The 404 Ep. 1020: Where Tony Hawk shows us how to 900
The 404 Ep. 1020: Where Tony Hawk shows us how to 900
it's Wednesday March 28th 2012 thanks
for tuning in to the 44 show on cnet TV
I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you and
this is the show where Tony Hawk shows
us how to 900 that's right Oh made
waving sign of idea it's rad do it you
brought a skateboard I did we need a
couple other things in order for you to
teachers yeah maybe maybe some more
square footage uh yeah maybe maybe years
of experience doing other types of spin
moves but we can we can bypass that dude
I'm just trying to think back and first
of all welcome back to the show Tony on
applause for Tony all right i mean
really like i said in the pre-show
you're quickly becoming the Tom Hanks /
Steve Martin of the 404 yeah that's what
I am do you know how many times you've
been here sure did I think maybe this is
the fourth time yeah some like third or
fourth day we've lost count there's been
so many old friends old friends again
thanks for being here we know you have a
crazy new New York schedule so probably
saw the sunrise this morning that's
something neither of any of us have seen
so congrats to you on that so thank you
it's amazing you even saw the Sun
through the skyline it's amazing so
that's an accomplishment in itself uh
you've got a lot going on but first off
have you been man it's been it's been
like a couple years um yeah I've been
really well i uh sold skating all the
time and we just we just lost this
YouTube channel and for sure now you're
gonna cover it but I've been working a
lot on that since the beginning of the
year um trying to get new content for it
do shows do interviews you know I've
been like kind of chasing so I've been
stalking celebrities to be honest oh
yeah yeah welcome to our world now yeah
actually but I I'm a little more mobile
so I go to them generally that's cool we
don't have that budget right well that's
that's luckily working YouTube we have a
budget yeah which is sweet yeah so let's
jump right into that the the new YouTube
channel that launched in January yes uh
it's called the ride channel yes now I
you know we really sort of uh just a
scraping the surface and we'll play this
video in just a second here I can't
believe how ambitious it is you know
when we first heard about it was like oh
what you know what's this about he's got
his own channel that's cute
you know and then I'm like oh my god
this has more original programming than
ninety percent of cable TV yeah yeah to
be honest when I saw the the sort of
layout and the ideas for all the the
shows and how many episodes were going
to run right and I counted them and I
was like is this really possible right
to do um but we have you know we're I
don't sooner outsourcing we're using a
lot of friends and sure yeah to do the
some of the shows in fact we've actually
like like Jamie Thomas pro skater he has
his own crew and his own show and it's
just his he'd read he submits it so he
just delivers that you guys and you run
it you know all right well let's real
quick let's watch these sort of welcome
to the right channel video and we'll
learn a little more about what's going
on here what's up everybody i am tony
hawk and i'm proud to announce the
launch of our new YouTube channel it's
called ride I've teamed up with some of
the best people in the skate industry
we're rolling out 22 different shows
over the course of the year shows like
hand in hand which basically features
different successful musicians and
artists and people from all walks of
life who have been inspired by skating
we've got a show called in focus that
teaches you better techniques to
photography and videography shredded
cards where you submit ten tricks to us
and we'll decide how much money those
are worth and pay you in credit at the
skatepark of tampa speaking of skatepark
of tampa those guys have their own show
going we've got Jamie Thomas and his
crew of black box when they're on tour
and all their antics and all their
actions we have descent which are my
interviews with celebrities and
actors and people whose work I respect
and who I just want to interview you
also have Tony's crew and that is
usually the birdhouse team but my
friends as well we go and escape
wherever we want and you film it all for
you we also have trick a day which is
actually a trick tip every single day
we're going to teach you how to skate
the basics of skating and the hardest
stuff of skating every single day it'll
be something easily we're super excited
this is something that we've always
wanted to do and it's finally reality
and it's your own YouTube and so you
should go subscribe right now slash ride channel and get
the benefit of all of our heart wow so
that's pretty awesome yeah you actually
forgot I did that video you remember
that seems like so long ago oh really
all right I was that was in January
those like right before we launch yeah
and speaking of which so the the
channels only been up not even three
full months when I've been through March
yet right and I'm like scrolling through
and there's over 400 videos already yeah
there's a bit of content a lot of these
shows have new episodes that air every
single day we have a line up right here
and they say that it says that we have a
total of a 365 shows that air every
single yeah yeah and some sometimes more
than one a day so yeah that's great um
but it's it's it's super exciting and
and you know we we I realize that nine
hundred films my production company
we've been doing stuff for the last ten
years you know you know stuff for ESPN
and programming and commercials and
things like that but I realized that all
that work was leading to this like this
is where we belong this what we you know
we're nimble and did the the sort of
short segments um aspect of of YouTube
is exactly what we needed right it
you're totally right i think that
platform you know people tried to do
long-form stuff where it's like oh I'm
gonna have a show on you 22 minutes
doesn't work no people aren't stand
another screened in fact you know when
you load a video and you see the end of
it is like 18 minutes whale forget that
I don't think so that's that's it you
know to look away right away yeah but
it's the perfect amount of digestible
little mini bites that that work so well
I mean let's just go over some of these
shows here so obviously we saw on the on
the teaser their stuff like trick a day
and uh pros pics that's that's the shows
that are every single day yeah which is
out of control so
is that where how does I mean I know you
said you not uh intimately involved in
each production but for the stuff that's
365 are these guys like just constantly
shooting yeah like my knowledge and we
debt we had we had some stuff uh we
saved right for sure we put a lot of
stuff on the shelf so there's stuff
that's being rolling out like um you saw
right there I interviewed like MGMT and
I even Frank Black those haven't even
aired yet right um we're still holding
him but there are plenty of things
happening on the fly that you know like
the the Tampa Pro event that's one of
the biggest gained immense the yeah that
just happened last weekend we had the
finals like best of the finals best of
best trick up the night that it happened
well we struggle to get our show up the
same day how are you doing and this is
all mobile too um yeah yeah yeah no yeah
I mean once you're living in YouTube's
world everything is player for
everything that's magnificent uh I'm
really into this show descent we saw
earlier and you mentioned your
interviews with MGMT yeah i was i was
watching one with rodney Mullen that was
really awesome yeah but it's not just
skaters do you got you had at Helm's in
the show ya how do you go creator how
did the Creator yet out some kind of
crazy uh how do you go about choosing
the guests for that is that I don't
there's people who interest me and I
think are cool or inspiring or
fascinating yeah it's just I can't like
you know if they just offer up some 1i
have to really believe in a life you
really want to do it you right yeah it's
not like Letterman where it's like okay
well they have this movie coming out and
right enough talking points and stuff
like that it more like I I submitted a
wish list and I'm knocking them out one
by one right I like that so you're sort
of curating the whole guest thing it's
yes it's not like you know this thing
where you're just doing junkets and
stuff like that it's more what you want
and and I feel like that shows in in in
the interviews it's just you know you
could tell like you're almost sure like
a fan Oh totally yeah i mean the hardest
one right now to edit down to uh you
know something that that is is not going
to turn people away where is the frank
black once i'm such a huge pixie spam
yeah we're just going deep into lyrics
and this yeah a side project
but and and so right now it's two parts
that's so cool it's like it's like those
old Chris Farley sketches and say it
totally nuts me remember that time again
another time in spite and they use your
song at the end of like that's funny
awesome that was awesome uh in focus is
a cool idea is a good show because you
know and I feel like this leads to a
bigger conversation we talked a little
about it in the pre-show I'm a terrible
skateboarder I tribe when I was young
when I was like 13 in the mid 90s what
about Justin's you try treated in high
school yeah little after and I just
wasn't very good either it's a reason
why I really like the idea of trick a
day yeah I wish something like this I'm
sure you've heard there was around when
I was a kid because I remember just
going back and we're winding through VHS
tapes and watching pros and try to
emulate that which never worked out well
because they do it so easily you know
like right to have someone break it down
in a tutorial is probably really really
helpful for you it is absolutely it's um
it's actually did a whole series of
instructional videos a few years ago um
and we are to be told we actually use
some of those now because we're we have
to put out one each day so we've gone
back to that catalog for sure it's funny
because there's some pros that I see and
I'm so I'm so detail-oriented with with
that kind of stuff and somewhat cynical
and so I'm like I he didn't explain that
I mean like there there he's explaining
it and it's it's enough to learn on
right I don't like but he didn't talk
about this thing you know in approaching
of this Witten and I'm like I can't I
can't control that yeah just gotta let
it be honest it's their voice yeah you
got logo it's something if you love you
gotta set it absolutely works yes oh so
getting back so like I was saying back
in the 90s I we're learning trying to uh
you know skateboarding I think leads
people to sort of discover other things
for me it was discovery of all right I
can't skateboard but beyond that it was
like oh I'm better at I sake let me play
ice hockey instead but also what
skateboarding it's like that there's the
music aspect of it and a total amazing
appreciation for photography for
filmmaking like before skateboarding I
had no idea what a fisheye lens was at
all I was like oh wait a second that's
but every single skateboarding video
shot and in focus sort of like harnesses
that that uh appreciation for for that
other medium that is so closely
connected to skateboarding I mean uh I
feel like just like a perfect to match
me in hell yeah but I think I really a
lot of these shows transcend just
skating so it's hard for me to go around
talking about well it's it's skate
centric channel because you know that
will turn some people away right of
course that in focus show that's going
to help your filmmaking in any context
but I have to be just shooting skating
shouldnt any kind of action or using
lighting and stuff like that um so you
just got to look past the skate title of
it all and see that there's there's a
lot of general programming absolutely
almost more like a lifestyle sort of
thing yeah as opposed to strictly rooted
in a sort of like our show we're not
really a tech show but nobody really
knows what we do here that's fine though
um so a hand in hand is something they
talked about also and that can you sort
of like summarize that show as well it's
more the sort of music side of things oh
it's actually it'sit's interviews and
stories of successful artists or
musicians or actors that were inspired
by skating or that skated sure um and
like perfect samples Tom DeLonge we have
we have these videos of him he made
skate videos in high school oh yeah of
him and his buddies yeah just like with
the blink guys or just no just his body
cuz okay I mean before blink ever
started all right um and he actually
there's I didn't realize that but he's
got a couple cameos in in videos from
the 90s that like I helped produce oh no
way yeah just just background lebih
piece you know he's just like in the
background but we zoom in on like oh
there is yeah um so he's hark recife I
didn't know that I you've learned that a
lot like I learned I used to watch that
Yeah right video I like that yeah just
when Owen Wilson's just talking like he
knows what he's talking about yeah that
to me I can just watch that scene yeah
why he didn't know yeah a rehearsal okay
all for sure it but he comes through and
yeah yeah Manos double kickflip is just
like shut up that's amazing there was
another episode that I watched from
hand-in-hand about Thurston Moore
talking about his influence for it with
ed templeton I had no idea that there
was a cross over there and just to watch
a video of that is
informative there's a lot of um you know
there's a relationship there i think yes
um i think the biggest skate fan that i
was surprised by is justin Warfield from
she wants revenge yeah he is like the
uber super skate fan like through all
the years and today yeah he's just you
just happy to be there just be like to
be interviewed talk about stuff like
that yeah just but I mean down to like
the most my new details of every video
yeah I love skaters I know exactly what
parts in what video and what song they
skated that's that's always the best
thing for me I never liked watching my
favorites gay video from like the 90s
with trilogy is like that i think was
like blind world and 101 ever going to
the end and having to fast forward again
like having to rewind again through the
song list okay and then going through
each song me like oh my god like this is
so great and that influenced me and
inspired me to skate a little well
that's cool so cool like music plays
such an integral part in what part you
know in for sure i mean in that that not
in like i said to reiterate that's what
I took away from that seems like the
good music Thank You Man yet yeah and it
sort of leads into what's happening with
the new tony hawk's pro skater HD game
sort of like throw back to that time um
can you tell us a little about what we
can expect from this game it's there's a
bit of a misconception that it's sort of
just like a 3d reboot but it's more than
that it's sort of like a culmination of
those first two games it's it's the best
of our first two games um all in you
know with the new hardware we can't ever
had to redo everything engine and with
the graphics and so you know i guess the
misconception is someone we just uh
president it really was a much bigger
project than that and also because we
wanted to be that much better you know
don't want to just be something that
looks a little cleaner right um but i
think the thing that people are asking
about most is beyond you know which
levels are going to be in it um is music
and so we put half of the original
soundtrack in and half new stuff and
I've actually heard people say like oh
it's got to have all the new in in the
interest of evolving sure
we got to put some new stuff in there
course you know I want this to live on
and this is gone it's only going to be
downloadable so it's only going to be on
xbox live and there's a playstation
store yeah PSN yeah um and so yeah PS
now we're gettin so I want to be able to
do stuff later on new levels you know
levels that have them in any game right
downloadable content stuff like that so
let us so obviously the warehouse level
that's got to be awesome I mean without
that I mean God it's just I admit I
spent so much time doing that playing
that game is that I don't think about it
not that eating this warehouse that's
the first level on the first game that
game was only on ps1 yeah so you know
we're two consoles from there now for
sure like two leaps and technology
generation put them up it's just funny
how we thought I mean it was true but
for the ps1 and for the for our game
especially people like the graphics are
amazing yeah and when you put those side
by side which we just did at the game
developers conference you know here's
here's the first game right here's the
new one it's just ridiculous it's it's
it's it's like bittersweet it's like Oh
what it's like you're watching a super 8
projector on a wall yeah exactly you're
like all remember that all you just have
a mustache you get stuck in the corner
oh man what's crazy about that it's
bittersweet it's like oh what a you know
great homage to that era and man does it
make me feel old is what it does to me
yeah I mean it's been almost 13 years
since that fifth game came out what I
just I don't know I just turned 30 I
want to say all this is what I've been
doing a lot of interviews you know from
that game sure I was 31 when the first
game came out right so i was already you
know an older skater so to speak so i'd
say at least half the comments on all
the recent interviews that i do is man
he got old oh that's it like that's it
that's we can tell that's what you took
away from me explaining all these
amazing features yes new game your
pretty bow he's old and you're bringing
that you're like doing this service to
every game around tire bringing back
this amazing franchise the way everyone
remembers yeah that's what you can't
and something that video I tell people
that I'm like hey you want it you want
to like you're feeling good about
yourself yeah put a video of yourself oh
my when you're in your 40s online and
just read the comments they come by
that's messed up you look great don't
let all right I'm beginning to enjoy it
yeah at first I was kind of chase i was
like i would actually you know i would
tweet to uh uh to a video sure say Oh
check out here's some you know here's
another preview of the game right all do
you don't have to comment by me being
old I'm okay like just let's just
establish the pressure and move on ya
know we know that I know it yeah I know
what I feel it I see it I feel it you
feel it and I don't really feel it now I
mean I mean you know you've been through
a few injuries in your life yeah don't
be honest I'm i feel like i feel pretty
loose I've been skinning a lot like I'm
just getting more than ever in the last
couple years you're gonna be I'm not
worried about you you're gonna be just
fine I don't want to own that no we want
bellies got it buddy I wanted to talk a
little more about Tony Hawk HD is there
gonna be a multiplayer element cuz
that's something that didn't exist when
the first game yes came out so yeah is
there an online yeah part of this yes 55
game modes okay I'm from see I feel like
you can't appreciate how important this
series is especially for this guy
because I'm like the resident gamer and
this guy is the resident everything else
but and video games literally I hate a
venom for these dil so many years of my
life but so my game is common ground
transcend it transcends that casual
gamer sort of uh barrier so many good
days and bad days were punctuated by how
many secret tapes i got unlock all right
Tony Hawk dictated the rest of your
wheezes I know that that poses a
challenge secret tapes mm-hmm we're not
wins last time you saw videotape oh my
god what is it like I'm drivers okay
kids are gonna say we updated it so okay
you don't want to tell us so good I
raised unless it's like now I'm not
gonna get anything exclusives yeah
that's really cool I you're right I
don't mind talking about i always go
rogue they always get piston all right
yeah dan the Man uh that's so funny it's
like Whoopi people be like oh there's
this black box i have to get
yeah I'm 13 I have no idea what that is
oh man right now CBDs mixview these all
right cool and even that's on its way
out seriously it's like physical yeah
that's what i said i said we should do
thumb drives yeah well there's like
irony in there too cuz it's like this is
a digital-only game sound about coming
in on a DVD right huh that's paradox I
blow my mind that feels get back to the
music is I actually have some personal
insight to this to uh the first
soundtrack legendary bands like dead
kennedys uh suicide machines which I
mean and like you look like that album
that suicide machines record that came
out that was uh forget was called
definition by destruction like that that
was 96 this game doesn't come out till
99 and three years later they're like oh
my God we're selling Apollo to record
right arm I've been lucky enough to uh
meet John Feldmann lead singer golfing a
bunch of times through a friends band
enough times I was able to hang out with
the guy and talk to him about how
Superman on that first game was just
changed everything yes that's definitely
the one that I could ask but most yeah i
just think that you know and and just i
don't i'm sure you've got to meet him a
few times right or no yeah it's just
amazing to sort of see how he was like
hey just we put our game and put our
song in a video game and yeah and now
that's what everyone requests you know
us to play at a show it's not here in
your bedroom house it's Superman I was
it was very cool that a lot of bands had
successes from that I mean who knew yeah
yeah well I mean we'll think about it
before Tony Hawk's Pro Skater one what
game was putting in you know punk rock
songs and myself like that that was a
big deal right to this day it's still
going on and I feel like maybe perhaps
you guys don't get enough credit for
that for starting that sort of
mainstream try i i i i think in terms of
compliments from the game half the time
as a soundtrack yeah for sure yeah I
don't that's not lost on me at all
awesome so for this one you said you're
doing about half the stuff can you can
you clue us in on some of the new stuff
that's gonna be on there ha oh that's
you know what I can't really know you
know I know it like excuse me I've been
playing it sure you know the songs is
creeping your head huh so I know the
but but some of them are bands that are
new bands that i like but I can't place
which band is the song you know what I
mean right on um but it's good it's gets
new stuff and it's stuff that will open
your eyes to new music like that which
is definitely the the important thing
there i feel i was the song that just
got into your head for those first uh it
was a dead dad ted kennedy songs truck
yeah struck it was um had that vandal
song ya barde George oh that is love
that one that song has some of the best
lyrics of all time yeah it's about it's
about Europeans yeah and and like the
there um I say it yeah there's my social
tix yeah yeah they're their tendencies
writer tendencies yeah Oh wha suicidal
tendencies like I'm speaking of my god
dude I mean and that's it was like the
soundtrack I mean growing up I mean when
this game came out what was I 18 almost
17 sort of like the soundtrack of your
childhood a little bright uh yeah I
started to get all sentimental with you
here this is oh no I'm excited I'm super
excited that we got to do it i mean it's
something that to be honest i fought for
for a couple years yeah that i wanted to
do and um you know they were a little
worried about rd and the whole rehashing
of old stuff and things like that but
Robbo moto and I came up with a plan and
presented at Activision and they bit
that's interesting we get into that a
little bit because you know the last two
games were with the skateboard accessory
um and there was sort of uh I don't want
to say you know there was a mixed
reception about about those types of
games for them to sort of just be like
all right well a lot of franchises go
back though do you know I mean like a
lot of franchises sort of look back to
their roots and say okay how can we sort
of stick with what works well what was
that process like for you um well I mean
with the whole ride and shred uh to be
honest I think uh shred was the game
that I want a bride to be hmm and we
just didn't have the development time
sure what we spent half the time
figuring on a board right and we're on
deadline to release it that year and so
there were a lot of just subtle tweaks
that could have made the game so much
better and easier to pick up like if you
learn how to play it it was pretty
intuitive and it was
was pretty responsive but if you just
thought you're gonna get on and be able
to do it then everyone's crashing into
walls so you know that's where that's
where a lot of negativity came in the
beginning um and then we went to shred
we we were up against all the you know
sort of bad reviews of ride firstly but
but that was it when shred came out it
was right when the peripheral thing was
dying yeah so to release a peripheral
game right then when you know with the
onset of Connect right it was like like
everyone's got it was a perfect storm of
just yeah it's not gonna happen yeah
like I have 19 plastic guitars ready
exactly i needed a said that it was like
that was the year guitar he was gonna be
discontinued right um you know it was
gonna going into more motion based stuff
so it was just it was tricky timing for
us yeah um that being said I'm glad I'm
probably took a chance for sure like I I
learned from that a great deal you know
a lot of people want to like they want
me to own up and say it was terrible but
I still believe in I like it right and I
like to I like getting people off the
couch at play but that being said you
know we don't forgot about what got us
here yeah and that is the pro skater
series absolutely I'm end and that's
something to be honest I wanted to when
when ride came out we had a two years of
development and that was the first year
they had not released a tony hawk game
right the first time in so that was like
after project 8 after proving ground
after okay right um so there was a year
hiatus okay and in that time I told
Activision I think you should release
one through four in HD mm-hmm you know
just make it one disc how can they even
do a double take on that well you're
like do you know what we've done
together i'm about to be honest they
knew better than I did and they were
like week we don't want to just throw
some out there because we don't have
something okay I mean that that's too
forced and by the time that that idea
was coming you know that I had it was we
were it was like the beginning of the
year it would have to be out by october
november you know you go into like
whatever alpha they're testing sure in
july and like then we had four months
right to get together and then
they knew that it wasn't quality that we
want so they shut it down you know and I
was still like a little kid like come on
do it um but knowing now when we're
doing this HD thing and you know we're
only using the first two games for it
it's a lot of work you know Robo moto is
just completely devoted to it yeah
that's really cool let's go check out
this video a little teaser of what we
can sort of expect to see in the in the
new tony hawk's pro skater HD hey what's
up i'm tony hawk I'm here with Chris
Cole he is featured in the new video
game tony hawk's pro skater HD I guess
what so am I and we are here to skate
and to show you first glimpse of the
video game the original game came out 12
years ago this game is the best of our
first two games same gameplay with
button combos two-minute challenges
collect the letters of skate get high
scores find a secret tape when people
see it they're going to be really blown
away by the graphics but all of a sudden
they're going to feel comfortable with
the layout they're gonna know it
instinctively they're gonna know the
controls where the challenges are but at
the same time the visuals in the
gameplay or it's so much better that
you're going to get even deeper into the
game and immersed in it nice we tried to
bring back a lot of classic features of
the game especially the levels and the
skaters we've got a bunch of the classic
skaters and new ones some of the ones i
can tell you about our guys like Chris
Cole Nyjah Huston Eric Koston yours
truly and some more that will be a
surprise later on alright those first
preview of tony hawk's pro skater HD i
want to thank Chris for coming out
alright very cool uh so tony hawk's pro
skater HD is due out this summer the
summer download only download 15 bucks
fifteen dollars I guess this is kind of
like a technical question but I remember
when the second game came out the big
thing for me was manuals and doing that
awful like verts and snow
and that created a whole new element of
you know like changing together combos
is that something that's going to be
around in the new version manuals yes
yeah yeah yeah awesome I'm just like a
labor reverts maybe later unlocked okay
you can earn that little yes all right
also for up for discussion okay it's
tricky because reverts were not in the
first game right um I don't think they
were in the second game they showed up
in three we're not in a second yeah they
worship in three and I i use reverts for
all of my moves because I was always
riding the half pipes right and so I
never remembered it without having
reverts and Ramona can keep telling me
like it wasn't in the first 2 i'm like
yeah but come on but we're so taking a
brandon now that we have them yeah um so
I think I'm winning that fight ok rock
and roll your your son Riley will be in
the game as well uh he will yes that's
what's that like um it's pretty cool uh
you know what I've asked him that I have
asked him or wrote or Activision has
asked him probably for the last three
games cuz really know he's made a name
for himself in skating sure and every
time he's just like no no and he just
because he never really wanted to you
know ride my coattails he want to make
his one way want to have his own
recognition and he has and he's done a
really good job of it and I think now
he's so established that when Robo moto
asked me if he would be in it I said
look I know the answer he's gonna say no
he always says no and I'll never forget
i texted him like hey you want to be in
this new games and i just used to but
yeah i'm down oh yeah what I'd like big
but like I said because he really has to
stop himself as his own entity and
skating in his own force and so I feel
like if he's in it it's not you know
people are gonna see it as oh he got in
because he's dad's right now he really
is deserving of it Oh a quick end to
that oh just a little bit touch on that
like what you know seeing him grow up
and you know how were you how much of a
part were you in sort of obviously that
is the greatest caper were to ever live
I should probably try this out how did
that how did that work out what how old
was he when he was like oh he he was
skating from time he was three yeah yeah
because it gives us around round it
showing and and around that time
especially for me i was still skating
all the time you know i was i was
traveling a ton um i was shooting video
we just started birdhouse it was just
like it was it was it was my life and so
he was surrounded by it all the time and
it was kind of like he picked it up by
default yeah I was have to it wasn't
like he had two is more like if he's
gonna if he's hanging out with me that's
what we're doing right away he was like
oh this is how people get around yeah
but but and he did it and he he did well
out of his age obviously yeah um but
around the time that he was I want to
say like 10 or 11 he kind of like he
lost interest in it I think largely
because he could feel all that pressure
and all the eyes on it sure and the
expectations was at that age where it's
like he can understand that yeah so he
kind of he backed off he started riding
motorcycles she starts surfing a lot
okay and um but he was still dabbling
and skating and then I remember one day
he told me um yeah you know if I can get
the sponsor and motocross and I've seen
him ride motorcycles and I'm like
ralliart you're okay for your age you
know what I mean like you're not it was
you know it would be motorcycle is a lot
and I'm not discounting it's a life onto
itself yeah and neither his mom or I had
the time to devote to get him to the
track sure you know how much for how
much he should be training of course it
did make that a profession yeah and
beyond that you know I just didn't see
it as a big future for him it just
didn't seem like he was that motivated
and so I remember telling him one day we
were driving home and I said you know
you're pretty good at at motorcycles but
you're exceptional at skateboarding mmm
and I think if you focus on that you'll
be so far ahead yeah you know and not
because of me but just because I see you
have a natural talent rabbit and your
creative with it and you're doing stuff
that no one's done before at your age
already yeah and I think he took that to
heart and then some time around about
three years ago we were on tour and he
just blossomed like he started coming
into his own he was making up his own
tricks video stuff he was doing was like
beyond anything anybody had seen yeah
and then that's the moment when I said
look rather this is when you're probably
gonna want to start taking seriously
yeah you're gonna you're going to want
to get the sponsors to support you and
and really work at this sure it's not
just you have to be good at is her hobby
this is this could be your life
profession and he did he focused on and
he's relieved and well that's a very
cool story um yeah so definitely a
father and son in the game tony hawk's
pro skater HD you can see all his
tattoos in HD he's got the tattoos too
oh yeah yeah what do you how do you feel
about that um you know it spits you have
our culture I do yeah I have I have our
hot clothing logo like art it's I think
of a more of our family crest but I
thought that on my ankle yeah um but he
like just a few days after he turned 18
he texted me a picture of an armed with
Black Sabbath no and he said hey dad is
once you know I got this did yeah that
was his first time pretty neg very good
start since then um it's contagious man
yeah once you get one you know now he's
got Scott Black Sabbath he's got um he's
got Bob Marley he's got uh Ziggy
Stardust he's got good day boy yeah it's
really cool that's cool all right is he
could have done a lot worse than that
I'm sure um let's switch over to some 44
listener interaction we've got a bunch
of tweets that I've transcribed which
I'm very proud of going from digital
analogue here uh let's see oh we got
this from like 20 people uh what phone
do you have okay because I guess we're a
bit lets you want to uh you're gonna
type it up i have the samsung galaxy oh
there you go that's the 1i have it you
like it I do um this is the first phone
I finally gave up a physical keyboard
for ya um cuz i was using mytouch slide
two big big big deals hard it's still
hard for me I lied about the tactile
feedback of a keyboard oh my god this
I've had is about four months yeah i
just picked that up as well the keyboard
yeah i'm with you on the keyboard you
too although swipes wife's pretty cool
yeah i gotta grab that i also have this
so that i can do all the Instagram
all the other cool stuff oh so you're
like dual wheel them to really this is
my phone oh this is the one that's the
go-to all right good to know that's the
question that our lets people know
they're like what kind of photo i'm home
do you have Tony oh um I guess we could
have brought this up during the game
talk will Tony Hawk's Pro Skater come to
any handhelds possibly that's from at
Big Rob 092 possibly possibly yeah I
will take that as a most likely yeah can
I can I take that to the bank I don't
know what you know it's a lot of its
really banking on what happens in summer
oh Lisa I'm not worried about interest
level I have a feeling that's gonna do
okay hope so do you play games like draw
something um I don't but a lot of people
have told me to get that angry birds
yeah what are your feelings I Natalie
yeah um at three stars like I'm really
yeah so you have a problem yeah yeah
that's okay and space damn yeah freaking
out about it yeah they really threw me
for a loop on that one yeah they did me
too i I'm just sort of shocked that
that's the direction they went in but I
love it buy nearly new something I love
it but it's like three stars you kidding
me i can't relate it that gravity makes
it just ridiculously hard yeah yeah it's
fun them um we got some interesting
questions too this is from our buddy
Cano he says what else do you do besides
escape warning had you ever snowboard
you ever done anything other than that
yeah I've been snowboarding actually
since it was first let into the resorts
and it's still not everywhere still not
everywhere buddy like I've been panic
where they're just like no you're not
and they just have to work out the whole
getting off the lift thing I ever
anywhere I go I mean East Coast skiing
is not as cool as that West but anywhere
I go snowboarders just eat crab off the
way I ever like that's it I just see
people yeah yeah you know I feel like
that's a big thing they need to overcome
um I guess I don't I don't know I feel
like I didn't realize it that it was a
big problem either but I was happy I was
in like one of the you know well if you
get if you get like at least one
beginner on the lift oh it's over yeah
then he just sprawls out yeah you know
and takes everyone
yeah yeah the party's like oh I got a
great everybody yeah I'm sorry that
doesn't get a lot anything else you'd
you're doing live surf i mean i've been
surfing as long as I'm skating yeah but
you know the board sports for sure right
on beyond that nothing really athletic
no conventional need stuff baseball
basketball now stuff like that alright
that's fine you're pretty good
skateboard uh what okay so what other
video do you are you a gamer what other
video games do I used to be taken a
gamer much more um there's a little busy
for that sort of stuff man yeah it's
hard and like I used to play get a lot
of games with my kids he's played all
the lego games and the kids all right on
um we used to wow what else did we play
we played like spider-man and and stuff
like that but as they got older you know
they got into halo um and they was my
son plays portal okay oh no I played he
played board early finish portal now he
plays skyrim that's a time sucker right
there that's it yeah and so I don't have
an and tenth of the time yeah to devote
some like that and I'm not just gonna
half-ass it you know no you got to go
last game that I really would like dove
into and completed all the way was a gun
gun yeah really cuz I broke my pelvis
other night and never sought to just
finished it so they gave me a copy and i
sat in my bed for like two months oh man
and just made your way through
everything yeah that's good I mean you
know life's has you gotta look at the
bright side of things I'm not your label
fun yeah I'm laid up you know it's not a
bad idea to call the time break
something um okay let's transition into
your annual which become a huge deal
your annual Twitter hunt oh yeah I
remember before we ever met originally
following you on Twitter and being like
this guy this is a very smart thing
Twitter's used for a lot of crap let's
be honest but this makes sense it's
basically a huge it's not enough sort of
small scavenger hunt yeah you training
out you want it started out with me I
was just driving to go skate one day
yeah and I
was seeing how fast information was
traveling through Twitter and how
prolific it was you know it was like you
find out about earthquakes for sure from
Twitter yeah you know or any big event
yeah yeah yeah and so I thought what if
I just stash something I wonder how long
it would take someone to find it you
know I pulled off side the road put a
skateboard behind us bush and just said
hey I'd hit escape when this cul-de-sac
I go find it is so simple but so good
man and then I got to my office ten
minutes later the someone already had
already tweeted a picture of them
holding it they said other cars were
pulling in trying to find it right when
they left and I thought oh this would be
really fun to do on a big scale so i
really just just asked a few key people
around the country that I trust yeah and
I said would you be willing to you know
on this day hide something sure um and
I'll tweet where it is and see how it
works and so we did that way for a
couple times and then it started getting
much bigger because there was more
interest in it um you know sponsor
companies wanted to be involved and I've
never taken any money for it but
definitely we've gotten our prayer our
goodies have grown in value no we're
getting like guitars and stereos and
it's crazy how are they hiding stuff
like that um well usually will send a
box yeah it's that's a skateboard
because skateboards always going to be
one of the items children um and in the
past we send a skateboard box and would
generally whatever fits in there and the
guitars that we had did fit in that and
but it was mega yeah and so so much so
that the last couple times I said look
if you get a box and it's like crazy
split them up yeah you know split up the
items I don't care right and make it
more fun better but the the most
challenging thing of the the whole event
I mean we're gonna do it April fifteenth
that's that's what we're talking about
like it's happening that's the day it
starts yeah April 15 it's going to be
just that day and if you follow me on
Twitter your feeds gonna blow up and
you're going to be pissed on me you're
gonna say it's spam and whatever you
people get like super mad do they really
are stop spamming me you jerk I'm giving
you stuff yeah this is giving it away
yeah how is the spam light anyway
he's a madman well it's funny because
because I warn people like don't follow
me on this day if you do you know if
you're gonna complain about your clog in
the feed right cuz I'm gonna clog your
feet hey but the hardest thing about it
is to keep in track yeah and when I did
the first time it was just me and I sat
in front of my computer all day long
gravity replies like yeah reading
replies and then trying to figure out if
they're authentic Brian oh you would
think is you have to there's like right
so right so and and and then it's like
hey can you send a picture you know if I
see someone said found Mike we sent a
picture and I can't believe I'm people
like oh yeah I gotta get a camera well
what kind of phone do you have what yeah
take your pocket or or some people don't
how to use Twitter so just from their
Twitter yeah they write I found it
without tagging anyone or no context
whatsoever right so like whoever follows
them sees I found it what are you
talking about fake photos too is that
ever an issue like people now because
why we know it looks at we actually have
we have a system now we actually have a
separate Twitter account that you only
know about if you find a package okay
and on the package says you know reply
to this Twitter accounts yeah
third-party taking care of like
authentication stuff like that I had to
you of course I was the first time I was
consumed by it i SAT like yeah my kids
were went crazy well my wife was like we
doing like I'm doing this thing I've I I
just know I can you that was gonna be
fun but if I good yeah it was a monster
so now I um to be honest there's like
there's three people in my office that
help me yeah and and we take we take
shifts yeah you have it for the next
hour go oh man god have you heard
stories about multiple people finding
those prizes at the same time because I
mean yeah definitely happen or you'll
see you'll hear about you know 10 people
just scouting war nation yeah Mia and
then finding it and it's hard because
sometimes you know a parent will bring
their little kid unless we're gonna find
it and they don't find the kids cry oh
the boss all right so I made amends on a
couple of those where it's like could
you just send some to this guy just come
on this is all the guy find it i mean he
ripped it out of his hands but the
record the record for fastest fine was
less than a minute in Omaha they just
saw someone do it and just know this guy
I know that he's my friend from Omaha
he's hit it like in this parking lot in
her bush yeah and there was a guy in an
office building I guess sort of
connected across the street yeah and saw
my hint and he's like that's right there
a lot of work he had ran downstairs and
got it that's crazy okay so let's bring
this up especially in cities like
Manhattan some guy walking around dumped
in a big box into a garbage can what's
that about it you cross any weird sort
of friction say they've been a few where
I people kind of went rogue on where
they hid it yeah and I tweeted location
and I got verification that someone's
found it and I deleted it yeah yeah
she's like let's erase all evidence yeah
we didn't we didn't really hide that
from the White House yeah just don't put
into black duffel bag on the subway
you'll be yeah yeah remember what
happened with those the Aqua Teen thing
in Boston yeah it was a big you know
this is sort of in the same thing but
it's a fun yeah I'm pretty clear now
with with how to go about like I sent a
note out sure this is what you should do
is I'm gonna hide it you know I'd hide
it a place that you could like even
leave it the night before and it's never
gonna get found right unless someone's
really searching for you so it's 45
states around the country as well as
Australia Canada South Africa New
Zealand the Netherlands England and
Ireland well all those countries have in
common land they tweet in English ah
very good little trivia there yeah
that's what it is because you know he's
knew it another country then but uh uh
translations you shaky yeah who can who
has time for that that's really cool
that starts the day it's the day is
April fifteenth all day any reason same
day as tax they dominate to be honest
was the only weekend I'm gonna be home
all right in the next light couple
months brilliant and so I figured I want
to you know I want to monitor it as well
poor guy he's one day off he's got to
sit in front of a computer that's 90
million tweets come in oh yeah it's fun
to like will do stuff you know all hide
stuff in my area even yeah hey you know
I it sits here and then I just hang out
right and wait right on that's pretty
cool that is very cool unfortunately
Tony we gotta go i wish we were
more time with you man but it's always a
hundred percent blessed whenever you're
here please next time you're in you're
in New York you make your way back I'm
hoping that next time here we I can tell
you about the game because it's out yes
we would love that that's in the summer
Xbox Live and PlayStation Network the
Twitter annual Twitter hunt takes place
April fifteenth the YouTube channel is slash ride channel make sure
do that follow tony on twitter at tony
hawk if you haven't done it in instagram
and it's all your one of these Instagram
people's now I am we'll talk about that
the next time alright there's a lot of
fun to be had with that we got to get
out of here guys thanks again for tuning
in for sending in all your questions and
comments for Tony we really appreciate
it 866 404 cnet is the number to Cole
you can follow us on twitter at the 404
email us the 404 at cnet com we will be
back tomorrow on Friday our friend
Chandra from CBS News will be here yes
we'll have to act serious for an episode
80 we'll figure it out thanks again to
Tony Hawk always a pleasure man and see
you tomorrow I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Justin
you it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow we'll
see you guys soon
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