The 404 Ep. 1026: Where we were monitoring that scan!
The 404 Ep. 1026: Where we were monitoring that scan!
it's thursday april fifth 2012 it's the
404 show still streaming live on cnet TV
i'm jeff bakalar and i'm justin you and
i really wish i could do the voice but
I'm not gonna this is the show where we
were monitoring that scan yes you are
terminated so back to the future once
again creeping into our news of the day
and just a sting operation it's funny
we're finding every day that science
fiction movies are dictating our
technological advancements they really
are the Marty McFly shoes right those
have become realities hoverboards very
hard is happening Minority Report blade
runner they all seem to come back and
bite us yeah the jits was right after
all it was right um so the big headline
yesterday or at least has been making a
lot of news lately is what Google has
sort of been teasing right with their
Google glass project now before we even
get into this the first thing so you
watch that video yeah I watch them can
you play so people know like what
exactly we're talking about if they get
the luxury of watching our video podcast
we're talking about right now is sort of
a day in the life of what google calls
Project Glass and this is the this is
basically the materialization of what we
talked about earlier earlier this year
this is their augmented reality goggles
and they sort of just uh you know
everything you do from like eating
breakfast to making calls taking photos
these glasses sort of project an image
on top of what you're seeing in real
life so to weather information dry text
messages etc so it's basically taking
augmented reality to the next level
there you go you're walking I mean look
they have a lot let's just play audio
for a second year
so they're showing you you know a map
walking directions or going oh yeah dogs
come up to you here this is cool this is
all around my neighborhood they actually
show my apartment crime a device for was
yo gano tonight that is it is definitely
aimed towards the generation of people
that section that part pissed I liked it
to go into the strand bookstore that's
kind of cool i mean this is really just
like hipsterville 15 pounds kind of
ironic that he's using a google glasses
go into a bookstore all here yeah yeah
and it's weird that his vision is
fish-eyed but anyway so this is got a
cool his friend also has a pair of the
glasses and I he can shares locations
they will meet up really easily then go
get coffee and probably not talk to each
other because they have a lot of
information right so Google sees a world
where everyone dresses the same yeah no
but seriously they you know they've
they've really sort of turned a lot of
people's heads with what they are
ambitiously aspiring to achieve sure um
and I think it's really cool I think
it's sorry you really do think it's cool
cuz I think you would have a field day
by making fun of this oh can you pull up
so so on the google glass page they sort
of show um examples of what these
apparatuses would look like they yeah
but it's like / Claire
whatever it is and uh they're like very
thin sort of streamlined uh I glasses I
guess the best way and they're not even
glasses they just sort of a flap that
fold down here you have it up on your
screen right it's sort of like a face
band right you would take a headband and
pull it over your eyes right um so that
they're talking about several different
designs this is a prototype like I said
earlier but they're talking doing them
so having one for people that are ready
wear eyeglasses you know what you can
just stick over them right which sounds
really cool to me um I don't know to me
I'm looking at this and I'm thinking
what about your peripheral vision on the
right hands yeah right like what about
just cars coming on your right right if
I'm in New York City and I'm trying to
make my way through the danger streets
in New York City trying to pay attention
to one traffic into my little heads-up
display yeah get it by trucker think
yeah I mean a lot of people are
immediately take the argument
oh this is gonna distract everyone from
walking weather than they already are
you know we have problems with people
being distracted driving now it's gonna
be walking yeah but I mean okay so let's
really break this down here when you
have a phone in your walking in your
hand you're looking down ya know that
students an opportunity to look forward
at the same time shake the same ideas
putting augmented reality in your
drivers your shield sure so I don't know
it might actually prevent some people
from walking into the middle of the
street the problem i have with the video
is that there are a lot of things that
get activated without them ever saying
anything he just like he gets a pop-up
so how does he activates the pop-up like
had like he sees he's got six messages
right he just goes huh and the freaking
messages are reading themselves right
you know like i know it's all doesn't
exist and it's just sort of like a
prototype video or let not even proof of
concept but just like a ambitious sort
of video right like how is that gonna
work how will you select certain things
it's all gonna be voice well some of it
will be voice like dictation through
sending text messages but also in this
blog they talk about having physical
buttons on the glasses themselves rights
if you want to pick up a call or
whatever sure like you would with a
bluetooth headset you would just press
the button right activate but i don't
know so my problem with this is that I
feel like technology uh that you wear is
supposed to take to like it supposed to
make these easier and right it's
supposed to take tech away from you but
usually it's supposed to sort of be
seamless yeah it's uh get it out of the
way right right you don't want to have
to pull the phone out of your pocket
sure but I don't know so my biggest
problem is that when he walks in a
strand instead of actually talking to
somebody he says where is the UH what is
it like the calm music so music section
right when you just ask the guy standing
right there yeah and as to everyone else
is gonna seem like this dude is just
talking to himself yeah i mean look
people already talk to themselves that's
not something new we've all learned to
live with that hated or love it it's a
reality i guess when bluetooth headsets
came out the second you know hugging
yourself became and even that and why
are some people i don't i never
understood this why do you people think
you need to talk louder when you're on
the phone do you really mean there's
like a certain
thing like if I'm at a restaurant so and
and that people are all having
conversations I get like yeah you're
right in front of somebody when your
phone rings you're like oh hey yeah i'm
in the restaurant you'd understand that
why people are people just start
speaking louder I think it's the same
idea as when you have headphones on you
just block out so much of the outside
noise right feel like oh you're the king
of that yeah probably not doing
intentionally but little pet peeve I
have on the ice I yeah I know you
thought I was gonna hate all over this
kind of into it I just think it's I
don't know any and it also is cool
because it makes its it's sort of them
almost saying like your move Apple yeah
you know like this thing already works
better than Cirie and it's not even real
yeah that's gonna be my biggest issue
with it is that it does give a lot of
privacy issues right i mean how easy is
it for you to just record a conversation
no just by you know flicking your finger
up in the air yeah you can do that or
recording a movie is gonna be a lot
easier to I guess you know there's no
way to tell when people are recording
you I liked when he saw that pic that
graffiti and he's like oh this is cool
yeah pick a photo this and you just like
closes his eyes like that leaks twice
you know yeah I was there spot like
weird facial movement take a photo of
this google goggles yeah you just said
blake 17 times to take a photo i like
that i like yeah there's a lot of parody
videos that have already come out making
fun of has there been yeah yeah well
we'll show one for this but you know you
made a good point that a lot of their
inspiration came from things like back
to the future true man there you go yeah
this out of the phone what was her name
Marlene McFly and uh Marty McFly jr. jr.
yeah even breeze look cooler than the
Google they do look cooler and it makes
it's amazing though how we just sort of
evolved to that yeah you know what I
mean the flying car yesterday do you
remember these this is what I think
Google based their design off of the
infamous cap shout and shoot too yeah I
wanted this so bad when I was a kid this
was uh this is basically like a
voice-activated water gun that you mount
onto your
like a like a HUD right basically and it
has a microphone that comes down I
remember the commercial very distinctly
to the kid would just be like fire fire
fire yeah it would shoot his birds of
water out of his ear it wasn't you could
say anything though yeah it didn't
obviously know the word fire right you
could say like romaine lettuce romaine
like cat poop and it would shoot water
is so cool i love how it's got this like
reticle around his eye right because
that's where the water is going yeah
that's how you aim your water aid so
that's where the waters gonna go it was
very always wanted one of these things
that came with a belt clip that house
the water was right on reservoir was so
cool was cool and I would always
imagined doing like and this is around
the time that like Terminator came out
too sure late eighties early night yeah
imagine having like to super soakers in
your hand and this head mounted water
gun it's pretty free man playground my
friend it's pretty awesome man I want to
get one of those bed I missed I and I
never had the fortune to get my hands on
those I want these bad ladies one of
these bad Larry imagine having this of a
water shooter in the Google going to be
sick that's what they need you know I
mean clearly where's that functionality
see you buy into this I'm into it man i
justthe mean I don't want to wear that
stuff yeah like that's the whole thing
with me I don't a night I don't want to
wear 3d glasses I don't want to wear a
google glass I just want Bionic implants
yeah well that could be sort of coming
soon I guess the same guy that designed
the glasses also made contact lenses
with augmented reality's thing to me if
you do is like you know I mean like if
we're doing that if we have this optical
apparatus that straddles our face well
like come on that sounds pretty invent
just put it in my eyeball yeah you know
is that another thing attached I don't
want any sort of implant let me take a
step back I don't want any I don't have
to go under the knife right which let me
just like pop a little contact in my eye
well okay crazy no that's not crazy but
it would also totally hide the fact that
you have this in your eyes exactly
creepier why oh so so it's okay if I
have a headband across my eyes and then
you know so a photo of ghazals you know
and then it's
yeah richview yeah watch the video today
videos usual expression I just and the
the vanity shots of it are funny because
it's like Google saying like look a chic
this is right look how you know elite
but you know what they don't show in the
heads up display is all the ads that are
probably gonna get put into your face
that are like literally right in your
eye now is not going to be free or if it
is free those ads will subsidize it yeah
you know it really gets your paranoid
you can really go down a very ugly
spiral and just sort of contemplate ok
so now Google owns my freaking eyesight
do you know I mean yeah we talked about
NFC technology and ads popping up as you
walk by like a starbucks preble to say
oh within the next hour if you buy a
coffee from here and scan your phone
right you get if like you know thirty
percent off that's gonna happen in your
face now how terrifying is that I don't
want that it's like look left Jeff what
huh yeah oh whatever that car but it
just says that oh geez all right let's
uh let's move right along our own good
friend I love that face you do take a
photo google glass good like everyone
just flopping around to trying to take
photos of their stupid anyway Emily
Dreyfus good friend of the show good
friend of ours personally and
professionally mm-hmm she she wrote
something yesterday that really got the
attention of a lot of people titled
iphone users colin android is ruining
our instagram club yeah guess what Emily
Nohr be in your stupid Club anyway your
enemy like what kind of Club is this
yeah do you do I know what she's talking
about do you know what she means he's
she's talking about Instagram yeah and
so Instagram rolled out for android
users I think two days ago or yesterday
yes it did and so now you know is
starting to see a lot more people
joining that feed apparently according
to some tweets that we're looking at
here instagram users that use iphones
originally are pissed because they think
that people that use android phones have
crappy taste based on the lower price of
the handsets right
so this is it right here it's like
social racism right is what it is right
away listen to what these freaking
elitist dork said Joel on Twitter
Instagram went from a gated community to
section eight in one day boom go F
yourself you freaking elitist ran with
it look at that how dare you even say
that that is that is offensive yeah
mella Montana says Instagram just went
from a country club to a club in the
country all in one day what these people
should be arrested yeah oh like they
should be arrested I know that some
people are using the word ghetto to
which is terrible like I was looking up
twitter feed I mean then you then it
goes from the joking raisin thing right
to a straight-up racism yeah it's
unbelievable so I'm not gonna be
speaking for iphone users here though I
do have an iphone and have Instagram on
it but people are saying that okay
they're drawing a line between the
inexpensive price of Android smartphones
along with the cheaper data plans that
you had that you would pay for versus
the 100 dollar minimum iphone plan plus
the 299 minimum subsidized price of the
ATT and Verizon right so you have to pay
more right if you want an iphone and
they're saying that some for some reason
they're gonna take shittier photos based
on the cheaper price of the handsets is
that true first off that makes my blood
boil that type of mentality number yeah
they're also saying that maybe because
they spend less they live in crap your
areas sorry photos they take won't be of
as pretty well maybe you're deluded
sense of value where you think that just
because you buy a more expensive handset
it puts you in this elite classification
right you are oh my god and don't forget
that you can choose to follow whoever
you want you on it on Instagram you know
yeah and if people want to follow you
they can do that but you don't have to
follow them back I'm a voluntary opt-in
social network you see I I don't think
Emily was anticipating this sort of uh
feedback well she wasn't this was a
news report I'm not saying she is of
course now when Emily very well she is
not a crazy person like some of the
people who are tweeting here right let's
let's let's really get that
out there and clear that up well we've
talked about uh socioeconomics in
relation to Android versus iPhones
before all that thought real quick okay
that I paid more for a Galaxy Nexus is
added to 99 IP 299 for what for my
iphone oh okay and he'll punch is your
monthly plan it's like well with this
with the discount I pay like
80-something on honesty I pay a hundred
so you know rights beyond instr I'm
actually deleting it even download
bullion Faberge eggs were you taking
photos oh and you do it in a sepia
filter yeah so you know how free and
trendy and cool haha me break I take
this you know it's it's ridiculous what
what do you better think the photography
community said once all you idiots got
your hands on these filters yeah you
think you're all like hey welcome to the
club fellow photographer they're like no
you're ruining the aesthetic right it's
the same damn thing and now you're
turning it around on Android users let's
get up off a bridge rule won't take an
Instagram photo when you get down there
the fact that anyone can afford a
smartphone is some first World crap
right like I mean anyone that can pay
over 50 ten twenty thirty forty dollars
you know should be able to use whatever
apps for sure let's go back to this
hunch survey that we talked about
actually last year yeah let's this
breaks down some of those those
socioeconomic stats they're saying that
Android users uh eighty percent more
likely to actually have a high school
degree so that goes against what iphone
users are safe well I don't like to you
know draw attention to my achievement
wait a minute wait a minute don't you
agree the weird Sideshow Bob la
fifty-seven percent of Android users are
more likely to prefer an uglier device
if they can get it for cheaper climb out
and if it has more full-featured time
the F out uglier is subjective that's
true okay point is moot move on okay so
uh but 71 percent are more likely to
have never left their native countries
so if you're into travel though not a
comma maybe you're not going to be
seeing anything internationally get
addie what is how do they even figure
out a freaking out of left field
statistic like that that makes sense
though what is how does that
make sense because Android Instagram
users are probably gonna be posting
photos of the inside of their apartment
right yeah and I want to see photos
andfull tower it'll be the inside of
their apartment and the line at the soup
kitchen that's what they'll be taking
photos oh well the welfare line that
because that is gonna happen cuz people
are using funds as well because they're
like finally Instagram came I could take
a freakin silhouette even yet picture
how do you see a photo I don't care what
kind of smartphone it is I want to see a
photo of somebody using a smartphone a
in a in a food stamp liner yeah like
that I purchasing that would be very
ironic it's the I oh it's just so
disgusting to me I'm disgusted by this
let's let's poke some fun at iphone
users now we got there let's the door
swings both ways you trendy oh yeah go
on okay yeah I just center yourself this
just tell me about that so iOS users uh
thirty-seven percent more likely to have
a graduate degree so thoroughly said was
smart yeah guess not yeah maybe cuz they
all fall in line uh seventeen percent
are more likely to be politically
liberal versus twenty percent of Android
users more likely to be politically
conservative yeah so are you Republican
no mi are you Republican yes oh you
didn't realize a Republican you could I
have it here it's fun i had i did my
taxes the other I told you yeah and my
accountant sort of came out as a very
big Republican but like a self-hating
Republican my favorite color books and
uh you know he was talking to me like I
was and I just have a sore like hey man
I'm not in your club yeah not your club
but I didn't want to like not screws
talking about how the country is going
down the crapper not ever and I was like
hey I'm not in your club yeah sort of
like the same Instagram issue I'm my
party or your secret Club sir but you
had to be kind of nice to me I'll give
you guys another thing I was like but at
the same time can we screw system over
yeah a bigger refund could do that yeah
individual mentality versus exactly
exactly right hey you know um I like how
twenty-two percent of iOS users are more
likely to prefer a sleeker device that
does less things so they're more
concerned with aesthetic but how funny I
make these
terminations when if you have an iOS
device you have one device yes so only
how can only have one devices this whole
survey can be thrown out the door fifty
percent of iOS users are more likely
than Android users to have visited more
than five countries hmm i don't know i'm
starting to get on the stock on the
other side of this little iphone that i
have in my hand you know join Instagram
ah doesn't matter because I won't follow
you anyway you poor loser get out of my
feet they should have these little
badges next to Android users to make
them sub citizens you know like I don't
bother you don't waste your time yeah I
you know have like a poor filter don't
get me wrong a poor filter don't get me
wrong okay and i want to stress this
because people are gonna start calling
up and be like all Jeff the calm the
truth comes out you hate iphones you
know I don't and in terms of Instagram
yeah we're dealing with that topic the
iphone 4s is the best camera phone ever
made right okay so i understand what
they're saying that's an empirical
argument the vehicle but everyone's
making their photos crappier anyway
hexagram so thank you better that's my
point is that you're all just
eliminating pixels and doing things to
the color tones and he wants the same
when you hold a Phi it except when
you're loma by exile crappy exactly at
the end of the day everyone's crap
smells the same every crappy photos look
the same they do uh we're a little hot
and heavy right now we'll take a break
when we come back more 404 will get off
this very upsetting subject Matt didn't
think it was gonna duvall VIN to racism
didn't think didn't think iphone users
had it in them well we're all racist you
deal with it same thing it's like
Instagram on my phone call of duty
modern warfare this is all the people at
it would work their faces more 404 right
after this stick around this is the 404
effers the show where we all sing songs
this is philly from joshing you're
listening to the 404 what'd you guys
talk about sitting in traffic while
you're actually sitting in traffic wait
what are we talk about to be talked
about sitting in traffic like recently
oh we talked about Google driverless
cars right there would be lemonade right
yes what we did Yeah right Minority
Report driverless cars oh yeah that's
right they had those pods though those
are really cool oh yeah those mag track
yeah yeah so cool we didn't get Richard
in here he's right now at the new york
auto show oh right right yeah um and NBC
the cool yeah that's right yeah we gotta
we gotta get him in here afterward I
want to know what that flying car is all
about you think they'll have it there it
they are gonna have it there it's not
gonna fly though i don't know maybe
it'll just be hovering over the news
spread my car's wings and fly would
ridiculous technology is not going the
way that i had expected it to um yeah
I'm with you on that you know I mean all
right so i think that brings up good
topic of conversation when you were
young when you were 12 and 13 and you
were like all by the time I'm 40 this is
gonna be there what what was that what
did you because honestly there's no way
anyone who grew up in our generation
wasn't oh that's my point though is that
I always assume that whatever would come
out I would never have seen before and
that's why I feel like some of the movie
adaptations or the real-life adaptations
of the movie technology is kind of
disappointing like I've already seen
that stuff before we've seen the google
glasses in the tablet PCs used in movies
like back to the future right and uh
yeah i don't know like even a space
odyssey for example should those tablets
decades old yeah and to see things
materialize that are directly influence
from those products is kind of
disappointing i thought it would be
mind-blowing stuff that I never would
have thought of now I take it take it
for what it is okay something like the
iPad specifically the latest one with
the resolution right you were to go back
40 years yeah show somebody that yeah
they would burn you at the stake they
think you were like some sorcerer yeah
it would have blown mines for sure so
don't forget we have rid this sort of
been aboard on this train as it goes
down the track of technological
evolution yeah so we've been sort of uh
you know it's like when you know when
you see when someone you know loses a
lot of weight but you seemed every day
you don't notice it okay that sort of
thing as opposed to like oh my god
haven't seen three years you've lost 70
para make a goodbye I say it's
incremental right of course we had to
evolve from like a TV set to a smaller
TV said to a mobile television set right
then you know like someone in the call
for 25 years would be quite impressed
that's what I want I want to live in
suspended animation for a little while I
wish I could do that I wish I could just
take a nap for oh I don't know 400 years
yeah see what's going on in 2500 is are
there places are there aspects of our
life that need technology put into them
like i bide Onix for example yeah I mean
there's probably advancements in there
I've always thought that the biggest
sort of change needs to come with our
financial system in terms of like checks
and stuff out why am I writing a check
yeah why am I ever writing a check or
pencils well no that's fine you know all
the written word I think will live on
forever I really do I really think like
when I go to a game demo you know I see
some journalists but they're like iPads
are trying to type no I'm sorry free
hand no taking there's nothing faster
than that you're without litter you know
enemy without just recording what's
going on right arm so i think that is
never going away but the whole concept
of of like checks and money trent like i
write a check i give you a check that's
like a six working day process no I'm
okay so you're not taking into account
things like skin like checks gaming
write down your chase account that's
putting a bandaid on the bigger problem
do you mean we mean like actual money
transfers right exactly and I know it's
what do you water I just want instant
instant I just wanted instant right I
want to not even write a check anymore I
just wanna like thumb something or I
want to be able to transfer money when
you ever writing checks I right click
there is a mortgage my freakin mortgage
company doesn't take anything but checks
your wire transfer if that's a pain yes
okay you don't mean yeah I guess I call
them up I'm like hey can I can I pay you
guys online like what's the deal like oh
we don't do that yet
like what year my calling i don'ti I
guess I didn't think about your whole
housing situation but i was thinking
more along the lines of friends going
out to dinner and owing someone money
well that thing I don't really handle
cash in war because I downloaded this
app called venmo right if people sign up
for it lets you you know connect to your
checking account or whatever and send my
like melons name someone's name release
but you're paying fees and stuff I don't
know what is the green venmo you know
yeah you can use that as a verb then I
know ven mo yeah like vendor mo its well
you could spell venom out of that that's
weird um anyway uh so that's what we're
talking about what I want to pay uh ask
our listeners what they think needs a
techno upgrade you know guys like 10
what aspect of your day to day what
aspect of your daily life would benefit
from an uber tech upgrade right yeah
yeah you know like well don't think
about your day-to-day you brush your
teeth a mic in your case once a month
achieve sugar a shower running hey Z
stick there's still a few things that
are just forever ingrained in the analog
rightly right you know I don't think
they were gonna prove showering I think
all that stuff is limited to the
bathroom yeah we need a serious bathroom
serious let's get on board with that I
don't know that may be eating right like
I remember when we were young we all
thought that food would come in pills
and that hasn't yeah but then we grew up
and realized i can afford that filet
yeah enjoy and i enjoy eating it right
and that lobster tail would go great in
scampi sauce what did not I remember
riding with a pencil in thinking this is
so weird you know like what was the last
we've actually written with a lead
pencil not a mechanical pencil not
quicker clicker an actual good number to
Ryan pencil number two I don't know yeah
uh I can't remember next time you do it
smelly no let me smell the pencil I
smell the pencil okay no I love doing
that was like the past mmm what does it
smell like I was like 1985 I guess so
alright that was weird let's get the
calls in the public time to show the
love eight
for scenic calls from the public time
sponsored by the number two pencil we've
got a call from somebody we talked a lot
about kinect kinect Star Wars a terrible
creation unfortunately I wanted it to be
awesome but it wasn't so this guy says
that connect is probably not for us
anymore if we're poor guys orlando
florida / Medellin just calling a little
feedback on jeff's you know hating on
the kinect i have a connect and
personally i'm not a huge fan of it even
though you know play watching a lot but
my kids absolutely love them saying they
play you know the dance central games
and all these other games are they have
you no more directed towards kids and
they're there on it all the time so I
understand where you're coming from but
you gotta understand man you're 30 now
and you know these things you know they
don't make sense to you you're getting
older that but it sell it for region cuz
I real man using it yeah and you know
I'm sure if you were younger you know
any other way happy birthday I love it
everyone's good did was the man he's
fine all in a long ass out well now or
an old man yeah I'm dude I'm believe me
I still play the mario games I'm young
at heart if you have to say that like
that like I still play the Mary ok I'm
on I'm on the twitters relax I'm not dr.
the margarita ah as funny as this point
is that's the point I was trying always
sort of joke but the thing is that the
reality of Connect is that it is most
certainly aimed at a younger audience
yeah there's no getting around that
because old people don't want to get up
when they're playing video games yeah
don't give me that crap because we have
no the crap is this when we came out
when the we came out the headlines that
were being made was holy crap we put a
we in a nursing home yeah right yeah
look at these freaking elderly people
bowling and stuff like that and they
have tournaments and they get it and
they yell what to do but i'm not talking
about senior citizens i'm talking about
you know folks our age
side 2 45 I'm sorry 50 you know like no
one wants to like get up and do it like
a fake will view exceptions and those
exceptions be like shake maracas you
know if I want to do that I would shake
real maracas I understand what you're
saying with a few exceptions of the
child of Eden of guns ringer of Dance
Central and a few limited others connect
it's just it's not for everybody yeah
it's for kids and it's not it just
doesn't work as well as I think people
were really hoping for you know if
microsoft hasn't figured out how to do
you know things like movement technology
sensing yeah things like that you think
Google would be better at it I mean in
terms of I mean that technology is all
like out sourced out anyway you know
what I mean yeah and you made a good
point if Siri can't even do it then I
don't know how Google is gonna do voice
breaking she's possibly directing
yourself yeah uncle glass is already
better than Cirie is that weird saying
that well in concept yeah it already
works better yeah uh if nothing else
it'll help me remember people's names
wish that's one part of my life I need
to I struggle with that so much being
put in the face with the name imagine
having that in your freaking hood love
it I'm so bad at you and mr. Peters on
your wife Mindy yeah exactly like I'll
just be volunteering too much it happen
you went to be you also yeah there's
nothing to do with it like referencing
twitter updates they made two years ago
oh yeah so how's that ski trip you went
on the back in 08 said what we all
healed up from that would you pull that
from that's great it's great um more
calls about Game of Thrones were sorry
alright we people think we're like
butchering the show we were not into it
as much as 50 mistakes with a name so
George name is Ned deal with it um
finally when you're not gonna play the
voicemails I had to deal with game of
three I just don't want to get more into
we only have a few minutes that I wanted
you to talk about how you English some
of the names that's really funny that's
for three shows to I've yes I've if I
don't understand your name in the realm
I give it an English name rom rom is
brian stuff like that
call call is Karl the guy married to the
police yeah he's Karl it's funny okay
I'm Carl like my hair right um finally
someone we totally making fun of people
who to uh to cheat on games like words
with friends right I think people like
that should be arrested but um this
guy's saying that we're cheaters and his
point is terrible but let's play it
nonetheless hey it's New York from
Albany I just wanted to call and let you
guys know that you guys are cheaters my
olive cnet is going away you guys remain
we both know that you guys cheated death
on this one by having president CBS
interactive Jim lands owned on your show
that's not why and it is whose idea was
it to have gym on the show it was Jeff's
idea there for Jeff is a cheer tagger
hard oak oh toledo he say ten degrees um
no that's these lie it's that we didn't
cheat that's good get it so somehow
having Jim Lyn's well I think he just
wanted to find a way to call it label us
as cheaters anyway it does lead us into
another topic I want to bring up real
quick before we gotta go buzz out loud
is actually having its last episode
today it's very sad they've been around
for years and years and years and you
really think about it and no BS here
without a bol there's no 404 isn't that
right Justin yeah for sure yeah for sure
because they were the first really big
podcast on cnet and they got a lot of
people interested in listening to our
show Tim don't forget it was spawned
right from their show there was a CES I
think it was 08 yeah where there's a
Randall at the time who was helping us
out with show he worked out some deal
that we were going to take over their
feet yeah even understand what that
meant you jack their feet I didn't even
understand them and I was like all right
whatever is if we gonna get trouble for
that what is that that that means that
you put the 404 into their RSS is what I
learned for years later yes what that
meant yeah no but seriously everyone who
has ever been a part of that show going
on the back to the Veronica jason howell
Tom Merritt all those cats and Molly and
now Brian everybody you guys have done a
great job it's sad to see you go but
there's a lot of bright things come
sound like the people on vol are going
away go
first so make sure you check out their
last episode which is airing today it'll
be live and on-demand later in the day
yeah and enjoy that and enjoy the end of
an era if you want to talk more about
Game of Thrones you could say that we're
the bastard child of bol and we are now
holding up the wall right where the
Nights Watch yeah we are the Nights
Watch watch out White Walkers walkers in
this analogy the man yeah whoever the
man is watch out all these white guys
walking if LG was here you would laugh
attack you have no friend in that realm
nobody that's gonna do it for us guys
866 404 seen it is our telephone number
give us a call and leave a message or we
can email us the 404 @ read our
blog every day just does a great job of
not crediting images before for Dad uh big news to tell everybody
looks like we will be having Morgan
Spurlock director of the new comic con
movie he'll he'll be here a week from
Friday mill talk about his other movies
in the past supersize me and stuff like
that so it'll be a lot of fun make sure
you tune in to that will give you more
details as they develop until tomorrow
I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you it's
the 404 high-tech lowbrow have a great
thursday guys and we will see you
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