The 404 Ep. 989: Where a rose can bloom in the desert
The 404 Ep. 989: Where a rose can bloom in the desert
it's Wednesday februari 8 2012 you've
tuned into the 404 show on CNN TV I'm
Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm
Justin you this is the show where a rose
can bloom in the desert yes it certainly
can you see you Livvy it's good really
did I've just been on this three amigos
binge and I can't say it's not because
of our e Boyce mail from yesterday that
we got our non screen voicemail why
didn't we check with someone that had to
be someone in the off believe it or not
nobody that I know here's the expand
'ish also pretty sure the word PP isn't
an actual Spanish for appellant you to
be inferred what that meant anyway well
we'll get to that later that's funny
though it is funny we have a lot of
spanish-speaking uh fans who call made a
huge mistake and told us that they
laughed so hard milk came out of their
nose they weren't even drinking though
so uh coming from all ends yeah we'll
get to that in the third part of the
program today thanks for tuning in to
our show we've got a great show planned
even though I lie when I say that what
we have nothing planned a rundown house
any different it's not different but
that's that's the charm of the show
that's what give me always described
sometimes these describe the show is the
seinfeld the podcast yeah it's not about
nothing yeah you really are el jefe from
that's what I am El Guapo yeah URL hair
yeah all right so good el jefe jefe
means boss in Spanish oh it doesn't yeah
okay yeah I know the language only when
it matter you know did you take Spanish
in high school I did five years and you
know boss in the box yeah those fine and
I know in biblioteca oh right Basu herro
the Afghan donde SE bano right most of
my spin I took Spanish in high school
but most of mine I picked up actually
living in Florida she's like everybody
is like hat have to say to suspect yeah
stahl esta el gato and mis pantalones
there's a catch your pants yes
Spanish baby inside the loading human
tires you took AP Spanish and you didn't
know what was being said yesterday I I
mean he said really quickly it's been 30
years since I've been in high school
yeah even though 30 years 65 years old
you are 65 you are the old man of the
404 don't you know it oh no it's frozen
again what are our livestream about what
else is new all about that so yeah
obviously we're we're keeping that in
the back of our mind we're trying to get
that fixed so uh you know everyone is
watching Life go to use dream because
it's working no matter okay let's just
get back into temporary salut uh what's
going on today what we want to talk
about let's talk about watching TV yeah
what do you think that if you guys had
to guess what do you think is the world
record for the most hours spent watching
TV in a row what do you think it is well
does that actually watch how many hours
yet is that actually watching not going
to sleep I bathroom breaks all they do
that content yeah yeah I remember seeing
a story about this years ago where they
like put like 12 people in the room who
claim they can watch TV non stop writing
only allowed like was with like five
minute naps or right exactly given
buckets to urinate in etc yeah they get
really yeah he in the and your ice cream
look away no you can't look away it's
like you know project in Clockwork
Orange oh my god Blaire lows pin your
eye and if you gotta go number two
you're still sort of just sitting there
depends well you are sitting literally
depends you have to wear it depends oh
no no but seriously what do you guys
think is the World Record the Guinness
world record for most consecutive okay
under those circumstances I'm going
under a honey it's under horrible 720
I'll say 72 hours it's a eighty six
hours huh uh you're close eighty six
hours six minutes and 41 seconds that is
trying to be and then the person died
then the bricklayer uh no but the
there's a marathon challenge right now
to beat that world record um it's in an
effort to beat it for the Simpsons 500th
oh really yeah so there so the 500th
episode is coming up for the simpsons
and in Hollywood today if you live in
the LA area you could head down to
hollywood and highland park at
five-thirty p.m. today and people will
be trying to spend a four day long
marathon trying to beat this 86 our
record well you gotta have your goals
yeah how do they have a Guinness people
there to actually check like whether
anybody like Phil's yeah yep yep gimme
will be on record with the clipboard and
uh problem Red Bulls to make sure known
falls asleep hey you know good for these
people if they can afford to take the
time off and do this yes crap you know
like more power it sounds like a it
sounds really cool sounds like
especially if you're like a big Simpsons
fan but I feel like the the moment you
walk into this I guess it's a park right
yeah no it's not a park it's an actual
bit take an office it's an office it's
on highland park though you sort of lose
that like camaraderie and like the the
challenge you have to like sign away the
rights your life in case you die I
imagine yeah I'm assuming you forfeit
any kind of employment that you
previously had as well right hey I need
to take about five days off to watch the
simpsons straight right and they're like
sure please here's a man who's a bonus
if they were smart they would have held
this on april twentieth they're just
saying just saying that was probably
home just a thought yes is there any
kind of show that you guys have ever
watched consecutively you know like they
did in college they did the when the
final Lord of the Rings movie yes I was
about to say kareena road yeah like the
extended editions they they ran in a
theater and it everybody bought like
sleeping bag yeah nobody thought they
were make it there yeah yeah yeah it's
what the same when you consider to wake
the whole the metreon they showed all
three movies in a row but obviously you
could leave whenever you watch her the
restroom it wasn't about a record brick
right do right but I did stay it took
like 12 hours because it was the uncut
version uh-huh and so each movies like
four hours long is ridiculous yeah
that's crazy to me I drank that Lord of
the Rings kool-aid real nice and I even
bought that crazy ridiculous five discs
each movie yet the extending his leather
no thing I've never even watched I feel
like that's like the last real DVD I
ever bought yeah like was like the Lord
of the Rings Return of the King the last
one that was it like not gonna do it
again la does a lot of time to watch
these guys walking around but and
spectacle movie isn't it it is a lot of
walking around the thing that upsets me
is the Eagles wait what and I know I'm
not the first person to say this I know
what the arguments been made yeah but
what the f what Gandalf at the end comes
in writing on an eagle he's like hey you
guys should have taken this
transportation right I only took me
three days and days I can literally flew
from more like in no time and I'm a damn
blizzard you really just have to like
that inner door about there like all
than bouncier like I don't know I'm just
making crap up we made up a name I guess
I don't know but it's like one of those
like the the the nerdy back up like plot
hole comes in I don't know but you could
say that if they all rode in on an eagle
then there's a possibility that sour on
that evil I would have seen them coming
into Mordor I like that I think that's
the argument I family make yeah right
plus who knows what the weight capacity
for that eaglewood right down there I
don't know hobbits you can touch like
read Guinness like four times the size
of any Hobbit yeah any skinny as hell do
and I have like a Gandalf body this you
are gandolfi yeah you're one length
agenda look in person good ha alright so
i will find out i guess in a couple of
days whether that uh that record gets
broken by the simpsons be ill if it was
I just hope nobody dies because of it
this is too easy though I mean the
simpsons is a relatively easy show to
watch for four days in a reg you know
like if they really wanted to make it
difficult it would have been I don't
know like what's a good terrible TV show
I just been on way too long yeah
something like that I don't know yeah
teen Queens I mean even a good show for
a while it's tough to watch although I
blew through all the episodes of
arrested development in like wow yeah
too weak ease it was nothing oh I was
easy should have made it everybody loves
raymond I know I'm with you all the
others is like
yes whole time in store yeah my
brother's real toys haha I can't believe
I live moved in next to my paramour on
how did you do that yeah why would you
do that Carlos Mencia marathon that's
what would ya oh yeah job you are
correct talk about an awful television
can't leave any sharp instruments around
not gonna happen uh tell him just tell
me about lady gaga's new social network
and why the hell she's entering this
competitive game well as you know Lady
Gaga is a creation of the Internet yeah
I'd like she started on their course so
last year we talked about this story on
she launched something called backplane
okay with Eric Schmidt 24 mogu former
google CEO right um that was a social
media site based for celebrities until I
put out the product and have people you
know their fans follow them etc so one
of back pains co-founders is this guy
Troy Carter ok so Lady Gaga's manager
and today one of the first one of the
first web sites under backplane came out
it's called and so
backplane is basically like a portal for
interest groups and this is the first
interest group to come out for lady
gaga's fans she calls them her little
monsters so if you go to right now you could
see this product basically it takes a
lot of different design elements from
web sites like Pinterest Pinterest is
like a photo pinning website right you
can share interest with friends cool
stuff it also allows you to comment and
favorite things with one click of a
button like reddit so it kind of
combines all those usual generated
websites into one just for Lady Gaga
fans right so this can be more perfect
for me you can ask you can go right now
to and ask for an
invite but it's not available for the
public interesting stuff yeah it's all
visual based it's really cool Wilson you
look really dubious rated III just think
that like for me that is probably the
epitome of narcissism what's right
social chair mount a by yourself where
fans get to post more stuff about
right they love you again and again and
again i don't know like it it I'm sure
it'll it'll be huge millions of people
sign up people buy into it she'll sell a
million more records and more
merchandise but there's something about
that just like strikes me as like the
epitome of narcissism yeah but subtlety
has never been a word and Lady Gaga
vocabulary I don't know why you would
ever think that she's trying to be
modest I'm sure about anything yet well
I mean like is she can be well she'd be
outrageous without being narcissistic
right but she's a celebrity celebrities
all about self-promotion that's how they
make money registering to sell records
here at the end of the day anyway I mean
that that's all I'm saying is it when I
see that and if I could Jeff did the
exact same thing we don't look at him be
like okay dude rights wandering off Lady
Gaga would I don't know buddy poorly
anybody else yeah Nickelback did their
that their own like social network would
start to make fun of the man but I
understand what you're saying it's just
I don't know just something about that
de smells wrong yeah it's the smell I
people love lady gaga they do and aside
from whether or not we agree or disagree
with this social network of hers I think
I learned something today yeah lady gaga
is to Justin you as a beggar you'll both
go into battle yes to battle for apple
or lady gaga the army what am I New
Jersey Devil is hockey yeah Gaga's Apple
Apple Action question though who do you
think would win in a fight to the death
fans of Apple or fans of Lady Gaga
because there's a lot in both camps yeah
or one is a bunch of not one of them I
would say like are known for their
fighting prowess yeah that's true
they're both very dedicated yeah well
I'm gonna lie that would be the lamest
fight ever one group could be dancing
I'm just seeing is a fight you know you
talk about Lord of the Rings like all
the orcs are coming in all the and it to
me that would just be the lamest you
know slap fight I've ever seen in my
entire life Apple fanboys are just be
complaining the entire time baby out of
breath yeah yeah
i'm logging online and they'd be out of
breath they wouldn't even make it to the
line of scrimmage and you guys would
just fall over yourselves cuz you're all
wearing my crazy outlandish about it you
can't fight in the heels I think this
needs to happen I don't even think like
the the two groups could take on you
know like 10 Jersey fan they would oh
and then are you gonna talk about gay
then just put in the haka bit like three
over there is just a slaughter that's
just a slaughter and you mama just clean
up a bit just sweep it up and sweep it
up that is funny so they get every day
about it I'm telling you man this is
super enlightening I'm loving it will
take one break we'll come back more 404
right after this stick around we'll see
you in a second this is the 404 mr
effers the show where we all sing songs
hi there Jeremy here from g-form makers
of extreme impact protection about to do
another extreme demonstration with our
case for iphone4 as you can see
everything's working videos running em
iono here I think I am we're going to
take a slap show with this iphone
good kick back there as you can see
everything's still functional a little
snowy we got a phone call coming in here
g-form rpt extreme impact protection
alright welcome back to the 404 just
when you thought tech and hockey
couldn't collab yes why and what's even
cooler about that is the G form guys
that's what we did our bank video at the
CES with that was awesome dropped a
bowling ball if you're listening we just
watched a video where a I guess a g-form
hockey player yeah in one of their cases
for the iphone 4s or before i did a slap
shot where and the phone company
survived no totally fine he just wound
up in shadow phone 80 miles an hour into
a net yeah in that case that they use
for this for i mean you got you you sold
me on it and after you beautiful I mean
they dropped it from you know everybody
for me there and I just wanted to show
you that video because it's the first
time hockey and technology ever coming
nor do we or do we have any of their
products here either it's not like
they're given a free stuff not reviewing
it happen but I mean come on how do you
argue with that I wish this technology
had been around in high school we did
that eggdrop science thing talk about we
had to let go a couple stories up and I
figure out what to put in this box to
make it impact although I think an egg
would still break I don't like a lot of
people do like the parachute right right
would you guys you peanut I did uh this
like cotton ache like cottony sort of a
inch contrived that did work and yeah I
actually don't even I heard about it but
it never happened in my high school oh
that's like the infamous for poor
weekend for eggs what are you talking
did it with high school in the exact you
don't give me that eggs are basically
free why they're not you can buy eggs
even if you bought eggs for 500 student
it would be like she wonder but backyard
without that yeah right well part of
Tennessee Oh students farmers anyway
couldn't they just brought them from
home wrong part of your science teacher
was a chicken right you idiot do that
again no do that again I just see you
like pointing up your dinner the
pointing at the board
just like all right you guys been
together why did you get that is he
talking all that I got a copy your notes
after class hbu to get a slit to mr.
Baucus oh he's so hard to understand
these concepts show over my head oh man
uh here's an interesting story obviously
CS one of the big stories was 3d
printers apparently an 83 year old woman
has just received the first ever 3d
printed ja yeah ja ja willing to replace
in your mandible okay so not just like
sitting on a prop like somewhere no
actually she needed she got it hows
about it just so this isn't yeah this is
an 83 year old woman as Jeff said the
scientists over at the University of
hasselt that's over in Belgium uh they
could have made her a jaw out of
reconstructive surgery that took a
little bit too much time and it was
risky because of her age so they figured
that a tailor-made implant was the best
choice sure to keep costs low they had a
very limited budget and normally would
take a few days to produce this implant
they used a 3d printer and it only took
a few hours and they usually use this
titanium powder so if you saw the videos
of the 3d printer at CES you can pretty
much use any kind of ingredient you want
to make the materials out of right and
for this one they used titanium powder
and they put it down layer by layer and
they had a computer controlled laser
that kind of tracked how the correct
particles were fused together and
eventually was made in a few hours on
plane they actually released the details
in the plans for how to print your own
3d jaw because that's what I'm gonna
make yeah and that that exists on
shapeways dot-com yeah so see those are
the applications that you need to start
explaining to people because when I came
home from Vegas and people like do 3d
printers tell me about I'm like
shoehorns yeah yeah you know dice and
they're like cool why am i spending
twelve Grand on that okay well how about
making a tooth how about doing stuff
that you're actually gonna use in your
frickin body right may likely stuff like
this is really cool and actually on I
don't know if you guys saw the story but
on torrentfreak calm they just put out
a separate section just for 3d printed
materials right and so people design
their own products and then print them
out on their Shapeways printers and here
it is so check it out someone actually
downloaded and printed a pirate base
ship that's all that's the first design
to materialize in the real world off
Pirate Bay of course how poetic pirate
how poetic but it will be the Napster of
like pirated models that's what I wanted
dude it's a I'm telling you man it's
very cyberpunk II well that's actually a
problem that people are thinking about
in the future you might have to deal
with physical piracy Yeah right maybe
someone can print their own blu-ray disc
or you know they can print it well that
dead in the more mature it could already
did format you know what I I'm less
concerned about like the blu-ray disc
and you know like if you come up with a
crazy invention you know like a like the
starbucks cup holder and everything
right like that guy makes millions of
dollars right um he's collecting pennies
every time like the you get the
cardboard one Brett if it's like some
sort of invention like that like that
could destroy yeah anybody's uh you know
potential well sure it's not anything
like this klean kanteen perhaps could be
3d printed energy I mean isn't
everything technically 3d printed yeah
right so I get it well it feels a little
strange to not not a thing about it too
because like yeah it's the material in
the texture rights are like we saw a
couple that use plastic right but it's
all one plastic then you know once they
you know really start to just use
anything like I'm talking Fifth Element
style when they rebuild her who you know
I don't know it we're caught is not the
next step I think we're next
evolutionary yeah I I think that that is
gonna definitely be preparing tendons
and organ or yeah like printing a kidney
don't they print I know that sounds
ridiculous example but then they print
that human ear on the back of that Mouse
right that's right with that print 3d
printed though no they didn't say call
the cell yeah it was grown on his back
now it's something what are you doing
today well they're gonna grow a human
ear on my back so they're gonna do nice
little Saturday yeah oh very good
speaking of the future this is really
cool google has new HUD glasses and
they've been spotted in the wild yeah
this is really uh undresses legit go
call this yeah this is Liz this is would
sort of legit uh Justin I'm sure you can
speak more is but there oakley thump
glasses yeah that's the idea right
there's not a lot is known about this
right now it's kinda just more rumors
around the Google uh HUD glasses that
stands for like heads-up display right
um this kind of seems like archaic
technology in the world of augmented
reality when you can just use a device
for it okay but anyway um back in
December there was some rumors that a
heads-up display was coming from google
and now a little bit more details are
being leaked out about that and they're
gonna potentially come in the form of
those google thump sunglasses right do
you guys know that oh yeah i'm sorry the
Oakleaf oh gosh yes those are the ones
sunglasses that had earbuds yep on the
side um so the now they're saying that
this heads up display might include uh
all of googles cloud-based location
finders they might be able to include a
front-facing camera to take photos and
gather information about the world
around you and then put it up on a
screen on right above your left eye
embedded into the glass at me
translucent ya like like a tart like the
Terminator when he walks around you
overlay displays rat is like cool /
creepy I don't know how I feel about it
like I don't they would have to be
cooler by now like a contact lens or
something you wanna have you like
they've tried that they're there that's
in development or not an old active
development or probably not sure one you
know couple decades from now but like
that seems like a reality soon i mean
the the sensors for the cameras are
relatively small red building like 3g
into a device is not too hard obviously
gonna have to charge the hell out of it
right uh and then we like you know the
trip semi-transparent TV that you we
thought was an actual window you guys
thought I apparently that technology
exists so you just take someone put it
all together you put it all together
that I mean it's cool but again it's
creepy cuz like I'm wondering like the
next time adjusting
with me with a pair of glasses in this
thing enable because you loading up like
Facebook on the side and it'd be all
these over the AIDS boogity I I think
there's a much bigger story here I think
it's the fact that how come science
fiction movies pave the way for human
innovation at alike how come I maybe I
should rephrase it's just it's just
weird that that's what's happening do
you know what I mean I feel out you know
what I'm saying I I feel like that's I
mean it's it's what's happened for
millennia I'm it's mom hmm movies yeah
movies but like science fiction writer
right the ones are the imagination ones
with the imaginations but it doesn't
always mean that that's the direction we
need to go right like flying cars hasn't
happened and that won't happen I mean
flying cars is I mean there there's a
practical reality of why that doesn't
work but other stuff I mean you know
like things like having a computer in
your hand right I'd scream Usher and
already report like Star Trek for
example you like it people thought it
was crazy when the 60 that you could
care around a computer in your hand when
computers used to be the size of like a
basketball stadium right so like I think
that actually science fiction's when
those places you want to look toward
right I i I'm not saying I'm against it
it's just interesting to me that we
almost a strive to achieve that
emulation cuz what's always weird is
like it's those guys that get made fun
of who you know like that's crazy
that'll never happen nobody will ever
want to like carry a computer in their
hand uh it's only that when I was like 5
i'd be like sweet yeah uh let's do that
as we can right you know but if you told
that your mom she be usually that's
great why don't you think is crazy to be
like why do i need that and in fact just
getting a desktop computer in the first
place at home I'm sure your mom why do
we need very taboo at the time I think
taboo like oh that's just a waste of
money right but these are like the
people who like have these you know
cognitive leaps that people don't
generally have right they get it secure
the dystopian yes science fiction
writers though it's never like the
william gibson's of the world
I know really want those two cities now
I don't want it but use a radio active
virus Kamali to take the good with the
bad you know much beyond develop zombie
aunty zombie take evasive nism there has
not rendered all strictly positive
results okay yeah buts we can all agree
on that right okay so there is a section
of this that needs some attention I you
know it's not all dandy it's not all
flowers and sunshine you wanna go find
some radioactive good I'm not saying I
want to make me mad make like x-men
right saying you know let's uh ok
realistic about let's be realistic about
this you know the internet the birth of
the inner the only reason why the inner
ever existed was because the US military
was afraid that the Soviets were gonna
destroy half the country right and
because the networking technology sure
they needed something more robust yet
that's the only reason why the internet
exists it was because someone's like you
know what when I people can use their
home computers to watch porn of our
planet well no I take it back wasn't
thank you yeah you get the SSR I take
about it wasn't an accident but it was
just this sort of side effect if you
will just like the invention of the
post-it note wasn't was an accident it
was a side of it right it was it was
anything with a sticky material in the
back was an accident something they were
trying to make who are they trying to
make like glue or something ah I
remember the exact story but I do recall
specifically that its invention was an
accident okay that's pretty cool hey the
more you know yeah all right we'll take
one more break when we come back we'll
get some calls from the public stick
around a lot more for for after this
welcome back to the 404 got some calls
from the public we want to get to you
can video because over here can quit yes
yeah what uh do you have that toy what
did it was like the AHA described is
like a series of slides and then there
was plastic penguins yeah would go up
the climb up these like stairs and kinda
roll around its brolic yeah it's pretty
mindless what uh I feel like they were
always in like the dentist office right
yeah yeah along with those like balls
that you could guide around right main
rail yeah I was always very fascinated
with thumb with like Rube Goldberg stuff
guys know the drawings in the well
nothing I know carton that would like
break over the mic mousetrap sort of
stuff uh and just a lot of like pinball
II things hmm i don't know if you've
ever been actually in the Port Authority
they have these massive enclosed
structures where they're just a series
of you know balls that make their way
through an inquiry a crazy track and
then they all like loading queue and you
know go up the roller coasters you ever
build any one of those yourself yeah
actually I had something and I always to
this day think about it and if anyone
listening has any idea about what I'm
talking about let us know it was this
sort of set that you bought at like a
hobby shop and it came with this plastic
tubing and a bunch of marbles and motors
and stuff and you would design your own
like track for this marble to to go
along and you built the track and you
had to cut the wire and sort of make it
work right and uh and it was just like
this thing you would build and then you
would set it and just watch it very
relaxing about watching something like
little hypnotic there's something about
it this thing is on autopilot and it's
just doing what it's doing I don't know
but I ever forget what it was called it
was so cool yeah but that was literally
I'm going 20 years uh let's do calls
from the public time to show the love
horsy net all right plenty of calls
today thanks everyone who called in
let's hear this first one hey guys it's
rochelle from jamaica via Japan and i
was listening to episode 987 and thought
I'd give Justin a big ups for that Bob
Marley birthday show dog yes and to let
you guys know that i was listening to
some old episodes and came across the
Miss Cleo bit and your impressions of
the Jamaican accent was just hilarious
stitches also in the episode on one you
had mentioned snake being the most
popular game ever yeah and YouTube has
had this for a couple bunch know where
every time I video is loading and you
have the spinning screen spinning dots
on the screen you can actually use your
arrow keys and that will start a game of
snake oh no no it's not just old people
Justin it's born impatient p did you
know that i do not know that I did is
that true I think it is true I looked it
up before I wish I had loaded it up now
but I think if you press the left arrow
in the up arrow wall a video is loading
you know when it has that spinning
circle of course um once those dots are
loading you just hit those two buttons
and then you can actually control a
snake game with yeah kind of an
interesting little YouTube yeah there's
a there's a couple of uh Easter eggs
across like the web like that like the
right ami code especially yeah a lot
like even right enter in on like youtube
I think they actually did something with
this like a up up down down left right
left right ba start and now do you know
that and then I are the economic OSes
like a very well known oh yeah also he's
of the big game alright so we got the
call yesterday this the Spanish call and
it's made a little controversy we're
calling it Spanish gate your benefit uh
yeah definitely my bed sure I mean
screen these we live in New York man
like there's no you couldn't find a
single spanish-speaking what are you
implying that I walk the sheets
Manhattan asking some will you I know
why you played is because it was
complimentary to you and
very insulting to me yeah guys probably
knew what it meant in skill plate I
plead the fifth on that let's listen to
this verse voice phone dude orlando
florida from med would I speak Spanish
oh yes it's true that's what he said
it's true EP penis mmm that's what he
said BP is penis Easy's guess she's like
beside himself so we did a little
translating of our own uh the caller
yesterday was talking about our
respective anatomies yeah yeah one
specific part hello the border penis
yeah and someone isolate that sound clip
and Jeff this he said that Jeff had a
large one I did not have a large one and
Wilson just likes them in general yeah
apparently i mean i like mine weird i
mean yeah i think everyone like their
own oh yeah but anyway i think it's also
kind of ridiculous nowadays that's even
offensive yeah it's not I'm not offended
no was offended I mean we had I don't go
that way but like whatever so we had a
good laugh about it here's losa we
haven't heard from him in a while it was
the before four this is low so I'm just
wanna call in and say that I almost got
into an accident yesterday because I was
left my ass off can you play that
voicemail by that Spanish listener the
tech room by the sound of it in the
white the way you guys reacted the chat
room was one hundred percent correct
they uh pretty much told you what it
meant you know it's funny uh sky just
silly that PP is you know yeah like this
is just someone who's surg English his
whole life you know PP really a
relational spanish translator lease
Panish yeah you gonna blame this bandage
late as I will you know is that is that
what it is hope it's just like in the
end it's like what is caca a word to now
we're messing around um and then I
believe is the real penny yeah isn't
like penne vodka sauce um and then we
asked me actually its own accord yet eat
that from now you had someone called
uphams like I speak Spanish that was in
bed taste yes
hey this is calico from lewis uh I'm
just calling about the guy who yesterday
was speaking Finnish yes he was speaking
about penises and I just wanted to say
that not all of us Spanish speakers who
listen to your show uh thing in such
play yet i found it i thought it was
insulting it was ok with bad taste so
yeah uh love the show all right so uh
yeah I mean we were all we're all
buddies and overall friends being we can
take a joke but you know I wanted to get
everyone's opinion on that especially
someone else to speak Spanish they're
much better than we do and then no way
were we thinking like that represented
every Spanish speaking person of course
not we weren't thinking yeah of course
not we did them every spanish version it
is over together don't take everything
that guy says serious of course well now
we know kool bag though and say
something nice in Spanish all right um
this is 0 this is this is a funny voice
man let's get to it hey guys are you
aware that the 404 still not on
Wikipedia someone needs to step up and
write an article not me though I've done
my part I wrote an old age and then I
guess he just drives away all right I
wrote an open well just the back story
on that inside joke is I was involved
here and I don't know an old page it
well it seems like a competitor and no
was like a Yelp COMPOR like a yelper
Wikipedia competitor okay all right and
someone wrote needed this guy i remember
right he wrote the knoll page already
drove away uh yeah I don't know there's
a long long backstory why we can never
have a 44 wikipedia page yeah we've been
glass one of us kill someone or does
something go to the moon I don't think
murder is gonna get us the the page I
just think I don't know Wikipedia is
dead anyway who
we knew the hell go to that they're so
2006 go to / r / the 404 yeah
reddit there we do much easier anyone
can post post whatever you want yeah
fine don't worry Yelp page or probably
probably probably that but we no longer
have a meetup page community no but uh
that's crazy though I I I don't know
bringing that up is uh brings back some
bad memories no we had a bad back and
forth of Wikipedia those guys are mean
they are very controlled shoulda seen
those comments yeah it was like these
guys don't deserve it yeah they're scum
no they never said that let's do it
finally this is an interesting question
that we can all speak to a long island
from Christian I was just wondering uh
could you guys give your uh your cakes
on how your college experience was I'm
you know next year for school let me go
to college I really want to see what you
guys take on you know the emotional and
experience of going there you I'd really
like to get a take up some guy motional
cider I of the show but that's what he
said was in the emotional all not just
the emotional but you know man there's a
big question summon it up a little bit
yeah this is a this a fun question it
it's always it's awesome um but
depending it really depends on so many
factors like I went like 10 hours away
from where my family was so it was like
the first time you had like
responsibility / freedom all together
right you know it's like in high school
you you know by the time you're seeing
you do but pretty much whatever you want
but you don't have to worry about paying
the bills or doing anything like that
like me going way I had to live an
apartment so it was like the first taste
of like reality real that's all colleges
as far as I'm concerned is learning how
to live on your own pretty much you know
I mean yeah I learned a few things it
did blood make macaroni cheese right
round how to eat like crap yeah I learn
how to gain weight yeah I think for me
or or if I was giving someone advise
going to college it is what you make of
it you can sit in your dorm room all day
play games and I do anything Allah hell
of a lot of people do that oh you could
go out you could you know we
the party too much your friend depend
that's a more uh you know your
university go school by school on a
school bus cool bases arm but it's what
you make of it you're gonna get out what
you put in right you know on a personal
level I would say actually leaving home
like going a good distance where like
yeah even me my first semester there
were a couple of weeks in where I'm like
man I really really miss my mom we're
like sort of getting over that hump yeah
so the learning take care yourself to
figure out like who you are and also
it's just great I I think that the best
part about going to college away from
you know home or where you know a lot of
people Brett is it it's a reset button
yeah you know like a like in high school
like you knew people from elementary
middle school where you did something
stupid and you're always known as that
kid who did clean slate clean slate
complete clean States late you can
reinvent yourself me you can really
explore you are writing out of college
that I got was some of my best friends
sure I'm you know when you're in high
school all your best friends are
scattered you've been with them for 10
years because you went to elementary
school and followed each other all the
way up but in college yet like what
Wilson was saying get a clean slate and
you get to make friends that you know
you had that share your new interest in
college and so I still hang out with the
guys that I went to college with we all
move to New York together and so that's
that's my advice to him is make as many
different kinds of friends step out of
your comfort zone if you can and just
have fun then also get an internship
rightly officially in terms of you know
you can tell your freshman self
something right now what would you tell
don't eat so much ramen dude and get off
cos ah I'm knocking out right when I
went into a Irish man your dad like
pretty imprisoned by that yeah what
about you Wilson there's a quote i to
myself all your freshman was himself
take advantage of everything that set
your disposal like I was like hardcore
film and because of that I only met and
this sounds like a lot only met a couple
hundred people but like I went to school
with 36,000 people yeah and um I dubbed
au vin to it really hardcore uh is a
great experience really really hands-on
but you know I was a world-class
university with so many different
resources and like I i really recommend
that especially for your under
graduate is to be honest when she into
the real world with an undergraduate
degree almost almost doesn't matter it
what you majored in as long as you're
not be an accountant or anything with a
very specific skillset right arm if
you're gonna do something like that get
get a masters degree and actually don't
kill yourself by going to the most
expensive school uh do your
undergraduate if you're gonna spend a
lot of money go to school do it for your
masters your reg go to Community College
if you can save any little bit that is
be honest you know like undergraduate
like most you know most high-end jobs
will require like a graduate degree so
it doesn't make any sense for you to
spend like a hundred fifty thousand
dollars of your parents money to go to
to just get a bachelor's degree okay
there you go me what about you Jeff oh I
didn't really want to answer this um I
don't know I would definitely say don't
be so bummed out all the time were you
but I wasn't bummed out but you know I a
surprise oh yeah right now just like oh
you looked a lot about yourself I would
definitely have said maybe be a little
more outgoing um but and and I
definitely agree with Wilson some part I
I was very narrow-minded in terms of
what I wanted to do and I you know I
actually did do some radio stuff in
college but it was mostly film and stuff
like that and yeah I would just say uh
you know don't be so like yourself yeah
Jeff you used to use those opportunities
you're you know for sure if you're not
you don't like hanging out with the the
football guys you don't like it just go
get them talk to them I promise you your
life change don't don't let your first
answer to everything be no right that's
that's some some advice I would hand
down to little 18 year old Jeff oh he
knew so little as 11 years ago that
makes me really upset bummer Wow alright
I gotta get out of here guys thanks for
tuning in eight six six four for Cena is
a number to call or you can email us to
44 @ okay keep those things
coming in you guys go to the show ask us
for some more life advice you should
yeah we're really is out for game yeah
that's right people listen chat room is
just a big couch in the our therapist
we'll see you guys tomorrow I'm Jeff
Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm Justin
you it's a 44 high-tech lowbrow have a
great wednesday we'll be back tomorrow
see you then
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