
nailed it and that's what it is like
Prometheus I'm just trying to bring it
down into terms that even our friend
Justin you can dance yes and that's how
leap your work so every four years when
that remainder equals one day yeah it's
got to be 366 that's it why was februari
not you know March 32nd or something if
you want to get into why Fibby weary
gets the short end of the stick and only
start to 28 is shortest they're like hey
we got a tag on a dish shortest day for
one of these months walking around with
32 days can't wait how can they didn't
have a couple months with only 29 days
instead of just skipping a couple days
in February that's what I don't
understand because then your check it
all out of February's because it's much
easier to travel back in time than it is
for words and done
and can't just head your bed like that
you can push surely p ER you need an
infographic that is one of the only more
allah ki just explained it to you and
very easy to understand term nope still
don't get it you are you sure horse I
get it video but Willie I was about to
you know request a lobotomy that's are
you over there but anyway it was 40
years ago yeah today yeah April 29 I
mean I'm very there we go oh I you know
I get these months mixed up I met my
first wife velcro and changed the course
of my life sure I would be fast year
what would happened yeah get in with us
get into the detail oui oui so the
reason I measured listening to this
podcast right I hope I hope not for her
sake is well i'm gonna say things would
she'd be embarrassed sure though go on
way it was it was very warm like it is
now yeah it was 65 or 70 degrees and it
wasn't like now where it's been warm all
along right just like this weird day one
day one day a week when I nobly warning
872 it was really really warm right and
I was unemployed okay it's knocking so
and I was an artist so I got on the
subway i lived in far rock i went to
just the city i got i offered in the
village i went to washington square park
with a bunch of my art yeah this would
be a perfect day to sell sure so I
selling some art and then I see this
woman and I walk over to the show of my
art and and the rest is history so we
gotta get off no way and then we became
movie theater projectionists together
whoa and she was a musician so she got
me into the whole music biz and we built
a harpsichord together we did a lot of
we got a lot done in three years that is
a very heartwarming story this this
actually is so i guess thanks to leap
year and thanks to that if it wasn't
funny seasonal and i did a whole life
literally would have been different but
absolutely but you got divorced yeah
right it had its run and how long were
you with her three years three magical
years we didn't make it even nasally
that's a bummer man no it all worked out
all right and you know i guess you're
you're better for the
you're happily married now I'm happily
married yes everyone's fine and dandy
yes that's pretty cool man very very
strange i have it's just like something
happens and then everything changed yeah
the butterfly effect right if I weather
had been warm that day you had been in
Washington but that's really no way to
think about things no no and I have a
big problem with people who say like
well you know if I didn't made out of
that cab yeah you know well you know
what it that's the way life works life
is just a series of choices and random
collisions in nature right and you can't
think about what would be because that
does not exist maybe in some 11th
dimension it does but in the universe
that we all seem to occupy you can't get
into stuff like that you know oh if I
like what happens a lot in sports you
know oh if he just shot the puck 3
inches more to the left it would went in
well he didn't and this is what happened
people are a lot of it's a very
unromantic way and look at all right I'm
in me I'm bringing it down to the United
a told this perfectly romantic story no
no doc and it's a but it's done thing
you're a snowman every solution but but
it's you know that's what happened you
know and and things happen yeah I don't
know I'm a much more sort of like
straight for ways half she's happens you
know I don't believe you so are you a
man who believes in things like destiny
no of course not whatever happens
exactly so but you like you can go back
and say hey wasn't I fortunate sure i
guess you can you say stuff like that
and it changed your life for the next 10
years well it was the starting point was
that it wasn't it was leap year it was
that it was februari 29th in a very cold
winter and it was really warm that right
if it wasn't then everything else that's
cool so you can so you can bring it back
to that and yeah it's a similar
temperature today do you think I should
head down to washington square park and
find love i think so with your art I
have no art though this piece of paper
your or four notes on it you got your
own my personal are you you are you're a
locking art you're a walking talking
piece of all right or he's a some poor
garbage what do you know this is fine
ah so something's going on with instant
messenger just and I are really freaking
out over this yeah I've had a screen
name that i use for literally 15 plus
years yes everyone is like the first
handle I ever had it's my xbox handle
it's my and is the s-1 the one that the
one so that's all that's another guy go
after so I can't sign on it's the
messenger anymore that name same thing
happened to me is knowing that I have
been using for about 10 years maybe not
as long as you know and then the other
day nebo just won't let me sign in
thought it was a meebo problem signed on
using adium is a very first world
problems yeah but no let me sign this is
not a first world was devastating
because I have a lot of friends and
there's still no service that lets you
just I am everybody with a screen name I
try doing a miix prestes looking at us
like we got thousand and you don't know
what instant message talking about aim
you know AOL Instant as you don't know
what that is no sure well for old people
so how come you don't know about oh okay
but you know what a well is though right
you don't know yes I do I used to have
it till I so get rid of it you are
you're gonna look at me yeah and you're
gonna say you don't know it instant
messenger is do you chat with your
friends online never you've never gotten
telephones mmm I mean we all believe in
them they exist but do you actually
white type when you can talk i want it i
want to make fun of Steve for not
knowing what AOL Instant Messenger Huff
but it's tough because I feel like it's
better that he doesn't better I say a
good thing that he doesn't know what
that is because I did know what would
happen because if you did know you
probably wouldn't have as many friends
as you do now and you have maintained a
lot better friendship yeah with someone
in person or on the phone yeah and you
know you're the you're the type of guy I
want to talk to on the phone anyway yeah
yeah you're not the type of guy I want
to just stop your stories don't even
like emails particularly yeah your email
recently indicate something like you
know meet me at 12 that's cool does an
email sure but once it gets more
complicated there's the back and forth
details I agree just so irritating I'm
with you you can clear this up on two
seconds on a phone yeah the day-to-day
business world is not operate that way
anymore imagine the internet existed but
Bell yeah never invented the telephone
right it's a damn someday we got
everything we can actually talk to each
other at me while we're typing to it or
just 80
just one in it wouldn't advance the
technology that would be I guess it
really you're right it's like it did
knock words it didn't matter what came
first you know the horse or the carrier
because it was like all right well we're
typing we've been typing to each other
for a while right right we meant setting
Morse code together for sauna it's not
yours ok you're right there does seem to
be sort of a benefit of a of instant
messenger services that you can talk to
multiple people at the same time that
you're doing other things which now that
I'm saying the sentence doesn't sound
like a very good thing either no so yeah
AOL Instant Messenger was uh they're
saying in the 90s that came out right
after AOL did so if you didn't want to
pay for the full fledged service of AOL
you could just sign up for a IM yeah but
get a screen name without paying for it
right the healing was though but not but
that's that's sort of right that don't
forget you had it when you signed up for
AOL like when you had to choose a screen
name when you sign up for a yeah yeah
and that became your instant messenger
name and then instant and then your
buddy list showed up one day in like AOL
2 point 0 or 3 point oh whatever yeah it
was and then you're like what's this I
can double-click on my friend Bobby and
right in and it's supposed to email as
opposed to calling him up and being like
way oh right uh so needless to say 15
years of using his name and the last 48
hours I've been blocked out of it I'm
kind of starting to panic a little but
somebody has it any single app from like
what cuz identity theft that's not I
dare you cuz it's about your friends
I've been looking online it's affecting
a lot of people yeah right and so I
tried using aim express which is like
aol's web built sort of version of
messenger and it says I'm signing on too
many times and that's not yeah that
happened to me know what is going on
says no no no no one does because it's
my passwords like I just changed the
password now I'm in there you know no
one knows because it's weird that on
Monday I try to leave a comment on
somebody's face book thing yeah and it
wouldn't let me it was like I was locked
out of it huh and I thought okay that
guy just has some weird thing but i try
to do with somebody else in the same
thing happened it's still going on no it
stopped the next day all right well
maybe i should like a little glitch in
the matrix in the facebook matrix yeah
I'm since I panic a little bit i want to
get to the bottom of this anyone can
help Justin I
this screen name is like super super you
know close to me I really want to hold
on to this for a while I agree I hope
it's not gone forever that was not some
kind of like what like langone you're in
the server's of a I am that's just like
eating up old screen names i don't know
i don't know i'm killing me it's like a
good theory on I'm sorry get worried I'm
gonna be away for weeks over the time I
get back it's all fixed yeah I don't
know man until then your radio silent
dear friends or what I just I mean I do
a lot of gchat do a lot of google talk a
lot of uh that's I have us I have a cnet
screen name i use i also have multiple
screen names that i use for different
friends some of them if I don't want to
talk to them right now cherry pick I was
getting scared man maybe I should just
make a new screen name yeah pear for the
worst I don't know I need like a fallout
shelter or something anyway we're boring
soon if you guys watch the Academy Award
I we did yeah that's good I'm glad I
mean I watching a little bit of it I
think of basically the academy awards
are for old farts well with Billy
Crystal getting his cats is best and it
was felt like I was at the Neville II
but that thing that what do they have
last year they had two young host they
had James Franco and uh what's an
Hathaway yes yeah it is if having them
on would make 20-something suddenly be
interested in the Academy well it was
terrible though because people complain
about James Franco being very laksa
Daniel yeah an apathetic about the dude
is that most movies that are nominated
for Academy I don't mean just best
picture I mean editing Joan anything
these are not movies that 20 year olds
go and see you're correct about that
right your sitter Academy Award material
are for old people well I don't want to
say older april i want to say maybe
you're not 25 in ocular movies that are
you know other than avatar or something
they're not movies it right there the
people say you know what the MTG leaders
words it's in the latest academy it is
it tends to be more cerebral those films
they tend to be more high drama there
when the hurt locker one yeah for best
picture i think it didn't want this
picture yeah it did really two years ago
and i think it had gross like maybe 20
million dollars at that point bread tiny
move it is very small know it Best
Picture maybe that in other words almost
no one
actually see right but the people who
make these decisions are you know well
best picture is voted by the entire
Academy right best actors are voted by
actors writers isn't it people who only
have one academy award before get to
vote is now a moment I was like that's
messed up a little bit of nepotism the
one I don't even like Billy cry that he
was fun action on he had a couple good
line but I thought his best line was he
said you know I see people watching
movies on the on their on their phones
yes I prefer to see movies on the big
screen very my iPad records I'm bad uh
yeah he made a couple jokes that seemed
to go over the heads of the entire
audience which was upsetting like when
he would talk about how movies are no
longer shot on film for the most part
people just like I they just given him
you know weird looks that seemed to
upset me but yeah I mean I don't know I
don't know if they'll be back next year
he looked he looked awful feeling when
he was talking a lot of art he just
looks law jewy guy yeah you know movies
is pretty he does not die that and it
was with the thing he was wearing was so
strange he was wearing this like what
really odd tuxedo you know like an old
school night Oh didn't look and you know
he had you know mr. Feeny's tuxedo who
would you pick to who would be the ideal
host God Billy Crystal starting to look
more and more like his character in The
Princess Bride yeah okay did you
becoming a caricature looks like the
mine he played in spinal tap you know I
can tomatoes artificially you know what
I mean it just doesn't make it because
all that that awful look that's the
result of plastic surgery I know that's
him trying to look better I know it's
not working for a man my knee billion
crazy better if you could personally
pick if was put it up put up to you who
would you take yeah seriously one the
haircut away from just looking like this
guy that's not bad there would be a
better guest I don't know host who
you let her holes don't know you Steve
out love to show it that would be great
need the world's biggest teleprompter
but it was their work I think I would go
for Gilbert Gottfried no really I think
a stand-up he's good he'll stand I like
a row via stand-up is currently yeah I I
mean personally I think Ricky Gervais
does a great job at the Golden Globe
yeah people despise him because they're
scared to be made fun of and he would
just tear the Oscars a new one yeah and
it would be great and it would have the
best ratings in a decade what about
Jimmy Kimmel I feel like Jimmy Kimmel is
good he's incendiary has he done that
isn't he does he done got nothing some
reason that doesn't work you know I can
Hawaiian everyone's conduit on him every
when Jon Stewart did it hell yeah yeah
but I didn't mom either i enjoy Jon
Stewart doing it I I would I Letterman
bombed on I vote for Conan give it to
Conan man let him get back in the saddle
and do it he would kill it he's
hilarious i think you're him Ricky
Gervase I vote for those dudes all right
I will talk to people fine you'll get
that done we'll take a break more with
Steve the gut man's fear Guttenberg
after this stick around it's a whole lot
more 404 going right after this this is
the 404 mr f'ers the show where we all
sing songs
this is southbury from Jay and you're
listening to the 404 where a teacher
listens with his class and Peter ha
casually drops the f-bomb what could
possibly go wrong what's the worst that
could happen he did yeah in the pre-show
just fine new people say things Wilson
would had a coronary I mean I was fun he
would have lost his mind it's all good
all those nothing those students haven't
heard before exactly way worse than or
have just said before they got to class
right exactly or during class for all we
know speaking of f-bombs yeah mastered
for itunes is that like master for
bullcrap can I do like segways for the
rest of my life of Yankee yes Steve you
are correct water eyes at me yeah what
does that mean really mastered for
itunes where are you these are well that
does this new thing they're promoting
that they making better sounding itunes
right that's like Kia coming out with a
hundred-thousand-dollar car right it's
just like over 100 thousand dollar of
Mac yeah Donald Hamburg McDonald you
know it's like what what's going on what
does it mean do you know what it means
it means that Apple has provided
guidelines to mastering engineers how to
make their recording sound so when you
ripping all the audio information out of
that track right here's how to do in a
way that we can certify it yeah that's
that's but you you something up
perfectly yeah I mean you know the
compression of music is essentially
removing information exact from from the
pure law recording a lot of information
crap loads more loads than we can ever
understand and now Apple comes along and
says hey maybe there's a way to do that
what will happen I mean there's
obviously a reason they're doing this
are they doing it because people have
been complaining about the quality of
music on iTunes or is it a way for them
to license stuff out and get me it's
like they're mixing up two different
thing okay the mastering of the disc
versus how the disc is made in the music
is made and recorded in the first place
okay you know I was at the audio
engineering society convention in New
York maybe three or four months ago
and it was a yet another panel
discussion about the loudness wars which
means keeping music loud all the time so
the soft Rumble and the guitar is loud
as bright full you know blast yeah and
where it used to be that you just go up
as high as you quit 20 and keep it as
close to zero which is the maximum level
sure it so in this panel discussion they
said now zero is not loud enough now we
actually have to go beyond 0 and beyond
zero in on digital yeah is pure
100-percent distortion in analog you can
go over zero and it just gets slightly
more just right crackle it in digital
you go over its there's nothing there
and you just hear noise right so people
are making records where they
intentionally make it go beyond 0 for
fractions of a second with rice doesn't
stay there but right up yeah we've
talked about like that before intro its
like people are making records mixing
this is it a mastering issue this how
they're recorded and mixed yeah to
purposely sound like crap yeah that's
the stream so the mastering part of it
whether it's mastered for itunes or
mastered for a CD it's already like
screwed to begin with yeah so there was
no story early this year about Neil
Young right working a few jobs about
bringing lossless quality back to iTunes
right well there's a weird thing adam
haston kevin has a format Apple Lossless
right which they could just say hey
we're gonna do apple lossless this is
this mastered for itunes is just
ridiculous almost like it's like a
cheapening of it you know what I mean
it's just it's like a consumer they want
to look like they're they care just
another seal they can stand on something
yeah I don't they're charging more to me
and this isn't as I guess this isn't
completely the same sort of thing but I
think it it's in that sort of area you
know with the TV's now with a they sort
of they have features where they make
things super smooth have you seen stuff
like this right so film shot at 24
frames a second everyone knows that when
you watch a movie on some of these
televisions that bump that up
artificially to something like 60 frames
you're not seeing what the filmmakers
are seeing what your television is
artificially creating and it it changes
the the aesthetic it changes the viewing
experience there's something uh unique
about watching a 24 frames per second
film and then when you go to this thing
which creates the illusion that it's
much smoother it almost makes film look
like video which is a really weird thing
and this thing is from what I gather is
catching on and people want this it's
like colorizing black away exactly i
don't like it's all we gotta make it
look more you know for sure and it to me
it looks like a joke and people are
eating this up i don't understand it if
you watch a CG scene right that's that's
done in 24 frames and then brought over
into this like 120 Hertz thing where it
creates the illusion of more frames per
second it looks like trash it looks like
some idiot did it real quick on there on
you know at home it's ridiculous and I
don't understand why it's catching on
same sort of thing with their there
they're doing this like artificial
production two to get people think
they're getting something that maybe
they're not I don't know you know
speaking of getting things that for not
or not yeah I never understand why the
prices of downloads bright or digital
versions of cost more or less the same
as the physical product well more like a
like an itunes download is typically 999
yeah but you could sometimes by the the
CD for 999 right sometimes last
sometimes a dollar yeah but it's like
with the CD they had a manufacture it
put it in a truck ship it someplace
where houses right around these a lot of
handling and people involved in doing it
right or the New York I look I checked
this morning on the new york times
website to get a digital subscription to
the new york times is various rates
right but the top rate is like 895 a
week yeah it's expensive you're not much
it cost to get the New York Times
delivered to your house seven days a
week how much I think nine dollars so
you sayin so well it's actually five
thousand eighty five cents for the first
12 weeks and then
eleven dollars and seventy cents after
that for seven days a week of the new
york time and that's which I had a print
right put in a truck has to bring it to
your abroad because you'll land power
everything power why why is it I mean I
don't want it I don't want that anything
to happen to the new york times before
didn't it be like a dollar I all the
things that they're not spending money
on yeah I'm kind of with you on this I
was always very blown away at how much a
digital subscription to The Times cause
but all things it's like on amazon to
buy the DVD it cost 1199 to get the
Amazon download of of the movie is 1199
yeah yeah but the New York Times online
version offers more than what the print
version gives you you get like Moremi
access you exclusive videos and work
with my resolution than you would see in
the paper but do you think the added uh
content is worth the increase in price
uh if you're consuming media that
requires that kind of extra stuff then
yeah yeah I mean I I think they're
rationalization is that there's like
this convenience right and you know
these things are tailored I mean you
know obviously in access it on multiple
channel right ipad I'm not saying I
agree or disagree with you I obviously
don't be paying more for something I
physically can't hold in my hand I think
that's where you're sort of well you
know to turn the argument around 180
degrees it brings it up the point that
the actual cost of the thing whether
it's a physical thing or a virtual thing
isn't the cost of the thing yeah this is
the physical associated with making it
right like the people writing the the
that you know the articles for the New
York Times right you know for their
offices it's not like when it's virtual
they don't have to have offices in
Manhattan course all over the world they
also don't pay graphic designer there's
an graphic designers and stuff you're
talking about the actual production
costs of physical materials and
delivering that and all the natural
resources difference between the virtual
and the reality is in in manufacturing
the thing right the costs that go into
making the thing right exactly the same
well those are really what makes
determines the price of a thing correct
we had talked about this with iphones
and stuff it's not just the thing that's
in the phone it
the licenses the factory all the others
the costs of making the thing right yeah
I didn't say oh that chip cost you know
four bucks or something how come it's a
two-hundred-dollar problem with you uh
silver blade in the chat room brings up
an interesting point not sure if it's
correct or what but it's a it's a good
thought he says is because they want to
excuse me keep the physical distribution
in place if they offer the subscription
at a much lower rate people would switch
and they may not be able to produce as
much content maybe that's sort of the
sticking point as well you know I mean
if I and I understand what he's saying
if the times was a hundred bucks a year
digital I began you know I mean but it's
not like three ninety five six 395
boxers like that too much money watch
this does the daily cost because you
barely 40 bucks a year yeah you know
that's nothing and that's a daily
publication nowhere near the amount of
content at the times has but you you
know you're still getting that sort of
daily periodical experience plus it's
only digital it right there's no you
know time stuff to pay to manufacture
all these millions of newspapers so I
don't know weird dicey sort of thing but
I you know I'm i like talking about does
New York still have those dispensers on
the side of the street that you can just
put a buck 25 into in quarters and get
thank you for taking 15 or free no
they're all out of bodegas now right
yeah I mean that's the thing they for
whatever reason the honor system yes I'm
working I don't know how you'd pop in a
cordon you take 40 news right exactly
but what's there i'm in and now you know
you go to bodega and there's just like a
rock on top right 48 copies of the time
exactly and and like a little tin cup
that you JJ I mean what's the difference
yeah you have to pay yeah yes we're one
of our co-workers actually buys the
Sunday newspaper just to get the
advertisements you know just to look
through all the new products and we're
not because it's actually cheaper to buy
the physical paper that it is to
purchase a Sunday only digital yeah yeah
yeah interesting right one Sunday like
when they have the special sections like
the style and mossy thing is that in the
digital version too I don't think so no
I don't know whatever guys I still
pirate my uh my newspapers yeah well
true there's none of that yeah well I
know it's every day but it's funny yeah
that's the one that's what you gotta do
is just make something new every day no
one ever pirate it and newspapers have
an aftermarket shelf life to like
yesterday you're not a stuff digital
articles in your hamster cage just know
like afterwards no no do a lot of stuff
with newspapers after you read it yet
paper mache exactly you know there's
there's there's plenty of using strange
my dad has a thing really he has to buy
the paper every day yeah yeah and he
definitely doesn't read it every day no
now my stepdad does that do there's like
bales of your papers in the apart and
some of my childhood was wrapping them
up putting them out forever cycle in
other newspapers yeah being like this is
clearly an untouched Sunday edition of
The Daily News it's just a comfort
knowing its i guess and paying whatever
it was every day yeah it's crazy what
else you got first I want to thank dr.
dre and jimmy iovine for making the
three hundred dollar headphones really
hip you would like to personally thank
personally dr. joy no Justin I suffered
through an awful press conference awful
years hahaha it was my number awful I've
never heard so many buzzwords yeah very
excited was the key was the theme yeah
new line of I can't be headphones yeah
you being sarcastic right now well no
but clearly I mean sarcastic and serious
at the same I can I can sense that as
well but it's not complicated not dr.
dre anymore I remember we reported at
CES that those two are sort of breaking
up now it's just Jimmy I'm sorry monster
right right but uh but anyway because
they made it that non when he filed
people would consider buying something
that they perceived rightly or wrongly
as a better sounding alternative to what
they had so we're before the average not
if i would say i'm not gonna spend more
than 50 bucks on a headphone yeah now
they now they can yeah and they don't
see it as extreme um they could they
could become you know future generations
of what he files where before i also
think that there isn't going to be any
yeah now do you think it's worth if
there are audiophile young audio files
our may be listening to the wrong type
of headphones and getting the wrong kind
of sound as opposed to their not being
audio files at all which I asked you to
have that bet that picture handy I got
it you got it yep ok so now I'm gonna go
down yeah is is can be measured but it's
mostly a matter of taste right and
preference so it's like opinions of what
things you know what sounds good and
what is good these their fluid they
change over time are single-handedly
invalidating everything seen as ever
done no that's not your measures we
don't measure sound right and here's why
you can't I mean unless you're an
engineer that this image is a
measurement a speaker measurement uh-huh
and it looks like a wavy line to me
right and the guy that measured it is a
friend of mine Brent Butterworth and I
said and is this a good measurement this
is something that sounds good and he
said yeah mmm I said really you could
look at that and say that sounds good
that thing that goes like a sound yeah
he can see sound right but did you
listen to the speakers that this was
measured no no no because I would be
interested in know what I'm saying
affecting if it was a picture this
because it sounds like crap we have a
different sets of waves yeah right so
the point is it's it's so subjective oh
of course yes and that's the way it's
always gonna sort of in any way it's
gonna be so what it but the Oscars are
subjective you know what I mean yeah so
you know I but I still think there
there's like a common agreement that
everyone has on on what it made that you
Harris socks no I hate this movie I
don't understand uh give it up I know
but uh but you you you you you know you
try and act like uh the Volt up to me
personally I think there is a certain
buffer zone of what sounds good that may
be a lot of people's opinions existing
like we can all agree that the apple
ipod headphones that come stock right if
i sound like crap yeah but I think once
you get toward the upper end of the
headphones like yeah after your spending
hundred dollars for might not be so
putting aside you know playback stuff if
you just talk about recordings will
a good sounding recording of a piano
with sound is much like that is the
sound of a piano right but once you get
into the sound of what a hip-hop record
should sound like writer with a lot of
electronic there's no nothing to
reference it right there to say that's
what it's supposed to sound like right
there's no if your speakers were broken
and you were listening to electronica
right you couldn't tell he's at last a
really cool buzz I the way I think is
yeah what are they doing yeah no it's
not this how the recording your
headphones are broken but you can't tell
the difference just love ya too referent
I'm not putting down the kind of music
is nothing to reference against I also
think that you could argue that the
monster headphones do make that kind of
music sound better like you would
probably prefer to listen through those
headphones then with say like a great Oh
headphone right right which is bizarre
too so it's hard to say what is a good
headphone or not if you're not talking
about what music you're listening to
right like some are more appropriate for
certain kinds right when you talk when
you say you want to thank dr. dre you're
talking about Beats headphones beats
headphones so now because he made it
possible but now people who would never
spend three hundred dollars for
headphones now that that threshold has
passed hmm when they get older they
don't start listening to Judy Garland
records or something yeah and they want
to listen to more acoustic music it
won't be a shock to them to say I'll
have to spend three hundred dollars to
get something that makes me that sound
good but don't you think that that's
what I'm saying some are those
headphones good the monster beats know
you're dr. dre be their intended bear I
don't know I would give a bad review I
didn't do the initial one do not give a
bad with the bees llego right right the
black and the red ones um just they're
not good I don't like their physical
build and to me it i think it reached
your final review all right put them
blah but screw that talk about tell me
about the sound the actual sound they do
emphasize the base a lot so that's the
and the highs right right if that's what
your main concern is then yeah you know
like the way they sound cuz I mean a lot
of people the more the better right the
more babe a base for is like currency in
audio world its just people love it they
can get enough of it they want
everything vibrating I understand but uh
to me I want more bass at a lower volume
and I think with the monster beats you
do have to crank it up all the way to
overall well either way I see these
things on everybody's head when I'm
talking and not just like you know like
the people who are clearly listening a
hip-hopper stuff like that Rio what so I
like women I'm gonna get analogy okay
you know David Katz fire more video
reviewer yeah TVs when he reviews TVs he
calibrates right to a certain specific
love hours of time into each TV and
makes it as good as it can be right
right but most people with their
garbageman or law professors when they
buy that Phillips that Samsung TV you're
gonna put it in blowtorch mode right
right those greens are gonna zap BAM
like jump and burn your rain right now
yeah so all the things that the cats bar
is using to describe that this TV is
better than that TV in the real world
people want too much bass they want too
much green they want those colors to
just jump out do you think it's an
American thing it's tends to be we just
love we just like we can't have it
social sensation we just like more
sensation can have like oh this is a
serving size for a human it needs to be
a go it needs to be like oh my god do
you think I can have a stroke from this
like do you think I can really make
myself pass out from this let's give me
that certain size I think my biggest
problem with the celebrity endorsed
headphones is that they're starting to
put more emphasis on the design yeah
sound quality which I'm okay with
because up until a couple years ago
heddwich did look like crap but it's a
fashion right and I'd like the way that
for example like the in case headphones
that you're using right now i'm
reviewing those i didn't look great but
they also feel good to their modular and
it just makes sense then you look at
something like this picture little Wayne
wearing his 1 million dollar diamond
studded headphones these are actually
being sold by monster these aren't
custom joints that he put together
really yeah monster is selling these for
a million dollars how and some idiots
gonna buy these thinking they're the
best quality by that I don't know a
million-dollar headphone this guy did
and you didn't know that you could spend
250 bucks on a pair of gray doesn't get
better sound I guess it's not what he's
looking he's not he's looking to you
know he's got a basketball game what do
you need to develop teach a headphones
for every NBA all-star sort of
even Drake they're can't believe what
he's saying drinks like what are you
doing man there's a basketball game
going on in front of you you big idiot
glasses off the Sun doesn't set on cool
get the crap out of your ears ridiculous
I don't know I just really hate these
people armed no but I uh I I think if
you are the type of person who can
afford a million-dollar headphones
you've made a couple good decisions in
your life probably yeah probably not
gonna make that decision would make
another have fun purchase I'm just
throwing out that you know like if you
had a diamond-studded pair of
sennheisers you know like hd6 hundreds
and I'd be like okay yeah that's fine
that's worth it but it's like it's like
polishing a turd man why would you put
diamonds on lots like polishing a turd
put it better who ever hate where did
that come from I don't know but it's a
great Oh / it's a great little cliche
they're awful for sure all right we uh
we don't have too much time left Steve
if you have anything else you want to
talk about cuz we can get into something
that you might be able to add to all
right go ahead all right uh ghostbusters
yeah we all love ghostbusters at CES the
lovely beautifully talented Eliza Dushku
was on stage with us telling us that she
may or may not be involved in
ghostbusters 3 right but it turns out on
geek tyrant dot-com I never been to the
side I don't know how much credibility
they do have but our friend Seth sent
this in and the headline says Bill
Murray will definitely not be in
ghostbusters 3 so here's the article
that we're looking at here with you
Asher from people being ghostbusters 3
but has no problem donning the
Ghostbusters suit for public engagement
right at a price he does yeah they look
at the photo up here this was him at the
scream awards i think on spike TV where
somebody paid him to put on a Peter
Venkman costume and he had no problem
slipping that thing on but when Ivan
Reitman in the whole Ghostbusters crew
want to get back together and possibly
make legitimate sequel he kept targeting
he says once more money well I would
agree what's those headphones you seen
death row and I made it I'll do it what
let's let's try and look at this
seriously though Ghostbusters one of the
greatest film franchises I mean I'm just
gonna say i know they're not
oscar-worthy films but there's something
about those movies that are
fantastic maybe it's the New York thing
maybe it's these convenient whatever it
is i love ghostbusters and as as sort of
uh adamant I've been about not making a
ghostbusters 3 all this talk has gotten
me to the point which is like just do it
already get it over with so I can hate
it and I'll move on with my life I mean
maybe bill murray's see something that
we don't and he finds all these reboots
lately to be really sickening like to do
we need a terminator salvation now
trilogy would have been way better if
they had just stopped it there now meow
okay and I agree with you but let's not
forget the amount of of sort of careful
planning and pre-production that has
gone into ghostbusters 3 yeah not only
are ideal everyone signed up except for
Bill Murray and we're talking down to
the director ivan reitman he's on board
everyone else is on board apparently
Bill Murray is like the one you know uh
missing cog to this whole equation right
and for whatever reason he just does not
want to get involved now i can relate i
can I and I think he's siding with like
the fanboys of the world right like look
it doesn't matter where old it died I
don't care if the script is great yeah
because I'm sure somebody read the
original Ghostbusters script it was like
this steaming pile of crap will not do
anything I Jeff you're a huge
ghostbusters yeah arguably more than
myself but don't you think that part of
the appeal of the original movies was
that it was based out of that 80's New
York nostalgia yes and that they looked
young and the the animation look like
crap and the CGI was terrible no I like
that was all part of the the charm yeah
exactly so when you bring it into this
age you're gonna have it in 3d it's
gonna be gonna be everything's gonna
look way it looks the sea of a proton
packs is just ridiculous not cool don't
look if I had a choice I'm I'm siding on
the on the end is owned a table that
says no don't write yes yeah right I
think I'm you're hammering I'm just
saying like it you know 30 years it's
it's been a really long time yeah and I
you know it's like one of the most the
hottest topic in in in geekdom right now
is like this sequel right uh and you
know what I just hope that
if the problem is that if he doesn't
sound to do it they might still do it
that's where you gotta really have a
problem I think then get Adrian Brody
yeah right i liked was that one day that
will probably happen you'd be okay with
3d his nose again no comment Jake all in
the charm says they're probably gonna
remix the Ghostbusters song to which
would be total blast right kid like son
like little wayne brocade way come up
and just like cameo yeah no thank you
although I can't really see these people
allowing that to happen you gotta hope
howell ramos dan aykroyd and ivan
reitman but like Saina blood treaty
where they're just like no one can
compromise you agree this film but you
know these days who knows what's going
to happen and by view of their age the
story's gonna have to be like it's been
30 years maternity what's gonna happen
what i want to think about that and had
there not been any sort of supernatural
incident in new york for 30 years that
all of a sudden you know the river of
slime is back right that licked off the
tie and on the you know is in the 70s i
kept thinking it wouldn't it be great if
the beatles got back together yeah
looking back it was so great that the
beatles didn't get yeah sure some things
are better left alone they did it it's
done just go back and watch the old
movie that's the over yeah God did you
come up with a freakin original idea
wouldn't that be something damn it
marcha take a look at it hard way every
Broadway show is easy is a movie car
delivery Sophie that comes out the
character cannot make an original it's
it's impossible freaking believable the
alot the lack of ridge originality out
there and you know what I'm not saying I
don't think it it I think there are
original pieces out there of there has
to be but the fact is that no one's
willing to take a chance on that sort of
stuff and that's the real biggest you
know what if you think of it in the
context of the time I think I tell you
the story once that I had a friend at
work in a screening room and he was
screening Star Wars like a month before
it came out huh and he said to me see if
you better see this movie quick because
what is it paramore 20th Century Fox has
no belief in this movie they think it's
an open and close in a week because they
said science fiction space movies
yeah who gives a crap about those right
so it's like the even the people who are
supposed to know yeah don't no idea they
don't know and I love these live like
the biggest thing right and it's
presented on a silver platter and they
come I don't know yeah space movie baby
let's roll the dice no one's willing to
take that chance anymore so even if I
had one they wouldn't know yet and they
would they would they would they would
bury it they would you know they would
like come out in New York in LA in like
four theaters and I'd be that at the end
of it and then it would win the Oscar
crazy let's not get too crazy all right
that's gonna do it for us today a big
thank you to Steve sphere Guttenberg for
being on the program follow him audio
feedback man please follow please do him
the pleasure of follows in on 3000 all
right Mazel Tov this guy who put me over
the top he could let's make it happen
for Steve programming notes for our fine
program no new shows tomorrow Friday or
Monday Justin will be creating reruns we
don't we never did that huh we never
we've done reruns before but we're gonna
have like awesome rewrite yeah great
shows from our amazing library of a
thousand episodes will pick out what is
that three episodes to do for everybody
have fun they already on video too yeah
but modi majority of them are for sure
and that means we'll be back with a new
show on tuesday march six yes is the
people tuned in people watch long i got
like a tile yeah they tune in on their
UHF you know but a rabbit-ear ravet
aluminum foil will see you guys on
tuesday with new show have a great rest
of the week and weekend see you then i'm
jeff bakalar i'm steve guttenberg i'm
justin you it's the 404 or high tech
lowbrow see you guys soon later
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