The 404 Show - Iceland, skinny dudes, Gene Wilder, Ep. 1674
The 404 Show - Iceland, skinny dudes, Gene Wilder, Ep. 1674
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hey what's up everybody it's Friday
September second 2016 welcome back to
the 44 show my name is Jeff Bakalar
across the way for me back from his
Nordic adventure tan and supple and
muscled for my Nordic adventure he's
gained at least 30 pounds its Russell
rustic hello everybody in between us
longtime friend the legacy the myth the
legend Justin you what's up buddy hey
welcome back welcome back Justin thanks
for being here thank you I know I
whenever I invite you on it's a
spur-of-the-moment kind of stuff so I
really appreciate you having that sort
of spontaneity yeah where you're like
you know what it's friday i'm in a good
mood i'm gonna do it yeah he's walking
like a Hawaiian shirt and flip flops
yeah just in the loose Jimmy Buffett's
diets cheeseburger in paradise it's
always cheeseburgers and a few is it
that is what's new in your life what are
you up to I'm waging war at home right
now oh yeah it's bad you guys on the
rocks no not me and penis no that's okay
everything over there is fine i'm
talking about a mouse in the house oh no
yeah yeah like i love your house hunt
yeah dude I'm not in a really bad
problem is it one mouse or is it several
matches well you know what I thought it
was one up until a month ago and then I
saw another one he's got friends but we
got one of them and the other is just I
don't know this guy's so smart called
the search party he we've tried several
different types of traps you know where
he's made out of yeah I think he's
behind the stove have you moved the
stove oh yeah and he just I don't know
we can't actually find where he lives
we've patched up all the holes in the
house tried all these different kinds of
traps the one that we SAT set last night
I really gotta show you guys a picture
of this and I'll describe it as i'm
showing you so we rigged up a I is it
like a bathtub and the Marvel goes down
a track yeah yeah basically almost like
that it's literally like a mousetrap
from Gordian yeah yeah so it's a bucket
I with a wire hanger stretched across it
okay and then there's a can that we
poked a hole through so that it fits
onto the wire that goes across the
bucket right then we slathered the can
with peanut butter and then made the
outside of the car oh I say right the
can is hollow obviously okay so and then
we put a ramp up like a song for you
there's no spring oh no I mean like is
that like where he's supposed to run up
and jump yeah yeah yeah so he so the
idea is that the mouse will run up the
ramp and he'll see the can with all that
peanut butter on it try to get up onto
the can and when he does he falls into
the bucket right what that's a bucket
yeah but what mice can get out of
buckets not if it's filled with cyanide
not if it's filled with the acid
hydrochloric gonna see like it I'm gonna
see just a mouse skeleton is oh well
it's filled with water which is not much
worse yeah freakin real yeah yeah put it
like a vat of peanut butter in there so
you eat themselves your bet you I love
it it's like oh come have some tasty
delightful peanut butter death yeah and
then we put little morsels of peanut
butter leading up to the top where did
you look like where did you read how to
do this I mean I had to really consult a
lot of hacks online really is that we
tried all these different type of date
we've tried uh you know like raw meat
we've tried a duck fatter a peanut
butter regularly as you have you tried
cleaning the house hahahaha that's
pretty good hey come on that's not man
that's after the budget after the body
will just get a maid I'm gonna move out
first before that happen that's not a
bad joke yeah we tried that we tried
putting all of our food is in these uh
like Tupperware containers that are
sealed and it's just driving us crazy
because we could see little mouse
droppings on our stove make people want
to come over and hang out by the way you
guys are invited over to do yeah yeah
free can obviously get over there it's a
nightmare man yeah that's bad and you
hear it skittering no that's something
a phantom okay and you know we started
off trying to do the humane traps yeah
but once I like just you know you know
put them inside then we release them out
there no no what this guy did okay well
can you just coat no kidding the entire
floor with like sticky traps might do
that entirely and then have like a
Tarzan pulley toy across totally do that
I got show you guys pictures of the
mouse that we got oh I don't did you
kill them all oh I don't want to oh yeah
I don't want to see that what how did
that one died because we used those uh
classic traps for the favorite rapper i
know the neckbreaker you said it and
it's like my god yeah because you snap
the things neck and it's just like I
guess that's more humane than Jay
browning who there were signs of
struggle oh because I put it on one side
of the room and he flailed and then it
made this sound when I played I wait you
wait you peeled what off oh he's doing
it why don't you just pick up the whole
trap and throw it away I tried but it
was stuck to the ground it was stuck to
the linoleum oh that is the blood hey
guys forever that's so very lucky we
have not we had one right when we were
moving in the apartment was empty we
moved in about a year ago part was
completely empty probably empty for
about six months and we found one like
medium sized roach in one of the
bathroom oh no see and I was like this
is not a disaster I was really worried
what would you rather have a rotor
amount come on that's definitely a mouse
yeah definitely absolutely control it
with the mouse can have come in the
millions yeah and like they multiply
home and many were just fly by the way
yeah I realized where I read an article
that said that roaches fly but in the
summertime so it's humid they'll fly
from higher ground to lower ground
because they've earned their wings yay
they evolved uh so we found that one
yeah and but as we were so we were like
gonna beat we're slowly moving stuff in
and there was a chart to like sign up
for an exterminator in the elevator yeah
so we signed up for that and then we
didn't move in for another like four
days and it's been a year and I have not
seen a single significant bugs
interesting like a look at why yeah all
right let's ooh sounds like you're in
the clear for yeah I think we're good
wait so we got took more would you hear
bleep you know what the best
I do hear me what the oh it Scott's
family is here that's hot Oh Jim the mic
oh cool that's great let's have more
babies you know what the best weapon to
protect yourself against insects in your
home is hmm a dyson vacuum oh just suck
them right out the bed yeah but then we
have to end early under 6 feet ball 2 or
6 feet long the bugs are 6 feet long the
boxes of via the vacuum 6 belongs with
the whole hog hunt super long it's the
best you don't have to take it at all
you do have to empty it but it's just
one button that guy straight yeah I got
a Dyson um what are they the little dust
dust buster yeah the wedding and it was
a nice nice asset wait okay so let's go
back to the mouse think so you're still
in active pursuit oh yeah so listen to
this okay this is gonna gross even more
people at me people I don't know this
about me when I was in college when i
was in college i was in a very shitty
apartment in baltimore um again let me
highlight the words very and shitty yes
a Baltimore well I mean those are two
interchangeable terms my good friend
anyway I live with two other friends of
mine and we were not the clean the
cleanliness of men as most college boys
are not its it was disgusting we never
cleaned it was filthy our kitchen was a
disaster and we had always heard that
the complex that we were in was
notorious for mice yet we did not take
any preventive measures to do that so
anyway we're there for a year and we
ain't seen one might mess and I'm like
hey well this modest mouse remember is a
bunch of hooey sure because you've never
seen one God and then they arrive
ratatouille stuff to the point where
like we just had to coexist he was there
was no getting rid of them like they had
moved in silently in the night and it
was like they made a trailer park yeah
like there was a bunch of them in the
kitchen they clearly like knew what was
up and they're like you guys haven't
done like week we infiltrate really
really uh terrible apartments and this
one was by far the easiest so we had to
just live with them uh and I just live
with like there was one that would
always go in my room
here 20 you just I don't know right now
I wouldn't stand for that but when
you're 20 you're kind of just like I now
this happened yeah you're like whatever
I got a pet yeah you know and the thing
was kind of cute it was a field mouse it
wasn't like yes a city mouse so I saw
this very cute little yeah yeah and I'm
like oh hail i named it Larry and we
live together yeah you passing out every
night anyway it's not cause right come
on leave it in your mouth come on that
is a very good visual I love it the
aryans so all right so the rodent
discussion aside Ross rustic you are
back down iceland iceland that's great
how was it not as cold or i see as the
name might imply yeah i was expecting
cold weather throughout I mean it's not
a warm place but yeah so it was like 6
55 60 Wow umm we were very lucky very
little rain but it is like if you live
in New York City in August to really
most places in August you're just
miserable and sticky and it's gross to
talk it was like being an entire country
that's air-conditioned just like such as
a life like it feels like it felt like
this going outside like in this room
that is air-conditioned i like nice that
is the best description of a place I've
ever heard it was really for me Jeff
yeah perfect perfect Jeff weather um yes
it's really terrific we did all the like
typical you know whale watching
horseback riding we went to an ice cave
um so like what do you do like is that
what you do there yes so this I think
there's a few ways you can do ISIL and
obviously big it's not a big place so
there's only three hundred thousand
people in the whole country that's to
give you just a frame of reference so
Reykjavik is the city everyone hears
about there's only a hundred thousand
ish people in Reykjavik the town I grew
up in had 30,000 people yeah the second
largest city in Iceland has 30,000 like
that's it's tiny so the second that you
get out of Reykjavik is just like you're
in a nuclear wasteland like I'm nuclear
well cuz its volcanic so you just have
these like large expanses of just like
black step rock and sand and
it looks like the moon they actually
trained the astronauts the Apollo
astronauts in Iceland trained them to
how to do like walking around on the
moon so they were in full space suits
before they went out in the 60s walking
around iceland because it mimicked the
moon so close huh so how old is the
island then uh so it's I by years I
don't actually know but it is the
youngest country on the plant it's you
know very very old still sure but
compared to anywhere else it's it's very
new because it's all volcanic so so none
of the trees are like higher than four
feet huh cuz you need I think it's 2,000
years after a volcanic eruption is the
soonest that things can start growing
wow so it kind of gives you an idea and
they still have I mean there's tons of
active volcanoes still around so thank
you you know he still is it an issue
they're like no so I was talking to a
guy you might remember a few years back
the like big one died was a lot more was
that nicely that was a nice it was 2010
that's the more like 40 letters in its
name yes yeah I don't I I was there not
two weeks and I had no idea how to
pronounce it but so it went off and
basically disrupted worldwide airtran
because of the ash is flying the air and
if you fly through that in a plane it
does pretty bad things to the plane but
in Iceland they said hardly any impact
whatsoever because it drifted away it
just like yeah and there was no like
lava flow that was totally destroying it
iceland just like crop dusted the planet
they did and that was it yeah so and and
there are very laid-back people a very
chill like everyone I met was like very
friendly everyone speaks English which
is nice no taping which I well it's not
just I slide out but I great the only
reason why us what's way experiment it
is very expensive so it definitely i got
the convenient she look like okay back
it up real quick good kid we can't say
that like we can't go and be like there
was no tipping it will you ready you
understand the contractors stay in the
kind of a meet let me clarify i'm just
sayin like that's not something that I
would release Thursday let me clarify
and you should for the record twice I
honestly I think it's saying so with it
even on the air there were no tipping
it's it's such an asset so everything is
very expensive there to give you an idea
price-wise it the way I comparison like
helping new you I know New York plus
like thirty percent so it's very
expensive there yeah um but all like how
it is in most of the world all of the
prices factor in the the salary of the
employees over a waitress so its
relative so you do not have to do like
ten percent math or whatever you don't
have to carry around cash I use the
credit card everywhere but did you get
rammed in the like for some over the
course of two weeks I probably had a
hundred hours alright whatever it was
not significant right so but it's just
like there's a huge convenience factor
to just like not having to worry about i
constantly go to the bank and ATM and
changing stuff if i could live in a
world that was like like in New York
we're starting to see some restaurants
that are getting rid of tipping and just
factoring in that fifteen or twenty
percent to what they into what in the
feed to the pros yeah and every time I
go to the restaurants I'm thrilled
because it's like oh I don't have to do
man I know exactly what this is gonna
cost me and it's good for the employees
they don't have to like write whatever
and I felt like the service was terrible
and Iceland it was very nice people are
friendly so I loved it uh you know
what's and tipping guys enough Erick I'm
with you we for whatever reason we are
like the weirdest country when it comes
to tipping like the culture the tipping
culture that yet devised is is like you
know it's just it feels like a like
you're trying to pull the well like wool
over someone's eyes and tell you how
much money or so it's not even that to
like it goes beyond that and this will
take us away from Iceland for a second
but like there's a like when I explain
tipping to like you know when I go to
the airport and the guy who grabs my
bags if I do like herbst I checked and
I'll give my two bucks right that is
crazy like the whole notion of what we
do with tipping and why we just give
people money for kind of no reason is
very weird and and from as far as i
understand it exclusive to the two
American culture well it's also weird
that like a lot of salaries I don't
think the bad guy essa Sara Lee has this
factor to salaries but like certainly a
waiter salary is determined by totally
totally it would not be they would not
be paid
legal wage I think their hourly is like
less than one hour something like that
but you factor in the tipping and then
it like works out right such such a pain
yes ok back to Iceland you to get to see
the Northern Lights because it's not
wrong time of year for Northern Lights
but it was it got dark no joke the Sun
went down we stayed up one night because
we just kept passing out at eleven
thirty at night these are my song is
when the Sun went down in you know
August work earlier um it should and
it's great because you get like the full
day and you don't you know you're not
worried about the you know missing the
light and driving around that's gonna
play hell with your internal clock
though it wasn't that bad all the all
the houses have blackout curtains rise
in July it's 24 hours something like the
Sun never Joe how how many hours of
darkness were there really probably when
you were there like a true knight
probably about three hours wow that's
cool but the rest is like Twilight and
then fold that starting it very early I
do want just take for a minute and try
to picture me on a horse galloping on a
horse cuz I've only done it twice and
this was the first time I'd ever
actually galloped so when when I picture
you all hundred twenty pounds you yeah
bobbing up and down on a horse I just
see all your bones shatter it was one of
them at one of the most painful he could
only rude all he was walking funny I'm
like well why are you walking funny yeah
it's just like I don't know not a lot of
padding on the bun oh I dare say here's
the question I have a gud horseback
riding and and horse experts call in and
let us know couldn't you just have like
a horse up saddle that's like seventeen
inches of memory foam padding I don't I
think you could why not because then
you'd be too high up yeah I don't you
can t I have you know cuz it would you
would sink in a little bit no no no you
can you can ride it like a camel with
like a really long way that is not what
you can do you could wear cycling shorts
with padding like a panda I guarantee
you there's solutions for this yeah
we're also supposed to stand up while
you're galloping so you're actually
using your legs it's like a spring
material not shatter yeah I have a very
bony butt as you'd imagine and it was
just it was pretty not only that
brought so I borrowed a camera with me
like a nice 5d canon camera and I
brought it on the horseback ride and the
guide kept being like hey you guys want
to gallop and I was like the first time
I was like sure and then the first time
so I have the camera strapped to me
unlike whatever strapped but the second
the horse starts going the cameras flips
like behind me and starts like lifting
off by back-ended slamming into my back
if like a like a wrecking ball by the
end of it I had a bruise like a
significant bruise on my back from this
I mean the cameras like can you do
anything in order to do so I think I'm
designed to be I think I'm mr. glass
from you are you are it used to be you
yeah good you guys George problem is I
just don't know to not do things so I'd
say yes to a lot of stuff that I know is
gonna hurt these are skinny guy problems
I said Kenny got problems I know that's
what I'm is that what this wasn't living
well I was going to mention i actually
did put it in the rundown I don't know
about you Justin but I do want to note
when you pass like a skinny guy on the
street do you like think about like my
keys my man like we share a common
pretty buddy a common level here like I
feel your pain like I've under sound
like we sorta understand what cuz
everyones like hey why don't you eat
some more like oh yeah right right right
so like you have a lot of a sec you a
lot of people tell this to my girlfriend
to which i think is kind of a fail watch
your feet of Bray something like that
yeah yeah and I like roll my eyes it's
like stupid oh my amigos no I like him
skill yeah yeah I did one thing she does
not like him skinny she says that
cuddling with me is like sleeping next
to a bag of remote control just a big
sack of remotes just a bunch of twigs
about the adventure just javits ER in
the side all that quarters just imagine
sleeping on the corner of a textbook oh
no hahaha she loves it you like tip your
head like I don't do that man but I do i
do I think about it too desire I mean I
don't like Nessa I don't make eye
contact or anything like that but I do
think like it's somewhat unheralded cuz
like obviously like you can't walk down
or whatever no one's gonna come up to
like a fat person if you like stop
eating fatty right but like you're not
wrong right there's similar things it's
kind of just like a standard that no
one's really well the other thing too is
that the the biggest problem with skinny
guy issues that you know most people
aren't afraid to point out your what
they consider to not be necessarily like
a physical right but here's the thing
that I don't have I'm not self-conscious
about it or no I don't care what any
time somebody comments on your body it's
kind of awkward right you know it's just
that no one would be like whoa yeah look
an extra big today well that's the thing
to write like yours if you're skinny
people no one sees that as bad right
right i think that no no meant a right
now look the way someone who's obese is
like you're gonna die if you don't lose
weight yeah uh you know I don't think
the polar opposite is true about being
skinny and you guys for the record are
not overly skin I'm pretty scary for us
is like honey we're both it's not black
and all too so its a linking my parents
tried to force feed me ice cream as a
kid now before speed like hold me down
but like they were like I haven't
weighed myself in a while but probably
140 yes I was gonna say do I weigh more
than the both of you know jump on yeah
okay so you see another skinny guy you
go I'll see you gaining yes to me right
and there you go hold on it's gonna be
windy today
like Scoob awaits that you put on it is
a great update watch it big great coming
up pretty good guys the problem is that
you can't complain about skinny guy
problems cuz nobody wants to right no
one's here right yeah I want to go eat
something yeah exactly that is very
funny oh man I needed that you do that
on this friday so anything else before
we uh pause for a break here I was gonna
go to Iceland I you know eyes into a hot
spring I I got into hot the Blue Lagoon
is like the big one that's like the
famous ones i weel chemically i went
into an exploitive which was like the
coolest effing oh I get it was cool it
was yes very cool super not for the
claustrophobic very kind of terrifying
there okay like we should like run again
how caverns like we did I know it was
far more tight and dark and it was not
tour like touristy at all you hike for
like an hour and then you go into a
literal k there's no lighting and you've
got like headlamps and it's it's
honestly it's like being birthed you
have to like ramble through this well I
don't know if I can do is intense very
cool very cool alright very good
recommend it do you have a you have a
gallery of the photos you took somewhere
publicly no care that you share the
sheep poop oh I will yeah I took a pic
yeah picture well she faked it dump can
we can you send me that cuz I'll have a
post that yeah what took this majestic
photo of a bush is a sheep the answer
sheet of a sheep pooping but he caught
the photo like mid poop like the poop
was falling falling it's an amazing the
she must have been sheared recently
because there was you would think that
it get caught up in some of that wool oh
I do I sorry before we take a break i do
want to mention one thing since you
mentioned it yeah so they do have a
whole process for collecting sheep and
cheering them every year as their big
industry there there's a million sheets
all they got is just no she um so they
were talking about the sheep and they're
like well you don't have to worry about
like what i was asking like are they all
marked and they're like yeah everybody
vol got tags and branding and stuff and
I was like what about the baby sheep
that are born throughout the year
because they essentially let them run
you mean I'll be right vo sure
um and then they're like oh no no no
baby sheep because the it's just females
out there the male's stay locked inside
wow so you can't have like random cheap
matingly oh gotcha but then I thought
I've heard this before only females
can't have random breeding what's gonna
happen here life's gonna find life's
gonna find a way very terrifying Iceland
brace yourself brace yourself you think
is gonna happen I think sheep are
getting a wild try know what's gonna
happen is the the DNA they use to finish
my CPD wrong it's gonna be there and
it's just screw something up that's
there you go there you have it send out
the warning to all is landok people
watch out we're gonna take a break when
we come back we'll actually get to a few
stories that orbit the tech world
vaguely vaguely some interesting stuff
happening this week yeah I was away I
didn't really know but it's happening
more for four right after this the 44
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credit and debit cards hey welcome back
to the show uh first thing i want to
talk about with russ and justin you here
so you guys I know you have iphones
right but you've heard about the note
galaxy seven right the galaxy note 7 yes
oh they got recalled right yeah that's
how in two weeks after this freaking
phone comes out it is basically the
largest recall they've ever had to do
how many funds is it they recalled I
don't know I don't know how many they
are doing but they work at all I think
it's all that yeah I did hear they're
exploding right
is that the issue the battery is
exploding yeah that's a problem they
said today because of the problem with
the battery they're halting sales of the
new device and they're recalling and
replacing the phones they've already
sold this is just two weeks after it's
gone more of released worldwide uh that
sucks because guess what's about to come
out I like two weeks ya next week now
well the announcing it'll be probably
understand for the new iphone right yeah
i would say that it's a good time to be
an apple owner but i didn't I phones
have this exact same problem a couple
years ago randomly exploding people saw
floating yeah I don't think it was I'm
maybe not on this large of a scale this
is scary though because they've like two
weeks later yeah and there's already
been enough incidents where they have to
recall every single freaking one they've
sold were there any reviews of the phone
that said it explodes no that would
probably have made you think I'm seven
maybe yeah I feel like well we dinged it
because it burned a hole in my leg three
and a half three and a half out of five
I don't know a lot of people have been
claiming that their overheating and now
the exploding thing adds acting really
crazy and having your phone explosion
how this passes any sort of quality
anyone gotten seriously hurt with this
in there pop not that I've heard of but
like it's got a bit obviously really bad
that would be mummert I get scared like
people use those cell phone chargers
those like sketchy cell phone charger
yeah yeah and it's real like I honestly
thought they're gonna like really do
some damage for sure the iphone went
through Bend gate shitty weather any
kind of game right stuff I don't ever
remember them dealing with what a phone
that was exploding although I feel like
there's overheating issues with one of
them though yeah I feel like right now
the the headphone jack thing is the big
controversy surrounding the next one
what do you think manages I think
they're gonna do it and here's why this
is my prediction is that once they well
they are gonna do it well once they get
rid of that they're gonna put drm on all
digital files that come through the
iphone we really know it's gonna know so
i guess my key for audio yeah that's my
could speak no way yeah i don't think
they're gonna do
I think they're doing that to save a
little bit of real estate yeah I think
they're doing that to make it a little
bit thinner and then also to get people
probably buy their headphones they
traded it for another speaker well
that's what they did that's crap that I
don't need another spatially on the AMA
seven that's what it looks like it it is
raining ah but I mean it's definitely to
make the thing thinner and it probably
freeze up a little bit more real estate
inside there I think it's a good idea
though how many headphones have you guys
had broken just because you keep sitting
down with that with the phone in your
pocket and then that plug just discards
wearing out oh no and then eventually
left and right now your happens to all
of my headphones right but you're a
heavy user you're like a wave of a
lamb's ear no I'm not for a New Yorker I
feel like every anyone that would leave
the office in New yeah I probably use it
about as much as he does I agree with
you but I don't think that prove that
will prevent the like those of lightning
plugs break oh i just mean really will
just use bluetooth dead yeah that's
thing like i don't want to go to
bluetooth you don't want to yeah i think
testing some decent earbuds really
completely bluetooth yes surprised
you're saying that there's one called
irin that is pretty good um hey Rin that
sounds a lot like urine five-year-olds
bring yet but yeah a lot of them work
great and the only problem with some
some of them is that the left and right
we'll go out every once in a while when
you turn your head one doesn't sound
like what listen to it led zeppelin oh
yeah basically yeah like one we look and
the earrings don't do that so so far
anecdotally I like those once we get to
that area where you know they're pretty
reliable I just don't want to charge
headphones every night I know I thought
yeah well look dude everything you own
is getting charged every night this is
the direction where my headphones or not
right now you don't want to go that way
guess what man the fetcher I I don't
sound better if you if they I'd be fine
with it if wireless mic charging was a
thing where you could just put a bunch
of crap on a mat and I realize we're
getting there but we're not there yet
you'll get there we for iphone users
android users have had that for a while
yeah yeah Andrew I mean it depends some
some of the phones do wireless try but
it wouldn't
really do it for all your da ba when you
for all you're doing yeah not they've
tried to standardize that but it's just
not happening what do you guys think of
this rumor that this iphone 7 which can
be announced next week is essentially
the last in this era of this model
iphone and then the iphone that will
come in 2017 will be a huge dramatic not
a flip phone like a full glass front
wireless charger yeah do you think
that's what's going to happen I think
that's why this is the is the first time
they've ever had the the round number
right like so the the they come out with
the s's which are the half years right
sure this is the first time that the
seven the next number upgrade is an
incremental upgrade right right so
they're so they're prepping two years
now in between instead of one right so
for something I think for something big
and I think that's the i think the
iphone 8 they'll probably just call it
yeah um what was the last one that
didn't have the curved back that didn't
have the flat back it was the curves
that I I want to say for I think even
maybe the 3g 3gs was the last made her
is achill change to the phone ever since
then it's just been bigger smaller right
right victims a few yeah yeah they've
certainly changed the body and stuff
every but every time it goes from 42 5-6
is been a min anything yet when you go
4s 5s 6s was always sort of even
mentally right I you know I'm a big
apple guy love Apple product oh yeah you
do i do not like if all of the rumors
that they're saying are true there is
really very little that's encouraging me
to get a new phone sounds like the only
thing with the 7 is that they're going
to add another lens to the back cameras
my cake hdr photos better and okay cool
well that's the problem i mean you know
there the the anticipation is very tepid
at best yeah it is just not a very sexy
time to have a new phone right i would
get if it was the full glass like
wireless charging iphone i'd get that a
harpy but yeah that could be another
year so especially dropping the
headphone jack i don't know man it's
gonna be a hard sell for me yeah all
on that next week uh see we're actually
going to be at the event live on
Wednesday of next week that's every of
us right oh no we'll have people there
will be at the PlayStation neo thing I
will not be I'm actually flying to
Seattle that day are you really yeah oh
ok but we'll talk about that later yeah
all right I want to bring up this topic
this is this is crazy I makes you think
about what the future generations are
going to be like not having been exposed
to as many commercials as maybe perhaps
we were when we were kids this article
from engadget says Netflix saves kids
from over 150 hours of commercials a
year that according to Nielsen which
says the average time that a child
spends watching television as opposed to
generations past is much less filled
with commercials it seems likes to
services like Netflix I don't I don't I
think that's crap moving along what that
doesn't mean that kids are being exposed
more advertised that's what I'm saying
because you know physical advertisements
obviously YouTube in court you tell in
the web rice has a million that's right
they're probably seeing more ads maybe
not as many per hour and and they're
seeing as they can skip they're seeing
ads that are just presented on a
different sort of wavelengths how to
make your dick bigger stuff like that
that's a more targeted they are
definitely seeing more targeted stuff uh
but I don't know I find that interesting
because I feel like a lot of the bulk
you know the bulk of advertising that we
were exposed to when we were young was
like TV yeah baseball game yes right
like I feel like baseball I have this
legacy memory of like whenever I'm at a
baseball stadium I always see like the
same sodas and cigarettes and all that
stuff grown up oh yeah sure you know
that's dating us a little bit with
cigarette ads at the ballpark but uh but
yeah pretty pretty crazy yeah although
they do have to see all those
commercials for the adam sandler movies
that's kind of a dragon that does suck
for them but yeah they present the data
in a graph and talk about how much
streaming television of averages by age
and it's it's kind of
it's a good thing the kids are being
brainwashed by commercials anymore but
at the same time I feel like we all have
this at least people in our generation
have this collective nostalgia over
certain characters and commercials that
we all grow to watching the Tony Tony
the Tiger's of the world totally the
crossfire commercials and things like
that it does shared experience that we
all had they're not gonna be nostalgic
about you two beds right no they're not
gonna be but like I don't necessarily
think like that's a bed not yet you
don't like nostalgia about the content
not really i ad surrounded yeah like I
you know we're nostalgic in a way that I
think you know kind of just brings us
back to like a fuzzy place a warm fuzzy
place um where I don't think what that
fuzzy feeling does for us will be lost
on them they'll still have that yeah it
just won't be attached to freakin brand
unless it's like an old spice one of
those old space ads yeah something like
that I just thought that was an
interesting headline to talk about you
know Dylan's like kind of starting to
like understand like televisions kind of
cool he just what he likes Daniel tiger
do you know what that a no so did so
listen to this Daniel tiger is like mr.
Rogers weird animated like you know
spiritual successor this is a last name
tiger no it wasn't mr. Rogers tiger what
no I mean Daniel is this last name
Daniel tiger so it's his last name is he
also attack uses the little tiger okay
yeah let me pull them up for the
uninitiated so this is a TV show this is
a TV show on PBS those horrible looks
like that Richard Scarry cartoon yeah he
does yes it is so it's it's very much in
the vein of that yeah but it is inspired
by the world of Mister Rogers so oh so
it's actually connected yeah it's
connected so like the universe is missed
so like it's basically if you know what
mr. Rogers were like go in the backyard
no one ever no one ever questioned the
fact that he had like whole puppet world
in his backyard what he did yeah uh and
he's got so like the trolleys there okay
so like all the stuff that we know like
all we know so Daniel Tiger is the son
of uh of this other guy Daniel striped
the original Rogers me I didn't realize
there was actually lineage yeah there
are a connection there but who is Daniel
striped tiger so that's his dad I know
but from the original I don't remember
him from the original series I don't
know he was a puppet like a hand puppet
oh very creepy yet yeah so up no donkey
was eyes yeah he's had a couple
makeovers I don't like I was wearing a
watch there that's upsetting yeah
there's know what time it is insurance
commercials that have better product I
do like that TV com rated Daniel Tiger
5.7 at ten hey this guy screwed up it's
better than a 5.7 so it's a good show
like you know it's simple he was at each
he's not learning anything he just likes
the colors and the colors on the sort of
falls in the Tinky Winky uh Teletubbies
vein which is like they're not learning
anything it's just like a baby and a son
yeah but at least like this is more
beneficial how do you know then
Teletubbies sure there's just more
substance here ah like they're not just
like be boo they're not just like
gibberish engaging Tigers like when I
fall down it hurts but it gets better
like okay there's lessons I stuff yeah
you should share or your life's gonna
suck right now he's on here too so uh
yeah there's ethnicity so it introduces
kids to a world of color yeah they do a
lot of that which I thought was was when
races he's just the tiger Daniel zettai
is that what race is a tiger cat yeah
man I don't know that's wrong that's
lawrence wednesday yet so Prince
Wednesday's got a kid named Prince
Tuesday sure up guys but like these were
when he would go talk when mr. Rogers
would talk to the puppet I remember they
were all yeah that's them managers of a
no universes anime that's it's cheaper
to shoot I guess and plus miss rush is
pretty pretty dead ya he's dead he's
very good hon tony yeah which episode do
they cover that I don't know he died
like 6 13 years as you were so does
Daniel tiger where's fire no but he
starts off like putting his shoes on
okay yeah take them off though right mmm
cuz you know he's headed out do you want
to get the sweetest mr. Rogers story
I've ever heard sure because when you
watch old mr.
Roger stuff that is a creepy creepy
thing I I gotta take the shoes off dude
heat the way he talks is just like sit
there while I watch me take my shoes off
and you're just like why why are
watching this out man that's a nice guys
always I'm not trying to say it was a
creepy voice like here's the sweet story
I have to rid your mind of that awful
thought jeff had ear bleach me um so he
had fish and he would feed his fish
every time he came into the house uh
yeah but apparent he got a letter from
one of his fans a blind small blind girl
had her dad I guess write a letter
basically saying that she gets very
upset when he doesn't say that he's
feeding his fish because she can't see
it so ever since he got that letter he
said he says out loud I'm feeding the
fish now as a nod to this girl good guy
for Roger yeah yeah yeah I also like
when he was given the Lifetime
Achievement Award there's a video of
this on youtube uh in his acceptance
speech he instead of saying something he
said amote let's have a moment of
silence for all the kids that don't have
a voice in this world and then people
just SAT there for two minutes and then
he blew the mic down and you can see
people in the audience is crying oh the
effect that Mister Rogers has owned
Peavy Oh Jeff he's not some creep I
didn't sister he rejected you implied
any a foot fetish anyone's against me
you definitely did that opening scene
where he's just like watch me take my
she say that is the sweater off no just
does it this is when you expose your kid
to that yeah it's encouraging it's a
cartoons cartoons Daniel tiger I do i do
think daniel tiger's knives cuz it makes
your parents a little it makes a little
more digestible the parents because they
see where it's coming from right totally
that's previewing out for him right now
in the credits in the beginning says
based off the works of fred rogers this
is his universe this is his legacy earth
it's a beautiful honor that they they
paid in I'm serious it's a very nice
thing yeah uh but there you have it oh
how we got to that but oh that's what he
didn't know I didn't say he had a foot
fetish damn it oh man okay i was in
Ocean City New Jersey over the weekend
if you listening been listening to the
show for a couple years you know that I
kind of
this pilgrimage once a year to play
pinball and that's where they shot the
Jersey Shore sunburn no isn't it close
by though no it no really no they sure
know they shot that stupid effing
disaster of a show in seaside out that's
far away sure it's not ocean city is
like a minute away no I don't know where
seaside is exactly you know we recently
hired a guy for social for our social
team named Mike Sorrentino okay is there
anything guys me yeah and when he
introduced himself to me he was like hey
I'm Mike Sorrentino not that I don't
even know who that is okay so Seaside
Heights is like a hundred miles okay
nation city okay optimal yes so that's
where they shot that arm yeah so so okay
first things first um I just need to
bring this up about boardwalk culture if
you've never been to the you've been to
the boardwalk you've definitely been the
walk so you guys didn't understand like
the culture this bootlegging just like
gambling yeah not gambling this was
gambling is like I don't we're gangsters
shooting each other on oh not boardwalk
empire oh you mean a real bird walks got
it okay yeah but there's that too at the
jersey border well Atlantic City wait
you agreed with me on the bootlegging
part now there is because like there's
all this copyright issues talking about
buoys okay there's all this copyright
infringement like people sell shirts
that say like whatever yeah so I saw a
lot of kids under 18 so obviously
there's Pokemon go wherever you are
that's fine but there was also like a
lot of kids who are clearly not a voting
age okay but a lot of kids like rocking
Trump shirts Oh like ironically I don't
know I don't know I don't know I don't
know like how they're perceiving this
are they perceiving it as like all that
guy's mess let's wear it ironically so
you mean so these are younger is like 16
year old type kids right yeah like I'd
say 14 to six kids that's kind of like
at that point it feels like it's it's
like a counterculture thing yeah I think
they're doing because their parents hate
Trump and therefore they
Yeah right now let's say that's my
interpretation of it ok so we're we're
basically ronik right we're basically in
like Eastern Philadelphia is where I was
at ok I don't know if that propel
Delphia is like a very blue town ok
write a memo but you know I don't know
about the outskirts and I would also say
but you're right in the country you're
talking about bucks county and stuff
like that very red it's very similar to
New York in that way when York City is
obviously very democratic and then
Republican I don't want to get into that
whole thing but I could not believe how
much of that I was seeing and surprising
I wouldn't have guessed and I was like
are these kids joking around like what's
the deal i didn't care of you like ask
them yeah but like what was again I'd be
like hey you were that ironically a real
little kid you'd be like also did you
just catch charmander yeah dude there's
nothing weirder than like four dudes
okay on their bikes being like Yoda
Jigglypuff over there yeah adults I
don't like for kids who aren't super
young but they're not you know a dolt
you want to hear something weird they're
not they're like you would think like
guys on bikes at night would be tougher
Sharon and these guys are talking about
like charmander's and jigglypuffs and
bulbous elevator than that is being in
the middle of Iceland in a town of 300
people and kids yelling each other in
Icelandic that there's a Charmander on
the corner no joke a that's weird
everywhere that is editor everywhere
it's really bizarre not there is any
limit finally before we say goodbye for
the week I just thought it would be
appropriate if we did for a second boy I
know you're gonna talk about the other
end with that that's not I do it yeah
I'll say that for another time that's
another time I do want to talk a little
bit about you while they're right you
know I I don't know like for me Blazing
Saddles is one of my favorite movies of
all time um I forget what I was reading
about him in that movie and how all I
think Mel Brooks had a really nice sort
of homage dan could they've worked on
numerous times together obviously on the
and blazing saddles and he was basically
like that movie doesn't get made in 2016
oh no hundred like nowhere near and like
you know he said he he you know
obviously I don't think anyone uh who
sees that now i guess you can sort of
understand the time that movie was made
and how it was poking fun at racism and
stuff like the hundred percent it was
right of course like but again that's a
movie that doesn't get made in 2016 and
it was just really sort of heartwarming
and and touching to hear uh the words he
had for that guy the gym while is one of
the first I guess straight-up hilarious
comedians that I was may be introduced
to through young frankenstein through a
lot of em elle brook stuff um and
obviously you know you gotta talk about
Willy Wonka mmm still one of my favorite
movies yeah like that performance in
that film like I remember being
legitimately scared yeah it's moment
where they're going through the boat
like I don't know where artists go away
I heard a great production story that he
told that at a WI thing a few years ago
obviously before he died and he was
saying he was talking about the first
scene that Willy Wonka shows up if you
remember he comes out of a new ride
easily thing he comes out of the factory
so when he originally got the script the
director came to him and G mother was
like hey I want to do this thing where
Willy Wonka comes out on a cane and he's
limping whatever and the King gets stuck
in the concrete and he's like falls down
but then he turns it into a somersault
nice and proper today and he said the
reason I wanted to do that it's because
from that point on you didn't know
whether he was lying or telling the
truth yeah it opens the door for that
and the director said so you won't do
the movie if we don't do this and Jamal
there said hey be sure so I have those
very funny so don't fertilize as he he's
got a really sort of quick scene where
he uh gets car jacked by then by the
gang and he's like in the backseat
very weird scene okay I mean just shows
you like that dude been around yeah sure
that's a really old film I think he was
one of the first movies I saw in a
theater was uh see no evil evil yeah and
and yeah just I don't remember I mean I
remember him being blind and Richard
Pryor green death or vice versa i think
it was vice versa but that yeah when did
they movie come out I was actually just
about to look that up so hear hear no
evil see no evil was released back wow
so Bonnie and Clyde was nineteen
sixty-seven wonka was 71 Blazing Saddles
is 74 young Frank Stein 74 as well
that's crazy both of those Mel Brooke
mel brooks movies were 1974 oh don't
forget Silver Streak yeah uh hear no
evil see no evil hear no evil you're
right was 1989 so I was six years old
whoa where are you going to see them I
was paying into a lot of inappropriate
movies when I was a very young child
ricochet my grandpa took me to ricochet
and that was about that time I Denzel
Washington movie very violent and
inappropriate I think I saw die hard to
when it first came out and um they just
didn't care they were like I want to see
this movie deal with it child if you
haven't seen the producers I feel like
that's the film a lot of people and the
original I I don't like the remake and I
didn't really like I don't like the
remake I thought the musical was okay
the original is whole and holds up and
it's like not in like a funny oh this is
a classic movie Conaway it's just like a
legit it's funny on its own legit
hilarious movie yeah and of course young
frankenstein to man yeah there's
something about that have you seen young
yeah see I've seen your friend is so
good Dean yeah looking drunken teens
when that bookcase closes on his face 60
like now listen to me with all your
might it's pretty sits on the seesaw and
the girl goes flying cats it's not bad I
you know it makes me think I've been in
the last five years I've been thinking a
lot about like look Mel Brooks is like
90 wait he's not going to be around them
being surprised that he honestly hasn't
doubt i mean its grand mulling carl
reiner right yeah
like that you know there's something
dislike impending sort of sadness where
it's like all of these and I wonder like
cuz I feel like Mel Brooks toughest like
shaped my funny sort of nuances and
tendencies and whatnot and I wonder like
when that generation is fully extinct
and gone yeah all we have is left is the
material yeah like is that gonna be
funny forever like I I worry that like
the stuff that I think is hilarious
about blazing saddles and young
frankenstein sure and and even stuff
like well Willy Wonka's in a different
category I wouldn't label that as a
comedy but um I think it will in the in
the way that like I when I saw Holy
Grail monty python the holy grail for
the first time I was probably 10 or 11
or whatever and it had been out for I
don't know 15 years at that point or 20
years yeah and still like made me lose
my mind yeah I think there are certain
things that are just timeless I mean
honestly like certain things about
Buster Keaton you can watch it'd be like
holy crap like the fact that he did that
stuff and like physically the most
amazing for sure I think there's ever
been for so there are people and types
of things that are just timeless and
like bull hold on yeah I would you have
an opinion on that like what do you
think yeah I feel the same way I mean I
remember watching uh what's it called
three amigos yeah oh my god looks like I
watched that in like the mid-90s so good
a little bit late to and I'm remember
just dying over it same with airplane do
yeah I plane still holds up if you watch
it now on TV I want okay so I bring that
up also and again like you know if you
haven't seen any of these films were
talking while they're specifically go
watch them there's so the new stuff the
stuff that we grew up with okay because
we didn't grow up with Gene Wilder
movies those are before our time but we
grew up with stuff like nikki gun yeah
which is still good nigga those movies
are actually still pretty funny but then
I like I caught okay so this is really
gonna pay a disrespect to like the
content we've been talking about
previously but I happen to watch a good
portion of american pie again
okay that movie sucks no he's not funny
that that movie's not funny no that
movie's really bad tries very hard that
movie is so yeah I god awful and
terrible yeah and like I was watching
and Stacy was next to me and she's like
I don't remember this being so shitty
right I'm like I don't know what's
happening because when I think about
like a movie like can't hardly wait I
think Kennedy waits a better movie than
american pie yes i recently rewatched
that in it and it can only really
comment also can also taps into are the
perfect generations and it has like a
better lesson to teach but I think like
it does don't have a pot don't like it
like what was the lesson that like you
watch that movie now the bore them can't
active yeah lives right like the whole
thing is just like oh my god this is so
bad yeah I was sort of in that era of
just like a bunch of unrelated scenes
we're like something either like sexy or
gross or easily happen yeah like they
would none of those things were
particularly good it was just like let's
push the boundaries so think about how
shitty we have it right you look at a
movie like Fast Times at Ridgemont High
that holds up yeah yeah that that's
still a good movie yeah yeah so you're
saying that there aren't new comedies
that will hold up and trying to worry
I'm starting to get a little paranoid
that like movies made in 1990 and on
comedies save for like mrs. Doubtfire
which is still pretty funny Ace Ventura
movies yeah good good yeah well there's
only two but yeah yeah uh but like I
feel like these teen comedies like yeah
I don't do you think like superbad will
be good five years oh yeah yeah super
beds not the best it's not the best I
mean I get how often you sit down and
watch teen comedies from toad oh we did
wait are we exclusively lying about teen
comedies well that's I guess what it
sort of evolved into but like when you
look when I want when Fast Times is on
television yeah it takes a lot to turn
it off cuz i think it's so good yes yeah
with 16 handle 60 handles and Breakfast
Club yeah Breakfast Club always watch
that too Ferris Bueller like again the
what would you compare blazing on that
Blazing Sun what would you compare like
a young frankenstein to now like what
are those adult comedies it's it's what
Paul Feig is doing I mean co-sponsors
was somehow received but like I would
say bridesmaids is probably the closest
is that gonna hold up is spy gonna all
them movies not that good it's a good
movie all right okay you know it's hard
to say I think the reason a lot of those
movies I don't know it's tough obviously
for the 90s movies a lot of that's I do
think it's like the movies we grew up
watching so that makes a big impact it
were biased for sure right but in terms
of classic comedies from last I don't
know I'm really curious I haven't
watched it since I saw in the theater
and I lost my mind I thought it was so
funny was boring and I'm really yeah
that's very good I lost my voice so yeah
well that's good that movie's very good
you can't you can't deny that I also
laughed really hard at Ted I'm not gonna
lie Ted's phone I don't know if I would
continue to rewatch it that's the thing
as a rewatch ability as a tough and but
i think the rewatch ability meter is
what dictates whether or not sounds
obvious right like that I all supportive
I also think it has something to do with
whether you're kind of forced to rewatch
it we're like those movies that would
replay on channel 11 or HBO whatever can
non-stop those are the movies you end up
loving like clue was like that it was on
all the time and I'm not saying close a
bad movie it's a great move it's also
yeah it's also the best movie but like a
song then like you might sort of like
the first time you hear it yeah the more
you listen to it or watch or whatever
you could appreciate it right more
vessels of which we're consuming the
stuff is evolving right whereas here you
have millions of things at your
fingertips to stream you can write
whatever you want to do are you gonna
rewatch something you've watched already
yeah probably not so yeah I don't know a
lot of levels gmail is pretty great
though it's it's sad it bums me out it
is said he was 83 he did you know he
hung out yeah and he had a great career
and there is an odd I don't know if it's
an autobiography or a little bit of what
was his book I want everyone to maybe if
you're looking for a new book and you're
interested in gene Wilder
I think it's called like love me or some
sort of book that he wrote what was it
called I gotta look it up I gotta look
up his autobiography and you should all
check it out it was called kiss me like
a stranger okay mmm so I read like a
couple portions of that and I enjoyed
that a great deal sorry it took me a
second to find that mr. Justin you thank
you so much for sharing today's episode
with us always a pleasure to have you
added me that was fun what do we got
cooking with you uh what coming up yeah
like what's going on you want to plug
anything you want to know just want to
hang out with you guys yeah whatever you
guys want I appreciate that Russ yeah
speaking of clue my history of clue
video is up yeah it's very good i want
yeah it's very good if you go to just and search history of clue
you'll probably see it and yeah we had
fun me and Justin McElroy put that
together we're trying to get another one
done he's about to go on vacation but
hopefully we get another one is that
kind of this gonna be like a series
where you guys like do a lot of research
on a thing and yeah talk about
essentially it's the rubric is games
right so not specifically board games
not specifically video games just like
the history of this certain or like
weird esoteric stuff so like Simon yeah
I will see if there's enough history on
Simon more like mousetrap I feel like
mousetrap has a lot of Morgan sure
mousetrap would be fun um so yeah first
ones up feel free to watch it hopefully
dig it good stuff will link to that in
the show notes as well so I'm gone I'm
leaving I'm not gonna be around for two
weeks whoa we haven't talked about what
we're gonna do I mean I have no
capability of turning these things on
yeah so maybe uh we would have Brian and
helping your either way we'll there will
be something each Friday okay hopefully
not a rerun but we'll figure it out when
do you if I leave a week from yesterday
oh so i'll be here for the sony event
and then I'm out of here cool alright
until next time have a fantastic weekend
until then I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Russ
rustic and I'm Justin you this has been
the 404 show thank you so much for
tuning in we love having you here until
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