
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 1074: Where it's not you, it's us

it's thursday jun 14 2012 thanks for tuning in to the 404 show i'm jeff bakalar i'm justin you and this is the show where it's not you to us it's like breaking up with the varsity captain of the football team yeah you know even when you know it's the right thing it's still still hurts it hurts because you know a lot of things in life are like dating the high school football varsity quarterback yeah well you know it is it's just like that you know you go the whole semester you have the great time of your life but you know come springtime you're just gonna get your heart broken right you know what I mean but then there's hope because you'll know that you're going to college after that there's all these new prospects it's gonna be good there's so much to look forward to in life is what we have to say welcome to the 404 show ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in we've got a plenty of things to talk about in today's fine program my phone's not on vibrate everything that's fantastic and professional on a level I can't imagine it's Flag Day have is it lag days really absolutely what is what is what is like the origin of flag day you know I don't know what you don't know what that came from no just all I know is that you have to buy a flag or you just like you just know that it is today yeah jun 14 oh that's that's completely worthless information um like I said great story today a lot of interesting things I want to talk about leading up the pack I and people are gonna be shocked cuz we usually don't talk a lot about Apple okay but I want to talk about app we don't ever since Wilson left we really did stop talking about side from the keynotes yeah aside from the big news where we're sort of contractually obligated it feels like I want to talk about the latest macbook pro and why you should definitely if you are considering buying one you should max out that Ram right away it offers up to 16 gigs of ram buy it because guess what you are not upgrading it yourself ladies and gentlemen the new macbook pro with retina display is arguably the least accessible and repairable product ever conceived by man right the free King Ram is soldered in like with a soldering iron like metal will uh you know wheeled into other metal and there's no available memory slots no dams for no there's no empty dims where you can just pop in New dims and I thought the dims are the chips themselves Dems are the gyms in the tent okay anyways you can't upgrade to SSD either you can't upgrade the hard drive as well okay because it's like this proprietary Frankensteinian creation that only fits in this macbook pro with the retina display uh fix it iFixit org is an awesome sight that basically tears down every new product that comes out they give each product a repair score so on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the most reparable is that the right word yes terrible rebel repairable yeah the new macbook pro got a one out of 10 meaning it's you'll need the freaking jaws of life to open this thing up they could barely they could barely get the batteries out of this thing yeah it's insane how lockdown it speaking of the battery there's all these weird trapdoors knew that I think Apple probably did you try this booby traps in case you want to take the battery out its shoes out envenomated has it hot oil slick there it's scary man it's glued as opposed to screwed into the case like it was before you just take it out with a screwdriver but now it's glued so when you pull that up you are sort of at risk of uh of breaking the trackpad cable that's attached to it right I mean any they do that you screwed you're screwed even Indiana Jones would have a hard time making his way in ennis think it's tough it's not meant to be opened up the the Wizards over at iFixit did it but again like I said they couldn't get out the batteries arm you know so i guess its food for thought you know the big story for someone like us yeah like in our industry that you know I've always been up for upgrading my like Ram I do that every two years I had a couple more games right sure but do you think that the majority of Apple customers will care about this arm I mean the average lifespan for a laptop these days is what like three four years if that's the case I'm due for a new one yeah I've had my macbook now for almost four years arm I think upgrading the ram was the reason I've had it for four years and you're right it's a big thing um you know and it's not talked a lot about and reviews either which kind of pisses me off right this is a big component you're spending 2,200 bucks at the minimum right you gotta know the down the line I mean you know the way things work so my macbook / I need to put knew I needed to double the ram I went from two to four and that was in 24 months I wish I had done a little bit more research before this to actually compare the prices of the memory that they sell as an upgrade as opposed to you whatever you can get off of like new way right now because I remember in the past it was always way more expensive to get it Oh throughout first oh yeah I mean though you knew that you could replace Italy although I was looking at the store yesterday only cost you two hundred bucks double the RAM from eight to sixteen spending twenty two hundred bucks pay the extra two hundred dollars and double your frickin ram you're gonna need it you are SSD i'm not sure what do you know what the price increase is a lot i think it's a lot i don't know it's like 400 bucks or something despite a bunch of USB keys or you better yet I mean I don't know man the more and more I'm thinking about this computer it's awesome but it's it's just too much of an investment yeah we did have a caller chime in about um you know we shouldn't be complaining about the price but we'll get to that later on when we do voicemails but um you know I don't know it's it's tough it's a tough justification I'll tell you that yeah just think about your future before you buy it yeah man you know think about it before you dive right in it's a big it's a big deal one of our favorite websites reddit is going through a little controversy of its own just recently the website which is completely fueled by community just announced that they are banning a few high quality domains or reasons that they call cheating basically gaming the reddit system to maybe have their articles appear on the website unfairly and these ink just like little rinky dinky Bob Joe's website this is businessweek com this is phys org this is sciencedaily com and the Atlantic com so that's what's listed in the in the in the subreddit ban domains on reddit uh really big news and interestingly enough in you know the sort of um fashion of reddit this story made its way to the front page with the title WTF common reddit right so it's an interesting thing I mean it's sort of um to me it's like all right this is kinda I don't know if it's the first strike it's a foul ball you know it's like we sort of knew this was coming one Conde Nast bought read it though right I mean they're huge corporation they own multiple publications it makes sense that they would want to eliminate the competition from this website I yeah yeah but they're not being eliminated for reasons of competition to being they eliminated for reasons of what they're calling cheating Ryan ways to sort of circumvent and gain the system to have an unfair advantage compared to all the other websites in the world yes in the back story at least on the Atlantic I remember there was a story about this guy Jared Keller I think okay anyway in in the past he was an editor at the Atlantic and he was found out on the website that he was posting his own articles as well as a bunch of other articles from things like the Atlantic wire and all their other offshoot websites should we call that's the whole death oh yeah you shouldn't be allowed to post your own articles no it is explicitly stated in the rules of reddit I wish I'd brought the page up here but I may have broken the rules yeah it says so if I write an argon I can't promote my own stuff well here I'll read you this exact rule says it's not strictly forbidden to submit a link that you will benefit from yourself okay or to a site that you own okay it's not forbidden I don't seen it some but you should consider yourself on thin ice if you're doing it a lot because then they'll think that you're trying to gain wide only done it 100 thousand times yeah I mean I think if the the cardinal rule for reddit is you should be reading more than your posting if you do the opposite then you're definitely trying to astro turf and i think that's what the trendy right or which sort of makes sense yeah um no I thought uh I thought you meant you can't do that all I think you got strapped all things I've done it like twice yeah so this guy Jared Keller would they found that he was posting Atlanta clinks at least four or five times a day that's bad and uh you know that's obviously profiteering off read it because he doesn't even know how to get around I don't have a buddy who who was contracted to tell me too I mean social media managers really need to be better about ya hiding their tracks do a salesman and chairman goes imagine if Twitter did this what these imagine of Twitter prevented people from you self promoting kidding that's what was for all the accounts are shut down you're over yeah be over for them but that was John he created a pseudonym for his reddit account that was the same as his OkCupid profile handle and that's how the redditors what is wrong I came to seek some people think like the internet is not connected like all no one will ever draw the connection between my okcupid profile my reddit profile right wrong google search a simple google search will render those results do you think there's even such a thing as like okay so read it supposed to be like the democratization of links right and for the most part whatever is cool should be on reddit yeah like autonomously sure i don't know if that's even possible anymore i mean there's always gonna be self-promoters that they can on the side people that create multiple handles we've seen that in the past hmm right like I don't know if you getting scared I'm getting scared i think it's the beginning of the end for reddit you know gotta be a new one that has to come out smell it on you we're scared i'm scared you're scared for ready to create my own reddit you should um yeah you're right and we said this this basically I knew I don't know what I don't know if there was an exact moment when you knew like this might happen what happened to dig might happen to read it um you know wasn't like a redesign read it hasn't really changed the way the sides look in a very long time for the most part but yeah man I don't know it's it's a little upsetting to think about it's really up to the you know I respect writer for doing this but I think it's also up to the community yeah right the committee is so huge now that break ourselves can police it yeah so I don't know I it's good that they're actually doing something if you love something set it free yeah that's what you have to do with reddit poor reddit poor reddit alright champagne problems burrito bot this is this is something so awesome and you know 3d printers are all the rage these days ja they really are kind of silly where we have one in the office it's kind of well they haven't yet produced anything that you can take off your desk and actually use I just don't like a doorstop or colleague of senior editor rich brown has won his office anything prints out these little trinkets but there is nothing abuse there more or less paper weights yeah but that's what he that's those are the things that he is choosing to to print out if you forgot a supermodel you still a lot of cool stuff like i'ma brian Tong walked in a pair of heels that he had printed out yeah 3d real practical pragna not for you but for Brian oh they weren't he told he said it just wasn't his style yeah yeah they but at the end of the day like they're it's all plastic and it's this and it doesn't just print out like a USB key like this it prints out this weird vinyl II sort of thing yeah and they're like layers of last you could still see the sinews inside of them yeah like it's some time yet refined it's not refined I mean you know there there's something still very archaic about it I know we are inventing something like nothing Airy first a particle replicators right you want like a Star Trek I want to do right now wait man I can wait um you know what I've been waiting for it is it decent burrito to be made in New York shut the hell up there's at least two or three there are not around he's back peddle good burrito no no okay well guess what not enough Mexicans my new breed place is gonna kick the crap out of anybody's day really you haven't had one dude nope yeah I research arable have you how many have you had since you've been here probably like three all right well that's just the same add another but these are at spots where people say like oh they're like what what is here I don't know I don't forget the names I don't know I don't know your mind just goes blank into my burrito no no no the thing is the criteria for a California style burrito is very specific right like you have to have the right avocado to make the guacamole you have to wrap it up in a proper foil right not just any fall has to be easily terrible foil so that you can do like the rotator you know what I've noticed about LA and you have to like grill the tortilla after its packed yeah you know like I get it all right well can you freeze dry one from SF and send it my way I want someone else to do that for me put some dry ice in it I would love that I did I haven't had it you're right i will admit it's maybe not what New York is known for its like how you feel about california pizza right just miserable yeah it's terrible yeah all right fine you know what though I'll be honest what's that I'd rather have a good burrito than good pizza and that sucks for me having wait you right you would rather have a good burrito oh really might be hope for us California have no we are not going the left coast has no room well you hate LA but you might like Sanford I think you would like 70 I've been to asset I like the town it's a cool town because it's not Los Angeles mm-hmm but no I is it worth going across the country for a burrito there's a lot of interesting laws in California that I think you mad I'm sure there are chicho sure sure there are let's get back to the dresser before we get in trouble at hand the burrito bot is the thesis project of an NYU student named Marco Manriquez right and he goes to the nyu tisch school of technology and communication cools his thesis project and so in the past we know that 3d printers they sort of output objects right this is kind of the first step on the way to printing a full burrito at once but right now it's basically just a MakerBot 3d printer and I'll screw through some the photos won't it probably already makes a superior burrito then was still finding new things like people were expecting at least I was when I read this story that it was gonna like print out like like a whole burrito you know like line by line with the ingredients already in sauk how they rebuilt the fifth element yeah that's what I wanted and eventually I think we're gonna be able to do that because you can actually instead of the plastic you normally yeah 3d pretty you can put ingredients and right but this is basically just a 3d printer at this guy used to put the sauce inside and so as a nozzle inside this MakerBot 3d printer home that has different kinds of condiments right so you've got like um you know your sour cream right salsa meat cheese yeah and you can so bad I want a chicken burrito so bad right now good you know so you can actually go on uses iphone what's like iphone app yeah and you can specify exactly how much of each ingredient you want and then they make or bot will print you out yeah yeah burrito but you know this still has to be manual labor and putting down the tortilla you gotta wrap it up right there's no I've seen I mean I grab a burrito sure how do you how do you do that right to pause it's impossible I um you know look at the end of the day burritos okay maybe you've won that maybe you've won that but i'll put i'll put a new york burger up against anything from SF okay I'll do that I'll do that okay i'll put up the pizza as well peach is a big deal yeah i'll put up a freakin big bagel I'll put up i'll put up the crappiest bagel you ever had in New York up against the best SF bagel okay that bagel literally start crying in the presence of in your bagel little bagel his little bagel tears in San Francisco what do we at what else do we have in San Francisco that you can't get out yeah a couple things yeah okay how goes taco no matter of Mexican yeah any Mexican yeah okay great tacos yeah we went over the chalupa nachos not know you know all that's I'm sorry nostrils or nachos I would put the produce in California up against anything you bring me in here and that's again huge catoms back to the jersey tomato you trying to be thrown that is the best fruit available at jersey tomato a fruit oh that's right yeah up against New Year's what do we got stockton asparagus we have the gilroy garlic that's huge I mean it doesn't matter cuz I'm just frying it in tempura flakes anyway yeah whatever you're gonna give me I just eat that up Italian take all my vegetables um all right let's see what else we got going on today I was really upset to find this out I don't know if you guys use meebo you know meebo is yeah me I use you will messenger meebo messenger is a web-based instant messenger client right you can hook into your gchat your aim your Yahoo's and whatever else there is google bought them a few months ago did you know that and as a result meebo is discontinuing the meebo messenger product starting july eleventh right what the eff meebo how am I supposed to contact like what am I gonna do now yeah use Trillium or adium trillion trillion I'm sorry trillion and addy I don't want an app though I want a web-based thing okay because it meebo basically lets you sign on using any computer and have access to those buddy exactly you know g-chat does that as well you can sign in to your aim accounts she and your facebook accounts really gchat yeah it does it but in it does a good job of it too does it okay I i prefer are having in the browser too because you can put the windows and you want words with gchat you have to have like you know that corner browser what i don't like is that me bows like yeah we're not offering this anymore and then they have no means of a substitution they're not they're just like all right your your crap out of luck right you know sorry yeah well I know but gchats like the low so Googlebot nebo Google boys on these i guess but doesn't even say here on their little we're sorry page you know I wish it would be like it's just like hey we're deleting your account to you a whole it doesn't even say like thanks for all the years of loyalty you know who's really freaking out about this librarians even know the librarian is yeah someone who uh soon you're not gonna Madsen in a library library it's in a bunch of book no librarians have apparently been using not me by messenger but meebo also makes something called the widget it's called me Bo me right in it basically and no one really uses widgets yeah except for when you're on a public computer because then they lock down all the browsers right so librarians really really love me Bo me because it allows them to answer virtual questions through their reference library on that toolbar yeah with me Bo taking that out ever I looked into it a lot of librarians are freaking out trying to find another client cuz yahoo does it but me both special cuz it lets you log into multiple account yeah as you know librarians didn't have it bad enough I know give the librarian some slack now you're gonna take away their only saving grace yeah what are they gonna take away next I don't know the Dewey Decimal System yeah horn-rimmed glasses poor library poor library are they so hot tub I hensel skirts they are they got that like Tina Fey thing gonna love it uh do you know what uh alright so you remember y2k obviously one of the funniest times in American history was it funny just funny because everyone's freaking out was funny Oh Newsweek put out an article I know we talked about it recently planes will fall out of the sky yeah come viruses held under computer lock will just be entered into the atmosphere but you packed a go-bag come on be honest I had some duct tape yeah um none of that happened literally none of that happened but there's a new problem coming down the pike it's called the year 2030 a problem and it involves programs that are written in the C programming language now there's a lot of nerdy sort of stuff I don't want to get too technical because to be quite honest I don't even understand a lot of it at the end of the day the C programming language is such that the maximum value of time before these programs written in that code can roll over to a negative and invalid value yeah okay translates to the date january nineteen twenty thirty eight on this date NEC programs that use the standard time library will start to have problems with date calculations you really should have written read this in like a nerd voice yeah yeah yeah anyway what that means it's just it there's going to be problems because and there's going to be and if it's funny because this article says that it's going to be basically easier to fix than the y2k problem that they've experienced on mainframes but uh there are possibilities that there will be some sort of confusion in IT managers don't know about this problem right and they came so looking at my old watch well they've got a little bit of time yeah you know a little bit of time something like 26 years so I but starts letting your social planning or now as if yeah so who even knows that programs will still be in C program so what programs like are there like nuclear facilities that runoff see programs like what are we at risk of losing here if the IT managers don't EZ Pass let's say Patrick no I have no idea I have no idea what built on it but it's an interesting sort of issue yeah the next problem will be the year 21 16 okay so we're all in a lot of trouble finally before we hit the brake an Australian company has introduced the world's first tax on Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 yeah get this when you go to the Australian online retailer kogan not to be confused with bogan yeah right up and you check out using an IE 7 browser you get this message this is awesome it appears you or your system administrator has been in a coma for over five years and you are still using ie7 to help make the internet a better place you will be charged a six point eight percent tax all your purchase from kogan dot-com right this is necessary due to the amount of time required to make web pages appear correctly in ie7 yeah not bad pretty funny thing is six point eight percent taxes by computers like a thousand dollars well you're obviously not going to check out you're gonna go and download something else right or go to a different website it's just a it's a funny statement yet they better offer compassion crushing prices if they're gonna expect people to pay this I guess so it's a joke Justin I don't think I mean uh no not read no it's not a joke I know it's not a joke but what idiot is gonna go through with the checkout process I don't know some people I would be shocked uh I eat n is actually about to come out yeah has nothing that's like you know four versions later and so uh just an interesting story we thought we'd share with you guys on this Thursday what is this red Oh in the r is that what are we looking at oh also they have like a that is opera Orioles correct as an opera Belle browser logo do you force the Internet yeah I never use dropper before opera is ok i use chrome and firefox ok anyway we will take a break when we come back video voicemails calls from the public a lot more fun stay tuned the 44 returns right after this you alright welcome back the 404 oh yeah it's one of those days in it shaping up it's shaping up gonna start out very well it's shaping up real nice it was all that burrito talk speaking of food talk we got a bunch of emails from people who are absolutely ecstatic to tell us that in fact once again to the rescue Canada comes in and they're like hey you want bacon flavored potato chips we got bacon flavored potato chips okay there's actually an image of 1i Justin just pulled up look at this friggin thing you want to eat that up Smith's a bacon flavored potato chips it's actually from our buddy Phil who was here a couple months ago right buddy Phil from Australia so they haven't been Australian they also have them in Canada and guess what we don't have them here what do we have here we have LMFAO yes we have we have that we have Katy Perry yeah they have bacon chips I want that I want that um so yeah that's that's the situation uh let's see what else we got in the email Oh comic stuff from from yesterday yeah a lot of people super psyched I want to thank everyone who wrote in Rudy Jeff and Mindy Aaron uh Emily bunch of people wrote in sharing us sharing with us their comic book suggestions there's a lot here so I guess what we can do is if you guys want to find out more about what we're reading email us and we'll write you back I did want to bring up Rudy because he brought up a book that I also highly recommend to anybody who is a product of our similar generation 80's 90's that sort of stuff it's called ready player one by Ernest Cline have you about no this is an unbelievable book for anyone who grew up in that time period it's uh it's it's definitely pays homage to like all that 80's pop culture oh um along with video games and Rudy did a really good job of describing it he's like it's kind of like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory meet Scott Pilgrim vs. the world in a dystopian future with more video game stuff too right it's called ready player one check it out it's super cheap on on kindle a night and oh I'm amazon story a summary sounds pretty cool it's awesome so make sure you check that out um let's get to some oh no let's play this video voicemail hmm okay this is so awesome I love this guy he's from Poland his name is yan here's his video voicemail so without further ado let's hear this guy's to say this is pollen from yeah you called this video voicemail yeah that's cool but to depreciate these from regular voice mails you started to call them all your voicemails let's see why don't call them voicemail and these Dino males Cheers yawn you're the freaking man that was hilarious he's right when we saw these radio males yeah nobody said video males yeah and then the other just voicemail yeah don't question the madness yeah I just wanna get what he's saying but he makes a good point and for someone who clearly hasn't had english as a first language he sure as making us look stupid but yeah I thank you so much for the for the voicemail from he's from Poland hope everything's going well over there yeah send it more please anymore that's good that was funny I got a good chuckle out of that it's time for calls from the public time to show the love a jig 6404 scenic damn Gina I always lock eyes with Richard Maria for that first voicemail us more stuff of comics hey guys this is being consumed and and I just wanted to comment on the voicemail yesterday about comics and I'm kind of new into comics and my first got into they got it was I kind of overwhelming and he did kind of put off by like oh my god I love Batman but there's always Batman soon I good was entire Mary get to it and I have gone with the new 52 and the Catwoman that was yeah so Catwoman up is also part of the new 52 they basically rebranded every single franchise they're not what is the new 52 I never eat hard you don't know the new finnell they basic DC basically reset all of their comics 20 what what look at all of the origin stories too no no that's that's a good question I don't think they did I think some of them may be retold it I don't know I don't want to say for sure whoa dude but yeah DC it's called the new 52 and it's like all of these are they so detective comics it was up to like 900 call me back to zero yeah awesome everyone back to zero and some of them are like shining through now because they're reboots are superior to their predecessor so you know you can get like Batman one yeah you get Batman one's pretty cool and I've been reading like i said i've been reading detective comics from one and batman from one our buddy here says to read Catwoman from from number one maybe we'll do it very cool um here's the dude who who wants the beer once a brew 40 for beer for us through this hey guys it's professor jump from elkhart a i was listening to show where you were talking about chips and you pretty much talk about food all episode so I have a question for you do as an amateur brewer I'm always up to taking on new challenges and new ideas yeah what are your two guys favorite fruits and if you have a favorite style of beer I'll take that too because i think i'm gonna make a little pearl for beer all right let the show how sick would that be you don't like beer though yeah I'm not a big drinker so whatever you guys want i guess i'll defer i'm a i'm a big like belgian beer dude or like a hefeweizen I can do have fun wasn't it what about you I'm actually not a big big beard you're neither but I like red stripe Jamaican I love red stripe right drives my go-to if it's like you know some of my regulars aren't there I never I'll never i hate settling for like the standard like for ya like I'll never just be like yeah let me get whatever those are yes I feel like we've occasionally sponsored by yeah yeah do you drink beer Richard how much no I'm not much room now so I'm bud light lime have you had that before no no you look at heavily I haven't had it well it's very delicious yeah yeah it's good you don't drink beer though so you can't really appreciate exotic jayveer ginger beer yeah ginger beers I don't know you mean like like ginger ale no it's different like root beer or ginger yeah it's a group is it so deliver yet Saudi hey um yeah I am a huge fan of this local brewery in New Jersey called River horse me make a ba would say riverhorse whore ok yeah honestly by the river yeah it's just like that's just a bunch of girls on a boat yeah toast to river hole all right uh so yeah I so do what you will man I would love to see the label for that yeah yeah just make it like more than six percent alcohol no that's that's a good beer um let's go to the next one bad headphones hey far for this is Boston from TK i was listening to tuesday's episode when you were talking about the announcement from apple and the prices of the new laptops and what part of pro and macbook pro wasn't clear it's a professional-grade machine for professional and they can tax deduct the cost and do other things that will make them make money off it so the same way that you don't complain when people buy a six-burner viking range for their kitchen or a truck if they're not a contractor then don't complain when people buy a macbook pro when they don't need one you know guys first of all I was about has no that's fine second of all got yeah I complain all the time when people buy over the top kitchen sets yeah okay all the time you don't shut up about I don't shut up about I go into someone's new house and they have that huge Viking yeah and still a I'm like what is this yeah are you gonna host a party in here you know when people wear baseball hats and don't play baseball my phony right can't do that oh I got was scary definitely although he's not wrong he is not wrong as mad though is not wrong but he's not a hundred right either the thing is is that you just you can't say that because Apple is not marketing it just to professionals if they were we wouldn't hear about it um so that's that's fine I mean it's too much money so that's that's that's the main point so much money de la pro and macbook pro doesn't mean that because I'm an amateur artist I mean I can't own one and I mean yeah I can't you know it's it's it's almost as much as my mortgage it's i mean that's it's so much money dude especially if you're gonna have to upgrade it again in a couple years because oh you're not gonna be upgraded that's the whole thing a professional should be allowed to upgrade their own computer I agree should they not yeah get one of the older Mick box let's just skip to the last voicemail here today more about bacon because I want to finish on a tasty note hey guys love your shadow listening to your bacon talk this morning I think it's your wednesday's show and i just wanted to point out you are aware that turkey has no bacon part so think about how artificially made that is and how the process that they hadn't due to take create bacon out of Turkey number love your show he's so right how did they do that how do they do that and how do they also get it like multicolored to you know it's like it's like red purple a little white what part of the pig do they cut bacon out of I don't know I have no idea we should know this probably the belly probably is a lot of fat and big there's a lot yeah it's so freaking good you know what though I liked leaner bacon though you know I mean Canadian bacon within that just ham yeah yeah um I like of a strip of bacon when you know there's no you know like one end is usually fatty and the other all the best part that's really the most flavor talking so much about this bacon sundae yesterday yeah and there's not really a close by Burger King are you kidding me i looked it up yesterday there's one on 32nd madison that is there yeah okay that's really close yeah but Rick we have I'm not joking we gotta do this yeah because i need it i just need it I don't know what is why are you scratching I think about it it makes me understand what like with like a heroin addict must go yeah you only mean yeah I don't I know it's terrible I know it's I know it's basically the end of human civilization as we know it I know it's like looking down the abyss on a really hot day yeah four of us make only thing i like about Bacon's and get so freaking thirsty after you eat bacon anyway that's gonna be our show for today um give us a call 866 404 cnet or you can email us to 440 netcom visit the blog excuse me I was all this talk the 404 dot sina com you got them bakin boot and uh you know check out the website that uh the Justin put together every day for us yeah excellent job you really do appreciate that you know and I don't just say that because I have to well you do that I do um and then tomorrow we'll finish up the week next week Jill's back next week I looked up at the calendar that's what's going on with that very cool and a few new things planned for you guys hopefully we can roll them out and that's going to be it for us make sure you tune in tomorrow we'll finish up the week on the right foot until then I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you it's the 404 high-tech lobe wrap we'll see you guys tomorrow have a great one
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