
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Show - Ghostbusters VR, cereal/Serial, Peter Ha, Ep. 1667

hey what's up everybody welcome to the 404 show on this friday july first I know you're probably not at work today because if you're like every other normal person on the planet Friday's before fourth of July you don't do do people get off yeah they get half days maybe other half days me I'm not joking Russ Peter ha we are the only three people in the building they had to keep going Vinnie outside thanks for playing all I got it works yeah that's true you're part of the problem Peter hi welcome back to the show dude in a long time it's been way too long I've never been on the show with Peter on the show is that true that's sure we never been across so since you started hosting right huh and that was I bet peter st you're gonna just found that out right now that Russ I know what's going on ooh okay yeah not to take anything away from I know how to read Twitter bios you've you've been around the block speaking of uh what you've been up to uh dude it's been so long and I just want to congratulate you because this is like the longest I've ever known you to hold a job so you must like it your dick is it is it true have you not is this the longest you've ever held the single job it's gotta be it's got to be true in recent years yeah I'd say earlier when I was writing for crunch gear TechCrunch I mean that was quite a while yeah how long ago was that I've been in New York ten years now so that was probably 8-9 years ago if you don't know Peter ha peter has a legacy member of the 404 alumni he that's nice I make you you must be this must be well beyond double digits for you being on the program maybe we're just about to hit 10 maybe are always a good time like we like I joked you move around a lot you but you do have a pretty steady situation right now tell us a little bit about what you're up to right now you were you're a legend in the in the tech journalism world people stories of your trousers travel far and wide do they not I mean I know Jaime Lannister yeah you're the Kingslayer through the text layer oh man yeah that's that's a comment that might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said to and I say and giving you a compliment breaking through that hard porcelain exterior that's tough to do well you know here's the thing i think when we all started doing this sort of thing years and years and years ago it wasn't there weren't a lot of us right yeah i just came to the realization at some point a few years back I was like I don't want to do this anymore so you got out a variety of reasons actually don't get me wrong I wish I was still doing this Oh believe me well yeah I just sort of left a couple years ago because at least for me I was covering consumer tech uh which hasn't really changed since 2007 let's be honest since the iphone came out it's always just been iphone iphone iphone ones yet when's the next Ice are coming out it's right on that kind of trajectory yeah there's VRS new the fitness stuff is new there's no products different different products I mean different but categories you mean different different categories yeah yeah but then how fun in cool is VR I'll tell you I'll tell you about my really the best VR I've ever done and I did that Wednesday um but we'll see but what else so so now you're in you're in advertising so I work in advertising I work for some big brands that you've probably heard of but I will not talk about so like IKEA no I wish no you know like like in madman did you write the song i like to keep make the world what is it I'd like make the world get the world to sing I'd like to give the world diabetes any advertisement any advertisement you've ever liked in the last year yeah I did that you did this oh I remember last time you were here you're talking about your whole DeadMau Nissan thing that was cool yeah so that was fun yeah hang out with him that uh interesting character yeah I bet because he never takes off that that helmet right like a cpe hardly ever puts that thing on he doesn't wear it in the bathroom not that I know of huh I'll bet it's not even him performing yeah I'll bet he has like a bunch of interns yeah like okay Jerry it's a beaut the helmet on you theorem you I'm sorry go ahead no you think the two daft punk eyes are the same guy now now come on as love this dude is no it's whatever doing some guys just hit their dams around turns Super Chicken 20 grand a year get him out there watch the discs right it's over how do i guess i Ken how do we get that guy's eons early creo thing that we could take over to get famous yeah but you have to wear a mask the whole time like yeah no one knows what else she is she's amazing yeah sure mate or no nose right general actually they do know well yeah yeah they she only started not showing her face when she saw my recent homage kid yeah actual she came to there was eight years I was watching her uh car karaoke thing she did with James Corden oh yeah I'm sorry CBS's James Corden and uh is very good and they were kind of like playing around with the idea that she's uh she's an anonymous quote unquote she's talking about like oh I don't want my I don't want to be famous like I don't want my likeness to be associated with some sort of like visuality of my face yeah cuz she doesn't want to be able to walk down the street and not be bothered or you could go on youtube and search for SIA 2012 and right see right so that's my whole thing in ilion videos of her and that's the point it's like we'll see you like people have the internet and I can just like figure it out so I don't know I mean I get it yeah I get it sure it's like Banksy yeah I don't know about that one you're gonna rep Banksy Banksy can't if banksy's people came to you how did you even know if it's really banks right well you would find out he would I find out I don't know how does that how would you confirm that how does Banksy get verified right oh how does he hire people yeah well not how do you know that it's like maybe angel is a painting in front of you and it's me they did that gig at Central Park where he was like selling original bang see pictures of barriers for 25 bucks but like what was was he selling them no it wasn't him out someone but someone was selling how do we know that was part of the installation you did right right which I thought I guess you know if you have the money to like pull off that like Disneyland thing you're probably pang see ya oh yeah right i guess so i guess uh anyway it's good to have you back I'm glad you're gonna share some tales of uh yeah we'll talk about some stuff yeah point okay all right and if not it's ok to I have a tale to share ok so this week I had a pretty cool wednesday i went to uh so this parts not cool but I went to madame tussaud's never been there in non square new york I've been I think the london one there the weirdest places on the goddamn er yeah have you there so there's it's a wax museum yeah right so all these famous political figures celebrities whoever there's just like life-size uh wax sculptures of these of these people yeah right it's the strangest and people take photos with my people go to these understand I may be no idea you have to admit like it is a very impressive technical artistic skill that like Ray is staggering how accurate some super dated though it's dated like Robin Williams is they and he looks 30 well what I was posted to bury him the second he died oh my god that's not what i was implying Oh Russ thats dark sorry darkies Wow my point is like it was Mork you know and I know and they should have had like I don't know gressive uh mrs. Guiler that would have been okay into that um but I agree like is it a thing that people even still go to write the islands out the door really when we often many numbers for the Ghostbusters thing right now this was close to the press this is a press event I was at UH the line for regular access to madame tussaud's was like outdoor people love it it's so Times Square what's over there because I guess so we're there for this Ghostbusters experience of the PR PR people take us up to the ninth floor and we get out and you're like amongst the the people there right like you're you have to walk through this area to get to the Ghostbusters thing and like Mark and I my producer we like get out and we're like looking or like what the hell is this place yeah wait there grainy floors oh my god there might be more there might be more im mean although i think i must skip levels Carl's floors probably like something else I really tall yeah gotcha and you're and you get out and you're seeing people with their arm around Scarlett Johansson like thinking that this is it is a the closest you're ever since that's probably you you're gonna pull one over on people and be like I actually took a photo with Scarlett Johansson I don't know who are you gonna fool like not much oaken dude selfies selfies with with jayla I'll bet is he'll tease with with John head he took like a 640 by 480 kind of photo you could probably pass you're not wrong yeah there's a couple filters the window for for faking it was I was like 2010 well anyway we make our way through and then like the presidential room which is so funny because the presidential room is dead silent is like one cares no all hustle and bustle in like the celebrity part but then the second you get to like the presidential area everyone's like only gonna be quiet oh my god that's why I really I don't know hang over Skype residents I should not is it an oval office it fell Oval Office II but is it designed like the Oval Office like sections of it where do they start singing now and telling those are Secret Service nope but guess what Ronald Reagan and way taller than I thought he was how do you know that's based on the wax guy no they build him to scale 0061 I don't know any tall I thought he was like 58 I thought it's like a small dude no I got that's how I he's an actor yeah well then Todd chrisley 55 yeah well you think of the wax sculpture of Tom Cruise's just like a little box yeah he's low man man little peek in there you buddy so I'm there to see this Ghostbusters VR experience the void have you heard of the void you know that a yes so the void is this company out of Utah that designs proprietary VR experiences they build sets around VR so they like you know we're used to VR right now we're just in like an eight-by-eight area with something like the vibe and you're walking through with the controllers and you have this you know VR experience at home well they take it a step further and they introduce like a funhouse element to it right where it's like oh the floor shakes oh we're blowing fans at you up according to what you're seeing in the drawing it was amazing but but it's not augmented reality right know your so you so so let me start you out right so you sit down I'll you get in there and it's like this loading area and and you go three people at a time all you go in and everyone like puts on this hanging vest right yeah cheap strap on the vest you pull the straps tight and on the back again like they want you to feel like you're Ghostbuster so like it feels like you're wearing like a proton pack but you're probably just where I'm like jazz battery and computer uh and then they strap you into that they throw on this headset the headset is super heavy okay amazingly have like way heavier like way heavier than an oculus or vive but kind of brilliant because the I the goggles flip up so you can like while you're wearing the helmet you can flip off a get nauseous or sick or whatever it is which I thought that clear like five those things could use that yes if your aunt like tied in something you'd freak out like you have like a meltdown you like take me out of this I guess so they're like if you get nauseous just reach out and touch the wall like okay arm yeah really wacky so uh they put you in they set you up and then they hand you like this blaster this gun and that is your proton pack that's your that's your blaster okay so they start the simulation and then you're like looking around you're like oh I see my guys I seem like the people i'm with their Ghostbusters world oh wait I'm a Ghostbuster wait wait first time you did a VR thing or now you heard of the other thing where you're doing with multiple people know their I well like there was a Star Trek thing that they recently talked about their multiple people okay there's been a few of them but I'm confused like you're seeing the mic mark yeah you seeing and you're seeing an avatar he's represented by an avatar i like but like all his movements are perfect is here a no he was they were all like Janeiro name a Ghostbuster pH shirts yeah sure I'll in the in the garb in the whole getup yeah ah so like head motion was 121 perfect the blaster know of yeah but yeah right well no because like I'm like is that you Mark and Mark went head up and down yeah oh yeah it was crazy so you can talk and there's microphones in the and speakers in the ears are they can hear I the avatars wearing helmets no so yeah we're wearing like the the race erotic attica you know sort of uh by knock you Lars that kind of thing so it's pretty red I'm looking down am I put my my blaster and I'm moving it and it's following my mirror my movies like riya five you don't see your own hands but you see the last love really all that matters now you don't see gloves or anything oh so so on the helmets and on the black eyes they'd have to animate like you holding the blaster and like different portions of you holding the blaster that the ads it's like an organ somewhere they all you really need is that one to one with the blast the blast is riddled with those like little ping-pong ball see that's how that how it all works so uh you start the simulation they're like okay as soon as that light flickers put on your helmets and go on in your like uh what that's it like we're just free roaming in like some apartment again but you're so wired right no wires so what was the thing where you was wired you said you were wired like hang of something hanging yeah that was the best so you can put it on oh that you detach Wow okay so well that I I would imagine like as they're putting the helmet on you they're attaching the backpack to the hell jerk like that I probably part of it right that makes sense yeah um so you you go in the light flickers and you like open a door and you feel the door you see the door and they are but you feel a real door and you push the door open and you see the door open and it's all one to one and you're like there's no door in real life no there is how you ooo gotcha or walking and you're in like a an eight-by-eight room yeah and you start hearing like the the radio controller or like whoever's leading the mission your Ghostbuster friend in your ear yeah and she's like oh there's been some paranormal activity in here look out the window and you look out the window and it's like this you start to see like ghosts on the other side of the street and they're coming they're coming and then like pass through and they're like all right your proton packs are active start shooting them and we just unload all over this room with all your and you just tear in this how many people are with you so it's three total okay so we need to other pm's me marking some random okay and we're just blessed in the things ever and it feels great and it it has that great yellow shame like I'm used to with the with the proton pack and like you would you know you would like shoot the sink in the sink would blow are right everything felt like it was responding to what you were doing things fell on the floor I shot it on the floor again they moved again like it was stuff we're like it wasn't can right right um and then you've you know you make our way through and then like okay keep going and then another door opens and you push that dorm you keep walking forward so they build all these set fairy structures so obviously they let the next group is coming in right as your I know I think they they make you wait because you can like blow through it oh I mean like there's certain checkpoint yeah that trigger the next secret got it but yeah it's only one at a time were you getting any like feedback like haptic feedback so here's where it's cool little did I know but the vest I was putting on was outlined with hat locationally aware haptic feedback sensors yeah so like the ghost would like touch your left shoulder and you feel your left shoulder there's a scene in the original cool the original Ghostbusters when the ghosts are kind of invading the city and raised taking a nappy sleeping and belt gets on book right his is that sort of recreated in the middle I didn't get I didn't have a sexual experience with a paranormal in sure that's not what you're not blocking about maybe we're just giving a centering say we go back yeah right nobody go to this it's Tara ah I think I'd remember okay having a thing sure okay with a phantasm Omega anyway cool is part of the whole thing that you you so the next sequence you get to an elevator and like door closes and the floor is shaking you're like oh dan this feels just like an elevator I believe everything I'm saying I look to my left it's like a metal grate I touch it if they have a metal grate there feels like that that's great and then the elevator stops and this like little girl okay start like a ghost girl yeah starts like walking towards you she's like I'm cold and you're like what the what is happening did you shoot her she is through the great yeah like in and she's like in the elevator with you and we're always like Oh what like you can see mark and I just like bending on our knees to like see her face and like everything or just like this is creepy she disappears then we look down the hallway in the hall it goes on for like you know hundreds of feet and you see slimer coming at you as fast as he can he passes through the great passes through us yeah you feel the vibration yeah as he's passing through you they missed you oh that's great and you're like what the hell is happiness really amazing it was awesome was that built the Miss thing built into the helmet or you think is great question you don't know and tragically i did not lift the goggles during any of them did most of it was like shitty like there's just an intern with a spray bottle follow you guys around really curious like what how much of it is like i like how ugly it is verse all I'm sure it's hideous and I'm sure it's super bright too oh really it's gotta be there's all the censoring like you need light for that I'm sure it's gotta be that makes sense right yeah I guess so I was talking to some folks at the verge and they were pointing on do they just put out like this big video feature on that specifically in about 20 minutes at Cena com okay great so everyone the same future yeah but they would not let them shoot on my page know which makes sense I get it cuz it's also like if you're talking about how you make one of these things it's kind of a drag to like not have that footage that's a feature for a different time I guess like this is something and I get it and I'm not trying to defend these people yeah it sucked that we couldn't shoot inside there but i'm pretty sure it's ugly as hell like like why no I attention to detail just you're just trying to create the illusion right it's probably really funny looking because you're a journalist Jeff yeah supposed to tell the truth so then I'm gonna go out to Utah yeah and and I actually and talk they did yeah well there you go so the next scene you get out of the elevator and you're on this like scaffolding outside oh no and like it fiat you're like what meanwhile you're going through madame tussaud's right yes hole closed off thing they've devoted to the Ghostbusters thing this is not like but yeah you're how many rooms are you going through though felt like I'm sure they reused room yeah because you enter the other and you go back out uh okay I really felt like we were maybe only in like a 800 square foot place yeah you know if they be funny if it weren't you have to like walk through accounts payable and they're like oh no the tour is coming yeah so you get out you looks like you're on the 40th floor of a building on the outside on the scaffolding oh man I would you harf you touch you see your railing yeah go out you hold that railing you feel it it's there they put it there and then what do they do they shake the whole goddamn thing and you're like okay and then you have a whole Stay Puft Marshmallow fighter yeah great it's great all things great someone throw marshmallows at you yeah like you finish it and there's like goop everywhere and you're like this is awesome yeah as you can tell I loved it sure it would because it was the best VR experience I've ever had wow yeah it was better than anything I've done by or anything about is you have the physical right achill you add another dealt out exactly and to me like that's when VR becomes otherworldly yeah like right now you have this eight-hundred-dollar thing in your apartment you can only it's clearly do so much right and I think like this is what VR makes sense for from you like make it a theme park make it a fun right like build it into places and that's where people should experience it you should pay the fifty dollars wherever it is to go to the museum do the VR thing like to me that 50 bucks is worth it opposed to like buying right you know hundreds of dollars and you know it's funny is it it's the next generation of that dumb like Captain EO ride from Disney right exactly it's essentially then yet where it's just like you know finally we can have a ride that has like fantastical visuals but the only way they could do it before is a screen in front of like a moving car right and now it's like Wayne I compassion doing a Star Wars oh my god amazing like you could lose lightsaber stuff I'm sure Disney's retest and like that's the best part about it right it's like the void I don't know how big of a company they are the thing they're big right now but I think they're gonna make a ton they're gonna make a shitload of money because the thing they have and they just have to like move quickly I guess the thing they've done is really great the only thing that I would criticize was like graphically it wasn't the moat it was on par with like a mid-range VR thing like it didn't look as good it wasn't as bad as like a PlayStation beer uh or was it comparable I think it was maybe a little above a pea why yes via graphical generation would you like what console like s3 maybe like in between two and three okay so it wasn't but that's kind of what PS feels like like that's where it says I'm saying it yeah it wasn't remarkable legal you know wasn't remarkable-looking but it wasn't because I guess all of the software or the hardware has to be in the helmet that's where i'm guessing or in the backpack because the kids straight right in the back right restroom yeah so to me like all these backpacks or hat they have computers they're running on batteries that get charged every time a group goes in and out because they have two sets of equipment yeah so that's the only concern for them as a business is what sort of like hardware turnover they have is they have to replace these things every two years exactly like I'm an offense a huge hit but when they get to the point where there's like I don't know like think about it like you all they need to do is like pop in like a 1080 in there you know and then you're like oh I'm doing amazing stuff that's got to require a lot of processing power though yes yes that's why a 1080 like would do that a 1080 could give you but any particular solution and of course it's not easy I get it uh but they're well on their way how long was it and start to finish I want to see like seven to ten minutes okay so that's relevant because correct me if I'm wrong fifty dollars right so so talk two dollars gives you access to Madame Tussauds I'm the beer guy Eric and that's if you preorder it online it starts today in Manhattan if you're in or a Manhattan can you just do this go this is open to the public and I also do public today and that's cool yeah so I think wait in line for Hamilton or do this and this will be a lot cheaper yeah and you'll probably get in same day yeah uh so yeah that was really cool and then I mean I'm kind of like burying the lead I got to interview Ivan Reitman very cool which was amazing yeah I talked to him for like 10 minutes he was amazingly gracious and super nice yeah and you know we only took one little slice of the interview for the for the video we did on seen it but he is really and obviously he's got to be optimistic because he's producing the new Ghost film and he's working together with the void and all that but like he kind of made me believe that he believed that VR had some sort of future and storytelling and that was kind of like the question i put on my cool like is what is we are gonna be like the way we watch movies like is this what do you think this has legs and he kind of convinced me is like yeah you know it only like it's tough to imagine the future like when people just tell ghost stories by campfires like that you know like that's what we had that was our entertainment he's like you can't tell those people like oh in 300 years you're not gonna believe what you're gonna see in a room on screen right of course that kind of thing and I guess that's like maybe a kind of gross example but um he just thinks like well VR just makes sense because it only is logical to eventually immerse yourself in that story like why will we just continue to tell a two-dimensional story and I guess I guess I think I just think there's gonna be room for both I mean can I just mention one thing okay you might not know this but if I was interviewing Ivan Reitman I talked to him about the fact that he's the voice of slimer I did know that you did yeah you know it didn't come up it didn't occur to me to be like uh here's my chance let's find out just the backs of like the mental state yeah like how do we prepare yourself to talk like Slimer have someone else's like we asked him about draft day I was like no man asked about craft day I'll be was super super kind I said like what what what is it about ghosts likewise Ghostbusters one of like the gems that like f has lasted so long and withstood the test of time and he said he thinks it's because um it really is a comedy in in the Edit score uh and you know he's like yeah ghosts are scary dying is scary and like when you have Bill Murray like laughing about it it just makes you feel okay yeah like just makes you think everything's gonna be alright I'm like yeah that's that makes a Davis a man totally right like very downer subject but Bill Murray Bill Maher she's gonna bring you out of the out of the ether there so that was uh that was it I just want to talk real quick about the new Ghostbusters movie I don't have any sort of expectations for it whatsoever I want to see it I just really want it to be good just to shut everyone up of course and he did mention the whole gender thing I'm like dude you not to tell me that i'm not i'm not an ass what did he say about it where he kind of like highlight well he was actually talking about the third Ghostbusters movie that they were planning oh yeah he said that before harold ramis died they had planned a sequel ghostbusters 3 where it was like men women end creatures all being ghost bus oh that sounds terrible we don't on paper sure like my dreams you know the whatever so here's my only like reservation and I like the reason i love the original ghostbusters it's for a lot of reasons but like there's certain things those movies did that I don't know you know I don't know if they're gonna do that sure now like stuff we're like they go into like there's lore about like vigo the carpathian wanted to go into that stuff I'm just saying like it was fun for me when Ray and Egon would like talk about the deep fiction history of these people yeah sure what are like those are super nerdy and like gozer the gozerian like they just talk about Gozer for 10 minutes and they're like 10 minutes you know what I'm saying it's they like go Barry look they go back but they tell you more okay I'm curious if they'll have that kind of stuff I just like that for me that's not a male-female thing that is just like oh I like that element to it they haven't really established whether there is like a big bad and based on the trailers it looks like it's just a bunch of ghosts running around I hope there's a big bit i like big men yeah uh and then another thing is like again nothing to do with the other controversies that have been going on with this movie but I hope they trap ghosts man like like there were traps and like I saw what the new trap looks like now that but like I have a feeling that some the ghosts they're just gonna like blow up and I just hope they don't do that I think they'll trap some goes I just don't play don't like shooter goes and the ghost is like blows up than like ghosts disintegrates I just don't want to see ghosts dust I just want geez app is that too much to ask what do you think I know it's nitpicky it is significant ceiling although I mean I want to see him get trapped it i want to see like i actually want to see where they go right when they go to the Inca machine right but like what happened George I don't remember that all the card addressed but it's like this cavernous like weird and like the negatives or like the what is it that the neutron zone or whatever it is from comic books it's like cloudy I'm just like yeah it's like a reverse alternate dimension and everyone's just fooling around I see you're talking about like you don't like beetlejuice dead feel dead well that's what it looks like I remember there was a real ghostbusters cartoon yeah where I could have sworn inside the containment unit was like this cavernous like weird it looked at urban area I know you're talking about it it had likes to like they would be like I just thought I'd floating in space and then clouds and I'm like and like Einstein's equation yeah fair to you know like total nothing I would like to see that in you know that seems like a plot point where they have to over you have to go in bright light level yeah like that eatery with the ghost let's go inside the containment unit yes oh that's what I want all right enough of ghostbusters you spent a lot of time on that but that was my experience because enjoyed here nuts yes arm so we're gonna shift gears a little bit and talk about uh Tesla okay so this is crazy so we you and I have always talked about um you know the notion of driverless cars and how like look you know bring something we really can't avoid like it just makes sense it'll happen there's news yesterday unfortunately tragically a driver who is using Tesla's autopilot feature Dinah Carrick it's really sad obviously this is uh this is you know a big first one but if that's the thing like it's the first one so there's a conversation around that so I don't know um it's it's weird to you know and I know this is like very soon after and you know we obviously have to yeah be mindful of the situation but at the same time like this is something that will affect a lot of the world very soon yeah so let's talk about exactly what happened with a car accident so as I understand it he's using the autopilot feature on the highway I guess yeah and a truck essentially like cut him off or pulled in front of him and the car didn't know to slow down and just ran into the back and he didn't see it either apparently he didn't see the truck I'm saying the report says that like the driver nor the car saw the incoming truck it was something about uh both being back lit as well if you look at Tesla's a press release about it there's something about how neither the car nor the driver could see the trailer or the truck because they were basically being blinded by a son the son yeah so that's an issue I mean that's an issue for humanizing I'm purifiers I mean one thing to note about this this particular individual is that he was like a really big like Tesla fanboy autopilot advocate I think he'd posted something like 40 or 50 videos like autopilot demos from his own car to youtube so do you think he was like pushing the limits of what auto pilot can do or got you comfortable with it maybe maybe got too comfortable I don't want her to say the conversation yeah right now well his last video that he posted back in April was he was merging or a truck was merging uh and the driver of the truck didn't see the car so he was like trying to merge the autopilot kicked in noticed like oh my getting it hit so he jerks over and then he takes control and that was sort of the whole and you guys see this video I did not see that I think the verge posted it yesterday or they found it and noted that so I don't know it it's a like what do you say like wow it's a hoot alt is it we don't really know you can't I don't I don't know that you can say that it auto pilot small or the driver's fault probably a combination of both yes honest yeah there's no way auto pilot like counteracts actions that the driver wants to take right so if you wanted to swerve out of ways truck the autopilot was not like nope you can't do that right as far there's not a situation all our pilots like no we're not doing we're not going left right right now so i think all it says at least for right now is obviously the tech is still getting better don't trust your life to the autopilot right and I and I think like and again I I do feel terrible using this this person's death as an example and you know again like no one's having fun with this conversation but I think like you you know we are going to very slowly understand a world where like maybe there's this transitional period where there's like manual drivers and auto drivers and like that's a potentially complicated existence yeah Tesla offered up the interesting stat point that 130 million miles have been covered using autopilot and on average there's a fatality every 94 million miles on American roads for like normal cars so I mean it's I also like don't want to hear that you know I mean like it's interesting we get your cars are safe you know yeah I know there that you know doth protest too much but it is interesting that like even in this early state of it's already been it's already better yeah so you know unfortunately like this is just something that was going to happen um and you know it's it's a really sort of difficult situation yeah you're gonna say Peter well I was just wondering if you click into that because it the first thing I read about this was the oh I think this is the Tesla Tesla's press release about it does it tells you exactly what happens so when i read that initially I was like well that seemed to me logically it made sense I was like okay it was a combination of driver and right that's yeah you're right that's what that press release reads like and obviously they're going to position it that way but but this was there talking about here the the issue that happened last month where this guy was trying to auto park his car and it ran into a trailer hmm so that's not that's a separate story so he was out of the car and like hit the button to auto park and it's just it's just like didn't see the back the trailer and and so that's what that yeah it's weird and if we could just like pivot away from dealing with this specific accident it's for me it's like men are we just doing too much too fast like I get like look drivers are terrible human drivers yuck human error yeah so bad I can't like it's and it's getting worse every time I get in the way you are totally and and I think this is still the way things are going but this is essentially like the early days of like laser eye surgery where we accidentally gonna blind a few people as le well and also like the technology is not perfect so like oh you can't see at night stuff like that right right so it's like you know if you want to write Billy on that cutting edge that's the risk but here it's like oh but if we screw up someone dies or gets blow mean getting blinded is pretty damn sure it's bad it's real bad yeah it's a difficult thing to talk about I mean look it's obviously it's up to the manufacturers discretion before they release the sort of thing to the public right there well absolutely government to allow it yeah yeah there's like that's thing like we're just in uncharted territory in the automotive industry with autopilot with autonomous drive stuff it's just I hate to say it and this isn't exactly how I feel but my gut reaction is to say like well like this is just gonna happen or unfortunately work and people need to understand and I think you know the manufacturers also understand this I think this is why Tesla says every time autopilot is engaged you get this warning that says this is beta etc etc etc yeah it's not an excuse but they're making it abundantly clear like don't rely on this to thing to save your life right so like wat so like what are they trying to do with it then yeah is my question right I get it it's an open beta yeah but like it Laura right it's your car it's like a baby won't have to use it right exactly so the people that want to use this crazy technology need to know that it's dangerous and they're presenting that is an act I feel like whistle you might not know a few other things but it's like the way you're explaining it to me it's like this is a beta yeah how is it okay for like the person who's in a regular car on highway like they're not erecting into the beta right yeah that's true you know like they're no but the problem is you could never release something that's fully fully tested um because you just don't have a wide enough testing base so like when you're in a closed beta internally whatever let's say there's 300 people driving these things around Tesla's factory whatever however they do it you could you could pull that off sure but it doesn't match the amount of data that you collect from having new year people sure yeah it's uh it's yes I also want to know like how autonomous autopilot is like yeah this is the thing we're like you don't you can drive from here right could you enter in and not enter it or something like I don't know the details of that I don't think it oh I don't think so like could I put could I pop in like Los Angeles and be like sit back and relax we'll be there in seven days I mean I think when you're on the highway it's a different story i think those do exist like the google definitely has cars that can like do that right but i don't know that the Tesla's as they exist right now you can just type in an address and and have it go just go cuz that seems like a bad idea huh I don't think we're there yet no not there yet yeah all right there you have it cuz you like knock out a buddy of yours and just stick them in the car and like he wakes up in Ohio like all right you're going you're going to Nebraska buddy live it up ah bring back some corn oh man it's insane all right oh let's bad black good prank yeah don't be so screwed up to do that to someone it's like in that episode of silicon valley right he gets locked in the you guys watching that show I've missed the last few episodes uh I just finished Ross seems to have this unending lighting it's just so honest and also hilarious at the same time that I can't help but up like appreciate what i thought was a good for now the first season it's pretty good oh I I just thought about a lot of that I'm steers are you years of being in tech journalism was like this is exactly what it's like I looked at my girlfriend I was like this is exactly what startup life is like in that in that town yeah they uh they do a pretty good job with the references and so I've got there micra mazing yeah yeah and he's got he's got people working on staff that like have yet their RV Caesar worked in the industry and stuff and no it's and he in these jobs fakes we just ate one of his name as I forget oh he's on he's a writer he's like a consultant or something or a writer and don't forget Steve Jobs uh Mike judge himself had that not the startup job but had like the data entry you know boring oh he has a super interesting backstory amazing yeah well that's where office space yes i am from yeah he was like a tech guy he was a sort of engineer an inert road uh listen to the interview that Marc Maron never know that one yeah I was good really good stuff and his voice like Mike judges from these gotta be from the south right like he's got that 20 from yeah cuz his normal axis right cuz that's what King the hills based on is yeah oh yeah he talked about Austin I think like that his normal voice is a mix between a tank hill it's poor Hank Hill and like a teacher from beavis and butt-head ya like ya baba same kind of thing like yeah totally I'm it Bobby follow your hamper yeah it's pretty good um alright what do you want to get into next you were gonna talk about Lucky Charms I've eletrical reason so there is a newspaper for this but i wanted to mention this because i was thinking about today in the shower and you're thinking about how I'm really an eight year old at heart and I eat brick or breakfast about Lucky Charms know I've been eating puffins lately which require those are good um but every once in a while I'll I'll get lucky charms cuz i am a child way real quick with you still eat cereal i haven't had a bowl of cereal and I couldn't tell you how long all right I kind of still do cuz i have to get all I'm so that gets around me I also only do yesterday guys are just like not bill for right for the real world what was it oddly that's quite the ops I know I know I know great lecture me on like this but seriously what was your breakfast of choice grown up and we'll go a serial wise yeah I loved cinnamon toast crunch like in middle school high school yeah we growing up it was probably like it was a mix fruit loops max lucky charm yeah like everything see I never did the fly never dig it up that like I feel like fruity pebbles yes yes cocoa puffs what about you Russ uh I grew up and there was like a lot of health-food like forced upon me and like multivitamins that clearly it worked out cuz im so hard he now and then so i think i probably overcompensated when i went to school and had a bunch of junk food and now I've said yes puffins is like the most sweet breakfast I'll have okay cinnamon life oh yeah that's very good Oh have you had cinnamon life I ever know and then we'll buy a box then just be like yeah oh honey honey nut cheerio great yeah uh I was marshmallow alphabets I remember that interesting this was like the cut that the Lucky Charms competitor yeah okay like oh you got shapes and scrap we're gonna do the letters we saw whatever you want spell stuff freedom of speech and then like frosted frosted mini-wheats man yeah give me some that all day all right I mentioned Lucky Charms because i was thinkin bout today in the shower and how everyone knows the shapes right you got clovers overs moving horseshoes rainbow red balloon mark Oh young added like 20 years ago recently the chin star apparently was added yeah what there's too many but you just by the way you can buy just packs of just the marshmallows on amazon yeah that's this gonna go is it or is it yeah I know I need them now disgusting so but I want to talk about the shapes of the oat things which get no attention whatsoever because no one gives a about what the the non marshmallow pieces in Lucky Charms like the exes in the yeah right so like exes I'm looking at pictures now there's like a tree what here look there's like a totally cut there like like on the right a minute they're like weird religious symbols yeah there's like a Jesus fish here across that a bell was like a bell maybe but like what does that have to do with Lucky Charms that is you're right so like what is the backstory with those shapes I hope you have an answer I don't is that a cat and that one that orange and white thing where this looks real no that's the shooting star oh it's kind of messed up it's like the more you know they were really ambitious with that one I mean it is pretty impressive cuz like these are multicolored what did they do with them the clover why is it that a hat now here no like oh the clover yeah I don't know it has a clover on it yet it's a it's a leprechaun cap it didn't used to be that way did it I don't know maybe it is pretty impressive how detail they are considering how small and like cheap they are that's we're so weird that's what American innovation that's what that these weird shapes what are they I don't know I somebody somebody's got to find out yeah please I mean I'll do a little research maybe next episode and we'll hold right no we should do this what Oh cereal oh god why'd you even have to do you want the serial link up just just to bring that up well if that joke happened miraculously by itself okay wanted to pivot into the cereal thing did you hear what happen hold on hold on yeah going back to Syria really quickly how long is Syria food kellogg's gonna have a pop-up in times square because why not a pop-up is it's a limited availability sort of store that just happens to pop up for a day or we marketing done I know voxpop this helps to well you know people at home that may not know it's not everyone lives in merrick city and gets a pop-up right I guess you're right i damaged point is kellogg's is going to be selling bowls of whatever branded cereal that you want they just give stuff away right guess how much a bowl of cereal is gonna be frosted flakes at this Papa a change I'm school should be too down to be free it's an advertising right pop-ups are usually associated with free seven dollars and fifty six shoved off understand why is this who's gonna pay is more to it than that right you get something else yeah I've been a hand get the bowl maybe you get the better be a maybe better tickle you still I'm gonna I don't want to pay that much for Bulls here in a plastic bowl what am I gonna do that plastic bowl for the rest of the day it's a souvenir well do New York here it's got the I Love New York on it welcome that's all right on ebay theory or two dollars so apparently Pixar has a serial cafe where in in pixar you get there's like a space in their offices where you just walk up and there's like every serial on the planet and just so they're a bar and eat cereal well there is a local a serial only place shoe retailer called kith and he opened a the guy who runs it and opened a store in Brooklyn that has cereal and sneakers mm-hm what century is it they still skateboards to know he's missing skateboard strictly oh ok so I'm sorry I'm reading about this pop-up so apparently I'm not saying this excusas it but the idea is it so it's cereal it's not a normal bowl of cereal though you order like a special so there's called life in color which is froot loops with as lime zest marshmallows and passion fruit jam Jesus and it's all designs by chef Christina Tosi founder and owner of Momofuku Milk Bar so they're like fancy desserts Hey look now now we know why are a low I'm not saying so much you say but yeah that much ah going to the other cereal news of the week this is unprecedented the I mean it's not but its energy rare or the exact formation of how this happened I agree it's pretty rare the path to this yes the path to this is unprecedented ah this is amazing so 2014 NPR debut was at NPR that didn't yeah part of it yep debuted podcast called cereal it was about this man and add an on-site as I eat yeah it was one case for the one case season whole season podcast yeah he was convicted and sentenced to life for the murder of his at the time girlfriend and now all these years later 16 years later he is getting a retrial yeah now they've talked to the lawyers is that this is pretty much a direct result of the bucket % oh yeah no question she's unbelievable it is that it isn't so if you think about the law like the legal system right now it is so overloaded and so like time constrained and so rushed so the idea that like you would have 12 or however many people work on serial full-time staffers researching a case versus one in this case very overworked defense attorney I'm not saying he's innocent or guilty but the reason he's getting a new case is because they determine that his defense attorney did not do a proper confident was essentially incompetent yum now is the up now is a big theme in that podcast yeah yeah totally so so I mean this all this goes the show is like if someone's willing to take the time L you know a lot of documentaries strive to do this as well which is we're gonna focus on something that no one else has the time limit and Jay King a murder like that for sure you know it's a interesting you mention that because a lot of people feel like it was not an accurate portrayal of what happened to make a murder but or like the sea world thing which is obviously very accurate not obviously yielded a lot of change and probably will sink sea world as a brand eventually right yeah that's that I think we're all okay with that these but I mean that's what it goes like it's if you look at it on the surface it's kind of ridiculous that podcast did this but it's also like hey someone took the time to like dig so deep and national yeah was not only that it was fine investigative that was great amazing she really did a great job trying to keep it um even-handed and I think so yeah I mean if she's constantly guessing herself she's constantly questioning yourself ashley says every week like I don't know then I think about this and like a the I think the lack of evidence is staggering in this case the Baltimore judge has cook it says from the story in The Guardian has said categorically that the original guilty verdict 16 years ago lacked foundation right like some on it was all based on this cell phone data that was determined to be not exactly accurate accurate right now again like there are a few things in the story that like kind of do make sense for the conviction although sure I think it the door swings both ways right idea so yeah this is really good if you also remember during that first season the reporter forget her name she goes to was it a college right and she was getting the help of interest sir and like and her yeah and litigation to rape but it was a group that innocent Edmonton yeah yeah like and they didn't they come to the conclusion that I was there there wasn't enough evidence or that he just wasn't guilty I believe the earth did with the language was something around like unanimously they all thought this was this need to go to retrial they're so yet something didn't shake out right yeah it's you're right it's amazing it really is amazing uh there you have it I don't know why really hope you don't do it yeah after all he hasn't liked not a hope that he's innocent hope that he did not murder her right i wreck I don't want to cheer for the zone no it's amazing how much time we've all like spent listening to this story and hit him specifically like his interviews I find the most interesting because like you're hearing directly from any sounds honest but then there's all this crazy of his buddy Jay like knowing the location of the body but like he could there's like all sorts of love it's really interesting it's a it really is unfortunately it's real like I wish this was like a crime drama yeah I don't like then that's and unfortunately like the podcast glamorized this entire thing like that which I kind of have a little bit of an issue but otherwise it wouldn't happen you're right exactly um this whole thing kind of reminds me of this new show coming on HBO called the night of yeah that girl's a lot like started yeah uh with John Tudor oh yeah I don't watched yet it's like a true crime it's like a mini series series yeah so looks interest it feels like it's like oh true detective the bed and this is how we replace it I guess so it's am only a minute I need to watch true detective season were season one is really good just our shoot some second our second season scarf season one for me some of the best television I've ever seen yeah it's a bold statement I mean look I saw the best VR so this ever the and true detectives all the superlatives check in the box look here's what it is um alright we only have a few more minutes um on our program we have been tackling the great social issues of our day and Peter ha we really gonna talk about this do you not want to I don't know if I can just touch it's not applicable to anyone really outside of i think it is actually well specifically they like what about the airport airport waiting to talk about so a snowman we planned a dog about the subway who are you going to last every everyone's but most people have been to the airport i'd say everyone's been on a subway especially in New York yeah I'd say the majority of our listeners have been on an airplane okay at least once so so what what is it any here what drives you nuts what grinds your gears and hand relate this to like the social sort it's either the security line or it's the onboarding process okay either of you have a preference oh so my I have some interesting things about the onboarding process that I'd like to talk about but but so let's do that I'm boarding yeah let's do it why don't they just let everyone on from the back to the front right soso Mythbusters did us an episode on this okay interesting i didn't know that I know timing wise it doesn't make a difference but to me I'm just myth Mythbusters did a thing and I believe and they like added all the variables that come with that right so like all right so you do the back first you're like people don't get to the terminal when they should so yeah at the majority of the people let's say are there I'd say half are really yeah just have like I don't know man these days I show I want to be the last person on the plane like I don't go and they call me out razy cuz I don't want to check my bag so I'm what should I agree I agree if I don't have to chip I don't have a bag to bring on no I wouldn't let prefer to be the last proto a hundred percent all right he i've been i've been flying two to three times a year for like a decade now right I've found that if i have a carry-on thing I wait to the end so that I could check it for free um then we'll tuck then it's always the first bag off right because it's the last bag on so when you get to the terminal you gotta go out through the baggage claim area anyway a half hour I've never waited for that situation and it is specific I've only waited 15 minutes tops sometimes you will get lucky if you get check because when you arrived and they bring it actually up to you yes on the walkway water better yeah right so I've been traveling quite a bit the last month I'd say how often I've gone to Korea have gone to chicago I've gone to Denver Portland whoa and back Wow all the last like four weeks that's also quite a bit so I it's we ask this guy whatever way that's very really yeah but here's the problem to your point no one's ever at the gate on top actually that I can't verify that but what I will say is that everyone just somehow doesn't understand what their ticket says okay so it's like zone one is boarding and then some asshole who's supposed to be in zone four or a group of them come up right just like what are you doing what are you don't act stupid so using illegal that literally get to the gate agent they're like no you have to go around but you have to go back just the weight browse lightly why I was telling this to Vinnie on our flight out to LA yeah whatever without fail every flight I'm on there's a gaggle of people hoarding around the gay just waiting just waiting and I'm like what sit the hell down your boarding Group G okay hold on so this this is where I have to jump in and had on the telly cuz he's this is my process he's that guy he's admitting I give me my process I almost never checked bags like really strive I never checked bags you guys it's not that never so no but no and it's important because it's like I don't want to don't you go to Syria not check a bag I didn't check about your absence not there if you're if I'm traveling for four days there's no words to check a bit yeah it's fine so it's a very important for me to get on the plane as quickly as possible because I want to make sure I've overhead space yep yeah I get it I do i do not jump to like if I'm Group C let's say I'm not gonna start boarding when it's group a but as B is petering out i will get in line right into prov the promo you're part of the problem too no no no no no me is petering out so it's like the end of beer do you see the end of the the group in front of you and like they're gonna call my group anyway and they never stop you if it's allright so you're complaining about the people from group five standing up when that one anything crazy it's stupid but like even before they even call a group there's people they're like group for guy the religious emails about everyone else and i will i will start getting towards the entry point to the land God before my you know so it's that and then I angle it's that mentality yeah that leads to the the situation and a half not everyone is actually smart enough to think about it that way people just assume like I don't know what my ticket says I clearly can't read so I think this is my group on yeah that's not what I'm doing I'm just unboxing everyone else yeah out so I can go when it's fine you're not giving to look it's a level of strategic and and I adhere to I understand what you guys are saying I also think you should really rethink the whole checking bag thing no no that is not as last time I checked a bag they lost dance what I'm saying that happens and then ever ended early did it even happens one person doesn't matter it's too much one more cent is not bad it's too much for me my bag father when I was flying to germany for some press junket whatever years in your cell no no okay right it never actually left JFK and they couldn't find the bag for six months and I'm like smarter terrible it's not to mention like what they do your stuff the stuff in your bag when it's behind closed doors you've seen all those videos like people well whatever they're just like breaking Japanese and a deal again that's why luggage is durable man well but they have to open and check everything they see why 20 buttock it did they don't know first of all god you're mean to these people I've seen a lot of videos so doesn't it happens of course it happens but like they're not all criminals oh and you're one hundred percent right but why bother taking the risk why not just keep my stuff with me because bother me I was in LA for six days I gotta bring like ten nice shirts to wear what I because I wear to shirt today that sounds like a personal problem yeah cuz you can't wear learn how to pack you can't wear a dress shirt during the day do your whole thing and then go out at night in the same shirts I paratus oh and even it so fine and also you're disgusting and sweaty so like we've already a step ahead specifically how sweaty and gross you get in the summer months III is particularly that case so although your diff I get really sweaty yes no what I've done last year I all my switch to merino wool what yeah Myrtle my arena wool in the summer yeah this is a merino wool shirt I wanna know why yeah I do anti back it has like anti microbial antibacterial properties whatever see you actually wear it other than once even if you sweat its cool sweating it oh it's like something it's like I'm a crowded stuff so I can't wrap it like sure like cotton yeah I like the Jeff typed in marina like it's a boat place that's what it sounded sorry also going back to the the flying thing I've got into the habit now of just paying the 15 or 20 extra bucks if it's available to me to board first and oh cut through security yeah and to me I'm like the Pens totally working to version does that you do plus right or ever it's called check pre-check pre-checked uh not yet I have an interview for that okay in a couple weeks I have your wagon amazed if you if you travel as much no it's not worthless now everyone has everyone has it I really do you say pre-check like they're the times an article about age now it can be here it's just a text online take your shoes off or take your laptop editor back sure that alone is worth it fine but again it's like what's the stop I just I don't know I don't I don't see the illusion like it's an illusion of safety what do you mean like they're Tomatoes illusion of safety it's just about convenience right now I understand lady I say we're not terrorists right like we're gonna do a background check on you like if this the first time you decided to look I'm terrible weather you're going through the TSA PreCheck line or the regular check line it doesn't it's it boils down the TSA for sure and they suck no matter what sure yeah it's a problem where you know what information they gather from you beyond just like a basic background check before I think a fingerprint you uh you have to give me your basic like Social Security I think your history of your address is basically like 57 years back I work history etc yeah uh mark has it he it depends on the airport to write like not every air bubbles abortus errant arm some gates like I know in Newark the the term excuse me terminal a doesn't do it sure like only the other ones do and he looks a huge airport here's what I'm curious about so a friend of mine remy is Mel who's an independent developer he's from each I know him hes from egypt he keeps a website a tumblr i guess it is whatever of how many times he gets stopped at the airport yeah which is extremely frequented sixty percent of the time right i won why because if what do you want like that's who they're stopping unfortunately I know um so I'm curious whether if he signed up I don't nobody could because he's not a US citizen but if you signed up or someone of Egyptian descent with an Egyptian name signed up for that and pre check whether that would cut down on the number of times you're getting stopped yeah I don't know kind of interesting it's an interesting question he's a very funny dude he is yeah and very driven yeah I'm very impressed by his drive yeah he makes some good games um yeah let's I'm glad you brought that up you just got the three of us mad is what you did but they're not friday yeah well done yeah nothing to get mad at because this is a great show yeah a lot of fun always you have to be back soon once again Sam well yeah let's not wait three years I think the last one was here is probably tears yeah that's cool off that's crazy 300 I will definitely do it again before the years out ah where can people find you if they want to follow them a man who hates everything where who I guess Twitter and Instagram yeah at the peter ha at the peter ha are you the same emotional bombast that you are an invoice as you are on social media oh yeah I think you're worse on social oh yeah I think it's any more pessimistic on social I'm a dick you could just tell like no punctuation no they hate everything yeah I miss having a copywriter no copy editor and totally name okay name one thing you like besides uh motorbikes Oh God Rumplestiltskin what character yeah the man who has everything loves Rumplestiltskin don't like a Jamie character from the stories or you mean the character on once upon a time or is that a code for like acid I don't know oh my god that is the weirdest thing I've ever hurt you heard of your first that threw me hahaha away anything I can also like my dog that's crowd are predictable I can guess 10,000 times and not guessed you'd still be going which I guess is the point of rental still see not supposed to be able to guess his name there it is ah thank you so much to Peter everyone out there have a fantastic holiday weekend d so you are in the country celebrating fourth of July be careful with those fireworks don't hold them and set them like don't point them at people it's bad right yeah don't point them unless ur like a hundred yards away right no are you gonna throw it if you're gonna throw it nowhere to throw it all right we will see you guys next week 866 444 but that but 866 404 seen it that is the phone number shoot us an email before for at cnet com we're back here next week with a brand new show until then season you
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