all right I've welcomed through the four
horse show on this Friday July 6 I'm
Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you this is
the show where we go the extra mile yes
we're going the extra mile it's the end
of a good week we didn't have a full
show until the last day today it's been
scattered I wasn't here for the first
part of the week or yell was in here
yesterday you guys are doing something
that's getting each other sick yeah just
want you to know that I don't know what
the hell is going on here nothing wrong
were you sleeping with an
air-conditioning unit that's got a
pretty interesting email about that
which will read where sort of justifies
my argument Oh we'll get to that you'll
see on the second half of the show not a
lot not a whole lot going on today
very weird week when you put a holiday
in the in hump day like that you know
what I mean who makes your whole week
turn to crap as far as I'm concerned
kind of like it No well you weren't here
Tuesday all right so I was in here what
do you left Monday that's Monday or
Tuesday is your first full day yeah so
what you're feeling better Arielle's
feeling better yeah sound crap you still
sound a little weird that's fine so that
means the second I'd land in San Diego
is when I'm gonna start feeling into the
web yeah for sure
yes thank you Justin look at your
microphone before we see the classic
pre-show microphone lady
damn it damn it always do that no he
does that no that's part of my room
yeah look at these microphones could you
imagine it's can't hear because your
make out with my cat clearly you gotta
stop doing that dry lips oh let's hop
into the story let's do it we got some
good ones today what do you want to talk
about first the AOL thing okay let's
talk about go ahead so there was this
when I went down and they monopolized
all of these compact discs for a very
long time they really did yeah tell me
about it okay
so this is cool like what was the last
history lesson we did it was on a win
amp right right I think it was last
Friday it was so every Friday we're do
every Friday just coincidentally history
we're doing history lessons and today
we're gonna be talking about the history
of a wall chat rooms mmm and it's told
by a world's longest-running employee
wow this is really cool because I mean
before well yeah go start talking okay I
have a lot of reminiscing to do yeah
yeah let's do that uh so quick history
lesson this is on tech land she's really
awesome site this comes from Joe
Schobert like I said he's the
longest-running employee at a wall
he's currently their chief architect
okay and so a really quick rundown
um the able chat rooms started as a
product in 1992 when it was initially
called people connection you know yeah
and they only had a handful of chat
rooms maybe like under 10 okay I says
with topics ranging from like genealogy
to history and strategy games like tips
on how to beat video games what video
games do they have back in 1982 what are
you talking about war know in 92 was it
Super Nintendo then oh really
yeah they might have been yeah oh yeah
and if it wasn't then they were around
the corner right yeah okay see I need a
console history lesson you need a lot
more than that
so yeah participation in these chat
rooms began to snowball in 1996 and that
was pretty largely attributed to like
56k modems getting really popular right
and that was when AOL also introduced
their monthly flat rate for
subscriptions and before that you had to
pay by the hour which is ridiculous like
that preceded our internet no it did
really you pay for no way just because
the internet didn't filter out west
until you were about twenty I didn't
have the internet and before a wall how
did you dial in like what is P did you
use so okay when I first got connected I
did not use AOL yeah the first thing I
used was an ISP in the New Jersey area
that we paid a monthly fee to and you
dialed in and then you just had your
just connected to the Internet but what
web browser did you use connect school
Netscape okay so now this is crazy so
the way we signed up man you know when
you're young you're like I'll never have
crazy old stories that sound old yeah
here's one of them you we went to this
video rental store and that is where you
somehow what is that I know and and and
someone had told me this is how you did
it so I just followed his directions
verbatim I went to this place it was
called easy video okay easy right like
to mellow is the word easy and we went
in and I was like I just like I had like
a twenty dollar bill I was like I would
like the Internet gonna give me this box
with like you know Yahoo in it or
something and I'm like okay I'd like to
sign up for Internet and I had to buy a
copy and net of Netscape Wow for like 30
bucks or whatever it was so the whole
thing he gives me this this freaking
floppy disc in return I get home and
when you put in the floppy disk it
installed Netscape and then got you
through the process to dial into one of
their many telephone numbers that you
would connect to in order to access the
Wow I didn't sign I didn't get on AOL
until many years later when I brought
and then you could bring your own
connection to hey well it was like bring
but it's BYOC and then you just hooked
right in first you had a dial into your
ISP and then you click the the TCP / I
right I remember the well and then
you're in and it was like an instant
welcome it wasn't like
you had to do that design into your
internet mhm but once you reconnected
you could say oh wow did you guys have
that dude no I remember they had those
free diss yeah yeah it's like whatever
ours or whatever well those were the
passwords it was like pineapple feet
yeah so that's what you do that's what I
did yeah same here
yeah remember prodigy of course yeah
well you're old-school it's kind of the
same thing yeah well though you're sure
it's like a portal and had access to
different like content silos and and
chat rooms and stuff like that right
those disks were really really popular
it was back in like 98 mm-hm and
according to this article this is around
a wall 4.0 when it came out they started
introducing the three boxes for the
if the login screen remember
that like one handshake would be the
first box yes okay right and this is a
pretty interesting stat I guess back in
a while when back in 1998 when AOL 4.0
was introducing AOL the company actually
used all of the worldwide CD production
companies in the world was using every
worldwide CD production for several
weeks just to produce those free CDs you
know not a single music CD or software
CD or anything else was created in those
weeks in those factors for AOL that
makes sense though they're everywhere I
remember in college people made
yep you know they they were like oh
where'd you get that cool mirrors like
nope 40 a LCD right yeah you know they
were like hanging them above like baby
carriages in space Moloch yeah mobile
that's how pervasive the right they were
it was just so funny they were I
remember getting those little like tin
boxes everywhere
I remember one uh when I you would buy a
CD at Sam Goody
right like they would already have them
in the bags like a shopping bag jam you
just open it up you're like what the
hell are do you have a whoa and like
getting home was such a big deal and
correct me if I'm wrong but for a very
long time you could get away with just
signing up over and over again right
yeah you know yeah how did that work I
didn't usually have to give them your
credit card that's what I thought and
then usually when it cancelled you had
to call or when the month was up you had
to call and cancel and then they would
usually give you another free month so
it was like this never-ending spiral
right it's pretty awesome
crazy yeah um so after that back in 1998
it really snowball from there up to 17
million AOL subscribers in 1999 and
that's where the history lessons and
because uh you know after that it all
kind of went downhill for AOL as we know
now of course like you know they own
like HuffPo and all that stuff but yeah
anyone's become more of almost like an
ad agency right you know I feel like
they got into a different side of the
business right you know don't write them
off though they continue to make money
right you know I feel like there was a
big there was a big sort of school of
thought that they were just going to go
out of business but they switch gears
and you know they own and gadget and all
those sites too they have a huge blog
network right they're doing ok but man
talking with strangers in enable chat
rooms is like a very fun yeah yeah
that's what I thought the internet was I
had no concept of really what the
internet really was I thought chat rooms
was the inner right and that was all
there uh yeah man I remember getting to
the point where maybe I was thirteen
fourteen and people would be like man
you know the Internet's just AOL I
always got a monopoly on it just wasn't
the case there was this whole other side
all right guys we've come to the portion
of this conversation where we all reveal
what our first AOL screen names were I
think we did this a long time ago with
Wilson but I forgot and Arielle and
Richard weren't here at the time so I
want to go around do this can I be
totally on please do
I never the one I use now the one I'm
not giving away cuz I use that for a lot
of stuff to this day okay
the one on you know that one
was pretty much my first one because up
until I guess you Halim one well no I
started that one in in like maybe was a
freshman in high school right and up
until then I was always using fake ones
I was always changing it no easy
you ready mean yeah so that's when I was
I'm serious do you remember any of the
other ones you had they were all
offensive a lot of like exes oh right
like lower case and upper case yeah what
about you Richard
um mine always had something to do with
the Beatles
like I think one of them was Sergeant
Pepper okay I think I had numbers after
I think was just Sergeant Pepper Wow and
you got the first there's no way you'd
be able to get I think I had the walrus
one time oh my first one was had
something to do with Emmitt Smith
because he was like my favorite football
player at the time but I was always in
the sports right and and you with the
letters a CNN yeah my first and I think
I probably this before it was uh street
Dreams but with a Z at the end that's
not the words I was really - nods like
really really into that songs I listened
to that so much and that was my first
one of the one of the earliest earliest
ones how to be like rancid triple exes I
better like Punk's kid 59 writing
like that right something super lame the
days of girls doing the uppercase
lowercase uppercase lowercase
alternating thing are over right then no
one does that anymore
no there's way too much others still see
it every now on Twitter really that
letters become that
that sort of AOL chat room to point out
sure ya know what I mean don't forget
when I I was never a big al chat room
guy I was into IRC back then yeah and
you know IRC had much more to offer
yeah yeah literally you know what I mean
right so uh that's where I was hangin
that's where I was I would troll chat
rooms like all day long like I would
just like make fun of people I would go
in and post like giant ASCII drawing
yeah like copy from other websites I'm
like Homer Simpson's face or something
you know like right
I would love doing that just pissing
people off in shy rooms pretty much
occupied all my time yeah troll from the
start huh yeah born a troll and now we
can't talk about AOL chat rooms without
talking about a oh hell oh yes
the the punk the punters all those
things they used to be able to use a hat
get you access that you know you weren't
really allowed to have what else was
there there were wasn't there a thing
where you could open someone's CD drive
just by sending them a message on chat I
forget what that command was but you
could open their siege it was like
coaster I think was part of them it was
called coaster yeah there's a lot of AOL
I wish someone could come bring them up
in the chat room right there's just a
lot of AOL mods but Juarez Prague's
right it swears
really yeah that's a very distinct
that's just beautiful
no I think is it where's the Juarez
Juarez for the for the noobs because
Juarez it's not like some town in Mexico
comes from like software so it's not
well it's hard because the are in Juarez
is always capitalized so you think
that's that's word that's how you have
to rationalize to yourself you know
noodle salad exactly no but that's the
situation I remember that there was a
lot of dispute over that yeah yeah it
was big all right anyway enough
reminiscing we got to get back into the
present I don't want to stay in AOL then
you can get AOL again if you want they
don't offer it as a paid service what is
it up to now it's like a well fourteen
or something yeah but no don't forget
AOL turned free what's that
a well before it left relevancy right it
was free right when they realized people
didn't want to pay for a browser act
after everyone had cable internet access
it turned into just another web site
basically right they were due there
you're just being presented the AOL
experience in its own sort of entity as
a piece of software right well there's
at least still one person that has
downloaded the software and uses it to
this day and that would be my neighbor
oh I'm sure there's still people who use
I've told you this before like my
neighbor that I share a wall with in my
apartment building still has a well and
can't figure out how to turn off those
notification sounds every five minutes
I'll hear you got mail you know my mom's
AOL Mail oh really yeah which is crazy
at yeah but I think about the
name but remember the best was hour when
you were in college in a dorm and you
know people just blast their speakers
all day long and everybody that door
open you would hear the door the damn
could you move yeah or like when it
opened up like creak like yeah it was
crazy just yeah when someone signed off
you were friends with you know when you
signed up you were gonna hear that door
slam oh look at these reminiscent days
we're having yeah an old feeling old
that's what we do here okay let's talk
about sports cuz you bring up Emmitt
Smith I don't know who that is but I
mean he's an athlete what kind of what
sport football okay he said would you
known yeah I would have known
and it's MIT he helped Marty McFly go
back in time yeah let's talk about
soccer adapting new gold line technology
yes I've heard about this yeah so you
want to talk about it no I want you to
talk about it I will comment on it okay
because I feel like you know I I happen
to really like soccer do you yeah I'm
gonna do it's like the it's like the
distant cousin of hockey in a weird way
right okay but more running less blade
less ice yeah that's a little bit warmer
a little warmer less ice yeah yeah I
didn't know this this shows how much how
little I know about soccer but the ball
must completely crossed the goal line in
order for that to count as a point same
with hockey right yeah I can't just like
fall on the line right whatever anyway
so I guess in the past you know there's
been problems with just you know the ref
seeing if whether or not the ball is
crossed and in order to do that they
have to you know bring up the replay on
the television or like really do like a
vision like a line vision you know next
to it to determine whether or not it's
on or off right anyway the International
Football Association Board apparently
just approved two new systems that will
really help those reps determine whether
or not the ball has crossed the line two
thing is once called Hawkeye the others
called goalRef cool all right and
Hawkeye is mostly used in cricket and
tennis tournaments but they're adapting
it to use with soccer now and that uses
a series of six cameras at each goal set
up on the post to track the flight of
the ball and in court in conjunction
with that they also use software to
triangulate the location of the ball and
then a radio signal is sent back to the
ref to a device that he carries on his
belt and that'll tell him whether or not
the ball has crossed a line
what's crazy though is that it doesn't
in a second yeah so you know like that
radio signal transmits it immediately so
that they can make the call I am I'm
surprised this is as big of an issue as
it makes this sound why I don't know I
feel like soccer goals are pretty
definitive mm-hmm the ones at least I've
seen yeah
recently ending on the line or where
it's like a goalies you know pushed up
against the post and he sort of has to
you know make a play I was oh I mean I I
had seen something recently maybe from
the Eurocup where there was a play where
they were really you know they couldn't
tell whether or not it was in or not but
kind of big yeah you know it's not like
a hockey puck where you know many times
many many times the season this happens
in hockey were there right there's just
inconclusive evidence you know I think
the technology and I've been asking for
this for a while and I'm hockey for
hockey man that to me like hooks go in
and out of the net sometimes and no one
sees it yeah right and the game goes on
and it's on until the next whistle where
they look back and they're like that I
actually went in and out really quick
and no one saw it so I feel like that
technology would really be useful in
hockey also because there's a lot more
scoring in hockey than there is football
right football the European football
it's gonna be harder with soccer though
because the ball itself is a circle you
know with the puck it's flat so you can
tell where it's standing whereas with a
ball you know like the contact point to
the ground is kind of hard to see
because it's convex
right does that make sense like you're
on tie point is going he's not right but
you what you're saying about soccer is
true you know it's tough to tell right
you know the puck actually has been
known to go on its side before it has
happened before
yeah it's not like NHL 94 where just
stays right but but no yeah I'm I don't
know it's a really good idea yeah and
you know it's gonna cost $200,000 per
stadium to install so hey soccers the
most popular sport in the world though
is that in cricket so they can afford it
yeah yeah the other option the gold ref
option puts a chip in the ball itself
and then when it crosses the the
goalpost it'll you know emit doesn't
that but isn't that imperfect because if
the chip is inside the ball I imagine
it's either on the perimeter or the
instant you know anymore right so you're
saying like unless it's the size of the
ball yeah you know to me or maybe it's
on either side of it you know right I'm
thinking that when it crosses the line
it should explode
and that way even if the goalies holding
it right yeah ball should still explode
so sick that be sick but yeah that's
cool I I'm always happy to talk about
God you know sports technology let me
find that fascinating yes all right I
want to talk about British Airways the
reason we named our show title that we
go the extra mile is because British
Airways is actually going to start
googling passengers before boarding yeah
now I think I'm going to England in
December oh really
yeah I'll let you guys know that for the
first time right yeah well it's my it's
our ten-year anniversary of being
together not of being married just being
together so we figured we might as well
leave the country and celebrate so I
think we're gonna go but but we might be
googled before we get on this British
Airways flight yeah this is kind of
crazy so last year I remember we talked
about British Airways when they started
allowing passengers to text message each
other right then they were the first
ones to do that before JetBlue but now
British Airways is providing their
flight attendants and staff at the
check-in desks with iPads mm-hmm and
they're spending a lot of money to do
this and it's called the know me system
right and they're gonna give them to
flight attendants and the staff in order
for them to look up passenger names on
Google Images so that they'll recognize
them prior to them arriving at the gate
like see this guy look after this guy
yeah yeah is that what it is to greet
you well okay so it's twofold one they
want to make it a more personal
experience by saying like hey Jeff you
know like we value your customers you
know like your experience or whatever
and so they'll know you write more
personal thing and the other side of it
is that you know if you've made
complaints in the past they'll basically
have like a dossier on you you know
online where they can like take notes
and send them to all the other iPads and
let them know like they say that you
know they're gonna go the extra mile and
if passengers have encountered problems
in the past they can help but I really
think it's just more of a red
flag thing like oh this guy's trouble
you know like don't like don't let this
like Alec Baldwin type guy on the plane
Google's not always right either no and
is everyone on is everyone gonna have
their pictures show up when they're
googled right you know and believe it or
not other people show up when you google
your own name
like there are more people named Justin
you than just this guy you know
apparently yeah and what if your name is
like Steve Williams
yeah or Bob Smith there's 700,000 Bob
Smiths in the world right I don't get it
that's been it's just I don't know I
think it's a huge invasion of privacy
too well I don't know if it's an
invasion of privacy that informations
there yeah we obtained but it just seems
like a silly way to sort of do
reconnaissance on people you know
especially how inaccurate and
potentially unreliable that is right
right slow down like boarding time -
that's what I was gonna say is I don't
want to be waiting there while this guy
learns how to like hunt and peck through
his virtual keyboard my name because
it'll be the first time they've seen an
iPad knowing you for sure you know like
I could see iPads being implemented well
through you know like the guys on the
plane like I wanted to like serve up
drink orders or efficient way or
whatever but this isn't the right way to
go no it's not and it's a stupid story -
it's bad publicity
yeah in my opinion you know if I'm
hearing this I don't want to now okay
great I don't want to fly British
Airways now right you know who knows
what this agenda is right here but
that's the story all right you want to
take a break sure we'll take a break
when we come back maybe a story or two
but we also have emails to get to and
you're just going to Google - and see
what turns up
all right welcome back to the 404 show
hmm I do that all the time
super moonwalking just watch the guy
looking like he was just skating
backwards imagine a moonwalk but running
backwards yeah he was running backwards
doing the moonwalk moonwalk extreme I
feel like he wouldn't been able to do it
if the street wasn't wet right now yeah
he had like lunar shoes on to their
right yellow I need special shoes for
that probably go to the for bored-out watch this video tell us what
you think it's crazy
can you moonwalk anyone know I used to
really kid yeah I was a big Michael
Jackson fan of course I don't know if I
could do it anymore I should try man
what was the secret you would push off
of your toe yeah and then like you make
it look like your back heel is floating
right now so you push off one foot and
you make it look like your other foot is
floating right so it was it was trickery
kind of yeah I think most people make
the mistake of dragging their toe back
but you actually dragged the foot that's
down back and yeah right when you pop it
up the other one goes down yeah I like
to get the timing right I don't think
anyone's come up with a better dance
move since the moment no like even David
Blaine hasn't touched yeah I mean like
he levitates and people are like but can
you moonwalk there if your foot off the
ground right there are no other good
dance moves they come and go yes fans
they come and go but the dougie crap is
but the moonwalk is here to stay you
know yeah I like the Bernie have you
seen people Bernie do it like Bernie
Bernie yeah
look up burning in YouTube to be Bernie
Lomax for holidays so and I couldn't get
the costume together right
why not you know you'd be surprised some
of that 80's garbed is not that easy to
acquire you need like those parachute
pants I mean couldn't do it man Bernie
the oh there it is
watch all these people coming back
bernie is making a comeback i call it
low maxing alright before we get to we
have a video we want to share with
everybody but first i want to talk about
there's a couple stories i feel like we
should get to okay the first one and
these are more just headlines i read
something on Boeing Boeing that said
people from Alabama we're celebrating
4th of July by firing guns into the air
oh okay what did you do you guys know
that this like happens in America yeah
every year just like hillbilly South's
firing guns for 4th of July this
actually happened in the Bronx well that
said but it's it's ridiculous in
Birmingham Alabama yeah there were 1098
incidents of gunfire celebratory gunfire
so there's not these people celebrate
for they're like bang bang like Yosemite
Sam's sort of crap right but what's
weird and kind of interesting in 20 in
2011 there were only 75 gun shots
recorded in 2010 495 and then it shot up
to almost 1,100 in 2012 but the really
sort of interesting thing is that the
police department down there has built
in a detection system that's able to
distinguish between gunshots and fire
works oh isn't that crazy so with all
their like ass backwards hillbilly
population that's just like firing guns
into the air huh
haphazardly they've devised technology
that will actually tell the difference
between gunshots and and and fireworks
my am I wrong in asking like where do
these bullets finally fall they fall
somewhere yeah I mean and it's happened
before where people have died for sure
it's for sure yeah right yeah eleven
hundred freaking incidence of gunfire
going into the air I mean I know nobody
lives in Alabama so there's less hitting
anybody but still what the hell is that
yeah that's crazy and then as it gained
speed going back down just lie someone
right in half like dropping a penny of
which is the biggest wrong thing like
that is such a myth did you know that's
the number-one entry looked up in Oh penny dropping and slicing
someone in half of the Empire State
Building it wouldn't even hurt it
doesn't it's not heavy enough mm-hmm you
know just floats but if you dropped a
bowling ball and a penny off the
Empire's differently the same time you
know the answer which would hit first
that's pretty scary I'm surprised
there's not more deaths of bullets
falling from the sky very talented
recreate everybody crazy no no I think
it's it's crazy I don't understand I
understand it yeah um you when you said
the penny and the bowling ball thing
yeah you in a vacuum it's one thing it
would be the same it would in a vacuum
it's nothing in the real world
it'll the penny would lose because beat
it would lose like velocity right yeah
but theoretically they would impose well
great events okay okay okay then finally
before we get to the video I want to
talk about Best Buy and that they're
laying off 650 members of the Geek Squad
good good is right I guess they're not
geeky enough you know what it makes
I don't know why it just does I didn't
make sense because they've gotten so
much bad PR lately well that's what
you're right about all these stories of
people finding out like oh they were in
my porn folder they like sent all my
friends emails of me doing terrible
things they left a cupcake in my
computer credibility you know and you
definitely know somebody everybody knows
somebody that could fix their computers
everywhere right the geek squads
everywhere it's in your home it's in
your backyard it's in your offices in
your in your house oh you're the Geek
Squad were you if you don't know anyone
that how do you get you everything you
are the cool guys though where are they
gonna work I think you think they're
just gonna get filtered over into Best
Buy and like the employees know that
Geek Squad sure put on the other pole I
don't know I mean you know the whole
Geek Squad connotation thing was pissing
me off to begin with anyway I don't know
what's gonna happen with these people
maybe I'll get real like an IT yeah you
know just like setting up some
grandmother's email account that we did
not bring this up and we should have a
long time ago go to the link over there
the fingers web thing oh I don't want to
why is that because it's embarrassing
but we got to talk about it somebody put
this in our reddit and we sort of let it
fall through the cracks I don't know who
did this it's done by a site called
fingers web I guess someone I guess
they're like little custom internet
websites for a specific topic
well anyway somebody made a little page
for us about our comic-con 2012 trucker
hat giveaway yeah and we were talking
about how we both wanted to dress up as
Robin right so let's just go scroll
through all of these ridiculous
photoshop job look at all those trucker
has what is going on here
every day of the month I don't
understand who did this we right didn't
we not find out how come you get to be
the buff and look at me like my belt is
falling off even my real body shop into
some skinny dude although my robbing is
a bolus robbing which is upsetting but I
keep throwing the fun never ends
I mean yeah that's pretty see what I
know I have a supermodel
I have a very curvaceous and busty
supermodel right you have some kid who
got lost in the mall I don't understand
where who did this did we find out about
this I think is this guy Steven
I don't Steven yeah next one is that JFK
Airport if you look closely in this one
there's a bacon sundae right here you go
this is kind of cool hmm there's a bacon
sundae I'm trying to look everywhere for
more Easter eggs I don't know here's 50
shades of gray in the corner here yeah
there you go
Oh oh wow and then a fire hydrant real
all right let's keep going through that
cool now we're like in the Lincoln
Tunnel I suppose right I don't know what
that's about the next one is a photo of
some Batgirl and where's the background
checking around at Comic Con what a babe
the next one the base stations where
we're at I guess this is the restaurant
blue and Mickey's or Mickey's and Moo
whatever let's go all out with this and
do the best the next one is our border
run the border of Mexico and you and I
have seeming seemingly been taken into
I like that man I think you finished oh
no we're not done illegally after you
because Lego lands in Mexico
and there's the kid in the back there
and here we are at what is this SeaWorld
look at the kid on the top of Shamu
pretty cool what is so weird
very oh here we go
awesome here's that Los Angeles couch in
commercial right yes we were talking
about well whoever did this you think
it's Steven well according to says this
might be the webmaster forefingers web I
don't know no one did it either way go
on the reddit page it's funny go to read
and check it out we'll link to it in the
show notes today as well yeah thank you
whoever you are at fingers web that crap
is hilarious um let's talk about our own
beer they were having be late for us the
the gentleman is doing is Professor says
hey guys I thought I'd share with you
the progress of the four oh four beer
it's a double IPA with Australian galaxy
hops it should be ready soon and then
he's gonna send it out to us yeah let's
check out this video of its progress
okay so here we are seeing the beer
making process
I don't think Justin can open it there
it is the beer making process so what
you do is you take an old Poland spring
bottle - and you feel did you fill it up
with fermented I don't know what I'm how
you make beer but he's uh this is what
Professor Jeff is doing that's a lot of
beer it's a lot of beer don't send us
all that beer no no you're gonna have to
drink it all maybe just like a six-pack
of it yeah but anyway I guess it's gonna
be called for or for beer so thank you
Jeff it's gonna be sweet and that's
about it
shower makes a good point this video
does suffer from vertical video syndrome
turn that thing over landscape that
just gonna go ahead and cut your right
yeah all right you lived you learn right
yeah that's right that's gonna do it for
us today guys eight six six four oh four
seen it that is our number if you want
to email us over the weekend the four oh
four at is how you do it check
out the Facebook page follow us on
Twitter at the
404 and make sure you head on over to
our reddit page the 404 dot
I think that's it again next week we'll
probably only have a Monday show and
then Justin I get ready to go out to San
Diego for Comic Con 2012 you can follow
us out there while we're out there
follow us on Twitter and then we're
having the meetup a week from tomorrow
Saturday the 14th yeah at Lou and
Mickey's across from the San Diego
Convention Center I'm having all kinds
of fun free booze free food we got a
couple records yes right we got a couple
emails about some of the younger
listeners that were attending comic-con
that wanted to meet up with us can I do
that it cannot because it's at a bar so
you can't be official Meetup I'm not
100% sure but I mean Lou and Mickey's is
a bar so right but they might mean it
might be like an all ages 21 to drink
yeah okay we'll check on that maybe
there's a wristband system yeah stay
last year they checked IDs will be
prowling the floor together there's so
many places to hang out yeah it'll be a
good time yeah and we'll get you beer
free not for free at least right so
everyone have a great weekend and we'll
be back on Monday probably if that
changes we'll let you know
until then I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm
Justin you it's the 404 high tech
lowbrow we'll see you guys on Monday
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