The 404 - Ep. 1093: Where we're monitoring that scan you just interfaced
The 404 - Ep. 1093: Where we're monitoring that scan you just interfaced
it's Thursday July 19 2012 Arielle did
you get me calling everyone a son of a
bitch at the beginning of the show it's
a 404 program on Sina TV I'm Jeff
Bakalar and I'm a son of a bitch and
this is the show where we're monitoring
thats can you just interface mcfly no it
was a sting operation what's going on
everybody thanks for tuning in to our
fine program first things first we got
to talk a little shop with everybody
getting a lot of emails complaints
Yelling's bomb threats suicide notes and
stuff like that from people who are
complaining that our show has sounded a
little weird and when I say weird I mean
low but we were figuring that out it's a
work in progress and we're well aware of
the situation and we want to thank
literally like the 50 of you who've
written in and and told us that we sound
like trash so we're aware we're trashing
and we're fixing it it's in it's uh it's
a work in progress I think today is
going to sound better yeah because we
were using some old compressors and
stuff like that and I don't know I'm
just make em work we're making it up as
we go along is what I'm trying to say
yeah we're changing a lot of things
around here adjusting stuff you're
adjusting stuff on that why uh but you
know thanks to the chat room who is uh
rocking out with us live here and and
and making some levels work and that
sort of stuff but uh we're you know
we're psyched now cool and let us know
you know we wanna we wanna have a
ongoing conversation with you guys and
you can keep us in check and uh you know
Arielle is gonna turn the knobs he turns
you old knob Turner many such a knob
turn any thanks you are you have a mic
over there too right yeah you're doing
it I'm like yeah it's it's fantastic oh
maybe we should suspend that from the
ceiling or something yeah and get you
talking all right what other orders of
business must we address before we get
there are than any other things you know
people have been emailing us a lot about
wanting stickers right and uh you know
we could do that self addressed stamped
envelope we can do that again that was a
really huge ordeal I've gotta figure out
some way to get people these stickers
because we have a lot of them do a huge
role the right next you over there oh
that's right yeah there's a buttload of
these and we have four of these four
rolls yeah arm and we also need to think
of a contest for people to get those
trucker hats because we only have right
hand of them will promised a few people
from the meetup whom it who missed out
yeah so if you're one of those people
write us and I think about Charles II
wrote aim of this arm and then I feel
like we're gonna get more stickers as
well this was like the comic con run of
stickers so will you know we'll do
something better bigger and better so
hold off on that sort of stuff and will
you no will address it when the time
comes what else um oh we're going to
give away one of those sleep doctor
alarm clock Serena yesterday the renew
um so we're coming up with a contest and
I think we'll start it on monday and
it'll run through the entire week so and
also no show tomorrow because all these
jerks are going to be gone air-five are
you know air 50 air 5s allowed no window
love with her no no love no windows sell
it uh alright so so yeah so tomorrow no
404 yeah um but we'll be back on Monday
and then Jill Schlesinger is gonna come
on Wednesday because we had the sleep
doctor yesterday so a lot of a lot of
awesome things happening with the 44 I
think Peter ha might show up next week
cool he's got a new gig he just shows up
whenever he wants to he calls he calls
up in his RM downstairs could be on the
show today always with the drop in don't
Joe that can't stand the drop in yeah um
alright let's jump right into the day's
news ok again the summer sucks you know
for news it's terror I think it's been
terrible there's some good stuff I mean
we have a whole back catalogue of like a
week yeah full of news that we haven't
really gotten to I wanted to start with
this this happened on Monday actually we
weren't here for this
but a little old now still funny though
uh did you about this physical assault
that happened at a McDonald's no in
Paris okay oui oui this is the only time
as you know I'm a Spanish guy the only
event I know I know I know how to speak
like eleven percent of Spanish it's all
cuss words to know I can I can make my
way around ya bein ish glad you did say
mix yeah ya think I'm alright so what it
what is this uh so on a Monday the story
came out about a guy getting his ass
kicked at a McDonald's in Paris okay uh
this was dr. Steve man he's the inventor
of a wearable computer system pretty
similar to Google Goggles okay it's
called the what it was it called the
itap have you heard about these no it's
basically the same thing it's like a
head mountable display that puts a tiny
little monitor right in front of your
eye okay that's back information you
like a psychos yet just like the Google
you scroll down to some of these
pictures be sure the answer this is what
it looks like yeah and that Steve man
from 1999 huh he was with his family in
Paris a week ago and he was eating right
in front of the windows so that he can
get a good shot of people walking by the
Schultz Ortiz a right which is my French
for subway stage ina okay um anyway so
he was eating with his family him and
his two kids and his wife when three
people that he thinks might have been
mcdonald's employees tried to pull off
the eyepiece what they physically
assaulted him because he they thought
that he was spying on them okay I mean
look at this look at this contraption
his face right and it's not very famous
person either yeah imagine looking at
this guy that's half cyborg walk
specially he was smiling like that as
well creep yeah anyway so they beat him
up try to pull off his eye pieces uh but
the problem is that apparently these I
pieces are somehow bolted into his head
no what yes I'll hold them off like a
normal pair
moved his brain yeah so his brain came
with it and uh he tried to produce a
doctor's note which has got to be like
the wussiest response to a fight yeah
ever sorry I can't fight you right now I
have a doctor's note I have a doctor's
note that pretty much explains his
medical reason for having to wear the
glasses and doesn't really get clear on
the details in this blog post about why
right he's been uh he's been wearing
these for eight years I'm sorry 13 years
what so he's developed this technology
himself he's kind of the originator of
this heads-up display okay and there's
even a wired article from back in two
thousand to that sort of talks about him
getting assaulted for these at walmart
and uh uh yeah he basically got beaten
up and now he's not really asking for
you know mcdonald's to pay for it he
just wants the glasses to get fixed he's
not trying to sue the employees but I'm
trying to look here's a witness photo
and these are actually taken with the
itab glasses themselves which might or
might not just be a huge marketing
scheme right like I was reading the
story I'm thinking this might just you
think this is all a this is a full made
up so for him to show off how these
glasses work I don't know man that's a
lot of effort just to you know advertise
the fact that he's got some DIY google
glass things yeah so here the three
perpetrators he's not gonna tie beat him
up with this is the manager the manager
see this guy today three has a mcdonald
shirt on so it might be one of the
employees oh my god this is crazy yeah
so what's gonna happen with this visit
it's being elevated that this guy's what
like a dustpan a brew yeah that's so
weird themes that be tomorrow I think he
was hit over the head with a broom
that's crazy too well alright well I I'm
Carrie I see he doesn't deserve to get
his ass handed to him like that though
yeah you know we saw that video when
Google glasses came out and you know
that there was a guy like walking
through bookstores in New York meeting
up with friends talk about concerts and
stuff but what you don't see is people's
responses to perhaps then getting
surveilled in this way you know like not
everyone likes having a camera pointed
at their face all the time no
and just by nature of you looking at
them with these glasses on people might
think the wrong things they might oh
well it's kind of like the first digital
hate crime reported on the digital hate
there's been a lot of digital hate this
is the first instance of digital hate in
the meat space yeah you can understand
that I don't know would you feel
comfortable with someone just coming up
to you and possibly recording with your
image I wouldn't I would just like slap
it yeah wouldn't you know I wouldn't
kick his ass right i mean i don't know
it's it's never happened to me before
yet hopefully it won't on the other hand
these photos that he's taken with the
camera mounted on the glasses are really
high quality was gonna say they look
pretty good yeah they they look all
right so you know good for him so the
iTap he's good might be coming to stores
near you look he goes so far as to zoom
into the nametag to it so we can read it
he was he just like pointing like how
does he xue min like catch turn the knob
on us or something like that yes strange
oh let's uh let's let's keep it in the
fast food realm what happened with this
uh Burger King employee in more fast
food news because you know it's my
favorite topic of conversation it is you
love him and you can't get enough of it
of Burger King and unfortunately burger
king is the next place that we're seeing
internet vigilantism vigilantism yeah
however you pronounce it is happening at
Burger King so on Monday 4chan you know
I'm on there a lot I know for our line I
thought you're more of a reddit guy I'm
both yeah uh so on 4chan on Monday this
guy posted a photo and maybe I could try
to zoom into this you can see it better
it's really disgusting can you tell what
we're looking at here oh my god is that
a man standing in two salad bowls yes in
the salad early the lettuce container
that the employees at Burger King used
to fill up the birds and disgusting and
it's a guy wearing shoes and standing on
top of those two containers do you talk
about this is the guy who needs asking
yeah disgusting yeah the poor lettuce I
mean that lettuce used to be discussing
and now it's unedible yeah like
everything else at Burger King
uh so yeah he posted this photo of
himself uh you know obviously a burger
key employees standing on top of these
containers put it on 4chan expecting
people to get the lulz he didn't get the
loads he got the internet vigilantism
and uh like a fool you know these guys
never really cover their tracks properly
when they just randomly post photos to
the internet right they found out that
he did not extract the exif data that
contained his GPS location in the photo
in the photo so they were able to track
that back to his location where he
worked turns out it's at a burger king
restaurant in mayfield heights in ohio
mmm not only that but take a look back
at this photo in the background you can
see a couple boxes on the bottom of rack
oh this is so cool and what they did was
in true law and order style they like
pinched and zoom their way in hey get a
debt they basically zoomed enhance and
found the bar code which they were able
to pinpoint back to the shipping
location using the manager wave heights
ohio they do that the wait there must be
a much higher res photo flown around
they did post that because the one we're
looking at is very pixelated right and
it would be impossible to detect so what
they did was here he were the steps
right they'd use this photo to and the
exif data on it to track back to the
manager the manager requested a higher
res of the of the UM the barcode find
out exactly which employee it was I'm
surprised it in scan this guy's foot
size to compare to the employees that
were working there at the time but
that's how they found out who was and
now he's fired good like he should be
you know look I don't agree with
necessarily some of the comments made by
the 4chan errs after the fact like this
is why you losers make a living at
Facebook yeah cuz you don't cover your
tracks well enough uh you know I don't
know but he deserves what he got this is
great this is why you and this is
totally the the the story do not f with
people who handle your food yeah it's
not that's that's like rule of thumb 101
right with with with waiter you know
food worker customer relationships
the scary thing about this is that this
wasn't just retaliation against one
angry or like bitch customer yeah this
was just the entire thing so I don't
seem to unprovoked me then that's what
the most troubling thing of all is that
he's just like I'm doing this cuz I can
do it yeah you know and that if this one
you know Chamakh decides to put it on
4chan what about all the undocumented
cases of this yeah uh I had something a
lot of people are standing on lettuce in
Burger King's though right I think
standing although there's at least of
your worries about what restaurant
employees due to the food yeah on top of
it just being fast food food yeah I
guess others say I had a friend in high
school who shall Renee remain nameless
yeah who worked at a burger place called
rallies okay I know okay do you know
right now it's uh what I thought I did I
don't it's a chain right just like
Burger King and uh it's like a
fuddruckers exactly I love fuddruckers
man anyway going she would tell me about
all like the disgusting things that
these teenagers would do um because
teenagers are immature in your response
the ressources you expect them in these
things yeah but you know the manager was
really young too so they sort of condone
this behavior she was telling me that a
lot of times they would take the frozen
burger patties right out of the freezer
and have burger patty fights with them
right like they would throw them at each
other and they would inevitably like
laying on the floor and on different
like you know the refrigerator doors and
things like that yeah and then they
would scoop them up with a spatula that
they would use on the stove and cook
them up for customers okay how do you
feel about that and if you think they
were doing this how long I think they
were cleaning the floors that they would
land on forever I guess it's not as bad
as the foot on the lettuce what I'll
tell you why though cuz they're getting
cooked right okay you're getting a hook
so they're getting you know and then
whatever this guy has stepped on in the
path on the right Allie that's going
right into your face yeah vegetables at
fast food restaurants item well that's I
I guess that's the lesson learn here but
I mean I just I really think the that
this is
much worse than than the patty fight
yeah you know there needs to be a thread
on reddit about personal accounts from
fast food workers that have messed with
the food oh I don't know I don't like
that at all but you know what it's not
just fast I'm sure happens at every
restaurant yeah you know you've seen
waiting mhm you've seen the movies yeah
you've seen the band-aids that have
fallen off people's fingers that they
find in their burger patties that
doesn't happen too often yeah does
everyone's all it has to happen is that
the one that's it and then then it's
happened in many times yeah alright we
gotta take a break when we come back
more 404 we'll get to some voicemails
and I think we have a video voicemail to
write do we uh yeah we have one from a
couple days ago alright so we'll play
that much more on the 44 stick around
welcome back to the 404 so glad you
could be here on this Thursday this is
our friday because we're ending the week
today no 404 show tomorrow yep man we're
getting away with these like three-day
work weeks one day work leash stare
listening Shh all right um we're going
to do calls from the public right now
that sound good to everybody all right
let's do it up up these are not playing
oh there we go this is this is a new
workflow for us ladies and gentlemen
calls from the public time to show the
love 866 404 scenic man that is not as
easy as you think the new work though
you're playing I'm playing that sound
for my computer yeah that's cool how do
you feel about that works for me I feel
about them apples first voicemail this
dude's call me a spoiled little brat I
like him hey guys this is a chicago film
like a longtime listener first-time
caller and i decided with my first call
on you Jeff he's like I'm gonna waste it
on you cuz I'm wasting his voice mail
the other day you guys are talking about
the Back to the Future hoverboard and
Jeff you actually asked why we don't
have the technology to make a hoverboard
are you kidding me you spoiled brat we
live in a day where the biggest thing on
the market is a blanket with sleeves and
you want an actual hoverboard are you
kidding forgive me for being positive
right I tend to agree with him
way let's see Lee uh hold on you spoiled
brat Justin turns macom oh wait no I'm
serious smack them all right guys love
the show come to Chicago you guys a lot
of 44 fans out here my place Justin you
can have the couch and Jeff you can
sleep in the bathtub yet yeah I'm gonna
who in your bathtub yeah all right
that's what you get for put me in the
best of ya take a dump in bed though
Arielle is gonna be in Chicago and he's
gonna come and kick your ass no I'm
kidding Brett does me no I'm not spoiled
okay first of all I'm sorry don't give
me this snuggie thing is like the
greatest American achievement right okay
we have the technology to do however
bored okay no I'll defend you here I'll
come back to you you were saying that
you can't just make a prop of the
hoverboard and release it rolling it the
hover without the hover convergent
origin it's a board that's false
advertising certainly it's called yeah a
board yeah that's elastic that's a
gorgeous body cause like when we're at
comic-con they had that girl
demonstrating what it how it worked yeah
it was like you know it doesn't have
Huffer technology but it does glide
across most surfaces and she literally
just slid it across the right table is
like it is really plastic yeah like this
can also do it this is technically the
same thing overboard to go hover phone
you know and then she handed us this you
know bar of wax and she's like be sure
to wax up whatever it is you're hovering
over yeah lady that is not a hoverboard
yeah first definition of a hoverboard
hummer it's basically a skateboard deck
with it that's exactly what it is anyway
plus there's plenty of technology from
Back to the Future that I also want to
see honestly the self growing bat you
know that that he wasn't that impressive
that was cool I want to see the hydrator
obviously the hydrate is a big deal
level 4 please hydrate thing is huge in
sci-fi movies by the way I was watching
doing pavilion yesterday and she just
sprinkles in like some just she
sprinkles in like a Thanksgiving dinner
yet to a bowl so good and it comes out
yeah piping hot yeah
nice there's a lot of stuff from that is
that what you really want though is that
sound appetizing to you if it tastes the
same yeah imagine hydrating your own
Domino's Pizza like they do you sure can
hydrate a pizza moving along before we
uh quote the entire back to the
visibility what can come the physical
and they will do it you think we're
digging around we'll do it we'll do it
right in front of you um this is more
talk about the stickers hey guys
california from Anisha you guys are
talking about hi guys got new stickers
and I was wondering if we could uh send
in a pre-addressed pre-stamped envelope
to you guys and because it still do that
thing where you send them back all right
whoo like should we figure this out
together collectively right now I mean
the thing that sucks about them too is
that look you gotta like rip them off I
guess it's not why'd you get some real
problems you know maybe and then what
are we gonna do they hear you know yeah
I don't know I guess you know it's not I
don't know first world problem the
self-addressed stamped envelope thing
actually worked it's really not that
much ever did it did these I feel like
these are thicker we're not going to be
able to fit as many in as we used to be
able yeah plus not gonna lie check out
the sticker it doesn't have the website
on there if the people that were
questing stickers from less in that way
already know about the show I know but
we want them to you know alert other
people about them so you're just teasing
people you're showing them but not
sending them yeah we got stickers we'll
figure it out yeah well usually you want
to send a self-addressed stamped on yeah
we're not we're not gonna turn it away
how about that right okay so how about
this if you want to do it you can do it
and using no guarantee he'll sanibel
will do it I'm just saying like if there
might be a better way to do it let me
also say that and there might be new
stickers down there for international
listeners hold off yeah because those
are kind of a problem you know like it's
real i'm sorry to ignore everyone i got
ignoring them for now just hold off for
now and then we'll figure out a better
way to send those to you
domestic requests only please yeah uh in
the meantime I have a Back to the Future
trivia question for you I know it's
totally off topic but i want to see if
you'll get this because i know you're
huge expert is it what you are you gonna
tell me which movie it is or it's a
complete this sentence a quote from the
movie which one though is one two or
three two all right I've got to the
month why say you're gonna get two out
of the three blanks here okay I'm gonna
waiting can I like type no no I need you
to go ahead oh okay I'm gonna do that
yeah here it is yeah hilldale nothing
but a breeding ground for blank blank
and blank filament haha you don't know I
know it is like um buzz heads is one of
them may be no clothes clothes that's it
that's very close to the buyer she's
like nothing but a bunch Hilldale
nothing but I could tell you who says
it's the cop yeah one of the cop it's
the woman Camille cos they're getting
out of the car nothing but a breeding
ground for Lobos Lobos is my god and
there wasn't one of them Sir creeps
lowlifes no no she says something like
it goes no they want to bring around for
some things low lows and some things and
it's not buzzards something heads butt
heads no that's it grid like this is
like up what did you say what zip zip is
it zip it is it that's to my brain gone
for something for drills Chloe grabbed
for something drop trailer bows and
zipheads it does start with a shirt
trash does have tra in a trick it's not
tramps it's tra blank blank s while
you're good I'm already impressed even
if you don't get this one nope you've
already wonder my book I keep living as
if heads yeah f is hidden I know that is
if her head is different um he'll do
nothing but I'm breeding ground for
shrimp trunks trunk tramps trunks is
very close trunk it's one letter off
Trump Trang drinks tranq swag
give me a high five yeah good man mother
then I'm glad we waited 10 minutes on we
don't waste 10 minutes are sick man
hilldale nothing but a breeding ground
for tranqs Lobos and zip heads and none
of those derogatory terms are used not
now nor will they be in three years they
should man that's so awesome and I don't
think the double tie thing is gonna work
out happens I have a I have a sneaking
suspicion that that will not survive
yeah huh that is so cool I didn't cheat
for the record I capitals began eye
contact with a sick I'm psyched on that
one man that just came out of nowhere
well played sir also want to do more of
the the brain teasers thing ok ok so
we're so what we'll do though is uh I
guess a lot of people were like oh hey
you know you guys should put the teasers
at the end of the episode you know so
that you can answer it first thing next
time good so maybe we'll start doing
that next week do that if you've got a
really good brain teaser send them to
how can we do this because we'll all get
that email I don't know we'll figure it
out maybe we'll come up with them and
I'll like alternate you know the three
of us may be giving them out to the rest
of us ok that work out for me um I think
we have one more voicemail this is from
I don't know what's from but it is about
uh oh no I'm sorry it was another sleep
doctor question that we just didn't have
the time to answer yesterday ok yeah so
that next time we're done with those all
right thanks for calling in again that
numbers 866 44 cnet uh what else we got
you want to get to one more co2 the
Batman thing we go okay cool yeah let's
do that so um yeah it's funny like every
day am i right to work i go up Park
Avenue yeah right and now we see there's
like a lot of crappy street art that I
see on the way there sure but I think
the best thing I've seen on a wall is as
giant 150 foot tall mural that's
actually hand painted right like we've
seen all these like new kinds of
advertisements that are all digital
right TV screens everywhere there's very
few hand painted brick wall advert
Vince anymore so if you in fact that
there's a documentary i watch the other
day called up there okay and on the ride
to work today I saw that there was a new
advertisement on there for batman dark
knight rises sure and actually looked it
up and there is a story about how you
paint a hundred and fifty foot tall
Batman have you seen that on
twenty-third and park it's literally
five blocks yeah I've seen is it's all
paint by numbers yeah it's really cool
and I was kind of wondering how they did
it you're right it is a paint-by-numbers
game but the specifics are detailed in
this article and so essentially the
original artist creates it then that
artwork is broken down into a really
simple outline then they actually a poke
holes through that and make a huge
stencil out of it so they can get a
rough outline of what it looks like on
the wall right you know basically so
they know where the elements are sure on
the brick and then they use charcoal to
go through the wall and make that
stencil and then it takes four guys
actually painting from five days in a
row from sunrise to sunset these guys
are like true artist that's insane the
hardest working artists in the world I
believe they were still doing a video
yeah you know so it's not done very
often this is one of the only few places
the other one they have in an orchard
and stanton in the lower east side yeah
those are the only two that I know of in
Manhattan they are so massive yeah I
wonder how much the advertising space
goes for that is such prime real estate
it's facing south on Park Avenue I mean
I like a million people must see it a
month yeah you know remember the other
one we saw was uh Kate Upton about that
wasn't that that wasn't as big write it
and that wasn't painted that was a
little just a billboard yeah but it's
crazy how they do this yeah what's a
shame too is that goes way it goes away
exactly every five to six weeks they
repaint the new one what if it rains
real bad while they're doing it well
they put in a special clear coat acrylic
over it to protect against the elements
it's real I mean you want to talk about
weather though these poor guys have to
elect suffer through his heat wave we're
going down right now we complain about
having to write brisk air you know bacon
sundae yeah these guys have to you know
work 12 hours a day for six days in a
row to get this up yeah and then it
disappears I
I'm blown away by stuff like that that's
really cool uh in the article they talk
about which celebrity they've painted
the most on this wall oh who was we
think that is uh wooden in autonomous
recently all ryan gosling no but Chevy
Jane tanning fadem chasing Tatum no none
Channing Tatum yeah that senses names
and worse it's uh Johnny Depp oh and
they talk about what is the most
difficult movie that Johnny Depp has
been in to paint all one of the Pirates
one uh no no it's uh Allison wunderland
all his hat yeah crazy had in all the
different portion a like that was the
most difficult to replicate on the wall
interesting yeah all before we go I want
to show everyone this tweet I put up yes
I wanna get everyone's opinions
including you I just threw it in under
that Batman story arm yesterday are for
I believe Donnie Jones Danny Jones I
don't know how you pronounce it I think
he's like of a former uh NFL player mmm
he was flying out of New York yesterday
and if you're on the East Coast you saw
the biblical storm that hit our region
crazy it was insane my dumbass had to go
play dead space 3 for a little bit so I
walked out in this thing my shoes were
instantly soaked my socks instantly so
yeah um anyway this dude is was taking
off and he was able to snap a photo of
the incoming storm okay so let's this is
an unbelievable photo it looks like a it
looks like a quarter mile wide tornado
yeah but that's just how thick the rain
was my thing so what I tweeted out last
night was that yet this is a great photo
but isn't this the perfect example of
when not to use an Instagram filter I
mean come on like I can't even tell you
know it's ridiculous why they did why
did he do this it looks cool but you
can't tell a lot of the details in the
clouds or even the city because it's
blurred by whatever uh yeah antique
filters on this so he puts this filter
on it in the New York Times retweets it
and it gets like 20,000 views in a few
that's fine but is this not the poster
child for when not to use an Instagram
filter but it still looks cool you know
what like I would almost argue that the
outline of that tornado shape might not
have been as clear without the Instagram
photo I mean without seeing the original
but that's that's thing so basically
what this leads me to say is that I
think everyone should be able to see the
original Instagram photo like I think
you should be able to when you look at
that photo in Instagram and I love this
is how he did it but if if if that's
what you do and and you send that after
Instagram and you view it through
Instagram you should be able to take the
filter off see it the way it was
originally taken rapport subsequently
put your put a different filter on it
you mean refill turret refill turret or
unfiltered yeah you know there should be
a button for that I agree i think that's
bright this is still a good photo though
are you disputing that I mean when you
first saw if you didn't know that
Instagram existed you'd still be
impressed by the yeah I thought the
falling out when I saw the photo I way
occasion I went whoa yeah like that then
I said wait a minute this would probably
look even better if it didn't have this
stupid-ass filter all right right
because that pretty much negates the
camera quality of the iphone that took
it in the first exactly and I'm sure
that's what he took it with ya you know
so I I don't think he took this with the
blackberry bold right you know I mean
that so I don't know I think don't get
me wrong at at comic-con I was rocking
that filter on yeah and thing I was I
was doing it I did it I did a bunch of
times they like eight or nine times yeah
whatever it worked out went then
harlequin is one thing though right or
NATO over Manhattan like that is more
special and I'm and I I wonder if he's
bummed out because he's like oh man I
really should have taken a normal photo
this yeah no one's ever gonna believe me
you know I don't know that's that's
that's how I think cherrim seems like
they they're sort of agreeing with me I
don't know people on Twitter sure what
did you tweet this guy asking for the
original photo ah no I just I I just
tweeted him you know I i mentioned him
in my tweet yeah um and then and then
that all right let's get out of here
what do you say okay um again get in
touch with us let us know what you think
about the new sort of setup we've got
going on if you're listening to the or
you're watching the video rather and
also let us know how the audio for the
audio only version sounds today we're
trying out a few new things and
hopefully that is improved from the last
couple of days that's going to do it for
us for the week again no program
tomorrow we'll be back on Monday with a
brand new week of five shows so get
psyched for that and I believe we're
going to get Katie linendoll back as
well that's always fun what do you know
you're glad to know that yeah so I don't
tell you anything and I know I know all
right 866 44 cnet is our phone number or
you can email us the 404 at cnet com
even get to get to the video voice mess
today maybe on monday if you want to
participate in that get yourself on
youtube send us the link and most likely
will play it on the show that's going to
do it for us today we'll see you on
Monday I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin
you it's the 404 high-tech lowbrow we
will see you on Monday have a great
weekend guys
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