
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 1041: Where we unbox this box

it's Thursday April 26 2012 404 time we're streaming live from New York City Jeff Aguila and I'm Justin you like this is the show where we unbox this box touch my candy in the pre-show I need kinda yeah I got sweet tooth just one I love candy going around the room Sharon what kind of candy you like yeah after all this news comes out that sugar is the new fad what news what news that you read Sanjay Gerty you're old news scuse me Sanjay Gupta's special report on 60 minutes mmm our own CBS is 60 minutes couple weeks ago bad turns out sugar causes cavities smog also know they were actually relating sugar and the amount of sugar intake to pretty much every terrible disease one can acquire yeah which is awful this is why you don't drink soda every day I stopped drinking soda I feel like after college yeah not only and I feel like men have an easier time at this cuz whenever I say this to a woman they slap me in the face I go oh yeah I stopped drinking soda when I got out of college and I lost like 15 pounds in them in like a month oh you're saying that women can't lose that weight not some just saying what happened to me when I told her got slapped around only had more to do with your general demeanor and whatever the circumstances let's not you know let's not get into semantics candy candy man there was this place called way back when in my hometown and it was one of those really old timey candies no I love that no now if you go to sweet factory they give you the bag you got to do it all yourself looks like a full-service candy shop right like it was like Willy Wonka sort of stacked Lee yeah the ladders opened up from behind the counter yeah they actually gave Mike apothecary it was like a it's like a deli style like wings this system where you'd be like I want a half pound of the shock tarts yeah a quarter pound of liquorice whatever all made out candy in ambiguous wrappers oh it was so good in an a also sold like hand-painted signs and like cute like Americana stuff right then they had like a candy shopping bag it's like where can I get an unlimited amount of unnamed peanut butter cups not Reese's just peanut butter cup oh right and then just like a garden gnome yeah exactly way out right why not the boardwalks all about that boardwalk Empire's like know what right no that's what the well I guess yeah city on your first boardwalk yeah I grew up in Huntington Beach what most famous pier in California what do they have there look at Ruby's there it's totally is it like much like it is in saltwater taffy yeah yeah they got like a candy barrel where you go and like taffy is it I think I'm just saying this but I feel like the dirt like Jersey Shore claimed the invention of the saltwater taffy I think I might that might be true because the water is extra salty no no it's not made with saltwater or maybe it was originally I forget the origin etymology behind that right but I think you're gonna look this oh yeah I'm gonna look at allow you to take credit for this I can't see it being is a variety of soft taffy originally produced a market in Atlantic City New there you go I told you so it says Wikipedia the legitimate source to every fact why what kind of an agenda that said that my baby was originally like me and Nana baby I'm trusting you that makes more sense why somebody would want to vandalize that information true saltwater taffy origins come on something you would do before this show my mr. burns laughter but I'm saying though know the original point I was trying to make is that you know candy shops aren't the same any they're not where there are none yeah and there shouldn't be because it's terrible for you oh come on I mean every once in a while it's nice to get like a fun dip you ever have so much candy that you just feel like you're gonna shake your brains out you know when you're a kid Halloween Halloween time oh the trade it's just too much yeah it's too much draft you know the I dunno the candy draft but I'm serious though and I hate to like dampen this whole conversation but keep but sugar is really bad don't Wilson listen you know what they said you know what they said what mr. Gupta said he said oh he was interviewing some sort of nutritionist I forget who it was some sort of high authority guy and he was saying in the 90s it was the war on fat right if you look at like all the average fat content of snack food it went down but the sugar went up so they comp you know they compensated the lack of fat with it just tasting sweet I guess right it was the trade-off and now they're like oh yeah sugar causes cancer it causes all this terrible crap right it's gonna kill you just as fast as fat dude it's totally the fault of I don't know what Cookie Crisp you think no I'm sorry it's not anyone's fault it's just not it's just a natural sort of you know human nature you can evolve you're gonna avoid one thing and fill it up with something else yeah I don't know why you're probably better off eating fat than sugar when it comes down to it yeah just eat sugar cane when I was a kid what yeah you would you ever do that yeah you like buy it on it suckle yeah exactly we mean like the Hawaiian that's natural it occurs in nature yeah I'm gonna kill you that argument could be said for a lot a lot of things speaking of candy yeah I like it and has nothing to do with the stories we're talking about today but which story do you want to talk about first let's talk about okay this is this is a good segment speaking of candy in everyone's favorite movie we were talking about this before Charlie in the Chocolate Factory yeah anyway getting back to my transition everyone loves that movie turns out that Steve Jobs actually wanted to create a Willy Wonka style contest to commemorate the what do you laughing I just if you look at the article yeah can you pull it up there's a great Willy Wonka Steve Jobs Photoshop job yeah I don't want to credit this to 95 max I think they just stole the photo but here it is it's so good I've always got like a velvet blazer with the huge lapels in the yeah it's gene Wilder for sure yeah so he had this idea to celebrate the millionth sale of the original iMac hmm this was I think in the late 80s early 90s okay came back to the company right after next yeah after next and he wanted a sort of publicize the fact that they were about to sell the millionth iMac he had this idea to hold a willy wonka style competition with an actual golden ticket that they designed unfortunately don't have a picture of that oh my go they take yeah and so this is the way it would work he would put a one golden ticket inside a single iMac box right right and you know whoever found that would be invited to Cupertino they would get their money refunded for the price of the iMac then boys which is great and a lifetime supply of iMac yeah exactly and a tour of the Apple Campus yeah which doesn't even sound that cool right I mean you would really want to take a willy wonka tour yeah Apple Campus tour I was just gonna say I'd be like hey thanks but no things yeah good take the refund oh are you gonna pay me whatever salary I'd be losing that date right yeah are you compensating me yeah you know time is money so I mentioned then this guy complain about stealing other people's ideas yeah what does he do we just lift this from this movie what was that guy's name in the original movie gene Wilder No Deal the bad character of the bad guy slugs worth slow is it slugs worth slugs worth sounds wound up working for Wonka right all along he was actually good but not quite I don't know hugs cherubs also like dude what makes you think that photo is photoshopped oh slugworth slugworth nailed that guy look creepy remember the movie is creepy asking God's it looks like Hannibal Lecter so he was actually gonna dress up just like this I mean this is clearly a photoshopped picture but right he was gonna dress up with that infinite stop hat he looks good man it looks like Larry David a little bit does it look like Steve Guttenberg as well a little bit we'll ask him tomorrow when he's here that's funny man that's pretty cool though I mean it eventually couldn't happen because I guess California state law required all contests to be no non proof of purchase like so there's no no purchase for entry required right but since you had to buy the Isaac I'm not gonna go for that didn't work yeah I want these people buying my IMAX yeah it's an interesting little story thanks for that Justin you're welcome appreciate that talk to me about this band who decided to release their new album on a Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge this pretty cool it sounds cool I originally I was excited when I pronounced run down until I actually read about it yeah but but I did you read it I did when you look at the photo though I get a little excited yeah so this band Fort Atlantic there this alabama-based rock band they're releasing a digital copy of their latest album in a NES cartridge and I think the in should be replaced are the on should be replaced within right and it's headlined because it's not actually playing off the NES cartridge right it the music comes embedded onto a USB flash drive which is put physically into an it yeah world were you expecting I thought it would be some kind of like 8-bit remix thing that if you put it into an original NES system it would play through that game I look it's that's what's it on headline it's just on boy it's a stunt okay what you mean what do you want from these guys I just said that's how hard is it for a band even you know get the money together to record a record right now you want them to figure out a way to have it play off an nes well they're not you're right they're not on a major label or anything yeah it's tough stuff out there and where the heck beans do they get 50 original NES cartridges that is a great question I feel like they might be those knock-offs do you mean what no I feel like you could buy from some factory somewhere probably in China I didn't say you did tell you were trying to say well I maybe was inferring that or you know but yeah that's uh that that's strange that you can just buy all those what are they doing there how can you get your hands on that well you can pay $25 and go to their website I'm not sure what that is exact but yeah they're only made 50 of them $25 apiece which is kind of a good deal it's not even pay $12 normally for a digital version of it no for sure and it seems you know practical and not clunky at all just take this cartridge and plug it into your computer right works for me I do think that this raises a question of what else bands can do what else can they offer more you know to entice people to actually buy a physical copy yeah yeah I was talking about one of our co-workers about this the other day near that band hot water music course hot water music is releasing their new album but they're actually including a ticket to one of their live shows with the sale of every physical disc brilliant so which is genius I think that's awesome yeah that's what you do and I mean I guess it's kind of tough because you got to redeem it online in the location you bought it in its finest of that you know you get sure they're actually coming to your city first if you got to do a little legwork that's fine I think I agree incentivize with a material product that you can try hire it like a t-shirt right okay I buy the new Justin you record which is terrible spoken word spoken word he just reads headphone manuals yeah I get a t-shirt yeah you know and you don't charge a lot t-shirts are freaking cheap okay everyone knows it doesn't cost a lot I was shocked a couple months ago we went to go see masters on they were charging $30 plus for t-shirts right those don't cost more than $3 apiece $4 apiece so make the you know make the album 15 bucks it comes with a t-shirt I'm buying and even if a band has to put on a few extra shows to support the people that get tickets through the album sales right that's fine right isn't that what a band loves performing for their fans most of the time yeah you just want you just want people to come into the building right and if there's there they might buy a t-shirt and you'll make more money and don't forget you know it's just the more exposure the better there's a lot of things that people don't know about the artist venue relationship and the exchange of money that goes on in that sort of relationship right bringing more people in it's always better right all right I miss looking at album art and reading lyrics inside the booklet I do I don't like that is an aesthetic that is truly will be lost I came over the last time I remember when I was little I would put a CD in after I bought it from like warehouse or Sam Goody yeah I put it into the CD player and then listen to the entire album as all the way at the art and then read every single lyric that was a very special experience but granted only did it once per CD that's fine though you did it once and you know I the thing about that and there's I thought I'm really glad you brought that up because that was like such a unique and personal experience yeah you know what I mean because it was always in the back of my parent's car that I did this because it was like on the way back from nobody beats the whiz right something like that you guys had it's like a fries okay but they're out of business um and you would just you know you would you you bought the record because you like two or three songs and then those other tracks that you knew nothing about you would listen to and you'd read the lyrics you'd be like oh so that's what this guy's saying right this is what he means right and like oh really it doesn't even sound like he said that but I guess you did you know stuff like that and even if you didn't necessarily like the way the music sounded right off the bat you wouldn't change it you were just listen to the song because you're reading it was like an experience you know yeah I'd be like now I don't know is probably a big assumption to make but when people are listening digitally it's really easy to just click one button and then skip the track you know they probably like rifling through so many songs well I mean I you know growing up I made the change from cassette to CD early it was like when I was 12 or 13 you know so it's not like we had so much time with cassettes where it was just like you almost had to listen to the whole thing right but I just think that there's this certain you know experience that's just lost it sort of said you know I don't know I feel there's got to be some people still do that probably older I remember before I had a CD player in my car I would buy a CD that I liked take it home to my home stereo set yeah and then record the CD to a tape so that I could play it in my car which only had a tape player oh wow so yeah do the extra legwork to just to get to radio format you would rip your CDs on you old slide out goddamn you old pirate I'm old you're not old we are all yes combined age of 90 in this room speaking of Nintendo a little earlier this band releasing their album inside of a NES cartridge little news here to report Nintendo everyone's favorite videogame company from their childhood has reported a first annual loss of 460 million dollars I will say that again 460 million dollars that's almost half a billion did you say this is the first time they've ever posted no they have this is not the first time but I think the real headline here the real news is that they're predicting a turnaround year for 2012 I'm not so sure that's gonna happen there is a lukewarm reception over Wii U that would be successor to the Nintendo Wii and the 3ds I mean I know it's doing okay in terms of sales but is that you know and I'm upset because I can't really talk to anybody about this right now I'm just sort of saying this out loud either and just sort of know what's coming out next year that they force this year this later this year yeah yeah I supposedly jump profits the Wii U I mean I guess a cheaper 3ds they have a couple titles that are incoming you're looking at new Super Mario Brothers 2 which was their reboot of Mario Brothers they're portable reboot of it which is a lot of fun but I mean god I played the same goddamn game a million times over and over and over again it's like I I don't know then you've got brain training and Animal Crossing yeah which is just keep the cycle continues the same game over and over again do you think that maybe Nintendo should release a non motion controlled game console do you think that'd be a possibility from now on like ever will they ever release an on motion it's a great question I don't know do you think that'd be a good step in the right direction for them I don't know I almost look at Nintendo now you don't even put them in the same categories Xbox and Playstation right you sort of just say like Wii controller sucks for playing no motion control games well yeah yeah for the most part but they're just doing their own thing now they're more than just you know conventional video games I think you look at like Kinect and you look at move and you're like alright that was a nice attempt yeah but those guys know the real deal they know the real moneymakers they're sticking to that we in Nintendo's sort of view on the market it's like you know they're just sort of experimenting it's like this never-ending experiment now you know the Gamecube which I thought was a great system was their last traditional video game console at what point do you think that Nintendo stopped becoming viable for the serious gamer right like Xbox Playstation when the we came out when the we came out when the we came out because when that when that thing was announced it was it was it was mixed there was a lot of mixed reactions people were like oh my god they will read their revolutionising the industry again you know and everyone was just head over heels then when you played it you're like okay I get this it's for kids not for everybody right I don't know I don't know it'll be uh it'll be interesting you know and I still think their biggest Achilles heel is their lack of third-party support and their lack you know there is very little incentive for a third party to just say alright we're developing exclusively for the way it's just tough it's tough man it'll be interesting I don't know I don't know I don't I kind of worry about it poor Nintendo you know I do did not think they'd be in this position right now say that we'll take a break when we come back more 404 we've got calls we've got videos we've got all kinds of fun to share with you right after this stick around the show where we all sing welcome back to the 404 soon they're just gonna have like we've daisy-chained 85,000 fluffy tribe and you know we're doing some no doubt a hologram yeah lyrics those those videos are crazy watch the video if you don't know we're talking about it's uh more will just tell you right now yeah it's a couple of hard drives things like six hard drives daisy chain yeah there I was eight yeah to play the Oh chip double oh seven theme song it's pretty awesome bangerang mingling but here's my question to that video though why yeah just why why you know there's got to be some cooler things I guess I mean why do anything why do a podcast every day for the likes men for the likes do it for the likes all for the life and the perks yeah the perks of likes let's talk about iPods yeah listen you know I mean like we've got a couple emails about this mmm-hmm what introduced this so recently we've been making fun of Apple's attempt at getting people to think Siri works by using people like Samuel Jackson yeah and Zooey Deschanel yeah and these weird sort of commercials that are misleading I think we all sort of agree on yeah and we were a little surprised that it was the first time that we thought Apple had used celebrities to endorse their products to advertise their products I knew that wasn't it I need now someone brought this to our attention our buddy chase and he sent us links to not only the first iPod video which is not any celebrity we'll just play that because it's awesome right but we'll also play the first ever the first ever jeopardy celebrity which is Jeff Goldblum endorsing the iMac right so whatever order you want to do this let's check out these videos uh let's watch the Jeff Goldblum one first yeah it's pretty awesome let's just I love hearing him talk he's such a brilliant just annoys change like there's a big party going on these days everybody said what's your email address what's your email go also the email you I don't have an email what's this you know like that and you feel left out you've been confused too expensive or something well now good news is a computer so easy ten minutes out of the box you're on to the internet you're emailing everybody you're part of the party it's as easy as you know licking a stamp see now I remember do you remember that commercial I'm very very kind of that what that's not that old that's probably ten years old Yeah right I remember rolling my eyes he was so nonchalant about email that's how we always talk he always sounds like he's professional yet like a dinner party right yeah or he's always like you know in a philosophical you know internal struggle right something like that but what's so cool about that is Jeff Goldblum could sell me anything yeah and I'm part of this project now it's email what's your email is that some premiere for The New Yorker yeah you've asked for someone's email like in a social way yeah but dude it's also ten years old Jeff Goldblum could sell me anything yeah he could sell me a shoe box filled with manure right I would buy it but what's interesting about this commercial to me is that they don't actually show the product now Mary Ann just talked about if that was made today they would be doing 360-degree views and exploding views right yeah this is just really simple for sure which is different for its time yeah absolutely I I really like watching that though let's take another trip in the way back the YouTube comments are saying that Jeff Goldblum is clearly drunk he's not drunk there's no drunkenness here I don't I remember seeing this commercial we're talking about the first-ever iPod commercial it's a good one I think it's a really good commercial remember this vividly it's very telling it's very symbolic of the times face melting face melting to put it lightly let's see it gotta lose his pants our yeah yeah corduroy yeah he doesn't even have a cell phone to take with him a thousand songs in your pocket a thousand that's so cool that is cool god I remember did you have the original iPod no my friend one of my close friends did I miss it a lot oh man I bagged so many groceries to pay for that original did you must have cost you your entire year's salary this 409 and back in what a one yeah it goes more back then yeah that's expensive it was really crazy for the eight gigabyte version this is the one the original had the moving wheel on right at all the subsequent models after that was it really moving it was moving yeah yeah it had a moving jog dialing right but I mean to understand how revolutionary the original iPod was you got to look at the product that came before it and this was one of the most popular mp3 players that I think everybody had is the REO PMP 300 and I hope this is a history lesson for people I don't you know that maybe you're a younger and listening to our show but this had it was 32 megabytes max so that's like five songs maybe yeah and that's it five songs sometimes I would de encode them matter like 96 bit more songs like Stanley trash yeah exactly what it was worth it I mean it was small yeah but you know I had like physical buttons it's ugly like gray screen here and it connected via parallel port which computers don't even have right now I remember my first mp3 player was like a creative 128 yeah something made by no Matt or something like that yeah and they had a screen though it had some sort of nonsense BS screen it was like a color screen I don't remember but to go from something like this you know this like ugly cigarette box looking things yeah right to this it's crazy I remember it blew my eye just like when I took it out of the box gotta be really passionate but it still looks awesome it looks cool man I had like the reflective mirror finish on the back it was all why remember back now all white things seem really generic because everything is life they seem cheap now yeah but back then it was crazy my the biggest thing for me was aesthetically the design and the font it is that Mac font on there and I just remember being like man this is cool I had a FireWire port on top I remember right right with like a little window yes as you could slide open yeah detect it yeah oh my god you believe we're waxing poetic about freakin a 12 year old iPod the first iPod or 11 years old that's unbelievable man look at the fog to understate it son it was ridiculous talking about this it blows my mind I do remember thinking that scrolling through a bunch of songs using your finger felt really inefficient yeah like when you could just like press a button wants to me it always did yeah to me it was I never enjoyed scrolling with the wheel how is it easier than just holding down a button right or just clicking a button a bunch of time yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah but that was until you actually filled it up with a thousand songs right I remember the third generation with the four green lights yeah red lights right right no buttons everything was touch all right that was maybe my first iPod and I just remember being like man you know this thing looks and sounds really cool man I don't like moving around but this yeah this jog wheel that didn't move right I kind of want to buy one of these original iPods again just for I'm gonna say no yeah it probably weighs four pounds it would work though if you bought a new one in some kind of serial port and didn't have a used battery in it yeah cuz those batteries died quick these were also spinning platter hard drives too so they had to buffer a little bit while you were playing certainly did God so cool yeah I feel like that first iPod will won't find its way into museums yeah somehow oh I showed you this photo but I kind of want to put it up on the screen hold on let me just see if I can load this up oh my never when you were talking about like some of the photos you found at home core lines and stuff that your course so I was like looking through my old photo bucket account because I've been transferring it over to imager yeah and I found a bunch of really old pictures and I want to see if I can bring this up did I tell you that I was a huge PD like I was obsessed with like Palm Pilots in scuffle you disclose this embarrassing detail to me a few days ago and I believe I made fun of you for like 40 minutes yeah I was telling about how I would go to Fry's didn't work at Fry's no ahead and try to help people with their PDAs right because you were a winner I was so obsessed with that I would clip out newspaper advertisements I'm sure you do and then I made a collage out of it gently did boom oh my god this is you know what I'm just gonna write this off as like your street art this is like a 24 by 36 poster size of all clippings it's enormous newspapers its enormous which is crazy to look at now because they're mostly gray scales right right these are like the original like palm 3yz flat fives metros look at this hand springs in garbage unbelievable so you were just like hey I got a I got a sunday circular yeah what else am I gonna do and collage them all together you guys you know all and talk to girls some no leapings are gonna cut them you know what and when the mood strikes me I'm gonna include the frickin price and some of them yeah yeah yeah which is crazy to look at now as well cuz some of these $799 on mostly from Best Buy a lot of yellow tags there yeah definitely you sir let a truly sedge which led me into the man I am today if that's what you want to call yourself be my guest no but serious everyone's got their weird little things it's it's cool let my cred never be questioned it will never come into question no one can ever argue with that sir you need to somehow find a way to like prove your geekdom cuz jeff has I have they'll report back to us don't you worry about that I want to talk before we hit up the the voicemails for the day I got to talk about this game because I'm not sure if it's still a joke but apparently it's not we're gonna thank Marlon our buddy from Trinidad sending us this link it's a new NBA game mmm called NBA baller beats mmm for Kinect I was reading about this you reading about this we got to watch some of this video is this actually a game or is it like one of those online games you know it's a game it is a game being put out by Majesco which is a New Jersey based developer and it's basically a basketball game for Kinect that you play with a real basketball and you're dribbling has to sync up with beats on-screen let's check out the video I repeat that in this video right here oh my god it begins this way for all of us discipline determination and dedication at some point it's common talent emerges Oh take your game yep oh the next level is off the court I guess whoa the matrix yeah a real ball yep that's a real ball real steel ball not included raise your game Oh in be a ball of beats oh dear um oh dear so correct me if I'm wrong Richard Justin is that a video game where you dribble a ball in front of your TV and watch yeah yeah it's hard to tell exactly what it is because one they don't show any gameplay right whatsoever well they do show a guy playing in an actual court right and their language is not part of the game they say raise your game to the next level because the next level it's not here right it's in front of your TV and what if you have carpet in front of your TV what yeah what yeah what if you're and what if you have neighbors below here yeah pissed but at least it'll be in rhythm if you're successful I suppose yeah is this a joke what what's going on I can only imagine Emily I'm gonna play devil's advocate you please no I don't mean to improve your dribbling skills no it's bought well I guess that's like a sign if I can just improve your dribbling skills I'm playing on a court it's baller beats okay the the dribbling will sync up two beats man yeah I got that you know what I'm saying right how does it differ from just playing music while you play basketball on a real court huh you mean playing basketball with a soundtrack yeah exactly different never heard about that you will be playing this game and not shoot a basketball right you'll just sort of maybe make the motion to shoot I it's crazy that you have to actually use a basketball I thought the whole idea of of Kinect was that they take the physical of the games well just be like you know like exercise your wrist by broken wrist game that would be sick we should definitely parody this video I think we really like emulating blow up man yeah blow up man that is so stupid yeah I wonder how much they gonna charge for this though I'm not worried about that how many are they gonna sell yeah and you think it doesn't that's really embarrassed goes done some decent stuff now you have they yeah the before maybe once or twice I you see a chance to play this game like it's not gonna weapon I'll love to get a video of that oh archive you know what I'm gonna make an effort to get my hands on this game I'd like to ago I like to attend with alright sweet let's do some calls from the public before we have to say goodbye for the day time to show the love chat room brings up a good point Pacey pimp is like I see many broken
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