The 404 Ep. 1024: Where winter came a little late this year
The 404 Ep. 1024: Where winter came a little late this year
it's tuesday april third 2012 thank you
sir or ma'am for tuning into the 404
show on Sina TV I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm
Justin you and this is the show where
winter came a little late this year it
did about one year late just a little
late for my Scott yeah for both of us
yeah and of course we talked about
winter coming yeah we're talking about
Game of Thrones yes the gut I feel like
we are just so behind the times because
yeah I don't know man it took us forever
to get into this stupid show ready I
know it feels like um I feel that the
first time I watched what's it called
Good Will Hunting that was I think in
2008 to took your wall yet took me a
while to watch that one and then
afterward I loved it so much I was like
oh my god i didn't see Good Will Hunting
I guess 10 years ago reason don't you
love I hate being that guy hate being
the guy who's like hey I've discovered
something you all told me about it ready
right but that's the case with Game of
Thrones call it what you will I don't
know how I don't know why I don't know
why I didn't watch it I don't know how I
didn't watch it it was one of those
shows that i knew i was supposed to
watch right never heard so much about it
my brother was like oh you gotta watch
it it's so good it's right up your alley
HBO does amazing stuff which they do I
agree with that I think they make
amazing things right save for a few
shows stay for a few cancellation will
bring you you really don't have an
excuse because i know you do the HBO Go
three thing on your iPad yeah you really
watch that anywhere and I subscribe and
I submit your nature subscriber yet but
I don't have cable so it's a little bit
more difficult for me to watch how are
you watching it uh which meant that I
had to go to read the books okay I read
all three books over the weekend you
read the good book yeah that's what you
did but Gail God Game of Thrones is a
good good show and we got a lot of
catching up to do cuz i think the first
episode aired on sunday it did so sunday
was the first episode of season two all
right um I think you and I are about the
same amount of episodes through the
first season we've
I've got less than I watched episode 4
yet new ones you're one episode ahead i
just finished season 3i so showed that
little girl sword fighting ok you can
tell you compel idea warrior ok I'm
pissed ok refer I'm there's one thing
that I think is just funny yeah I think
we're gonna agree on this that his name
is Ned Stark is that ok yeah so that's
part of it is dead Hey look at how many
badasses do you know named Ned let's be
honest that's true ok the only other net
I can think of from popular culture is
Ned Flander right and that guy ain't
beheading anybody you know i mean yeah
he didn't have a beard either he doesn't
have a beer but man oh man Ned Stark on
your name's Ned ahead as in Ned Ned
Stark when were these books are written
uh I don't know actually that's a good
question because not long enough to make
Ned cool yeah I'm not sure there was
enough time even in the past right Ned
was like an authoritative badass name
yeah okay so that's what I was gonna
bring up to is there's a lot of weird
anachronisms in the show like for
example the cussing oh yeah so attaboy I
mean it was at a big topic of discussion
when the show came out last year I don't
know I never really heard about that
before watching the show and all of a
sudden they're just like yeah we're
gonna go the F word yeah we're gonna
like f these whores like wow it's bad
back then it is it me or does that seem
just a little awkward you know why it's
awkward because they did the same thing
but as a joke in your highness right
Danny McBride right that's right they
would actually say the f-word yeah maybe
like oh is like what that word
didn't exist back then especially not as
a verb well don't say back then because
game thrones the way I understand it
takes place in sort of an alternate
universe Oh way that explains it but I
didn't know that I'm just assuming that
because they're not I mean they are it's
like middle earth where it's an Earthian
sort of world right i called the realm
um but they do say the word world also
yeah uh but the the geography is is
unfamiliar and of course the seasons are
strange to where I'm right
you on the crown of the chronology I
don't know when winter is actually yeah
you know I just know that it's really
long and it kills people no the winter
is not a reference to the season no it
is not the winter is a reference to what
they they say winter is going because
they're from Winterbottom or whatever no
your uh no I don't think you're right
yeah I am right no I think I'm pretty
sure winter is like this 10 year long
season where it gets really cold I
thought it was a metaphor no it's not a
winter of their doing quenched when that
that old woman is is knitting in front
of uh what the hell's a kid's night
whatever ibrehem ngam ngam Rob Ron bon
bon prom-prom bond Brian will call him
uh she's like oh winters real bad to get
all my ancestors cuz it's like super
cold and all the wolves come and they
eat our faces off yeah that's what don't
look it up i'm looking at all don't
because they're okay so i think it's
because stark Ned Stark yeah and it's
all dead he's from Winterfell I know
he's from Winterfell yes castles in
Winterfell because it's close to the
waltz in the north I think that's why
they say winter is coming out I'm I'm
pretty sure you're wrong okay I don't
and I'm scared to look at the chat room
because chess justice is in your butt
which is winter lasts like seven to ten
years or something like that yeah I love
all the different races I love like that
the Thraki right now they're like uh you
know they're there I guess they're like
the other from the warm climate so
they're like there's killer in 10 right
they're all you know looking good and
you know jack out of their minds right
and then I like you know the people from
the north everything is real ray and
glue male pale son just love that
diversity I think it's great I think I
mean and you know if you everyone
compares it to Lord of the Rings I just
think because it's like this they all
seem to have the same names yeah I mean
well not Ned no not any no head start uh
Caitlyn I don't think they're very
similar Santa yeah but I know maybe it's
like the opening credits where it's just
that like fly through through the
through middle-earth is what it feels
like fonts are the same you know like uh
Ned's brother the uncle that works at
the wall oh yes Rob no that's what the
king was robbed yeah there's a way which
guys the key is not the key night min
the Night Watch one yeah yeah the night
watchman's name Rob are you sure yeah
yeah the king is named what's the King's
name this too many care too much stuff
yeah and that's another thing I want to
bring up I don't want to get too deep
into in case people haven't seen we're
really not ruining anything but I think
it's amazing in just four episodes
they've introduced us to roughly 20
characters yeah it's kind of a lot to
remit so largely with their unique names
too and I saw what I feel like I'm
learning at all in a reasonable amount
of time it's completely indigestible to
or or to even assume that you're going
to learn everyone's name in their
motives and the kind of person they are
we're just three hours of television
other both named Rob other both well
that's that's good way to go or whatever
the hell it was what is that they're
both named Ron it's really weird anyway
i watch and in the in the kid the
Joffrey kid yeah one of curbs there i
don't i don't know if i'll use that verb
but yes i agree i mean-- pretty bad yeah
i just like he didn't even have to open
his mouth you just take a look at the
kid you're like all man I know you're
gonna be bad right Joffrey Joffrey I'm
really pissed though because i was
reading an interview in The New York
Times that came out careful Peter
Dinklage and I just amazing a dink is
amazing yeah I think he after watching
only three episodes he definitely
deserved that Emmy someone someone
totally there like like oh it's crazy he
always plays a dwarf and I'm like don't
have a choice really have a choice
forget it was saying this to this yes an
amazing he's always worth enough I was
looking at the person I had nine has
like uh hello he actually is one yeah
but he really is a fantastic yeah he's
great and I love that like sardonic
humor he always has oh yeah crap eating
smirk you and we fought about him is the
whole Alistair clan that he's a part of
right you know like Lannister you know
like he's the good one right you know
like he's gotta love
head uh you can just tell and I don't
even know what happens in the rest of
the season right right now i'm up to i
don't wanna ruin it for you but you know
it's just he's facing some adversity in
this fourth episode at the end of it
right and you can just tell like he'll
be fine you know not whether they
confused about what happened with uh sir
Jorah uh that that blonde haired guy
that for some reason is kind of
incestuous with his sister oh I'm
confused about what happened prior to
Rob's kingship yes so what's the day and
I would I I like I backstabbing going on
like what why does he think he's in and
what part of what families he there the
auditorium where they called uh target
target attorney yet right so that's what
him in the Khaleesi are I know hit well
on talking about this guy I should just
bring his pictures bring him up Oh him
yes damn what's his your histories rocky
yeah it's weird no no this is the guy in
the in the realm of the kingdom weights
your say all wiggy not a skinny blond
guy in with the Dothraki I know when I
got banished because his i think is very
but there's the guy who is hanging at
he's like translating right right that's
the dude ok married it's tough there's a
lot of ins and outs yeah let us know
what you guys think about Game of
Thrones because we're just getting into
it and I know what happens at the end of
the first season why because New York
Times is really bad about censoring
spoiler alerts I mean the wrong don't
read any interviews about the current
state of season two because oh man the
end is pretty good except I had to read
it on the page and not watch please Anna
I'm sorry that happened to you know it
sucks you like you get Jack a lot with
yeah it happened me with breaking bad
too i saw a gift that was the info don't
don't i don't know anything about
breaking bad it's a little late no it's
not Justin because at this moment I
still don't know anything about that job
I holds much power in my hands are now
I'm gonna spoil it for you so at the end
no funny it's crazy that's where I will
tell you everything about walking dead
right now oh that's right you have some
yes I some leverage to okay door swings
both ways brother all right they're all
they've been dead for 20 year had ceased
dead p I like the bastard to know 10
guys topic you think they're upset but
every one of the charms like we don't
watch this stuff alright well you should
watch it because it really is good
television and a lot of the stuff you
probably watch is a lot worse than Game
of Thrones we've also done a really poor
job of explaining to people that haven't
watched it yet so it's fine it's their
problem that's game of thrones man p
everyone watches it come on except your
eye this one has monster day alright
there's a lot of actual news that i want
to get to today we spend 10 minutes on
game of thrones by the way um so there's
a lot going on i think the biggest piece
of news that i just want to touch on
real quick and i know you'll be able to
appreciate this little bit of news so
rumors are hitting this morning about
possibly more dlc for the game batman
arkham city this is a huge deal because
uh you know in the beginning when rock
city came out of the game last October
everyone was like oh hey you know um
we're gonna have dlc but that sort of
manifested into what's unfortunately
become these like you know limited a
character maps and stuff like that has
never been story-driven stuff well
there's a new rumor out from a UK source
IGN UK say is that says that they found
the trophy list for some playstation
three trophies that possibly uh give a
little hint that there will be some
story-driven dlc for robin and nightwing
oh very cool so like their own stories
have panning out in the game and other
be robin fan in the original comic book
series and it's cool that they're
separating the two characters because
there's actually three Robin's right
right like so uh to Grayson eventually
becomes Nightwing in the comic but then
there's two more that came after him
right one of which actually dies uh we
get murdered by the Joker oh my god I
was a spoiler i think that yet that
sounds explorer well I mean it's captain
in the comic book so i'm sure it's over
and there's two other ones too so um
yeah i'm not sure which character they
would take but Robin is a very cool
story lines alright forward to that so
yeah this is a game that i would
definitely watch you play and enjoy
myself doing yes and we've done that
before we have it we've wasted maybe
workout many an hour spent in my desk
just watching me play arkham city yeah I
will get into that conversation too as
well a lot of people calling in about
whether or not they think watching
someone play games is a worthwhile
activity yet so there you go just a
little tidbit of news Arkham City DLC
probably coming your way soon hold onto
those discs he's very cool because some
story-driven dlc is appropriately coming
down the pike uh in more video game news
I can't believe I'm saying that I love
it uh this is something that you and I
talked about privately before the show
started yesterday but I want to get your
take on kinect Star Wars because all the
reviews came out there was a tweet brian
Tong from brian town yesterday I two
days ago I think he was really excited
about getting the game and you kind of
know shot down well his excitement he
said it sucked yeah and I wanted to get
a first-hand review from you because
everyone else online that checked it out
hates it just as much I mean look
there's no real way to to get around
this it's terrible yeah it's it's just
terrible it's absolutely terrible and my
biggest I guess you know sort of beef
with this whole thing is the fact that
that Microsoft has done nothing but over
hype this game to the point where
everyone was convinced that they would
actually be wielding a lightsaber in
their hand right okay they're pushing
this and shoving it down everyone's
throat every e3 press conference think
about what it was two years ago when
they just went balls at and they just
totally had this huge presentation and
people like oh my god finally connecting
to it's a steaming pile of crap that's
upsetting it really is and I'm and you
know what I can't be nice about it
because you have led me to believe and
the rest of us to believe that this
would be the second coming I think um so
I've like seen a game play and and watch
the trailer I was excited about seeing
the course it really makes it look like
you will be willing a lightsaber right
and do it force pushes it lies to you uh
to me it seems like the big problem here
is that it's not a game for Star Wars
fans so when you're hyping it up for
years prior to the game coming out it's
obviously the fanboys that'll be really
interested in the original story right
but this co sort of makes it seem like
it's a kids game it is a kids game it's
a kids game disguised as a star wars
game the I mean nothing and nothing
feels good with it there's a dance
section of it yeah there's like a
there's like a dance central part of
what the f is going on well the idea is
that there's a bunch of mini games right
now dance portion is just a part of
that's not the actual arcade version
gameplay right well no it that I just
think that it was very misleading and I
think a lot of people expected one thing
and even when I got to play it last year
at e3 yeah and I said it was terrible
then I'm like hey they got a year at
least till this thing comes out they're
gonna be able to fix a few things here
and there right but no they delivered a
broken game as far as can we watch some
of the dancing part of the shirt and
Justin because uh you know they they
just kind of remix some modern songs
like Jason Derulo um I'm riding solo
yeah to be i'm han so so while we play
she's got a funny so check this out all
right let's do
this is actually in the game as Hansel
is coming out of a platform right not in
case in carbonite it looks like a Herson
forward though no one wants to see Han
Solo doing this so this is obviously for
people that want to take a more
lighthearted I mean come on like a
version of what dance central right like
people love that game but don't but you
understand or sky wars universe you
understand where I'm coming from though
I get it we were all led to believe that
as I would be able to chop people's
heads off with a lightsaber you know at
will and it's just not that that ever it
doesn't perform well the you know
there's no I've nothing positive to say
about it yes a lot of the reviews were
also complaining that the functionality
and the movement recognition doesn't
really work well connect cameras either
so when you're jumping you know like you
should ostensibly be able to jump turn
around you know do a force push and
we'll the lightsaber at the same time
and it doesn't really pick up on all the
subtle movements exactly I played it for
a little bit over the weekend and it
took me it took all the strength and to
not throw it out the window it really
did because that's how bad it and I'm so
I you know I feel bad because I know a
lot of time and effort went into it but
I think the bigger story here is ok so
the flagship game I mean this game was
regarded as hey this is it you know this
is a game and a franchise implemented
together that no other platform can
touch can't do this on move you can't do
this on whe this is controller free
lightsabers if this game doesn't work on
connect what's going to work on connect
where people are really compelled to go
out and buy it during what do people
take connect controls seriously and if
video games is it more of a kid's
platform or do other domi idols that
exist that are not married are you I
mean and don't get me wrong there are
games that do work well like children of
Eden which is like a a weird sort of
game that use your hands with okay that
kind of worked for me that was like the
best Kinect game there's a fruit ninja
kinect which is which were so kids game
though it's not kids always is when you
like slicing here we are you doing stuff
your hands you know whatever happened is
is scar was gonna ever come to the
playstation move because i feel like if
i were trying to pretend like had a
lighter in my hand i would actually want
a physical controller right not just a
you know like my fist young with you on
that is that a possibility i remember
when places movers came out people
really excited i thought that was good
at sort of look like the hilt of a
lightsaber I don't know I mean I they
get exclusive rights to the star wars
franchise I to be honest I don't know
the details of the licensing in and
legalities of this specific game but
can't get any worse yeah you know I I i
don't know i mean the reviews they're
not even nice yeah they're like three
out of 10 4 out of 10 stuff like that
it's not good alright well there you go
really bad review from everybody and
it's just universal yeah you know I feel
like they also had an opportunity to get
really cool voices for the dialogue and
it sounds like they didn't get any of
the original characters and actors to
play them which it's it really is
upsetting on numerous levels cuz you're
playing as a kid too you're playing as a
Padawan learner riot yeah I don't know I
don't think this one's gonna grow up to
be a Jedi yeah I'm sorry yeah another
gear you're making the cut little
Padawan you got to take a break when we
come back much more 404 calls from the
public emails from the public and a
whole lot more fun stick around cuz the
404 we'll be right back this is the 404
mr f'ers the show where we all sing song
what are you doing
this is the 404 the show where the robot
set you straight on your pronunciation
by all right you win a coke it's biopic
i right yeah yeah yeah eita dictionaries
know everything oh we just watched a
break video of death metal voice
warm-ups he was into men yeah he's good
he's doing like the scales from sea to
sea but in the death metal voice I was
wondering how those dudes just how did
they survive a night of shows yeah and
do it again the next night how are their
vocal cords yeah still attached like
they're nodules yeah darkthrone must be
sponsored by the fix or something Bray I
don't understand like you know you hear
about like Adele having to go through
surgery right because she just sings and
then this guy's literally screaming for
four hours a night right he's like hey
what's up I'm fine yeah that it's crazy
the registers that he goes up to and the
higher notes he does just like uh he
does like a raptor screen yes so it's
totally weird what do you got come on
right now it's just so funny he actually
did the voices for Jurassic Park um so
we're talking in the chat room I was
just looking at the Chairman during the
break and people are like yeah connect
sucks whoa uh of Connect sucks it does
have some pretty cool uses I think the
way it's implemented in mass effect 3 is
pretty cool yeah you can like call out
which weapon you want to use as opposed
to scrolling through the wheel the
weapon wheel which probably saves you a
second or two yeah you know you can
shout save witches do that like if you
go save game or I forget what the
command is exactly y SI is your game and
that's kind of awesome yeah i guess even
though you could hit the back button
does the same thing tiring for the thumb
yeah i don't know i just don't know
where they're going with it you know i
mean it's very clear that sony sort of
gave up with the move a little bit
always a give up but they're just not
pushing that pedal teen advertisers for
that in a room and they're really not
pushing the pedal down too much yeah you
sort of think the same things gonna
happen with kinect i don't know
something that I kind of wanted to talk
about to so Ars Technica had a really
cool article today about the death of
American arcades yes and how some of
them might actually be coming back a
long time ago we talked about Chinatown
fair down on Mott Street incorrect
that's like one I think one of the
oldest arcades in the city um that got
shut down because of a leasing issue but
now they're getting uh resurrected it's
going to open up again and uh this is
sort of questioning whether or not
American arcades are coming back and
comparing it to arcades in japan right
um I wanted to ask you and since we're
already on the topic of motion control
video games do you think that element
might have been a contributing factor in
the death of those arcades what my
motion control motion control and then
just the the technology behind modern
consoles on you know obviously with
online multiplayer coming yeah I don't
know why I don't know why it fell out of
popularity I do not know why especially
considering how popular games are now
arm I think a lot of it is a cultural
phenomenon you know I just think you
know kids were like hey why am I going
to the arcade if i can add if I can
recreate the same awesome graphics and
not have to pump in a quarter every 10
minutes it also means that you can talk
crap on your opponent from thousands of
miles away and not suffer the
consequences of getting slapped in the
face but I next for sure I mean that's
part of it but then you look at other
cultures it's a huge industry in Japan
is it not right it is um you know I
don't I don't know what it is I don't
know why it didn't take off here uh so
in the article they talk about this guy
brought Brad Crawford he's coming out
with this new indie documentary about
the Japanese arcade experience okay he
attributes the popularity in Japan over
in a merit over that in America to the
transportation culture okay and how the
city is are so tightly packed that you
know it's easier for those citizens to
take a train and I guess they don't have
things like basements and dens where
most kids play video games now so they
have to go into a public place like an
arc is literally no space for yeah
there's no space for it now like we're
kids gather around on couches and
carpets mean I'm sure I wish like the
freakonomics guys did something on this
in the entity okay because it's it's
definitely something that would fall
into their wheelhouse
yeah um yeah I don't know and it's kind
of sad because i was at what for my
birthday says he took me to a pinball
arcade right pinball museum yet like
that was like the last bastion of of art
of like American arcade ism is that a
word that um you know was like really
felt like I was looking into the past
not just because it was museum but it
was just like wow people are at this
place and they're eating pizza right you
know and they're playing games it's
weird man I think it's a lot of it had
to do with the games being so advanced
in the arcades that and this is the
reason why I stopped going because I
didn't want to spend two dollars on that
card and refill it you know no one's
gonna want to put forty dollars on a
card at Dave & Buster's to play a few
video game you're right and I think
everyone should adopt the model that the
pinball museum does in Asbury Park they
uh you basically pay hourly right you
pay 15 bucks for every two hours that's
what it should be that's what it should
be or there's also nickel arcades
there's a there was place called nickel
nickel in the owner I grew up and you
know you pay an entrance fee of like
five six bucks yeah and then every game
was no more than you know like 20 cents
so okay you put in like for nickels and
then you could play right but those were
the modern games that it was a mix of
modern and vintage ones like the
original Street Fighter for example is
free that's awesome and you could play
the free games if you want but if you
want to play the modern ones they cause
that's the way to do a man do do do some
sort of entrance fee I make it so that
there's no pain in the ass about it you
know take credit card at the door I
remember the big trend was doing like
you said the game cards will you go in
no cover charge you just go in you put
like a you put like 20 bucks on a card
and then you swipe it to me ridiculous
though why it's the same thing as doing
the money just do the fee upfront and
then let me free play the rest of the
time I'm there the return on investment
totally isn't worth it for a game like
Street Fighter where you're playing two
rounds that are 60 seconds apiece yeah
and then that game costs two dollars no
no way no way oh that's why I want to do
that man you want to go into business
with me you're so nice our kids are dead
man what'd I just say arcades in
Manhattan would do well because that
nullifies the whole transportation issue
that they seem to be taking advantage of
in Japan and also in Japan they have
games that aren't just video games I
have like clink oh sure and you do that
I you know the bar kids are coming back
yeah they're becoming trendy a new on
open up in jersey city that has a great
it's all about the great beer selection
they don't really take a lot of it would
what I feel like they don't realize
arcades are not just about giving people
the experience of playing games you have
to maintain these machines and keep them
up and and take care of them and that's
why that silver ball museum is so
awesome because everything is in
pristine condition right once you do
that and sort of like make that apparent
that that's the quality that's what
you're paying for that's what you're
getting right that translates and I
think you know leads the successful
business you need to have that arcade
troll sitting in the corner there's
always that our control with the coin
operated machine they really dirty
little yep I Bell yeah the key Bell
change machine on is I I came to fix it
now that's a Quasimodo be exact but this
actually ties in a conversation we were
having earlier about spectatorship and
that was the reason why I enjoyed going
to arcades my friends because it's
really enjoyable for me to watch two
people compete that are both really good
right you know and that's something you
don't really get in home based video
game you know right like people cheering
you on when you win I members a big deal
when Championships would happen in
arcades totally that occurs anymore I
don't know I there was something so
organic about it and I know we talked
about it before but just watching like
when the new street fighter 4 was it I'm
free kasturi for I think it's before
that it was definitely before that it
was the new street fighter game and
people were lining up and a huge crowd
had gathered and it was like wow let's
watch these two guys go at it and it was
like 20 30 people cheering at a screen I
wonder if some of it has to do with the
fact that arcade screens on those
consoles I'm sorry that on the arcade
machines are actually smaller than what
most people have at home now they're
television it's true maybe that's why
adds a lot of contributing factors some
point the scales got tipped in yeah i
don't know i just wish that scene was
still around me what I mean yeah I do
I do it has a place in my heart for sure
speaking of watching games there's a
caller about his wife watching games hey
this is a Cinco she you guys are talking
about people watching other people play
with you games whether enjoyed or not
when I was a kid I had the job my
brother didn't I went out and bought the
video games and then he would play him I
just watch them it was pretty
entertaining also my wife I was watching
me play the Uncharted series because
it's pretty much like a movie really um
then one more thing you guys were
talking about the Twitter rewards of the
day and you know who nathan fillion is
come on your geek cred just went down
Nathan Fillion on Firefly captain mal
castle another voice of green a green
lantern all right so we dropped the ball
with the nathan fillion snow ya know who
he was we just didn't know I recognize
his face but was whose yeah Nathan
Fillion is gonna forget was a thousand
pictures of him yeah but anyway I get it
we get it we're start we can't keep up
on everything I mean you went over both
over our heads this guy's a geek God
apparently that apparently he liked
controls them yeah um so there is it
proved go ahead read there um the whole
watching people play uncharted that
works uncharged a great game to watch
bioshock's a great game to watch having
batman arkham city in my opinions great
game to watch i used to like watching my
friends play games like Final Fantasy 7
yeah like RPGs are literally movies now
and for sure watch those cutscenes with
every other people so yeah it's
something for everybody there um let's
get to a couple emails we have today
okay a lot of people writing in about
their experiences with with certain
topics that we've covered recently I
pretty jamie lewis rights in nice
talking about the whole you know
driverless cars or auto pilot cars that
we were really getting into yesterday
and he says guys he is the first in line
for driverless cars didn't know this he
doesn't see very well oh I didn't know
did you know I didn't know that Jamie
cannot see very well that's a shame
because his voice is amazing that's why
I how it gets around I guess
okay thank you drive me he's a daredevil
can't see well the other senses are
enhanced exactly um you will not find a
bigger support of this google project
than me it might even make me give them
my actual information he says you're
right there are some major idiots on the
road everywhere Ford has been working on
assistive technology to from adaptive
cruise control to curve stability that
preserves the car and driver why don't
they have that foam from demolition man
what the crash yeah yeah yeah why don't
we have that it seems too hard yeah they
need to put that impact protection thing
that we saw at CES this year yes right I
just you know like I just think it makes
sense I mean I mean if an airbag can
inflate at the speed at which it does
right you sure as hell can fill up a car
with this awesome home like when I'm
sewed into jeans I just think it's just
makes so much sense you know the
technology is right there is just more
about linking those two companies
together yeah it's just like getting
them into a business meeting yeah dude
everyone always all the airbag gas burns
you it can really mess you up it's
terrible to inhale the phone can't be
much worse but the father yeah I agree
with the foam in the cars i want that i
read a story this morning about the new
york auto show i believe is going on
later on this week yeah and they're
gonna debut the first prototype of a
flying car so that's something we didn't
get to talk about yesterday during the
driverless car conversation but that's
not realist it is really they're gonna
talk about it I know they're gonna talk
about his look Terrafugia ya gonna be
called the transition and over I think a
hundred people have already put down ten
thousand dollar deposits on these wines
that's not it to me that's not a flying
car that's a very tiny plane yeah that's
a here I that's a passenger plane you
know the two hand plane right it's a
roadster yeah disguise do you then it
has wheels on the bottom so when you
touch down like all plants do yeah I
don't understand like I can you want me
to drive a plane down the highway I'll
Drive and playing down the highway they
just redefined plane it's not a fine car
yeah it's a plane and that maybe you
could also put on the road right would
you and I understand flying cars to be
it's like a car that just takes
off of parkway uh and then flies in the
sky for a little bit then like in a
seamless transition goes back onto the
highway how is that not a place though
is that the only that makes it a plane
is it the fact that it's in a car right
exactly right ok so can have wings yeah
just the wings near attracting the
wheelman car that's what it is that's
what the five is the wing you know yeah
it's not a flying car it's a very small
fine point solid a semantic let's get
our stuff together uh everyone knows
it's no secret we don't like QR codes no
and Dallas from Connor we have a little
photo to bring up with this he says I
almost threw up when I saw this I was
like what are you talking about
apparently there's some wacky QR code
lottery oh yes he took a photo of this
is feeling looking play the Jake's lotto
digital scratch off what is that is at
work so i guess you scratch off the QR
code and then you have to do the QR code
to find out if you've won no no you'll
have to scratch anything that's the
point 0 that's 0 which ok tell right
away yeah yes all you gotta wait how
does this why do you have to buy the
actual card thing can't you just go to
the store and scan all of these I get
again there's a cover flap on it this to
me is an amazing misunderstanding of
what QR codes were initially intended
for well maybe not at this might be the
end of the line for coins and that's why
no one uses coins that's right Canada's
getting rid of their penny man it's
happening it's really happens you buy
that lottery ticket for the 500 mil I
did and what do you mean after that go
I'm here aren't I do they announce the
winners yet or last thing I read they
were trying to find people with no one
came like I believe it's someone in
Maryland someone in Illinois and someone
in Kansas so no matter who won still
lose their nominee would you do this
show still if you want them that I would
then don't light it milk and look me
right in the eye and tell him for me
it's so much it's such an
incomprehensible amount of money yeah
like five hun so so I think the final
jackpot was like six seventy or
something like that so that means you
get if you take cash you get like for at
least four
well like what do you do I would buy the
devil's 95 I would buy the devil's still
have 200 million left over would you
give me a million dollars I give you 10
million you would give me 10 million
dollar I don't know when you're there
right I give you some money would you
bet make sure you have to work here no
more thanks man you know I'd buy lunch
at least four times in a row my god
think what I'll and think about what
that kind of money would do to you yeah
ought to be totally honest I know we
haven't talked about this but it would
I'm not sure at the end of the day when
it's all said and done that it makes
your life better uh no I'm gonna go
ahead and say unequivocally it will make
your life better dude all the people
come out of the woodwork all and
especially if you're in a state where
you must disclose your identity like if
you could stay anonymous which I think
two out of three winning states you can
write that's great but if you cannot
know that they make you they make you
come forward to claim your prize that's
scary man you know what I would do what
I'll by bioware and make them change the
ending to Mass Effect 3 you don't know
jack about getting to mass effect and it
be the king of the nerdy can keep out by
the internet that's what in the land of
the Nerds the king is still a freaking
nerd man this leads into a game of
thrones covers it does it does my grace
yes my lord my lord I start talking like
that man it's creepy come on Nick alesis
can we talk about the boobies for a
little bit it's a lot of gratuitous
boobs I know what I forgot that you can
show that stuff on HBO cuz it's not TV
what did they say tits they do they do
say like oh you have marvelous kids
anything might as well be like tweet me
after tweet me after the show what is
doth WEP password Lord ah is she a whole
you speaking like a lie
right we need me tweet me after those
Josh see you guys tomorrow let us know
what you think about the show 866 44
cnet we'd go on for days away or email
the 404 @ sina com read the blog every
single day of your life the 414 intercom
and we'll be back tomorrow with maybe
Jill we'll see how that works out until
then I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Justin you
it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow everyone
have a great whatever today is Tuesday
see you tomorrow
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