The 404 Ep. 1066: Where it's the CNET minority report
The 404 Ep. 1066: Where it's the CNET minority report
sup guys it's the 404 podcast it is
Monday June 4th 2012 I'm Justin you I'm
Joseph Kaminsky I'm Richard Peterson and
I'm Arielle noon yeah this is the show
where it's the cnet Minority Report very
nice thank you joseph convince you for
that show tile today way to get me
thrown under the bus this is a lot
different than what it normally is
jeff's like shining white face isn't in
studio today yeah usually there's
there's one person the comments down
it's either Jeff or you know it used to
be Wilson now well I guess that's what
we're pre recording right now that's the
404 Unleashed and yes it's actually in
Microsoft press conference going on at
e3 so you hearing this after we recorded
it no live show today sry chat room but
there's a lot of exciting stuff over in
san diego de here or in LA yes yes yes
um Jeff goes out for a tan and dance
carrying his bags yeah I feel like we
should talk about video game news at
least for a little bit though even in
Jeff's absence uh it's funny cuz like
I'm just speaking of e3 I fired up the
old ps3 after not playing for months my
son wanted to play dragonball z I had no
idea how competitive he was i I couldn't
I couldn't lose to him as goku even when
he's like Daddy you'd be Goku I'll be
going on a michael caine your sounds
really young to eatzi's for but he knows
all the characters he did not we wanted
me to play goku and i refuse to lose as
goku super saiyan so I had like power
down and then I let him beat me he was
like the happiest kid yeah he was
jumping on me daddy I wouldn't hate you
I'm like yeah yeah you you you be did
you let him beat you or a car you
kidding now you saved i'm sure this is
the way it'll be for the rest of his
life i will let him hate me will never
beat me all right you can matter of fact
i'm taking the stage play it for him on
his 18th birthday he will never beat me
you know speaking of kids we actually
have a story in the rundown today about
facebook lowering their minimum age for
membership but when is a good time in
your opinion for a kid to get on my
social gaming for example what xbox live
well see that's the thing i mean i
figure if they're savvy enough
to to work it on their own they're savvy
enough to circumvent and around their
parents right so do you really create
that there they'll definitely be their
own ways or avenues to do like know what
blackberry BBM with an iOS device you
have I messenger so they already have
ways you have the game center they're
there already ways they can do that now
um I personally would not let my set up
a Facebook account just because I any
photos anybody wants to see her i want
to share i put up and I wouldn't have to
look and see Oh what did he put up or
approve I mean just one more job right
and what ages I think he should be able
to get a facebook well that you know if
like i'd say like like 13 14 that's fine
and but even then you're still worried
about who they're talking to right so I
mean it just it's it's you just can't
win right you know you got chats and
video games you got the you know who
knows I've been really examined how far
how hard it is it going on google+ and
do a video chat app is any like age
checking there so I mean yeah but it's
also not going to be like Facebook is
just gonna let you know like 10 year
olds do whatever they want on facebook
that the rumor is that they're gonna
introduce this new feature where you can
actually link your kids account to their
parents so that their parents can kind
of just like over see what they do
online and make sure they're not
chatting with any weirdos etc and they
can like ad and all right maybe this is
this let's take a quick look how many i
don't know how many i don't do it I
don't know when I'll have to do it but
how many parents even password their
cable box yeah I mean you know how far
people going to go to do this I mean do
first of all kids are more savvy than
their parents this just put that out
there kids are hell of a lot more salve
in there so what parent you know the kid
will probably say yeah daddy i'll just
click this this this this this nom link
to your accountant makes you know the
kids okay his dad's friends and his
dad's buddy listen I don't know yeah I
don't know but you you sort of have like
a linked profile account with your
family right now I mean I mean I what
are your kid online for everyone look at
so it's kind of like the same thing I
need is owning exactly i share and then
I you know that I have them share a
perfect example Dan yeah Dan for a son
Dashiell Dashiell has his own site but
obviously you know monitors a site owes
handles aside it's his mom and dad mhm I
chose the enactment son by the way ever
this really weird statistic is scary
that I think is like thirty eight
percent of kids on or thirty eight
percent of people on facebook or under
the age of 12 already despite the age
approach means that parents are just
signing their own kids up or they're
doing it themselves at the library it's
well you just go in at mama what's this
so I can get in and parents like okay if
it'll keep you away from me for half an
hour here I'll sign you win yeah I'm
over my son shoulder like a shadow yeah
it's not happening I missed that
remember when we were when internet came
out and we were a little bit younger and
whatever he wants hey AOL the the group
chats with the thing man yeah I was I
was so psyched about just changing my
font so I can recognize mine from
everyone your IRC yes that was like the
underground chatter yeah exactly my
point kids will find it yeah I she was
cool cuz you could actually download
stuff from those sites mm-hmm you just
get whatever you want man I remember I
remember being so happy it took like I
think like an hour maybe even longer to
download Kyle's mom's would be what the
southpaw inherit our visitation because
it was over it was over dialogue scary
yeah it took like I don't even know how
long and you know back then it was Zip
disk was right I don't know my zip
physic well Kyle yeah dad was loved him
I remember bringing a zip drive and I
really pay myself heard right now I
brought a zip drive with those 100
megabyte disks to school because they
had like a t3 connection I'll download
them at school on to the removable zip
it bring the drive home uploaded to my
computer nerdy wow that and and rest in
peace netscape navigator one of the best
browsers back of the day yeah well Joey
I put the story in the rundown but I
know that you were itching to get to
this cuz it's kind of gross and I know
that's why you love coming on the show
I'll be careful here because I won't you
have to have a show to come back to
alright sorry looking in the show notes
what is this here oh yes dad creates
fake porn site profile for principal who
confiscated sons ipod good night
everybody wow wow wow all right um wow
so introduce this story but feel free to
utilize any kind of slang I close I
actually close this I had it up on my
iPad I closed it because I don't really
want to read it and just and well it's
about a
whose sons ipod was obviously come
skated by the principal and arm what he
did alive I guess the principal
misplaced it he never got it back yeah
principal lost it so the guy got mad it
was like his 13 year old kid yeah so
he's i lashed out by creating porn porn
accounts under the principles names and
under the principal's name on multiple
sites in hope of getting him bad
publicity in SEO so if anybody searched
his name come up you know like Triple X
dash whatever whatever whatever right
and and in lo and behold it did happen
because he actually did get a position
and they let him up and now he's
interning at his old job because he did
not get the position but he since then
has cleared that up right arm yet so
what happened was like hehe i posted it
on and then he was up for um I think
reelection in a different school
district and one of the parents at a PTA
meeting brought it up said that she
googled that guy's name to see who the
prospective guy would be and that point
website yeah it's like pictures of him
that were taken off the school
district's website I'm sorry photos of
his wife is well the website hey you
know what they say about a family that
plays together that's messed up with
like his full name his wife's name and
stuff problem within the internet though
is that even if you scrub his name from
that website it still exists so
different seed that's why I you know I
it baffles me how many people in in men
and women it just take images and upload
them to the internet like certain is I'm
like once they go up there they never
come down and like literally like like I
have a ps3 of an xbox I think I leave
like a game or dvd in front of the
kinect right I'm just paranoid about
that stuff man like I don't wanna be
playing a game sitting there my boxes
playing the game and have the freaking
cam right up on there man yeah you just
don't mean I just call me paranoid I am
that way let's take him Frank sku fire I
mean I can't imagine like they're not
putting anybody blasted people here that
take their iPad to the bathroom god
forbid what kind of images are going up
listen Julia network to his name is
Robert De spars of the dad and the way
they found it was him is they took the
photos and tracked back the IP address
turns out he was doing it at work and
when they caught him initial
he blamed it on his son like I must have
been my 13 year old kid anymore he's not
going in yeah I created a facebook
account for every day went berserk yeah
that's super messed up that is crazy the
mom over an iPod yeah come on let's be
honest here first of all they have great
resale value yeah and it is Apple come
on back you don't lose that the
principles chamfered to his tunes like
yeah all right what would you do in a
situation like that if my son got his
eye I thought it was everything I would
just want them to pay you back for the
eyeball yeah I what at what what steps
would you take if you got no results I
don't know man I usually let things go I
don't like something like that is really
not that serious yeah so I would say I
wouldn't create a fake porn site well I
mean I wouldn't go to the extreme eater
but you know the thing that a lot of
people aren't taking consideration now
cuz they look at the devices also some
of the things that are on it like you
can buy a lot of application you spend a
lot of money on that stuff you just
don't want to download it again a time I
mean now now finally there's there's the
iCloud in the match in the bathroom but
I remember when there wasn't and I am I
had my ipod video classic and it was
going I was like damn and I bought all
these these songs in these videos what
do I could do it was right when i
announced the the drm free for 129 so i
went back into itunes before because i
heard you can make that one phone call
like prison and they give you all your
11 times but i didn't want to do that so
what I did is I went in and I started
paying thirty cents more on every ninety
nine cents song I got so I can
redownload them drm free and I mean in
this case like that i could see kind of
going berserk because that's a lot of
content though now maybe not so much i
would just make sure they cover that
expense too cuz i mean yet my ethic I
think my apps are more than my ipad now
yeah all the absolute you made over the
years man it's really different to grow
up in and go to schools nowadays I
remember like we got v we got the phone
number of one of my teachers in the
elementary school that I went to it all
we do is crank call how do you do so
much money is gone like make a fake porn
account like what happened to just going
like tp'ing someone's house
there's so much more innocent before the
poop in the bag yeah that was brutal but
now it's like ruining people's hole in
it is like my neighbor's gruesome like
around Halloween they would let these
eggs just right now and if you walk down
84th street you would just get bombarded
with rotten eggs yeah I didn't I've
never done it but I've seen people with
the yolk on him yeah I've seen I've seen
it but it was yeah I had a teacher to
live next door to me he got toilet paper
all the time how many times you do it
usually you his uh his mailbox got blown
up and that wasn't usually you would you
see kids just driving by with baseball
bat oh my gosh there's mad or when
teaching it's always the teachers that
are it's okay the teachers i get really
picked on her substitute teachers and
then the teachers that are really quiet
like real passive teachers that look
like they're easy to get picked on was
he one of those yeah he was just really
geeky yeah people didn't like him I
always feel bad for those guys man is at
one point of my life I was kind of that
kid I got picked on you know they mean
so when when it was a teacher I would
get picked on I felt bad and that would
listen it was always like you were too
scared to say something cuz all the
other oh yeah what'd he say anything
enjoy did that sucks yeah right now yeah
it was obvious i wasn't that good of a
student so yeah I think my best class is
where all my teachers were attractive
neurotic oh that's always the best cuz
you know you go in sick and you're
always paying attention yeah mm-hmm nerd
ones yeah i got into what did I lose
respect to the class you just don't
listen anything this whole semester it's
done all right let's talk about another
story here of joy pick the story which
one do you want to talk about yes choice
oh let's see got the so emote let's go
let's go let's go let's go let's go
let's go woof woof okay you want to talk
about subwoofers yeah so this story is
really crazy it's uh it's about this
it's about this city what is it denver
in colorado colorado area the paramedics
in denver colorado are now equipping
their aim
lenses with built-in subwoofers that
actually sit below the car right like
most people put in the trunk or like in
the side panels the door this is
actually on the bottom of the car next
to the engine pointed to the ground and
uh these are 200 watt siren amplifiers
and when they blasted it actually
vibrates the ground around them letting
all the drivers in the vicinity know
that an ambulance is coming Michael's
loud Harley to the day exactly cuz
they're saying that they've had a
problem recently with drivers not
getting the hell out of the way and
there's a seal on New York to you I like
you'll hear ambulances but cabs just
keep driving yeah they say they want to
get like reaction time down to like nine
minutes call some like that they're
right yeah exam it was funny because I
was in Hawaii one time and this
ambulance was coming and it must have
been maybe like you know quarter of a
mile maybe in further behind right and
people in front of you were already
going to the right and me being from New
York I was filled in the other so people
behind me moved over people refer to
girls like oh shoot yeah you got up I
know I got out the way but it was so far
behind it the new york state of mine is
ghetto get out the way get right in back
of them and father because you get
through life yes new york state of mind
but i think that's funny cuz next thing
to see like exhibit pimping those things
I mean or what do you I mean could you
play music through those that's what I'm
wondering like with it with the regular
ambulance you just flick a switch but if
it's a base thing maybe there's like a
drum pad everybody saw that episode of
Chappelle's Show you know the brothers
in the base and the drums yeah it's not
wrapping it they're gonna have to do
something to distinguish it from just a
normal subwoofer you'd hear city well
maybe just an amplified siren with with
a lot of bass yeah some dubstep yeah i
doing like somebody's died when I was
dying in the back please there's nothing
oh man but yeah you're about to release
my bladder in here oh my God all this
babies I didn't realize this but I guess
paramedics around the country their goal
is to respond to any call within nine
minutes because that sort of parallels
the time for cardiac arrest so every
call they try to get to that location
within nine men I just find it funny I
mean I it seems like other than seeing
like really gruesome stuff it's not a
bad job I see like this EMS
truck always parked like down the block
for me and I guess the guys girlfriend
of this if you have a good a good part
and you can make a pit stop and get back
oh man they just park waiting for a call
mm-hmm and it's that I I assume he was
going to see his girlfriend whomever
because it's always parked the same spot
like everything I guess they broke up or
she moved because I don't see the
ambulance there's always be parked there
what do just sit in the EMS truck like
you know taxi good you know those guys
just need yeah I'll give them that
though the stuff they have to see every
day and what they go through well also
some of the people can you imagine some
people have to lift yeah I mean like I
played ball the Riverside this is one
guy I think like he had a torn torn
Achilles I'm like that they came in and
was one female one male and I I don't
want to insult the Ra'zac do you want me
to help him right with him you know cuz
he was a big it was a big guy right
sounds like ours I got it okay hmm do
you think this would work in New York
though these ambulances with the base I
mean Denver is a little different um you
guys think I don't think so man I'm
getting used to the whole traffic New
York traffic thing I I feel like no one
cares about what the fun of them behind
him who's walking on the street right
well I think I know I think the biggest
problem in New York I mean I don't if
you're in the United the United States
if your New York a few years back does
it maybe like maybe more than a few
years back when all the cabs want strike
there was no traffic oh it was it was
just like you could just fly through
think honestly that that's probably the
best solution for the city is to have
cabs only run on certain avenues hmm i
don't think they should be able to go it
just took to at least i know there's one
avenue can go we'd have to worry about a
car swooping left or right to cut you
all right I think that's probably the
biggest problem with the cities that
they're just too many calves don't get
me wrong I I take a lot of calves myself
but you know if you just have certain
avenues where like they're just no cabs
allowed just like they do with these
bicycle lanes now just dedicate certain
avenues where cabs just don't go because
that's pretty much what you want to
avoid in New York cabs I feel like with
cabs I always see a million of them that
are open until I actually need one and
they're nowhere to be found yet well
yeah that was somewhat I've noticed that
too like I try to catch a cab it says
they're available but then they just
keep driving well there are certain
things in the New York cab if it's just
a number lit there's nobody in it if
numbers on his side if it's lit with the
off-duty on the side it's off duty but a
lot of times they do is like they finish
like about like five or six and they're
going back to dispatch so they'll take
fares going in the same direction that's
what Alaska where are you going wrong
you know you're not going to the
direction they won't take you and
sometimes I just see people in the know
the light on I'm like what are they step
into money through the glass yeah you
know they also needed to get rid of is
the freaking up streamers have you
gotten upstream yet in New York when
someone like you're waiting for a cab
and someone will cross the street and go
to the intersect run of you I've done
that yeah I was taught that technique
from someone so I've been doing I've
been further and mana be considered like
women or parents and stuff like that but
I mean if somebody else up like hey are
you waiting for a cab there's been times
actually there was one time with I was
shared this cab with this woman she she
acts you she was not only attractive she
paid for it oh oh did you get in there
with her yeah cuz we're both trying to
hail a cab on the same corner uh yeah
man I got a free ride and then what
happened I got off before she did that's
why she be maybe we should take a break
with that okay I got off I got out the
cab alright yeah you literally angered
it again how much did you pay the ocean
pace she paid the best night you've ever
heard an easy the good saturday Saturday
all right let's take a quick break we're
gonna show a little video here and we
come back we got some calls from the
public that we got over the weekend so
stick around we'll be right back
I had to
go get him Darth Vader no take no shorts
or no traffic cop
all right who you are back uh much to a
pretty good video Darth Vader getting a
ticket apparently that force doesn't
really work when you're talking to
traffic cop it's amazing how Star Wars
become so timeless yeah it's like
there's not a generation that doesn't
know Star Wars well that's thanks to
Lucas putting on putting that name on
every damn baby i possibly can hear from
the Clone Wars yeah I mean everything
you notice where does that I have a 10
year old brother that plays all clone
wars games on his DS and he's never
actually seen any of the three movies
isn't happening the toys the video games
you only think his exposure to Star Wars
that's it but he knows everything about
Star Wars though like based on that
video game alone I just um I guess the
reason why just can't get into Clone
Wars cuz i just know who Anakin
Skywalker turns into yeah i'm not anti
bad guy can't be a bad guy even want to
play video games it's messed up I want
to do like the messed up around either
you know I just can't yeah I don't know
why that's a fun part about video it's
it's true I'm you notice I sale do it I
say I'll play it again and do the bad
ending and then I just sometimes I don't
get around to it ya want to be the hero
Joe hero all right let's get into a
couple listener voicemails and apologize
in advance my flub any of these but yeah
send all the men of this week it's 1866
404 cnet because Jeff's not here to
screen them so I'm gonna be a lot less
strict with what we play so feel free to
send in anything record video voicemails
to it's a recorded on youtube then send
us a link at the 404 at cnet com and I
will play it may have a bonus episode
just say voicemails right a voicemail
episode that could be good yeah feel
free so the first one is from our buddy
Jeff he's talking about the Stuxnet
virus that the u.s. finally took credit
for last Friday so yeah let's hear from
Jeff right now hey guys this is
professor Jeffrey bellhart i was
listening to show where you were talking
about the Stuxnet virus at something I
actually talked about in one of my
classes I do the fact that it actually
without a machine code level like items
like plcs where we don't normally see
things like viruses and stuff like that
that's part of what really makes this
virus actually dangerous events of it is
I know recently in the news they've been
talking about flame and how it you know
can turn on microphones and turn on you
know screen capture programs and stuff
like that but that's all old news and
it's crazy to think that you know these
viruses actually lead dormant for
several years but yeah i just thought
i'd share that but that's actually part
of what makes this is interested is
because that's the ability to take heavy
machinery offline anyways love the show
keep up the good work thank you alright
thanks Jeff did you hear about that
Stuxnet virus that came out I didn't
hear much about it not in um yeah it was
crazy the the caller's right they lay
dormant for about two years and then all
of a sudden she started popping up but
we were talking about cyber warfare and
governments using it to take down other
countries and what I find really
interesting is that there's a
psychological element to it to the story
was talking about how it was designed to
sort of like lay dormant and then they
started distrusting their own engineers
when it finally popped up because they
didn't realize it was a virus and so
they fired a lot of their own engineers
and took out a lot of the equipment
because they thought it was just
malfunctioning by itself I think that
introduces a whole new level of like
psychological attacks on different
countries they could do it's really kind
of scary it is it's actually terrifying
action when you think about it yeah uh
like I was talking about that paranoid
today I make you figure everybody every
device we have I mean at least we have
to probably like two three devices on
its a time yeah that can access the
internet that have cameras that have
mics I mean you know ipad iphone android
phones on PSP vitas I mean it's just
it's just sick you know I don't like to
be able to church yeah take it turn it
off at night right that's what its
physical off switches for internet
forgetting forgetting no upstairs lock
the internet from coming into your house
so no I'm just talking about like on
divine like a physical off switches as
opposed to like you know right clicking
and a disabled physical ya know like
like it as a power button yeah
a power button for internet connection
or data connection it is kind of spooky
because you can shut something off and
it can be turned back when I didn't even
Apple as a powder remote remote starter
remote turn on an iOS devices just just
spooky when you think about things like
that the energy go I wasn't really man
it wasn't there like that that thing
back where the the iphone was taking
like random shots every night yeah like
taking like pictures and stuff like
random because that's just I don't know
that's really see gonna have iron about
that Brian should know BTW what he's
been taking other people's phones desk
mr. Apple part of anybody knows why
would know c'mon what you're implicating
him yeah Brian set up my iPad to take
pictures of me what you guys are going
on alright so the next voicemail is from
adi catch his name but i think he's at
new york mets fan he wants to talk about
the first no-hitter congratulations on
that I'm a Yankee fan I won't talk about
that don't talk about it Judy Edison
hypothesis new your adeeb assam fellow
medicine Jeff how about there another on
that was lost two games but how about
them as being a no-hitter first time I
hope you know what did you guys see this
over the weekend actually watch the Mets
game so the highlights it I like some
congratulations into met fan that's all
I say I mean yeah um I don't hate the
man saw the highlights of it on the news
on was it SNY weekend and I thought I
noticed something but I don't have DVR
so I couldn't pause it during the
broadcast and I went online afterward
and there's a screenshot that is really
weird when they're interviewing this guy
RA dickey pretty ironically uh there was
a shot of a guy's dong in the background
like when he was they were getting
interviews like a five-minute thing and
I was looking in the corners like I said
a guy taking a shower like he was just
posted up in front of the locker room I
guess and it was like a post-game
interview with my man Dickie I wish I
could show you
uh they are dead at everyone that's his
personal mascot right reserved in the
locker room and so that was an actual
prison showering yeah how's a dude like
one of his teammates they didn't show
his face thank God is only the Lord no
there's any sport you know where you
know you don't want a camera catching
that kind of says baseball because
everybody could be all fat and bloated
yeah you know all the pinch runners and
stuff but yeah man SNY uncensored I'm
sluggin see ya okay when the camera guy
notice and like yeah yeah I know well
you know I had a friend that in turn
four chron sports which is a local
station in the Bay Area and he was
saying it's kind of crazy because when
you're in the locker room there's just
like naked guys everywhere so I guess if
you're a reporter that goes there
regularly might actually just not notice
anyone i guess im sue movie like any
given sunday right like when Cameron
Diaz walks into the locker room in the
athletes in it like hey what's up he's
like totally naked hey what's up and
she's talking to jamie foxx button
that's how it is like they're in the
locker rooms interview and me personally
I probably just go home dirty I'd wear
my uniform um it's the way I'm sitting
there was people interviewing me it was
that even a tryst is uncomfortable yeah
you know it's like people just sitting
there talking you ask you quick in can I
get my drawers okay did I get my drawers
on leave yeah I don't know I that just
me maybe maybe it's cuz that you know I
haven't I never grew up around that like
like showering with a bunch of men I'm
like I'm not with that either man rat
tailing each other you never see the rat
tail if they actually happen is that
isn't that like an animal house rat tail
well have you ever actually been in a
locker while we were we were snappy we
were when I was in the why I'm seeing is
it you know they can't you were younger
you sore at tillys but we had our
swimming trunks on but right I can
imagine being the same thing when you
get old it's get a kid it's not much
different yeah you know especially at
that level you come in you celebrate we
got the wind bitch have had Pappy no I
told you to do that man do there now
woman signals the dead in my ass they do
the towel snap when you're outside of
the locker room
I can just be like raining outside dip
it dipped a little edge in the pool just
crap here you think this guy recognized
himself when he was watching the body
has the worst part is if it is not
impressive that killed it yeah that will
get you guys tonight because a lot of
girls like David right there better not
be a small game right the hot shower
give a break all right let's move on to
the next voicemail unless you want to
talk about locker rooms a little bit
moon no I really talk about liar let's
hear from California from anish last
week we're talking about the movie
theater experience how deplorable it is
so I use a few comments about that hey
guys it's California from anish you guys
are talking about their last show how
movie theater suck are these Jeff was
saying that and I disagree first of all
if you've ever been to a different
country like I've in India it's a whole
nother experience like official level of
what people are doing people like
tossing popcorn or you know people
making cat calls and they hollering when
the hero in comes on screen and that
sort of stuff but the thing is people
aren't paying fourteen dollars for a
movie to go out and enjoy the movie they
really want to enjoy the company of
their friends or family or whoever
they're going with I mean like you said
the quality at home will be much better
most people willing willing to wait a
couple months and get that higher
quality of what they care about is a
great cinematic experience but if you're
going out you just want to have fun you
want to go talk to your friends you want
to be able to do this in that in the
middle and you might not care so much
about the actual quality of movies so
much as enjoying your friends and family
anyways well the show guys keep up the
great work hmm so anisha's with me yeah
I was you were saying yeah so judge Jeff
was talking to last week about how you
pretty much hates going to movies now
because everyone talks and everyone's
getting distracted by their cell phones
you can see the screens light up and the
guy next to you I was saying movies are
a social experience and that's something
you don't get you know you can't get 300
people in the same room at home you
don't want to socialize with all these
strangers talking you want
right yeah yeah I think it also depends
what movie I have to admit I had two
different experiences on I went to go
see the Avengers opening night at that
thursday night at midnight and was
watching the playoffs before that so
obviously walked into the movies and a
little of note i was i was little i was
little cocktail yes okay so i walked in
it was like one experiences 3d and I'm
like looking at all these people who
dressed up like the characters and women
as well dressed up like characters in
the movie some skimpy some tasteful some
tasteless whatever that was one
experience it was cool because i was
with the fellas and we were all cocktail
whatever enjoyed then since I'd screened
the movie already I said I could take my
son to see it and that's are going to
see the matinee showing total different
experience you know we got our seat and
it was instead of a bunch of crazy
dressed young kids or teenagers or
whatever right now I mean with parents
and their families and their kids so I
think it's what you go see when you go
see that's a combination um what I think
they could do to improve the experience
is this this one time I was in the
theater this woman came up and asked
that I want anything which that that was
great but they don't always do that
maybe if they came and you'd have to
actually get up because when you have a
child the last I'm gonna do is be
standing at a counter yeah when you want
to try to get to see with it was a child
you got the booster seat and everything
and maybe maybe just improve i guess
like the add some tech to the chairs
like i mean i understand i gotta clean
it theatre but maybe put like a button
where you can call someone cuz sometimes
it is mess you want to have someone come
but you don't actually get up maybe an
alert where you can alert someone hey
I'll three whatever baba Baba in other
than that it is fun and the reason why
you go early is just because you don't
want somebody else to tell you about it
you want to be the one of the office hey
man he dies daddy dies with me hit ya
know he died he said he'd be dead hey be
gone yeah I think the one thing we've
learned out of all this is that Jeff
doesn't have any friends don't you see
movies by himself on Friday night and
just get mad at everyone talking her
there no Jeff Jeff doesn't like Jeff
doesn't let go to the movies cuz they
can you turn your complexion down yeah
the lights go off Jeff lights up to put
his black hood forever alone but after
the movies all right last voicemail it's
from buddy Charles in Illinois he's
talking about tablets at
stones like chilis and applebees hey
guys this is professor jeffer about
heart i was listening to show where you
were talking about the Stuxnet virus and
something I actually talked about in
sorry that's the remix I think they
wouldn't feel the Illinois from Charles
just calling about the tablet at the
restaurants Chile's kind of already does
that they do have devices sitting there
that are on stands on each table it's
kind of cool because you can pay your
bill you get a printout receipts and
everything the downside is my son is two
and knows how to access the games on his
own and the games are 99 cents to play
for your full meal so I know within 30
seconds of sitting down my son has
already added 99 cents to my tab wish
there was some way to adjust that love
the show and hope you guys have a good
one there is a way put your son in a
booster chair way on the other side
that's funny I wonder if that's like an
intentional thing because they know that
kids can just hit whatever they want
probably easy way to spend more money
but it's only 99 cents just come on
don't be such a cheap dad well how much
is silence at the table yeah totally
yeah yeah I remember like earlier days
going to dinner one like you know with
Tunisia my son's mother and I would go
eat and like one of us would actually
have to hold him and bounce him because
he was so like you'd get so irritated to
sit still and we're like okay you eat
that's it there with him and she'd take
them okay ID you know i mean ninety-nine
cents here's here's ten bucks in the
corner I don't you know roll crabs
7-eleven nobody I mean I don't know 99
cents wooden isn't that much to me yeah
just to be able to eat my meal right
right then again I normally care of my
ipad with me anyway he goes daddy I want
the ipad and i give it to him or his
mom's iphone or whatever's yeah you got
a limited right know what that could
probably be the solution just bring in
iOS or Android device with the game that
he likes honor to run and give it them
at the table right right don't let them
don't let them play it outside of
chile's cuz you know they won't want to
play what they can always play they want
to play that something different mmm you
guys are talking about this briefly
before as well right yeah
um I think Jeff was saying he doesn't
want he wouldn't want his kid to have a
tablet at the table or some like that
right yeah yeah yeah I just wouldn't
want to have it at at home I think when
you're in a restaurant your public you
know whatever but at home I member when
I was a kid my mom would never let me
bring like a book or like music or
anything to like a dining table I think
it's like an important thing right well
know jordans at home jordan's good he
sits down he prays he goes may I be
excused right it's outside were there
too many distractions there could be
another kid playing another voice and I
want a balloon I want that right so it's
actually good to have them hone in and
just keep them right there you don't
want them that that's what kids do
they're all over the place especially a
lot of these places are geared towards
that you know like we went to UM toys r
us no we went to Disney at the Disney
Stores like you wanna go to tell
everyone to go to toys r us so that took
a minute to toys r us cuz he couldn't
find one who's looking for the disney
store he saw Iron Man Captain America
and spider maze haha he took pictures
with him he's aight guys i love it i'm
glad i waited to go to toys Rosa you
waited he was crying he's pretty much
crying I was a collision keep crying
we're not going yeah but I mean that you
know they're easily boom you could just
give him here play with this I've been
playing with this pretty much the whole
show yeah exactly little yeah yeah we
left that there to keep you focused on
the catapult it's over there is no in
good you can help catch a rich catching
there you go wow you look great for
audio the city cool it's a catapult and
I'm just gonna connect be so good kids
choose a toy over the ipad you guys
something right here that can you hours
of entertainment i got all the bowl
shows in London I'll getting them all
like that I've better orange too alright
let's wrap up the show that's gonna do
it for I am not done shooting my friend
spend the next hour what a Terry own ah
protected ah yeah mine Joey loves
shooting balls interview that's right
haha balls in your face now we really
gotta go
let's wrap it up for today like I said
send us your video voicemails on YouTube
the 404 at cnet com is our email address
also add us on Twitter and follow our
Facebook account because Arielle is
doing a great job of posting up the
YouTube videos there so you can watch it
on our Facebook it's the 404 on there as
well so that's going to do it for us
today join us for the rest of the week
tomorrow we're not gonna have a live
show again because there's another III
press conference but we will be doing
live shows Wednesday to frighten you
join us at noon we be starting on time
then and that's gonna do it for today uh
the 404 high-tech lowbrow I'm Justin you
I'm Joseph Kaminsky hopefully we didn't
get um you know for this will be back re
oh yeah tomorrow yeah there you guys are
funny you could get it up
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