
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 1045: Where we're outed on Facebook

it's Wednesday May second 2012 thanks for tuning in to the 404 show on cnet TV I'm Jeff Bakalar giggling at me like that boy that grin on your face I'm Justin you this is a show where we're outed on facebook yes mmm a lot of information hitting the social network mostly about Justin and he shattered past my shattered present yeah things are still going on this isn't in the past yet you do have a shattered present where we're happy to be here today things getting started a little later today but that's fine yeah you know oh my god it's 1230 well worth the wait is what we say my last day I'm not doing any work today that's right so Justin's a little programming note for people who care Justin you're leaving us for a couple days yeah explain your situation i make her too making a lucrative business out of marrying couples as a minister I didn't really want to know the the detail I meant like your you know your absence but that doesn't go that's what I'm gonna be doing sure well my cousins getting married and congrats yeah they asked me to go online get ordained and marry them cool is good I think this is like the second time you've done this this is the second time I've done this yeah sorry you've added this are we that's something it could be a lucrative business for me are they paying you know well you sir yes I wish I could have done that for you at your wedding me too are they are they are they flying you out at least you ready what are they a Rebbe it's it's a rabbi sorry are they flying you out are you getting to fly on no well I would have had to go on all right weddings reality and fair enough yeah so we'll be here tomorrow Friday or Monday coming back on Tuesday but you have guests on Friday anyway yeah that's right a film director James Gunn will be here talking to us about well getting through his past the movies he's done like super slow their stuff like that and he's going to talk to us about this new game he's got that's coming out uh in conjunction with the grasshopper manufacturer guys I know that means nothing to you but they've done some really really impressive stuff like shadows of the damned killer 7 no more heroes and now lollipop chainsaw did James Gunn right scooby-doo I'm pretty sure he was the writer for scooby-doo feel like he did yeah he used to be involved in like the Troma films Romeo liked Romeo and Romeo and Juliet yeah I wonder if he knows like the South Park guys then could be he might did he I'm sorry he did Scooby Doo the original and it's scooby-doo two monsters unleashed so we have plenty to talk about with James Gunn my face when he's here on Friday and I'm gonna find someone to replace you awesome so that yeah it's not just like a one-on-one Jeff and James sort of thing yeah that would be nice as his vice god all right so uh the show title today talks about adding someone on facebook here's a really strange story says it straight man says that he's been outed by a Best Buy employee on facebook how did this happen this is a pretty old prank I feel like I've done this to a lot of people before but the first time ever heard of an employee at a Best Buy doing it to somebody okay so this story comes out of Denver and this guy was on the news talking about how he had a broken phone and so he brought it into the geek squad at best buy okay and they couldn't end up actually fixing the phone so they give him a replacement but I guess when they transferred the sim card over he didn't log out of his facebook and when he got the new phone he checked his status updates on ax he checked his profile Murray and his profile said I am gay I'm coming out no after he got the phone back so some geek squad they holds good dummy changed his feel like updated his facebook status it what haven't you done this before to where you just like sent a mass text out or something that's totally this usually real time when you do something like that on twitter or facebook it's pretty much gospel it's pretty much a press release right you know you're pretty much saying hey this is it right I mean I'm my me myself I don't know it's a really dumb prank yeah I don't know if I would choose that platform to make such a life-changing sort of announcement sure yeah but man oh man so what was the fallout we got a lot of heat for it obviously and you know a lot of people actually like the status which is cool but of course cuz there's nothing wrong with it I people were just like commenting and said he got a ton of phone calls from his ex-spouses party for kids call them his kids call them when they're you know they wanted to know more about it bro obviously Facebook is in the first place I can out something like that of course and like I said and we'd if it were true obviously there's nothing wrong with it write something wrong with it when it's not true it's not fair that's not you know that's not that's but the way the guy handled it afterward is what I have a problem but right instead of talk about the victim yeah the victim is just updating his status and leaving a comment like hey sorry some idiot feel employee I was I told me I would be like oh my god yes this geek squad dude yeah just mess with my status he actually went to a lawyer and now there's litigation in process tasks to Best Buy which is probably a financial thing right he's gonna try to get as much money of this company's policy yeah I mean I don't know do you think there's a monetary uh compensation due to this guy I guess so I mean I don't know what would it be though it wouldn't be defamation of character it would be what I don't know i don't i don't know there's no login trolling not i would be in jail my life no in arizona you can't troll anymore that's right we covered that story I don't know it's a very strange situation I don't think he's uh he's he's owed anything no and plus there's no way they could find out whether or not this came from the original Hanson right factor or through best well nobody's owed he's old like a thousand-dollar best buy gift certificate yes that's what he's owed it's a couple CD spindles yeah get him what a blank cd-rs best buy sell anymore not anything I want really refrigerator get this guy refrigerator yeah free refrigerator with a TV screen in it sour candy alright that's it um it's a good lesson to be learned here though right log out of all your apps before giving your phone over to me shouldn't have to do that you shouldn't have to do that it's the smart thing to do but you shouldn't have to worry about that when you're handing over a piece of electronics do a company like this okay and obviously this guy should get canned it's a little funny but he should get fired yeah right think we're all in agreement there sure fire this idiot um so everyone knows zynga acquired OMG pop the company behind draw something for a shockingly overpriced one million dollars right basically for one app for draw something redeem that you cannot lose apparently I've been playing this game for like a month I stopped yes it's not fun anymore right you can't lose you can't you draw and everyone gets it and that's it you can't lose it's too easy right so uh this is the story from the Atlantic talks about the decline and fall of draw something mm-hmm uh so yeah draw something is obviously a game from OMG pop they're psyched because how much did they 1 billion a billion dollars from facebook for this and not about Zynga I'm sorry Zynga uh yeah so they netted 35 million downloads within the first seven weeks when it debuted back in February right and uh the Atlantic came out with this article that sort of analyzed a chart of their hits and Zynga seems my like they might be regretting that purchase cuz that uh amount of downloads has gone down for 15 million when they first bought it down to 10 million which is clearly less than the amount and they purchased it for well I think the big sort so this is um these are downloads right yeah all right so obviously you can't I mean unless you're something like all instagram went up after facebook bought instagram right but uh draw something went down which is just i wasn't a bill i said a billion dollar was it a billion dollars no wasn't a billion dollars was 180 million Instagram was a billion yeah instagram i'm sorry about that uh it went down well and I mean this chart is sort of deceiving though because it's only going you know there's a lot of this 10 to 15 that's only 10 to 15 million so you're sort of you know it's sort of exaggerating what's not a huge decline I mean they're still ramming in 10 million downloads as of yesterday yeah I mean I think the point is by looking at this graph it's clearly on a down right it's definitely going down which sort of sucks I mean but it's not I mean what do you think do you think this is just a prime example of paying too much and sort of not getting what you pay for or is it just like the harsh reality of like you know what unless it's Angry Birds yeah you're you're you know these things are sort of one-hit wonders yeah that's what I definitely think that there's an issue of like the long tail of draw something here right it's basically just pictionary and people are just breaking out there pictionary games at home you play a few games right and no one wants to play anymore its kind of like the spark is gone it's there's just a false sense of fun I mean it's really just like a one-trick pony and the whole the big buzz was like oh my god there are some artists here yeah that are you know using it to jar really intricate and detailed drawings & and then now we have like the best draw something drugs and all that's done yeah in internet time it was like 24 hours I me over I think it's useful to compare it to a game like angry birds for example which I'm still playing it's because they came out with new packs they continue to come out with new games right which makes it still you know more fun The Biggest Loser in all this the stylus industry ya know those people have been using the galaxy tab style is to plan something for sharing some pretty cool stuff but I even anecdotally I've been using this for a couple weeks just apply to play anymore plan now i plated maybe three times I was down there I mean you can guess anything yet you know this the they have to figure out a way to make it harder it has to be harder to lose because the fact that all the letters there and they get all scrambled up and you're like oh he's just probably drawing you know New Jersey or whatever it is that's all you know I can just tell just by the letters that are there how many variations of a penis can you draw on draw something that's what makes it the most fun right like this isn't a word well you know you just don't like different types of like perverted stuff that's right okay you know what I don't know I don't do that your weirdo you know what I can't stand with that when someone sort you watch them draw it out and then they just give it up and right to ya on the scratch it's just like man you suck yeah I know what I do I get it wrong on purpose I didn't I've in that point is there any game that you have for your phone that you've been playing for more than a year ah probably angry birds I but I don't play the stuff I've beaten already I just play through and then i'm done i've been playing a lot of scramble with friends i think that's fun that's from OMG pop as well no it's Zynga okay zinc yeah they it's basically boggle but you play 10 you have to like drag your finger to create worried spell words and then there's three rounds and you go back and forth and then there's a winner that's a lot of fun I know you playing the games Richard playing arms I i play draw something I played a lot of that but yeah I'm getting cigarette your second choice the honeymoons over man I also play scramble with friends everyone so I played with you wasn't he kills me I did I think I literally murdered you that's why I have a request another game how about this i won't do any uh you know that those perks I'll make a deal with you I won't do any perks next time okay and you can do all the Pearl you want do you think that's cheating that you can use those because sometimes if you use too many of those yeah we're like gives you it it cheats for you basically right you mean inspiration yeah inspiration yeah you think that's do I think that's cheating yeah no I mean if you use any like third party like there are some people who I hate that that sheet in in words with friends where they use arm they use third-party programs to basically tell them the words that they can spell like an anagram yes some sort of like bot that does the work for them that's freaking cheating but I mean that inspiration in the freeze time and those are built into the game yes that's are you trying to make an excuse or accusing you of cheating these accuse me of cheating by via settled into the game oh man all right Richard now maybe I won't allow you to get a free shot at me no it's just really difficult to believe that you have a good sense of vocabulary it has nothing to do with vocabulary it really does is just about seeing things video just strategy after a while and fun game it is a fun game uh speaking of games big news yesterday uh Activision confirming that call of duty will have a sequel again this year with the with the shock to no one yeah it's called black ops 2 what nothing what do you laughing at also going to be call of duty Occupy Wall Street you want a game games all right there you go well you know honestly could have been anything it seems like they just sort of just shuffle up a bunch of like world conflicts and a hat and pick that one and then they got their new role duty game but no they're doing a sequel to black ops 2 what's cool about this if you're going to find something cool about it it's that it takes place in the future it's the first game that it's so like the first black treyarch game so so the way it works is there's call duty game every year it's been like that for like seven years now Larry had a three okay yeah it's confusing for someone looking on the outside in and continue your like on it I don't like tell it's good seriously you can barely make out the picture up so they sort of alternate every year in terms of developers select the modern warfare series is referenced modern warfare is done by infinity ward and then treyarch does world at war they do the black ops now they're doing black ops 2 gotcha historically the black the treyarch games have dealt with conflicts in the in history now they're jumping ahead and they're doing something from the year 20 25 nerium ad they're imagining what a 21st century Cold War would be like uh yeah I mean yeah so it's not really much news here people are sort of like a lukewarm reception yes because it's like how many times can you play the same game over and over again I remember when black ops originally came out people were really into the zombie mode do you think it's gonna yeah i can probably i think i mean if they're there they're not they're not stupid they'll they'll do that again whether it's uh it comes in with the game or it's a add on that you download after the fact um yeah I mean cherrim sourcing like what is this call duty nine yeah it's crazy there's so many games I don't know I mean it looks like you'll be able to pilot up air vehicles and tanks and stuff in this one do you do you have the same feeling about video game franchises as you do about sequels or reboot or mooses it's worse in games because there's so many more sequels right I don't know if that's act factually accurate but it feels like there are much more sequels in many more sequels in gaming than there are in movies yeah I mean obviously if the call call it was a call of duty black cops um ya know do you ever seen that album car that looking for Winslow yeah Carl of duty black cops you haven't see not that old there look show me yeah we uh those good name when it for him always plays a cop yeah he does oh my god is that funny I didn't ever thank you yeah let's see let's see it on xbox here you go it's fantastic my original point is that don't you think fuckity loves it let's just say so it's just so good yeah it's I can't believe I haven't come across as taking credit for that you should have met all in that I would have given you give I have something yeah no I'm saying like don't you think the publishers would rather go with the game franchise that they know would be successful rather than taking a rewrite I'm coming out with something new you're right and I feel like maybe I'm in the minority that demands creativity right like even you know even though the walking dead game that came out last week obviously there's AB in a comic book there's been a TV show and now the mood and now the game games really good yeah it's sort of a unique take on the walking dead right so I don't know I this is just base it's like the same thing over and over again and look I'm I'm not gonna I'm gonna play I will play and i will like it and i will hate myself for liking it but i don't know i just i demand creativity maybe the the new vehicles and stuff is enough but i don't know did I see something about a walking dead video game coming up oh you didn't know about that no no we didn't talk about that up so you don't read what I write on our fantastic website uh sometimes I do mostly time I do not about this did you it will tell me about it now absolutely so telltale games and this is a company there's the company behind the back to the future game that came out a couple months ago these sort they do these sort of episodic video game releases okay there were I think five think there were five back to the future episodes there's gonna be five walking dead episodes so it's a brand new take on an on a brand new character okay and it's not what you think it's not a very it's not an action II game it's story-driven character-driven it's basically like a point-and-click adventure you ever play one of those on on a computer back in the day probably yeah yeah it's like those old lucasarts games where you're you're sort of making decisions along your way there's a RPG element where you're like oh you know I gotta choose whether to go left or right it's a little more intense in The Walking Dead you basically have to decide who lives and who dies and it's graphic it's not a typical telltale Game this is rated a blow it's crazy it's really kind of scary here's some of the new years of video of what the games actually like Diana were still in Savannah ad had a little incident with some crazy guy near the hotel so we had to get him back to the ER and have it checked out anyway he's not feeling well enough to drive back tonight so we're staying an extra day thanks so much for looking after Clementine and I promise we'll be back in time before spring break oh my god finally I don't know if you tried to reach us all the calls are getting dropped and they're not letting us leave and aren't telling us anything about Atlanta please please just leave the city and take come in time with you back to marietta I've got to get back to the hospital please let me know that you're saying message 3 651 Clementine maybe if you can hear this call the police 911 it's crazy man that's messed up it's really good they did a really good job with it um yeah so ma I feel it's in in my personal opinion if you've read the comic books you're going to find that the game is much more true to the feeling of the walking dead so the original characters from the comic are in it don't want to say that okay but you the main character that you sort of play as is a brand new character not in the comic i can say cuz i'm all caught up in the comic and not in the TV show either but it's still the world it's that university a zombie ya dystopian no it'sit's The Walking Dead universe cruel it's really cool we'll take a break when we come back more with the 404 some voicemails and emails stick around we got a lot more coming your way this is the 404 mr effers the show where we all sing songs he likes your eyeglasses you welcome back to the 404 program here mmm had my fill it's delicious always goes down real nice got some emails and calls from the public that we want to get to in just a second don't forget Friday director writer producer Hollywood extraordinaire james gunn will be on the program so if you have some questions for our new buddy make sure to get them into us by tomorrow afternoon or you can tweet us at the 404 and will overlay those over to james seaweed has to say you I mean if I'm you I'm bummed yeah that I'm not gonna be here yeah absolutely I'm you I'm just miserable I think you intentionally scheduled that guest on a day that you knew I wasn't going to be here considering I just found out yesterday that you're not going to be here is not i I've told you several times 9am it I'm just a terrible memory I'm just joshing you I'm assuming is from something yeah no I'm so it's okay it's alright um yeah chat rooms asking about more about walking dead sort of stuff I read it digitally it's a beautiful Comicon on the new iPad it looks really good it's black and white but it's really really good is there like a subscription system you have Image Comics Image Comics allows you are you laughing laughing because I know that you don't always endorse the right way to do things no I that's why I'm asking yeah Image Comics has a subscription sort of thing how much is it you can get it it's uh it's 299 during an issue so it comes out about every six to eight weeks ok so I'm a big fan they're about to hit their hundredth issue which is awesome worth the price that you pay for i mean i bought the compendium which is what I 48 yeah hatch I give to you I'll working on that still on a desk in my apartment right now it's pretty it's a pretty heavy book yet yeah so that's the way to do it honestly I would if you if you
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