and today for the first time on any
podcast ever it's Bridget Carey and
Google glass on her face on my face
what's technology on my face you can
control it three different ways as you
figured already good you're a voice yeah
or you can there's a side panel here oh
my gosh this is a touch panel was like a
fun dipstick I I can tap it to turn on
the screen oh look at that you can see
the screen turn on and now you can see
little light so that's how you know i'm
looking at something right it's only if
you don't see anything that's just the
clear panel and but you'll know I'm busy
I can flip through photos i'm takin its
yeah that I you can see it we see the
mirror I see it in the camera too it's
moving around like that yeah and if I go
to the other direction think of it as a
bunch of cards in front of you just like
you're cycling through so if I go
another direction I get weather if I set
it up on google now I would get things
that I that it knows i'm doing like
maybe following my local sports team
yeah or other information I'm sorry
fight but when people are using this I
don't know love their eyes look up you
seen them so your eyes look up like
you're thinking about something it
actually looks kind of silly probably
that I'm always kind of rolling my eyes
guys look silly ah it's like you're
thinking really hard ok glass yeah this
is crazy picture the voice activation
seems to work pretty well even if other
people are talking around you like if
you're in a crowd or something have you
tested that out in public um yes yes and
I think you can set it off ok glass take
a photo not yet there's a bit of a
learning curve is a third way there's a
third way to turn it on dammit gloss I'm
also noticing you you're a woman I'm
noticing that I'm noticing that you have
long hair and I'm noticing is getting in
the way right it's getting in the way I
want to have that long flowy awesome
futuristic look and yet I'm like all
right got a clip it yeah talking to
Scott Stein yesterday he wears glasses
he couldn't fit them on top of his
glasses no this is this is something
where I they'll eventually have a way
for people
glasses to wear it by the only one
that's just like slapping my forehead
over this this is this is the experiment
the reason it is so expensive and hard
to get is because they're just trying to
give it to developers to make apps / I
always should be fun so now what is
adjustable on there so you have a band
that comes around this is very flexible
well lady mo I don't feel like I'm gonna
break it yeah um although I should
probably stop we'll make sure that the
one thing you want to do when you're
wearing it is you want to make sure that
this little screen is above your eye I'm
looking at you I can't see anything yeah
I know that am I your peripheral yeah
it's that there's there's something
fuzzy but I think I can talk to you you
can and there's nothing in front my face
and I look up right take interact with
it i look back down so the only really
way to get the screen to pop up because
right now you're looking at me we're
having a regular conversation this
greens off I don't the only way to tilt
my head and now it's on Oh head till
creepy oh I can tap it the other thing I
wanted to ask you about is if you've
tested out the audio because that was
the one big key features that it uses
binaural audio right I think she's
actually a video that you can hear this
yeah those too but you hear it and you
don't hear it through your ears you
technically hear it through the skull
it's the bone conduction yeah they said
and yet I think you can hear the chimes
you can hear that yeah I could you know
when it took so so it's um it's it's not
exactly silent to the world around you
so have you worn this out in public yet
people giving you weird looks people
immediately um came up to us and we're
like is that google goggles yeah like Oh
guys eat a picture of you with it and
yeah i think what you find are people
who are excited cuz there's they're like
techies who know and other people who
kind of like I think I've seen this in
the news before right and you get stares
one thing that was interesting I was
talking to someone I go go ahead for two
months and I said well have you changed
in two months of using this far as I'm
just getting giddy playing with
everything just like it's small things
for example she still took out her phone
to check the time and all her call
co-workers were like what do you do in
man just look up this tells your head up
yeah there it is and she's like wow
those small little things that we're
used to doing and I think it's something
that we need to reiterate that this is
basically more or less
type in the sense that it's it's really
not for everyone right now it's it's a
lot of money right how much is it this
was fifteen hundred dollars that's not
counting tax really just for developers
who are interested in developing for
this google glass platform I was just
trying to see if it fits well while
running right doesn't move I imagine
there might be Fitness uses for this in
terms of seeing my like distance or like
yeah there's accelerometer you know what
I want it for I want someone to make
like a golf app for it I want to be able
to wear it while I play golf and and see
the the flag in the distance and tell me
how far away the absolutely that with a
lot of different sports actually cool
for like a pool environment like see
exactly what trajector you have to hit
the ball yeah that's straight up
cheating I've been smart enough to right
now give you directions so how much it
better is it as a driver to just kind of
glanced up then to go wait where's my
phone right no that's not dangerous to
that alright well have fun with it come
back let us know what you think when you
really dug deep it would be interesting
to be an explorer yeah so to say for
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