The 404 - Jill Schlesinger, 529s are worth it, Google Photos, Fight Club 2, Ep. 1616
The 404 - Jill Schlesinger, 529s are worth it, Google Photos, Fight Club 2, Ep. 1616
hey welcome to the 404 show on this
friday may 29th 2015 thank you so much
for tuning in to our little program our
little corner of cnet where we can just
be ourselves for the day mmm who are you
normally I'm someone else am I wearing I
wear many masks all you Rudy most of the
time as you do zelig two my nice mm you
get that reference at all Wow Woody
Allen movie no I haven't seen anybody uh
huh stop the show who's not the Jew here
not even about being an honorary I was
named an honorary last by who you know
when did i do that here is you her
lawyer justice here you know what I find
out my brother's a doctor right and your
lawyer hey you got the problem is you
don't know Woody Allen movie so you're
out sorry we bounced I mean you know you
could lose an honorary tag fine yeah
you're at would be the last thing you'd
admit at your Jewish equivalency test
right like I've never seen a Woody Allen
movie or really or a mel brooks movie
I've seen lots of mel brooks movies so
well that they're kind of go hand in
hand as far as I'm concerned Mel Brooks
more slapstick you've kind of stuff that
when I was a kid like oh I saw space
balls before Star Wars alright alright
that works for me hey Jeff wait wait
what was so chill is here with you hold
your horses there / and Jer yes how do
you welcome to the show is hello sir I
want to get my loan why can't one yeah
all right you're back in again that was
easy see it's a low bar there's not that
many people want to come in so we'll
take a lot yeah Oh mad so okay so Jill
you're you're just like surfing on your
children first of all the reason is I
was supposed to go visit the Prince
Prince back alarm my son today but I
can't butt in it doesn't matter anyway
because I'm gonna have to go guard
there's a baby gift I'm handing Jeff hey
let me just do a theater of the mind
like the scrubber so now uh this is all
audio I i sent Jeff an email yesterday
I'm like there's no there's no video
anymore I can I just like not come made
up or anything and he says absolutely
it's only audio which you could have
totally fooled me it could be video
right now
anyway um so you in my so I'm late today
yeah because i left the present at home
oh no should I ran back I was at the
subway I get back to the subway it's
like 14 minutes for the next train which
is insane I get into a cab it's insane I
get out of the cab and get into the
subway okay so basically your tardiness
is my son's fault well I spent thirty
five dollars getting hit let me just say
that okay so different and just put this
right on the Dylan gift so what I have
handed Jeff ladies in the crowd is a
beautiful blue box and if you're a lady
with expensive taste you would know that
that's from Tiffany oh my goodness it's
that teal seafoam green can I shy open
this right Billy yeah because I
mean will Stacy be mad i don't i don't
know but does she listen to the show
anymore sometimes she's busy she's very
busy open it up are on i just could hard
to your local car because i think that
it goes it sort of fee matically works
for for me on the show and oh I really
sealed that I looked a little unopenable
um look Jeff well the suddenly realize
you have real man hands I got big hand
you do and I have big hands but they're
sort of skinny lady hands Oh can't you
only kind of reiterate it Dylan hashtag
aunt Jill hopes this give gift sends a
message can't wait to meet you XO Jilly
sent on I think I know I think I know
what that means mmm Omaha steak yes all
right it's a large rock a production
value in these Tiffany boxes are no joke
I mean right you can reuse that oh here
comes the bubble wrap hold on shall we I
as yeah oh yeah we're loving him yeah
he'll pop little holy work okay hold on
a second now so Jeff is removing the
gift from the box there's so much bubble
I wrapped that you would think it was
wrapping my guys they even have branded
Scotch taste so Tiffany is not messing
around by the way Tiffany reporting
earnings earlier this week that knocked
your socks off and the stock was up
another twelve percent so it's not just
oh my god so do would you like to miss
this is it sort of infamy piggy bank
correct but the thing is so it's
actually or not a pig it's it's an
elephant an elephant but it is in the
shape of it Oh Higgy back oh my gosh
it's over the top prices something it's
totally not useful so in other words
usually what I will say is the young
couple their starting out what do they
need they need a hundred dollar gift
certificate to right forget
it no I never do that at Tiffany's I
don't think bang I get a bank to thank
you so much to give Dylan the right
message from aunt Jill yeah oh he's
gonna now he's gonna know when when all
this is returning zero percent interest
okay exactly do when his emergency
reserve fund is three to six months with
his nonexistent Social Security doesn't
kick it like an IOU on the very base of
it but what is your interest by Jill
yeah amazing thing about places my
pleasure and I do hope to meet the
prince very shortly as do I now the
reason I as you didn't know this but I
sent this email to jeff saying like I
have I can't come visit the prince I
have huge news right so this is like the
second part to the to the story here
correct and jeff says what like I think
you were worried were you a little
worried when you said it I was like is
it it sounded like it was the it was the
pretty like that the precipice of like
I'm moving quitting getting I'm going to
Japan forever on so let me just try to
put this give you the best visual so I'm
going scrolling through my phone right
now looking for the best picture now
aunt Jill wants to invite uncle ayahs
and uncle jesse is oh no those I've are
too adorable are those Terriers those
are two tiny Terriers are they your dog
yes chef Jackie and Jill have finally
landed into motherhood this is these are
the two most adorable I this is a great
photo of them to on guys we were with
our friend who's a photographer so all
my friends are like wow these are such
nice pictures your iphone is really I
might forget it's my iphone it's almost
stop it what I say what are their names
and how old and what L story they are 10
weeks old yesterday um and there's a
lighter one in a darker one that you
can't see but here's the lighter one and
her name is Lady Beatrice of North Sea
lady be uh she's known as Trixie nice
and then the darker one is um known as a
princess charlotte charlie so that's
Trixie and charlie yeah and they are
about four pounds right now are in your
bag they are they could be with me right
now to the Tiffany box I have yet
another box and they so here's what
happened we were like okay I was one of
the things that I used to do is radio
for a one of our CBS own stations dan in
Washington DC mm-hmm and like about six
weeks ago they basically said you're out
we don't want you anymore really yeah
now it's not because of me but there's
all sorts of things going on then like
they're going broke okay what's so
understood so they let me go and I'm
freaking out and I say to jacket call
Jackie oh my god I can't believe it she
goes wait a minute now cuz i used to
have to be on the air between I'd to be
up at five o'clock in the morning and on
the air basically every half an hour
till ten a.m. right she's immediately
says we can get a dog now she's like oh
this opens us up for dogs exactly so
then I start doing the hunt so look up
nor which terriers oh I know you're
which deaths that's the dog from Best in
Show exactly so um so what happens was I
found these I found this like wackadoo
breeder yeah cuz they're all crazy and
they really that's not sorry to it was a
blank if I may have you if you ever
dealt with some of these people they are
literally they're intense yeah they're
intense know I just I had these two
girls we wanted to adopt a girl and they
were too and you know the two left two
girls left of the litter they were four
weeks old you have to wait till they're
eight nine weeks old and and then Jackie
was in London and i was in san francisco
on business and like i'm in the airport
and I call her up and I said call me
right now and I said
think she goes I know what you're going
to say you want to take both of them and
I said yes so do i oh my god good for
you guys congratulations yeah so we're
mobile so what's the deal where they're
there in the apartment right now ripping
it apart i'm pretty sure so how no
you're gonna get like walkers are you
gonna train them like oh yeah totally we
got the trainer lined up yeah I got this
amazing vet who I love right she makes
house calls that's come on it's awesome
something else and like oh I think she
gave him shots last night in my
apartment I was like freaking out or
they all like super lethargic after
they're a little more daughter right
eyes when you give a dog a shot there
just like molasses yeah like one of mine
does that yeah the one still looks like
she's completely fine right after she
got that is the same one that's that
situation around iceland what kind of
dogs you have two yellow labs oh so
beautiful they're like gonna be nine in
about two weeks oh well I am so this is
very big deal for us we're old yes you
know we're married / too late we're too
late to get started exactly and it was
easy yeah yeah it was really for me
certainly uh oh my god so I as a showing
us these unbelievable pictures of the
beautiful cause this is the this is the
Dropcam I actually gave an eye on them
oh that's them right now in case
something weird happens at the apartment
oh that's the one you might have to come
to my apartment and you hook that up for
me it's really easy yeah just can t
nothing yeah you'll be yo bailed even
you could hear that out chill I wouldn't
go crazy anyway so it's been amazing
they are up right now in their gated
area which is could you know could like
basically be mayhem when I get back
right so hence I cannot stay here for
three hours but how great is it coming
home to those get the best oh the best
right is so great so that's well
congrats big noise awesome is that
better news than you thought it was
gonna be oh it's wave happier okay
whenever I hear news my immediate gut
reaction is like think the worse you
know why worse that is also a part of
being Jewish yeah I think if I don't I
don't know why that is as I'm not work
out there yeah there's just no in the
Torah there no there's not like a
semicolon and they have parenthesis
it's really it's very interesting it's
devoid of all emojis exactly let me just
I'm just going to show you a quick video
here because it's a quick one here the
two-step they your they're too cute
right that dog that breed is so freaking
adore that it's really it's very cute
they'll get to be about 10 maybe 12
pounds because they could be fatties you
know we could affect girls something
tells me you're gonna spoil the crap out
of these do and they're okay chicken
fingers and all the good things dogs
that's cool well I mean like you know
what I'm I'm very good with directions
so when the trainer says to me do this
or do this okay that's great and so when
the trainer said you could have them
sleep in your room they moved right into
the room well here's the thing let me
just give you one little piece of place
with uh with the entering dog Parenthood
yes doggy the the top dogs are
comparatively they're very stupid yes
they're a boy they're brilliant in their
own rights they're brilliant in their
own rights and it's amazing what they
can do and how yeah well they are to
humanity but you you can basically have
them do whatever you want for you that
has to change more than they did right
and once you understand that you know
concept wrap your head around that you
can really do anything with them and not
only that but it's it's very clear that
everything is about the treat yeah I
mean and and trend a routine routine
right and a lot of reinforcement yeah
now that you have to how do you feel
about people coming up to you in the
street and talking to you about your
dogs well the two laps going to happen
these sisters are they this is like my
hair is a mess I'm not supposed to be
awake leave me alone though so we're
lucky right now they're not allowed out
in the city because New York City is
crazy and you're not supposed to have
puppies out before they're fully anak
inoculated right so we haven't done that
but we were had them out at the beach
last weekend and walking on the beach
you could not walk on the beach Oh
crystal they're so cute it's you know
people will lose their like four pounds
each so they they look like dog models
there's two of them to that people
that's when people do the double take Oh
oh I do like go away and so they said
are that you know are they related yes
they're sisters can I hold them know
promise me get your little kids hands
out of my dog's face before she bites it
and then you sue me right that's all I
can think about like don't go near
because you know they're puppies right
I'm gonna do anything and who knows what
they're gonna do yeah so I'm like you
know they're puppies and they know that
my kids are my kids are very comfortable
around dogs I'm not really worried about
your kids I'm worried about my dogs
promise me this yeah when you come to
see the DNN yeah you bring them oh well
then I have to wait a little bit cuz I
had six come see me first and then yeah
next trip i bet i'd love to see Marty
with them to Mario nice with the puppies
they you know it's it's the we're gonna
start the socialization we got the
doggie daycare yeah which will be great
I mean joy sound like a complete nut
knucklehead I don't like someone's
listening out there saying these are
crazy New Yorkers you'll have to do all
this or like when you go anywhere the
dogs will freak out and you can't have a
real life unless you do all of this work
ahead of time right right I do think
there are people out there who sort of
stigmatize people who treat dogs like
they're human beings yeah which is
understandable you know I mean the dog
doesn't need like you know a fur coat
fur coat and it doesn't need like
designer shoes and stuff like that but
this year but I is is totally right like
you have to treat them a certain way
they have to become part of the pack
exactly thats that's what i am learning
yeah and I and you know what's funny
because my sister-in-law has a black lab
and she so when she came out to see them
last weekend she's looking at the food
and the food is just out for these two
little dogs she says oh my god we would
never do that like that you can solve
stood exactly happy with it is exactly
what she said so it's just very funny
and they have only this great little
personalities oh and by the way
financially this was not the wisest
thing I've ever done him bother not
cheap dogs aren't you and not only that
but if you get a pure breed it's pricey
they're pricey and you know so I'm
trying to bargain with the fridge oh I'm
sure what am I cattle what if I took to
do I get any
having a special norwich terrier yeah I
one get the next one thank ya no thanks
just hand over the check lady so anyway
it's very exciting news and I am
thrilled and it's been told like the
apartment is not ours anymore no that's
we rolled up the carpet putting stuff on
the furniture just like you sort of you
sort of get into a groove where you very
quickly learn to part or care less about
certain things that sound like before
you're like you know what I guess that
couch is like four years old so all
right the dogs crystally the great
rationalization begins so anyway it's a
it's great I'm psyched and and now here
I am just like so I was bubbling over
with good news and the baby gift that
had babies and puppies on the brain this
is so what could I done except come here
and tell you like I'm going crazy
meanwhile I walk in just like what's
wrong with you I said what do you mean
because you looked wasted I said you
look stoned I looks stoned what do you
did right my eyes so they read your eyes
are a little bloodshot because I have
allergies because I'm eyes of course you
don't have allergies because you're only
half Jewish you're only an honorary
allergies in San Francisco that's right
oh yeah but like I was getting sick all
time like wait a minute yeah all the
times I did my allergy pills and I was
fine but that was the very end of being
in San Francisco it's it's very strange
and I know I'm asking for it but I I
have notoriously terrible allergies and
since I'm like 20 it just clicked 111
fall of spring I didn't I haven't
sneezed in 2015 yet I don't get it I
haven't taken one pill cuz i could tell
you i have not been had a bad allergy
year in so long this year it's and not
even not like so sniffily but my eyes
watering watery red i go into work i had
to go on ctm and CBS this morning a
couple weeks ago and the makeup woman
looks at me and she's like what is wrong
with your eyes yeah what would you guys
going on here and she's like plying me
with visine like I'm wearing contact
she's like I don't care that Reds coming
out right now
you're not going on the air like that
what is going on I don't know it's just
too bad our mother nature trying to to
weed us out yeah whatever I don't bounce
you ever being happy about puppies yeah
go ahead dare you be I spent thirty five
dollars on claritin for God's sake did
you guys happen to see there is this
show that debuted on CBS this week oh
you can I know what you're going to say
what the briefcase yeah did you watch it
so we talked about this on this other
podcast I did yesterday yeah um but it's
the craziest show it's totally crazy and
you know they asked me to tweet during
it 20 a real live tweeting during it and
I got to see it okay so explain what it
is so what the the premise is theirs to
sort of downwardly mobile once
middle-class families that have fallen
and starting to fall into bad times yes
everyone's tough times for every yeah
and and it's but it's not poor people
just so we're clear because a lot of
people were like tweeting like these
people don't look poor they're not
supposed to be poor they're supposed to
be we were comfortable middle-class
people great existence the recession hit
something bad lots of x 0 x and i hit
bad times and the premise of the show is
that each couple gets a briefcase with a
hundred one thousand dollars in it we
had a hundred one thousand okay they get
to spend a thousand dollars up front
before anything just on something fun or
whatever they want to do and the rest of
the hundred thousand dollars that
remains they have to decide do we keep
the hundred thousand dollars force to
ourselves or do we give it to this other
couple that we don't know and throughout
the episode there's a real slow reveal
about who this other couple is and what
they've been going through and they kind
of like you know sort of air mail these
little tidbits of information right
that's right the other couple and it
culminates with I don't know if this is
going to be in every show but at least
in this premiere episode where each
couple goes to the other couples house
and walks around the house and starts to
get a sense of who this other couple is
right you're going to walk in your group
you're gonna walk in your their shoes
and so when I first heard about this I'm
like what a nutty concept this is
ridiculous I literally thought that I
watched this by myself in my apartment
start crying at the end yeah it's
is it is gut-wrenching it's like an oh
Henry story right it's like you know
that there's if there's a twist always
something is happening anyway uh I get
like bombed with Twitter notices about
you know some people really hate it some
people love it I kind of liked the idea
and you know me like about the money
thing I just think it's always
interesting to hear how judgmental
people get around money right so the
during the show I'm like looking at the
tweet the stream and I'm like wow these
people are rough they're like how dare
this couple do this this this this and
this and like you know and and so to
start to see each of the couple's
experience the other couples life it
just shows you like hey they actually
are walking in their shoes and how
dramatic that is and I thought about
that because I think there's so many of
these studies that should come out that
say you know wealthy americans think
that poor people are just lazy yeah you
don't know what that person's gone
through and it's just and people will
always like you know send me nasty grams
when I talk about personal bankruptcy
like how dare you tell this person to
declare bankruptcy that's terrible their
welching on their obligations well you
know what sometimes bad things happen
and so I I enjoyed it it is crazy show I
don't know what the next episode so
spoil it though what did the first uh
what did the family do with the up
to the two briefcases so one family was
this couple in New Hampshire where the
guys like laid off ten years ago kind of
like in his 40s he's got three daughters
and the wife decides to make extra money
she's going to start a small business
like ice cream trucks and then the
recession I mean firstly live in New
Hampshire are you an idiot yeah ice
cream like all right great idea but okay
what's a better judgment Vermont yes
like the next state over and and and so
they've come upon some hard times it's
rough and there are many things about it
that we're very telling just like bad
choices okay the other couple younger
couple and he is a Iraq vet mmm okay he
lost one leg throw that very lost
egg and he has a purple harder to write
okay so now I mean this guy can't work
he is on permanent disability his wife
is a soul wage earner she is a nurse
what was interesting about the two
couples is both in both cases the wives
handle all the money and the husbands
are sort of like out of it I mean pretty
much her like she does that that's not
my deal or the money cool so you know
one of the things I wrote a blog post
about this about like you know what even
if that's the case if one person does do
everything the other person has to sort
of be involved and understand it because
it became clear that the two women the
two wives they were having they had such
burdens they were so anxious about money
and they had a very different reaction
to the hundred thousand dollars right so
each of them are like we're keeping it
we're keeping him then they find out
things and then they both decide to give
all the money the other come all come on
that's the end I don't like that PS the
end and what can I tell you that's what
they did I would give you all my money
here you could have my hundred just no
way you would get that briefcase I know
but if I really downtrodden and I got a
good case you can see any clips of the
other couple deciding they're like well
nobody kind of sucks yeah yep do you
like well yeah and you part with any
part of it yeah the whole thing any part
okay so you so I could have said it's
$12 said here's 20 grand here's 80 grand
you know like in one case I thought that
crooked frame over here's here's fair
for the bus I got off my long I thought
that the most natural position if you
statistically would have been half Cesar
halfsies you would have thought but the
thing is when I first of all of course
the veteran is like the best person in
the world ruin right he gives of himself
he loses a limb sure fighting for our
freedom you know just had memorial that
I could cry just telling the story you
know like the guys like the ultimate
great guy and he says to his wife we
have so much how could we keep this
money this couple is in big trouble we
should give them all the money and she's
like are you out of your mind and the
same thing with the other couple like
the husbands are both more inclined to
give the money except than the other
couple as soon as they so they're
walking around the vet and the nurses
house dannon or
carolina and they're walking through and
all the sudden the woman from New
Hampshire looks and sees the prosthetic
limb though she bursts out crying she's
done she's like forget it okay I want to
know some details there's a lot of
things that can compromise the situation
I'm like I want production details okay
so the Fed do we and maybe we don't know
this so the family that gets the
briefcase yes when they sign the
contract to be on the show are they
basically told you will receive no
compensation other than what you decide
to do with the briefcase yes so they
they don't know about the other couple
when they start this soon they further
said they think their / they're
participating in a documentary about
people in the middle class who are
falling behind that's the premise that
they bring it so there's a misled from
the ghetto and then they say okay
actually it is we're doing a reality
show here's a hundred thousand dollars
you can either keep all of it or you're
going to give it there's another couple
and and you they also weren't they don't
know that they got the briefcase but
they say there's another couple yeah who
is also in need you're gonna have to
decide what portion of this money you
want to keep or what you want to get
that is all this is all tainted far as
I'm concerned shoes you know what the
second i cried i was happy oh sure and
I'm sure crying I'm sure you know our
overlords are getting what they want out
of this in terms of dramatics and
whatnot but the problem is that ok you
there's gonna be a couple that says no
fu I'm keeping this money I don't care
how many you know starving kids you have
don't show up on the morning and this
morning and they'll be like right we
hate you like what we don't care and
they become minor celebrities for 15
minutes and they'll have their own
spin-off show or way worse cuz that's
like best cases like the worst cases
like they become pariahs their
neighborhood people with pitchforks and
torches come to their house and right
who's the father get the optimist well
let me there's a preview of the next
episode yeah and of course it's like the
lesbian couple and the gun the you know
the the NRA member conserved as another
like so that it is social yes it's gonna
be like social construct version it's
gonna be
I didn't never knew that lesbians could
be people and the lesbians are gonna be
like I didn't know that people who own
guns could have hearts I didn't know
they give lesbians checking accounts
that's amazing hi sounded like Bill
Clinton is a pricey reality show two
hundred thousand dollars in episodes
kinda 202,000 scuze me ah so that's
nothing shows much cheaper than that you
true I don't know I mean undercover boss
was that cost like five bucks in episode
I don't know there's Saturn there's some
built you know maybe maybe they ain't no
model is mr. Moonves knows his
entertainment so I'm liking the way that
yeah I can't stand in front of that um
but that yeah the show just rubs me the
wrong way just because of all these
complications that are like all right
I'm using it's a money part I hear it is
uh which is interesting yeah it's like
um from the outside looking in it's such
a whackadoo I think that we're compared
to wife swap I mean like yeah why swaps
pretty funky I'll take Stacey but you
got to keep the kid cuz i want my
puppies you know I'll take Stacey and
I'll keep the girls you can have Jackie
yeah but Jackie won't even be interested
in me yeah G first of all she won't be
interested in you and she'll be like she
loves baby My Luck average but Jackie
does love babies Oh or is that I guess I
gotta let me go home you send me that
picture by the way he is and I do not
fell over babies cuz i honestly think
they're not that great looking the
parents look it is so cute and you're
like uh yeah that's cute but your baby
is cute yeah someone told someone said
that to me the other day where it was
like yeah i know you always make fun of
ugly babies cuz a lot are yes I and
that's when I knew I wasn't being jerked
around yeah I was like your baby's
freaking cute he's cute I was like all
right thanks I just you know let him
have a brain yeah and be cute yeah total
that's good we'll take it looks looks
aren't everything how is the baby
getting along with the dog or vice
really well oh good yeah there are their
buddies they totally are he's marty is
very protective as we thought he would
be um if a stranger comes into the house
Marty has to like vet the person at the
door and then uh he'll be okay with that
person picking up the baby if we're
with it Oh interesting yes so he kind of
like looks to us for cues and whatnot
that's great arm but there's been like
one minor instance where someone leaned
over and kind of got in between Marty
and the baby and he didn't do anything
but he sort of was like yeah but now
he's never liked bitten anyone or
anything oh yeah which is kid no blood
has been shed fantastic over over this
over my son how did we open up you know
what today is uh those national
hamburger day yeah okay it's also may
29th yes it's 529 day as in Russian 529
college savings plan ok I am not kidding
you it is this is a very low budget
campaign this violin is telling you
right now look it up I'm telling you my
friends it is 529 day this is the day
when states are trying to boost
participation in their section 529 plans
which is the college college savings
plan operated through the states which
you are gonna be opening of a social fur
we do he's got it did him a tiny little
social security card well little number
so he could put in his a little wallet
in the diaper so cute did you open up an
account for him yet yeah okay so a 529
plan is so awesome my favorite college
savings plan because you can open it up
you put the money in and it's not taxed
on the federal or the state level and so
it's kind of like a Roth IRA but for
college savings so let's just say you
put 10 grand in and it grows to 50 grand
when you take the money out there's no
tax 20 so it's kind of awesome fantast
so you can can you off so what has to
happen in a 529 like do you have to put
attached a social security number to it
you have to have a child with a social
security number so down sides do it
though yes excellent question sir it
cannot be used for high school so do you
want to sing you like the private high
school you're out how do they check up
on that we basically you pull the money
out you actually have to prove that you
had a bill I'm sorry has been qualified
as education expand trust I'm thinking
how i can defraud them because what i
want to do is I want I'm wondering how
somebody could like put money in there
never use it for college well here's
what you could do you can put the money
in their hypothetical hypothetically
let's say you put the money in and it
grows and it grows and grows and dylan
grows up and is an amazing hockey player
and gets a four year free ride to the
University of Vermont because he's such
a great hockey player you just up and
pleaded the the masterpiece right ok now
let's just say that Dylan has a little
sister let's call her Jill ok yeah joe
and jill Dylan Jill and what you can do
is you can take the money that you saved
for Dylan and move it to a sibling ok
hey so they can be used so can be used
for that you could also do there no
panel take nice you can also use it for
yourself if you wanted to go to grad
school you can I want to go to quote
unquote grads grad school and if your
kid one go to grad school right so you
could use it for lots of different
things let's say that you have no use
for it both kids both Jill and dill for
your free rides ice hockey scholarship
say University of Vermont they are set
and there's $100,000 in this account
yeah you want to get the money when you
take it out you get a penalty yeah what
if colleges are abolished in 20-25 no
that's a problem they're probably be
some kind of way to get ya honestly all
you do is you're paying the tax that's
due right you know what I mean that's
not that big deal it's a great plan 529
day how fortuitous that I should be here
for this day nothing is a coincidence on
the show now the downside so the
downside is that you don't get the money
you don't need the money for college or
the other downside is that you put the
money in and maybe you say oh this money
it's counted against me for financial
aid but if it's held in the parents name
right so you're the owner the child is
the beneficiary there is when you're
applying for fafsa financial aid forms
what the government does it says okay
we'll assess a certain amount of
percentage against what the parents
assets are so if the parents own it
would basically decrease your financial
aid by up to five point six four percent
so it's still worth doing it I really a
downside here's a downside the real
downside is many people should not be
saving for college they should be doing
other things first you know I mean like
the average couple if you have consumer
debt don't start saving for college if
you don't have your six to twelve months
in an emergency reserve fun don't save
for college and if you're not maxing out
your retirement plans don't say for
college but if you've done all those
things sure go ahead and you're open up
but there's not that many people who
really are in that position you know
name right i mean i think so alright so
that's like perfect perfect situation
sort of uh description what about
someone who has like maybe three of
those four boxes ticked is that okay uh
you know what it depends i have had when
I was in the financial advisory business
there were times where people would come
in and they'd say you know what I'm
about to pay off the rest of my credit
card debt I really want to get a start
on these college funds I have some money
here can I just open it or very
interesting I've seen cases where the
grandparents want to want the kids to be
like show me that you're going to put
this money away and they put some money
into the grandparents put money and so
you know there's there some mitigating
circumstances but generally speaking you
know I love that big three pay down the
consumer debt do they just have that
emergency reserve fund get the
retirement plan maxed out and then do
the college because you know what like
you said the the nature of college
education is likely to change over the
next 20 years pretty dramatically yeah I
think that yes it will be there will be
elite colleges that will always charge
rich people a lot of money to go and if
so if you want one of those you're gonna
have to save but they're also other
growing to be other really cool
alternatives right I think yeah and you
know I would not be so I I would never
want to think that the only way to
educate people is sitting in a classroom
at an institution on the you know and
the Northeast some liberal institution
having some guy drone on that you and I
lecture go to a kegger that night yeah
that can't be it that can't be the only
way they can be like that for 300 years
yeah I mean well so far it is 300 but
maybe none of the 310 yeah so I I think
that these are all great problems to
have like wow what college plan should i
use but for most people do that other
yeah by the way we got a Twitter
question we do i wanted i want to hold
off just for a second we got to take a
quick break what yeah we have to pay the
bills all right pay the bills today ok
so we have questions and then maybe a
story or two that I want to get to one
really amazing thing about this new
google photos i want to talk about so
more with Jill right after this stick
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okay we're back here with Jill's
Schlesinger envelope or show hashtag and
Jilly Jill aunt Jill is the hash you
created this hashtag hey by the way you
see that my account finally got verified
oh you did fine Congrats thank you are
you your verified guy it's not really
doing anything for me not at all the the
twitter is not at Twitter no Twitter's
been nice to me like a campaign on ready
to get you to 10,000
I it happened but I don't know to say
thank you to the eye yeah it happened
thanks a lot jackass no but I don't know
I don't know this is the you know the
the straw that broke the camel's back
but no its Twitter actually I take it
all back to it has been very nice to me
lately a lot of really nice interactions
with people have been happening with me
that's that's usually like that goes
against the grain well you know advice
is the career that that when you have
some of those nice interactions it does
sort of bring back like the humanity
because you have something you get some
nasty gram some you're like why am I
doing this right for sure you're like
why am I even waking up in the morning
yeah like these people are bringing me
down did someone just wrote me something
so nice and I was and I wrote a note i
make you know you have no idea that
totally made my day totally right it's
great that's great into a note every
morning just to tell you that i love you
even if it's like a robot and it just
says love Jill love aunt Jill yeah yeah
I can it'll you know it'll mean the
world it really will all right okay
maybe I just send you a nice little
picture of the girls that's that's not
gonna that's not gonna hurt ya it puts
you in a good mood they're the they're
amazing i'm so i'm so happy for you
thank you all right now i'm a couple of
quick questions yeah and we'll just so I
got a tweet from hold on I got to make
sure I get the right name here because
he was he was early early and often and
Jeffrey rights as a federal employee is
the Thrift Savings Plan enough for
retirement or should I open an
additional IRA on my own so when you
work for the federal government you have
the very cool plan a TSP a thrift
savings plan it's kind of like a 401k
okay you put away pre-tax money there's
a whole special investment structure and
they have things that look like I would
say they look like mutual funds they're
not mutual funds per se you and I
couldn't buy them but they're just and
they're really cheap and they're really
effective and they're perfect so Jeffrey
what I say is if you're maxing out your
thrift savings plan and you've got tons
money left over after that yeah go ahead
and open up a roth IRA go nutty but if
you've got other things you want to do
like fund education or do some other
things then don't feel compelled
you know there are other things that you
might want their mother may be other
priorities so on well I like the thrift
savings plan go ahead max out but don't
go nutty by the way there was I don't
know if you saw this I because I tweeted
this morning about how you know send me
your money questions I saw that did you
see the guy who wrote I ready to send me
your money yeah you're like aw Jill
fallen on tough times said we are a
publicly funded show is that right uh
this book this is a question from our
subreddit from all ski more on savings
when my 401k was rolled over to my new
company 1500 of it was put into an IRA
is it worth putting them into my 401k or
should I leave it as an IRA apparently
contributing my max match percentage to
my 401k but nothing to the IRA it just
sits there uh if it's a so it's probably
a rollover IRA and if your new plan is
decent just roll it all in together just
gets easier if however you want to start
you want to convert that make that IRA
into a Roth IRA which I do love that
idea because that's money you'd have to
pay the tax on that $1,500 today and
then you plan to contribute more to a
Roth IRA in the future then that's what
I would do so it's either convert it
make it a Roth IRA and try to put more
money in in the future or take the IRA
rollover roll it into your current plan
consolidate easier to manage cool easy
easy enough 529 retirement savings
credit it's unbelievable I mean I was
does it that's all you have to do like
my whole so tell me what I need to know
about the technology world before I go
back to the girls so this is crazy and I
mean yesterday so yesterday I don't know
if you know Google had a major keynote
their biggest keynote of the year that
they do it's called I at a conference
called I oh it's basically they're sort
of you know State of the Union about
what's going on in the world of google
and it was kind of boring in the most
part developer conference so there's a
lot of discussion about yours android
studio break oh this is really boring
but the developers like yes it's about
development but anyway yeah I mean all
the developers you know they get the
little boners over everything and
but what's funny is that the I mean I
love Lisa laugh and snicker look because
of development boner yeah is a funny
idea exactly all you do is picture like
all these little like programmers and
orders right guys yells out of it yeah
exactly so there have been years where
Google i/o the the flagship keynote was
obnox it was very entertaining very
engaging this one not so much the next
version of android m's just seems like
sort of a under the hood upgrade and
really nothing more but the one sort of
I guess you know under-the-radar
surprise was this new version of google
photos yeah which is great if you like
photos and you take a lot of them and
you want things backed up without having
to worry about it I've been using google
photos with Google+ sort of auto backing
up from my phone for a couple years now
and up until yesterday I had set it to
this sort of like backup everything but
sooner or later you know it starts to
chip away at your allotted storage
online well yesterday they announced
that they will store all of your photos
on an unlimited capacity of your photos
yeah at 16 megapixels or less which is a
gigantic photo 16 megapixel photos huge
ah so this is great well this is not
good though if you're one of those
people who wants to throw your photos in
some sort of cloud and they're sexy
photos and then snow into it and you
don't don't worry about it by the way
Jennifer Lawrence right she'll just
winked 30 times while she was saying
sexy photos sexy photos um isn't that
what happened to Jennifer Lawrence no
she was targeted but her photos were on
the clouds yeah and that was an apple
thing that what the reason that was of
social engineering yeah the information
out there and you figure out how to get
to somebody so do they do that okay but
everyone you got to be careful okay
carefully and generally cloud backup
anything you want to do that wanna make
sure that you have really secure
passwords and everything and yeah and
chain if fake you freaking security
questions by the way do you do this yeah
look I actually have LastPass come up
with fake answers to like where'd you go
to high school and it's like Albuquerque
HQ a hashtag 3857 they're like hey on
the phone they're usually like well
right sir like yeah yeah cuz it's it's
to secure that's very it's if they
should call that something by the way
they should be there I don't know those
things are really just just lie about
their just like idiot question right
okay so you be careful but you're going
to be able to put all these photos
amazing so that's not even the coolest
part is more like there's more there's
more Jill all right Ron so this morning
I was just screwing around with it I
downloaded it yesterday and it sort of
synced everything and how to do and
there's some really impressive facial
and object and color searching abilities
built in google photos and the way it
uses google search so once you have all
of your photos uploaded to Google you
can then search by topic so like if I
search hockey in my google photos it
pulls up every photo i've taken of
hockey and fry as if he searches beer
you evidently you can find a bigger yeah
i have a couple photos 13 photos a day I
mean there's a lot of area there's a lot
of beer photos here if you search dogs
since 2011 let's see if we look up dog
if you search dog all the dogs come on
come on my second ago isn't that story
staring the hole in your soul and that's
Audrey she's named after the computer
now isn't that diner he's not either dog
but I just like that picture of that dog
is science lab design so now search cat
cuz sometimes Marty came up as cat kid
if you search like sometimes one picture
of a cat and yeah she's a dog yeah
sometimes dogs come up as cats but
whatever it's like you know it's
understanding are you are you going to
help me do this it's so easy yeah I know
when you say that there's too many
things I have to do oh yeah I need you
to just come to my house and our I'm
gonna bring my computer to your house
whatever yeah and you're gonna do all
this stuff for me so I have to think
about Oh freak all you gotta do is
download the app that's it all right so
I'm gonna do you have a gmail I know
yeah yeah I know you do so know you do
Joe well I like that a separate from
Google+ that was it airs yeah google+
sucks well yes it really sucks we don't
like it but it is popular in some
circles I use it but but yeah like why
are you doing that why Google's
circles is I know awful yeah I guess if
you hate it I just I I think it sucks
and right I don't use it either but but
I do use it though because someone told
me for SEO I should be right it doesn't
hurt Google is the master of search so
maybe it's a good idea to have some of
your stuff and plus I think for the
photo element of Google+ this is an
extension of that and it's kind of
brilliant not only does it it doesn't
make every photo you've ever taken
searchable it also lets you search by
faces so when I open ups me out a little
bit it's not again like I said this on
CBS end this morning cuz Elaine Quijano
was like well this is this freaks me out
because now it unlike look it's not like
there's some like crusty old man hiding
behind a curtain somewhere looking at
all your photos being like uh was Jill
today let me pull Jill up and find out
what she's been doing I'm gonna send
them Elaine's that's what I got some
creep behind the curtain is like
watching your every move it's mostly
automated okay that doesn't mean you
should throw all of your privacy out the
window yeah but if you want to enjoy
some of these amazing technological
services yeah you gotta you gotta sort
of bad answer now you can turn facial
recognition off if you want you don't
have to opt into that I don't believe
but what's really cool is you know I'll
load up my google photos thing now on
the web and it looks like like a Mortal
Kombat characters you know select screen
where there's like all these little
boxes of all my friends and our Dillon
already has his own box and you click on
his face and then all the photos all the
photos of him show up it's um don't tell
me that's not amazing you know you're
saying it's amazing and I'm mouthing two
ayahs like this is freaking me out a
little Ricky you because it is scared
because this is every now and then a
product like this comes out where you're
like oh man that's cool like I searched
hockey and every hockey game I've ever
photographed comes up anytime my
Stacey's taking photos of me playing
hockey come up it's amazing you searched
golf golf comes up recognizes my boys to
different people because when he's a
baby yes totally different there's like
a toddler different so for me it's jeff
with sunglasses and
Jeff not with something I like that yeah
it's pretty rare all right pretty cool
technology I'm having a little anxiety
attack right no don't do it and then
there's one other pop culture thing I
want to talk about were you a fan of a
little film called fight club I've seen
it but I can't say I was like not one of
these crazy like lovers I've seen it
four hundred times I've seen it once
only one element yeah this is a Woody
Allen movie from 1999 I know what Fight
Club is right so you have so that you're
very casual attachments yeah exactly so
they I'm too old no animal woman I'm so
not in the damn film came out in 99 how
old were you in 1911 I talked about that
looks pretty nice continue I know
actually I think I was eighteen nineteen
eighty yeah anyway when that film came
out it kind of changed my life a little
bit just because of how excellent I I
thought that was theirs it has an
amazing ending to it if you'd never seen
it don't give it away obviously we won't
do that the author Chuck Palin up um and
I can never pronounce his name correctly
is it Palin yuck Palin nook anyway sure
always ready with it he wrote he's
written a lot a couple of other bottle
read what was give me a little mystery
MDB about house was only books yeah oh
and uh that what was that he Sam
Rockwell movie was also baby i can't
remember the other one he wrote one of
his books well it's something with an S
I want to say um like palana Chuck or
something yeah Palin of Chuck whatever
it is I can never pronounce it um
anybody Dale and I'm sorry so he is
writing he's already written a sequel to
fight club Fight Club too perhaps yes
that's exactly what it's called google
but it's in comic book form there you
have it comic book form yet so that's
the way this story is going to play out
and it follows the character almost ten
years after the events of Fight Club one
where if you watch that film or have
read that novel it ends on quite the
violent turn of events you know that was
his first book yes that right is not a
massage I believe it was his first book
1996 which is amazing I mean he is he is
a he
his stuff is very dark yes very um you
know anti-establishment and uh oh Jojo
cackling I was there Sam Rockwell good
so I mean that was his first book he
since written over a dozen and this was
his most faces his epic yeah sort of
thing a lot of his uh other books have
done very well survivor did really well
lullaby um a lot of people like his new
stuff this book this has been written
right no if I club to you is a comic
book it's a cut grass novel graphic
novel I love the graphic novels great
it's really really good stuff in episode
and issue one was just released this
week and I want everyone to go and buy
it digitally or look at you analog Olie
and by this version of this book people
are freaking out over it okay I haven't
read it yet but I cannot wait to do with
this weekend you might be surprised that
i have read a couple of graphic novels
rights true what fun home by alison
bechdel which is just made into a
Broadway show um she is amazing so fun
home is it's on broadway right now it
started at the public theater she wrote
this graphic novel she won the Pulitzer
Prize for it you know six yeah she's
amazing Alison Bechdel bechdel huh oh it
was a story of us so the vibe is dark
yeah it's a autobiographical okay the
fun home is the funeral home that her
father ran and and he they sort of like
abbreviated yes they called it fun home
and just darken its own wait a second
it's also the story of her own coming
out yeah and her father was a closeted
gay man who ultimately killed himself oh
my god so imagine how much fun that's
gonna be as a musical I saw it it was
unbelievable it was amazing I mean so
you should read that as well i'm gonna
give that a big plug i'm so glad you you
endorse this sort of me oh no I love it
I love it really like reading a graphic
novel is spectacular because it's it's
you know it's obviously different than a
standard novel what's that other one you
have the calendar in your queue oh yeah
and i read that as well and i'm losing
my mind what's the
that woman she writes like Alison she's
also on alice is it Ali think it's a yes
it's called why can I do you know what
it was like that name all the things is
her that's her mean and and she and she
has written so unbelievably about
perfectly and a half and I read that and
I had to say that book more than any
other book that I've read like sort of
captures this darkness around depression
that is intense and you think has like
the sort of like cute little character
you know she draws herself it's very
dark sheshe I believe she draws
everything in like ms paint yes I her I
think Sal thing uh it's kind of amazing
what uh you know what she's done and she
turned that into a gigantic sort of
Bryant Ali broches right okay so Allie
Brosh and then we have the other one
Alison Bechdel we come on out you level
endorsements from thank you think i was
gonna get that this morning so fun home
also on but let me give you a Broadway
show update oh fun home is on Broadway
look amazing what did you say I saw a
curious incident amazing amazing loved
it Oh mais news must see people who you
come to New York go see curious and I
heard it's leaving soon because people
do the buzz is there but PR people
seeing yeah yeah yeah they get they've
done well so it's sticking around
they're gonna start a road show but
that's just because I want to make money
so curious incident is amazing Hamilton
is going to Broadway it it is
mind-blowing uh it is the story of
Alexander Hamilton it's by the guy who
wrote in to the heights lin-manuel
Miranda who's from Washington Heights
and it is a wrap and soul track a sad
about say soundtrack but the music is
soul and rap and it tells a story of
Alexander Hamilton's life it is
tremendous go see it it is it is a like
transformational Broadway okay like it
is like one of those shows are you like
oh my god there is such great talent
this is fantastic so Hamilton Curious
Incident fun home I gotta see fun home
I'm sorry not it's great it is so good
and I
saw it and it was still in previews yeah
she was sitting behind me no Lynette del
Sol you know it whoa how'd you know that
what that was must have been awkward had
like a little sliding you know yeah is
it what did you do you like you locked
eyes and that was you know that was it
no what happened was me how old is she
she's a little bit younger than I am
mm-hmm uh I'm just trying to see like
where this could have gone no said my
sister-in-law leans over and she's like
yeah we have better seat than her she
was there she went to this school which
you may have heard of called Simon's
rock do you know about that simon's rock
is part of bard college and it's for
kids in high school who like are trying
to who are like just don't fit into
their high school mold and you they go
away to high school but it's sort of a
high school college prep and choose
where this huge group of simon's rock
people it was very anyway she's amazing
I it's very rare to cry in a musical but
it makes me cry it's a very intense
that's deep we've had a lot of like this
has been a fantastic show I must go back
to my girl no I know we got it I just
want to say that this is the graphic
novel I'm now I'm like okay i'm gonna
i'm going to read this you gotta you
gotta really get into i mean it's it's
fun there's there's such amazing stuff
out there it really is great you know
it's interesting it's it almost is
daunting sometimes because of all the
things like especially when you live in
New York I'm sure where you live
anywhere like you can read a zillion
things but live in New York it's like
hyper stimulation it's like I could go
to a show I went to the new Whitney
music so much you can there's so much
going on and then I'm like you know I
could watch Netflix to right that's the
thing you you were you are like crippled
by the amount of opportunity that I just
sort of like feed us up and just you
know dive into a can of like it's sort
of a weird thing because I didn't I
surprised to have a good problem the
second you're like I'm gonna go outside
you're like what do you want to do
everything in anything right I mean
that's that's the amazing thing I did go
to the new Whitney which was it's kind
of cool though I don't like the outside
of the building so much but the inside
is tremendous you know it's at the foot
of the Meatpacking District right and so
but it looks out and they have outdoor
space for art which is super cool and
the way that you see the art
galleries are really open spaces so I
love that because i hate feeling like I
hate feeling like like cramped in a
museum but it's very cool great exhibit
American art anyway there it is you
travel log have I done my job I faire de
Blasio yes serious i feel like if
someone's thinking about come to New
York we've done your homework for like
by the way I don't want to say too much
about this but tonight you and I are
rooting for the exact same outcome are
we not I just we don't want to talk
about it but I just want to say that's
true right it don't matter because
whoever comes out of the east it's gonna
get smoked I don't care I understand
that you're saying that and yet I don't
care because I don't want that that team
to get to the next I want it for lunk
wists oh my god do you earn I like I
hate deserves better he deserves better
he know if you know do you know we're
talking about hockey okay I exist the
hockey havia the one I've been watching
I haven't watched wasn't serious okay
great yeah I don't think my dad you kept
me awesome I doesn't go with the hockey
yeah yeah and you're rooting for the
rangers I'm well nobody's perfect I'm
leaving now all right enjoy your
newfound I family and the best of luck
with the girls thank you and give Prince
Dylan a big kiss from auntie Jill I will
I will thank you so much for being here
as always great followed you on twitter
at Jill on money she's verified now you
know that check mark proves it all and
you'll be back maybe June yeah I
whatever we can work I see what well you
only do the show on Friday is not right
it is correct Fridays are very hard from
their toe let me ask you a question yeah
go go for it could I could you dial into
my ISDN oh you get on the ship we could
we could arrange that sure that would be
fantastic oould sit at the beach correct
Oh God danki hate me call it life tough
life hate me a little bit when you come
around and you swing your eyes DN flag
like that two of them not one not one I
just that's why not is a snazzy the one
out of these doesn't work you got nice
and we got on the good microphone for
these things at least I got the headset
with a mic high on the sennheiser you
know yeah that's what she's doing I know
I don't do a scrapper oh I don't know
crap but I I'm very dear friends of the
verizon guy he literally gave me a cell
phone he lives in my basement he said to
me he's like you should never go through
like the central booking thing just call
me if I problem that sounds shady but
awesome at the same time it is it is not
shady for me you're just bypassing the
man I'm bypassing the man and I'm
dealing with somebody who actually knows
how to fix stuff you know it's it's very
funny you mention that when I was still
living at home we were having so many
issues with our cable that I kind of
befriended the guy and you get and you
develop this that's what a lot of
relationship well you know here's an
extra ten bucks do what you gotta do I
gave a one-time this is very funny like
my relationship with verizon is storied
and a long time ago I had a house on
Martha's Vineyard when i was living in
new england and you know whenever you
got a storm everyone's phones went down
yeah this is well before cell phone okay
okay and the variety the verizon truck
like i'm taking a run and you know it's
the phone to be down for three days yeah
that's crazy okay so i see the truck and
I go knock and I said oh my god are you
here I'm livid over this and the guy
says oh no you're not on our list and I
said could you just come over and like
just check out the pole and yeah I'll
make it worth your while I'll make it
worth your while he comes in it's like
friday seven o'clock at night you
checked out your pole i bet if you will
and uh he fixes the phone yeah and i
said here's your choice i give you a
case of beer or give you money he's like
what kind of beer oh nice I found it was
it happened to because we're having this
big huge barbecue is just like a regular
sam adams summer ale blah blah blah I
said take it take it done not a phone
case of beer so seemed good to me so you
do things in life unfortunately
sometimes sadly I know I never want to
get that guy in trouble but that's how
it works thank you so much for being
here thank you so much for dylan's gift
that was amazingly thought I feel very
bad that I as has not gotten a gift we
get what we get a nice right now but
what about next time maybe I'll bring
you a gift yeah for the dogs are sure
my videos and swing it early October
fifth mmm interesting alright couple
long time I'm out of here thank you so
much Jill we're back here next week with
a brand new show have a fantastic
weekend I will be gone next week I'm
going to be in Texas oh I'm purpose yeah
bachelor party yeehaw yeehaw bring my
tank down has only gone to downloading
games I can't wait to see what Google
photos which classifies those uh yeah
jokes I hope they have service down
there it's all have to say they do have
electricity into it will be back next
week 866 44 cnet is the number follow us
on twitter facebook instagram and all
that stuff have a fantastic weekend is
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