The 404 Ep. 1005: Where the new iPad HD is Hardly Different
The 404 Ep. 1005: Where the new iPad HD is Hardly Different
it's Wednesday march seven 2012 404 time
on this very special ipad HD three super
supreme ipad apple day in new york i'm
jeff bakalar and i'm justin you this is
the show where the ipad HD hardly
different in course we don't know that
yet because the event is about an hour
away and you know that it's gonna be
called the HD though and not the ipad 3
that's what everyone's saying by our own
company seen it oh so we said that yeah
okay well we are assuming that it's
gonna be hardly different but I'm afraid
by this time tomorrow we might be
shooting ourselves in the foot well it
is the possibility that it's not even a
tablet right and it's just like a box
they wouldn't do to very small
incremental upgrades in a row right like
the ipad 2 wasn't that much i think the
idea to was sort of a bigger that was a
huge jump well i think the processing
power thing was a big deal right but
anyway let's not even you know do well
on the ipad 2 it's all about the ipad HD
yeah and that's today um I don't know
I've become very jaded with this whole
thing you just became J no I it's
happened already I've become very
desensitized to the whole thing I have a
natural sort of resistance to hype okay
that sort of thing makes me upset the
more something is hype the more I hate
it okay yeah where I wanted to fail you
hate the height and just crash and burn
so you know I mean let's say nothing
about the ipad 3 rumors that are getting
you kind of excited i was reading about
them this morning and you know the press
conference is about to happen in hours
we're gonna find out really soon but
what got me really excited was the
prospect of haptic feedback coming to
the scripts not happening that might
have no way that's happening so haptic
feedback is when they send electrical
pulses through the screen so that you
can feel a tactile response rested why
would they do that that's kind of cool
they don't even have that on the iphone
well I think it'd be cool you know if
you were you couldn't necessarily look
at the screen the entire time so jay-z
and of like when you tap something it
shakes is first right exactly i mean a
lot of the android phone
well and I think that's like something
that could make iPad gaming a little bit
more fun gaming yeah really you think
that's what putting the ipad uh ready
into the you know in competing with like
real gaming machine I mean it would it
make me play video get one make me go
cool this book is now vibrate great I
want to use it speaking of which I
wanted to talk to you about this because
you mentioned it yesterday and this is d
being a little bit from the ipad 3
conversation but you mentioned you
bought in amazon kindle it did first of
all had no idea that you could even read
so that the other thing is that i read
this article on gizmodo the other day
that's saying that same reading books on
tablets is really dumb because when
you're in that immersive reading
experience you don't want something like
little notifications popping up on the
right hand side of the screen course not
like i am windows blinking at you the
thing is telling you that like all these
different email notifications and
whatnot right did you find that reading
on a kindle was a really relaxing thing
one hundred percent yeah there's
something about holding a kindle because
it's such a simple device right and it's
just bare bones and it's like look all I
can do is show you this awesome screen
yeah and show you awesome text and not
worry about the Sun and crap like that
yes all I do enjoy me and that's that
that's why the kindle is such a better
tab machine for reading books yeah then
the ipad will ever be or anything with a
backlit screen will ever be right aside
from actual books aside right like we're
not talking about a book yeah but you
know I man I mean I'm with you and I
sort of I don't you could do you get if
sand gets in your book you just shake
the book and the sand comes out right it
gets very new it like it's good
technology it is good technology great
technology but print is dead I think we
all know that uh you get sand in your
kindle whatever it's 80 bucks you buy a
new one well yeah people just have 80
bucks it is not you know catastrophic
like it would be for if if you know sand
got under the screen in your ipad right
i mean i'm never gonna do it i tried
reading tina fey's book on a plane ride
over the holidays on my mytouch but it
would not do it no it's terrible like i
said the only thing i pads are good for
resale like even e
on a Kindle i don't think i could be
able to oh why is that just because i
like having the tactile feel okay you
know two more pages like dog earring my
pages you're just a damn caveman no
interesting it's not that it's just that
you know like it feels good and then I
like seeing the progression of how many
pages I have left sure terms of
thickness you'd rather that represented
represented in real physical volume of
pages rather than less important rather
than a little like pointer to tell you
how far you are along yeah exact I like
the fact that i can change the font size
i like that i can change the actual font
i like that you know it just looks
really crisp and clear and to me that's
awesome okay uh but yeah that's that's
where i'm at with the kindle i'm loving
it um i read like a lot of a book while
I was away what book did you read I'm
hunger okay ah the truth comes out did
you really handy I'm in the process of
reading it and it's not sort of cute
timeout because you come with the
coloring book no I came with a Hello
Kitty backpack but listen it's cool
because I really dig children's books
well it's not a children's book per se
it's like what a book an adult it's a
thank you Richard is a young adult book
but it's better than the crap like
Twilight and read not recommended
reading age in that book has a plus sign
after the age you probably shouldn't be
reading stop it man and that's not the
only guessing it's not the most cerebral
thing I've ever put into my brain but
whatever did I read them they're great
they are good don't forget the giver
right like that's the same reading level
as far as I'm concerned giver is one of
the best books I've ever read yeah it's
great ok so i'm not saying Hunger Games
as good as the giver because so far it's
not right but you know it's that same
sort of like dystopian future sort of
thing so come on call me some slack so
there ok so they're coming out with a
movie pretty soon um what what is this
book by it's like no we're not talking
about that ok we'll talk about it but
Kenny I feel that's the problem here we
need like hunger getting tracks are you
going off the drags don't make fun of
that man reading is great it doesn't
matter if you're reading the telephone
book or war and peace as long as you're
reading it's good don't let it
a man never between the virgin pina
coladas in this I don't know what you
imagine reading Hunger Games and sipping
on a nice virgin vehicle of is not hasty
typical floaties on at the same time
those in the shape of a duck yeah as a
fanny pack our let's talk more about
ipad 3 okay I want to bring this up if
you don't mind her the okay uh I bought
an ipad to the day came out last year
right uh and now fast forward a year
later I know richard has an ipad 2 as
well so you bought you buy yours around
launcher yeah like a month after okay so
he's on 11 months i'm on 12 okay why
does like why am I expected to like pony
up again like these iPads are like one
year devices cell phones aren't even one
year devices cell phones are like two
year devices right why should I need to
buy a new one every year now I know
obviously Applewood wants me to do that
I'm not going to but I feel like there's
a lot of people in this office included
right that will just pony up and be like
oh whatever you say yeah you know I'm
going to buy this again and again and
spend five hundred dollars a month I'm
sorry I year which works out to be wat
like 42 bucks of yeah like 42 bucks a
month right okay so what do we what are
we doing here is this what it is is this
how it I don't know do you think do you
think it's smart for them to keep doing
it every year it's crazy to even try and
argue with them because they sell so
many million tablets a year it's
freaking ridiculous I mean I think
there's something to be said about sites
like gazelle radioshack ebay even that
will you know you can resale you can
resell your old iPad for nearly the same
amount of money that you paid for it
right like I'm writing at resale prices
right now in ebay they're going for
about like you know three hundred ninety
bucks for an ipad 2 that has more how
many gigs 16 gigs for that wife here's a
little breakdown right here so if you
have a Wi-Fi only ipad now you can sell
that 32 gig for 400 bucks around that
price if it's a you know in relatively
good condition no flaws whatever you
know i mean if you really want to do
that you can you can resell it and then
they put that money towards a new one
here I must have
the brand new ipad I guess you're right
I take some of it back then you know I
mean well the thing is is like obviously
you're not buying a new iPad and just
putting one you know the old one in a
draw to never be seen again I'm sorry
can you repeat that same bra repeat all
drawers you know what I mean like that's
a lot of money Richard love sprays make
fun of the guy I'm just getting the crap
slapped out of me all right with the
chocolate in a drawer would this be good
for any annoying job easy don't wipe it
shut up all right so yeah I see what you
mean though yeah but what you remember I
think when you bought the ipad 2 you
gave the ipad 12 specie no didn't have
an eyepin happen no something happened
like that we save your old version
nobody else talk maybe like my mac my
powerbook all right all right that's
nothing about seven years ago by the
time uh yeah I think it's yeah I don't
know do i do what do I do do I get the
new one and sell the old one well it
depends on what features you think would
be worth the upgrade right like is there
any one thing that if they came out with
it you'd be like yep got a good thing to
talk about so you got those dealmakers
let's talk about your maker deal breaker
okay so let's check these off so
dealmaker number one the better
resolution HD screen I haven't really
called it retina display is that a is
that a deal maker no no I don't think
agreed no Richard filmmaker no no the
other one has a great screen exactly i
watched horrible bosses on the plane
with the ipad and almost like man this
looks great right movie wasn't so good
but do you think that it would be a deal
maker if you had the ipad one and we're
looking to upgrade because two to three
is probably not gonna be that big of a
deal right one two three I think you're
going from a single core to a quad cores
right mosley the jump it's a huge jump
right right do I sound smart saying that
kind of you know like that's a big jump
right so I feel like yes deal maker for
one two three not a deal maker from two
to three because you're only going from
deuel to quad right right okay so I'm
thinking yeah maybe not not not the case
okay uh so then we got the deal maker on
that ok 4G LTE if now this is a
different sort of category because i
don't have a 3g ipad and i'm totally
uh my wife I yours is why finally as
well uh is that wireless connectivity
outside of the realm of Wi-Fi are you
interested in that depends on the price
yeah i like how much do you think that's
a lot of money man don't get me wrong
though 4g is amazing right and i and i
have it on my verizon samsung galaxy
nexus and i freaking love it I'm
downloaded and right 100 megabyte movies
in less than 10 I think that's a good
point though you make if if you already
have a phone that can do 4G or if you're
even happy with your regular 3g service
on your cell phone then when you leave
the house maybe just use your phone not
a dealmaker to me it's like if if i have
a 4g phone and 4g service why in the
world am i paying the money to do to
make my ipad a 4g ipad I don't need two
devices that are running on this and if
that's what I want to do just just pay
for the hot spot and make your phone one
right you know and then it's not and
then not only can the ipad take
advantage of the 4g other devices you
own can take care take advantage of it
so think about that so so far there's no
deal makers so judging by my numbers
here that's over three it's over three
all right let's talk about I'm just like
looking for a reason to buy this thing
right you know and and and then in the
the weird like seeing everyone we're
going for eight crap over this right
okay let's talk about storage capacity
right so right now the ipad 2 has 16 32
64 gigabyte storage capacities um in
your experience have you been
downloading a lot of games Richard like
please feel free to chime in as well um
you know like apps and all that stuff
when you're downloading them have you
noticed that your iPad's getting filled
up yeah and i'll be i have a 32 gig one
as well okay but this is something
that's mostly my fault i have a live a
buttload of games that I don't play
right okay and i and i'm still like
seven and a half gigs in the buffer zone
order I'm hoarder I'm not an appt
hoarder okay uh I have movies on there
that I've already watched and haven't
deleted I have two gigs of comic books
right that I've read probably half of
and i'm just too lazy i don't delete
them right so 32 gig capacity i'm okay
with you have what a 16
and how do you feel about that I have a
lot of space still still open yeah but i
feel like i don't use mine to its full
capacity okay I you basically just use
it for web stuff yeah and like email
yeah and so I don't download a lot of
stuff all right all for your maker not
plus you could just buy an iCloud
account right for right negligible
amount of money a month is for sure
there for sure yeah I mean you know look
we're not you know people are like oh
you guys are haters well yeah we do hate
a lot of stuff but we like to bring
things down to reality because there's
too much hype machine it's not fair it's
like Apple has disadvantage and it's not
fair everyone's going to get a fair
shake and this is their fair shake
because the ipad HD is sort of like a
not necessarily a milestone in the
products evolution but it's certainly
without a doubt like a litmus test it's
sort of like this you know step words
like okay right people you know there's
there's two generations of people now
have had a chance to buy an ipad in the
last two years right do you buy this one
obviously if you don't own an ipad or
never have of course you're going to
recommend the ipad HD let's talk a
little bit about something positive with
the Apple sure at three then because
sounds like we're getting a little
pessimistic here we don't know much
about what's going to happen but we do
know that apple will come out with a new
applecare+ program they did for the
iphone 4s okay um so last i think last
year's like back in october when the 4s
came out they unveiled the new apple
care program that covered accidental
damage so this includes stuff like
dropping your phone in the toilet or
getting water damage on it from the rain
you know like things like that um
sweat-proof I'm just trying to like I
feel like if you dropped your iPad in
the toilet you'd be okay because you
can't make it down Horner would you
unless you know like if it fell in flat
yeah like pre you know biggest meeting
that too i love a photo yes someone just
put in there i better you'd be okay you
wouldn't even have to like shake it out
a little yeah and if it had a case on it
oh you're your money feel free you're my
face up your money I money in the bank
you'd be able to resell that bad boy but
if it was an outhouse that'd be a little
bit yeah well I think I guess you'd have
to think about the timing on when you
dropped it right I'm not sure and I had
ever been in and out
but thank you for creating that visual
why would anybody bring an iPad
somewhere where there would be is that
now like an outdoor music ass it's not
like the biggest anachronism I've ever
heard love to see that's amazing it's
like going back in time giving billy the
kid yeah ipad that's incredible that's
amazing so yeah they're gonna I think
they're gonna be offering a new $99
apple care package to replace the old
$79 right and that'll cover a lot more
okay and you can get that retro actively
for your ipad 2 & 1 now here's a little
secret for people that don't know in the
land of Apple everyone gets one free
pass yeah that's how it works and I it's
like that spider-man skid on family guy
everyone gets one yeah right that's how
it works I don't know who did it had
relatives over one day playing on my
iPad and the day they left there's a big
crack my ipad screen I don't maybe
grandma sat on it okay yeah right so
there I am all butthurt over this
literally literally cuz it was probably
someone's ass crack I go over there to
the apple store the very next day and
this dudes like bro I got you do what
he's like dude don't worry about this
yeah I'm Michael I had this whole story
lined up I couldn't wait to just lie
right up to this guy what were you gonna
say to I don't know it's gonna be like I
don't know yeah but he's like dude don't
worry about it I'll replace it no
problem right the next day I had a new
iPad alright so it's not a big deal for
number one save it for the iTunes yeah
for sure you never like it's free passes
Apple is like Nordstrom's all right they
have like a very very lenient return
policy there the walmart return balance
act all you gotta do is ask to talk to
the manager yeah he really nice about
you don't even have to doggy the manager
don't be a jerk that's the thing you
can't be a dick don't be what's your
dick tanner like oh this guy's gonna
bribe balls I'm gonna you know I'm not
gonna lie i've replaced two iphones
before see one was out of warranty it
was after the one year and they still
replaced it all i had to do was like you
know plead with the manager give some
sob story about how you came on sat on
it all rights it yeah exactly I think
she doesn't know any better she's 90
yeah you know something like that it
works every steel-plated her everything
she sits home free
you should see my gosh looks like yeah
okay I've never had to replace anything
really yeah I've never had an apple
product break unbelievable it's amazing
I feel like everyone I know is head at
least something go wrong when I first
got my powerbook g4 the backlit keyboard
was all left up right and I kept having
to go in maybe like down no problem no
problem right so I mean applecare I feel
like if if your company's buying it for
you then get in um I also don't want
anyone to be like hey and no chat room
it's not because we work for seeing it
what it's not that I've never dropped to
see that name once maybe if you do no no
no I've never ever once done it for an
apple I'm just wearing your seen as
security ban on we none of that crap man
that's lame dude on that is really know
it's lame it's lame I know people that
have done that you know I've seen people
do it a point finger not pointing
Rangers Richard Peter said not a point
fingers but I know people in this office
have done it that ain't cool man you're
bringing seen it down yeah it's not
about that uh so so yeah that's that's
the story with that I don't want people
to freak out and be like I'm not going
to buy applecare and then they use it as
a frisbee and they bring it in and
they'll replace it every single solitary
time I've gone into an apple store talk
to one of the so-called geniuses and
they replace it no questions asked I
can't say that for the fourth or fifth
time you break your iPad but that's how
it works once you get an ipad though you
know we should definitely get this is
for free hmm so please be sure to
download this Find My iPad yeah you guys
have this it exists for the iphone as
well it's an app that basically uses
your GPS tracking and then an online
website that you can access from any
computer with an internet connection
right that in case you do lose your iPad
you can track it down to exactly where
it is yeah it's pretty cool I knew that
just in my bedroom when I can't ya
because you can send a tone so it'll
it'll beep oh yeah that's really smart
it's really sorry I when you lose your
keys or whatever yeah wish you had
something like that but they make stuff
like that you could push a little button
and it sends a remote you make a key
change don't like that yeah what I
normally do on my phone is if I can't
find it it's lost in my house I'll just
go on gchat and you can call from your
computer oh I just do that but that
looks pretty sick I find my ID guess why
we found a lot
fun talking shop about the ipad HD but
we gotta go because gotta make room for
buzz out loud that's doing a special for
our iPad easy then we gotta start right
now so make sure you tune in for that
before we go I lost a bet night oh my
wife some you know uh retro breed
retribution yeah uh we've been playing
picross 3d on the Nintendo DS for about
four years okay it looks like a puzzle
games a puzzle game and finally she beat
me she has gotten to a higher level than
I have impress a screenshot is here she
sent it to me yesterday my phone and
with the caption suck it haha here it is
here it is you one I I can only attempt
to try and de thrown her but she's the
queen of picross 3d yes and I'm forever
indebted to that achievement so there
was what did she get like a fancy dinner
did she get after Bayern ipad HD coupon
book fire an ipad HD you know I wonder
dollar back it's big bet that's gonna do
it for us give us a call 866 404 cnet is
the number or you can email us to 404 @ we'll be back with a regular
length show tomorrow make sure you tune
in for that all things ipad HD at cnet
com make sure you follow the live blog
as well that's where you going to get
the latest and greatest for all the
announcements in San Francisco alright
thanks to Richard on the ones and twos
no preciate it dude we'll see you guys
tomorrow have a great one I'm Jeff
Bakalar and I'm Justin you it's the 404
high-tech lowbrow more on the ipad HD
tomorrow and tomorrow we'll see you then
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