
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Podcast 1,605: Apple event round-up; stop giving games release dates; the new 52 is dead

I took lowbrow for bro and what's cool you today going 32 hey everyone welcome to a brand new episode of the 404 show on this Friday March 13 2015 it's friday 13th that's a very special holiday for me and i'm joined by two very special people John Falcone to my left how are you sir I'm good good to be back I know we'll talk about how long it's been just second and then of course Bridget Carey fill in for is today how are you Bridget doing good so friday 13th it's like i'd love that day because everyone thinks it's scary and it's not just a regular day and i think of doing is taylor swift's 1130 oh why are we grouping me in with Taylor Swift she's got like a 13 tattoos yeah I know it's her lucky number damn it for that same reason I can't even have one thing oh man alright I'll deal with that in my own way they so you're excited this year i believe we had to write baby I in March right whenever it's uh yeah there's not a leap year it'll be the same days in a row yeah which is pretty great I got engaged on februari 13th friday 13th that's good look what can I say it's been that's been working out great for you so far so far so well I have no complaints that I would talk about publicly um so mr. Falcone you are the executive editor you're basically in charge of all things cnet edit in New York here say don't be ashamed sure yes you could say that okay good I'm glad I did um I want to talk real quick so last I didn't even look at it reviews cnet reviews yeah what and you know you pull a lot of weight in other categories yeah let's not take away from other people no let's um so what was the lad do you remember the last time you're on our show no okay my question is gonna be like was Obama president now that's definitely not the case i'm looking it up with like a crappy little search right here it's not even pulling up yeah i think it was in the hot maybe the hundreds or the 200s I know that I'm possible or I feel like it's insane I feel like um just tree was dead like you know it would've been like a sanara Oh death situation definitely I'm look so we have a wikia you know that is you guys know a wikia is it's like sit wiki or wikia that depends on you where you're from um so I'm just trying to do like a crappy little search here and I'm going into the guests category which is is relatively fleshed out um here you are those to whoever is maintaining this okay wait and keeping that picture of me also from the era we're talking about it's amazing it's a it's like a stock photo of you juggling a bunch of all-in-one remotes and it says you might have been on episode 58 Wow which we never got out of double did you never got a or 34 where you want to you're a pioneer do you miss possible like I Randall yeah that's how long ago yeah this is this is all Randall Wilson uh-huh yeah so either way the last time you ron was two thousand eight and seven years ago how you been since then what have you been doing I didn't even know he still works here razy yeah easy um how about that I also wonder if I was on maybe one or two of the test ones that were never broadcast all that like certainty yes you have a suitcase Wow see the dude cast Falcone's and OG he knows all about the dude cast do you know about the day I never heard of this so in our infancy we were just this nascent trio of morons dudes I mean not a lots changed but we that was the first idea for the name of our podcast and at the time we'd I don't even remember whose idea was it to just call it that but we had that's what we sent to mark Larkin who was running seen a TV at the time right and he's like you this is good you just can't call it the dude cast cuz that sucks which I my question that decision but okay hey Nightside maybe it was better than four we're not gonna split here yeah it'd be interesting to SEO dude cast right now yeah it comes feel like in my whoops yeah still be worth keeps which names before we broadcast this will cut this all out in I just do it I'm still open to it all right let's get into so it's been a while yeah but I'm glad to be back as am i and I directly are you upset like no we come back I was never a big I'm never big fan of being on video yeah so audio only sure all right glad to know your doors open to that thank you wonderful let's get into this week's stories a lot of stuff happened right off was announced some stuff was announced obviously monday was it monday was the other day and it's amazingly i just the other night was like did that happen monday how is that possible weeks go by so quick yet this felt like it was ages ago massive apple event their spring preview okay so let's go through this all the stuff everyone in the subreddits like all you guys have to talk about apps up obviously we're gonna hit the watch first so let's talk about the watch the big story of the event where do you begin I think you just begin by I mean I'll begin by saying I am legitimately underwhelmed with this thing with okay and the other the coral a question there is with the Apple watch or the whole idea of a SmartWatch whatsoever I mean I drank the kool-aid a little bit with the Pebble watch mm-hmm because I still think that's probably the one to get because of the price and the the specs and the battery life and stuff like that and how it's just not this intrusive replacement for your phone watch you know situation yes so funny story I don't think it was until two weeks ago that on cnet we even had a best smartwatches list because it has literally taken us up to this point to come up with a small list of watches we would even consider consider recommending right and i believe right now they are the pebble steel okay not even the time all the time we don't have yet at right there they were just announced that they can't be on a list right if they're just look promising but the pebble steel at 199 about to be upgraded uh and the Whiting's activity which is the OP which is the analog looking watch yes there's like some digital background stuff going on there right so it is communicate with your phone via bluetooth for a couple of things but it also less a year yes it's not doing a lot of crazy large matter it's amazing yeah and it's a hundred fifty bucks right so beyond those two is there anything else there's excuse me there's a few more on the list i think those the only two that are four stars okay so you'd have to look it up but but if people ask me they're the two I would bring up first right yeah I think the two weird things about the Apple watch event where one it I think it was more than fifty percent not the Apple watch that a they spent their time on it took a really long time to get to ya it was like more than an hour I think yeah into the Prezi event it was nothing new besides what we saw the last words I that when the other weird thing is they really except for finally the pricing and the hard release date details very little new information to honestly kind of up sell you on why you would want to spend 350 400 what's the other ones 600 up yeah I mean and the gold one is just a whole other which is just another tragedy I mean let's talk about that just for a second it's the way I look at it why even say you have a ten-thousand-dollar watch why even say it now is it because it a I was talking about alright so I was talkin to Vinnie from giant bomb about it and he's like no it sounds like it's just like Apple one is they don't forget we still know you're poor and yeah like don't forget we still realize I think for some people it will turn them off it has that like apple looks like they're not your friend yo meant you know but then they want to play in that world they want to play in that fashion like for example some people love certain fashion brands and I'm not a fashionista in that sense I'm the one who shop it in the clearance rack at Macy's but people see that designer dress on the runway you're not going to spend the money on that but you will buy that brands lipstick okay dollars of writing riddles oh it's that concept of you know their high quality and you may not get that multiple thousand-dollar purse or dress as one of a kind but you'll buy the shoes you'll buy something else with that freaking logo on it yeah that's interesting were you gonna say a few things I mean she just encapsulated a lot of it right there um Apple as a brand went from very aspirational kind of in the old days where the max the prices on the old Macs were kind of insane they were at a control yeah um and post kind of starting with the iMac which was much more kind of like a people's computer sure you turn with all the colors yeah yeah the kind of first steve jobs is back product is in school ya know that was the cop the quintessential college piece a mac fur for Maya it was kind of a great value at a time yeah um then when the iphone came out that started I think that was like five or six hundred dollars unsubsidized right and then eventually came down to the same prices every other phone is right where I mean phones are weird now because the subsidies are sort of gone away and whatever else but long story short is the iphone basically costs the same as any other flagship phone sure and as ben rubin point out his piece even like the macbook air started as like this crazy 2500 dollar aspirational amazing laptop and now it's like the meat and potatoes low-end great value nine hundred to a thousand dollar laptop which i look you get a laptop four to four hundred dollars wouldn't you argue the air is still overpriced when you look at other item I know nothing is as thin and as light but the hunt couple hundred bucks you're paying in that premium does that qualify it I mean I guess so I would not call it overpriced you just call it expensive it's I think it's delivering a lot of value at that price especially considering what the competition is up there that's like a separate question about the new macbook which I sure it also yeah well get out of that but anyway long story short I feel like this is Apple kind of returning to that aspirational you know shooting for the stars she sort of started and number two why not try it at those prices for I guess and on what why is it ten thousand dollars it because it's solid gold the enemy base is supposedly solid gold but I gold-plated but i think that much gold cost ten thousand are I don't think it does but you could look up the wait and see exactly what the I guess meltdown rice if it be it's I know like the price of gold has gone up but sure but look the other story we ran before the price was officially announced was you know what 10,000 other price on that isn't crazy if you look at the rest of the luxury marque watch course but those watches don't become obsolete in a year and that is the really mm-hmm seventeen thousand dollar question that's the seventeen thousand dollar kickin because that's I guess yet the nice band you're seventeen thousand I would be shocked if they don't have a lot of jewel encrusted bands that get that up to right or toward if T whatever there's gonna be one from like suave our ski with right and that's there's no technology there that's just literally jewelry cosmetic wear yeah ours it and that's fine i i i heard the batteries replaceable so yeah at least a couple years out of thankfully the other giant problem yeah right you get a tag war-era brightly whatever i'm sure the battery less more like a year show not a day or those watches just power themselves with right automatic you know movement another great point another great point so I I don't know i think going back to you know stepping away from how absurd a ten-thousand-dollar smartwatches arm which ultimately i do think they took more flack for then you know sort of all right and I I think you don't like it there they're in touch with you right it felt like a massive massive sort of snobby elitist kind of press tation and they just sort of snuck it in there too I think they kinda said it as he was you know like in hey like and I want to you know sort of under the radar there yeah but to your point about was it's I was is it so swell varsity I don't think anyone pronounce it correctly for years we've seen you know here's a ten-thousand-dollar iphone shares right but that was never sold by apple and i think i've looked and be like why are we in that market well I be why are we letting this guy take the you know the extra ten grand on top of our product we dipped in Apple TV and diamonds yet what's that about just saying no I they can always lower the price we can always totally walk away from a high-end watch chum why not I'm almost surprised it in put out as like special first edition only I mean they'll only sell a hundred of them anyway right and the other day I there are a lot of people out there who that's not a big deal yeah I guess Konya was about ten of them yeah there's the celebrity thing and then there's um it'll be like a weird gift thing you know well also allegedly the goal thing is very like china-focused for that bucket interesting I don't know why it's the same people who are gonna buy that Lamborghini phone and it was like like there's a market out there people who are like sure why not I'll just toss this aside and in a year I guess so stepping away from the that part of the discussion I like like we said there was nothing fundamentally different from the first Apple watch focused press conference that's why they talked a lot about health right they talked about the whole health thing which I don't know I still have this weird aching feeling in the back of my head that you guys I don't really necessarily look to you guys for health research I I just think a lot of this stuff is unproven we're so flooded with fitness trackers and and heartbeat monitors and not you know this it's not like the Surgeon General comes downs like you everyone in America should have this sure you know they're not necessarily endorsed by any respectable Health Organization you know I don't know how well that health tracker heartbeat monitor is really going to work and I had a bit of a experience with the Moto 360 this week sure I took it for a hardcore workout over at Google's offices okay um and that gave me by actually being with it in a workout it gave me a little bit of a different insight into how the fitness world would like it to be more convenient than carrying your phone around it depends on the apps that are made for it for example you're sitting there with boxing gloves on and you're punching a bag and you want to watch maybe to just give you a little buzz when when it's time that you did two minutes you want another buzz for a break buzz to go back and then after you're done look you get all the stats even for not exact stats you get a sense of how you've done overall in a progress way the absite also you can do that with like how many times you want to get a reminder of a routine quick right do 10 squats quick do 10 this and it buzzes to tell you to stop to go again that kind of thing is it is where people are going to innovate first right if it helps you get a more productive work out where you can chart your progress over a given amount of time cuz we don't care about stepping into that but like this is more like helping you out you say that and that amazingly as one of the most unhealthy people you'll ever meet in terms of diet and no exercise I do still wear every day this clip on you do man I don't know why because it is a part of me I you're holding what doubt this is a the I think original or one of the original fitbit's that you clip to your belt okay whatever else so it's a pedometer it's a pedometer and pretty much and that's pretty much it right that's how I use it but I you know I guess you're supposed to try to get over 10,000 steps a day okay my average and I think I'd probably weigh like 15 or 20 more pounds if I didn't live in New York and I heard you know I don't own a car like I walk and take the train every where but average day for me seems to be about 7,700 steps okay whatever that means from so you just put in what do you do with that information you desire a video and I feel really bad in lethargic aspect like everyone's mothers like I think what tomorrow is gonna be like a rainy Saturday or something like now looking out there it was a sailor on the TV or the PlayStation and like the end the day it's like hmm hundred twelve hundred that's brutal you have to charge of that often do you this has has a watch battery that lasts yeah six to twelve months um and unlike your phone does this now but even if I always have my phone with me half the times like on the desk right or whatever else all right yeah I haven't charged the Moto 360 that I used during that workout so it's just sitting on my night right now I've been I'm not like I gotta charge the other kind of dirty secret about these which depending upon your opinion isn't so bad is um very little of the information so far is really accurate from a medical standpoint yeah when we were doing our like heart so that's a big way to turn the watch like you know the watch faces outside we had to turn it inside in our wrists because where our pulse is stronger because it was having a hard time picking attacking it right and I mean so there's that there's those I mean that's why none of them they always sort of an ass Chris and say like for fun right exactly approve exactly and that's what there's this gigantic disclaimer on all this stuff that being said even if this step counter for instance isn't accurate I feel like if I'm always measuring against this one device at least it's giving me on a spectrum right that the numbers may not be accurate but I feel like if it says five thousand verses 10,000 does mean I walked fifty percent sure long this day is prayer in theory yes if it's working correctly um so you have that backdrop with the whole Apple watching I think that has very rapidly shifted away as the primary focus in the use cases of the Apple watch but let's talk about the watch itself now if you're listening wherever you are unless you're driving or walking you know try this out pretend if you are wearing a regular watch or whatever washer which you both are and I am NOT okay so now just like use whatever hand it's on use the opposite hand and just sort of like touch that's that face a lot okay does that is that fun to you now look how much how often do you touch the face of your watch normal unit almost never unless you said it whenever you have to set it for you know twice a year for daylight savings right so how does that how is that going to play into the experience it's another to check it's another way to buzz you while you're you know maybe you would have ignored your phone in your pocket but it's so freaking big now you can't take it out of your pocket so you have to now glance at your watch screen to know right Oh someone Facebook tagged me now is that does that sound like something you would want to do over and over again and I guess no one can truly wrap their heads around what it will be like to own one until they have it on their risk for 23 months already so my hang-up is that where I don't I don't want to do this like constant handcuffed weird hand gesture crossover thing that you're going to have to be doing not to mention uh using a crown in the fashion that they would like you to do if you're not touching it seems mostly awful that was it seemed like one of the initial complaints was it wasn't as possibly intuitive as it was to use like the iPad or the iphone which one of the true things about those products was you really didn't have to teach anybody use them in right see that a lot of times you give it like a three-year-old and iPad they they're just like oh like this is how the world around all right um and I I still don't it's weird how it has the crown and then also that giant button and the button is the button the home button or something else I don't know not to mention ok so we've we've we've digested that but then you have this weird honeycomb layout where icons seem smaller than you know any like any sort of it just seems like how am I navigating you really need to have just like three or four apps I don't see how you could not go crazy when you have 20 of rights as they show a stack of like a hundred of them and you're like haven't use the kind of like zoom in and out of that right is that how that works is that faster is that more efficient like are you gonna sit there and all that I gotta find gotta be that guy tinkering with my watch like like some you know seventh-grade girls do you like uh you know Siri google maps so so maybe yeah but again you wanna be that guy I hate all voice recognition yeah I still I'm sitting there like trying to get to the home then I have to get to the list of apps and that upsets you that's annoying well it doesn't make me really encouraged to do that yeah so I just kind of let it sit on my wrist and have it push notify me anything right CII that's where I would like it i think i would like to know what i'm getting a call especially if the phone's not on my person mm-hmm I'd like to get that text message I'd like to get updates on maybe like scores of a hockey game or something I would be okay with that a vibration like to know what the hockey score yeah why not really yeah just like a vibration shopper Nicole you know or I don't know but that's it's you know I think notifications is probably the killer app on these watches and as long as the notifications are different than what you get on your phone already yeah yes I mean that's the question but but getting that fine tuned to where you want it is still a real challenge I mean Android wear look like it was heading in the right direction with that but it's still according what Scott says when he's right like not quite where you want to be I don't know I I noticed on my phone I actually became a lot happier when I turned off some of the notifications I understand really what honestly email okay where they were like all popping up my screen I was getting really anxious if I just see the number ratcheting up and check it when I want to that works better for me so they got to make it customizable enough that it's it's not I mean something like you probably a state both you guys have to get paint on Twitter like every 30 seconds it happens yeah that would you wouldn't want that active or you can just send we're only only when someone tags me in a photo do I want right like they'd have to be granular enough that you can if it starts to get aggravating if one of your posts takes off the right kind of temporarily disable it or something so think about this okay when we went from desktop to mobile we made a lot of sacrifices right we it say what you will and i know it accounts for but loads of traffic but the mobile experience compared to the desktop experience is handicapped it's a it's an inferior experience i think guys opposed to a mouse and keyboard it's it's different and i always work yeah well I get when I want to its up if I'm reading something yes sometimes mobile still okay there is there are other signs like if it's a longer piece or something I want to get out the laptop right what would you rather write a story on what would you rebels right is to write laptop I got left sending an email do a lot of things even you know it even make a facebook post in some ways can be kind of tricky on it right exactly you do a lot of sacrificing in and you you adapt right but that's yet so that's funny and what you consume on mobile you create on desktop exactly so now here comes this third platform where it's like wrist ok so it's wearing it right so you go from desktop to mobile and now a more sort of you know watered-down fake version not fake but you know granular version than what you're used to it to me all too hyper mode yeah hi right and now for me that's my big sort of hurdle with it that's my big hang-up with it like how am I going if and look maybe they figure it out maybe they look you know it looks like this is the way to do it but that's what I'm the most cautious about one supposed reason for that is they're going back back to a really tiny screen because the small mobile screen is actually grown to be in the past yeah six years to five and a half inches for other people yeah communication changes with a small screen like that too and what's going to happen is you're gonna always preset responses to your friends so you have to get out the phone and type something custom you just simply go yeah going to be there is and like three other choices are your automatic replies you know or whatever you speak to your watch you know will be dictated that's a bit another biggest gonna be LOL for everything it'll be easier coming tonight LOL i guess that's a yes great my and you know and I do want to cover the other things they announced but um you know I guess that's the biggest sort of glaring issues that I'm more curious about than anything else so you know all that stuff is coming very soon so we'll see how it shakes out arm before before we move on um staying with apple stuff real quick and then we'll we'll get into the next story the powerbook the computer that's just a bunch of batteries inside of it which when when I first it sounded like it felt like a joke it felt like an onion story or they're like hey we've strapped you know 1900 batteries inside this poor you know aluminium aluminium case you know guinean we've strapped so many batteries inside this power book it's practically nuclear you like that's essentially how I saw that play out and it you know look the engineering-wise I you know I think when you show me that it's just jam-packed stuffed with batteries I'm not that impressed I don't know what it is what do you think your phone is gay I get it it's one big battery with like a screen I get and that's what your iPad is to uh it just looks funny I don't know a cross section of this thing is funny to me that aside it's got a really small motherboard it's only 13 millimeters thick and but if like a butterfly keys which all right everyone I talked to bets use those keys says it's mostly awful and like it you're basically typing on a touchscreen everything every time something like this comes out I'm I actually think this is a very lame product I don't care how gorgeous the screen is touched you know you're right I haven't but it's a twelve hundred dollar severely underpowered machine I feel like some phones rival this this computer it's more like a phone doesn't have any poor Epona's no port it is not a life specs wise it is not impressive at all so far as we know you're correct but a couple important things here the only person here is actually touch the thing is Dan uh-huh I guess comes out April 10th which is also the same day the you can check out the watch in the store and pre-order it right and also PS the same day that the galaxy s6 comes out okay nicer without a program there right uh yeah one the the keyboard it seems to be concern to me because I'm not I really like the current macbook air which is my work machine and that of a lot of you right here I'd say the keyboard is maybe the weakest thing about it I don't love it and I don't that's kind of true a lot of these super thin laptops I mean you lose travel distance on the key right and I'm it's a it's a it's a weird feel that you kind of to get just get used to write and that the thing that scares me about this one I'd almost I mean almost nobody here will get this reference it runs me the membrane keyboard unlike the Atari 400 but you guys all remember from 1976 I know I don't but you know but is it what are you thinking more like that surface keyboard uh sewing oh yeah yeah that the other one yeah the other lower end one right exactly which does not kill me whatsoever and it's like a twenty dollar difference to get the real one right I'm sure is a lot better but that when you were talking about really you know fine movement between the keys and the you know the mechanism below it and I am that turns me off so there's a keyboard there's this force touch trackpad which jury's still out feels well we have we have a version of that here now in the Pro and it is kind of interesting because it does give you this like you can do this double click with just a depending how far you depress it right and it kind of clicks back on you and does ah got about an illusion of a double click so you've used that what do you think you've used the to Bridget yeah ah I I mean just for a moment I was kind of air today I needed to learn how do you promise now on it was unusual even that one has more travel because then the Kiro is yet a more normal sized library is one it's just kind of paper I think I think it's yeah cuz it's muscle memory it's it's a it's a elene you am sure even typing on a touchscreen was different for all of us but I don't know if I'm used to that right away right off the bat right I was like oh wait wait how hard do it oh oh there oh there it is it someone I mean this to me this is a perfect example of like we went to thin well you should at least go into the store and try this angle and that's what what is great about Apple now is their stores are everywhere and then even if they're not this will be in best buy and all I'm sure I just hope someone at some point was like hey guys do you do you think we made this too thin because I can't wait for that dude to try and put her in his back pocket and bend it yeah right exactly it doesn't Bend I I really try I guarantee you that was a concern whether like okay we actually may have may have gone too thin on this one because now it's just silly now it's like a knife and that's stupid right 13 millimeters they're pushing that you know that's that's insane but not the thinnest laptop out there right actually lenovo has right yes probably got a better keyword on it huh all right so there you have so the last issue on this is the processor which is called underpowered yeah intel core m that is in my opinion the successor to the atom which was not a great processor we've only tested one pc one computer that had the Quran that was the yoga 3 pro okay and that didn't get up to 4 stars it was three and a half and was kind of like you could tell how heartbroken akron was because he really wanted to love that thing because the design is super cool super thin and it did not do great in the benchmarks now important caveat Apple unlike lenovo controls the soft the operating system and the hardware so you think there's going to be a little finagling going on they at least have the expertise and opportunity to do that on this type of product whereas lenovo I don't think really and quite get into windows and fool around them can I just say like even with the hardware talking about the keys and I'll last if I feel I can get used to I don't think we're ready for a world to become wheatley wireless yet like they were kind of pushing for like like everything could just be Wireless and free and ruined maybe you need an adapter no you definitely need an adapter do you mean yeah I mean we're just staring at a web of wires in front of us it's not i'm not ready for that like and that and that's what makes me think ok who the hell is this for like who is this for they're trying to show that it's possible same person is pre-ordering the watch on the first day yeah but even the watch Persian I I have like more respect for them than the macbook person look this again is what they do they create aspirational products and they start them at this isn't by the way this is not insanely it's thirteen hundred dollars for the entry level one right but with I think 256 gigs of flash storage right which i think is only a hundred dollar difference between this in the air so it's not in it of that same storage capacity right no I just think you're better off getting an air I mean that's to me if someone's ask me should I get a macbook no get an air and I think the retina pro um is maybe the exact same price yeah i mean just yet but choices thick choices thick because it's probably ten times as powerful when you're a college student and you just want something light in your backpack you'll probably look at this little closely and actually debate well do I have wireless headphones do I have all these wireless things I'm you don't need why I was head on those of this one review what I mean do you have all the like do I really want to stream a lot or do i need the towards and you might actually say it I'll just get it after yeah maybe but you're gonna make this thing choked out with like three browsers open I'm telling you it's I have no fear all I'm saying on that is we're going to test it with exactly that and we'll know within a month what the deal realistic performance yeah which is good um the only last thing I would say on this which i think is interesting is there's also this rumor of later this year of the 12 inch iPad this was the day I think they're yeah seriously it is well that's just a touch me if that product does come out and they surprise surprise happen to have a companion surface like keyboard for it that getting it really we've split apart the macbook now offer them separately yeah IAM keyboard yeah perfectly designed he it's starting to get on my nerves hey I'm just sorry I just that dude I don't know I think we might have to do a parody videos all I'm saying is all I'm saying um other news this week if you're a gamer and you own a ps4 and you were looking forward to playing uncharted 4 well you're probably gonna have to wait a year now instead of this holiday because it is officially delayed till next spring and you and I talked about this in the office the other day should every video game far out video game should these guys should these developers and publishers just stop putting dates on games I used to complain that games were announced too early primarily because they would always have these super loose release dates attached to them so now I'm saying okay announce your game that's fine but don't go and say holiday 2015 when you know very well that is a subject to change you become the beta tester if there's any bugs if they haven't got it all set up right by the time they hit that date yeah I mean well that's a mean that's a great point of course that has become kind of scandalous was like sure sometimes they hit those dates but man is that not a fun experience for the gamer you really don't have a choice anymore you are going to get in on finished game that pretty much goes without saying with the exception of a few titles these days but my whole thing is you know just stop saying this game is coming you know like look at eight of the major titles that are being released this year okay every single one of them suffered at least a three month delay when you look at like from now till June and that's battlefield that's the order that's blood-borne that's uncharted that's Batman they've all been delayed every single triple a title has been delayed so what are we doing what kind of this is a weird game we're playing where are we just supposed to now have this baked in you know denial with the release date or you know you know I'm saying like why even have it anymore and just say we'll let you know when we're gold and we'll go from there I guess there's so much pressure from the console makers to be like during our big event we gather people know why you should buy this console so give us a date right so that's so there's one answer right where it's like there are plenty of things attached to that verse you know stock prices and and and you have to please members of boards and and you know shareholders and all these different sort of ariel's variables that get baked into what it is to be a developer / publisher so I don't know I just I I know there's no answer to this question but I I think we just stop doing that stop making dates and we can all kind of live a little more stress-free as people who put a lot of stock into when games are coming in how far in advance do we get some of these dates like over a year those whales yeah I'd say the most you get is maybe 18 months hmm I know Last Guardian can hear oh my god that's a game that you know forget at least they never had a date true right and but so the bigger and easier pill to swallow when you don't have a date I mean obviously a game that's been in you know development he'll like that Brett is an exception but if they just came out last year and said hey here's gameplay footage of Uncharted we don't know when it's going to come out but it's coming and it's coming you know me I you just can't put it I understand the fundamental difficulties of not attaching a date to a game but this is getting ridiculous I mean everything we just talked about his stuff that's coming soon so uh it's no it's really no different it's exactly the same now in tech mm-hmm in certainly for movies sure um Star Wars coming up yeah and games and movies kind of go hand in hand weirdly movies very very rarely seem to get delayed like every once in a while it happens but once they announce a date they usually hit it I agree yes that is very interesting they even have dates for like movies in in 2018 right that's how crazy that a Marvel roadmap and they'll hit all those dates so what is it is it because a movie is sort of this non open-ended situation where it's it's not software it's not something that has to be interacted with or installed oh so many games now have so many multiple choices to test every little as possible thing you could do you have a loss of control yeah and we've also been making lots of movies we see come out a guy like that could have been baked for another right maybe six months we have in the oven for a couple more minutes but but here's the thing movie we've been making movies for a hundred years now I'm not saying we've been making Avengers for a hundred years but it is something that has been streamlined and kind of put through its its streamlined extra 8,000 people working on each movie well what the why would I mean you look at we compared to what what it used to be yeah of course sure I'm sure the same man people worked on Casablanca not hungry title cards and food right it's over and that was it man you would see like you know the key grip in the director in the same title co there you go on studio system but that's but still it now just scaled and it's become this you know well oiled machine and even these mega ultra over-the-top blockbusters seem to have a very rigid you know architecture where they can pop them out and sort of do it and like I said maybe that's the non open ednas of the entire moviemaking process but uh for a game you've got so much more intangible so many more intangibles and so many more things that are just you know how many how many things get left out of a game that you know how many promises go unfulfilled it's total happy to sell you that promise a couple months later as an add-on pack in 3 she had private DLC promises and speaking of movies yeah speaking of movies and this is more in the comic book room but nevertheless on are you a comic book fan reform performed what it look how do you grow out of that what is that long story all right fair enough for another show I know Bridget I minute I'm going to appreciate such but I haven't bought a lot of comics recently so DC in August of 2011 did this brand new initiative called the new 52 where they took 52 frame choices and rebooted them so you had Batman rebooted uh you know Superman every every popular or and not so popular character series storyline got reset to episode 2 issue 1 and it made a lot of headlines with some of the choices they made rice characters a lot or is a woman right you know a lot of origin stories were smart wait there was marble oh god yeah oh my god I'm gonna get so much hate mail now I know that I using fanboy tears okay I know but the fact is both Marvel and DC it's every once in while they clear the decks and they go we're wiping out the 200 parallel universes we've created and starting over and Thor's a woman and you know Batman is a kid that grew up in Portugal man is making out with someone else you know that means an alien um yes when is it Superman making out with one Roman yeah i'm looking at a photo right here oh yeah yeah well George make such a cute couple they do um I just uh you know I have no problem with reese's hitting the reset button the thing though is you know you have this gigantic branding initiative that they did in 2011 and now only five four years later they're hitting the reset button on that it's kind of clear indication that this was not a good move I mean something happened where they just dropped the ball I mean I know and like spider-man and the amazing spider-man or for Fantastic Four and the new fantastic I mean it's the same sort of thing but you know at least within the world of comics I mean you the Hulk movies to kind of totally totally and I guess you look there's no rules you do whatever you want they are keeping the story lines of about twenty three or so comics so if you're still reading you know there's a few new 52 storylines that happen to be fantastic like the new Batman is really good a lot of people like the new justice league those are all staying intact but they are also going to do brand new titles nuke new universes and stuff like that I feel like there's always an alternate universe thing that comes up every so often like oh how many times it's Superman die Batman's did or whatever the case is um but maybe they just want to keep inspirational was all the trees yeah basically which is fine which which I'd say is fine it's it's fine i think to say like what if which in fact i always just like the DC elseworlds thing you're like one off spacing them like right Batman was in Victorian London go Jack Jack the Ripper's yeah what if Superman was from Russia you know I like that one a lot it yeah yeah uh yeah he's just all right i was called red Sun red says oh and uh uh not bad pretty good so it maybe they're just trying to have a you know a straightforward old classic storyline for the new movies they want to come out with so that way the kids can have the same kind of storyline in both yeah I mean I on a branding uh you know point of view I think new 52 was a bad branding thing I think most people saw that and were confused by it especially uh newcomers to comics people who weren't super familiar that was confusing I'm sure because you did have you know series that were in the 800 and 900 s in terms of numbered issues and then all of a sudden it's like new 52 you're like wait so is that 52 issues or is it fifty two characters what's going on so I guess when the dust settled but Marvel is doing something again not too different which is um what are they calling their-their infinity uh yeah or it had two names and one of them was like the 80s with the Secret Wars or something infinity ward yeah yeah that's I think that's the movie roadmap okay yeah that's a that's a whole different I don't know which and the whole thing with DC's movie I don't know there am I crazy or except for Batman and Superman may be wonder woman I don't know they don't have as good of a backbench on DC is maybe Marvel does I don't know that Aquaman I'm pretty hardcore I guess if you say I always don't Aquaman Drago yeah right such a don't an opposite in your they get out of the water you dork I don't uh speaking of water all you need to do is add water you like that too what's now legal powdered alcohol United totally legal now they tried to do this a couple years ago ah but then it was taken off store shelves because there was no regulated dosage people this they were putting basically like I mean just looking at these I guess package that you have up on the screen I feel like that needs to be at the bodega across the street right next to the horny goat weed yeah with all those weird strange vitamin pills that they offer in these convenient packs that are very affordable and yet ineffective great for camping but now the ACR powdered alcohol so the alcohol tobacco tax and trade bureaus is not the ATF there's way too many letters there ATT TP yeah the 83 b is how they refer to themselves it's called palcohol and it's powdered alcohol that can be mixed with water to form liquid alcohol arm so they basically branded as like the tang of alcohol which is just but we're marketing to kids yeah we exactly like cartoon characters seem to be attracting my four-year-old um yeah so you mix it with eight with six ounces of water sorry also looking at the package here it's just a eight like Tony Montana style uh mound of white house yeah on the back it's like a bunch of cocaine is it's really is silly uh you add six ounces of water and you get what's equal to one shot of liquor whatever it is so they're going to release all these flavors and palcohol be in stores this summer there are fears though that consumers are going to snort the powder obviously because like we said it just looks like a bunch of blow mix it with more alcohol to create like a Frankenstein lien you know powdered alcohol cocktail or use it to spike non-alcoholic drinks as it is to go into a stadium that's it all just bring a little vial a powder which I guess they would confiscate upon entry anyway well that is like a you know emergency pack sure I guess there's a lot easier to stow so definitely definitely okay I'll take that minute maid orange juice now it's like we make it so ma'am why are we make it so easy to get wasted right Americo you too easy for people to get wasted now which is like hey can you get here's ten bucks can go buy me some of that alcohol powder I don't know I just don't know last night on Jeopardy a super-rare eclipse worthy event occurred okay I have some I have some audio from the events last night listen to this it's figuratively and the bad news for Brad and Stephanie this was not one of our greatest days both of you figuring in the red and at the end of double jeopardy that means you're not around to play in Final Jeopardy so it's you all by yourself Chris and I think you're gonna win the game it all depends how you handle this final no she lost I'm kidding that would be amazing right keep that zero I hope so oh my gosh less than or that include giving maybe yeah so that's crazy I that is I think that did happen before but only once before and then I was talking with Bridget before we started recording apparently on two separate occasions all three of them finished in the red and they must keep playing with all they must keep gather that do they or is just like trees like tell some jokes it's a commercial skits night later dammit Johnny good night I uh isn't that crazy feel like I remember you know the Oscar show always just drags on yes forever I feel like one time in the 50s she were not around i guess i don't i just read this somewhere okay um I think Jerry Lewis was hosting which so it's gets even better sure they went like pretty short so they just like pulled up a bunch of people on stage and saying there's no business like show I hope there's the urban legend but I want to believe it's true of course I want to believe in that as well uh so I watched that and I'm just like men that should have been in idiocracy we're like jeopardy goes away because we can win it anymore yeah I I feel that those two be it's just it's embarrassing do not get me wrong jeopardy is a hard show oh yeah but come on where's the screening process no one should no one should finish in red let alone two out of three contestants right oh well look full disclosure I once took the test to be on Jeopardy and didn't even make the cut okay those things are smarter than I am right but that's not they should therefore not get finished in the red you just got that itchy trigger finger like what happened up there huh it could be like a another reference you guys when we had a Cindy Brady just goes dead when she sees they the camera on her I don't know I'd it's just yeah what the hell is that reference what is that Brady Bunch man Oh Cindy Brady huh huh unless it's a snickers commercial I don't know what Brady Bunch yeah yeah okay you all remember the Thomas Edison version of the Great Train Robbery Oh bed so that happened last night pretty uh pretty funny stuff all right time for our subreddit arm John you don't know about this but uh we have a sub you knew we had a sub better days ahead you actually of its existence but I think so we've got a bunch of people who go out of their way and take time to submit questions and comments and whatnot to be subreddit and we pick a few that we want to talk about first thing I want to chat about everyone who's written in in regards to listening to podcasts two times the speed playback I know savages shaking my head here right so the three of us are in agreement it's maybe it's a generational thing I can't even wrap my head around doing that it's annoying yeah and I was saying like so does normal conversation just sound super slow to these people now like how does that work I guess if you're may be listening to an audiobook I don't know I know it is maybe young people who are cramming for tests who maybe watch you know I don't know lectures online they kind of speed it up so they can you know watch it faster and as far as podcasts for you know enjoy men's also in some cases an art form and how they pause and wait for everything right deliveries everything in some cases so I thought about that and then I said okay well that stuff still translates is just obviously played back twice the speed so your brain probably has to do a little bit of like time slow down time traveling a little bit to compensate I mean what 1.3 x already sounds really bad and awkward to me like everyone's on helium II yeah well they did that modulation thing where it doesn't make everyone sound like munchkin but it's I don't like it yeah I mean obviously individual choice yeah it's a picture on all these but just it doesn't to your point like you're supposed to be enjoying it i hope it doesn't sound ramming super enjoyable if you're just like yeah like power listening to these yeah which I guess look pockets are huge these days if you listen to a bunch of shows you know sometimes you got to do it flying donkey 04 says once you past a certain threshold once you pass a certain threshold of subscribe podcast you have to bring in faster playback speed they're simply not enough hours in the week to listen to a big library of shows so um he says for something like NPR like this american life listening back to two times the speed actually probably sounds normal when you think about fer stuff I'm kidding uh you know then you gotta do it the stuff you should know crew also talks pretty slow says long podcasts get one and a half to two times the treatment so that's Joe Rogan Jill Schlesinger original money and hardcore history and a lot of news commentary also gets the one time one and a half times that is fear of missing out it's like my spike and go on knowing I didn't catch every podcast that week you know but if you were just like I need to know what's happening in all of them then you're just cramming and you're just it's just this culture like I got to see everything on my feet before I go to bed I have to scroll through every they scroll through Twitter did I scroll through Instagram there completionists mm-hmm um shows that he does listen to you for pure entertainment value get played at normal speed which thankfully we're in food in all right made the cut sick Kokesh says though I've listened to the 44 on about sixty-five percent speed so it covers while my bike commute Jeff sounded wiser at that speed thanks bro appreciate that uh back to other regular I talk too fast you can't put me onto time speed all right I mean we are trying to hit a time to and a lot of your programming yeah I that's my favorite part of days when I'm walking by bridges des and she's timing herself on though I like a crazy person yeah that's funny uh okay here's some other stuff obi-wan shinobi Jeff to use justins little black book of tech news just in fact some pretty obscure articles I do I got a couple of those uh in in the rundown today from frugal rock this is to Don Falcone down at frugal Roth yeah do you like that they don't they don't spend their money a lot there Don Falcone with offices in San Francisco and New York how does cnet spread the workload so very carefully uh so it's but it's what's interesting me it's not just San Francisco New York at San Francisco New York louisville kentucky now louisville uh london right sydney australia lots of lots of different time zone go around yeah so there's beats with editors assigned to certain concentrations but there's also a lot of switching off based on product availability event locations and all that sort of stuff I mean we started with once upon a time San Francisco was the mobile team and New York was some terrible name like home and hardware yeah remember that was when I first got here and it still kind of breaks down along those lines but it's much more catch-as-catch-can now so San Francisco still does a lot of phones and they do car check out there and they'd use software and apps which also is kind of a legacy from way back when when was closer you know more integrated to us which it really isn't any more right and New York is more TV home audio cameras and that sort of thing but it's I mean we do phones here now in New York with Scott we do wearables here with Scott dan it's way more interconnected now yeah yeah and ideally we just honestly because of the nature of the market more than anything else there's a lot more people doing a lot more stuff across the board for sure including understands international offices and down in Louisville of courses again mostly smart home and appliances but there's already been like occasionally we'll go to up a press conference here that's for that stuff and learning some of the coverage here and they'll pick up the rest so okay so there you go the point is everybody stays incredibly busy that is true um and then how hands-on is CBS do they say out of the day-to-day operations or blink twice if you're being held against your will I'm not I'm not you can't see this on the on the audio podcast but I'm not blinking yeah he's totally detached yeah i would say except for one notable instant back in 2013 that you might be familiar with sure and that's why that best of CES thing was so weird because it was out of the blue but otherwise we're really independent and what's cool though now is where i think someone else is mentioning um just Dan and Tim and Scott and a lot of people like and you guys to on CBS n and on CBS this morning it's a much better partnership now than ever before I would say definitely and that answers the next question of uh you know it's cool seeing it or i guess it was more comment about how it's cool to see us on CBS n and CBS proper arm another question how do you think tech reporting and reviews have changed from when you first started doing it I'm interested in this yeah right cuz it's it you know it's been has been a great deal time it's been a while but like it on internet it's been well I started here at 2000 lifetime the read yeah so for you it's been about the longest person here either yeah um it's a lot more competition quite and the interesting thing I think is it's it's not even necessarily like us competing with other sites so much as as we all know people just on YouTube right on twitter or on tumblr buying something or seeing something interesting and just reporting on it or right-wing a review so you're literally competing with everybody now um which is I think the main thing that's changed whereas back in the day it was kind of just seen it and not a lot of other people then the blog started and now it's kind of off to the races right that's what I but like when I first got here blogs were getting super popular and I remember that's when like crave was first starting and it was like okay not everything we do now is an article the you know drawn-out review we got to start doing these small little stories and that made sense to me but then once Twitter broke and everything happened it was like all right now it's just you know we've got that we've got the brand and we've got the reputation and you know everything just sort of comes together in this massive competitive you know yeah the other interesting thing is there it's in a way a little crazy how I almost feel like there's fewer product categories now in a certain way and part of the reason is these phones or a perfect example of and this has also been well-documented they they kind of killed off 12 other brian oh I don't need a camcorder if I have fun i'll need the camera if I have a phone I don't need yes if I have the phone so it's uh in one way like fewer more high-value devices for four people and that's why the shopping and product recommendation experience is a lot more intense and intricate than it was before definitely because it's like look if I make one mistake a lot of things I yeah I mean I remember being here and doing pda's remnants well like this Sonia palm powered sounique liege oh man were where the coolest product of the day I like a clamshell design yeah that's crazy well uh and then finally and I think we can ask this to both of my guests today what is your first memory of the 44 podcast and what do you think of it now now that the last one is loaded question so don't worry about that but was your first memory of it let's start with Bridget well I mean when I was coming on with you when you first get here again um 2011 ok so 2011 yeah so no Simon award I I was watching it and like within my first couple of days you had me on as a guest and I sang reading rainbow oh my god I remember that and so it that also follows me on google oh sure sorry we get twice as high as with Bridget Carey but ya know better yeah i know i love it it was a lot of fun um and so a shaky it's funny how much things change yeah for sure audio and then studio but yeah now that was a good memory all right okay so we were able to make a good first impression I Bridget I'm not sure we able to do the same thing with jhad but what do you think what was your first memory of it were you like me because people would there be a get used to work for you alright and yeah I feel like the day those were the days and I feel like you know what was your first impression when I was like all right I'm gonna start doing this what do you think um first impression was I mean it it was so long ago it was you and Randall and Wilson doing these test runs that we used to call the dude cat right right um and that's just my first memory of it and eventually morphed into the 404 and then it was ended up just being you and Justin for a long time and then it was video and then not video and that's just I always liked and preferred audio only for these yeah the video I you know I get why we and other people do it but it just seems you know like that weird video for the excuse of it being video basically yeah I can't disagree um not that you can't do interesting things with that but I would when possible prefer more of like a planned show sure know where it's uh not the guy with headphones on huddled over microphone right and you know when we first went to video whenever we did we only had like a bird's I think sort of like peeking in it wasn't something we were hosting necessarily it was just like an option first generation Howard Stern yeah basically and that's it that's immediately what I thought I was like oh this is just like the e show on the air for Howard Stern and then it you know we got this set and it's sort of it did it was it took us a very long time not to feel weird doing what we were doing but anyway that's a / thee you know people listening to it it twice the speed like I am after kind of walking away from them for pretty long time feel like I'm listening to more podcasts than ever now yeah which is kind of this whole rebirth podcast thing and it just it is in my opinion because the audio is just so much more accessible and I can just leave it running if I'm making dinner or a lot of times right before i go to bed and it's really enjoyable that way and it's not that you're not concentrating on it but that's what's cool about audio versus video i think as you can be doing other stuff and still really enjoying the podcast right so and to just directly contradict that last thing you just said we had pulled the show off of youtube obviously because you know who why you know no more video no more youtube but for whatever reason we've had a lot of requests to just upload our audio to youtube which i didn't really think we'd get a big response for but we we did you know that's interesting and that's still that there's still this loss about YouTube I don't understand and that whole thing about it being like the number one source for music and radio yeah because it's convenient for some people they just get in the habit of streaming that way I know a lot of people who when you want to look up something you first go there obviously but then also they have playlists since yeah I'm I I get it but I don't get it so we we you know I said look if we got a certain amount of people to send in or up vote I would do it when will over that so now I'm committed to figuring out a way to do it it's not hard it's just finding a the right channel within seen it so hopefully the show just like a title card up there yeah that it's really no harder than that but I think the way we publish and how it sends stuff to YouTube has to be deconstructed a little bit but it's not going to be hard we are going to do it and I might even start today so we'll let everyone know on Twitter if today's show is in fact available on YouTube hopefully it is that's gonna do it for us guys thanks so much for being here this has been fantastic long time coming for John rock and also working people follow you on twitter let's do it at Falcone JP there you go me the power guys want lots of followers let's catch up with with Bridget and Jeff maybe we should put that at the top of the show but uh I know right and then follow Bridget on Twitter amperage akari watch update and enjoy all the stuff that John's behind the scenes with right looks like the biggest thing next few things gonna be a good couple yeah good day that way not just because of baby bakalar it's going to be it's gonna be a good April for a lot of things for a lot of things Jeff may miss may miss the office and we'll miss Emily's here but I can't wait all right rock and roll that's going to do it for us 866 404 cnet that is the phone number please leave a voicemail or you can play along in the sub reddit reddit com stands are such the 404 that will do it for us until next time I'm Jeff Bakalar john falcon and I'm Bridget Carey this has been before for sho high-tech lowbrow see you guys next
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