
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 1013: Where just because you can...

it's Monday March 19 2012 it's four-four time on Sina TV I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Marco saya and I'm trusting you this is the show where just because you can does not mean you should it's a good rule if it's a good rule of thumb and we'll explain while why we are trying to convey that very important message mark let's say on the show it's been so long i did i'm so freaking thank you I've had a I guess the reason why I've been avoiding the shows I've had a bad hair half year mark you're telling me is your hair it's good bit of a bad hair day it's been a bad hair half a year I understand why you think your hair is preventing you a personal being silly first of a lovely hair um but I think the reason it got me motivated come on the show was someone sent you an email that was super flattering for me yes um comparing me to the major Sheppard commander shepard for a mass effect yeah now I'm kind of falling into fem shep territory now I'm pretty sure my hair style is one of the customizable email it does their choices you know when you scroll down it's like you know pompadour and it says lobby area it says Allah says it's this mark what the photo of mark wait uh I just looked up commander shepard having no knowledge of mass effect that is african-american man just showed up no no that's what you look like it's not that is a lot Commander Shepard is not the default commander shepard that is a customized no okay all right did you check our email oh wow you do sort of look like this guy how is that actually modeled let's say I mean line of the real model they made commander shepard off Wow look like the virtual version it's a good-looking man by the way I'm very good i don't see the similarity whatsoever but also you'll take it commander shakes a babe man he's a total dude magnet this is great i love oh yeah i do prefer to my fur to myself is femshep so I'm Shep means female yeah that's actually why I grew out my hair just to look like the female version of shepherd so when the game came out I guess you're playing a lot of mass effect 3 then I am you finished it I didn't finish it yet just cuz i started a little late have you heard about what's happened we're not gonna give away the ending on yeah you don't know about the end yeah I've heard things and uh yeah the Nerds over volga because the second was so amazing yet the size of the second one the third one would not right which is that level of epicness what you so amazing but you have many times but you haven't finished the third one yet you can't you can't tell but um I don't know one of the things that I appreciate is how the way you play the second game like I saved all my characters that everyone's loyalty yeah I did not save the crew but um it's cool like when you meet up with well actually I don't don't give anything away know how the air time did you guys need it back up here and tell me about what the Carver chicken the ending to man 3 is we're not going to talk about the actual ending but to say what people are complaining what Mark is talking about is in mass effect 2 yeah the whole game you're sort of like trying to keep your squadmates alive okay alright and if you keep them alive and you transfer your profile from two to three you keep those characters and everything else and all the decisions that you made that affected the characters and that game carry over onto the third game just like with the first game right um so you have to like keep that in mind while you know sort of that word was right and that's we're talking about with like decisions and characters getting right uh you know transformed over to the third one and now the problem with the third one is that there's an ending the third one ends with a an ending that a lot of people or it feels all the Internet's on fire about it they don't peep the the nurse the nerds don't like it yeah babies it's just like guess what you can't have your cake and eat it too the game's awesome just you don't like the ending yes like tough crap correct me if i'm wrong i thought that games nowadays have multiple endings right it's not just one yeah what's going but there's like the main ending but there's little little side sings and happy and that yeah you know don't affect the ending ending but you know and this is it and this is basically the end of the trilogy mass effect 3 marks the end they're gonna have to another one but such a successful except no way that they're going to not want to milk more money out of that someone's telling he says it's a good game too it really is and in my opinion it's probably the best like space sci-fi sort of universe right oh yeah I think I liked it better than I'm gonna say Star Wars oh yeah you know do you guys think that very well photos you guys think that players have a right to petition and bother a company like I was reading an article online about this earlier and I guess 13,000 people have like the facebook page that that amazing that's demanding that Bioware changed the ending just because a couple nerds don't I don't have to say to those 13th to get a f'in lion series you're not going to be petitioning a director because you don't like the way that transformers ended although maybe you would have the right to do that I mean I respect that they're so passionate and I think bioware should be flattered that they have such a passionate fans of course but uh but don't you dare go outside and play kickball yeah don't you dare even entertain the idea of changing this ending yet where's your artistic integrity all right audacity speaking of revolting against creation of the creation of art and I think if there's one thing that we really should all band together and I'm looking at everyone in this room as well as you on the internet we need to come together and stand tall against Michael Bay because he is single-handedly raping our childhood yeah I said it again he is raping our childhood he plans to make a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot not a bad idea not a bit i would take a number for ya if you want we can just cancel turtles in time and you just go on go back two three well no I don't mind casey michael bay's okay but not when he's telling me that he's gonna make these ninja turtles aliens yeah so that I guess he announced over the weekend that this reboot instead of actually having them mutate from turtles and the ooze into big turtles right which is why these visitors from from outer space so I reimagine reimagining of the origin of writers write which is completely not which doesn't make sense because they call the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles not the teenage alien right and if you do a its tenth and that sounds too much like taint okay so get the hell oh god why why why reason more than any other okay it's true if there's one reason why does hollywood give michael bay a blank check and just say hey you want to ruin you want to ruin something it's gonna be explosions in the movie but why is this okay watch you know like didn't Hollywood's not stupid they know about the Internet I mean they only know about maybe the piracy on the internet but they know that the people are going to be upset about this just play devil's advocate maybe Michael Bay is catering to a new batch of kids age of course didn't grow up with it they're not going to have that much of attachment they're not gonna care at the end of the day though that new Ninja Turtle universe the ones but they don't have pupils right you've seen that right yes there are still they still battle shredder and they still right can't come from ooze right you know they owe their roots to use and I think there's a way to create a movie that doesn't change the story and piss off a lot of people like you can still do it and not yeah he's claiming that i er adds realism to it because aliens for the alien know what and on the planet and kung fu fight Mr shredder shredders an integral part of that story ready like raise the turtles without getting too nerdy you know like you train them in the ninja arts but with that he's a mutation himself I wonder if they're gonna make him into an alien as we turn my splinter I'm sorry Richard Linda yes I look at the ramen Wikipedia ninja turtle or we're gonna show me because moving to in the second movie super-stretch super shredder for any more data series he was never his never immune right here's another easy from Japan is the origin is is is the only sort of tablets we have from the cartoon or is there sort of like comic uh origin order i'm sure there is you think it all like some bond was it sabon entertainment yeah yeah yeahs first so it was a comic for the first yeah yeah yeah and I that's where we need to get down to yeah cuz i'm sure the comic book people are like you dumbasses that you don't even know even know it yeah they were either end yeah i want to go way back if someone knows give us a call because we are not simply an olympus co yeah we're going to yum in the cartoon no splinter was a mutant right yes but then in the movie no he was he had wasn't he was a person who changed in knowing the cartoon he was a person who changed into our union you saw it in title screen no no no shredder kept a rat as a pet yeah that was what happen who vie he's talking about the card by cartoon Barry was human was human he was even wearing that rope to hold splintered up in the process of the mutation that what kind of like I'm learning so much today so you're saying splinter in the cartoon was in fact a human at one point yes that's a little earlier today he was a baby right rat right so they change that they're probably pissed in the eighties too they probably were I think everyone's got dories we really gotta get our stuff together what if they brought Kato back you help is like 20 years later still delivering pizzas yeah I got a second third he's like 56 then yeah Ernie raised yeah you uh what about our good pal um Casey Jones that's right he'll come back in my Michael Bay movie is some sort of transformer you must love that guy cuz he was all about the hawk it was cool I had I had an affinity for sure anyway uh so that is one way to ruin a movie but perhaps maybe we're all coming around on the concept of a second Beetlejuice movie yeah Beetlejuice exactly we've talked about this before and apparently things are in motion to get a second Beetlejuice film off the ground it'll actually supposed to be set 26 years after the original so it will sort of stay in line with the current timeline yeah and believe it or not Tim Burton and Michael Keaton seem to be on board about this and they're not about doing a reboot this is actually supposedly a true seagull with the writer Seth grahame-smith yeah uh wielding the pen he actually wrote Tim Burton's new film Dark Shadows have you guys seen the trailer for that kind of into that have you did you watch the actual old Dark Shadows not watch it oh it's a i did not know it's a remake oh it was this old sci-fi werewolf vampire drama it was like it was like a soap opera okay this so itself seriously yeah I remember yeah my grandma used to watch it so what time period it was oh man it's old um I can't give you an accurate time frame but um yeah if you see the trailer it's completely different they like totally camped it up yeah it is not serious at all yeah the the Nutri imeem there's something about it is you go on you too and check out the the old one cuz it's the cool thing about Dark Shadows as if it feels like his first sort of uh effort towards a comedy since like Edward Scissorhands enemy like it's got that vibe to it and I'm excited about that arm but a second be lidge's i mean i don't know i think the part of the original Betelgeuse is charm was that they didn't know what they were doing was going to become this huge sort of cult classic right arm and now you know with I don't know there's something about the bad special effects or something about you know that make up that it aesthetic that is going to be lost if they do in fact do a sequel if they do I don't want it to be a charlie and the chocolate factory where it's all like incoherent CG and just nonsense yeah I mean I hope that doesn't happen why worry about I guess the screenwriter was saying that it's going to be 26 years in the future but things won't have changed for Beetlejuice himself right look it's time for him is very small exactly real-life sure maybe they'll keep the same look because not much time is james frain i would love to bring back the deep the dietz's you know Catherine O'Hara and Jeff Jones and Lydia are pretty amazing they're just an amazing family I i assume Helena Bonham Carter Carter will be in the movie she'll be like she man she don't have to worry about work ever ever well she's also married to Temple of course that's why yeah I feel like she should totally be Lydia's aunt or something yeah I mean like that would just be marvelous so there you have it possibly a backed-up act a beetle juicy to be told ya and I don't know a lot of weird movie news this weekend yeah i don't know how i feel about well I mean is it better than not having one do you feel like it would ruin the original no you can't ruin or your original source because it's not a reboot it's just going to be a sequel which i think is the best news to come out of this entire story so I don't know it'll be interesting to see um alright we gotta at some point here talk about something to do with tech and this is what I'm interested in this morning the FAA says it has will finally reconsider revising its list of approved electronics on flights so the the situation that exists now is that you can't have anything with an on switch like I'm swing with an on to it yeah even though phones have airplane mode which is now turn it off I'm like but look the little airplane icon I want before you just you don't turn it off you know yeah you just put it in airplane you know I don't even put in an airplane I don't probably like texting and on the internet until you're like a thousand feet in the air it really is that bet you you are hi i'm texting all the way until we reach cruising altitude and then my signal is drag your signal would last they wouldn't Bob so what about this new revision to the to the appropriate electronics list uh well okay so it's been about 15 years as they've updated this list that's a while which is a really long time few things have come out in 15 years coupled advisors have come out yeah so I guess now they're finally deciding that hey maybe we should take a look at this list and I guess the problem though was that the rules in order for them to be changed they have to test every single advice from a device to make sure that they don't interfere with navigation equipment when the shifting had to be crazy too yeah I can't just be one iphone they would literally have to test every version of the iphone that they would prove to be on this list so that's why it's a huge heap of stuff but now they're finally realizing it's worth it plus I was thinking about this like if they're going to offer Wi-Fi connections on planes that seems kind of a like a disconnect there right like yeah not sure on your device yet they still offer Wi-Fi I think they don't they don't start that until here yeah that's just the taking off on that and the messaging to me yeah the Wi-Fi is attached to a certain sort of a height measure you know whatever they what do they call that thing the thing that measures your height altitude yeah altitude mother tautomer optical yeah it's an alt hatem a daughter okay the money I don't think you can use Wi-Fi in airplane mode can you no no that's a problem because ray I can't use your phone even if you have Wi-Fi on the plane look at Richard's coming up with a huge paradox yeah on the plane you're right and I thought the Mythbusters actually you know applied this they said they had all these devising Nate that and apparently it's not it did nothing interferes with flying yeah does that have to do with the volume of devices that are on there in take off like if one person even if it has a phone a little matter but if 15 people do then yeah it'll translate 300 gonna say but is there a minimum amount of devices no see I I don't think it has anything to do this think about it if it really did right and if they were really absolutely positively convinced that wireless connectivity can interfere with air travel you check them out the door yeah they wouldn't even let you on the plane with them get frisked exactly they'd be like up throat you know get it out of here well I think what um is kind of a big deal about the testing with this is that they're going to have to you know these are going to test it on empty flights so all these airplanes are going to be flying around the air which is nothing of every month yeah it's like Oh what if light is that oh that's the ipad right okay no I first the first look the first kindle yeah yeah a kindle should not be needed to turn off number one I can't turn off all that well those are the things that they're that they're trying to allow people 60 poorly readers and the tablets do you know what was around 15 years ago nothing there was nothing a discman that was the biggest threat to air travel yeah I mean is it that big of a deal though if you do have to turn your you're like me person do I care no but you don't do what I was trying to do it but when I was coming back from Dominican Republic we were at like 10 minutes left in horrible bosses and she made me turn off the ipad I said look it's a definitely gonna end soon look there's on she didn't care yeah you're one of those miners yeah that that makes the poor stewardess like go back and get drunk in the back of the plane try what do you mean what are you talking about my talking about who's that guy the the jetblue yeah you create those people you know come on me because with because I'm me and Richard on the way to South by we had one of those people behind us and I the the flight attendants have it rough man they do they may not have it easy sir calm down it's the guy was being a jerk oh I'm not a jerk too oh no I'm not I'm just teasing ya know you are a very very wonderful person and I think I'm in love with you I'll do you right now it all comes out right now like a troll oh man that's pretty good uh speaking of iPads on planes and the new iPad apparently is causing quite the confusion against the layperson apparently gizmodo's finding out along with another site here The Next Web the next web that the average consumer cannot tell the difference between an ipad 2 and the new ipad they're like it feels lighter than the stand it's a hider yeah so people actually cat yeah crazy i'm only anecdotal but there's a video that both the next and gizmodo put up where it just brought two ipads out to like a Pepsi challenge kind of thing didn't tell them which one was which and they had them guess which was the new one which one was the old one some people actually said the new one was a heavier hmm ng little heavier they said they liked the screen of the second one better than the third video well the reddest ones you know it's funny because I'm we video looks better well no I'm just I'm just imitating oh the video looks so much better on the new one yeah new sure but um we were we were standing in line um ipod ipad launch gay on friday when we were interviewing people and that's what everyone was saying they're like i'm very excited about this new screen yeah videos gonna write amazing share my head I'm like you don't be able to tell the difference yeah that one and then like give yourself an hour and then looked at the other one I mean you probably I think with you probably you're probably what it was like it yeah yeah but I don't think it makes a world of difference I mean if you if you tell some sorry I keep in touch okay sorry go on I was gonna say I think the text the where that you know where that works where it looks just as good as print I think there's a difference there so I haven't seen a new eye pea do we have one in the office yeah we cannot have it can I have it I'm I check it out be it also because i really wanna check that i also wanna check out how crisp a comic book would look on it you think you look crisper all wrong if anyone have any one new ipad out there is reading comic books in detail no I don't want you to send it your dad they can look at the black box and never returned it just tell i well i'm curious cuz that would literally be the only reason why i right well you could tell a big difference between iphone 3gs and iphone 4 is when they added that render display right like i think i probably would be able to tell we should test business i really want to be I was like an emperor's new clothes type deal yeah oh my god such crazy improvement I want to do that you know you shuffling behind your back and go okay which one's into it you're like I don't know and if it's wrong to smash in the fridge break it right in their face that's interesting I think it's very funny that the common person cannot like a testament to their marketing well well in what regard in the way that I think they've fooled so many people just thinking that the because of You Reena revolutionary yeah but they don't actually need it if I it is a little concerning that the average consumer cannot I mean this is a totally unscientific demonstration here well also i feel like if you're someone's gonna get a camera out and be like what do you think of this you're gonna feel pressured to be like oh really you're not gonna be like well if anything that gives you like that first knee-jerk reaction where you're like okay you know is true you know I see both it's a much more maybe possibly organic impression rather than having time to choose between I think I think at the also says I think it's also like a good thing it's also like wow these things are so cool again with that people just can't or you could say that do they need to release them every year you know like just the fact that the second so much same as the third I mean but you know you should have had the camera application of that would that work yeah but then you go to the apple store at six in the morning and the people are lined around the block and you're like yes they do yeah cuz people will buy them they will I'm curious to hear from our listeners and viewers who has upgraded whether you came from nothing ipad 1 or ipad 2 i'd like to know that and I'm over the name too I think it's okay oh you like it now I don't like it I just understand they're doing the same thing like the macbooks do yeah you know that on that first day it was be I was mad because that and the iphone are the only two products that have a sort of ever-evolving nomenclature right i mean yeah either way I'm okay with it I want to talk about this unbelievable spring break stat yeah okay Justin yeah I want you to tell me all about this because I know you really spent many a spring break in Daytona Beach plenty with your shirt off the Jersey Shore is always where I'm at around this time of year there was an article in the new york times today that i thought was really really interesting and they're basically saying that today's Spring Breakers they've become a little bit more tame this is a like you know according to people that work at the Spring Break locations like in key west for example they're saying that it's a lot more tame now that people have a fear of betrayal from videos popping up on facebook and photos popping up on flickr now that there's so many devices around I could take pictures and record what happened and tag the crappy exactly and I think it also has to do with employers checking facebook profiles and looking at your online presence it's and also yeah I wonder if it has something I mean I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that MTV does not embrace the spring break culture like they once did or do then quickly maybe I'm just out of touch and I don't think you're out of touch because they still just like the spring break runway models I'm pretty sure they still do it now everyone just wears masks though could you imagine an entire spring-break where everyone's wearing like the anonymous mask and so God look like girls gone wild thing that's that's gone that's done yeah they've got maybe that was like a phenomenon spray zero can't do it anymore but aspire to achieve that yeah they're at a same thing with Mardi Gras I'm sure there's a lot less boob show it's from beads and whatnot because we're all that quick flash I know you can open on the phone in like three seconds and take a picture now yeah especially with this swype to camera feature yeah so thanks Apple you're quite welcome it's amazing the very thing that has brought all these people together ironic is now the cause of their undoing yeah this is amazing happy day I'll came back uh yeah this is really cool this is sort of like an Abed piece out of the New York Times and I guess it sort of makes sense i mean you would I guess lutely makes it I guess they like the positive takeaway is that people are actually becoming why where and perhaps responsible for their actions you know thinking about the consequences yeah like oh man if I actually you know if I get naked I'm not going to get a picture and that tag me and I won't ever get a job and i'll be on what reddit yeah beyond ready in 45 seconds uh this is uh this is or is actually confusing atari everyone knows they're offering a hundred thousand dollars and a contest for somebody come up with a new version of pong for iOS platform uh okay wouldn't it only cost them like twenty-five hundred dollars to make a version of pond and would they make any money off offering this online I'm is already games that exist in the itunes store if you made it online multiplayer and you charged a dollar you sure 99 cents yeah I think that's good i think that's a good I can see anyone being like well I can either play like draw something with all my friends or play pong for half an hour yeah such a simple game where anyone can do yeah yeah I don't know anyway the top prizes are cash uh and then a revenue-sharing agreement so if you do win you have the opportunity to possibly make more money based on revenue sharing which is pretty interesting um do you remember the last pong reboot I maybe wasn't the last one but it wasn't the Penguins no no there's Ataris yeah it was Atari and it was I think it was on the PlayStation remember me my sister got it's like a downloadable game no no no Zach was an official game Wow yeah I think it was just called pong that's where penguins in it huh yeah what was that one pong ish game except instead of you battling Player to Player it was like a single player thing and there was like one paddle that would go across the bottom and you could hit oh that's not a calm like brick as annoyed is that are yeah that's right yeah from the 90 or like that or like alleyway on boy and then they would have different like power-ups are great for you yeah exactly exactly lovely for sure that that doesn't get old armed man oh man this weekend I totally became addicted to scramble with friends scramble with friends what is that it's like scrap basically but no no not worry though it's not words or ends but it is another Zynga game like boggle you know talking about you get that like five by five grid or four by four grid you gotta like make words and make words you gotta drag your finger all around yeah and everyone's playing it's all the rage these days this week plant and you gotta do it man we gotta play yeah as your vocabulary increase know that's what the one thing I'm finding out is that it not improve my vocabulary at all right it's actually teaching me words that is my words and all small yet so no like the best word you can do is like threads yeah or something like that yeah I'm all those people when I play those games in like tan tan what is tape what is tan-tan I'm like I'm Danielle attend my god yeah but I have mental part it's a pretty simple word to forget the meeting out I'm just making an example out of something yeah but you figure that it happens to me minute it's happened to me a minute i'm playing that i'm also playing uh draw something draw something I've kind of got addicted to myself I don't know though like are you good are you good no I'm terrible I'm also tempted to buy a skylit and cheat no like that cheating is it's not cheating if you use as cheating is when you write out the word right that's cheating do you play well I draw something more I do not do you know about it I do yeah what about Richard us are playing y'all gotta play we got to get on some sort of four-way thing here is it work yeah I mean I think we would also really dirty stone right yeah it's only what i wanna i made that offer a game yeah but i like that you can choose which word you want to draw right it's not just uh you know you're given a thing and that's it's not like charades Ernie exactly you have a choice easy medium or hard I would assume that ye I don't know if for some reason I would seem that both of you would be good artist I don't know if that's because you are into comic books like I am but when I was I mean I'm I'm a big comic book person and I've been drawing since let me be the first to tell you that I'm tear you're not you're not yeah I i thought i would be when i was young i was like oh I'll just get better when I'm older yeah then I you stayed the same inability if anything it got worse this man oh man I can't draw from crap I still do like the muscles that look like clouds you know like vertical hills I do that I actually I took um a cartoon cartoon drawing class when I was a little cuz I was a pretty good drawer and they started doing like you know where you shade that like you draw the head out and then you draw the torso huh I was like this is too much work that's not a draw is one big mass into I left I didn't last one class I I'm me I'm all about the birds in the sky little M's yes yeah in a house with the curly q ya know convey that chimneys always spitting out curly smoke I don't know why but it is it's only and you only live in one floor house I like to do my signature and then at the end turn into a house with man i do that's my signature my chase it's pretty good I want to change gears real quick okay okay I want to talk about this for a little bit here is a very interesting article from all things D talking about how Twitter and Facebook are the new news platforms now this is not news to anybody Twitter and Facebook have become our go-to news source I feel like whenever i watch CNN it's just reporting to me what I knew 20 minutes ago when I found out on Twitter yeah even like even like ESPN all these sporting all they do is report tweets from athletes and stuff it's kind of crazy so what this uh I bet is talking about is how they are becoming tomorrow's news service but do you guys think that it's okay to rely on things like Twitter and Facebook for the news what do you think do you think it's ok to do something like that I feel like half the time it's um well I mean I guess it's it's based off of well you're saying facebook and twitter hmm so i guess most the facebooks news i guess is well either tied to twitter or based off tweets yeah um I don't know its engine I mean I even even seen it i guess like we all go off of it in some way for sure but um that's a good question man I don't know I don't know why kidding I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing I think uh because if you look at trending topics on Twitter I know it's both but I can't I can't readily come up with the reasons right now well I'm just saying if you look at the trending topics on Twitter it's very disturbing trending tiles are stupid yeah they're each and it just really shows you how pervasive and accessible twitter has become because they've let all the morons on and if you haven't hid ninety percent of the people on your facebook wall then that's you know then that's the same case with what's in your facebook for sure yeah that's the thing you are curating your news wen zhang that yeah responsible for where you're getting your news from and you're like I'm not into sports I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure that Jeff's facebook updates don't get exactly well but you're into video game so then I'm like well I guess I'll keep them yeah well you know what is in bed here interesting in this article it says just nine percent of american adults frequently get their news from their paths that the two services and those who do end up getting it from much more frequently from than facebook then on twitter sensing they're getting the news more on facebook then twitter that's according to this new survey from the pew research center and its project for Excellence in Journalism yeah i'm i'm surprised by that i would think people get their news more out of Twitter than they do facebook but this article saying otherwise well i guess because you know Facebook can can push all that stuff on to for sure can push all the tweets on to their then you know just I guess skipping a step in some way yeah Justin are you okay with getting your news out of facebook and twitter anyway no because I don't subscribe to I'm afraid that any article that I read on facebook will automatically have published my news feed so I keep all that stuff off of facebook I mostly get my news from news aggregators online but is in Twitter and aggregator like if you follow CNN and you follow world breaking news and you follow all these other handles right that's an aggravator say I just don't like the Twitter layout okay you don't like 140 characters right i don't like hundred forty characters that's like oh sorry i'll go if you drink it for one of those people that that bothers you you would already be the type like me and i'm sure you guys has all these separate folders like a twitter folder yeah your google reader that you don't have no it's like you're a big google reader guy yeah yeah you're hard but it's one of those things like I read the same type of news and I have to force myself to bring outside outside uh you know sources sources into the folders and i'm so used to reading because otherwise i won't go see you know i won't seek them out right it's like you know people that are watch fox or you know mostly conservative people watch out you it's the same thing like you're not going to watch fox if you watch available it's a curation sort of preference again but you you go on Twitter a lot though don't you i do you know what like you read twitter more than you tweet right yeah i do and i use twitter just for like a link blasting type thing yeah they're normally do social commentary but would you like there's just too many sources that i get my news from yeah that's like for me a huge problem like it's always on google reader or i have aggregators up or i have like bookmarks in my like bookmarks folder that I'm all clicking sure I'm really disorder you want something funny though is I feel like seventy percent of the time I read articles in my head I'm always like I think Justin would appreciate this I don't know why what blogs are you reading though no detectable just quirky stuff yeah yeah it's like eyeliner every time I read I'm like maybe also mr. Justin but you're never I don't know but he's never around send that to media I just say to you so but the love I feel burned cuz you don't listen to my music collection oh that's right i sent to my heart sent me a tour you yeah when I when I am I get my tonsils removed yes I was feeling pretty good so I said to miss long email about which songs to listen to in which order which I never do because you know me I like you're terrible terrible that's with communication yeah but um yeah I went out on a limb and I feel burned I want you to get on to it are you you're secretly on Twitter uh I had an account way back man I would be I don't on I think we should get our listeners behind that and get you involved on Twitter a little more I would love just be stupid now I wouldn't man perverted I'm gonna read it it would be perverted all that but that's part of the fun I thought you'd when you read like trending topics aren't you ever blown away at like the crap that winds up getting up there yeah I'm always pretty surprised although I hardly ever look at the training topics thing what kind of stuff have you seen I don't know every other day it's some fake celebrity death something you know like uh this in that god is great yeah I just don't I just don't understand how I thought like there was a wisdom of crowds yeah and it's just like oh no the celebrity that's not really good is it blows my mind speaking of the 24 hour news cycle I was watching the HBO movie game change have you heard about this it's basically file it's basically telling the story of John McCain's his campaigns oh yeah decision to choose Sarah Palin as vice probably watch this I did oh it's pretty good it's pretty good I don't know how accurate it is I hope it's not as accurate as it sort of portrays but man oh man was that a crazy sir they talked all about the Twitter and the youtubes and the facebooks and stuff like that and how that really does dictate where the momentum shifts in any sort of political race right real man I remember when she was first announced yeah and I went on Facebook and Twitter and everyone was like she's gonna win yeah and did that was like that even knows who she is i remember at that time for some reason it stood out to me and everyone was like everyone's just freaking out because she made that like lipstick pitbull calm rivals like she's gonna win which which they're leaking out with the film claims was add lived so there's like interesting stories about that uh what the craziest thing was like how uh-uh McCain's top advisor was trying to explain to him how it doesn't matter what happened three days ago because the new cycle refresh is a quick that's only about what just happened what's about to happen and that's it and things move so quickly if you screw up make more news pass it's like it's like being a playoff team in a sport if you're hot you're gonna win you know and that's really how it works it's very very strange and bizarre um I want to get out of here we got to end a little early other shows are coming in we got an email from dustin maybe mark and help with this cuz I don't know hey I know you guys are busy any tips on getting the 44 to play on a Playstation 3 or the PlayStation 3's browser is there a way to get videos to auto download to your ps3 so you can watch one you want I don't know dude I don't know that's a good question is there an ad for the ask some people is there some sort of I don't know if you have any idea I've never even tried it maybe if I have time I'll give it I'll give it a whirl but let us know because I would really really be interested uh we got to get out of here ladies and gentlemen markless saya thanks dude same ratio with You mood maybe that's you yes come back more often it's been I think way too long I think it's been like happier it's been six months I told you that's not quite bad hair half here no it looks fantastic you look fantastic Richard looks fantastic thank you for being here against your God if I love that duck face hahahaha we will see you guys tomorrow this week we have a bunch of guests on Friday we have russ fresh dick on Wednesday Katie linendoll oh oh oh she's the new host of a spike show on that will be premiering thursday at midnight you can have a contributor on the early show no CEOs didn't know that didn't know it but we'll find out more with her on Wednesday it's going to be a lot of fun so stay tuned and we'll be back tomorrow give us a call 866 404 seen it or you can email us the 404 at cnet com until then we'll see i'm jeff beck a lot i'm marco say and i'm justin you it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow thanks for tuning in today guys have a good monday see you tomorrow
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