The 404 Show - Battlefield 1, Infinite Warfare, millennials, Ep. 1660
The 404 Show - Battlefield 1, Infinite Warfare, millennials, Ep. 1660
hey what's up everybody it is Friday may
66 where are those flowers six that's
all don't say that again where the
flowers april showers May flowers were
in the thick of May supposed to be
springtime and it's 44 what april
showers april showers May flowers so
you're asking where the flower where the
goddamn flowers it's not raining now
it's an 45 degrees outside like weird I
didn't think that it would be like this
it's awful but I'll tell you this yeah
when I told Scott Stein this morning
yeah said when he was worried about it
but worrying about it over a bagel sure
I'm like dude I would take the rain and
the cold and the rawness outside
overheat any day you kidding I want to
cut off for you temperature while yeah
what's too hot too hot for me is like
above 68 shut your mouth you're lying if
that's your life I'm tell even you don't
like to wear shorts not really really
yeah you've got a tattoo on your leg
that is only visible when you're wearing
it's for me and me only really it's for
you no look at yourself in the mirror
well apparently wearing shorts my whole
life did me in John yeah you know it's
true I don't know I that is ironic it is
ironic I don't need to be warm I don't
want to sit on the beach I don't need to
be sweating disgusting warm but the idea
of like perfect Mayweather where it's
like 72 and like you can go outside the
shorts and a t-shirt and like sit on a
park bench yeah it's lovely who wouldn't
want that for me it's the allergies to
kick in right around that time but when
when you when you have a heart yeah as
black and and dark is mine yeah you only
seek the dark it's just a sweaty heart
it's the problem yeah and I hate
sweating yeah I've I have I don't have a
sweat problem yeah but and it's not like
I'm out of shape I exercise I do my
thing sure but I definitely sweat
quicker than most yeah and if you can
and if you can identify with that if you
can relate to that you know
worm coming from yeah and you just don't
want to sweat right like i don't i don't
want to do that i get it i hate it and
people look at me and it comes out of my
forehead yes and they're like what's
wrong with this guy it's like 60 degrees
while yeah exactly and the second at 60
degrees is when I start to really sweat
yeah it's I know I know it's disgusting
it's a real shitty way to start a
podcast but that's what happened yeah
you got us going on about the weather
I'm sorry thanks a lot Russ fresh that's
how it starts have you otherwise you're
doing okay yeah I'm doing good have
anything you want to talk about
everything I have a new job we can talk
about that wait a minute yeah you you're
like a you're like a Renaissance man a
journeyman I preferred journeyman why
why do you prefer that nomenclature you
know renaissance man implies I don't
know it implies that you're doing many
many different right yes whereas like
you kind of just been orbiting the same
thing that makes any sense yeah
definitely in the same congrats on your
new job but what the hell are you doing
uh so there was a time several years ago
mmm two ish years ago when I worked for
a website called polygon com I have
heard of that you might recall me being
on the podcast talking about it before I
was actually hosting this podcast and
I've rejoined that teams back I'm back
they needed some support it's on the
video side so I've joined their
excellent video team and yeah making
cool fun video content for the Internet
I feel like words are dying I don't know
about you but the written word
Shakespeare head his day you think do
you really believe that and I know your
current employment it obligates you to
share that way there is a part of me and
like so suddenly when I was thinking
about like where to go and what jobs to
take and whatever there is a part of me
that feels like media in particular
there's a value in video that just does
not exist in text anymore which is to
say like if you're looking like every
video view you do is worth ten times the
amount of every page like normal text
page you do right so and people are lazy
and ever like where people are making
money is in video so I would not be
surprised if in five or ten years
functionally you're gonna see a lot less
I mean there'd still be written text but
in terms of like big media companies I
think the math of priority is gonna be
on video oh man I mean it already is
going that is but i think that keep
going I think it is now because video is
the more profitable medium on the
internet right but I mean there's no way
text is ever going to retake that throne
right just can I feel like it epson
flows right there there there does
become room for like long-form
journalism and and that kind of stuff I
don't think that's necessarily going
away no no no I think but I do think
there is also like a bubble coming and I
would also say long for journalism has
the potential to be a very risky lost
leader I think it's valuable and it's
awesome content but if you spend let's
say three weeks on a written piece of
content that goes nowhere like audience
was like that's very expensive and if
that was a five minute video that
essentially has the same amount of
information oh there's more potential
for gain and that's just like a very
like gross monetary economic way to look
at it what is it gonna do to us as a as
a as a society I think you think like
we're do eat no no no written obviously
and long for written will still
obviously always exist I'm really just
talking about like economically where
money will be made in bulk is at least
in media predominately video so if you
have these great ambitions and great
desires to become an author a novelist
yes you think you should maybe rethink
know you can make a ton of money as a
novelist so long as someone options here
serious remove the Martian yeah okay
there you go not tips yes little
guidance counseling from Russ fresh dick
I yeah I would say and I'm sure the kids
already are well aware this like I'm
learning a lot of video editing tools
now that I never ever needed to learn
cuz like hey written reviews and like
all that stuff like did extremely well
for a very long time I can see that
changing and not just like it polygons I
think everywhere where there's
this demand for people in the media to
know more than just like I know how to
play a sentence together it's like oh
but can you use premier can you record
the oh can you do after facts can you
put graphics in can you like they don't
want specialists they want generalists
measure makes them yeah they don't want
a producer and an editor they want a
predator exactly screwed up because I
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes I did see
the writing on the wall very early a mic
when was that I saw it in like 07 yeah
wait I mean there used to be people that
whose entire job it was to take written
text like they would be sent written
text and they put it on the internet for
you that was their job they're like and
we had that digital producer whatever
your men i'll tell you a shocking story
okay about when i first started here
yeah you didn't put you didn't use a CMS
didn't use a content management system
to get your stuff online yeah you sent a
word doc yeah to some guy right and he
or she was like the produce was like the
web producer right that's crazy yeah and
by today's standards 89 years later it's
effing crazy and people talking about
automation when it goes crazy back then
totally people talking about automation
when it comes to like building cars or
like don't like auto check out at the
supermarket but like it's effectively
the same thing where these jobs that
were pretty mindless but needed to get
done are no longer necessary because the
tools get better and easier for most
people to use where you know specialists
that you know you need to have a skill
that most people can't use like if you
were a drone pilot five six years ago
and you were the only one shooting drone
video you were like a huge luxury like
everyone wanted you now some any Schmo
off the street can you know by a drone
and do somewhat decent video so where's
the value like where is the value in
humanity well you just need to keep
expanding your horizons you can need to
keep growing one capable of and learning
and knowing like where the demand is
next widen your your skill set exactly
okay it's a scary thing it's extremely
scary trust me out
nothing more than just the coast on the
minimal amount that I learned in school
and the first couple years of my
professional career just doesn't work I
mean I'm sure there are companies and
jobs were like you know your stuff and
that's where you're at but um you know
that's a lot of places not I mean you
need to keep keep an eye on that horizon
and let me give people listening who
maybe are entering the job market for
the first time in their lives yeah maybe
they're getting out of college or soon
to be getting out of college here I've
talked to a few people who have been
interviewing entry-level positions okay
uh recently yeah over the last three
months all these people need to get
their together what the entry-level
people these people I guess 21 about
Millennials I'm talking about mallu but
they still Millennials anymore they are
we're pardon no we're not yes we are 80
early 80s is not a part of millennial is
ray 18 to 34 right now yeah but I don't
can I don't think that's pretty good
your guard it I know I'm right listen ok
sons listen fine right guys ever known
as like boss just like always tries to
say no you're wrong jeff and here's why
cuz you're stupid and ugly no here's the
deal yeah so i believe i do believe the
cutoff is actually 1982 ok or 1980 okay
but you also appreciate the fact that
like there's no scientific anything to
determine where they cut off of course
not sure but I think like every time I
talk about that demo to people yeah
they're like who are older than me yeah
they're like oh you just you just make
it in that so again it's this you want
to know my definitely zabal line i
understand i'll give you my definition
and i think i think mine makes a lot
more sense because it'll probably be
like more applicable yes yeah what's
that my definition is if you just want
to stay young have a peter pan con I
understand if you were raised in a world
and you know no other world then a world
that was powered by the internet euro
Moneo that's my definition I mean you
could make the argument bra for us
really sort of really in the 80 well I
was 12 when I had my first but that's
what I'm saying is it is i don't have
over life before 12 you
have any memory I don't know I just
that's great my purse with your son nine
to ten years many time my first Mary's
94 man that's very Jurassic Park and
shawshank redemption my first memory all
I can remember yeah this is being in the
theater watching jurassic park okay is
like my first down for it said yeah a
dozen years went by and i didn't i
didn't get any of that yeah not even any
not even kindergarten nope that's what's
supposed to happen right yeah you're
supposed to remember how do drugs no
memory no but okay fine yes I hey that's
mine so how about we straddle all right
maybe we straddle name straddle I'm
pharmagen why but that's okay uh we're
where we go where we going with it your
point was your we're gonna talk ultra
level so I talked to a few people and
one person said to me they think we're
dying to hire them like the entry-level
millennial person I like they're very
full themselves su perfil themselves
believe the world is just waiting to
just pick their brain yeah and I get
that there's a certain naivete that
comes with like being that young sure
and assuming the world is ready to
welcome you with open arms and I want to
sound like mr. get off my lawn here but
no that's not how it works I know
automatically with like Instagram and
Twitter and YouTube and like and the
fact that like we don't really we kind
of like hide conflict from from kids
like we disguise it we can oh sure okay
we kind of see like oh no you finished
83rd place but that's still good again I
don't like participation drove right and
I don't want to like fly the flag like
oh we should never wish you know yeah
treat everyone I don't want to get into
like a controversy with that I just
think like real world maybe doesn't
operate like that shirt like i'ma
believe in people who say like all I
would never pay my kids for good grades
yeah well guess what they're gonna get
paid for being really good at their job
later on in life you have to learn that
lesson sooner or later right I think
there's kind of two kinds of people that
come into those interviews I think
confidence in an interview is very
important so like jelly I can do that
totally sure
I would also say obviously like
confidence without sounding cocky or and
and you need to something to back it up
by mon people don't assume oh this is a
capable person because they talk with
confidence right like if you or let's
say you're applying for a social media
manager position show growth you gotta
show that you've done stuff what's what
have you done and and people will you
know give you credit because of like
what your experience is not because you
came in with like a go-get-'em attitude
necessarily I mean that helps but it's
really just one part of it it's funny I
was watching this quick and dirty little
documentary it was about an eight to
nine minute of little segment and it was
about the plateauing of skill yeah and
and I think it was called like have you
noticed everything is a little bit
meaning don't you notice like why why do
we why have we found the god particle
and can you know understand black holes
and put a man on the moon and all this
amazing revolutionary stuff but like
train suck and they're always not on
time everyone sucks at their job and why
do we have to call customer service and
wait on the phone for 84 minutes just to
get five dollars off my next bill sure
hell's wrong with everything why does
why is the why is everything broken yeah
and this the argument is that people get
promoting people in their job is only
going to ensure that you get promoted to
your point of an competence yes meaning
you will get promoted and promoted and
promoted until you reach a level at
which you suck or your miserable doing
it or you're miserable and then your
work then reflects that yeah so it's
like hmm right the system is broken well
in the but the new system that's
replaced that is essentially no one
stays a job for more than three or four
or five years not every industry not
never industry you're right but like in
a lot of these industries even like
industries that were traditionally like
that like it's very rare that you have
um you know these long term over ten
year kind of employments yeah so yeah I
mean we're talking about a lot of
weighty issues here Jeff it's getting a
little heavy on the city this friday i
think it's the weather because you know
you look at the weather and you see that
that tranquil kind of
then like rain yeah that just has this
really hypnotic yes effect on someone
yes and it makes you look deep into your
soul if it's mine it's it's it's dark
and black yes for most ppl makes you
think about the world and where we're
going where are we going Jeff I think
we're gonna tour going to talk about
your brush with 911 oh yeah what
happened okay well I should be more
specific I so in New York City there's
the headline is what that well I called
911 in a way that's the headline you
know way this week okay add to speak to
a nylon 1911 off your operator okay
there you go that's a that's a headline
and as yet people who listen to podcast
might know I don't do super well with
bureaucracy or like government
organizations because they as we've
talked about tend to be a little bit
old-timey in the way they do things and
they all think you're edward snowed yeah
well this was on the phone so they're
still easy goes down like that and so
that sleeps through the why it might it
might so i live in in queens and i'm on
the eighth floor of my building in
Queens and i over look like a lot of
smaller houses down below me and i'm
working at home editing this video and
there's an alarm that starts going and
it's really infuriating it's not like i
can't tell if it's a car alarm or house
alarm expelled for the record Russ may
have called 911 for a car wait stop stop
one second because this is all relevant
so this alarms going off it's like
chirping hello really generally free
okay oh sorry I had to do that so fair
so I'm it's like a chirping noise and it
goes on for like two minutes but it's
very loud and then it turns off for
about 15 seconds and then it goes on for
another two minutes and it's it's
infuriating now I know that I there's a
police station right around the block
from my apartment it's a very nice
police station always you know cops
outside whatever so I google map it and
I find the number for the weigh station
I call the police station they're like
if you're calling about a noise
complaint use 3113
um one in New York City is just for
information generally so you'll like hey
what are the parking rules for this week
or hey where can I get a good bagel you
can call 311 really I think you can
actually oh they were a lot of different
happy there 311 huh yeah so I called and
I went like through the robot thing to
find the noise complaint number and it
connects me to a person and the person
is like high with your complaining I'm
like well there's an alarm going off
it's been going off for an hour and
she's like okay I need to cut to connect
you to 911 I was like that seems
unnecessary I mean it's just annoying
just like no that's how we have to do it
what so I'm going to connect you to the
operator right now and stay on the line
okay so she stays on the one she's like
okay 911 operator we have someone on the
cut line and the operators like is this
emergency and she's like nope not at all
and I'm like hi so there's an alarm
that's been going off the 91 what so the
311 operator gets off the phone okay so
it's just me and the 911 operator she's
like okay so what kind of alarm is it
I'm like I don't know it sounds like a
chirping and I hold the phone up sort of
in the general direction cause like I
can't hear it sir Sir I came here sure
half her day is like I can't hear it
yeah um and she's like is it a car alarm
your house alarm and I'm like well it's
hard to say cuz I'm like above it and I
don't know where it's coming from
specifically i'm gonna say I've never
heard a car alarm sound like that but
you know it could be a house alarm yeah
she's like yeah well where is it coming
from don't you know the house I'm like
no I'm like I'm just looking at the
general space where the sound is coming
from there's no way to tell she's like
well if it's a car alarm that's 31 ones
responsibility if the house alarm that's
911 s responsibility so she's sending
you she's sending you back like which
I'm like well I don't know what it is
and just like well what do you think it
is I'm like at this point I don't want
to go sent back to 311 so I'm like it's
probably a house just like okay we'll
send someone over 20 minutes later I get
another phone call they call you back I
call me back um that's surprising and
they're like okay there there there now
I gave them a block like I didn't give
them a specific address because I didn't
know where it was so i gave them like a
cross street and they're like okay so
they're there and I'm like
okay and I look out the window and I see
like a cop car like slowly cruising down
the street that I gave them and she's
like so are they in the right spot and
I'm like yep they just need to roll down
their window and just like well they
don't hear anything and I'm like it's
going on right now just open their
window and they don't and they taste
like do a slow drive and I'm like
watching the window watching this car
happen what's wrong with them and it
keeps going on for like another hour and
then eventually gets shut off because
probably the owner the house came home
or something but like first of all I
went a little bit of power trip because
it was pretty cool to see like like
Omega phone calling the cops like show
our kind of just like puppet master and
I also feel like I was completely like
in the bike it's a little bit of a
grandpa move to like make a hat like a
noisy point it's up there but it's a
it's a house alarm it's not like it I
thought like it's a Saturday night and
they're like having a party downstairs
who knows what could be happening and
yeah well I did it cuz it was annoying I
mean I wasn't super concerned about
somethings house getting did you give
their being burglarized you just know it
was 90% annoyance yeah but it's just
crazy to me that like that like how many
stages needed to happen for someone to
come by and then for the end ball to
just be like totally dropped but if it
was an emergency though yeah I feel like
things because maybe it wasn't emergency
maybe someone was breaking it no but the
first thing that they said yeah was that
this wasn't an emergency I said I am so
it's fair so then but what do I know
right but the second that happens like
all right not the okay so what if i said
this is not emergency but someone's on a
shooting spree in the middle of Times
Square will see an hour so by that as an
emergency uh yeah so it was very
intimidating the call and I guess 3112
911 making that transfer but I guess it
worked out I don't know I it feels like
such an old-timey way of doing things
it's like can I just like I am someone
and be like hey what up yes emoji siren
it's basically like the equivalent of
going through a switchboard yes what you
did yes alright let's put that aside
okay let's get into some video games
ok I want to talk about a bunch of stuff
today first thing I want to talk about
you know III is on the way and we'll get
into that a little more if you care
about video games as a xiii approaches
or about six weeks out now uh five
whatever it is yeah but i want to talk
about um the games like the wartime
games that were like getting inundated
with i mean i've been the last 20 years
right yeah and a lot of this comes from
the call duty game that just came out or
just that was announced called infinite
war yes there's been like a very kind of
lukewarm reception of I mean the YouTube
like downvotes is one of the highest
YouTube downloads for any YouTube video
out there right so what do you think it
is do you think people are just like
nothing called duty infinite warfare yes
I am not joking that's what this actual
game is called yeah I don't have a
problem with the title I think the title
is colossally stupid who cares what do
you mean who cares that why do you think
it's stupid infinite warfare or whatever
never-ending forever war yeah war
forever that sounds like a good way to
make money like if I'm naming a game I
don't call it call of duty Worf all the
time forever never ending war like that
just sounds so stupid fine forget that
is sort of I don't have a problem with
the title all right I just hate the word
infinite yeah um and then you know on
the B sketches were like oh why's is so
too much war what war war war and I get
it worse I I don't think that's the
reason people know like they think the
idea is lame yes because it's space yeah
and it's like well guess what there's a
lot of space games why is called do need
to go to space now gonna blow up space
these are without tension go up space
you're gonna blow up outer space yeah
good for you let's blow it I mission
accomplished space is looking at me
funny like blow it up take that take
that vacuum yes I agree that's why
people freaked out about I actually on
paper have no problem with the concept
if it remains pretty grounded and
doesn't have aliens what you have is the
the real issue with call duty games the
last bunch of years is like you know
we've seen basically any possible
environment in every possible
environment you could do on earth like
jungle desert castle
snow yeah like any castle yes there's
like an old-timey castle sure sure uh
you know like a chalet invite like we've
seen all these maps overlay warfare so
like there's something kind of
intriguing and know about like say this
planet is no not in space but like hey
this planet is blue and has like weird
architectural stuff and maybe the
gravity's a little off and whatever that
like at least you have a little more
variety and I'm just talking about the
multiplayer here and even the single
player like all those campaigns feel the
same because because they are is it yeah
they are and there's a limit to like
that places you can set them and the
technology whatever that being said I
understand why people were pissed
because essentially there are so many
games like in watching that trailer like
visit their alien ship flies over and it
looks like halo like it looks like halo
just does and I thought and I'm a big
call of duty fan and I was like well
that doesn't feel super creative tomato
like essentially just or Dwight even
destiny like aliens I don't think it's
aliens I think it's a lowly it's sorry
here's what I think it is I think it's
like aliens in so far at the movie
series in so far as like the different
corporations fighting against each other
gosh I'm not with the aliens themselves
that being said I'm sure at the end of
the campaign is like a cult like a
kicker at the end of the credits where
it's like an egg opening and like a
three eyes looking out or something like
that it's it's war fatigue that's what
people are upset about but you there is
the rya understand that but there's a
demand for it still those games still
sell really well and the reason they
sell really well is because there is a
limit the number of things that you can
do in a competitive space that is still
fun for video games like it's pretty
much sports like baseball and rocket
League and stuff like that and shooter
just like I got it and low and you know
how much I love black ops 3 yep i was a
big fan of that game kind of stopped
playing a new player yeah i stopped too
but oh you know i was super into it
that's great for the longest i played a
call duty game in terms of the the
replay or in the multiplayer anyway so
that happens on monday they announced
this game and apparently so this so that
game was leaked accidentally by sony
yes we in the PlayStation Store of
course not to be outdone Microsoft then
accidentally leaks the new battlefield
game whoops which is called battlefield
one yeah that's as isn't the number one
yeah and it is a and get this an
alternate history world war one game yep
where I don't know what the hell that
means uh it's set rule or one but it's
like in a world war one we're like
there's probably some like weird test
Tesla technology Tesla yeah I mean
that's all you got uh and there's gonna
be Zeppelin's with like we it'll be like
bioshock infinite which is you know set
after world war one but like that's it
no but isn't this a pao chicken uh let's
add your own team 10 no it's certainly
around that I sure so that technology um
and I mean I mean here's what I'm gonna
say Battlefield games I I used to be a
huge battlefield fan I love bad company
I loved battlefield two I guess and but
recently i have not been digging them
they feel very stick like kind of static
and predictable and boring and i'm glad
that they're trying something new and
also world war one is not a war that we
see very often mostly because it's a
miserable war that would be following
war but if you throw in tehsil robots
and like electricity guns I feel a
little more interesting all of a sudden
you might care about it I don't know if
and for me it's just like I know like
you covered a second ago there is a need
to have this kind of game kind of just
on repeat like we just need our war game
yeah because they said it's the only
bankable genre there is especially for
EA and activision that like it's just
guaranteed money it's just the sell
these can without a doubt and they and
it's not only that yeah but when you
even look at like black ops 3 and
advanced more like they keep breaking
records yes not like oh yeah like
they're like plateauing right I mean no
peak eventually I'd I think they might
peak with this one but yeah maybe um I
mean they just continue to just kill it
yes so you can't blame them right you
can't blame anyone it's the reason why
we have 83 you know Raymond and
because they need to make these games
they really do just from a like a
financial spected I just have to have
two numbers at least here's what i will
say at least they're willing to like put
themselves out there a little bit and do
something different so like even that
battlefield talking about battlefield
sure so battlefield I mean even to a
lesser extent call of duty I mean call
of duty certainly feels of like a very
safe way to change things but like
advanced warfare was kind of like like
adding a double jump to a call duty game
is a pretty risky move yeah um and like
so at least they're trying different
things and trying to keep it fresh more
so than like look at madden the reason
madden peaked is there's just a limit to
what you can do is football game so
sports games in general yeah having a
rough go at it yeah totally so that so
yeah that's what i want to say is like
at least they're EA certainly is is
trying a little bit more to do something
different we'll see if it pays off i
mean i could see it certainly the name
alone is not going to scare people but
like i can see the setting you know for
people that are looking just for like a
realistic more game scaring some people
off who knows i'll be interesting i also
want to talk about and this is more
Insider E but we get asked this a bunch
and it's definitely worth bringing up um
specifically for like recent events and
whatnot right so there's a lot of games
coming out there's a lot of you know I
don't skepticism like the way games get
disseminated from publishers yep and the
review process and all that I guess we
kind of like want to talk about a little
bit specifically with one example where
a game that's coming out very soon um
there's no there's no there's no review
happening really right well they're not
they're not sending early copies out to
right which is which is usually a normal
thing i would say on average yeah on
average a game will show up about of
roughly about a week before it yeah
comes out that's pretty stores yeah
maybe 45 days writes about par for the
course yeah on certain cases like on
charter we got super early um it varies
by by
game yeah you can tell when a game is
sent out super early it's maybe more
like a bigger game yeah usually yeah
usually they have more confidence in it
and the game itself is just like takes a
lot of time to play through right so
there you have important word confidence
yes logical to assume that if a game is
not being sent to press yes and perhaps
you know because a or saying a game is
not being sent to press until maybe the
day before or the day of release yeah it
forces people to make a lot of
assumptions yes same thing with movies
yes when a an embargo is set for the day
of release yeah when people can actually
go out and get it for themselves see it
for themselves you kind of say hmm yeah
thinking bond yeah I think there's a lot
of movies is a little different because
because for movies if there's no press
screening so a lot of movies have like
early press screenings a couple weeks in
advance if there's no press screenings i
would say 99% of times that means the
movies just garbage just because there's
no reason not because that is the the
studio saying yes not literally if they
are saying we don't have necessarily the
confidence in this movie right to get
the critical acclaim that could
potentially drive numbers right instead
we will take our chances with word of
mouth right and well we would see if
crap right we feel that review at
opening it up to early reviews would
only hurt us is essentially what they're
saying and there's no benefit so they'd
rather try to make it their money as
quickly as possible and opening weekend
and then it'll fall off after the fact
and that philosophy is pretty much page
4 page the same with a game I think so
the difference with games ordinarily I'd
say eighty to ninety percent of time yes
that's the case like if you're getting a
strategy right there are circumstances
for a game there was a for example there
was a game called Dark Souls 3 came out
there was a patch that was supposed to
go live at launch it didn't drop until a
little bit after launch and in that
circumstance I actually if I was them
probably would have held it because the
game ran
terribly on us on ps4 for example right
that them not sending out copies until
the patch was ready probably would have
helped their reviews quite a bit or just
like hold a certain copy of it or
something like that so sometimes if a
game like an update or whatever is
happening very late maybe they like
won't give it out the press because
they're afraid oh this updates going to
change perception of it I would say
that's rare that's again maybe ten to
twenty percent of time more often than
not it's just they think response is
going to be bad and I would also say all
this ties into the fact that like
especially for gaming publishers are
more and more coming to the realization
that their reliance on the press is more
not required at all right they just
don't me too sure so when's the day
going to come when they just don't give
the game out I mean certain publishers
do that already like I mean I can't
think of anywhere they just don't give
it out well I mean me giving it out
whatever I mean it's the equivalent of
waiting until launch day Davis you're
right it's the same right and you're I'm
once the games out what the hell is a
matter and for this in particular game
we're not going to shatter at or
anything but for this game I wouldn't be
surprised if they like gave it to
youtubers or streamers whatever that
like under the situation that they had
to be talked about it in a positive
light or something like that like that's
very cuts happened in the past we're
like those sorts of people to pro get
the game early and it's it's sad because
you lose the you know the honesty that
you would get from like a you lose the
indifferent editorial reaction right
where it's like oh I haven't signed
anything to have a feel like have an
opinion about this get boils down to
where you earn your money yeah and you
work hard and you want an honest opinion
about whether or not you should spend
right a lot of freakin money on a video
game yeah yeah so uh you know but that
doesn't benefit publishers directly to
have that level of honesty so they'll
continue to cut people out left and
right there's really no reason not to
and that's their prerogative I don't
blame them for it it's a business it's a
business decision that's totally fine
with me and it and on the media side
like it just makes us work harder to get
you know more of what people are looking
for more interesting stories honestly on
reviews and but also just like
more insight than like an everyday guy
would potentially offer right but it's
it's tough reviews are very weird thing
I think in games in particular like they
are becoming less and less important and
like stuff like playthroughs and
commentary over gameplay is becoming the
new norm because people just watch the
game watch you play it and say like oh
this is a game I want to play or not so
it's hard to say I mean review still
have their place but it's definitely not
some not as much as previously that's
what's crazy to me and it's something I
don't I'm not sure I'll ever get my head
around is when I see people talking
about whether or not they should buy a
game yeah and instead of buying the game
they settle with the notion of well I'll
just watch that game sure I actually it
was crazy me for a while like I didn't
get it like okay i can understand it if
you just want to get the story shower
game yeah you're like you know what I
don't really care what happens in
uncharted I just want to see like how
Nate turns out yeah what happened or
more you see like the big set piece
moments bright like they just want to
see the big okay fine yeah i guess i can
i can understand that sure like they're
certain games i'll never finish and like
maybe i just watch the end right seen
sure i want to see that yeah but to
totally say well this game i really want
to play but I can't afford soon said I'm
just gonna watch it alright that hey you
do whatever you want right you do
whatever you want for me I can't I could
not live with I could not settle for
that yeah but you're not in a position
to like happy have to make that decision
of course not but I'm do I about soup
for the rest of the month or do I back
on duty uh I get it you know I get that
I get it but I mean is that if that is a
typical situation I don't think it's a
super to but I agree like I think
there's a lot of people that like just
like if they're at a job they're
miserable at and I just want to kill the
day so we're just gonna watch a
playthrough of the next call duty game
and like whoa you can see the crazy
space attack whatever thing so and that
becomes the review like oh if they like
what they're seeing maybe they'll buy a
game maybe they won't but that becomes
the review yeah it's interesting it's a
shift from where things were I know it
may I don't I don't know whether or not
to be oh how to embrace is I'm
sure how we kind of go on I think yeah I
mean it goes back to what I was talking
about earlier which is like constantly
being willing to look at ways to offer
your audience what they're looking for
without pandering to them and and not
being locked into like certain formats
of you know how you do things yeah be
interesting yeah we'll see how it all
plays out I'm just happy to be a part of
the ride right totally just a dream just
fun to be on the roll it is it's great
all right I think that's gonna do it for
this week it was like nothing tech news
it's a rough week for really nothing
going on real rough um I'm glad we got
to cover the things we did there's a new
macbook there there's a name there's a
new macbook ya um a couple rumors
floating around in videos gonna be
showing off their new stuff yeah I'm
kind of excited about that new cards
inside cards yeah next the next level
hmm of Pascal car yes it's a weird that
I can't get excited for that stuff
because it's like like they announced a
card but and they might like they'll
show like a tech demo of it running but
that's that's not a game that I'm gonna
play no but you you care because you you
know the next evolution of specifically
their card yeah um and as an enthusiast
I I tend to just follow their stuff I
dry AMD is kind of yeah right at their
heels with everything or not heels but
doing their thing to hear um it's just
like the promises of the next jump in
just in terms of hardware performance
yeah it's really exciting you know
technological stuff yeah I get it I'd
it's just hard for me to like make that
leap from like here's it does 60,000
gigaflops to do gigaflops are cool don't
write that off man don't don't
write it off just bigger numbers is not
enough for me I need to like see it in a
game for me to be really impressed well
maybe you can freakin call like those
crazy like smoke physics stuff that they
put in Assassin's Creed was like awesome
but that that's only when it makes into
a game yeah all right don't go calling
911 i'm going to write 31 1 866 404
cnet that's a number you should pay
attention to that's the voicemail number
shoot us a call leave us a message tell
us what you think tell us how you're
feeling and we'll hopefully play it on
the air if it warrants such a thing the
44 at Cena calms the email you can reach
out to Russ I'm sorry polygons Russ
fresh dick yeah address rustic on
twitter i'm at jeff bakalar that does it
for us we're back next week Jill
Schlesinger was supposed to be here
today but she had a postpone she'll be
here may twentieth Oh excellent looking
forward to that until next time I'm Jeff
Beck around Ross rustic this has been
the 404 show high-tech lowbrow have a
great week we'll see you next time
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