
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 1019: Where we're moving right along

it's Tuesday March twenty seven twenty twelve 404 time here in the lovely Cena TV New York studios I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you this is the show where we're moving right along certainly are my good friend Justin you we are moving right along Richard in the studio today how are you Richard I'm good how are you it's good we're all about our favorite Muppets yeah you pre show yes yours again Jeff Oh sweetums Oh sweetums yeah yeah the big old bear a terrifying blitz to that guy I think I look like sweetums doing a bit yeah like a monstrosity sort of what sure yeah I have Wow yeah Joe quite the insult well you also have that honking nose to and like those teeth no he I'm not gonna lie hahahaha surprised you're going in that direction I'm sitting okay is he supposed to be something like a monster dizzy just I think he's just like a troll did he talk or did he grunt aux yeah he the things that come out of his mouth oh don't really go in line with what he sort of looks like yeah I mean right like look how terrifying this guy was a gentle giant I remember he wasn't like tearing anybody apart no no he didn't rip any Muppets heads off like he seemingly should given his terrifying stature yeah whether he will one day he will one day he'll kill us all uh yeah my favorite is the dr. honeydew the only occasion Muppet i'll try to convince these guys before the show started he's clearly Asian I don't think it's fair saying he's asian Rihanna understand you can say that not insult your own race he's wearing a pocket protector his skin is yellow he has no eyes but yet still wears glasses are you sure also because we're the pub protector yeah I've war pocket petition for ten years of my life he could just be like a student at MIT yeah yeah what they're all asian the gross majority of students the Asian people have eyes this guy does not have eyes I know so let's stereotype trying to get away from that we are trying to get away what about you Richard who's your favorite Muppet um I like Grover from Sesame Street great he's good guy he's hilarious he's stand up guy feel like you can trust him yeah you know he was always like the one like like he's a spaz yeah oh yeah ADHD he did he would I see I always mix Grover in and gonzo up would he put the cape on yeah yeah they put the helmet do stuff like that okay okay I'm gonna put this cape on and try and fly and there I'll be like no job together what bullets Grover's voice like is a kind of hard to imprison I can't remember it I can't draw it from memory right now kind of gravely it yeah but those are good Muppets all around all right enough muppet talk for today getting around yeah what you ever have a friend that really looks like one though like really looks like one to the point where you're like you don't even tell them because telling them would be such an insult yeah it just happened you and sweetums no I had one in college okay you know the one I don't want to do it I'm gonna do it on the off chance that some did he move his neck like a muffin don't really know yeah long eyelashes was in the band oh okay the animal ya know Anna was a heart of the she oh she had a lot of her she was furry yeah at a mustache which Muppet did she look like Susan I don't know the name of the Muppet oh no is it the one that looks like she always has plastic surgery yes ah what is her hippie later yeah I know exactly who you're talking about gonna talk like this yeah oh my god that's insulting yeah what the who is that uh I forget what her there she is uh I feel like they're comparing her to Darrell hi Janice Janice Janice is her name yes she's a relatively new character but she's always the lead singer in the band right she had like Botox yeah lipos I mean she she's all lips yeah she's funny beautiful she is pretty hot all right good Janice you guys are just disgusting okay let's move it on uh we are moving right along as the show title claims talk about this this to me because I don't know what this really means okay we're talking about a certain demographic on Facebook right yeah what is it us we've talked a lot about advertising on Facebook before of course this website pc pro on their base out of the UK that this really cool feature uh running right now that sort of talks about how social networks have sold your privacy online and uh I feel like whenever we talk about advertising on Facebook we always there's always a misconception that Facebook sells your information uh directly to advertisers but that's not true they actually give advertisers the option to sell to a specific demographic um that they'll give based on you know what people click on facebook so that's interesting so you're saying got this advertisement so annoying by the way why do go to this PC Pro thing all those are the words like out I hate those look I'm clicking the X right now but anyway it seems to work real well what is armed so you're saying that Facebook does not necessarily harvest your information yet they don't sell exactly who you are right your personality to advertisers okay if advertisers wanna buy space on facebook they'll be like okay well if you want to sell you know you're like a club do you wanna sell to like 20 to 25 year old gotcha 30 year olds whatever they're more or less lumped into a demographic is and then your collective demographic is then sold right okay I cannot I feel much better about stuff like that yeah but this is an interesting article is it talks about how certain demographics may be worth more than okay that's that's logical and they're saying that you know targeting single gay men in certain areas may actually be more lucrative for companies like they talk about a night club based out of the UK where gay men it can are actually worth 2.5 times more than the general public because of the specificity of that Democrats a lot yeah two point five right that's a lot and this is based on how much like how much the worth in terms of the drinks that gay men tend to buy at bars really and they compare that to straight bars apparently there's more worth there I don't know these are just like very specific markets that they're doing about in the ad yeah this is kind of interesting like I don't know if you wanted to buy it out you can I didn't realize you could do that yeah I didn't know you can like shop by brand right you know you can sort of be like well why don't you give me 30 for 250 single moms I'll take a little bit of the this over there right you know but that's what's so appealing to facebook because i guess they're the only ones that have such specific information about people yeah chat rooms asking but is the data protected from Facebook itself what does that mean what does that mean I data protected oh maybe like the actual specific the specifics of the members of a certain demographic I don't know I don't know I'm sure they'll hold all that in for it makes sense that they wouldn't give everything out to all the advertisers though cuz that's really where Facebook's money lies yeah for sure their treasure it's that it's their particle yeah huh so what demographic would you belong to I mean aside from like thee guess now you're 30 to 40 no that's not change demographic of demographic in that you and all of us are currently in is 25 to 34 okay it goes it that's how it goes it goes okay yes you know more about advertising than I do what other Demel that's that's that's a commonly sectioned off age demographic okay and then I think it goes 35 to 45 and then it doesn't matter because you're not you're you're dead after right kidding and before that there's between demographic sure the like there must be like sequence 3024 yeah 24 to 30 25 to 34 is like I feel like the bread and butter for a lot of right you know uh campaigns and whatnot but that's what we'd all fall into male male and male maybe yeah we all also fall into the same tax bracket as well probably and where we work based so we get fed literally nothing we get no ads fed to us yeah yeah just all credit ads yeah absolutely so they say it's 45 to 60 and then 82 101 that's a joke yeah we need a 101 what are they selling to them uh called new glasses new teeth the ability not to walk into a glass door like that I spent like an hour watching people walk into glass doors on YouTube yesterday there's so many compilations I talked to I do I every Tuesday I do three radio hits in the studio here yeah and the woman I talked with in Florida Wendy summers her name is you know she's she's kind of maybe leaning more towards like a conserve behavior and I you know I curbed my my presentation right with her my demeanor Korkut and you know she comes on she's asked me about this poor woman and here i am thinking like Oh Wendy's gonna be like oh I feel terrible for me while she's like was that not the funniest thing I've ever heard and I'm like yeah she's an idiot like but if it was your grandma and you were with her at the time I'd cry and laugh at this yeah i'm sorry even if it was my grandma I'd still laugh maybe one falling down always worth it's the same reason on America's Funniest Home Videos you left when the baby falls off the slide right you know she didn't die she she didn't die hitting there's no legal permanent scarring or injury yeah it's just fun okay this is awesome what else is fun Marshall amps yeah so this is cool so Marshalls been branching off in their product lines recently last year i reviewed two of their headphones and they have the Marshall majors which are the over years and have an in-ear brand to write this is cool recently they just announced a marshal half stack mini fridge mmm this is awesome evangelist coming to every single university in the United States for sure uh you guys all know a mini fridges right of course like the combination freezer refrigerator usually find them in hotels dorm room stuff like that my apartment your apartment you have two of them I've one unfortunately you have only the refrigerator part a loafer educate replaced with this this is cool so uh it's designed to look like that classic Marshall half stack amplifier that you have a staple in like the you know live music performance is sick uh it's awesome the details on it pretty minor it's just holds about 4.4 cubic feet of beer yeah not even sure what that means what's cubic feet of beer I don't even know like how much beer that would be yeah I've never done the math on cubic beer yeah well they can hold about that which I'm assuming is a couple six-packs sure if cans but six packs of soda in there yeah it's awesome hold that uh that classic freezer on the top shelf yeah we can probably put about like half gallon of ice cream that's so it's not an end not a nap no it's like one of those false doors makes it look like he kind of wish they could somehow figure out a way to maybe and when I saw this I was like oh my god this is brilliant because how many times have you seen a band and everyone on stage is drinking beer right and they have no place to put the beer top again yeah but you can't though because the ABS vibrate and they'll sort of like very slowly you know go over the side we can watch this video for a little bit if you want but I feel like they should have some sort of beer cooling apparatus on the top of a marshal aunt ah you're not saying yeah that's that I mean come on and they had that technology to Eva's but even our front desk guy yeah he has one of those uh portable can coolers yeah took a USB can cooler well what's the problem let's figure out a way to combine Marshall refrigerated India am page and stuff like that I'm just saying it would also be cool if you control the temperature of the freezer and refrigerator using the volume pitched out that would be sick so I mean there's a lot more ideas we could throw around yeah for sure you've been to my apartment before I have one of these half stacks refrigerator just pathetic it's crazy because I'm not the only one in New York it's a very common thing it sort of is but I mean it's for studio apartment today exactly yeah but when I looked at the apartment and the broker was showing it to me she's like yeah you know it's only a half refrigerator you can't stick much in there but you know what it just means that you can eat fresh you have to eat fresh God why is that that's how they tried to spin it yeah that's how they the telly ration line yeah like I could see that it's a half refrigerant yeah I don't have to market it to me in a way that I have to eat fresh everybody a whole how dare this guy with the common vernacular with the real estate brokers in Manhattan yeah so it only holds the freshest vegetables because they'll go bad what you should really say is oh hey it's a good thing it's only a half fridge because let's be honest you're in a place like this you can't afford to fill up a full fridge anyway exactly that's the reality of it all she was like oh you know there's a lot of great restaurants around here and you have to eat it fresh yeah it's fine you later even use the refrigerator eat me and I have it she's right what's you nail it up yeah we have a hard time like do you have a hard time like filling it up um I mean yeah what's in there right now hook a lot at home there's a lot of digiorno pizzas oh not a frozen vegetables so disgusting I know what are you I can't I get that too ice cube trays you get digiorno pizza Manhattan us a little bodega your way with me Oh dig I get it that's ridiculous speaking of ridiculous a Indiana high school student has been expelled not suspended expelled removed permanently from the school for tweeting a profane tweet yeah so you've been hearing a lot about like Facebook employers or employers checking your Facebook sure hiring sure yeah and then people getting in trouble for like you know bad tweets mostly being hearing a lot about that work recently but this is out of Garrett high school in Indiana this senior was about three months away from graduating kid named austin Carol yeah when he apparently put out this tweet that was sort of like George Carlin's joke on the f-word anfom eyes these words but he's a seven dirty words basically he's like f is one of those effing words you can effing put anywhere in an effin sentence and it's still effing makes sense that was my senior quote in a yearbook yeah but he actually wrote out the you CK's afterward yeah uh he claims that he sent out this tweet from home yeah from his home computer the school's claiming that it was done from the school computer in the lab okay and that was why they expelled him right expelled him from school uh after he sent us out three months before graduation now it does seem am I wrong that the tweet seems to have been sent at two thirty in the morning to thirty in the morning yes what was he wasn't in school at two thirty in the morning so what gives school maintains that the tweets came from the IP address attached to the computers in the lab that doesn't make any so I don't know this sounds like something that iced tea would need to come in and so for her like a law and order i I don't know and if it did come know if it came from school that makes expulsion it's a violation of school rules and I'm sure so notified about that before using the horse manure there's no way a child should be expelled for cursing yeah for cursing for sending out a tweet I just don't I had teachers in high school that would drop f-bombs all the time didn't you right yeah of course by the teacher who told my journalism class yeah and you call by his first name is that guy it was like hey Joe go after yourself and be like right back at you bakalar yes whatever you know healthy relationship but it's not that's a nice giving take that right of all kidding aside it wasn't like a thing where he's like f this school at this deer run out or like I'm gonna kill everyone yeah back tomorrow was had no hostility behind it yeah purely uh don't know comedy crash yeah but you know what though I'm gonna argue the other side and say that expulsion doesn't necessarily mean that he can't graduate in three months just means that he has to enroll in a different school outside of the district but the amount of stress and and crap and bureaucracies now gonna have to deal with in red tape it's not fair for doing that when there are kids would change those in school like what let's be honest let's go did you go to I'm just saying like you know I I know this is just language and honest opinion we need to go back in history and see if maybe he has you know like la history yeah you know like doing makeup tweeting bed of the potty mouth negative tweets or maybe if he had gotten suspended before one same thing when I was a junior in high school right I was how did it go in your high school with you guys like get to school and there was a little time before homeroom right you sort of mess around in the hallway a little bit lawyers and breakdancing okay on like a cardboard box or something yeah that sounds cool so I i was hanging at one time my junior year and i was outside of a classroom and the classroom i was outside of when i was messing around my friends was a was a teacher who had very it was very conservative strict the Strickland of ours of our school like from back to the future right right right so I was you know in high school your mouth is filthy if this affect every other word out of your mouth eeee ssss see you know yeah it's literally a through z so yeah I'm be I have a potty mouth perhaps ooh still not really uh all sudden I feel someone grabbing on my shirt from behind it's the teacher he's like I heard you from within my classroom you've got some mouth on you sorry I get in my class hmm so I'm like all right so he's the na literally yells at me for for what seemed like 25 minutes yeah just telling me how having that voice will get me nowhere in life and then the second I leave high school I find out everyone in their mother curses and that's a like you know what I mean like it was just like what are you really trying to accomplish seeing what are you buttwater what like when you come down someone for language what are you saying you're saying that if you speak like that all the time then you might risk not getting a job you know that's not that's present that's the my gosh you comfortable using it and use it as you know like kids in high school use the effort as filler when they can't think of another thing that is not the message he was conveying there he was not saying look you're writing will really suffer and your vocabulary will really suffer what would you say he was just be down to educate rocky old man when you cuss a lot well you know what that's what it would that's the the the the discussion wasn't about you know anything philosophical he wasn't chastising a 30-year old man this is when you were probably 16 17 which all fine I understand we're not funky were that is if you're in high school yeah you know my shirt did say you know screw you all yeah just saying though real life is not g-rated right and bad words are said all the time that's how it goes the president curses all the time you find out God bid a teacher actually gets involved and cares about his students it's that was not again better that was not a caring thing that siding with this is the little bit of an hour I have slacker yeah he might he basically called me a slacker so anyways getting back to this story there was some research done on this guy's history and apparently he fought to wear a kilt on Irish holidays which is not incendiary but he has a history of going against Authority good he was also warned about sending questionable tweets on school issued computers before so I mean this wasn't his first effect if he has a history of the sort of behavior and they've and they've sort of said look dude you're pushing it you know three strikes you're out maybe something like that okay Buddha then maybe maybe suspend the kid for a week yeah see how he likes that see how he likes not having come to school for a week yes on suspended before I was threatened with it a lot what did you do I just I just did I just didn't care about people who thought they had Authority I didn't care okay I could see that just don't care right you know I don't know I feel like when you reach a certain age is sort of see through the BS right you know what I mean I I got in trouble in high school for selling mix cds and like popular like Britney Spears cities or 90 degrees you would burn them and using those popular yeah because in high school um this was what back in like the year 2000 not every computer came with a DVD burner and sure me and my friends bought an external one that right up to likes pretty incriminating but you want to continue this say just kidding afterward yeah okay grab everything okay I'm just kidding about a rare but yeah so we would go with a list of new music that we had out that we had downloaded off like bizarre whatever I read chat rooms and then we would let people choose whatever they wanted for five dollars right these are like you know pre-recorded CDs right but for ten dollars you can give us a list of 12 tracks and we'd look those up individually and then burn them to a CD the next day right it's very cool nothing the school caught wind of that and shut it down right and you got suspended returns with suspension if you continue selling these on campus you know I think they just wanted to cut I think that's one juice today we're like look if we give you twenty percent yeah we don't ax yeah they're like no they're like no 40 proposed I also give me that 98 degrees I don't understand what threatening suspension does you know in in the way to me wart you know a deviancy why was it like what if I keep acting the way and then act I don't have to come to school yeah cool sign me up no but that I mean and that's a very one track markers look at it cuz then if you miss an update school you'll have to return for another year right now I understand just terrible it was something like 25 days though yeah like you had that was the cut offer for having to repeat a grade mm-hmm let's take a break by the way I was just kidding about all that me I'm sure that never happened let's take a break but I mean let's be honest though no you know you should always question authority respectfully and politely sure is the way I think the way to do it I guess so now for you know I mean to a degree to a degree if they're doing something bad no violence no no no bad stuff like that don't break the law right and anonymize your tweets kids don't send out quote those tweets where the the username that just like is your full name where was your IP slaughter do ya come on be smart about these things all right we'll take a break more 404 and how you can help destroy working right after this this is the 404 mr effers the show where we all sing songs purina in Paestum are a pizza caso kah you oh hey welcome back to 404 hello hello welcome to the 404 Clary Larry ah bother me we we got an interesting story that will get to right away okay it's the conversation that comes up all the time in my circles okay I don't know about yours where we going with this where we go with this well we're talking about how closely related android phones and condoms are there's a lot in common I think so well first of all people feel embarrassed buying them at the store what is that is good though that might not be the story the real story is that the names the nomenclature that companies used to name both condoms at least according to a marketing executive he's claiming that those two have the same criteria for nomenclature and they all adhere to these seven characteristics so Android phones and condoms must all be named with with distinction it must be short yep appropriate easy to sign no not short well not like physically sure sure what so much sure easy to spell yeah and pronounced likable extendable and undone and flavored know uh extendable and you could say flavor do cuz android phones out like the contextually speaking sure and protectable yeah so they must be secure and then looking through a list of android names uh this is funny they kind of made like a bingo chart of is it a condom name or is it an android name so some of them have both like for example sensation yeah touch cruise wildfire apparently is also a condom name wildfires with android phone name yeah whenever you use the word fire i'm kind of thinking that's the furthest thing gonna be from my crotch yeah unless your redheaded indulge intensity by talent eyetality is good too oh but then there's also some android phone names that aren't condoms names condom names yeah maybe should be probably things like electrified admire can I say my favorite one yes it transform ultra oh yeah how was that not economy replenish replenish it was that not a kind of factory period den indulge makes sense rumor touch Rupert yeah that's an android phone when was that an android phones weird that is a weird ass list I'll tell you that cruise control is a condom but not an android phone that makes sense yeah cuz wheat yeah Lee this condom is elite it's weird I should be more Android that I'll beat I need a cigarette yeah good um yeah so I was also reading this article the other day that also has to do with Dom's and I heard an interesting fact that might melt your face as much as it did mine with pina you mean with the pinay okay with the doms mom I never heard that ever saw it's like shortening where anyway okay uh turns out that Magnum condoms yeah Trajan mag I know this but your ganar not larger correct and any other condom right the circumference of the circle sure is the same as every other condom length the length of the condom itself is exactly the same the only difference is that the packaging is gold right and it comes in a black box and it's more money and it's more money and the only thing bigger there is your freaking ego yeah and that's it that's that isn't that crazy yeah did you know this Richard I did not know that magnum condoms like traditional ease supposedly they're bigger right for the more well endowed man same as everyone else it's pure marketing techniques sure is that is nuts to me that is not very surprising to me though it's not know because most human beings anatomically speaking fall into a very specific range okay and the fine people at trojan and whatever you know rave realize this and they're able to accommodate right one size fits all why would you make a condom that's only good for the you know whatever the higher sure I don't no doesn't make sense I don't know it's like putting a hula hoop on a pencil yeah it just doesn't it just waited I'm just met with you buddy and so people that are really that huge and they need something a lot i think the rubber just stretches more to accommodate freaking latex man it's like good to on that's what I yeah but it's but it's it's chad latex is latex for a reason it's a synthetic material that's true and it conforms to any shape and size you know whose fault this is Ludacris Ludacris is the official spokesperson for trojan magnum condoms in this entire time he's been lying to meijer yeah yeah that's message I wasn't lying to your ass okay that's any prejudice it just wasn't wasn't wagging his finger at your behind wasn't come on man yeah it's whole time I thought it was like a rap star but apparently I'm not imes I don't know what to tell you all right I don't today you want these magnums then we're not gonna talk about that at all go to the bodega we will talk about though real quick little bit of gaming news I thought was important to relay to all of our gamer friends out there HBO GO very huge service awesome service hitting xbox live today I believe so you definitely want to check that out especially catch up what it do what i'm going to do catch up on game of thrones before it starts on sunday i have not started that yet you should i don't watch it but i heard its really heard it's awesome are you haven't seen i have not there's only i believe there's 10 episodes i gotta watch them all but you know in a reasonable amount of time before the second season really starts to get deep right arm so there's that and then there's an interesting statistic coming out today saying that the majority of people on xbox live stream video as opposed to playing multiplayer think about that yeah think about how many people are on with call of duties and all that stuff and then think about that number being eclipsed by those who watch streaming video online right that blows my mind are you that surprised though I mean yesterday we supposed to talk about a story about how online streaming films like on netflix or hulu whatever have overtaken numbers going to overtake DVD and blu-ray before the end of the year I don't know that's pretty insane I mean in your personal life you do more streaming then no I think it's equal oh no in terms of just movies and content sure right I'm I'm streaming much more than I am buying dvds and going to the theater sure absolutely no no comparison so anyway speaking of movies that no one's going to see uh the Ninja Turtle saga continues just want to touch on this real quick we joke the other day we're like hey you know Michael Bay's new interpretation of a ninja turtle shouldn't even have the nin have the teenage or the mutant right it turns out well guess what the new Ninja Turtles movie due out in December of 2013 actually does not have teenage or mutant in the title just just called ninja turtles so guess what this isn't even the same Bryant it's not the same franchisee far as I'm concerned right this has nothing to do this is just about different turtles who happen to have ninja abilities she just call it really eat pizza though that's really my main thing well it anchovies on pizza they'll learn to love it yeah they'll learn to love it is what I the only thing I can understand a lot of the key bebop and Rocksteady well I don't know those will probably wind up being some other sort of alien freak thing but a caller did calling yesterday saying hey guys don't forget kraang was an alien to shredder that's great impression it's terrible Oh kraang was an alien from a planet not of our own right so it sort of falls in line is from Dimension X Emily Dimension X yeah same as the neutrinos remember those do middle like Mohawk characters yeah so hey if it works it works yeah I think we can move on officially until the movie comes out in a year and a half boob all over and we will it'll be the biggest grossing film since avatar and we will have given it zero stars before we hit a couple calls man by the way that Ninja Turtles movie isn't coming out for a while it's gonna come out December 25th yeah that's what I said cuz we're 13 that's that's crazy long time this one's a long wait that's how long it takes to make a sting pellicer it's got a cook in the oven aha let's actually get the calls right now time to show the love 86 404 scenic all right calls from the public today sort of a weird question not sure how genuine it is but nevertheless you are our resident headphone expert okay someone's got a question that only you can answer yes yes well for four at the question for Justin you I'm trying to buy some headphones over the ear headphones and that I'm going on a trip soon like tomorrow and I'm trying to forget what it was about the bose 8ae to think or the OE Tucson Eclipse edge one image something one image one so you please help me out we appreciate it and where the heck is a little bit shut up first of all you idiot I hope he's joking i think he is let's um let's give him some advice uh so i believe the two in a very weird way of bright things sound like names someone was feeding him this information yeah i don't know where he was getting that from but i think i am able to translate what he's trying he's talking about the eclipse image ones which are an over ear headphone versus the bose AE tues which are another over your headphone i would go for the klipsch image ones actually uh unless you want a really noise cancelling when it sounded like he is gonna be traveling with these headphones on you want a better sound more natural sounding a soundscape go with the klipsch image ones and they're also cheaper there a buck 50 I believe the AE tues you have to get over like 179 people of that I still to this day yeah I mean say what you will about the quality of their products and talking about Bose right they have somehow convinced and there's similar to Apple my opinion how they've elite eyes their brand to the point where people just automatically associate high quality with it but it's nothing tangible though they claim that there's a bose sound right no it is that a lot holy subjective and while would you want a both sound if the artist is increasing for that yeah all you want to hear uh you know box infinite yeah here's the bose version it's like the same reason why i don't want to know what dr. dre wants me to true it's true you know it's the same reason interesting but yeah so i would go with the klipsch image ones um thanks for the call sir if you'd like to participate 866 404 seen it also tomorrow with tony hawk on the program guys call us up and leave a message for Tony will play it on the air and he will probably answer it yeah so do that first tomorrow if you want to tweet us do that as well and you know tweet out to us about the show tomorrow and Tony getting excited having a mom want to certain people are you that's crazy he's quickly becoming you know one behind fresh dick yeah look at the Alec Baldwin yeah so far Tom Hanks in the ain't Martin until the August I'll go I like that so yeah talk it up and we'll have plenty of stuff to talk about with him tomorrow before we get out of here one last story I want to bring up real quick and see what we think about this the weinstein company it's releasing a film called bully uh-huh have you heard about this for a bully deals with teenage bullying in high school and you know growing up okay uh they have actually decided to release this film unrated it's pretty unprecedented uh and the same sort of thing happened with a film called this film is not yet rated that came out I want to say about six seven years ago right got the nc-17 rating the problem with this film is that the directors and producers and writers wanted it to come out with a pg-13 rating but the mpaa in their infinite wisdom declared that it had to have an R rating just due to language write a whole topical language again coming out full circle but this the language isn't part of I mean it's part of the story about bullying because I think about the words bullies execs and obviously it makes sense for people to want for the filmmakers to want to have this have a pg-13 rating therefore it's seen and more accessible by a whole crop of people right if you make the film unrated I get the impression that anyone can go see and this is probably not the kind of thing that kids will want to see anyway though well I thought it's more like an educational thing I think it's one of those things where you know look when you're in the high school they show you nasty stuff you know and when your middle school you see terrible stuff that would be rated R right on TV or in a theater but it falls into that grey natural Geographic natural geographic area you know I mean where it's like all that person's naked but because they're like in Africa and they're in a tribe it's okay do you know what I mean of course same sort of logic should apply for this right and this is parochial to it's not like just showing gratuitous violence and hundred percent movies and things it's sort of sheds a little more light on how ridiculous of an organization the mpaa is and other priorities are totally up there as out of whack right very ironic that we're talking about a movie called bully yeah when it sounds like movie itself is getting bullied by the mpaa okay you can't write that stuff that's straight off the dome there good job just yet no but seriously you're 100 Sandra yeah yeah its best it's very uh indicative of what you know the sort of how the system is set up and how it's just not right right it needs to be reevaluated frankly unfortunately though as important of a message that this film does have to say it's not getting a huge release in terms of theaters okay so then it's an independent independent but what and it will be here in New York York I definitely encourage you to see it the the there hasn't been reviews necessarily but the message is important and you know this has become like a very big hot topic I thing going on with the the Rucker's trial going on there's a lot going on in in mainstream media right now that sort of this movie maybe brings attention to so yeah it's interesting maybe a little wider release with this unrated rating your kids out hard nowadays you remember I got bullied when I was a kid by this one guys always have it hard no but now they have to you know before when we were young if you didn't want to do with the bully you just go home right like once you leave school the bullying stops because it's always in your present but now it's more of a cyber bullying thing so now you got to go home and read the incendiary tweets a facebook post wall I think it's the facebook you don't become you unfriend them yeah I mean you can protect yourself yeah right I guess not with email right but I what if there's like texting bully's you know that just like heck seem like mean emoticons yeah I don't know and I look we can't put ourselves in these kids shoes because we are actually pretty far away separated from them these days yes I found out the hard way this weekend if we went to the same high school you would have bullied I would not I believe me every day I never bullied anybody I had a home the trireme backs me up when I say you are full of it you don't know what the hell you're talking about I had plenty of you some lanky friends as well that all being agent probably would have cursed at you all the time exactly I look ignorance of angel that was cursing down the hallway I can't say my mouth wasn't potty yes but look now I had your poop command we gotta get out of here guys ate 6644 cnet again Tony Hawk the Birdman is back on the show tomorrow that's gonna be so much fun you would have grabbed my arms and be like what are you hitting yourself still beating yourself really that guy Richard's land I got it done this gravity was true no way to know that bully I did not do that to anybody I knew bullies in school you know you're Freddie stayed away from me okay it's cuz I had such a big head that's her vitamin we'll see you tomorrow the 404 @ Tina com is our email tweet us all that good stuff on the twitters and the facebooks and whatnot we'll be back tomorrow have a great one I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you it's 404 high-tech lowbrow again did not bully anybody I'm set the record straight 44 is not going anywhere and Jeff never bullied in it see you tomorrow
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