it's Tuesday may eight 2012 thank you
for tuning in to the 404 show on cnet TV
I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you and
this is the show where so it's come to
this has come to this winter is coming
mono e mono what I don't even know what
this show title is in reference to
somebody wrote us in the other day yeah
and had a an exit what is it the xkcd
that comic okay yeah yes and as I dude
you guys gotta use are you leaving
stirrups what guys got egos you gotta
use this as a show title like so it's
come to this all right we're gonna use
that so you're sure it's very dramatic
um you know the whole winter is coming
toward a thing right you know I was I
wrote on Twitter there the way you know
the people in in the Seven Kingdoms feel
about winters the way I feel about
summer right so every morning I just
sort of like taking me in pray and go
summer is coming to you know as the as
the weather gets a little warmers the
birds get a little louder be nice this
week it's gonna be nice this week but
then we fall into the pit of crotch
sweat yeah I have a good question for
you why are their opinion why are there
owls in Manhattan owls yeah yeah yeah
maybe they are in your air an owl
outside of my apartment this is really
upset cuz it woke me up like at seven
o'clock in the morning was it that just
like four hours before i'm supposed to
wake up was it that like ooh it was that
knows it was like this hmm it wasn't a
homeless man oh yeah the tree outside my
phone it just sort of perched up what do
you feeling there's a tree outside your
part yeah a fake tree re get out of the
tree you how many times I tell you Gary
weeping Gary get out of the day I
they look appear yeah I don't think
there was an owl it was what else makes
a sound Richard back me up on I've never
seen an owl the owl Manhattan I'm gonna
make a documentary about yeah the owl
image i love that likes to sit outside
my apartment i don't know dude it with
the BB regardless of your stupid owl
story i'm glad to have you back here
today yeah you know it's been a tough
three days without you yet we had James
Gunn on Friday who was awesome right
what a great Richard he was a lot of fun
and then we had a tie yep here one day
and then um yesterday we had Scott's
time yeah so you know we didn't miss me
at all no we did miss missing me at all
there's something about your presence
that makes the show bad more digestible
oh really yeah well thank you I really
you know I mean that from the bottom of
my you know I don't know heart some
organ hey guess what what's that so I
was back in California for my cousin's
wedding were you know congratulations
Stephanie and Peter by the way Oh anyway
uh while I was there that you know they
have obviously had like a wedding
photographer and videographer and all
sure of course at the reception the one
of the wedding photographers comes up to
me and he's like I know you know yes
asian what does i have to do it cuz you
went through a dean witter yeah he was
pretty hot man yeah that's what you're
inquiring about anyway he was like hey I
know you that's so cool and then I was
like I don't know you why are you
talking to me what do you still doing
here yeah II was like I didn't know what
you look like I recognize your voice no
way because I've listened to the show
every day no he does i watch cnet TV
birthday birthday ever judge and say
that's so cool man yeah is I don't
really get to watch the video that much
okay but um that's right I recognize
your face sure then when I saw you up
there talking because I officiated my
cousin's wedding right cuz you know
immediately recognized your stupid voice
and he's like hey and you like take a
photo with him or something did not know
yeah you turned one of the cameras on
himself right we took a part of it we
should have that's so cool yeah and what
was his name Gary gay
it was an owl known as it was Gary
that's awesome sup man well hello Gary
and thank you for listening to our fine
program that's so cool that you guys at
a wedding my cousin's wedding you know
Hamburg California quasi celebrity at a
wedding there with you things over there
you got you got recognized to write a
devil as a devil's game a couple weeks
ago yeah there you go it's hat it's all
happening so yeah is if it's like our
almost famous moments all come to this
it's all don't ask a wedding hence the
title of the program it's all come to
this yeah I really enjoyed doing this
man I mean unless Shoshoni like I'm I
joke around a lot but when it when I'm
at weddings it's all seriousness Oh your
business is usually yeah man I think I'm
gonna try to make a side business out of
officiating weddings sure if anyone
wants to fly me out to say a few words
at your wedding be happy to do so for a
small fee for a small fee and room and
board yeah that that's it and at least
one or two bridesmaids I was gonna say
in a date to the wedding yeah yeah you
know just give this guy some smorgasbord
needs yeah um let's get into some of the
stories of the day yeah apparently New
York thieves are now targeting victims
with beats by dr. dre headphones yeah
good is what I have to say after this
you deserve it yeah police sources are
ya saying that you know formerly that
thieves were sort of targeting like ipod
the news where all the white heads right
because that was indicated that you're a
smart phone in your pocket me or i would
a dollar device right now they're more
ostentatious they're wearing their
five-hundred-dollar accessories on their
head right and obviously the beats by
dre are really recognizable they have
that giant be on the side and they all
look the same um you know there's
different models of the beats by dre now
the studios are four hundred ninety nine
bucks and so you know like if you steal
those they have a pretty high resale
value for slaughter kid afterward I
don't know if you remember but last year
we actually reported on a similar story
i believe it was in manhattan where a
new york police busted a huge like
counterfeit ring of the beats by dre i
don't know i don't know that
that's crazy yeah yeah so they were fake
which means that you know maybe don't
buy them secondhand core don't buy them
at all don't well look I'm not happy
that these people are getting robbed
even worse that they can't even hear the
thieves coming up to them because they
have the music playing so like I have
such amazing bass there's nothing
there's no distinct you know a ability
to distinguish you know danger right
from from you know safety yeah i also
want to mention the very out of touch
headline every thug has his Dre that's
insanely out of touch Thank You New York
why that attention seems out of touch
like out what is the one what is M is I
mean everything has his day no no it's a
reference to a track on the other touch
one yeah play what yeah um every thug ha
has it needs a lady i think it's called
okay that is not the that is not what
the headlines going after yeah every
thug needs a ladies in alkaline trio
song yet no thats its also ja Rule song
and I think this one's in reference I
think they're I think are we gonna
friggin pick apart I think the headline
means every thug has his day oh my state
court or something I thought it was at
every thug needs a lady the ja Rule song
no that's Tom I think you're taking way
too much chef freedom there every dog
has its day ok the doctor Dre song right
all right I don't know point of
referencing something in a headline is
that needs like universal recognition
and its or it has something to do with
the topic at hand guy middle is enough
rap music we do not hear you why do I
believe it's called every dog is dead
pretty sure I leave to pack sling this
song i believe to pack share some doctor
said it I believe my doctor what exactly
is he a doctor of the doctor rhyming man
he's a doctor oh man anyway the point is
just don't buy these dr dre headphones
you could spend less get better sound
and you won't get ripped off when you're
waiting on the subway line I didn't
realize that i just find it kind of
interesting that they're going after
people with these headphones yeah
how does that robbery work how does it
take place all will apparently there was
one story about a guy waiting on the
subway platform and someone just
literally snatched them off his head
yeah and ran up the stairs what it is in
a language usually connected to
something you know yeah those things are
disconnected in the disconnect maybe
they should start targeting people will
like looking at ipads and whatnot yeah i
mean though the light seems like a
better you know smash-and-grab sort of
job right that's why the ipad tether on
kickstarter is gaining traction the old
ipad chastity beta that'll be our
garrison lanyard I like that the
handcuff uh there's a really interesting
piece from mental floss calm apparently
sixty percent of people cannot go ten
minutes without lying yeah I just
believe the crap out of this story this
woman is lying fifty percent of the time
it works one hundred percent of time
that's what I thought whatever though
this headline but yeah this is a story
at a mental floss really cool blog you
can learn a lot from it I check it every
day but this is talking about a couple
different stories about lying um its
sights one University of Massachusetts
study that says sixty percent of adults
can't even have a ten-minute
conversation without lying at least once
now a lie can vary from a fib little
white lie right to a huge massive
cover-up yeah you know that story I told
earlier about the guy recognized me at
the wedding lie no yeah you're lying you
sure know that's a lie to you anymore
Todd's with Miami might well I'm on my
ass but I still would you prefer you not
to lie to me and I was like you but you
have no idea how much I do actually no I
know how much you love you are a filthy
liar I'm letting go into the bathroom in
those bathroom breaks I'm just going
outside and looking around he's in a
walk you're going out just for the hell
of it by eight the article says by age
four ninety percent of children have
grasped the concept of lying it just
gets worse from there yeah that is crazy
right uh so I mean let's be honest let's
maybe go around the room do you what
kind of Lies do you find yourself
telling oh how do I tell lies about and
and who are you lying to I don't lie to
anybody you are so full of crap yeah
you lied to I'd lie to everybody I know
yeah I'm about what no I was the
biggest lie you've ever told ever told
anything alike uh you know like about
your skills or your health maybe in
college I like lied my way through a
course ah so let me ask you this um this
also talks about how uh seventy percent
of people have told lies on their
resumes I uh have you ever done that I
more I have not given why I mean you'll
have to say that like you went to
Harvard University I'm but have you ever
lied about embellished yeah like about
what your day-to-day activities maybe
words like you know and I think meetings
that's just PR that did that that's just
called advertising the iphone ads are
lies right you know it's just
advertising Samuel Jackson does even
have an iphone not alone a temper as
what you would deal with Syrian said you
wanna make a spot you know why telling
his face off at that thing right you
know I hope they die and they burned in
him that's what he'd be saying I like
how you view for mised lie to PR it's
what it was market but it's true that's
what it is advertising don't you think
at the whole and I I know we're really
just biting the hand that feeds us here
but all advertising is primarily is
designed to deceive you right is it not
yeah I guess so I've noticed an outbreak
of people lying about their Instagram
photos saying that they've taken
pictures but they actually found them
online sent them to their phone and then
uploaded that picture purposing as their
own meaning that they had taken it that
is such a low lie though that is such a
a bottom of the barrel lie I've done
that before you what well you know like
not that I was a claiming it as my own
there a phone I just didn't say like
hashtag stolen which isn't lying it's
just withholding the truth I don't you
believe everything you see on the
internet but that's your bed you never
to be I don't know if I could trust you
anymore that's streaming I'm not on it
anyway that's why cuz it's filled with
liars yeah like yourself what's up blogs
work no one has original content online
anyway why should I translate to a nap
but I do think a lot of I definitely I
feel like I'm really good at that sort
of sniffing out people who lie well this
is saying that people that's good at
sniffing are sniffers themselves they're
saying that if you you're good at lying
if you get a technical I that means
you're a liar well yeah maybe or no or
at least it it it sort of denotes that
you yourself are you know skilled in
that like you you could I could get away
with it if I want a lot all the time you
know I think there's something there's
honesty is a good sort of virtue it's a
good characteristic to have you're
saying that you're good at telling tales
are good at nesting hello we're full of
crap and how can you do that I just is
something about I don't know maybe you
were like interrogation tactics were you
like looking up to see if no not looking
too I see if they're like accessing
their that's a lot it's a it's a lot of
stuff yeah it's just the way people
handle themselves right uh you know on
the other side of the spectrum I'm not
very good at poker and you would think I
should be good at poker if I could tell
whether or not people alike but it's
just inhuman conversation social
interaction I just you ever get that
feeling that sort of six cents that pops
up it was like I think this guy's
foolish yeah you know but hey you know
like ya ever have that yeah yeah yeah I
have a video time is it with me on ya
always yo they know this going back to
the study it's also talking about how
the majority of lies are obviously told
online because there's no way you can
verify it easier and the biggest place
online that people tell lies is facebook
dating I was okay yeah only dating
websites so they're talking about how
women lie the most on online dating
websites about their weight yeah um
which i think is like pretty standard
across sure whatever you know is about
their weight correlated do they I don't
do you lie about your weight know if
anything you add pounds is gonna say
yeah I actually say that I'm a hundred
and fifty pounds how much you really wet
buck ten know you're full of crap
homeless gay I'm 140 okay five so that's
fine yeah I understand some people may
be wanting to keep themselves below that
dreaded 200 mark oh right which I always
flirt with seemingly on a monthly basis
depends on how the mood strikes me so
women lie about their weight men lie
about their how much money they may yes
exactly how'd you know that cuz amelie
don't have well I'm good at detecting
lies okay I'm telling you man whenever I
meet a new person my first instinct is
to sniff them out as a as a genuine or
disingenuous person huh and then I
that's my first judge of character right
and I can utter look me I'm not saying
I'm right I'm just saying I believe that
I can do this yeah how do you know how
accurate your I don't know pests are
because maybe some comedies these wild
are you calling them out on their loss
sometimes I'll know for like they'll
they'll sort of show their hand you know
later on say something that I know is
most certainly false right but they seem
to believe as fact uh and then sometimes
I'll sort of like uh you know do a
little recon after the fact you know
with the person that may be introduced
them ah hey what's the deal with that
but like I don't know he says a lot of
stuff I don't know if he's telling the
truth all the time I lie about this show
a lot when people ask me how the show's
doing see the show it's doing great we
have three million listeners every day
the show I like that yeah I like stuff
that's just completely off the totally
off the charts people like more viewers
than David Letterman yeah let you take
euless David Letterman wants to be on
are seriously um here's an interesting
piece that came by over the weekend i
came across rather it talks about this
really unbelievable sort of promotion
that american airlines tried to do back
in nineteen eighty one it was called the
all-you-can-eat lifetime free a lifetime
first-class ticket okay so think about
it so right now here now you have an
idea 30 years ago american airlines so
to be a good idea to offer a first-class
ticket with an unlimited usage policy so
you could use a first class ticket fly
as much as you want in 1981 it debuted
at a quarter million dollars Wow okay
the last one ever offered but not sold
was in 0 for x in the Neiman Marcus
Christmas catalog
priced at a very fair three million
dollars Wow purchasers could also buy
companion tickets that they could use to
fly anyone along with them now here's
where it gets interesting the men who
bought these tickets and we're talking
about the tickets that were sold in the
80s or 90s whenever it was the men who
bought these tickets and the article
only calls them then which is also
interesting went a little crazy they
started flying everywhere all the time
would they pick random people out of
checking lines and give them free first
class upgrades they'd fly to Japan for
lunch and back to the states that night
one of them was costing the airline more
than a million dollars a year that is
when the airline's decided to get rid of
them but uh well there's a philanthropic
element to this tutor is he was to uh I
guess a story was talking about that
same guy would give away his frequent
flyer miles that he had a group that was
the thing they were giving to 80 was
offers but they were giving frequent
flyer miles on my op on top of that free
it was this never-ending slippery slope
why would you do that if they just
purchased a never-ending first-class
ticket the hell do they need these miles
for right right that doesn't sound like
fun either I mean a trip to Japan takes
like 12 13 hours more right where you
are crazy this is a really interesting
read we highly suggest checking it out
we'll throw it in the rundown but you
know what airlines are still doing this
I remember we get all you can eat yeah
first class all you can on first class
but remember we actually gave away a
JetBlue pass right that gave you
unlimited access to anywhere jetblue
flies for like a month that success was
it all month or one trip it was a full
month it's still not gonna put a that's
not seven hundred dollar package or
whatever meany on for that give away
things all offered it I also think it
was like the continental United States
right over there are a lot of different
lot of little caveats and variables that
you had abide by yeah but the isness i
love interesting stuff it's by love
boing boing i love they always have such
interesting pieces you know offbeat sort
of off the beaten path to herself see I
thought from when you posted this title
this headline in the rundown I thought
it meant that
you could fly anywhere you want and eat
as much as you want while you were on
the plane you thought that yeah like a
buffet I thought like airlines are those
are the ground yeah yeah that sounded
like a kind of a good you fed mess yeah
imagine if it just had like a buffet
line sure yeah that's great oh yeah
that's why I'm getting on this plane to
eat the food yeah what a devil may be
king of airplanes I want to bring this
up real quick as guy goes by the name of
think his name is Dan pink okay it's not
in the run or anything I'm just gonna
tell the story talking he's a guy who
flies around a lot he says on a plane at
least once a week says keep getting sick
once the doctors like why am I getting
sick is like you travel out his again
once a week he was getting sick all the
time he has just disclosed a very
interesting tactic to use to avoid
getting sick you and I are gonna have to
were traveling a little this summer yeah
going to comic-con yeah where I'm going
to e3 a lot going on right yeah yeah so
he says the thing to do is all you need
is a tuba bacitracin you know what that
yes and a Purell hand sanitizer right
okay you put the hand sanitizer on and
then you take bacitracin and you
literally like put you put it in your
notes in your nostril the bass situation
changes rub it around you just go to
town okay bacitracin is kind of like a
Vaseline it took an antibacterial it's a
little gross substance it's al it's
gross yeah all right you rub that all in
there you do it with the other nostril
he said since he's been doing it he has
not caught a cold from a plane in two
years because he can't smell anything no
because he says what it does it's sort
of like protects your nostrils from from
sort of harboring these germs that love
to live on airplanes airplanes are
incubation chamber right for diseases
like sick babies this is disgusting and
then all this recycled air it's just so
much oh my god feel when I automated at
vegas for CES i sat next to this
disgusting mess you got me sick I was so
mad just go for the bacitracin in the
nostrils it's free advice internet yeah
I'd buy it sure did you told him to do
this his doctor really yeah he's like
I'm gonna let it let you guys in on a
little tip isn't that interesting also
where dishwasher gloves when you're
the court well that goes without saying
touch anything just just abort it in the
board the plane in hazmat suit yeah
that's fine no one's gonna say anything
actually try that I'm definitely doing
it for these key trips I'm really gross
though you have like this not like just
gonna do it in now dude in like the
bathroom or something okay you know you
gotta do what you gotta do man will try
that and then we'll need to take a
picture of us both with basket arizona /
news it'll be disgusting yeah great more
404 right over this stick around this is
the 404 mr effers the show where we all
sing songs
welcome back to the 404 show oh man got
a good story about sleep talking sleep
talking to one just watch the video of
the kid eating ice cream and trying to
fight falling asleep at same time quite
adorable yeah what uh let me hear sleep
talk I was back at home and I stayed
over at my dad's house in my little this
is this weekend yeah yeah and my little
brother's room put up a little bit in
there you go in like little racecar bed
or something he has a race car does he
does he sees the other 6024 yeah so
anyway I was sleeping in the room with
him and then when I got up in the
morning yeah he was like you were sleep
talking less no like oh my god what did
I say which could be really
incriminating you know like I had no
idea what a course that said and he was
like you rolled over in your sleep and
really slowly you said yeah this is the
good stuff which is also really
incriminating that's still ambiguous
right and he's like you said it really
slowly to it is weird like yeah I don't
know what that could have meant anything
I was eating some cake or something in
my sleep this is the good a good thing
he's like you said it really slow like
yeah this is good and you don't remember
your dream no idea so could have been
anything could have been anything then
my dad told me that he's I'm sorry
Jonathan for bringing this up if you
hear this later in life but my dad told
me that he's been having a problem with
sleepwalking reason oh this is not a lie
the kid detect me on this yeah kid my
little brother 11 years old it's 11 he
said he's been having a problem with
sleepwalking reason I guess a couple
weeks ago kid woke up in the middle of
the night no walk to the trash can that
he has in his room I know what happened
to eat in the trash can in the tree
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