it's Thursday may 13 2012 you've tuned
into the 404 show on cnet TV I'm Jeff
Bakalar I'm ty pendlebury and this is
the show where we go beard core that's
right not one not two but all three of
us we got some stubble going on in the
studio today and we hope that that
feeling exudes through the microphones
and wires and into your face as vehicle
early yes ty pendlebury is on our
program today filling in for Justin you
what's up ty not much i'm just being
asked to say words the moment i'll
really want yeah i don't know just you
feel like you're being controlled
controlled puppet style yeah I'm the
puppet master and you are my marionette
welcome to the party dude no but
seriously thanks for being here justin
is away for a few days he'll be back on
Tuesday and that's the way the cookie
crumbles all right he's delet that's a
saying here but the cookie crumbles yeah
I don't really say it a lot this might
have been the first time I've ever said
sure so don't get you to it it's what
i'm trying to say i just like Heather
there's some you know I was gonna say
synonyms that's not the right no there's
some idioms idiot che some overlaps that
I know you guys are so many thousands of
miles away we still get language there
damn straight the language knows no
bound her nights it does yeah the
original main that's it man you and me
we're brothers from another mother right
there um so you're doing well it's been
a while so yeah yeah it's been a month
or two ya been doing well you know lots
of TVs come out we've we're right in the
middle of TV season right now this is it
yes oh we're getting lots of TVs in
Panasonic's are coming in we're still
waiting on samsung's which everyone
wants to know about so we're still
waiting for those to come in but we've
had lots of Panasonic's lots of LG's so
yeah right in the thick of it I am so
surprised by your enthusiasm hey you are
see these TVs do what's mojo so you're
still not jaded yet it's not like I've
been doing this for like seven years
yeah it's amazing you know you gotta
keep it fresh we were like cats Meyer
you just have an affinity for you just
of what you do yes clear and that's
great it's you know and I loved my job
when I when I worked at the scene at
office in Sydney and I was just you know
blessed and glad that I could come to
the New York office and and do the same
thing and hang out with you know cool
dudes so it's it's all been good that
means a lot to hear then I'm glad you're
happy um so is there anything recently
in in the TV review world that's caught
your eye that's been like you sort of
been like wait a second you know cuz I
feel like televisions for the most part
haven't really done a lot other than
voice control you know I'm i hate this
artificial smoothing with the hurts and
stuff i think it looks like trash 3d is
sort of Luke if it has a lukewarm
reception well is there anything sort of
knew that you're you're psyched on well
lets you know a lot of people are
interested in the smart interaction from
Samsung at the moment you know you talk
to you hi TV and read you can you know
karate move at it can you really it does
motion yeah yeah no wave at it Renji
move stuff and you grab it you push it
and but it's not it's it's a gimmick
like I I don't know if you have an xbox
I don't have a next yeah but do you use
that stuff on the Xbox Kinect no no I'll
you know what I'll do that's a good
point I mean I feel like it it probably
works better and connect right yeah it's
probably safe well that's that's the
third generation technology I think
which is actually by the or part of the
inventors which is primeSense there are
fairly company guys what Samsung have
done they didn't license that technology
they went we'll do it ourselves yes they
usually do and it's not as good it's not
as good yeah even the primesense version
isn't quite there they they were
exhibiting this year at sea yes uh-huh
wasn't quite there people walking past
and you know the guy was apologizing I
yeah it's just loses loses some time
this is great let me see s like the
freaking you know the biggest stage in
the world for electronics yeah I mean
demitted Lee there were people moving
around course but it wasn't right so
Samsung trying to do it it's a gimmick
yeah but what's really good at the
moment is the pan is slated 06 pana so I
said I mean Samsung panasonic at the
moment has the best TV and is possibly
will have the best TV yeah I'm really
what made it only may I'm more
caution to the wind sort of guy where as
my colleague David Katz miles quite
carefully yeah he's not about to say
obscene say you're ready to crown of
them already I'm ready to go I'm ready
to go to the the st50 by Panasonic not
even and how so that's a 50-inch ah well
it's that's the series so it was between
42 and 60 i think that's amore and what
are we looking at with price for the 42
which i think is only in overseas Brand
X or overseas model yeah here it starts
at 50 inch it's about 1,300 for a free
flash again it's better than last year's
better than last year's best TV right
wow that's amazing technology would
sorts of plasma plasma there are a lot
of people out there you go download
plasmas plasmas are great they're great
um and I think Panasonic and I just put
up a review of their first LCD that
we've reviewed yeah and it's not as good
night I think is sort of like okay so
you can pay a lot for our LCD yeah or
you can pay five hundred dollars less
and get an awesome TV yeah so it's like
a bait and switch type thing but in a
good way that's not bad 1300 for a
50-inch yeah and it's a great it is
phenomenally really oh man cuz I'm I'm
not in the market for a new television
but I'm at the point where I'm ready to
do it for no good reason yeah well I
mean it's got gaming good for gaming
yeah except if you stand up um it's got
this thing called luva filter which is
basically film they put on the front
right so that any down facing light yeah
he's deflected okay so that's a problem
with plasma if you have the lights on
all right it looks Brown yeah well what
this does is is refracts that light off
see still see we won't Oh interesting
but if you play wii or connect or
anything in your quite close to the
screen you won't see the screen oh
that's a problem yeah but it depends on
how far away you are if you're standing
like as far as i am away from this
monitor you can see how far away it is
right it's only way yeah you have a
small room you stand up you might see
the screen says well that's not
interesting can you get that television
without the cup there there's the UT 50
oh good it's like 300 bucks less wow
that's what I'm buying yeah so here
about every awesome two years oh my god
my TV doesn't need sunglasses
that's nonsense so yeah the UT 50 and
the st 50 excellent televisions all
right good to know good advice and you
can read all of ties reviews on cnet com
we were talking a little bit in the
pre-show about our beards which are epic
and then we uh and then we got into a
little discussion someone in the chat
room had said something about when they
were in Australia the last time uh
apparently they were they were defecated
upon by a koala bear which is cuz we
talked about drop bears lost on which
talk about repairs were these sort of
like vampiric bears that seemed almost
science fiction that have like the fangs
of a vampire the the desire to kill like
a werewolf and everything else and
sleepiness and then you go ahead and
tell us what story so one of the people
of chat room was saying like a shat on
by a koala right essentially i got
defecated on by pigeon on my tongue okay
so another lady of animals everyone just
listen to that for a second you didn't
hear incorrectly wasn't the accent ya
know I was hiding bubble bubble gum okay
and I thought that the bubble gum had
exploded yeah it was patron shit know
what are the odds of that happening at
the very time you decided to blow a
bubble now this bubble must have been
respectable because if it's big enough
for a pigeon to like sort of targeted
you know what I mean you know it was the
London right they really oh my god we
gotta take that out and there was just
an impostor saludos carpet bomb to your
face with panting crap I can't believe
animals that can do weird things to your
voice had maggots in my eye oh and i
know mine are you online you went out
for say that I don't know you shouldn't
say that this isn't TV wait time she she
she were a bed of your eye by licking it
out who Leroy's my nan your nan yeah I
feel like I'm is your name like a
relative or yeah yeah yeah like a
grandma hi ty ty joojeh yeah when you
had maggots in your eyes cuz whatever
glow fly
get huge insects here yeah I don't know
what's the biggest things that you get I
hear like it I don't know like I can
follow like a drag that's a drag took
large as hell but we get blowflies
really big blow for I'm seriously gonna
freak out round not big like like
dragonflies song no Australian
dragonflies are armed with what the hell
is that your dragon style give me the
faith don't give me that size the size
that's like to shoulder the shoulder
that's crazy how big are these bugs
really not that big okay then I feel
like that but essentially as a swatting
a blow fly on the wall and exploited
okay yeah that wasn't no it seems like
you really have to survive in the am
back teams did you carry a knife in like
a whip with you the whole time I
should've I should've man oh man aren't
you glad to finally move to New York
City what all you have to battle are
nine foot long rats and people and
people yeah what's worse uh take my
chances with the animals yeah you know
cuz we get you know brown snakes in
Australia which are pretty much one of
the most poisonous snakes in the brown
snakes they used to just like slither
around on our property but as long as
you don't go near them internet surprise
them or find hurt yeah let's say about
bees as long as you don't piss Abby off
he's not gonna sting you yeah I don't
know about that I've sort of been a
victim of uh you know a bee stinging on
a boat but you stand on the night stand
on them yeah what why can't you you've
never stood on the beat barefoot no I've
never liked stepped on a bee yeah yeah
whatever bye babe really yeah maybe
shouldn't walk around barefoot yeah you
know when you're yeah dude all of that
crazy you know I was I was harvesting
honey and I just decided to go barefoot
no it's got no King brown snakes all
right you're a big gamer let's switch
gears a little bit you love games it's
it's a very nice change of pace on our
program you know Justin doesn't give a
crap about getting I don't know if it's
because he doesn't get it if he's not
good at it I don't know I mean all the
right stereotypes are there you know he
should by all means be a gamer but he is
not sadly um and the creator of
is now saying that he believes quote
that EA is destroying gaming and we're
talking about Markus Persson Pearson I
can't pronounce his name correctly
obviously but it goes by notch that's
his a nickname and he says that the way
that they conduct business the way that
they do what they do they they sort of
uh you know trying are essentially
ruining the gaming industry I don't mean
III understand where he's coming from I
don't think EA is ruining it I think EA
sort of does their own thing Pearson
wrote on his uh uh twitter feed he said
he goes EA releases an indie bundle
that's not how that works EA stop trying
to ruin anything you bunch of cynical
beeps so yeah he clearly does not have a
nice bone in his body towards EA but
what do you think I mean you know ea's
got been in the crosshairs a lot because
of what they do with their online passes
yeah you know they're attempting to
thwart used games pre preemptively even
before we hop into the next generation
of consoles so what do you think I mean
do you really think that uh notches
negative vibes towards EA are justified
I don't know it's it's hard to say I
mean they are one of the biggest
publishes in the world right and I feel
like it's natural to sort of raise your
fist at the big guy yeah I you know down
with you but what do you think I mean
you know I I just uh I feel like there's
this misguided sense of like of like
this like evil an empire like EA is like
you know all they're worried about is
destroy I mean you know EA for the most
part while yeah they have some
questionable sort of things they're also
bringing in specifically an example I
thought that they did last year was
really cool you know they brought a game
like shadows of the damned they
distributed that game which would
probably not have seen the light of day
you know I don't I don't know what it
would have happened they took a gamble
it was an indie sort of game maybe they
didn't market it as well as they should
have but they still gave a very like
obscure game it's time to shine by
giving it this this release
I don't know I feel like there's two
sides to the story were they I mean if
there is such a big publisher they can't
possibly release indie game exactly but
I think in D has you know greater common
connotations particularly in the music
world where Cody is a style of music
it's not necessarily means that you're
right an indie label doesn't always mean
your design signed yeah so maybe that's
what they're going for I mean it's not
looking at the games in a warp shank
Gatling gears which have never heard of
death spank they're not you know you're
shoot-'em-ups you're you're a one titles
right lesson on titles so you know it's
it's semantics i think i think so too
and i'm not ready you know look i agree
i don't think these are necessarily
deserve that in the sort of label but
you're right it's semantics it's it is
what it is this is the world we live and
remember when all those quote-unquote
independent movies were like so huge in
the early 2000s and and Warner Brothers
even rebranded there a section of their
distribution it was called Warner
Brothers independent have that is how
does it work how do you declare yourself
independent when you have the the muscle
it's you know it's like almost like
saying like we're an independent podcast
no CBS owns the four of that we are not
India at all it might feel like it is it
might feel a little DIY at times but at
the end of the day we've got a big
backing partner here you know so it is
what it is but as you said you know that
there are actually put you know drawing
attention to games and developers that
wouldn't ordinarily right like the game
that you you put up the shadows of the
shadows of the damned of the damn you
know and things like this things like
steam for example that do give credence
to games that you wouldn't ordinarily
see great and I think for example one of
the best games of the year it won't be
as far as I'm concerned won't be you
know some shoot them up it'll be journey
okay you know then not an indie
developer either right but it's again
what technically I mean there's apple
pie so nice right for sure but they you
know Sony sorta has is like hands off
sort of thing yeah but you're right
there is no such thing I mean really
when you want to
get to the real Indy sorta games it's
like the games you can only play on the
web you know by developer just like hey
I can only build this in flash it's free
check it out uh you know even three
birds angry birth in in the beginning
yeah you know I look at something like
limbo you know limbo was an independent
developer uh you know and that's and but
still once you get onto the xbox live
marketplace and you're featured on the
front door it's like okay you're you're
you're at a different level now and I
mean it's not it's not your parents
basement in it's like calling something
we need this note indeed isn't
necessarily destroying game it's just
funny how we're going through the same
thing that we went through in film and
music and now it's just happening in
games two and we just have a little
label war you know anyway we'll take a
break when we come back more with Ty on
the 404 stick around we'll get to some
calls from the public maybe another
story or two we'll be back right after
this this is the 404 emer effers the
show where we all sing songs
welcome back to the 404 ty pendlebury on
our program yet I you could follow tie
on Twitter how did they do that time
what you need to get an internet machine
okay now step one okay so I know your
mother I know I don't know what that it
that really has to do with anything but
I'm at ty pendlebury or one word easy
enough make sure you follow ty will also
put that in the show notes today or
guess I'm doing that I don't even know
how to do the show notes whoa figure it
out I've no literally no idea to do it I
think I've done it six times in the four
fours history which is what now two
years for for ya oh man that's your
mayor depressing me okay this is like 40
years yeah Oh gonna lie down get out of
your funk I gotta lie down on a capsule
right now talk about my problems
speaking of problems I've had a problem
with rhythm games for a while grey light
Our Heroes the DJ heroes the band rock
star things you know kind of lame they
did last longer than jaw something
though but did they yeah I do something
is over man yes something cayman went
came in when is that worth almost two
hundred million dollars you know I know
it's not it was fun for a couple of
minutes so what does Zynga do what do
you do you bought this thing you know
it's like you went to a flea market you
know that is right you get a flea market
and you find this like baseball card
that you think's worth 50 million dollar
or whatever it is yet you get home and
you're like oh I looked it up that's
only worth a dollar seventy-five alright
what have I done you know do you think
they have buyer's remorse oh for sure
for sure I mean that did put in like
some extra features that we needed like
a chat feature oh you're bility to save
the actual picture oh yeah oh my god but
I just find that I'm not interested
anymore watching them guess what I draw
were you know drew I really care about
the terrible yeah there's literally
nothing cool about draw something
anymore we I know we were beating it
at horse we talked about this yesterday
but there's something about this story
that I find pleasure in I just enjoy the
fact that they were bought for an
obscene amount of money and it just is
blowing up in a bit I think that's
awesome I don't want to happen we think
it's like Freud and shot right you know
I mean like it's just well not my
problem yeah well you know so I think
that you know I still have a soft spot
for rhythm games I do I did and I'm a
boy I actually i'll tell you what play
an instrument man i know i can go and
really yeah I wouldn't bought guitar
hero no it wasn't guitar hero rock band
green day for ten bucks the other day
and I'm actually going to buy a guitar
bring back the old days you know staying
up till stupid o'clock in to stupid
class Jupiter clock like sleeping in
your clothes sort of stupid so I
remember those days back in the late
2000s whatever you call those yeah late
orts I'm not gonna lie I played my fair
share of guitar hero as well I did I did
why not right some of the music was okay
yeah you put it's a party game yeah
sounds like you were doing this alone
hahaha which is literally is a little
upsetting but um yeah I don't know I i
think it was overkill right it got too
much too fast banty are killed it band
hero lego guitar hero was there really a
lego guy there was uh it seems that
everyone was under the impression that
the iOS version of rock band which EA
puts out was going away turns out not
the case an erroneous message was sent
out to people who have the game on iOS
that said on May 31st rock band will no
longer be playable on your device thanks
for rocking out with us I'd be pissed if
I saw that I was like oh there's a
message on my screen there that's uh
people's soul I'd be pissed to be like
oh cool I just bought this but i guess
not gonna be able to play this because
it's not real precedent for that no real
games so he could away have been like
they've been taken off for example but
you could still play them right and i
don't move from your device forcibly you
know so this was the first time a lot of
people understandably got upset about it
obviously there was only like 20 songs I
don't think it received that much
support I never actually played it
myself but it's you know for that to
happen you sort of lose a lot of faith
and obviously it was it was a a again
this time so you know they're not doing
very well on the news no they seem to be
sort of shooting themselves in the feet
they're a little bit but nevertheless
it's not going away you will be able to
still rock out yep with your fingers on
rock band because you're such a freaking
talented musician I did try playing that
one which you hooked up to your D s did
your weird sort of you know the yeah
that was weird the knuckle game it was
no yeah this knuckle exercise yeah yeah
like the stress machine was like that it
was really and equally as unpleasant oh
my god it's like what were they thinking
yeah you know anyway the beat goes on
with rock band iOS so if you have that
it's not going away great speaking of
iOS apps ty you recently got your hands
on the Spotify iPad app yeah and I want
to hear more about this because we just
had our buddy from Spotify on the show
we didn't really talk too much about
that specific app yeah because it wasn't
announced until Wednesday that's right
so what were your feelings and
impressions on the new Spotify out it's
a lot like the desktop app I don't know
if you use Spotify I do yeah I'm
shitting no you see next time I write
use what these model goal do you know
the other one right on I've never heard
of mog but anyone know gee I don't know
what that is you like it there's a whole
bunch of those right on so what did you
think yeah it's a lot like the desktop
app so I don't have a you know ipad to
show you that's okay if you're familiar
with the desktop app the only thing it
doesn't add like back in December they
added individual apps which I use quite
a lot actually brace once from
individual record companies yeah they're
starting to blow up a little bit yeah
this is pitchfork there's once from
tunewiki there's a whole bunch of
different ones for sure which and they
said you know I asked a couple of these
questions and radios the one thing that
people want on their on their iPad or
iOS app in that the desktop version has
a radio so I don't know their yeah you
can actually mix it up and you choose
the genre similar to what happens with okay a CBS company so it does
that as well
he said you know these are features
would really like to have how I mean so
probably come yeah so desktop type apps
will probably come and radio will come
right on iOS app more than likely the
app itself it's nice the best thing
about it as a cover flow type oh it's an
arrangement I'm a sucker for that I'm a
sucker for his fun having nice big
cover-ups yeah but what they see it is
is essentially a stereo replacement so
either use airplay to stream it to you I
guess your Apple TV or you know some
sort of airplay enabled device or you
stick it in a dock Brodin I can see that
sort of working the great thing about
spotify as opposed to some of the other
streaming services is they have a really
high bitrate mmm so in some cases it's
almost indistinguishable because they
use OGG Vorbis that's a lot of mp3 or a
local or whatever the AI double f or
whatever the right the apple one is so
they use high bit rate and foremost
music can tell a difference that's great
I don't the quality man that's what I
was always very impressed with Spotify
yeah I'm just streaming quality I don't
use I've got a hole ripped library at
home there's a 160 kilobits to I guess
250 or something I got from a service
such as what's the name but there's a
whole bunch of mp3 services you can get
from and I've bought a few of those okay
but I can see them going away now how
would you pay ten bucks for an album
except when we can pay ten bucks to get
spotify and get everything ya know it's
your better quality than you'll buy from
mp3 it's really you know it's one of
these things that I struggle with
personally because i have my own ass
system at home and i have all my music
and it's all encoded at a really high
bitrate sounds great and this is stuff
that i ripped from my personal CD
collection so it's not even like pirate
stuff you know a legit it's weird i feel
i feel this sort of you know in tangible
physical connection yeah you know i know
that sounds like an oxymoron but it's
just I feel like I'm tethered to it in
some way and I'm not ready to just let
it go yeah but it's feels
inconsequential I think having a
streaming service yeah it doesn't feel
like it's yours whereas i guess a Zen
I've had the same experience you know I
you know few hundred CDs back at home
which I've left that sure by that I mean
Australia yeah and sort of ripped as
many as I could right but it's not as
good but I still feel like you miss it
plus you know those cds won't work on
our CD players no they're upside down
they're upside down guys come out of
them instead of into them they spin the
opposite direction yeah crazy striking
CD players but no I want to hear what
people have to say about that because I
have this connection man it's like even
though their bits and bytes in ones and
zeros they're still mine and that's you
know Steve got Guttenberg who's on last
week he's right into that you know can
you feel a connection to something
that's memorable is you're not actually
touching I think you can I think Peter
kids are out there listen to this
podcast that you know have a connection
to music right and don't necessarily
ever have had to touch recklessly I do
think though that we are the last of a
certain generation though I do think
once Napster today was not the Napster
have it say in Australia yeah I think at
the second that you know and we've
talked about this before because we
talked about how um you know just
because you don't physically own it like
a game you sort of lose a right and
unwritten right about it do you know
what I mean that you just don't own
something we're talking about
downloadable games and how you know the
new consoles we're going to eliminate
used games you know is that whole idea
of like you don't own it because you
don't hold it in your hands and that I
feel like I'm not ready to to sort of
have that relationship with my music yet
or anything for that matter I don't know
if I've mentioned this on the podcast or
maybe the other one sadly gone now which
is the lab scars essentially I think you
should have a buy once used for over
license okay so essentially if you go to
the cinema for example go and see a
movie you should get a download ticket
that you can use forever that's got to
be more money yeah it's gotta be like 25
well yeah if you pay an extra five bucks
at the time you don't get a DVD or
anything I would that's not a bad ideas
at the moment I've got you know a few
hundred CDs check home yeah I can't get
that music any anyway but if I
downloading it but paying for it or
getting rule you realize
that's a pipe dream though yeah just
because everything on any organizations
yeah would have to jump on board
together and play nicely yeah we just
that doesn't want never happen
unfortunately but what wide licenses are
a thing that I'm pushing for I'm pushing
for us my personal crusade it's not
really getting anywhere develop a
platform and maybe people will jump on
board if you can if you create content
you just make a worldwide license
distribution goes away yeah you just
sell directly to us I think you're
cutting out too many middleman yeah well
that's the other companies are doing it
I know they're the measurement know for
sure HBO is going to go straight to
through the end user I'll give it two
years I hope man you know we're talking
earlier about a hulu and them requiring
a cable connection which sort of seems
like a step backwards really yeah note
about they're gonna start to do that
soon as it's on the table so it's a
rumor because I mean they aren't by
Cummings and Fox yeah and Disney is it's
in their interest to do that but Netflix
the same Barry but at the same time
though it's like why do that will add to
me it's a step backwards if I'm hulu and
everyone and not let's not forget they
made half a billion dollars last year in
ad revenue okay it works right doesn't
that's a key indication right that it
works why do that why require all these
people who are using your service that
like it enough to generate a half a
billion dollars worth of ed revenue why
then require them all to go back in and
still be tethered to that cable
connection I think it suits you know
elderly suits worry don't get it yeah
just don't get it um everything's gonna
go online you know you still have freed
away I think that'll still happen yeah a
nice goal free to wear what you call it
terrestrial or I've dressed really yeah
that'll still be there but capable
companies will go away though just be
providing a pipe it's a future I hope
exists and something that always puts a
spike in that is the idea of you know
getting your content on line illegally
BitTorrent Inc downloading stuff right
we follow this website TorrentFreak a
lot they came out with a post today that
sort of oh maybe makes a loophole for
people who frequent these sites so a
judge in
new york mr. gary Brown has explained in
great detail why he believes an IP
address is not sufficient evidence to
identify copyright infringers okay he's
basically saying an IP address does not
equal a human being now I feel like it
doesn't equal a human being but where
there's smoke there's a fire yeah you
know what I mean so yeah obviously uh
you know no one can ever unless until
we're living the world where we all have
barcodes and IP addresses on our on our
necks and we have to log in every time
we want to use the Internet I still
think there is something I you know look
obviously yes in a binary sort of world
an IP address could be anybody it could
be somebody who hacked in it is on your
router right you know you like if
someone's downloading something
illegally from you you could maybe not
know you could just have someone who
acted on to your router and is using
your service there are little variables
that affect the situation but I mean you
know it is what it is this is what one
judge in New York has to say about it I
mean this is a topic of conversation
that's been going on forever and it
seems like there really is no definitive
end in sight it's funny that some you
know judges seem to not you know the
obverse of that in that there's a judge
in the UK who's basically ordered all
the ice piece to block pirate bay right
don't actually hold any content exactly
don't do anything yeah I mean obviously
they are a major chain in the link yeah
a link in the chain rather but lets you
know it is what it is I mean that if you
want to grow that is a gross sort of you
know sweeping accusation there do you
mean yeah like they're just like if you
can't even go there yeah every isp in
the UK kind really you know they pretty
much the cool part by its it's pretty
much there's no legitimate content
online they're not hot nerd buying
anything I but you know trying to block
it means that people just do a Google
search if you google search anything but
aren't in it you'll get lots of oh yeah
it's you won't just get the part The
Pirate Bay is just now become the
scapegoat yeah
you know there's just like all they have
feel like you should they have part in
their name I wonder what they're doing
there yeah you know i love the letters
that these guys right the people have
you have you read some of the letters
they they oh they wrote this one letter
that dreamworks over over a shrek
incident and the language that they use
in their letters go search on it if you
have a time if you have the time really
brilliant stuff uh we almost are at a
time let's get to a few calls time to
show the love a jig 6404 cnet all right
we only got a few minutes let's hop to
it hey for a full crew this is jeff from
levanah a little bit behind but i just
looked into friday's episode with Steve
Guttenberg and I felt I had to call in
well I admire his vote of confidence in
the two of you being able to replace
Letterman down the road I was more
intrigued by the idea of which of the
two of you would be the sidekick and
sorry to break it to you Justin but I
think Jeff is Right see the lead and
you're bringing the race card into it
with a bit ridiculous I mean just not
saying you couldn't do a great job on
your own oh it's so bad that he's not
here and two of you were paired up
you're the sidekick you're just
naturally the nato's who is Green Hornet
yes the short round two is Indiana Jones
Jack Burton and race has nothing to do
with it so don't go there man you're
better than that I'm Australian it cos
getting minorities to to be a psychic is
oh that's how that's how I like meeting
interviews out of it no I know it wasn't
that and dude believe me know you're all
minorities here um yeah I don't know I
don't know of what to say to that I kind
of wish Justin heard that they will play
from when he comes back hopefully
listens on I am what's that guy on the
yo I'm like the guy on the bandmaster
yeah yeah I do you feel like you yeah a
little bit shopping in from the back
step that's all that's all um Mexico if
our focus is rich from Cleveland here
just calling all this controversy over
Justin could give up the internet for a
year you know
we would handle that I think maybe a
good compromise maybe try a week or a
month only using dial-up internet I
think it's a nice compromise between
full connectivity and you know being
able to still do your job I did it all
throughout college actually and it
sucked hard like exceedingly so so yeah
cool idea filler okay so you know the
story right did your the story this guy
from the Verge's god that's right and
John's like I could do that that's no
problem well alright do you think first
off do you think you could do that do
you think you could voluntarily for no
real reason because this guy still has
yet to give a legitimate reason why he's
hell is he posting to the internet if
you ask I don't know he's like safe
riding on paper it really is among the
Dumber things I've ever heard to be
totally honest uh too bad he won't hear
that because you can't be on the
internet yeah um you know I just don't
get it you know what point are you
trying to he's still using a computer
right so he's gonna do his work on his
on his little laptop he's gonna like
take it on a thumb drive and give it to
somebody who was allowed to use the
internet what are you doing woodiwoodi
what are you really doing but regardless
if you for some reason had to get off
the internet for a year do you think you
could do it could I do it it's very
interesting like there it does get very
clicky hmm depending on what sites you
frequent and you know not everyone can
keep up with every meme and like if it's
like that obnoxious for verizon aid oh
that's so 23 seconds yeah getting to
that point where if you're not right up
to it you sort of you know left behind
and I hate to see that that's getting to
that but it is but it's like it's the
it's the avenue of communication yeah
it's not it's not people are spiteful
against it for some reason this isn't it
yeah this is where we've evolved to you
know what I mean yeah it's not like it's
an unnatural progression yeah it's not
like we all are you know feeding off the
you know the teat of some like corrupt
you know overlord it's just the way it
is do you know I don't know it's I feel
like the same sort of you know friction
evolved when people started using the
you I'm serious yeah like when people
started using the telephone they were
they go up no one's ever gonna leave
their house again yeah you know why
should I need to leave my house man
could just phone you up you know I don't
know like it's hard to see where you
know technology could go from here and
really you know it is this the last
thing everything is just going but do
you ever say that we don't know yeah we
don't know we don't know we could say
this the internet is going to be the
platform for whatever technology well
next exactly so uh yeah so but the whole
dial-up thing that our buddy rich brings
up that's that sucks that's just that's
not even fun ever those noises sure Don
but Don and you could did you ever sing
along with it no I did I sisting a lot
you said yeah oh my god a disoriented by
illness what do you mean this is are we
losing a connection with the internet
cuz we're counseling along with on moda
I think so you would seeing harmoniously
I wouldn't you ah that would be cool uh
finally an interesting caller with an
interesting topic that we will get you
right now hey far far this is jason Zeke
Colin from northern VA I just think that
let you guys know that I cannot wait to
hear your your show and just to kind of
let you know I'm actually one of your
gay this nurse and I just adore you guys
I'm so glad that you guys don't kind of
just the gay community just minorities I
was gonna say me too I'm glad we don't
describe and I am going to call in
regularly love you guys I alright doable
thank you very much and we love you too
that's awesome to hear I would hope we
have more than I thought he sounded like
you said like I'm your only Kahless I I
hope we have more than one geez right oh
maybe you guys aren't good looking is
that what it is maybe you keep the
camera on me or yourself more often and
how about that maybe I don't you see
less clean clean feist young yeah he's
so clean face me I don't know
no but he's arguably the better looking
of Justin my nigga mocking here yet man
hey now hey now you know the mark in
here every day that's an unfair
advantage right there with once you
bring let's say into the mix everyone
stock plummets yeah but that's what
thanks for the call me really appreciate
it and that's awesome to hear he's like
I'm glad you don't bash caple I'm like
yeah you know what I'm glad we don't
either my friend I just couldn't see
that could not see that only Asians no
yeah kitty haha and the Australians
right thank you so much ty bindl area
for thank you very much for having me
appreciate it always a pleasure sir I
will be back tomorrow with director
James Gunn so if you got any questions
for mr. Gunn write it in an email or
send it to us on Twitter or the verge
guy yeah I don't know a piece of paper
and know someone to tell you that he's
going to be there in the first place
have a pigeon transcribe it for you or
something like that uh the 44 at cnet
com is our email check out the blog the
440 netcom were at the 404 on twitter
and that's going to do it for us you
want to leave a call 866 404 cnet we
will be back tomorrow have a great
thursday ladies and gentlemen we'll see
you soon i'm jeff bakalar I'm talking to
Bri it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow have
a great thursday we'll see you tomorrow
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