
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Show 1682: Jill Schlesinger shows us how to meditate, sort of (podcast)

hey what's going on everybody thank you so much for tuning in to the 404 show it's Friday November 4 2016 two very special people are here with us today mr. Russ fresh day hello hello and to his left the one the only Jill gentlemen I wonder if people can notice the difference in the way this sounds phonic Lee because we are actually recording in the old 404 studio behind the old 404 boomerang very large yeah room we're in which is different I would not are you okay with it it's very intimidating yeah you I've been looking at him since we walked in here and his 100 person oh yeah nervous sweating bullets uh first of all I I'm sorry that when I first walked in i had a panic attack Islamic oh no is this video and i have no makeup on right i was gonna say next time regardless maybe you do a favor and just come in i put on a base I wouldn't know we're fine you yeah a shin day-to-day base your your your routine yeah well what then I thought well remember when I wore my green adidas on the air and and they got made it to the 404 and then you might be able to see had we had video my cool new red pumas everywhere why do you think that's like the coolest thing ever it's not the coolest thing ever just think about me so cool I think sky where I used to work Pumas a lot Puma you were in a little fred perry action there but I told you it's old school in real time a tennis person yes I was oh so that's why you know not everyone knows the fred perry perry ellis right Perry else that's his cousin okay the Perry family notice how i pivoted away from your disdain of my sneakers yeah yeah that was not nice I'm sorry I brought you cookies you did I believe there she said absolutely not yeah where are they from Zabar's I'll tell you where they're from okay they're from this event that I did last night ok ok let me get into this first right let me just get this off my chest is picturing you walking to event and like with a bucket just like scoop and cookies there's a lot of things that have to get off a lot of chests today start with yours how about your chest yours is smaller than mine chest wise Oh writers are actual blows ooh this yours is bigger but do you want to like get into her do you want to like what do you want to do did you say we just gotta do a real quick so I was in here last week Russ I didn't listen that show but you know so she was good my brother listen he says okay Shay a Shannon was in we talked about music stuff as per huge yeah so if that was very good but yeah you were not in so i wasn't in because i had some pretty shitty go down in my family unfortunately to two Sundays ago my mom had a stroke and it's very upsetting is very sad is devastating um she was in the hospital for for a while and she's finally out of it and she's she's in rehab now so she's doing physical therapy occupational therapy and speech therapy and it's she's improving she's doing better but though but the first couple of days were it was just the worst week of my life to be honest and yeah I don't know I'm at a point now where I'm you know I'm almost two weeks you know passed since like day one since day zero and you know it's obviously easier now to talk about it and I've cried all I think I can cry so yeah that's the story I have to tell people because I just can't have it linger I just need to like front-load things with it uh and you know although you are not a religious person I am 100 not you we would say that perhaps you were a religious right sure out but there are many studies that find that prayer is very helpful there's sick people I swear there's no way so we wait wait wait let's football this down because so you're saying someone that is sick should pray or your other people oh you mean comforting okay so what I'm saying I think those studies are probably statistically bad because the fact that someone is praying for you indicates people care about you and therefore you're getting better care the prayer shouldn't be getting the credit it should be the command compassion than credit let's just let this is let's wipe the slate clean yeah I jumper Jill come in here just me like you're gonna drop this man can't just like cherry pick stats Joe it is a good sexual oppression look up I'm pretty sure about this I look I am not religious I know you're not a three year anniversary of my father's death but when my dad was sick someone sent me this link that was like the that there was some indication that when people prayed for others that there was some impact low so let me just go back and tell you people would say to me who were religious and you know I'm praying for you and your family at first I'd like roll my eyes and be like good luck with that yeah like because guess what this infection is going to be a little bit stronger than your prayer right I was right that said I started to kind of feel comforted in that of course baby even not that I would pray cuz there's not one time while he was sick were like God please help i am yeah i did get this like nice warm feeling when people say to me you know what I lit a candle for your phone away that's so nice that is so you just you know unpacked what you were saying to the program now okay with what you said because what you meant was it's just nice to have people coming out and say that there isn't like magic God powers that's gotta be dominate your emotional is all of the 404 universe think of how about think about my mom have one little moment okay yeah about it sad siege or you sure that's okay now it's like a Las Vegas thing very Jewish alright I couldn't pray for you but I brought you a cookie yeah it sounds like they were free cookies that's gonna make you feel better how social so she she regifting a terrific you know I didn't even read give me gifts there was a cost these dang this baggage alright so let's okay so she's so can we just have a moment for Sue sure just like no she's still with like think about her and think about which best she's she's doing a lot better I mean that's a very incremental better thing um you know she's got to get a lot of things back yeah ah but yeah you know me such a nice note after my father died she did yeah yeah she did your mom your mom my mom met who I lakeview I went out to dinner one time with them yeah but it was such as hopefully we'll be able to do that again ya soon oh my god this is your weird ploy to get me to New Jersey I mean dinner are you gonna McGee to my kid broke cars right now yeah mate my doing it that's true are you guys at home see my I'm real likely they do playing the sick mother card gets me out sooner Dylan I'm not saying she doesn't care about doing I care about her but it's like I'm much actually I'm this is so weird but I'm much more comfortable around sick aging people than most people are I don't get it out by it okay so I tend to do that more often well that's none of the things that are happening to sue you know she's just in a interesting time in her life right now uh but again like the the main thing to keep in mind is like she's that progress is moving forward she's exactly where she needs to be and you know I think you can kind of feel good about that oh yeah we're here for you baby thank you I appreciate that so that's that's my story I want to get that out of the way and I talked about it on yesterday's he's cast podcast but that was uh that was something hanging over me then I'm glad also if people are out there and they'd been through this or they have some suggestions you have some neurologist fans sure doesn't it doesn't hurt to hear from people if that's what you want to do no pressure you don't be very careful that to send dopey things and I will determine what is dopey and what is not right Jonah dopey screener because like I'd never forget when my ex had cancer and then people started saying like oh you know what you know what she should do yeah she'd like have this this this herb thing and I'd go to the oncologist and he'd look at me and be like first of all that's never been tested yeah yeah yeah no you're not doing that yeah now that I'm certain looking for advice you need medical story were nice right and that's the thing everyone has a good story of recovery or stuff like that and you know that's what that's what makes it easier to swallow yeah okay let's talk about you Jill what happened let's talk about the free cookies cuz you do I mean again I can't eat them cuz why we dairy oh you want to try them no I would just felt like there is be some sort of thunder of the mind unless they're like spectacular amazing I can't vouch for them ok so I'm picturing just normal chocolate chip cookies they're not all right so shut yourselves the orange bag right and you take the first down it's like a sunflower right oh yeah those cookies that's like an event cookie what that is that's right that's like you would get as like yeah as you're walking right and those are like the super thick shortbread cookies these are from floories finales in uh nesconset New York I get a lot of those kind of cookies during the holidays from like companies will send like a holiday gift I don't be ladies look great ok so I'm sorry Russ that I didn't know that you had did no dairy that's okay do you want to split this pumpkin one no I chances on the air okay so here's what happened I a an acquaintance and I mean a loose acquaintance someone who I admit one time just the executive director of a big nonprofit out on Long Island okay some corporation wrong and it's really it's a nice like like I'll just say whatever it's called island harvest is that the major food bank for all those it rings a bell I think I've heard of it they see it like three hundred sixteen thousand people of Long Island and when you start digging into the stats 200,000 people on long island which has like one of the richest counties Nassau County has one of the richest counties 200,000 people live in poverty among Graceland which is that's a lot crazy right yeah so she's like oh you know I want to do this big event your Queens you're losing weight loose acquaintance this is an email you got yep okay and remember I met you on the beach three years ago with so-and-so no no yeah but like I knew her as a friend of a friend okay and so would you do this event and we're thinking I just would like you to be able to do like oh and a thing for my big donors basically a night of appreciation sure okay yeah I said great well what are you thinking do you need me to talk about the organization do you want me to make the ask am I trying to get money for them i will be Jack's right what am i doing or whatever yeah I etc she said you know what night with Lily just like maybe like a nice thing like an event like a speaking engagement where you know you talk a little bit about you know some of the stats about what's going on in the economy and I said well what if I did like a big overview of kind of like what's been going on in the economy like 15 20 years and long-term trends and income inequality and how there are so many people living on the edge I didn't realize that until the financial crisis hit yeah and that's why this is even more important than sir you're a good figure right back okay so I get that all together I do this they say it's in this beautiful restaurant which was donated and you know it's great because they get a lot of restaurants and a lot of organizations that basically give them all the food that they're like that's close to the edge knock on Bajor and they give it to the food bank and the food bank then distributes it to other places yeah so great cause right yeah absolutely all right i schlep out I've got to take an hour long train there's a Huntington Long Island yeah thnkx Farrell that's not close it's an hour on the train yeah just like that okay I get there beautiful place you're looking over the the water it's really nice to me with voice Nana remember okay who's lovely there's some Italian joint got rhyme something-something primed right okay so get there schmooze a little bit and everyone's eating now I get up there and I do my gig goes well and then I said any questions guy raises his hand immediately who's sitting at the like the head table of where the executive director is sitting and he says I don't have a question I have a comment oh oh boy okay oh no cuties of the worse okay here we go you're like cool I didn't ask for that but continues on for I would say five minute rant holy about like uh and you know I talked about a little bit about my background in my career and I'm from Westchester and editor and he says I'm not really interested in what you think is going on in the economy oh my god that's how he says it that's how you start how many people are in this room let's say like 50 ok ok and ok now i'm alive i would love to see the look on our favor so you have to understand it's like I I'm perimenopausal like I'm going through menopause almost I'm always hot anyway sure feel the beads of sweat forming on my brow going into my back like the back of my neck it's getting wet and I'm like I'm wearing a nice Ascot address and this is gonna be bad like it's gonna be disgusting all right now he keeps going and he starts saying you know instead of talking about this and talking about income inequality why don't you do something you what you do something the hell is it what is he talking about why you go do you come here from Westchester why don't you give to this organization huh am I not doing that as I so game so while this is happening the director that asked you to come is at that same table right nobody you should like I feel it Joe so what's happening where was your what's the look on your friends face your queen even look at her because I'm looking directly at this emmer effer yeah you're looking into the eyes of Satan himself zactly and he had had shoulder surgery his arm was in a sling and I was trying to think about how I could get the other arm but though you aim for the arm that's in a fun way the tray yeah or maybe just like shove his hand up his ass and then know what happened there uncomfortable ok so he goes on are you on a stage I'm on like a damn in front of like a little lecture sure ok what I'm very upset with this person right yes ok so now I'd also by the way I hadn't really like how to drink or anything I was like hunger a because I don't like to eat before I do is speaking so now it's like they're eight o'clock it's yeah you're like what and I did not oh wait a second did i mention that i woke up at three thirty seven yesterday morning ok let's go there so so okay that well that's par for the course but wait so what's the vibe in the room like our other people are gasping no one was like huh like there was a little bit of a gas right I'll be like shifting uncomfortable we're like what's my rounds I suppose this guy yeah and then I say to him I said oh I don't recall your name what because I had met him earlier how's my name service there's one guy in the audience is like throw shade I was like what okay I did I did lead to remember Snape didn't remember your name Robert I said well Robert if I may and he goes don't interrupt me I listen to you you don't want to me girly cow Jill yeah I was the director I would have been mortified and july's equation should have tackled him hit there and then but it was so weird because there's like this element of theirs decorum right sure so you don't want to actually for me what did I really want to say obvious like that is going in my bag my head and then I'm like wait a minute what is Michelle Obama say oh when you don't know when they go you guys so how am I gonna like rise above this just compare of the Trump I think that's a good step one I don't realize that I'm not gonna convince him of anything sure there's nothing you can I was what I did I very high said Robert said I understand that's how you feel and I appreciate that you have come here tonight and given money to this organization and i said and i'm here on my time trying to help this organization as well raise anyone else have a question good write it down and was like but but you're supposed to you're supposed to be in and that was it yeah w while i was rocked you guys sure i was so your adrenaline must have been totally like Hello it up cuz you basically got heckled by you're doing Santa but you got heckled ya do ya I got heckled and bitch slap yeah essentially yeah and then I'm like and you know like I you don't know what to do there so then there's a lot of questions after and people were very nice and so many people came up to me after college I go I'm sure god they're so uncomfortable he always comes here we don't invite him buddy oh he's always here so the executive directors like I'm so sorry oh my god yeah I'm so sorry do you hate me you know when someone says that I was just like um well it's so first of all I hate when people say it's the worst it's the worst first thing that happens everyone's done right okay and they're leaving and I take like a deep breath and then I go back to the bar which and I say to the bartender do not close that bar yeah I said could I get a Macallan neat make it a double yeah yeah damn straight I have a couple zips need you like a new yet ok just like truth after that certainly I would take a need big 236 yes relax then she comes up to me at the bar the executive John says do you hate me what is the right response to that well they think here's here's a you go well yeah said and so I didn't say anything I just looked at her and I was like hold my scotch oh yeah I was like well this is helping right now yeah and then she said you know what that guy is an ass and the first he doesn't really speak nicely to people and I'm thinking to myself then why are you inviting him yeah then comes the night you don't know how good crazy wait what would you think was a big donation question is a result for this mission so they feed they fear two thousand people so that's a big big d organization yeah i'm gonna say 20 grand I was losing 50 i would think 20 is a big number for them last night he offered to buy her a new truck for a hundred grand and wrote and committed to it so here's what I until you don't drop a hundred grand like he'd lease it no no like they're buying Hesh yeah like I'm writing you a check Roger Graham yeah yeah okay yeah right but that said he is a dick and he's writing a chapter and therefore what I am saying to you is that I got paid in one two three four five cookies last night and in exchange for what my normal speaking engagement fee is which is a little bit higher than five foot right what's about as a result I feel like those were not free hey we're not for 100 person hey came at a price they did indeed it was I sweat equity went into these cookies dad I mean I got home and Jackie's like what's wrong like that and what it what happened and then you have to sit on a train for another hour oh thank ya there was like a consultant it was so great these guys who are like consultants to the organization yeah like they do i gotta say i would have gone you if I was asking to do that I would've gotten your car to and from the city was like you know what the funny thing is yes I would have thought that also but also but then I was like I don't want to sit on the l.i.e in a car anyway no I do I got a ride back that's good then you know his funny she's talking about the organization and I am sort of thinking like asha right a thousand-dollar check like that would be a nice very nice I'm not so sure that's the big man you those people and like we're seeing it with Trump like these people that like think that all you need to do is is I mean not the trunk actually gives the money that he says he is but all you need to do for a lot of these people is donate a bunch of money and for them that instantly makes you a good person they don't need to do anything else in their lives to make themselves a good person that's what I find yet that's what I find so conflicting is like how could this dude who i'm sure them right off I'm sure to write off buddy celebrated great makes a lot of money I got a douchebag really come on yeah I blow and there's also people that like a hundred grand is nothing to like John work if blue burgundy that's right it's like a pleasant note right 100 grand to a lot of people's like with ten dollars which not blink and I sure liked the fact that he has he can donate this amount of money that doesn't mean clearly like there's no way he'd donate if it was like hurting him in any way right if he could donate this amount of money and it doesn't hurt him and he feels like he can talk to people like because of it that what gets his g of like clearly some people just get off on that snow he was probably yeah that's nice a wild why oh my sorry that have their go so okay so I get home and I am wired sure completely yeah what times you get home i got home at like 1030 okay i don't get to sleep till say no no midnight okay and you know up again at four thirty you want a tip banana tea we got it from the sleep doctor it's been working like a charm manatee manatee so tell russ tell jill has make banana so for people that i know we've talked about a little violent show before so you take an organic banana you cut the two sides off but you don't take the peel off uh-huh you put it in boiling water for 10 minutes pour out the ball boiling water and drink the boiling water you can add a little honey to make it taste a little better it puts you out like i have never like an organic sleep aid I've never felt like how would you compare that to say 10 milligrams of Valium I've never taken value oh don't i would say it will spin it feels like i know you love it but like it's it feels like i took like a night call Mike don't you Michael yeah because there's a lot of magnesium really put see the message by doing this you're extracting the magnesium at a better rate than you would from consuming it's better than I open a that valium stuffs been making it in while but I got to sleep it was fine yeah do you know do you know what notice anything else about me an aura about me besides my red shows that you need to yeah I don't know am I supposed to look at something I feel bad you know if your hair looks very nice yeah this long uh did you not think it would not be nice not a visual I really got upset you Sam be like oh my god did to her hair don't forget your boobs lifted now I died your eyes don't look at your boobs like that I'm not supposed to do that you won't be do we can I don't care it sounds like she wouldn't mind okay but there's something else that's been going on okay maybe you can sort of definitely not we can't sense any now I can't even look at it seems like a great thing yeah it is and I have been meditating okay so this goes back to the power situation a little bit it all comes a circle we got new age do essentially ur who's like all cheat out yeah okay I can sort of see I saw dr. strangelets last night and that is dr. strange I was that good not really it is all about like Eastern philosophy and like mysticism and stuff like that so not that into the mysticism that let me tell you what I'm into okay wait so let's back this up why did this why did this come into play what what in your life caused you to have a meditational epiphany because I was getting so completely wrapped around the axle about the election yeah i'm gonna lay I wife too over the last couple my lacks it's gonna be fine don't say that's mean right into a tailspin right below your right gonna be okay so here's what happen i started like and and obsessively listening to podcasts about my wife she's making love her already so you know 538 why is this why does confessed but apple campus well that you don't have friends with john dickerson oh yeah scented yeah i'm like sending notes i'm like i should i worry he's like start to worry like in LA it's great yeah fantastic so on I so Jackie and I went away in the beginning of October his place up in the Berkshires and they did this thing I could guided meditation okay so I was like I had to do this and someone had told me about a an app that they liked for meditation so I had downloaded the app and I did the guided meditation I'm like you know what I can do this cuz I used to be like I'm a bad meditator yeah first of all we get to this thing and it's like it's like you know those a New Yorker cartoons of like the Upper West Side Jewish ladies would be frizzy hey my therapist like it's that woman she's a guy she's the guide for our meditation and I said she just have a seat it's like eight of us in the room I'm sitting in a circle and I said on the floor she's like no that's uncomfortable sit in the chair alrighty the time that I've been laying a meditation I'm like my e knees hurt my head start Yeah right she's like be comfortable exactly so she takes us through it and at the end of the things we talked and she says you know there's a great app if you're interested called headspace they said that I made yeah and I 40 hours no zero so I she goes try it there's ten I say oh my god i just downloaded it or I got here oh really yeah it was like the exact same one she just search meditation on cuz a friend of mine had said that she wanted to just see she had heard this guy's TED talk and she liked her so she said you get 10 free here's a guy Andy puta home okay I think that's a ppt home welcome to head space I think he's your Australian okay and head space head space as so I've been doing that so yeah 10 free I don't even know how much it costs like 10 bucks a month or sometimes and so I figured I'll just do it and my brother-in-law had been doing it and he's like do it for a couple of months and you won't need it anymore it's like it'll be part of your habit I've been waking up early in the morning before the dogs get up before Jackie gets up and I've been meditating 10 minutes it's 3am though for a for is any I am no one meditates at 4am you're sleeping no well you you would be but I am the best meditator for it the thing that's interesting is that people can do it at any time sure right but there is you have to do it in am where you know you can do it every day yeah and the time I know I can do it is when like after I wake up I have a half a cup of coffee I get my mind working but what happens for me is because I wake up so early and then I have to get into work I start like kind of going off and then my whole day gets away from her so I don't feel like I could do it in the afternoon or the evening or at night II this is kind of crazy so that's what I've been doing that's why I'd say 10 minutes of meditations completely change you know it hasn't completely changed my life in fact I came home and I can i drop an f-bomb here or not yeah i guess what's fun I said this meditation isn't helping no quickly how quickly you were to just throw it out the window and there are limits to what meditation to do and that guy tested it so let me ask you when you're meditating so like I've tried though if I tried it if you tried to try I've tried meditation and I've been in yoga classes certainly so I've like see you know thanks Emily I wouldn't put you a shut up yeah I'm very limber no you are you not actually very now I'm very inflexible p um but I feel like the end goal is to clear your mind right not necessarily oh so that was the misconception that I operated on sure well because I kept thinking I can't because I describe it as like I feel like I have a ticker tape running yeah my header yeah right around the bottom and it's like too much and Andy my dear friend Andy Pete at home yes says you're not really trying to clear your mind you're trying to let the thoughts pass oh yeah I've heard that too right so the thing that I was trying to do was like I'd be caught in a thought and then be like oh I'm failing yeah he's like man I just kind of bring it back to your breath yeah that's it yeah and so that's clears a little bit different like almost like you're looking in the sky the sky is there right blue beautiful sky and cloud cloud passes yeah glad to wait yeah the way I think of it is like I'll have a thought if I'm trying to clear my mind I'll have a thought and then I'll picture like a white piece of paper I'll crumpled up the piece of paper internally and throw it away and then it's gone I don't think about it works really well that's great yeah there's like all different ways that you can kind of approach it yeah look I mean whatever I've been doing it for three weeks so right he's a pro I wouldn't say that you levitate off the table but it's you know it's a problem for me doing it say after yoga we are in shavasana yoga right and you feel so awesome yeah it's really what you're trying to do is get to that moment right before you fall asleep where you're feeling like kind of like very mellow you almost feel your heart rate going there much more slowly and you're like you really do feel at peace yeah not sure so i've been using it i don't know if you noticed i've been using an Apple watch for the last few weeks yeah I've I was meaning to make fun of you okay you can feel free so the Apple watch which has been cool actually I've been got to go a bit but i actually have anyone it's yeah it's one of the newer to this is to yeah and it has an app called breathe on it which kind of acted activates like once or twice a day you can set the frequency of it and you start it and it'll there's a little icon on the watch and a like pulse based at you know supposed to match it with your breathing but it also uses the vibration in your watch so the vibrational go tick tick this is it like matching your breath and then you're supposed to go to do so you feel it on your wrist interest to match the breathing and so I've been doing it like on the subway sitting on this like of the apple start and I'll just do like a breathing exercise on the subway and it like works and it's not that I wouldn't normally do I understand college me down okay look if you feel calm yeah all right I don't think I just don't not like my problem with all these trackers and all this yeah like no one has come out and been like this is really help what people have come out and said meditation is helpful yes and that's essentially what I'm doing it's just encouraging it's like some rest or meditation so reminder to do it well I'm not saying don't do it because you're gonna hurt yourself I might hurt I just stop forget to breathe I need my watch to tell me in out you know but it's I don't know I think that it's whatever gets you to do it but total right so doesn't matter and I think that what's kind of interesting is that if you can have that moment on the subway where sometimes you know when you're on the subway and you're like I hate that guy right over there like bugging the crap out of me and then you have like a moment you're like you know what I'm just gonna breathe let me just do like I'm gonna breathe in and out I'm gonna count to 10 I'm gonna repeat it five times let's see how that goes yeah you forget about that idiot yeah I should I let that idiot kike encroach on my thoughts one hundred percent you know it's a way to screw people like screw you for getting into my thoughts yeah when you talked about meditation focusing on the thoughts passing yeah what does that mean well when you for me i'll just talk about me that when they a thought comes into your mind you can kind of sort of perseverate on it which is like a psychological term like it can spin inside your head and drive you a little nutty sure that's okay it's called being Jewish for those of you listening confess during your in your mind it's not a healthy thing and so whether it's crumpling up that paper or it's like this thought is going in my mind but actually don't have to sit here and stew on it right just let him pass through yes there is this thing uh you know frankly when my dad was sick I did this all the time which is like I'd worry so much like oh my God he's gonna die and then I was like okay like I can't actually change that right now he's sick he's here today let us not talk about his death right this second right although if you go to Facebook gotta look at the pictures I put up about he looks so studly in those pics are you showing me before the show I don't know where it went I'm kidding back there anyway it's that thought past so that's I've talked a lot about me and Jeff I just maybe you breathe a little bit no matter how I feel like it's weird like hospital settings rehab centers they're not this is calming of place now it sounds like a weird ecosystem right and whatever you can do to just like have a moment of peace I think I've been able to do that in the last 72 hours I think I finally had um the ability to calm myself down I did play hockey this week as I would hope and there's a mixed experience where you you you are completely you know sedentary 440 yeah eight days straight and then you have to go you know zero to 60 this intense day I reached the point in the second period where I was like okay yeah I'm gonna pass it yeah right are you looking forward to coming back to work yeah monday wasn't good yeah um I but i think by wednesday i was in a good place yeah i think it like at least some level of normalcy yeah because that's the thing like it's always it's it's gotta be everybody considering their health right you so um that's important and you know i think when you concentrate on that and you understand that you're able to do it can we give you can't give you a few aunt Jill tips of like navigating some of this stuff sure are you ready for my biggest one you know have to ply anyone who's taking care of an ill relative or friend with food oh no the is like redonkulous it works there's ya whenever unfortunately this happens there is such an outpouring of like too much food right and then you just like you go into the hospital are you going to the rehab yeah like look my friend gave me these five cookies she had to suffer right again each worth 20 grand exactly reach work at an axle on a truck but I couldn't believe how much people appreciated this you know my dad did when he was in the hospital this cracked me cuz he was in ICU for so long and he was very much aware while he was there so every Monday night while he was there so I guess he was there for like eight Monday's he bought the entire nursing staff dinner from the Second Avenue deli and had it delivered all her that's the move Madame believe it is equality right yeah I guess guess who got the greatest care oh yeah yeah like the IT guy you are supposed to be very good friends with your nurses oh you're in point I learned that quickly right you almost sometimes you got to give them the money that's in your wallet you know what this is crazy I am never told anybody this but it so I feel like I can share with you and all of our lives in holladay did you you have a history of paying off nurses know my thought there is a woman who took care of my father with that she was so wonderful to him and uh he had been in and out of the hospital quite a bit and it's the same hospital and he knew a lot of the people there and she like came into work one night and she was like kind of weepy and he goes oh my god what's wrong and she's like you know what like my ex-husband's an asshole blah blah blah and you didn't he wants more money and my father says how much money would make you comfortable right now it what this is so al be like this is crazy and she's like well you know whatever he's like well you know could you work over to him and then the next day he says to me bring my checkbook into the hospital should your dad's a baller Wow then he wrote her a check huh and you just made it go away wow crazy yeah just like that man so what did I but my dad was nice he was nice to he was very nice to the nursing staff wasn't so nice to us but very nice nursing wow yeah that's that's that's really interesting is it physically crazy to tea was already dude who's you just trying to get lucky yeah god that's what I got that's where was going on for a second ex-husband and there's drama no no it's a bad right that's work unfortunately that's where my filthy disgusting brain would not I swear that's not where it was all right we'll just take your word for it Oh me let's pivot a little less do a pivot you have to do a spot or something um we might have to do one so look let's see if we can do a spot right here hey Russ we've got a new sponsor this month who is it and it is a company called video blocks okay right you're psyched about ad sounds interesting our producer Brian was super psychics I love those guys they are a subscription-based stock media company that gives you unlimited access to premium stock footage that anyone can afford all right the big thing with this company it is a very solid value all right so we're talking about like footage of you know I guess it's like b-roll yeah absolutely if you want to be wrong I think something you got plenty of beer all right there there's a library of unlimited daily downloads composed of a hundred and fifteen thousand HD video clips crazy after effects templates motion backgrounds and cinemagraphs and on average subscribers pay less than a dollar per download over the course of the year I kind of just want to do this I feel like just to mess around yeah that sounds like fun I'll bet they have a ton of explosions in there you think oh don't search explosions you have to search through forty thousand results everything is a hundred percent royalty free even if a subscription is cancelled how cool unrestricted usage rights for personal or commercial projects and you keep what you download and maintain those rights or ever video blocks is offering the 404 shows listeners a year subscription for just $99 keep in mind that that's fifty dollars off the usual price just for you the 404 audience that's less than ten bucks months you get all the explosions you want at five thousand ten dollars a month okay make sure you go to video blocks calm / 404 that's the word video BL 0 cks calm / 404 for our very exclusive offer big thanks to video blocks okay well first want to talk about the new macbook oh yeah per second right yeah so did you hear about what's going on i know i have a macbook all right did you see they announced new ones last week yeah but what like who gives a crap didn't seem that don't care really care but like I I truly believe this look app apples not a company in trouble right yeah they're they're doing okay but I don't follow that I have a for the first time in many years because of sagging iphone sales they did have a lot of day yep and how's the loss for the quarter right yep I think this could potentially be a turning point for their macbook pro line would you say like bad bad like like this is our jump the shark moment elements I do think that touchpad thing that I so is so novelty Sony glass yeah their biggest thing is like look at all the emojis you can fit on it wow you're just really reinforcing the notion that you are selling a two-thousand-dollar Facebook machine and I also say like it like the one they show I think they should premiere my controls but it's like if you're using premiere on a day-to-day basis for video editing you don't know the shortcuts to like crop something know if you do know that do know them really a visual indication and that's where i'm getting at when I was in college you had a Mac because you were creative right yeah you were an artist yeah and you and you thought differently little Adam no but like I didn't even mean to say that okay I don't mean to play into their slogan sure but you you couldn't do you the program's you needed to use yeah your enemies your inner photo shops they worked better on and that was their brand and I was right they want that to other risk yeah I think this is the first time where I'm like I don't know if I trust that macbook pro to get me to be able to do what i want to do raise few issues that I think people called out which I'd certainly agree with the it maxes out at 16 gigs of RAM that's not very problem that's not doing video editing that's a big problem the port okay so real quick this is gonna get real nerdy but we're gonna talk about us bc for a second you were all so do you know the whole new USB that's coming out okay so us bc right it's us bc yes it is is the port and there's for them on the new macbook pro and I'm all in favor of you bc a USBC i think it's a great idea i like the idea that like android phones and apple phones hopefully God willing they'll ditch lightning and everything will be us bc moms would have to think about it and you plug it in either way you can paint an upside down whatever it doesn't matter right that makes me so happy just a little things but right now because of this weird middle ground world that we're living in it's bizarre but you have no way to plug in your iphone into the new macbook pro without an adapter right and that is i think it's a big problem for them and I think they it's crazy I mean it's okay without the dongle yeah because the next queen of iphone and you can't plug it into then you can't do it I have that tho i have the i have just plain old macbook all right that has USB zonda prob like standard ones know this oh she's my macbook the little man little one I came out here oh so it's got nothing yes I got it is good boy you must be seen as one us bc which is quite the fright so I why don't you get that so here's why I said I'll tell you why I'm okay cuz i schlep it everywhere others are great yeah areas once a personnel airs really light a fire I understand like freedom remember on that day April what I needed for you yeah it's like I don't know ok button it's easy and I do schlep a lot so I'm but that the whole dongle thing is such a very dongle company that's redic I think I honestly do believe that it will change in the next year because they're gonna release the new iphone next year that's going to be the big revamp and it God willing we'll have us bc and wireless charging and all of their devices work together and God willing all their devices will work with other devices not God is going to plan this it's free crater could make this happen all their devices will theoretically work with other devices they use us bc and that'll make me very happy but in this weird nation period where we're in between generations it sucks and i would never ever encourage someone right now to make a dive on a big purchase it's pretty much buy anything there because because it's just like you're you're in the middle of this territory in there everything is a big deal there there in the middle of a big transit is my magnet charging yeah why did they get rid of that well you can't have magnet charging n do us bc i guess what they need to figure it out I know so it's a drag I think there's going to be I think over the next as I said next year they're gonna like iron a lot of the stuff out but I agree and they tend Microsoft ate their lunch a little bit days in Microsoft was like oh wow we were kind of expecting you guys to like push the macbook pro brand forward and we've just leapfrogged you yeah isn't that wild though how like that company Microsoft which seemed like such an old fart out of vogue right sure that's really done a much better job better better job they've done a better job a better a better job in and of itself or better job relative to the fact that I think it's relative right yeah I think its relative to their specific situation you have to look don't forget about how many millions of corporations still use trim Microsoft still use it I don't change you guys at CBS I still does Google or Google yeah cuz you know at CBS News we ran out look its just oh yeah that's it and there's no there's no chat component they don't use slack oh hey Debs no chat at the most so do you know the amount of emails there now the process through the news division crazy I'm telling you that every goddamned Trump's speech Hillary sink oh yeah this pull that and it goes CND news right so my entire news department gets everything yeah that's not it's like I must tie into their like the way they mark the stories of like important it yeah oh it doesn't tie into that no that's kind of why I thought there would have to be stuck with it yeah yeah yeah I you know it's that's kind of amazing uh but Microsoft's good they're putting up a thing that's gonna compete with slack they're going on with their own thing called team good luck that's the problem with Microsoft traditionally and even though I agree like their hardware announcements recently have been very encouraging right look cool it's very hardware and it makes me excited as a software company they have been such a dinosaur and I think a lot of that culturally has to do with the fact that Microsoft was built around this idea of like every department having their little say in each so all of these pieces of software are bloated and like heavy with all this bulk that you don't need you have an app like slack which just does chat it's all it's doing yeah and it works great and obviously that's a start up company and they were very focused on just arresting those slack came as a result of a failed company moment I remember yeah that is so cool you know yeah because basically they were like we need we were trying to create a game right and they and they wanted to come with a communication system so the engineers and the guys who were starting the company could all talk yeah and that was the but the byproduct was slack yeah that's that really amazing yeah like that's pretty standard for for socom valley like people kind of accidentally falling into it actually in Silicon Valley the show they talk like that's sort of what's the show is about which is he's making this lame music sharing thing right but it turned out it was the best compression engine ever right and that became their business so like that's a very common thing it's like discovering the polio vaccine essentially its name by mistake yeah yeah i mean i don't know i think their hardware leaves a little bit to be desired but i do think he's getting better getting better yeah I also think Windows 10 is evolving in a way that I'm just not super excited but I do not like it every two days it just restarts well it's like oh I want to shut this computer down boy you're gonna have to update it if you want to do that yeah I can I can shut down my mac and not have it update that is an option I have right it might still bug me about updates but it won't force and I'm gonna force it I think the forcing is like a liability thing sucks I and it breaks it's broken y components on my I have to update version the original version 10 was very I thought was very good and whatever it's at now it's gotten to a point where never see yo is uh but yeah that's all I really want to bring up about the max situation what about money stuff woody yeah i don't know like i Vil I have plenty for you after the show I got a question yeah ok so the elections on Tuesday yes it's big yard in case you've heard um let's say Trump wins okay let's what are we looking at in terms of a hit to the economy so I feel like brexit level beyond beyond well beyond yeah Thomas I'm all right I you need a translation no I know what you're saying I'm just look I don't want to upset people who might well but I don't care about that we're not just with numbers yeah this is the impression that the market has regarding mr. Trump wins here's the deal markets and investors there they're betting on probabilities right and so the probability before a week ago Yeah right through let's say noon last Friday was Hillary Clinton presidents yeah and the markets could deal with it right part of it is they kind of get her that the big financial firms and the people that run those firms know her because she was the senator from New York and they know how like she has dealt with Wall Street and much to the chagrin of the Bernie bros tough you know like she really does understand that like to be the senator from New York you have to actually represent that industry because it's a big one yeah okay so that news comes out from the Justice Department be I was very spotty and but we're from the FBI oh yeah ridiculous and and we saw some interesting flutters in the market okay and so what was also interesting is that two economists had done a really interesting analysis of trying to say what do we believe the markets will do with a trump presidency it was before the Justice before the FBI sure and so their conclusion was that a trump presidency would amount to a ten to fifteen percent decline in US British stocks the mexican peso would get hammered their gold would go up yeah why a couple of reasons one the most important one is that the market does not expect that outcome right okay that's the biggest one yeah too there is a concern sorry I'm one so essentially the market doesn't expect it so people take their money out because because of the x factor that's going on they don't know how to deal with it once they if there is an unexpected outcome then people go oh my god get me out yeah scary yeah that's not what I thought was gonna happen sit in my cash on the sidelines because this could get worse right that's what happened with brexit except it was a smaller loss rate the dow is down 611 points the day after brexit three-point-two percent sure they are saying ten to fifteen percent that would mean as if we woke up on wednesday morning and i got on the air and i was like uh now we're looking at the dow futures down 1800 points okay okay now the other square this is that I Trump's economic policies are how shall we say in the vernacular claptrap like it's just nothing there yeah so you look it even his tax plan would add like trillions of dollars to the deficit and he says no it wouldn't because I would because I'm so smart I would just make the economy grow and I'm gonna have a three and a half or four percent growth rate well we're not even close to that right now it was honestly the person with a problem with bernie is that his plan was in current why expecting a level of growth that we've not seen in decibel just impossible right okay so growth is like if we were at like two point eight percent gdp I'd be psyched right now too yeah okay so if you think you're getting two three and a half or four you are smoking something yeah ok Johnson I so the problem with the Trump platform is that it's kind of scary to economists into investors because if you're ripping up trade deals who is that bad for that's bad for a big multinational company and if you have a trump presidency and you really have no idea what he's going to do he could not follow through on anything hey Zed good but we have no idea but we have no idea and companies would not spend money so if you look at what's going on with brexit right now no one's spending money in Great Britain right now no companies are because they're waiting to see what happens yeah yeah and so if you're a big company especially if you're one that does business abroad or you're a big import-export company you're like um I don't know what the outcomes gonna be so you know what I'm gonna do nothing and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy also would point out to you that even if Hillary were to get him we are at a point in the market cycle and a point in this recovery and we're in like economic growth sure we are getting a little bit long in the tooth keyword ivory has been going on for eighty eight months yeah average recover Robert eat world war 2 60 months yeah so this is the robe or little do so this is a fourth longest expansion on record okay over the next four years whoever gets into office they're gonna have it it's gonna be recession yeah there's gonna be a recession that's the deal okay we just I mean I'm not on that too complicated it just like Leo stop potatoes so you did land the length of this recovery is mostly due the fact of how bad the Depression was essentially i love that you called it a depression that's so good when they're yours I'll just escalate yeah I think that it speaks to that it also speaks to the type of recession we had one of the reasons that the recession was so bad is that it's a particular kind of recession called a balance sheet recession and a balance sheet recession means it is a recession caused by so much borrowing and lending that a credit bubble form sure and the credit bubble purse so that that ink that asset is vanish Suzanne the acid vanishes you're stuck with the liability and you spend many many months just getting out from under that debt ya know we're out from under it now that I mean part of it is because people would bankrupt part of it because some debt was forgiven but the reality is that at this point in the cycle who again whoever is the next president it's probably going to face some tough tough choices sure and I think the market is so a nerve by the erratic nature of Trump that they don't trust it by the way I mean just like not fond of fun but like no one in finance that I know who is a smart person is supporting from hmm there are people who will vote for Trump who I know who are voting just a based on taxes that's it right you but you realize like in response to that people who like Trump would say oh the reason that they like Hillary the finance people is because she is easy on Finance Bill Weber she's tight with the finance sure I think that an end and you know she's she actually it's funny because in her her dealings with Wall Street she wasn't actually so easy I sure but I think that a lot of the Trump voters are falling for these incredibly simplistic mantras to get our cut just pound their job but they're not realistic so I think some of hers are ridiculous also but her to hear someone say I'm gonna bring manufacturing jobs back what does that even mean how do you you can't help it just like or not like let's say you did let's say that all these companies brought their manufacturing jobs back these same idiots who say oh isn't that great well your job will be actually be done by a robot Thanks yes yeah here can I introduce you to a concept called universal basic income possesses we're going for your skills yeah so do i think that that both sides are simplistic and it's ridiculous yeah but his are so antithetical even if you like you're a real conservative you're freaked out by this right totally yeah man joins me worried well i'll tell you how worried I am ok ok I want to say like you've been this worried before I've been this worried about politics I've been a bit worried well you know I remember the government shutdown one of the government shutdown scratching man got you go in there i forget the debt all right right right so there was a government shutdown I was worried I was been I was worried about greased yeah and I was worried during the financial crisis right you didn't know me then but uh just FYI I gotta love Jewish allure I remember coming back from temple in 2008 turning the television on and my brother-in-law and I looking at each other and he's like holy this is so scary we literally came back from you skir and the dow is down 800 points and were like what has just happened I'm please pray to God no just then I'm so so I I am on edge yeah okay markets are on edge investors are on edge and it's gonna be a rough couple of days he's worried about politics I was actually when I was a you know bleeding heart liberal college student um we are pretty worried about certain things we were wrong but we were worried about things like what when were you in college I Greg twittered and I guess anyone can probably find this out of a school graduate in 1987 so you're in a year than in the 80s mm-hmm um that's actually worried about the first Gulf War because I really experienced war sure so but that was like late 80s Early 90s right um I was very worried when George W Bush won the election and I was extremely uptight about this because I remember getting into a fight with a Republican friend who called me an idiotic liberal maniac oh my god yeah and I said you I don't understand like what you think is cuz I'm just not a believer in supply side economics i think it's baloney yeah so uh or is Joe Biden would say malarkey yeah uh but I was very concerned and when he was reelected I was even more concerned yeah I was so uptight about two young to care then no it's dumb no I was too young to die now yeah I was too young oh yeah I was young and dumb no I so I was worried then I'm I'm not like look uh when people get in my face about this and they say you know well Trump's gonna be better for your taxes I said I don't vote just based on bike that's worthless and for me and if you I think that's the one sort of focal point you can zero in on and just sort of say to yourself like i understand i will pay more I'm okay with that and I think that's I think that separates people from like being Beatles people or Rolling Stones in like really like I think that you let you learn a lot about somebody and look they're entitled to whatever they want to do but I think at some point it comes to a personal decision where it's like I understood can't operate in a rational functional capacity right with that kind of disparity yeah and that's what I finally said obviously you're paying you know okay let's say you know you're paying less taxes but but you know socially maybe the let's say you're in support of gay marriage and someone you know as a gia one of the GOP Stander's is bringing back Defense of Marriage Act or whatever was whatever that ridiculous platform was so like that's what you're giving up your you might make 10 watt hours more on a paycheck absolutely I like I mean it's so funny because yeah pro-choice prove you know your neighbors these you know sentenced to a life of humiliation what supported reported right place thanks very much cool that's it it's also kind of a scary in my lifetime so right I'm 50 years old yeah that I don't really remit and vicious about stuff I don't remember the electorate getting so nasty and so vicious and you hear some of the audio from spruce line rally oh it's terrible it's really scary and is Jews we should be frightened that like there's this thing called the Albright who are essentially like Nazis right so like let's just call them what they are yeah and so while I think that it was too bad that Hillary said the basket of deplorable there's a freakin basket of deplorable Xin that party and no one's calling him out like where are these wimpy Republican guy John McCain this guy has to insult you forever and like the fact that he says something mean about women or you like makes disgusting comment about women that's what does it for you I know yeah I is that true justice yeah it's strange all right yeah meditation how much is working it's really not doing anything I'm sorry too like that was like more political than I think we've ever gotten and I apologize for doing in there because I realize it's not what the show is about as someone that does not really plug into parks at all because I feel like it's exhausting and I have no control over it as we talked about earlier like things I have no control over apart from my vote um yeah it's just it has been a major point of stress and I am so looking forward to choose that Wednesday really you know I hope it goes a certain way but like we've been having it out of my mind space of like something that's gonna believe my ears yeah the least it'll be done yeah just like such a weight I don't know there's like I had to make some sort of creative adjustment because there is look I like I hate to be like super Jewish about this but like I'd like to actually always consider like the worst-case scenario I'm trying to figure out how do I live through that worst-case scenario like I walk myself back from that and you're freaking me out of jail I'm just telling you look I I'm that the the reason it's part of like the financial planner in me it's like well what would be the worst thing that happens to this person's financial it can we get rid get repaired yes and then I come back and you recover value determined by you invest and yeah and so I'm not one I'm not gonna move to Canada I'm not gonna move to Australia although Australia's lovely sure is lovely but that canadian dollars not doing so hey now i'm doing well actually related that real quick i realize for no better than real quick could someone make a mint by selling short before and and having Trump win yeah of course but what happens is you can sell short he doesn't and then you right you gotta be late-ish and obviously it's a big bet against what the likelihood is I didn't see what the odds were in Vegas did you see a nice time I looked there were plus 600 for Trump ah which is you he would still be the underdog right he's still the underdog and I think it's now like turning into like a 60-40 based on the polls yeah just FYI I don't know you guys are great weekend so here's what I'm doing I have a lot of scotch my apartment good primo primo good stuff good alright so you're just gonna like you got cookies just gonna bunker it out with some booze this is what you're gonna do you're gonna doomsday it out I could in your little bunker in my bunker with my babies had the dogs are good everyone Jackie's good everyone's gay yeah we're good excellent where if you find you on twitter at Jill on money oh and by the way I'm gonna have some very exciting news to announce for after the first of the year exciting what the hell I am not pregnant if I didn't think you were Jeff's baby why not Russ's okay someday what are you so you're just gonna tease that or i have and i will be launching a new podcast really brandnew after the first of the year you guys will be guests sick you're actually on the guest list okay cuz that's all I know good it's me you know it's true uh and more details to come come on that's nice you're signed everything's done also it's happening I just you know I don't want to go too crazy sure too many details but I will come back in December okay so that we can now that's right we'll have you next month because we'll do all of our holiday shows ahead of time nice that time of the year again hey you know when hanukkah's the name after Christmas those the day before the first night is what it's like how great is Josh now well no I'm so funny yeah look at you lighting the menorah as we looked it up on the pockets yesterday no no its new well anyway always a pleasure Jill thank you so much for being here I am your aunt Jill remember that I'll never forget that will see you guys next week with a brand new show 866 404 cnet we can leave us an email the 44 at cnet com we have anything cooking Russ I just wrote my call duty review its up on polygon calm that's live alive is the score he ate at 85 85 good yes pretty good been good what's your favorite show that you're watching right now westworld have you been watching a lot of TV the last week but I'm enjoying westworld I'm only two episodes in but I'm enjoying it good real good yeah I heard black mirrors kind of a disappointment that's really weird I like the British yeah original but people are saying the new ones I don't know I knew it yeah all right we'll see you next time thanks again thank you you you
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