
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Ep. 974: Where we **** the ****

it's Wednesday January 1820 low 1220 podia this is the 404 show on CNN TV thanks for tuning in I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm Justin you and this is the show where we the that's it s like a blank blank that's our protest for today today's a big day in the internet if you have no idea what like super or Pipper is can you go a pitch pipe pipe of I call Peppa ok this is our protest here we go you widescreen you're on the internet and you don't know what it is you're gonna know today yeah bacardi it's all over the place today yeah all right so stop Online Privacy Act that's the Senate bill uh Piper is the House bill that's the protect intellectual property act i believe yeah um they're essentially you know copyright holder copyright holders including our parent company CBS right so a full disclaimer CBS is in favor of it correct well maybe I major Hollywood companies a lot of big media you know conglomerates cuz they spend a lot of money right I'm not necessarily 44 but they spend a lot of money now understanding the there's been a lot of money like you know movies and things like that and you know understandably they want to protect their intellectual property but before we even get into Weiss yes oppa is inherently wrong right I well I mean I heart it's hard right major portion Horton I do it's not it's inherently wrong it's a nearly right about that you're protecting I was gonna say that arm the the thing I have the biggest problem with is that this is only happening because of lobbying right so like if before this that's how everything gets understand but before but there's no other uh medium that that really is behind this other than or Hollywood live I was a main player in this in this order you know a lot of she don't realize that like the media industry in general um is the nation's biggest export right like we you know other countries actor oil other countries export you know all sorts of things like anne-marie we export mean export vampire movie exactly true blood right uh and CSI I remember like when I lived in China very briefly I there are channels that play nothing but Chinese CSI like actual like Chinese people dubbing Overland uh the American version of it but it's a huge huge industry obviously pays our paycheck right arm and we you know we get obviously very upset when like somebody grabs your text or text puts it on their site ranges the byline but should definitely be shut down that's the question so like the reason why you know people can reasonable people can say hey if you spent money and the time to create something you should own the copyright you should have so you know protection around it where it gets a little grey is fair use for example um you know like what's fair for one person may not be fair for another and then you know not everybody's a lawyer so it's hard to decipher when something is right the fair use k the problem is that these legislations basically do blanket sort of the interrelations e-government are on you know unprecedented power essentially to censor the web in a very very blunt way so there are provisions in both acts that essentially allow the government based on you know if someone makes a complaint or on their own accord to pull the domain names from the DNS system of an offending website that effectively shuts it down like you could conceivably get to it via like an IP address or right or something like that and there are actually been some workarounds where you know in a firefox browser Google for example if you type in an address that's the head their domain pulled it'll actually look it up in another database but like the way the internet works this is the no main don't name may name sis domain don't domain yeah you said donate donate don't domain name domain right and every time you type in an address like cnet com it essentially looks it up in a phone book and directs you to the correct IP address yeah the government is going to get the power if someone makes a complaint to essentially pull your dns entry from the database and that's where like really really big problems can happen like for example reddit reddit Wikipedia google all protesting SOPA because they link out to offending sites sure they show previews of it sure reddit actually host some content that might be cut you know right i mean it thi just I don't know I think there's a lot of gray area stuff in the biggest problem everyone has with this is like we mentioned earlier it's just very generalized everything in this shotgun is just like our it's just like a spray in praise I uh let's put out this fire with you know yeah in certain relax search engines are obviously the Google is is hugely in not in favor of this legislation because now they have to actively if they block a site right they have to continuously monitor that removed from their data it's not a very practical I mean okay so let me say let me be like the opposite sure sure be the Dickens are you know there are good arguments on behalf of so but they're just I think doing it in a wrong way you know they're obviously targeting a lot of user-submitted web sites like Reddit YouTube but we can all plainly say that those websites do host content that's illegal yeah if you want to find it you can do it and and but but to that point there are provisions in place for that stuff to get app right taken down and they should really be targeting websites like megaupload or wrath sides are you host the file but you could I mean yes the majority the vast majority of the traffic on say something like megaupload is not know what Megan I don't know a video you know yeah uh is not necessarily some you know free like fair use or also upload is supposed to be for ya what are the legal yeah yeah I'd be interested to see some sort of infographic wrestling how much of their traffic is is usual jitter yeah right I think they advertise themselves is like a service would you say large files right you don't know yet we were you know there are a lot of industries that send huge files back and forth through two offices every day gitam it sir i'm sure it up a nice chunk of it is legitimate right right and now I mean it they're definitely legitimate uses but this is a hue huge blunt tool and I think for a lot of people where it really really just sort of irks them a lot and it gets so point where their protest people shutting down websites you know millions of dollars are being spent to stop this right the biggest reason why is because there's no due process right it's just the instant ban yet literally like peak what the government has the power they won't necessarily exercise the government but that's the thing is not about whether or not they will it's giving them the option to and that's the problem yeah I mean giving them the well giving giving the government the power to shut something down I don't think is out of the realm of you know the purview of government but as long as I mean if they can throw you in jail they can shut something down right but as long as it's is a judicial process right and there's some sort of uh you know discovers a judge or somebody just be go before somebody well I was reading that you could actually appeal you're blacklisting if you end up on that I'm sure it's not you know obviously you know when websites even miss one day of coverage their readership goes down with essentially isn't losing a ton of oil you know in may imagine how much money reddit makes every single day yeah there is no worrisome there in a lotta dated in you know that that leads into this sort of the second part of the conversation is today it again a lot of websites are protesting SOPA right by blocking their site they're black and not just like geo cities yeah okay talking if you go to is a huge black bar over the logo although I think for people not the tech industry they're gonna be wondering what the hell Google's doing no I just leave issue like on right exactly we're at a point that's obviously the more but I mean I I mean a lot of sites are a little bit more explicit about why they it was always very of cinematic sure yeah you know I don't think I don't have a problem with it it's usually where people just click the google doodle and then that gives them more info on in so now if you click this it'll send you to a page where you can contact your congressional representative is that the best solution by the way if if you know like an individual citizen wants to get involved here I mean it's working it's working yeah do you think that's it's working a little bit you can do it i mean this is a huge much bigger topic than the full force never discussed but at the end of the day it cost so much money to run for Congress in uh it's I would say it's near impossible not to be in the pocket of you know special interest groups or major corporations or people who just don't necessarily have your interests as a consumer okay or like a you know a free speech or content creator out there but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still sign those online petition go right you're definitely go ahead and do that I I mean I be very surprised if this actually gets past but you know it's only because of the grassroots efforts by people like with Wikipedia and Google to go out there and inform like the masses because otherwise they could be like oh this is just a nerd issue right right i mean that's that's what happens like dmca and a lot of sort of other legislation oh it's just a nerd issue like net neutrality you try to explain that to laymen and you know just look eyes literally like gloss over and they fall asleep for sure so yeah but you know that i was actually going to roger cheng earlier today about the whole black out for a lot of website what's interesting is beyond read it read it was really good about this beyond ready you can access most of the sites on their mobile version or their mobile app interesting so I I'd be interested in sort of like you know I think it might actually bump up like mobile and app traffic just a little bit today mm-hmm at the very that's what the grand scheme is to get the mobile ad traffic up um did you guys read about how the creator of SOPA apparently pirated some of this yeah background images on his own website it prior to so but be even being written yes what's is name again Lamar something I think it's lamar lamar smith i guess he's the he's a representative from Tennessee yeah so I guess if you haven't heard about this this is a pretty ironic story then it's what turned my attention to soap a more serious way after i saw this apparently before stop was written this congressman lamar smith he on his website he had a background image that did not credit a photographer that initially took it and this was like a background image of some shrubs in nature and i don't know i just thought it was really funny that he didn't even have a Creative Commons license haha image that's another photographer too hilarious why because it's ironic yeah it's definitely erotic and it also goes back to like that issue of okay you know it's like music for example yeah you can get the rights to the performance but then you have to get composer writes you have to get that yeah right like it's a much more complicated issue then oh I'm goody-two-shoes I will never pirate anything my life right and when cutting someone's Liron they want to take down like a kid dancing to a song or so what was it like I mean that happens like every I understand but am I or one of the major music labels because like a radio was playing in the background Brett will like pull youtube video yeah I don't know and how did how did they deal with cassette tapes when they first came out they wanted to create some old relation to add like a fish tax to it I wanted to ban I remember they wanted a band VHS VCRs video I think that was in the radio and cassette and they wanted a ban like the first mp3 players to like the Rope the Rio and how can actually in Canada there was if you bought like a mp3 player there's actually a text it's added to it to compensate the music company for time I don't know how long that lasted but I mean the same thing with blank cds they tried to do the same thing cassettes they tried to do the same thing yeah I mean it R it's like many ways to record media now I mean it I mean when you really think about it though it's like how is it any different than inviting a friend over to watch a movie that you bought right right or letting someone borrow a book after you're done reading see that's that's fair use but then you know what's the difference like you know that would be okay if you invited like me over to your house but if I was like hey i have a huge awesome you know projection screen auditorium in my basement i'm bringing over thirteen fourteen people and why just really Minority Report I'm gonna record it on my video no no it's cool but that'd be cool if I just like screening at my house it's is why this is very common you know every time like the Super Bowl happened somebody will mention this uh-huh um but like churches or yeah sometimes bars this is a very very great area they have the the game right like that like the sunday ticket thing yet and like having ten people over like that's fine having 50 people were that's reliable 400 people my bar right now we're all watching Giants San Francisco gave up for now exactly that's where it's now on great yeah yeah you don't we don't know I don't know I don't think the law has as caught up to technology that's the problem yeah they're people truck is Laurie or clearly misinformed though are they not or they're just getting with people the wrong people are whispering in their ears I I think it's more the latter I mean like these are bright people when all they're not stupid I don't see the internet just see like Greek into like matrix letters I mean they just but you know like if he if you really consider like the amount of legislation passed a lot of the you know literal text is got from you know interest groups have you read that you really read any of the fine print in this thing it reads like stereo instructions super it's super vague it's super uh you know you can infer anything you really want out of the language well you know and you know the the the bills try to make a distinction between domestic and foreign sites but even say something like cnet right where we may own the domain in the US but if you're in Europe the server that actually send you the content may actually be located in London right so does the US government have the power to block a server sitting in London hmm you know like things like that I mean it sounds like a lot of fun guy but it's good but apparently you know things are getting a little delayed but the thing is is like I feel like once they delay it nor they like shelve SOPA for a little bit then like sneak it back in and cold like boba and everyone will be like bob was cool man i'm now something like the you know i love america act yeah very cold like it why you hate America like they're against the I love America literally be called free music for all and somehow put you in jail for five bridges renewing karaoke I go back at ya house karaoke okay because uh that's not the actual as long as they don't touch karaoke yeah I'm finally you know isn't there a good chance that Obama will just veto this bill if it ended up at so the White House there he's already against it how do we have anything to worry about realistically I mean I I thought I think we do I mean especially with the twenty twelve election coming up yeah a lot of people be talking a lot of other stuff right but don't you write and I think everyone needs to worry like i said about it going away and then flying in under the radar yeah but uh Wilson's right the White House is as come out very vocally against right which is good in comforting yeah by the way michelle obama's birthday was yesterday oh so that's something we share it was also uh Jim Carrey's birthright and zooey deschanel well and then Frankel that's the bat spin Frank that's right cool boxer joke no I don't know about zooey deschanel wouldn't really be walking down the street bragging about that also my dad really was on the same birthday yeah oh you're right that is certainly odd anytime they birthday Joe you do you I like it will take a break when we come back we'll stop with the soap stuff get back to a few other stories uh stick around and we'll be right back with a lot more fun on the 404 seeing a second Oh for mr effers the show where we all sing song what score check the fence I'm not much maybe later like it boom yep oh I a function solution but I'm Randy do all your mother's request what you should welcome back to the 404 show man I'm not gonna lie give crows more credit we just watched a video of a crow that seemed to be deliberately sledding down a roof covered in snow without a whole lot to do in Russia well it's not even that yes the people watching not you know this bird doodle or Birds doesn't but think about it you know usually they associate birds small brains or yes that looked like the bat kro was doing it for the thrill I seem like I got back on the snow lifts and then the it looked like it was and that's what's brilliant yeah I feel like once birds realize all man not having to walk back up the mountain to slide right is sick it's genius genius think about it you could ski down a mountain and fly back up like in 30 seconds if I could rely out just fly why would i anyway there's a thrill there's a thrilling going now this guy hates being in the air the floor sucks it hey man that that's a very interesting video check out the show notes for that cool I wanna wear something when we're at CES and you know we're doing the show obviously when we toss to a break we play the you listen to the poor forever effers from you know Jon Coulton what are you talking about uh it was just funny because I remember going backstage after the show and everybody like the first thing people would say to me after our first show was that sounds a whole lot worse when it's on a giant PA I don't know if it does I don't know if I agree with you I think it's so uh uh charming yeah and and benign that it just wrote it just goes in one ear out the other with the silky smooth you know for us we do it is like 500 times try almost a thousand I don't even hear it anymore like living by a train I think it's great I think it's I think it's great i love that Jon Coulton unknowingly is letting you name two are you so but a destroy us yay good nobody was very very aware that we recorded he was and he got recorded which how are you able to block out these words on your facebook update I was not cool I mean this is like a very money I stole that uh can we cut that Mike you don't put on my face we go to my Twitter if you want why people know what your facebook name is occasionally gonna get to surgery and then how did you do this yeah you like that you put black bars / letters which I can only imagine our customers isn't it like a character yeah yeah it's a sort of blind character yeah yeah deal with the internet brother fans guess what first dammit yeah stay on the internet also blow my mind Jeff playing black eyed peas experience like this your facebook is full of incriminating photos this this I this I we have no really plain black eyed peas expensive effing hypocrite I don't want to talk about this the show where we go through Jess Facebook voice is your live on air this is my nightmare no but uh yeah well let's not worry that's the past the past is the past features now okay speaking of the future tomorrow right oh let's just move on tomorrow you're doing that all to that Vegas as our uh well tomorrow is a apples New York media event a lot of people are speculating it's about textbooks uh we are on the floor for gonna actually do something we've almost never done before we'll just start to show two hours earlier at ten a.m. tomorrow wait what yeah you know oh yeah we're probably gonna start around nine fifty a.m. eastern time check it out senior that calm / live or see no TV com wherever you want to hit it up it will be a live casting during the apple press conference yep yep our own Bridget Carey is going to be there live blogging we're still trying to confirm whether we can shoot stream live yeah but that's probably not can happen no um in the meantime though like you'll be able to listen to the 404 will give you live updates and seen its very own david carr noi will be on the show we don't yeah we haven't talked to David yes I don't know if he's gonna do Plus don't forget man we have a broken Mike what we had that Mike's broken so I don't know you know it's gonna be almost though he's just gonna be reading the whole sure sure that even knows a thing or two about books right i mean i've wrote something about that yeah it'll be fun so he may be on the show tomorrow to talk about you know apples textbook events uh you know for tomorrow a lot of people are speculating that it will be GarageBand for e-books allowing anybody who wants to self-publish to create their own ebook with fancy covers with nicely laid out text on their home computer and have it published the iBooks how about that sounds good well I mean it I think it's that's one component the other component is they've partnered up according to The Wall Street Journal with mcgraw-hill to do some sort of textbook program where college students or even high school or middle and elementary school students might be able to get all their you know school books on their iPad instead of Act having to lug around 50 pounds with a book it will literally cure scoliosis cuz you in a in overnight and did you I mean I do you guys have to carry like the giant backpacks when you were in high school I feel like I still do from John backpacker yeah my back is all screwed up I need some sort of brace oh I'm pretty sure kids now have those rolly luggage yeah but I hate those things my house ever when people in high school used to have those and like you would just get made fun of well know that those were kids that were actually using luggage to carry though now kids have backpacks that just happen to have wheels jansport hole yeah I don't like those because they follow you like three feet behind you and you I always trip over them I was all about cinching my backpack up really jeopardize like on my neck yeah yes I think that was started like way above your neighbor a rocket pack cool way to like wear a backpack was to keep it like really almost um sagging like you know that's not i just said the opposite of that I know that's why I said the cool way like that wasn't the cool i know i remember there were some people who did that they would wear their jansport sound again only were and they would like kicking everybody I walked oh yeah wait I'm out I don't think I said there had a toilet is gonna worry Jesus that's where is ur day endless in the chatroom says textbooks need to die why is paying two hundred dollars for basically renting ancient tech acceptable got a point about that man it I mean you know textbooks are are in grossly overpriced and I that they're grossly overpriced well I mean like considering they actually have to be printed and right but how much is it doesn't call four hundred dollars to print a biology textbook I remember this in uh in middle school in high school uh our textbooks i remember my teacher saying like oh the state's change their standards or like this didn't actually happen or this is an important anymore internal history curriculum yeah curriculum and you know is always weird because it's like okay this book was from five years ago and supposedly we were we suppose be number one and we're supposed to educate our students the best we have like textbooks that are five years out of date when you also went to a school in Tennessee where I only assume means that all they said was that the south I can tell the Jeffers refers to the north as yank yeah unions and the South won the war oh good I've been the oppressive Abraham Lincoln right came along time to shut it down you were very not I'm like so shoddy nonsense yeah the Emancipation something stupid something stupid that yeah that is quite awkward for me in their school history although jgi danna see the losers write the history but right now we're kidding we love Tennessee in all of our southern states but no it's true wouldn't it be nice to have a textbook updated in real time yeah that would be awesome plus you know i remember teachers like making this huge effort to wheel in the liquid laser disc printer pepper in it but laser display right to play some stupid video sure why not have it built straight into the ipad their words more interactive spin a molecule doesn't have to be an ipad 2 let's get that out there can be any surface tablet device okay doesn't need to be in iphones really like who owns something else someone will make something okay maybe maybe maybe you know I'm going to be more affordable for them to all be kindle fires would not be more affordable the taxpayers money goes go right up by a lot more kindle fires and they could buy ipads unless it won't get texts sale sex whatever it is you know what's right come on yeah it's true a lot cheaper you buy two Kindles for the price of one I've been as you choose smart that's too educated children as opposed to warn elitist yes that's true I do own an item jerk I do look I own an iPad because I bought when I like an eye for the but they're talking about a four year old kid no student left behind yeah I would imagine the cheaper device that everyone can you know afford rather go to we can argue the prices of that but i think that the bigger story though is yeah like an ipad the cost of ipad sounds like a lot but once you factor in textbooks and then even like the medical costs but we're joking around earlier scoliosis not cheap to fix right so i think at the end of the day like having tablets of any sort is going to be a net benefit for could you imagine just your entire school career eliminating that heavy books that'd be awesome if they reckon about an ipad is your freshman year that you had to give back i would still carry a notebook now you and Carrie nope you can almost see why like it's like now I wouldn't write every right now before the computer existed I can see why this is also a smart thing for Apple to really jump into yeah cuz you reel them in young it's really hard to get them to switch platforms later all right that's smart that's what you would do if you r an apple right but paper bags like paper bag covers they were whole seminars after we got our techniques on how to wrap a book with a paper grocery bag was that you you got your booking in school and then they're like hey do us a favor cover that yeah these are printing special book wrappings sponsored by the army do you ever know Wow oh yeah when the ROTC would come by yeah so bizarre strange they're gonna have that for the ipad nothing was as good as burbank oh no and did your local right newspaper so that all right a what is it what is this what is a third world country easily the in due time if uh don't remember there was some grocery bags from from from supermarkets that would put the subject field right on the bed right so you if you fall in way you would have it on the million yeah guess what sopa would take that away we gotta take one more break when we come back a lot more 404 we get some calls from the public and all that fun stick around see in a second this is the 404 mr effers the show where we all sing songs justice is realizing I'm sorry jokes at tenean don't worry you want me to give you a week I'll call you up Oh stun to be or 930 tomorrow I had to get up at nine I'm gonna be using a bluetooth earpiece in my bed sleeping I'm not the worst idea ever if we were all asleep in bed they came out they announced some textbook creator you can edit the book and you can buy it on newsstand now Bridget Carey and now Bridget gay no budgetary will yawn four minutes haha we have to say about that car annoying okay but do wash oh yeah please do I know it's gonna be fun because because even if it's a boring press conference which it probably will be we'll make it fun yeah that's what we do we ease the pain of watching an apple textbook exactly Prescott oh my god cool that it's gonna be the Guggenheim though right meu it could have had it at some stupid like convention center like a javits or something which would have been totally unexcited me man hella the Guggenheim can't be cheap to rent out the Guggenheim the goose goose hey we wrap over to come in and rent out the goo yeah decent taste when it comes there I there a classy group they're classy group of magicians over there they could have done Madame Tussauds right they literally Ripley's Believe in San Francisco I'd be perfect there's one in New York City really yeah or the wax museum yeah oh you know the sex museum is right around the corner oh that's right I'll be so inappropriate hahaha casting beneath the midair refueling hahaha then statue of the two dolphins doing it looks like a mid-air if you blow hole to the blow yeah we know nothing left to the imagination here oh man that's fun you know we'll bring in bagels tomorrow it'll be good we'll have a nice little breakfast what are called on a little apple live blog live cast and whatever you want to call it it'll be a good time so tune in tomorrow that will kick all kind but we've got uh what we got some calls from the public you guys want to hear some of that yeah let's do that time to show the love 18 6404 scenic alright so calls from the public time everybody we have a call dealing specifically with let me load up my notes here up about okay this transparent window thing by Samsung we're talking about yesterday you guys you guys screwed the pooch on this one wait what yeah you guys are all wrong and not what I said was right but understand some smart one yeah guess what listen to this alright let's listen to it hey what's up guys this is DC from Greg uh I was just checking out the podcast that you guys did on Monday and uh i was i was working about why you guys in color smart TV too I mean smart window sorry um well yeah but in case you guys didn't like fully look at the product demo it is actually a trance parent when see there's no camera on the other side it's in screen it's in glass whatever technology yes it's in there I mean dude literally put his hand on the back side of the thing and rub it off on the other side literally a transparent that's what I know it's not you what I don't show people said oh that's what I mention careful timing back like there was some kind of invisibility clue time out you're both idiots and you're both wrong cuz you're both guilty of saying i miss information you over there Justin you be gay you said to me going pointing at it's like those cloak of you know clock what was it the invisibility cloak they use in the army this is what transparent you know uh uh uniforms and stuff like that the cat explaining it without good just working like an actual transparent window yes it's the working window then you had me going like it was some Cameron on my bruises not get berated by you right your son is that's how he's gonna get buried I know what if he doesn't score five yeah seriously no it's a didn't we say it was a one side as we said it was a two sided mirror right that doesn't mean it's not a trend winner transparent looking at it right now you screwed collar John right yeah just screwed the pooch is screwed and wants a call back okay so thanks a lot during the day it's ambient light works as a backlight with to traditional edge lighting sources for nighttime use yeah during the day it's transfer so odd how you cook that her hand right through it not the window tell TV to actually stick your hand out of the window I don't know if it's one of those can you open the window that's the point of a window right otherwise it's just a transparent wall don't change the subject I'm not I'm just asked what happens when you have bars in like a screen behind your window yeah oh my god oh god Samsung's really thinking about somethings it easily gonna Jack that TV right no one would know it's a window that haha computer halt its smart if it can't do what a normal window does does and it's got like digital shades to message you can see through it doesn't make it a window this fight is a glass this fight is not over and I guess on the other side of the fence hear someone saying we did a good job at CES hey guys this is Queen some more so I just like they love the next broadcast last week great job you guys even though with a mosquito sound right there's a mosquito sound the whole time the odd ringing we all heard it was fine I thought it was a great feature it's a new addition we was great you know it's a great little test tone that we wanted to like it a lot yeah when Brady was like this sounds great next all you know for for this is southbury from Jay this message is for mr. bakel are on the obvious movie titles dumbing down of America front new film man on a ledge yep about that how about that stupid man yeah I'm sorry but these are becoming way more popular all pretty bad young adult yeah the devil inside no the devil insides okay I mean that's literally about a devil inside somebody though I understand why are you a metaphor for like a feeling or emotional well there's actually devil in that thing that hits me okay so so devil inside that's okay because you can sort of interpret that any way you want when they show the trailer for man on a ledge the last image they go did you see a guy on a Ledge and it goes black and like men on the ledge and you're just like man okay I just saw a guy on a Ledge you're gonna call it man on a ledge that when he had a movie when it's that one it's like back to back like that just slapping in the face be like hey idiot wake up and go out and see this movie that's when I become offended but that doesn't make a movie inherently bad just because the name is no it doesn't i haven't seen this film but apparently like the artist won a bunch of Golden Globes yeah yeah like I mean it's not just it's not just mainstream Hollywood like everybody's embracing the let's just name the movie whatever whatever it is yeah Jurassic Park 4 will just be dialing dinosaurs eating humans yeah it's getting bad I'm happy with it makes really yes things much it easy to choose which movie to go well that's what I kept saying people are just like oh let me see the you know the new dinosaur movie yeah it's called the new dinosaur movies yeah there's your ticket here and buy this 30 pound bucket of popcorn you know like I can I can understand a little bit because you sometimes there's a little too far on the other side right like a movie like case 39 nobody knows that it right yeah like you you have no idea it could be a detective story it could be the hospital thing 40 cases even about anything can be a game show yeah it could be literally anything yeah alright what the fight continues keep saying those in i love them people are getting aware that stuff finally hey guys this is Baltimore from big rob and call fail on Thursdays crabs great CES up to that point yes girl from a lowball sonic questions they couldn't get it Wayne Brady we got oh you know he wasn't on the answers so he's saying the sonic the hedgehog questions that we did on Thursday were a little too low they were low balls they were they were softballs I guess or someone who plays a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog but I didn't know any of those befuddle no idea I was actually wondering what the answers you had no idea what you're like what would you use what is this do we not know what the answer but no people initially not a lot of people raised their hand with dance once they were a little scared too yeah if they're scared i just think seemed like no one we had the camera on them yeah a little intimidating you're the prize is kind of set what are you to what I surprises your awesome prizes from great actual video recipes don't forget about that come on what are you trying to do to us here we also gave out like hoodies and shirts and for sure are you still get a lot of emails about those hoodies do you think we still have two tons of shirts that we didn't go away where are those made us carry these giant boxes of t-shirts must have been like 30 pounds apiece for it was 40 45 model yeah okay so close you like 23 pounds yeah well then we gave away three t-shirts I'd say seven if you want to i will send you one gentles personally say okay we'll make that happen but better yet give us a call 866 44 cnet or you can email us the 44 at cnet com alright guys do we get those shirts back or they just is there like as the entire like homeless population in Las Vegas outfitted in scene III don't know I don't want to you know how do we get that back to New York so yeah do we have those shirts Wilson do you know God doesn't know uh every stripper in Vegas way I see it I still think there are plenty to go around though so we'll see you guys tomorrow again 950 eastern time for the apple press conference will be taking care of it live and probably have a show right after that right yeah lot of 4 for tomorrow we'll see you then I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm trusting you it's a 44 high-tech lowbrow have a great when so after I figured I will figure it out
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