The 404 Show 1680: Let's talk about Nintendo Switch (podcast)
The 404 Show 1680: Let's talk about Nintendo Switch (podcast)
hey what's up everybody welcome to the
404 show it is friday it is october
twenty first what a week what a week
what a week mr. Ross brush Dick Howser
i'm good i'm a little sleepy I got back
from San Francisco very late last night
and jet lag is not being my friend today
so little I'm dragon I wish to sleep
doctor was back to give me advice he did
he told you he said it's gonna take you
48 hours that's too much time you have
to drink a series of diluted sunflower
of extract yeah it's it's been is and
she was funny I got a buddy who's like
yeah I'm all about that melatonin Oh
actually yeah so well first of all this
look doctor said you're not supposed to
take a ton of that right and he didn't
when I told my friend that he was like
oh oh oh my I've been oh D oh no on
melatonin you can't I don't think it'll
kill you though I think you might get
addicted to it like it might stop being
as effective and we might have a harder
time sleeping we all have vices in our
lives true lives life so look yeah
that's what you're gonna you know get
hooked on that's true could be worse
thing so I tried something that yeah I
know you tried the coffee thing it fell
asleep on the train right yeah that
shouldn't work out not work man I kind
of I'm not saying I want to beat the dot
to sleep doctor up sure but I want to
smack him around a little bit yeah he's
a good buddy so I could say that but I
wanna like I want to like step on he's
not happy with it I just want to be like
hey Mike yeah the hell did you do to me
bro yeah dr. Mike hey Doc Mike yeah I
was all weird and groggy on the train
people thought I was zombie they didn't
like it yeah i was drooling on the woman
next to me she is seemed nice and you
didn't get like a Jew's i jump when know
there are everyone's like who's the
sleepy june i mean in the office drank
coffee didn't get feel like a jolt when
that happened I Shh what the phone what
happened oh no uh when I yeah I had a
fugue stage no no I remember what
happened I think I waited too long i
think uh i think it was like two and a
half hours so you didn't do it no no I
did what do you think he's at two hours
I think he said two hours and ya know
the right time but my body was just like
not having him I but I was like why no
we're used to something else Jeff we're
used to having it within 40 minutes of a
rising rise arising who cares for waking
on cares I just met but I do stare at
the Sun now yeah I've been open the
curtains and that helps I don't like
stare at the Sun cuz I don't ya well you
also shouldn't stare at the Sun it's bad
for your eyes yeah don't don't look at
the show ever no I do want to mention
though I tried the banana t remember
hearing shit how'd that go great game is
on your end no I honestly it was so what
was he saying it shows so he well it's
got a lot of magnesium in it and
apparently magnesium puts you out so
well it's a bed it's a coda it's a go to
sleep yeah so you take an organic banana
you cut both sides of it you leave the
peel on you put the banana with the peel
in the boiling water and then you pour
the boiling boiling water out he's very
been any good so Alex put like cinnamon
in it right a little bit at just to make
it a little tasty it doesn't really
taste like a banana what does it taste
like taste like cinnamon tea okay and
drank it and about a half hour maybe
like 20 minutes later legit it felt like
I took a nyquil p.m. like legit
sleepiness like I was ready for bed it
was pretty of give it a shot if you if
you ever a problem sleeping give it a
shot it just seems like such a hassle it
it's as more as much of a hassle is
making tea yes you just put a banana
asshole really I don't know it just I
don't know how does England do it all
the time I don't know man every minute
and you know what what British people
got to stop making like T's the most
important thing in the world they really
love their they love their tea and papa
whatever it is i love punish people
arguably a better people than we sure
but i just get off the t thing yeah like
a lot of people are like oh I can't do
that I'm making tea do you think it's
because they spent all that time and
energy enslaving other nations for that
tea that now they feel like they need to
take advantage of like look we've this T
didn't come easy huh okay a lot of
people not us out a lot
had the dying for this T to be a thing
here so we're really cashing really
advertising the teeth on that tradition
but don't don't forget about that the
tall T thing that's us yeah big time
what a freaking week kids yeah a lot of
stuff happening a fake tech week this
big tech week I want to start things off
want kick it off okay with a little tiny
never no named company called Nintendo
yeah the trading card company I know
them yeah this hundred and twenty year
old company yeah ah always interesting
when ever they debut new consoles and
did then that they did on Thursday the
Nintendo switch so that's that's what
we're dealing with so you know if you
don't want to listen to two guys talking
about nintendo's new video game console
yes I don't know what you do right now
well I guess I think you I think you
listen anyway because it's interesting
yeah I'm more fascinating hilarious
people so what I would recommend is
maybe less than 45 minutes just to like
get the understanding of like what this
thing is if you haven't watched the
trailer the trailer actually does a
really good job of like pitching the
device and like what it does and what
the idea is but if you haven't watched
the trailer it is ok so picture a game
console a little game console 6 sits
next to TV you plug it into your TV and
you got a controller for and you play
video game oast people can identify with
that fine so the switch where the hook
comes in is that you can basically
undock the game console and it's got a
little TV on it and you can hook into to
like side controllers to the side of it
and it becomes a portable like handheld
game console and you take that with
yamla game you can take that with you on
the go so the same games are running
both on your TV is it is like a normal
console as well as on the go it's kind
of like a you know kind of a best the
bus world both worlds situation rice and
it does some really interesting things
so if you're on the go let's say let's
say you're in the airport let's say and
you're with a buddy and you're playing
of this console in your hands and you
got the TV and the controller in your
hands you can unhook both
controllers from the size of TV put the
TV up on a little kickstand and give one
of the controllers to your buddy and
that works if you turn it on its side
works as its own controller and you can
play co-op with your buddy using the TV
and in that situation so you can
basically turn what was once a
single-player handheld gaming device
into a two-player co-op gaming device in
a second which is pretty wit that's
pretty wicked if you keep using that
word what wicked this is it wicked I
think that's really good from a design
like conceptual standpoint I think it's
very cool I think it's cool what are you
against what don't you like I just you
know we always see these debut trailers
and they always look so damn slick I
didn't know when you debut trailer
looked interesting or cool at all are
there was nothing ever cool thing so
it's not easy it was this you know I
don't know this thing looks very big the
screen it looks very large it how big is
it have they said the nice but it's got
to be six to seven inches how big is
like that okay you're making what looks
to be like a kindle size smaller than
kindle small and kindle that right there
ross is making him it's not a single
that looks like not a small is like a
box of cards but it's not as big as a
kindle so that i think you were looking
at like a six and change screen is that
what that is roughly yeah yeah ok so
it's big yeah don't alter that the moat
the most of families like me 57 about it
oh really even like a plus like this is
five points okay sure but you're not
carrying way bigger knowing this thing
around in your pocket like that's not
really good to know this is anna pocket
think yeah look i agree with you i think
the notion of like hey let's let's make
this something that that is practical
yeah for on the go uh let's make it a
thing where two people can like play and
use it and then the thing becomes its
own portable TV like that's really kind
of cool and and what you're also getting
out of this is a portable gaming console
that no one else is willing to make any
more as sony's not making another vita
right um there are no company I mean
granted phones these days or portable
gaming consoles but the games on them
are not traditional games right
and this is the only traditional
portable game schools are gonna get
gonna exist so you can play Skyrim on it
you can play the new Zelda on it and I
think that idea of like bringing these
games portable is very very cool it is
cool um it might have an hour battery
life but that's a huge concern I you
know we were talking about yesterday
like I i if this thing has less than
four hours the outer life um no thanks I
just how is that practical ya know I i
get i think four hours is probably like
what you could hope for and I would be
fine with four hours I want over CH and
I no no you're not gonna get that you
don't get that at the Vita either I
think this will run like 360 era games I
don't think it's going to run like
Battlefield one or red dead redemption
to the power that just came out I and
obviously Nintendo games have the
ability to run you know for Mario and
stuff like that have the ability to run
with stylized graphics so you can still
have good looking games but not
necessarily push like polygons and all
that stuff right so how how how long is
the battery life on this thing do the
controllers they're called joy pet what
are they called the Roy Cohn they're
called joy con controllers the little it
connects right where comes the joystick
connection right so do so do those
little guys need batteries they have to
have that yeah maybe they were
chargeable yeah they probably usually
that's a good question i didn't think
about that they probably have their own
batteries because their wireless but
there what's their deal do they vibrate
as their gyroscopes in them do they do
this do is the screen touch is it a
touch screen share look there's a lot of
questions a lot of question I join yeah
I think that's fine for the for the
amount of information that they gave in
that trailer um I sort of was cool to
like let them cool their heels for a
little while sure you don't have a
million year the key thing comes out in
more five months that's not a lot of
time so sweet so but and uh the the
scuttlebutt this morning was that
they're not going to announce anything
new to the new year like this was it
that was it yeah interest and you know
what I don't necessarily fault them for
that I think that's a better strategy
than like waiting forever and it also
benefits them because they're putting
out that Nintendo mini yeah let's maybe
take the heat
off yeah you know everything else from
Owen let that thing happen today right
exactly so I think it's a smart like
from a marketing standpoint decision and
they've got no competition like they are
coming that space is not you know
digging into I think if you have an xbox
one it's tough to recommend a ps4 and
vice versa because they do a lot of the
same stuff there's a lot of overlap this
does not feel like it has very much over
up overlap at all apart from maybe some
of the third-party games coming out on
it but I think it's a lot of demand for
it I think it's gonna do a lot better
than we use it has to come on yeah I
could have released like a turmoil you
know little thing with those shit in a
box and it whatever like well look yeah
it's not the wii u shits I meal yeah
it's it's interesting I you know I think
and this is gonna get a little dirty
down in the dirt gaming stuff but I
think that's gonna we the fact that
Nintendo still does not yet have a
gamertag storefront great solution for
like these are all the games i own you
think this is where they do they need to
do it thank me if it's they've been what
years behind it has there been any sort
of evidence yeah that suggests that they
will actually do it right this time like
they don't really seem to be concerned I
mean they bought the only thing that
they've done yeah uh there's that well
look depends on how you like what you
equate to be signs of an evidence of
that they're joining the rest of the
planet right yeah the mini nes thing we
just talked about that is sort of not
not a concession but I think a major
concession is Mario runner on iphone I
am I think I think that what they want I
think that's them being like mmm it'd be
really really dumb if we just let this
mobile gaming thing and I mean Pokemon
was you know they read but it's not into
that company I throws thirty thirty
percent of a company that in that wasn't
all them sure like they know definitely
um so but they are working on fire
emblem and and animal crossing as well
right those are all property sure i owns
sure so i don't know i think you have to
wishful thinking would suggest that yes
this would be the time when they get
there they're mark digital marketplace
act to get it's just not
what's crazy to me is that it's that's
table stakes that's easy stuff like hey
I go to you Jeff Jeff I want to play
Nintendo switch with you what's your
gamertag oh yeah mines 63 275 59 I don't
know Mike fuck they have this thing
where they just don't I I think it's
platoon like yeah they didn't and now
he's a real they have a back end yeah
they still don't it didn't have a back
end for the way you I I think it's been
a complaint forever and all I can say is
like they've got to be on so much peyote
if they don't implement any of this
stuff like easy matchmaking friend coat
like kids I realize you're worried about
the kids but parent there are parental
controls that you can put on a console
if your kid's gonna be playing it you
don't need to have this like mutual yeah
I accept your friend you accept my
friend not to mention there wasn't
anyone under 18 in that video you showed
me yesterday I think they're waking up
and they realize that all this coddling
and like bathing they've done has not
helped them and I can tell just looking
at that console that console is not
something it looks at mature it looks
like a char but it's a classier join its
yeah as it looks like something Sony
would put out it's not like a giant
plastic when you look at that we easily
when you look at that wii u gamepad it's
like man that's up for Dylan yeah that's
something for like a little baby yeah a
little stupid baby a stupid baby Zoe but
as baby Dylan with no concept of fun or
entertainment yeah except for keys m's
if he had those keys and balls that's it
Paul let's look at that ball I in my
heart of hearts as a as a person that
grew up with Nintendo was born into
Nintendo gotta hope and wish that they
know all of this stuff and will wake up
and be like yeah we just need to do it
it just needs to happen and I think all
the fact that they have so much
third-party support is kind of an
indication that they're going to need
you it's worth mentioning the the list
of third-party people that were thrown
around is a list that I have not seen
from Nintendo you know it's a very good
list I I think the reason the list is so
big is because you're going to see a lot
of those companies put out their last
gen games again on a
x okay I think that's why the list is so
big all right guy rim and stuff like
that because that's a good point you can
again you won't be able to run modern
games on this sorry hope everyone
listening is getting a good idea of what
this thing is and how it's like this
hybrid console that that is in the house
and on the go and like I think we're
doing an okay Jay yeah it's it's a kind
of a brain melt and again I think the
trailer does a very good job she does or
at least a very ambitious trailer of
what the use case for for this it didn't
feel like lying though we've we've seen
a lot of those trailers like the kinect
trailer when i first came out right like
a lot of bullshit and it's like a guy
doing hands yeah and like kind of like
doing a 3d printer of his skateboard
right like that all right you're like oh
Shannon my van meanwhile the kinect
doesn't know when you say stop so thanks
disaster um but this true I didn't feel
like that it didn't feel like I mean
granted I don't necessarily expect there
to be an eSports platoon situation going
on which is how the trailer and it's
more wishful thinking but I think from a
functionality standpoint everything they
did in the trailer seems reasonable and
like seems in the realm seems in the
room and like use cases that like I
could see myself playing this on a plane
and like putting the course like oh my
god if that could be the thing I would
love that to be holy and you're right it
is filling a gap that is there yeah and
that is definitely uh waiting for
something like this here's a question
wait hold back sorry okay what's your
question sorry so you're going speaking
of planes are going through airport
security sure and you know when you get
up to the line they're like if you have
any large consoles in your bag you're
gonna have to take them out and put them
in step back if it's a handheld you
don't have to what do you do Tia's gonna
get briefed on this yep I hope
Nintendo's laid down the paperwork I
thought they'd done their homework cross
the t's dot their eyes it was a big
Twitter hit for me yesterday was it yeah
Twitter hit too yeah I said that uh this
thing's got a kickstand and a headphone
jack it's already a million times better
than the iphone Oh before I by seven
yeah no one cares about that thing
that's not sure it's doing very well I
know it always does well cuz its
competitor is exploding this is exactly
it's imploding uh so the doc that this
thing sits in yeah do you think that has
like process
now in it you think you think this thing
the whole thing is on the box with the
whole thing is in the tab yes while then
why is that box so big um tell me that's
the itch for something how big it is the
impeachment it looked like a it looks
like a bookshelf ohm like a low 22 n
like bookends it looked like and you
didn't just Nick I don't think it was
that thick i think it's empty in the
middle and you slotted into the middle
it is emptying them it's like a taco
it's like a taco right that's what I
mean but there's something there's
nothing in there because I think that
whole big container is not just some
hdmi break having processor power in
there makes no sense at all I think
you're wrong what how would it benefit
you think the games run better when it's
in that thing I think it's I think the
door is open for that I think resolution
was I think you're telling me okay just
yes talk about resolutions right sure
what it needs to be 1080p anything on
the tablet he should be 1080p no I think
I saw then would then there you go i
understand you're right on the TV it
needs to be 1080p i think on the tablet
you could people could live with 720p
and be okay i think there would be fine
yeah I think so I've ever had a shield
tablet I've not I've you I've seen them
so so it's it I don't idea I think and
it's running on a Tegra so exactly i
know people really need to take a step
back and look at the shield yeah ah note
the shitty battery life that thing ana's
what's the vero of its terror it's like
three hours okay again this is like a
two and a half three year old product
yeah but the shield is you know as close
of an android gaming tablet as you're
gonna get sure and uh it you know it's
similar similarly sized yeah um but that
is the whole console is not as obviously
that tablet so i think i think it's safe
and fair just kind of make those sure i
think it's a fair comparison comparisons
um you know obviously this has a better
chip inside it just seems like VIP like
weirdly i don't know i guess if there
was ram or so I'm just trying to think
of a cheap way I don't know you could
put components inside that doc yeah and
not like like
lose out you know I don't say think of
it like this maybe this is the wrong
announce yeah but think of it like this
gaming laptops okay music gaming most
some of the higher end joining laptops
when they're not plugged in yeah they
perform right lower your right they
scale right you know lower rate I bet
that'd be very cool honest now that's
just a power thing no you're right but
it does it's basically engaging um uh
it's using all of its assets or
sometimes it'll like shift over to a
different graphics card right it will
use a mobile graphics card instead of it
yeah but that's the main one yeah but
that's not I don't think that's what
would be going on here it'd be too
drastic a difference yeah but but again
like you're good when you go from a 50
inch screen div to a 7 inch screen sure
you do there's a lot there's that's a
huge difference yeah and and shit you're
looking games look a lot better on a 7
inch screens and man and maybe that's
certainly the way they'll say battery
life as well as if you're scaling it
down and running at a lower resolution
it'll save battery life less processing
power etc there's no there's a lot tom
pack will finish up the nintendo switch
story the discussion right after this
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welcome back to the 404 show welcome
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everyone start getting excited oh yeah
that's weak very best time of the year
yeah uh-uh Nintendo switch you want to
talk about price I feel like we should
guess price yeah let's guess price I
think this thing is a $300 I think okay
so i looked it up with the wii u oh you
looked up no one knows that the prices
right now i looked up the wii u prices
so the wii u launched there was the base
level Wii U which was kind of garbage I
mean they were both kind of coverage
everyone got though but that was 299 and
there was the mid-range which are rather
than took clothes deluxe package black
was 349 and the black one is the three
or 49 one and I think my guess is 349
okay I didn't realize that there were
yeah I'll go with that too IIIi they
can't go higher than that because the PS
pro is coming out at 399 right yeah but
you know from a component standpoint
like the screen is not cheap having
those controllers be whatever they are
wireless and stuff like that I mean it's
not cheap I think at 399 it's still a
reasonably good deal and then they have
room to lower the price on the holiday
or whatever the following holiday
part of me a part of me is now believing
this will be four hundred dollars not a
chance they will not launch at the same
price point at Sony because they really
want to show that there are a cheaper
option yeah but we just got finished
saying about how this is a product for
which there does not currently exist 1
399 is such a heart I mean but like if
you're buying this to me this is now
strictly a compliment or like it lives
on a tone I don't I what do you mean a
compliment like I don't see it I'm
saying it lives on its own i don't think
this is like something that you're gonna
you know have that would take the place
of a ps4 no I think what I don't know no
I don't think it would take the place of
peace for i do think there are people
that don't own ps4 is that will buy this
because they want to play mario games
and zelda and something right the more
casual folks that want to do that um but
I also think those people might like
take a beat if they see hey this is the
same price as the like mobile gaming
console I could do yeppa so so you're
telling me okay both 350 that's three I
think honestly that minor difference of
comparatively minor difference in price
that fifty dollars makes a big
difference just us it's the way people
look at it you see the prices next to
each other one fifty dollars less and
you start equivocating and like saying
like well that one is a screen on it the
original piece was gonna stay at 299 and
that's gonna you know that yeah but that
is an older constants older but you know
I don't know it'll be interesting yeah
again like I think they I think they
believe that they are entering such
uncharted territory with this thing that
they can kind of get away with I think
they're also very cautious of having
another wii u situation of course and
they and and the only way to sort of
push back against that obviously they
have a great debut and like a good
argument so far I think she's a
successful i 100% yeah speaking of
someone that like for the first it we
use the first Nintendo console
ever that I did not own oh you know mom
ever I didn't know one and I had no urge
to own one and that is super telling
this is terrible because it was Tara's
really not a bit like a changeable I'm
not happy saying it not a terribly it
was a really bad console and not fun to
put like the controller was bad they
were totally lacking and software it was
it was a real mess Shane yeah it was a
real shame and so I want i'm not happy
saying no it doesn't give me any
pleasure I'm sure it doesn't make
Nintendo happy either but like that's
Jay know it they know that it was a huge
failure for them and so for me to go in
I went to the Nintendo this trailer very
skeptical and being like well what could
they do at this point and the fact that
I came away impressed and not just me
like but universally Twitter wasn't Mike
yeah I don't think anyone's like screw
this lame-o diversely and it was a
trending like on Twitter and fans not
that's come on miss it it was like
what's that it should yeah it should no
matter what that thing was it was gonna
be I think they talked about yeah maybe
uh they're lucky it didn't happen this
morning though oh yeah they're lucky
they didn't wait trace not a problem
dude because the most of the East Coast
had a huge DNS outage yeah we're so like
DNS servers are basically how do we it's
like a switcher right it's like the
switchboard for the Internet yeah don't
device like you get your power and the
power is centralized at a certain point
is that grid yeah right sort of feel
that was attacked I went down right um
for a couple of major DNS um what do you
call centers center not sure an infected
reddit Twitter a lot of five is down to
the point where like I thought my
internet was acting up and it was just
happening everywhere yeah and it really
there was a few moments where I was like
this is what it would be like like this
is what happens when the switch flips
and you go back to like a time before
the Internet and it's very weird we lost
internet here yesterday around three
o'clock yeah and when it goes out in the
office it's like yeah whatever we'll go
get coffee and right but I tell you know
you're like the first person like peek
your head up yeah and you look around
and everyone you see like 17 other
people do and that you're like no
there's no internet right and we're just
like walk around like zombies and then
you start like lighting torches going
for like well if the Internet's out we
should probably light a couple garbage
cans on fire right because there's not
going to be in a more heat yeah it's
basically like you work at a car plant
and like the power goes out mm-hmm like
whoa oh here's build internet and and
all of my docs are Google Docs and those
are all in the cloud and the cloud is
closed to us right now the clouds closed
we mine Internet yeah and we create it
on an assembly line yeah the phones
don't work because the phones are now
the internet too I guess yeah fire like
legit does that does that stuff freak
you out scare you in any way of like the
internet just going down when you have
like a major DNS out it's like this if
it it's a sobering reminder of how
fragile at all and it seems and it shows
you like if if some outside force was
able to do it for an extended period of
time might be in trouble two weeks can
you imagine being real trouble just
imagine the amount of hit the economy
would take like the US economy would
take a major on to a whole grind to a
halt for two weeks or however long it
took and that's I don't know that's a
very scary thing a lot our cyber is
really vulnerable our side is people are
cybering left and right people with the
cyber huge yeah we gotta figure out
disaster the worst driver ever disaster
oh my god the word big-league disaster
what do we did like you know I
understand we now live in a world of
like very reactionary yeah so I don't
know what you have to take off your
shoes before you use the internet now
what do we do I don't actually so the
question I have is like when this
happens so when Sony gets hit by a
denial service whatever different a
little yeah is it different yeah because
this is like attacking an actual website
the DDoS yeah but if this is a chart the
DNS is is you're basically bombing the
the pipes but you're not literally
bombing the pipes s5000
I understand so so the question I have
is like how do you fix that do you know
I don't know I actually heard it was
like bypassing stuff I'm yeah I'm not
walking IT people IT people call hey hey
IT people Google this and let us know
yeah we probably could have done that
but the internet was down we couldn't we
couldn't look in I this morning great uh
yeah I don't know it freaks me out I
think I mean you know Trump was right
cyber is a big deal of what can I say
he's not right off him but he was right
there and a lot of nations outside of
our nation our benefit are benefited by
our internet going down because it puts
puts a huge disadvantage and you know
it's it's scary stuff so it I was
looking like a heat map of where this
DNS thing was affecting people and it
was mostly the east coast okay ah
specifically our area so you think it
was like Ohio that did it no I'm not
gonna place blame in one state I'm gonna
be like oh the whole Midwest your site
oh god dammit Ohio just cuz we don't
have steak and shake or whatever shake
shack no steak and shake that's what
they have out there when were you in
Ohio been around in that neighborhood
I've been in Ohio thrice okay that's a
sizable number yeah Buckeye State yeah
as you know is that a nut is that like
an acorn what but a Buckeye a Buckeye is
an animal no yes no it's not you're so
not right i think it's a it's a nut and
and and the the mascot oh shit oh I'm
totally right oh shit i'm totally on
what yeah I'm right ya a buck I look
like an animal a book I should be i'm at
my mom blown right now I thought a buck
I was like a bull I was like oh wait is
that because you think the Buckeye
mascot looks like a bowl Huckabee his
head is just the nut time the fudge out
you're telling me dude type in puck up
Buckeye mascot now I'll bet that's why
you thought that you're telling me that
guy he's not he's got a nuthead talk
about this
this this changes everything number one
ohio state buckeyes your mascot name
sucks it's just an item it's a nut but
that's the state name get what the fuck
why the Buckeye State that's like the
Tennessee acorns what the hell am i
doing yeah that's not cool there are
very good football team some I know
they're good but like Ohio State
Buckeyes ya a buck I to me is like a
bull that's upset what about the
Knickerbockers Woodson I know that's the
next but what is an inner baggage
settler in new york city we're called
knickerbockers so the tourists
essentially what the fuck everything is
alive the world is upside down dogs and
cats living together it's chaos nasus
tarea what is happening yeah a buckeye
is a nut yeah I forget how we gotta oh
you you were blaming Ohio for the outage
but now you know how do I move on and
you're such a dummy this does make me
look priest it does it's up there I'm
gonna ask a lot i'm gonna ask people
this weekend hey hey what your guy you
know how book is a book i say dad who's
the Buckeye yeah whichever's it's a tree
it has a nut got it it's called a
Buckeye it's delicious do you eat it no
can you eat a Buckeye yeah cuz you can I
guess it's a probably an export thing
they're probably very of proud of it all
right good for them it's one thing they
could be prone I'm kidding Ohio's
beautiful lovely lovely stay very
important in our electoral college I was
in Cleveland that was okay woof yeah you
know what they wait is Cleveland I think
clay yeah so Cleveland you know what its
nickname is the book I town no it's
called the mistake on the lake oh that's
a bad yeah it's a great documentary
called believe land about Cleveland
sports on netflix highly recommend it
cuz they're so bad yeah it's about how
if they had a history of terrible sports
and then obviously LeBron came in and
weren't it aren't wanna games okay they
are yeah they've been okay but like
everyone else are they out I don't
actually have no baseball stuff but yeah
they Cleveland has a history of of
woeful sports teams is hope well we
don't we gave you the Hall of Fame for
rock and roll we gave you that's what
they're proud of what why do they get
that cuz then what else we got I don't
know they've got a mistake on the run
they've got LeBron so um let's pivot and
move on and talk about another trailer
that was released yesterday yes which
shower uh it's a little a little movie
called Logan okay Logan is a berry it's
a loganberry it's a member berri know
it's a loganberry um and it's about this
little berry yeah that Liz in is sad
though that lives in the tundra sure and
one day uh an old disabled bald man
comes and finds the little Logan bahria
and says you're gonna be something
important and the loganberries like what
what what do you mean I can't be like
here where these claws and that very
turns into Wolverine okay the end oh
that's the end that sort of sets up more
movies moving forward I think so and
it's exciting yeah so that the Logan of
trailer came out it's the third
standalone Wolverine movie and the last
as they've said and the darkest man
that's because this junk it's finals are
it's our heart are ya did you watch the
trailer dude gets his head like stabbed
legit in the trailer oh you see claws
come out of his head in the trailer yes
in the trailer she might have been two
trailers but it was definitely an
r-rated trailer so the red band one
there wasn't a red band trailer but it's
definitely an R and obviously a lot of
that is inspired by Deadpool success
people trying to like or it up yeah we
need to chop people's heads off more I
mean so the trailer came out it had the
classic Johnny Cash cover of what's the
song hurt better managed by nine inch
nails which is an excellent cover that
pretty much can make any tree are look
good I was encouraged by this trailer in
so far as I think it's in you know we've
seen with some of the netflix Marvel
stuff like doing a dark kind of serious
more a superhero movie can work and
yeah sometimes sometimes it's terrible
oh yeah like it's terrible when war was
terrible that wasn't dark I tried to
make it more grounded Suicide Squad to
Terra but that was meant to be more
lighthearted I was it I think so least
the trailers were okay so here's here's
the thing i was a little bit encouraged
it looked like it was well shot and you
know interesting could be an interesting
movie I got a little bit put off once he
started doing like the wire jump like
Wolverine jumped the stuff you know what
I mean I was almost hoping in the way
that like I was very excited when
they're rebooting bond with daniel craig
and i was a little put off that like it
wasn't though like the whole seat of
like reboot it was more grounded
certainly but not quite more as
realistic as i was hoping for and I'm
not looking for absolute realism with a
good with like adamantium claws but like
why you know what I mean why choir
assisted jumps for he's doing like
matrix style jumps at people can he do
that he can but it just looks goofy and
especially in the tone of like a very
serious movie it looks like the wrestler
so that's what it does look like that's
a very good point but geez you would
rather Wolverine i SAT by Mandy captain
I was like well he is essentially as I
why you will you can see in the trailer
like you should not be but his healing
ability seems to be the midwatch so I
know that was a story was that a
storyline I'm one of yes comic books
called Old Man Wolverine night I thought
he doesn't get old apparently he does
man you know just took a while fine fine
he's probably like 406 now right yeah
you know he's hung out yeah he's had a
good show the girl she's probably x-23
right i guess i'm not super
knowledgeable about Wolverines backstory
but x-23 wasn't x-23 the one that would
I don't know if they just bike so I
believe x-23 was a clone of Wolverine oh
ok so that would female girl young girl
clone yeah so I think so Condor okay and
people are essentially confirming that
yeah that they're there yeah and there's
a line in the trailer where Professor X
is like she's very much like you is very
much like you Logan it's okay it's
getting there
I mean for like never attempting it ever
before it's okay it does Sean Connery
initially looks like you Logan that's a
little better get Logan yeah yeah
workshop it I'm freaking play this I'll
be doing a lot of driving this week I'm
gonna for Stacy de yeah I I I will be
curious about the movie I'm more curious
about this Wolverine Stan one movie than
I was for any of the other ones but I
don't know for all superhero movies at
this point I'm so wait and see and like
wait for the reviews i watched batman vs
superman on the plane coming back from
San Francisco yesterday or a few days
ago I was just heinous and I'm so glad i
didn't pay money for it cuz it's just
like ooh good word just garbage it was
heinous it was horrifying it was
horrifying james mangold's directing
this matter that is he did walk the line
though I did the first Wolverine it's
funny that he didn't walk the line and
they used the Johnny Cash movie and at
song in the truck you've made it to
level 2 of the game Russ sure don't you
think that's funny I guess I wonder if
that was his decision of the trailer
companies is it ah yeah I'm sure that's
a great point but then again such as it
just works perfectly with any trailer so
apparently he wrote so he's written yeah
yeah it's his book zero Copland any real
girl interrupted he won't girl
interrupted but no girl interrupted ok
is that really is that what we're saying
yeah you know wow good for him hey gotta
respect often I would have assumed it
was a girl that wrote that book ah well
you just are reading too much into that
yes I am Oh in 310 to yuma he weren't
that you redirect a cop people love
Copland yeah he seems like a pretty good
talented director it seems like they
brought on a good guy for this I'm
encouraged and it looked like the road
how do you feel about the road didn't it
look like that it was like very dark and
grey and he's like an old man taking
care of a young girl and ya around
Professor X like he's a little baby yeah
I'd through something kind of uh do you
think he looks sexy he's always do just
like old man wolverine anime it just
worked well for him I mean he's always
looked what a good but I think he's
gotten very good looking I the only the
other thing I'm kind of curious about
have you kept up with the new x-men
movies like the latest ones uh I saw
awww what was the one with Peter
Dinklage okay so that was the second
last one oh there's been another way
they apocalypse came out says all right
that was the Bryan Singer Janet but they
were both friends injured yeah they were
okay uh but they've done a lot of time
travel stuff in those yeah obviously oh
boy and I guess the question is are they
gonna even acknowledge that stuff in
this mood I hope they get because I
don't care okay home runs like who gives
us but nerds care like they're gonna be
a while in this universe Logan is not
global I know there's like this the
Marvel Cinematic Universe and I don't
hear it doesn't matter that just makes
it doesn't matter just keep it you know
uh the only time I have a problem with
it is when they like will basically make
it a point to separate from the other uh
continued of narratives they are
happening out in the world but then when
they like reference stuff and they kind
of like do a 180 on you mean like the
star trek 3 more like things like they
they're just like well no you can insert
that there because you led us to believe
that these aren't connected I don't know
we're talking about now I feel like
that's happened before with some of the
newer Marvel stuff you need to give a
specific example because you're speaking
in vague garbage all right oh male just
keep it I just feel like sometimes
you're not sure if something's connected
or are now we're all ready to deliver
path right well they make a big deal
again and then in the new Marvel movies
they make it this idea of like will they
change the future well of course in that
movie that you saw they change the
future where all the x-men they actually
tied it into the other earlier movie it
seemed like the the whole point wolf of
that was for them to delete the Brett
Ratner right which was great right it
really waited and and gene crab is alive
and happy and dating James Marsden a
cyclops and red room was happy right um
and then James Martin went to a little
town called West world yeah where oh no
sorry no yeah different sorry so I guess
the question is okay so if there's a
happy universal Professor X's like still
an old man but he's super happy what
universe is this and again I would
rather them not take a minute and be
like dassault like a title card that's
like in this alternate universe where
Wolverine didn't go back in time and may
brett ratner's movie disappear this is
what things have become like I don't
need that shit leave it out yeah just
make a movie about Wolverine and he's
sad and lost his healing powers and
everyone's dead and it's just him and
Professor X chillin and hanging out with
X 23 cuz I feel like I'm so existing in
a timeline where all the other x-men are
dead yeah that was my impression too
isn't there even a line in the trailer
where they're like everyone's dead there
might be three people and unions are
gone yeah mutants are gone right well
guess what x-men are immunes yeah
they're all dead good job Logan I am
encouraged by the trailer but i'm also
very wary because again you put that
music over anything it looks good and
secondly there's no dialogue in this
chair in this last time i saw a trailer
with very little dialogue or almost no
dialogue was the Suicide Squad trailer
and that came out real bad real bad why
did it come out so bad because it was
horribly written and acted and the whole
movie was bad so you telling me that you
could put Johnny Cash over and it hurt
over anything that sounds good
absolutely so like I could describe to
you what it's like
yeah in marlborough in the mean streets
I hurt myself of suburban New Jersey to
see your bus life wasn't life wasn't
that easy now I focus on the thing had a
lot of sleep I can't be only thing
no canyon air was there there's no candy
needle there's a whole how to be in bed
by 7pm every night the old
batteries for your game here try to kill
it sometimes all the way good bad but I
remember way to fold everything
but struggles real at day camp
I don't sweat it out no air conditioned
always is it a girl to play sports all
day every day no breaks
then after eight weeks and you could
have it all just go home go back to
school your school's like dirt
every night
that sounds good man a good turn songs
pretty good sang it they mother he must
have been his deathbed and ho just they
were just holding the lyrics up like
sing this we need one last pay check out
of your buddy that's screwed up and turn
Fraser's actually gone on record and
been like you know on I know that's my
song but this is not dead John totally a
hundred percent it's a better version of
the song than Trent Reznor surgeon it's
amazing he fuckin crushed it he did love
him he's good man yeah why p yeah um
yeah so there you have it there's
there's uh there's the Logan yeah the
Logan the Logan I don't know there's no
other movies that I'm excited for I'm
not excited burning movies what are the
movie do you know what I think it's
gonna be okay maybe maybe I'll go see
your rival I don't know what that is a
rival is who's the guy who plays Hawkeye
what's his name oh yeah that guy who was
in her locker yeah and is there Emily
Blunt oh I do like Emily want could be
sicker a Sicario very good could be up
what the Freak here yes no I'm sorry
it's amy asks Amy Amy what are not the
same person a very different ah but it
is about an alien contact my stereo
spacecraft enters the globe yeah and a
linguistics expert play by Amy bank Amy
Adams yeah uh has to is task with like
interpreting what this all is yeah
people the early reviews are pretty
positive when is it out like soon
November 11 okay jap teen eggs that
sounds like a good love to get mr.
Hoffman here i know i keep meaning that
he's been traveling and vacations and
la-dee-da but we will get him in I
promise umm yeah I'm excited to to get
into it it's been a while since I saw
some really good sci-fi raw solution any
good movies lately I saw so i mentioned
i watched batman vs superman on the fly
out san francisco on the flight back i
watched a movie called 10 Cloverfield
Lane which we've talked a little bit
about on the show I believe Justin
watched it and recommended it I would
give that same wholehearted recommend
it was really really excellent the fact
that it was just a super riveting and
the fact that I was able to watch it on
a plane and like I don't I'm not the guy
that's very emotive when I'm watching a
movie like I don't gasp or bike huh like
none of that I was like in this movie
like how good is John Goodman graph and
he's always great when can we get get my
older up some more John Goodman totally
could we get some more him is he right
now Daisy cares ok i bought i worry that
is I worry about his longevity is my
chief concern you son of a bitch I'm
just saying he was very large air you
jinx in Tang life he's very large in 10
coeur d'alene like it does not look
healthy and I'm okay well I believe you
thought away I think him and Penn
Jillette went to the same planet and got
skinny yeah um that movie is trip and it
end its and its cheap is it's very it's
it's intense it's scary it's really
well-written it's well shot good
Halloween movie event a great hollow
Halloween movie in the sense that it's
like it tense it feels like a Hitchcock
movie that's the whole spirit of it is
like beautiful very intense and if you
haven't seen it yet um really would
recommend that you not watch the trailer
not read anything about it yeah I don't
know much about it i think a lot of it
hinges on like you learn as you go as
you're watching this movie so please do
not ruin it for yourself I knew very
little going in of a question okay so I
don't want to say anything about the
plot points of the movie of that don't
you don't have to ok but like is there
any connection to the other movie they
have the same name in the title that's
it ok
like a shrug is shoulder emoticon me and
they do have the same name in the title
so you would imagine and JJ Abrams
produced both of them so ok so you know
I am a detective I've put all the facts
on the table I've connected the dots
I've followed the red threading yeah and
I believe there is no connection
whatsoever between these two movies I
think that's a fair fair assumption to
make you know all I can say is it go
watch it again look up or read as little
as possible because I mean and and it's
not it's not a spoiler to say that it is
a mystery and tension-filled movie
course like from minute one you're like
what's trying like to keep up with
what's going on I'm gonna watch it i
believe in space would like it yeah it
but yeah it's very dead but not for
doing you know turnable no he's uh he's
still in his Daniel Tiger face although
I'm getting them into hockey okay he now
can say goal so he's related yeah does
he know when to say go um no he just
listens for me okay but I like whole
weight and like keep looking at me like
up to haven't scored as he say I said
nope he does say offsides the okay
Zamboni is his him pony but like he's
getting into a little bit and used to
like yell at them to change lines or no
yeah he'll be like pass man uh he used
to be like Oh one-timer yeah look at you
dropping soon hock East slam vipole now
it's good stuff ah alright i think that
i think that's it i think that i've
covered it all yeah it was great do we
know we're gonna have next week we might
have a guest oh we're gonna try and do
jordan again okay you make yeah i'm
gonna i'm gonna try to get him in here
and then the week after we we know who's
we do two weeks from today ah the lovely
Jill / yeah on the show that's good
because I've been putting my money in
really bad place I've been putting it in
the horn wave entirely at the corner
that's been I've just been keeping corn
in my house awesome and it's cooked so
it's rotting it's not like no just to
see you done screwed up ads bet we'll
look forward to that 866 44 cnet that is
our number leave us a voicemail if you
would like or shoot us an email the 414
com thanks so much to people on our
subreddit and people tweeting
fun I i read that subreddit all the time
do you I'd yeah I actually do okay I the
problem is I have like a reddit account
that i use as my personal reddit account
and then i have like gotcha burner one I
well I'm my public account so like I
have to log into the public one to like
make comments and stuff somebody'd say
I'm I'm reading it I don't know if Jeff
is but uh read it I've read it
occasionally I used to be a little more
involved i mean when i see it in my feed
so I'll see it because i'm subscribed to
the subreddit so I see it pop up right
right and it doesn't take a lot of votes
for some of them no does not oh there
you have it get your thread to the top
by submitting one yeah we will see you
guys next week have a fantastic weekend
until next time I'm severson
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