hey what's up everybody it is Friday
April first 2016 I thank you so much for
tuning in to the 404 show I'm having a
great day so far Russ rustic how you
doing bro i goddamn hate it buckles that
this it's pretty bad this bed it's bad
although there was a moment when I woke
up this morning and I tried to prank my
fiancee in a very minor way did you did
you pretend to leave her cuz that's kind
of funny that it's pretty funny no
hacker I was like building up to doing
some lame like whatever to show her a
picture on the internet that she was
gonna believe or something like that but
she was like really sick and I was like
whoa pump the brakes oh maybe I don't go
ahead and go all it breaks um yeah so
yeah there would there was a time in my
life when I like really got a lot of
enjoyment out of like hey what was
blizzard gonna do and they're goofy
stuff there was a time okay that was
about seven or eight years I thought
you're gonna say before there was an
Internet no because that's when I
remember enjoying april fools it is a
very mean-spirited holiday it is such a
dumb thing yeah and the internet just
makes so much worse we don't spend time
on this because every April Fool's comes
comes around yeah and all we do is talk
yeah it's just the file oh boy
right any april fools let's yeah and if
I man there's I what bothers me the most
is like I feel like by now it's so out
of vogue in like not cool at all yeah
but we're like five years beyond a
pencil on the Internet yes but then when
you get like one of those fake press
releases from a company it's like we've
changed our name to snuggle dick and
you're like what no come on i mean it's
just like people being out of touch and
saying hey this is gonna be cool mario's
now waluigi did you get that new snaggle
dick bluetooth it had fun Thank Remo
Remo snaggle dick yeah great brand oh
great brand tough to get that Twitter
handle it is uh so we got a lot to talk
about today we're gonna we're gonna I'm
gonna open the door to a part of my life
that's uh that's brand new but weird and
can and I think you're building it up
too much but yeah
I don't know how I feel about this but I
want to talk about it because it's it's
something that I just got to get out
there yeah uh but first we're going to
talk about a video game that before you
reach for the controls and you hang up
on us and just go all I don't want to
listen to this these two guys are gonna
get nutty about this this game let me
set this up set it up how do you feel
about game thrones I like it a great
deal come back soon right yeah it is
come back soon how do you feel about the
actor who plays little finger uh you
should your melee we can I give me a
good little finger like an impersonation
yeah I'm gonna be like I really can't
you see you have to follow your sister
up and marry me okay needs work but
let's work shot well so here's the deal
that's just from memory writer Ivan
sketch showing a while yeah you know but
you did just play corner breaking he is
in quantum break he's in quantum break
but he doesn't have little fingers voice
now I tried like an American act give me
a thing that he says what does he say in
what in Thrones what does he say he says
uh you're just as pretty as your mother
won't just as pretty as your mother was
yeah I'm not but I'm not I'm not bad at
okay you're working i'm gonna get rid of
it i'm gonna really good so we got we
got him he's in this game joining him is
lance reddick who you might know from
the wire he is one of the coolest
looking human beings alive um super tall
skinny black guy that but he's like deep
voice awesome powerful a piercing eyes
piercing eyes mega bald he is he's like
one of the baldest guys you can't be
like now he's dicked hela yeah he's
baked and like five minutes go by and he
picks again like this real question I've
never seen him with the slightest hint
of hair yeah so Lance Reddick's in this
game Shawn Ashmore is in this game he
was Iceman and the x-men series he was
also in Animorphs if you watched
animorphs when I was a kid show I didn't
watch it so before my place he plays ice
men in two and three two three I think
he's in the days of future past as well
is he I think he's in that like future
universe uh and dies or something yeah I
guess they all die they all kind of
future dies yeah
yeah okay so yea he is in days your yeah
so Shawn Ashmore it's a good kid games
got a good cast good cat so you're
setting it up tell it explain to people
people people maybe don't know what
quantum break is gonna break is a game
that was made by the people that made
Max Payne they made a game called Alan
Wake you've heard of these people right
remedy is the studio and quantum break
is basically a time travel story mad
scientist you know builds a time machine
things go awry guy has to get super
power time controlling superpowers that
has to fix time and it's like a shooting
action game mixed with like a weird
interactive story game adventure game I
would say right so i think the obviously
the biggest talking point for this game
has got to be the fact that they shot
yeah four episodes of TV yeah for 22
minute episodes of fully live-action
television with all these actors on sets
I mean a lot of its green screen but on
sets and like shot it and at the end of
every act every act in the game takes
about an hour to play through it's like
whatever normal three third person
action game you sit through a 22 minute
episode of the show and based on the
decisions that you make in the game it
impacts the show so you'll see different
scenes based on your decisions um let me
it's tough because this is now I don't
want to give them like too much credit I
so in a we both reviewed it you were
Mashable I did obviously foreseen it um
what was your takeaway sure so the the
big takeaway I would say is it's
obviously very ambitious that they did
this but it's also very clear that no
one that was involved in the making of
the TV show knows how to make like
really high quality television program I
think the production value of this show
falls somewhere between like early
episodes of 24 yeah and yeah that might
be giving in too much credit and a
sci-fi channel production it feels like
kind of like you know those network
procedural shows that show up for six
episodes every
here and get canceled almost instantly
because no one watches them that's what
this feels like it's just like all the
characters are like very surface and
like blah and the like there's like
actually they clearly spent money
there's like race you know chase car
chase scenes stuff like that the queer
we spent money and effort but it's just
like very like none of the characters
are interesting there's like this lame
IT character that keeps showing up and
you're like what what am i watching yeah
there's a lot many times and and like a
lot of pilots arm you know you find
yourself sort of saying hey how can I uh
get past this like right is in and and
for me the first first episode was the
toughest to get around and but once I
got beyond that yeah um I kind of you
liked it I kind of liked it I I I was at
the point where I was like you know what
I finish this act I'm gonna sit back and
watch this and I'm kind of interested to
see what happens yeah again I totally
agree all the characters and some of
that's not working right there's like a
really pathetic love relationship they
try and they try and evolve a little bit
uh one of the characters in the show has
no real reason to exist yeah uh it's
there's just there's a lot of weirdness
there and the interesting thing behind
this why they did this is that Microsoft
did this big push called Microsoft
Studios was a big initiative they were
basically going to make programming and
movies based on all these Microsoft
properties etc and this was essentially
so it's done now like they basically
folded that effort and this is sort of
the last vestige of it existing and I
mean it was obviously very expensive and
but you can certainly see why things are
not going down the right road because
the output I mean it's it's not the
worst ever like it's not like I want to
jump off a building every time i want
but it's just like so blah mediocre like
it's a little pedestrian it's very
pedestrian and it's a shame because I'm
a huge fan of remedy I love their work I
love Sam Blake whose like the lead
I creative director I like his writing a
lot and I think the problem that I had
with this game in the show and
everything where he's really good and
we're remedies really good is when um
they do really weird stuff and they
touch on it'll it's weird because it's a
time-travel whatever you would think
it'd be full of weird that's like kind
of mainstream but it feels very safe the
time travel yeah and just towards the
end they start doing a little bit of
weird stuff with like weird time travel
affected creatures and like that but
it's very under the surface and it just
feels very predictable and sort of like
follows a very predictable road for a
time travel story and that's a shame
like he I think excels went like Max
Payne has weird like satanic stuff oh my
god it's so if you like if you haven't
played the first max payne la go bad
really it holds up yeah it's really
great and Alan Wake obviously had a
tunnel weird stuff in it yeah you know
inspired by twin peaks and all that but
like very weird and and this just never
really sticks the landing it just feels
like a very safe game and it's and it's
as a game not bad it's like an action
game it's fine did you give it a score
and now they don't score okay I could
probably I mean I don't know I didn't
score it either we don't do scores
either but this feels like a seven yeah
like a seven to me yeah it's not a bad
game um it feels safe uh certain parts
are like really cool like this there's a
sequence where like a boat is falling
over on its side repeatedly yeah and it
just looks like unbelievable right and I
think that's definitely worth talking
about um the the graph that the visuals
in this game will blow you away I think
they really like pushed and I know we're
kind of early into Xbox ones you know
wife's idea who knows if they're gonna
upgrade and all that junk but like that
it is very clear they pushed this
console to its limit yeah and at some
points probably too far because there's
there's texture pop-in there's like
blurring to get like the frames oh yeah
a job there's a lot of trickery
happening yet to make this game but it
does look really pretty it does up but
but so like that's the whole thing so so
you know understand that not
why we're talking about this we don't
really get into video games too much
because you know we cut like to keep
general but this is a unique thing
they're trying something different and I
think that needs to be uh I don't wanna
say necessarily applauded but it needs
to be it's appreciate it bums me out
because like I really do want to like
shout from the heavens like this is a
game you need to play right but I can't
do that I can't do that and I sort of
feel the same way about like games like
quantum bruh what was it quite the
Quantic Dream games oh um like beyond
yeah beyond stuff like that we're like
they're clearly trying something crazy
in it like inventive and you want to
apply it but if they don't really land
the like storytelling and stuff like
that you know it's hard to recommend
although there was what was until dawn I
didn't play it but I heard a lot of
people love that game until dawn is
still the the I think the best attempt
at this yeah and I don't want to say
until dawn is doing the same thing
quantum break is trying to do it but but
if you were to put a category together
filled of like super cinematically
ambitious games that probably what you
have in there but um but and then you
know so that's fine like the the the
whole TV show thing it's cool on the
surface yes it's it's definitely uh I'm
not worse for having experienced that
I'm glad I did it here um again this
game I was like constantly trying to
fall in love with but just couldn't make
the total commitment but then like I
want to I want to go back real quick to
like how this game plays yeah and I
don't think this game plays all that
well I didn't I've spoken a lot of
people and they've had sort of varying
opinions on it I know people like felt
like it was like a really crummy take on
max payne i don't think it's that bad I
just think it's like very cookie cutter
yeah go in this room clear that go on
this room clear it doesn't have a lot of
depth to it like you basically see most
of like your toolbox within the first
hour to of the game right and they're
not terribly long but that's that's fine
but like enemy variations really not
there there's like maybe four enemies
arm you know I think it's tough and I
get it like this is a super complicated
juggling act a lot of spinning plates uh
but yeah you know it's you know look but
it's also like Ice Man vs little finger
so you're like watching
like all these guys they're really kind
of into it and when you watch the live
action stuff I feel like some of the
actors you can tell that they're like
I'm part of something important yeah
then the others are some of the others
like oh my god what am I like I'm
following my aging kind of stuff I'm
sure they got a good paycheck for this
yeah hopefully and in terms of work it
was probably not that much work um the
one last thing i do want to mention i
talked about the fact that the storyline
and the show changes based on your
choices in the game but when they give
you choices in the game more often than
not it's like one is the most brain-dead
choice you could pick right and one is
like the logical obvious choice right
there'd be there's like a moment where
it's like do you take the medicine to
save your life or do you die horribly
yeah like and on weird thing about that
too is like they kind of turned the
tables so you're playing as the good guy
Shawn Ashmore all time but then when
they give you these pivotal junction
point decision-making branches you play
as little finger you plays like the bad
guy right so I thought that was a little
weird I thought it was fine I thought
was interesting I didn't bother me and I
like the way those choices play out
especially the first choice which I
think comes into play a lot more you
basically choose like do I murder all
these innocent people right or do I like
use them as leverage to like make the
city love me and by picking one or the
other it there are several scenes
throughout the entire game that change
there's like a scene later on if you
pick the nice option we're like cops are
like giving people coffee at a
checkpoint yeah if you don't do that
like it's a much darker scenes so it's
pretty interesting yeah it's a
great-looking game up probably the
best-looking xbox one game out there
yeah I think that's true um but you know
that and that's the kind of thing the
reviews are all over the place yeah
which I thought was I haven't seen like
tens ah I feel like I saw a couple 90
really where I was like all right it
seems generous all right that's maybe a
little high but if you're if you are
interested in want to know more about it
hit us up on Twitter and well I'm happy
to yep to dive a little deeper on
quantum break yeah it's crazy he's got a
he's good at faking his American accent
aidan gillen
pretty good Irish right yeah he's Irish
I so he was in the wire as was Lance
Reddick and he put in the wire he ran
for mayor I guess and had like a very
strong Baltimore accent and those
accents are much easier I think for
non-english speakers to pull off because
you can really sort of camouflage your
original accent and like heavy like if
you're doing a Boston accent it's a cop
it's easy it's easier um but here he's
just doing is just like it a like non a
you know nan regional accent and I mean
maybe it's because I know but I can kind
of tell you can hear it you know working
you know where I always notice it with
non English American accents is the word
everything if you hear people that are
doing an American accent they say
everything they'll do say something like
everything mmm it's weird and very
consistent keep your area but I always
that yeah certain words just like and I
guess you can't stop you can't be like
nope sorry dr. house that's not how we
say it here in America have to go back
to a couple months training I'd have to
get this didn't you perfectly okay let's
get back to some other news of the week
last night Elon Musk and all of his
would you call him lucky I is a luminary
and all of his luminary glory it's funny
cuz the little finger character feels
like very much like Elon Musk duh like
an evil Leela like you're right but who
that's the point is lying back for you
and took you off yeah okay he could be
evil like Elon Musk could very easily be
evil mmm and we would we need him but we
need him but that's the whole point is
like he might flip switch and like
decide like whoa sorry everyone third of
the world needs to get smallpox now look
and the only way we're gonna survive I
feel like if he came out one day and was
like look I'm changing the oxygen and I
was like what do you mean he's like yeah
I I'm just doing it you're not gonna be
able to stop me I'm changing me 03 now
yeah it's over i'm adding one more
molecule of uh yes what's happening
that's it up it's gonna be great
unfortunately half of the world will die
but you know what the rest of
wolf really Rock right the omelet I'm
making eggs breaking is necessary but
yeah that's pretty cool it comes out
last night and debuts the tesla model
for me did you hear about the naming
convention for the three models of tesla
uh is it am I gonna be happy about that
I think it's funny okay go on No do you
know what the three models are uh it's
the Model S yep the Model X right oh my
god sex so apparently i just read it
Bryce I just realized that I so
apparently IE one wanted so the three
models to be sex so that model s.e.x but
Ford owns the rights to the model e so
he couldn't do e so he went with three
and the logo for is like three
horizontal lines guess what totally
made-up it's an april fools joke a
serious but it's pretty funny I'm
sure as an april fools joke there's no
way that's true i saw today oh it is
weird that it's said is weird that it's
x it's like seeing the clouds in aladdin
being like Nick they spelled sex now
that and you son of a bitch I'm 98% sure
that that's it it doesn't make any
simple like I was gonna say that's lame
what do you mean like who oh you're such
a badass Elon Musk you making your cars
spell out the word sex get a life you
loser no one that brilliant would care
about something as petty and trivial as
spelling out sex with the name of his oh
hey so maybe I was wrong it's real it's
a little weird this is a coil or fake
it's very silly I said quote from we
can't believe anything today this is
from jul jun 3 2014 and this is when
ford basically stopped them from using
the model e and musk said I was like
okay for it is killing sex so there you
go apparently he did want that I don't
know how I feel about all that hard to
believe anything have you been boozing
yes we need to believe that I feel like
we don't you believe what you want like
I said and I still
maintain this it's I like who is this
guy to do that that is so lame it's
pretty lame it's not like some cool word
it's just a word sex what are you in
fourth grade yeah that would have said
in the kind of just at sex in liking I
that's the thing was lying that's the
they're all were they just know the
boner is real the boner is not yes
Israel you will movies them in mermaid
little mermaid the priest has about the
priest doesn't have a boner why would
they do that because animators are bored
and they could sneak it in and now at
the animator with his nerd friends are
like check out the boner I put in that
kid's movie and there was like oh
there's a bunch of dildos on the cover
that movie teens like saying that the
dick in a teen wolf is not real when it
obviously is the dick teen wolf to Teen
Wolf one actually at the end of Teen
Wolf one there's just a dick they win
the basketball game and everyone stands
up the cheer and someone in the crowd
has his pants fully open and there's a
straight-up dick now recent releases the
movie do not have this but the internet
thankfully has not forgotten I feel like
that's cut from the same idea of like oh
there's a small person in Wizard of Oz
who hangs him but this you could see the
dick so that's where it's different
because that Wizard of Oz thing is not
that is not really right it's like a
sandbag right man it's not nice to
compare sandbags the little people
though I didn't say that the person's
way out of frame yeah way out of a way
out of in the four in the background
yeah um oh man I'm excited about this
car that right back to the freak are you
freaking sabotage this whole train of
thought bright model three yeah 35
Fowler's how how is it so cheap they
gotta be eating on every purchase
right well you don't need to build an
engine that's got to be pretty cheap so
then why is the model s not my driveway
neon lights and stuff now that's what it
is halogen lights really put us over
there expensive this thing and not only
that it's a sexy-looking call it's very
cool looking it's yeah I don't know is
the dope car it looks really good yeah
they're so they're gonna get 215 miles
on a charge like an RS 8 I guess an RS
ATF what the hell's that the car okay
uh you know it's just a good-looking car
it's got an unbelievable sort of uh
ceiling look at the ceiling in this car
describe that ceiling is it all that own
piece of curved glass I don't know is it
what is it basically like a giant moon
roof that it appears to be a giant moon
roof that extends from like the trunk to
the windshield like it's all one piece
of glass is there an inside the car
picture it looks like that I don't
believe it actually is now oh gotcha
yeah that'd be amazing it's a beautiful
it's a beautiful car and these cars are
very safe to drive apparently cuz you
know because of all that extra space
there's like I guess more protection
mm-hmm and I know it constantly wings
yeah right I know it constantly wins all
the safety of tests you know regulation
braiding yeah it's pretty crazy so the I
guess the question is can they keep up
with demand because right now they have
150,000 pre-order 150,000 pre-orders
which it's also kinda think about that
right now that is so many cars it's also
it's a lot of cars and it's also weird
to think about like oh I need a car but
I can wait until next year to have it
well think about it I guess if you have
a lonely have to put a thousand dollars
down sure okay that's which is still a
thousand dollars Donny there's cars not
gonna be coming out until late next year
so if you have a lease that's running
out around that time maybe you like make
sense yeah man yeah i would buy that a
heartbeat I think I you would oh my
should I go by this color by the car if
I put if I buy this car now I ain't
getting it till 2018 oh that's right
yeah probably I'm a hundred fifty
thousand pre-order I'm one hundred fifty
thousand and one what do you drive now
uh I have a subaru forester okay you've
been in that car I have yeah so it's a
nice Carlo's probably well you I was
gonna say you'd lose the trunk space but
this actually has probably more storage
trunk in the front trunk in the front
and the back junk in the front and the
back I see I don't know if I would get
this because I kind of uh fell in love
like the whole SUV thing a little bit oh
really and if I'm gonna get another car
I don't want like a fun car it seems
like it'd be fun I don't know if this
yeah maybe it's very practical it'sit's
maybe it's a little too practice
taking three where would you have a
problem with the range it situation 250
15 yeah I don't think that's I don't I
mean it's significantly less than up
tank a gas yeah it's probably like a
hundred miles give or take guess because
I've never recharged a battery I don't
know like how long does it take I know
they all super fast it's all good man
they'll just redo the firmware right and
you'll get a hundred more vines out of
it ah I'm super stoked about it and look
like you know calls fanboys costs
whatever you want we're just excited
that like this is a thing that's really
happening it's super this'll this will
be the like the entry-level to
affordable you know fully electric car
now I know you're gonna be like what
about the Chevy bolt and the other the
other cars out there okay fine I mean
look Tesla's got a really good brand
right now like I can't see someone
putting these two cars side-by-side yeah
similarly priced and being like I'm
gonna go with the Honda I want the bolt
you want the bed asked Tesla it's
amazing and it's got the software
running behind it crazy awesome software
and it looks cool man yeah I want that
car I would get in black yep give me any
black I want just like black but like a
yellow lightning bolt on the side to
indicate that's electric car to indicate
because because electricity is yellow
right as we all know or maybe I get this
charcoal cover color that they God yeah
it's hot yeah i don't know like it's
interesting cuz i feel like uh oh man
that charcoal is sexy look at that dude
that is a good-looking car yeah and i
love the wheels to they got these like
all blacked out wheels that's the car
for me right they have they figured out
the equivalent of like so okay you've
got to watch your car but that's not
like a mission zero because you're
charging it up and the power coming from
the outlet has to come from somewhere
and it comes from a power plant and that
power plant has run off run off carbs so
have they figured out like how much
effectively how much carbon you're
releasing based on like a single charge
of your car well I'm sure someone's done
it yeah I'm sure Elon Musk is talk about
it sure but like you understand I mean I
don't to explain this to you but we're
but your combustible engine car is
puking carbon dioxide out into the
atmosphere right but so is the power
plant it is right but I don't think it's
the same level of illusion right I would
think not yeah you I would think like
someone would have done the story be
like oh no Tessa so bad like they're
actually pouring oil and I guess you
also have the bench carbon monoxide or
dioxide carbon monoxide yeah I guess
that's what yeah it's Carmen oxen yeah
sure the but yes monoxide right I guess
that's well first of all I guess it come
from a nuclear power plant so then it
wouldn't be like fossil fuels for one
thing and secondly you could have a
power plant like way out in the middle
of nowhere and although that would still
pollute the planet it wouldn't
necessarily be in a city sensor is
center so you wouldn't have liked the
Beijing problem of like oh my god can't
breathe outside this country is gray
yeah yeah so it's interesting I
definitely want one if I drove around I
what I feel like a mile thing is like
okay well one day we're just going to
wake up and there's gonna be like 50,000
Tesla's in the city where are they all
going to charge right that to me is the
biggest logistical issue I can see
you're just gonna yeah I mean there's a
lot of these supercharger stations right
but eventually I think there's going to
a be like a default agreed upon charging
thing in the same way that's like a
default gasoline thing yeah but they're
kind of is like so the supercharger
right so is adapters to write so if that
effectively applies to all kinds of cars
and all model I get what they won't all
be Tesla's other companies are going to
catch up and so then you know every
parking garage or whatever is going to
have one of these may be at every spot
because why not yeah I super interesting
I started talking about this before and
then I kind of cut my myself off I feel
like you know my dad's like a big car
guy yeah he's super into cars yeah and I
and he I think he understands like how
badass that that model as Tesla is yeah
um it's at the high end most high and
won it oh there's only three there's my
SUV the ass oh yeah and then
the SUV is the X I've got it okay and it
all spells sex says on purpose yeah uh
yeah I feel like he's seen them as being
all this badass car yeah totally but I
feel like there's a part of him that's
just like well screw that car doesn't
have gas in it when you're also i don't
think gonna get the same like like
they're quite a silent right so you
don't get the same i grew there is no
from its right well it's like driving a
golf cart or just like yeah not as
satisfying as i go zero to 60 in every
seconds or something like the idea of
like a super golf cart is pretty
enticing but you will destroy like in a
0 to 60 yeah you know trial you'll
destroy mmm the majority of the cars on
the road yeah I guess I don't really
know what a norm dangerous eat your dust
yeah okay that's pretty good like that s
that model s is fast ya feel like you
don't often get into those scenarios
that were you can go from zero to 60
like you'd have to be red light on a hot
on a highway right now there's red
lights on like 55 mile an hour yeah okay
I'll wear and that's you know nobody
goes 55 for us no you can't drive 55 oh
wow that's okay with that awful cliche
we will move right along i wanna i want
to get a weight lately i want to talk
about something yeah yeah yeahs vision
because it's a good segue okay I've
never driven as much as i did over the
last past week when i was in austin in
my life sedro you rented a car that i
rented a car maybe do in there i was
just it was just like a mini break mini
vacation hadn't taken like a break
really in two years 20 fiance took my
fiance we went down there visit some
friends would you eat a lot did you go
to Salt Lick didn't go to Salt Lake we
did bring some BBQ back Boston's a great
sitting why is that not my belly right
now because it's bad now mmm real bad
it's it's two weeks old don't think you
want it hmm Austin's a great city I
never been yeah it's it's it's uh it's
the most acceptable Texas yes it's
accurate I
said that when I was ever a bachelor
party and I got really drunk one night I
kept going up to everybody that I've
been like this is the most acceptable
Texas they do except they do I know that
and so far as like I was in a restaurant
and someone was like what do you think
of Texas and then stopped himself he's
like well not really Texas right I'm not
blue city text yeah it's uh it's great I
mean the food was amazing I xmax and
barbecue as you mentioned and and it's
like we went kayaking on the river and
hiking and all sorts of crazy stuff like
Travis went to Lake Travis had fried
chicken and waffles right on the shores
like Travis yeah hell yeah so I did want
to mention the Segway that I want to
mention is that I rented this car a Ford
Fiesta cuz it was the cheapest what the
hell is the fiesta it's like a little
compact it's a four-door but it's like
this cute little like bug of a car it
kind of looks I mean you'll see it it's
about it no no it's the one the blue one
on the right oh I got Jack guy making it
would all say a hatchback it's a little
hatchback baby car and superwoman okay
well but I I accenture was like so what
is the cheapest cuz i won care when you
drove it was it just farting out bubbles
yeah base is like music rainbow yeah
okay but uh yeah I hadn't driven cuz i
grew up in Westchester and I drove up
there but again I was like driving a
school and stuff like that and then I
moved to Boston didn't have a car there
I now live in the city don't have a car
here right so you know at most maybe
every year I'll Drive like three or four
hours and here are driving every single
day and not only that i was in this
little baby car right surrounded by ford
f-150s because it's texas it it might
not be you know Texas Texas but they
have a lot of trucks now and like all
people fashionably wear cowboy boots yes
which is Matt Stairs the Hat yeah yeah
and like a I'm account they're
functional yeah I'm a cowboy now okay go
on I work at Kinkos yeah I count goes by
Geico yeah yeah um but it's it's kind of
intimidating to start driving if you
haven't done it in a really long time
and I get her tense oh oh no I didn't
get like road rage or anything but like
like I insist on getting the GPS because
I knew that I would
at my fiance non-stop for like where's
the turn where's the turn so why don't
you just like put put your phone up on
the dash no but there's no like grabber
for it so I just like paid the 15 hours
a day for the gps for a garmin for a
crappy garmin at least I could like
stick it up there yeah yeah but it was
it was a great city i really liked it I
did realize like waiting in line is a
big thing in Austin especially for
barbecue yeah um so if you tried to go
to this place called love barbecue okay
the big one is called Franklin's so if
you want to go to get the quote best
barber i right we go to Franklin's
Franklin's we were hear stories of
people showing up at seven thirty in the
morning silly and not being fed until
four yeah it's ridiculous uh so we like
don't do that for private don't do that
so we went to this place la barbecue we
show up it's 2pm the line is like two
hours long oh my kind of and it's like
in the hot Sun and it's like 85 is nice
weather it's not midsummer awesome but
like we're not doing this so we went to
it found another side little barbecue
place and had Nicole Cooper's okay
really tasty and it's my rule of thumb
is like I'm not gonna wait that long for
anything like I'm sorry doesn't matter
not worth it it just doesn't to me just
like that doesn't make sense right after
a while yeah it's a point of pride thing
but like there's nothing like that like
what is the New York equivalent of that
cronuts wait in line for food for that
long I don't think you do it at all
right you don't i I just there's nothing
here I mean maybe it whatever is like
the flavor of the week right right or I
guess needs to go on like Disneyland and
waiting in line for space mountain or
something maybe I'm trying to think of
the plate Oh smokehouse BB q I think I
went to okay maybe the I don't remember
but it's a lovely City I like the fact
that everything is 20 minutes away it's
true very easy to get around did you go
to Rainey Street we oh no that we did
not go to rank we went to south congress
which was like a cool little spot right
we were on sixth Street yep we stated a
haunted hotel on 6th Street a vehicle
that is cool um and you know went around
and and and just sort of experience it
for the first time it was really it was
it was a cool spot it's a rat it's
around town
and and looking at house prices makes me
depressed right now you're not supposed
to look at Wright State when you're
inside of a new york city bubble it was
super depressing dude the worst is like
you go on uh you watch these these shows
on hgtv out of the flip flip your house
show and these people are buying like
4,000 square-foot houses for like 300
grand and you're like what my wat six or
seven murders happen there but it no
they were mostly peaceful murders not
the not even the flipping like the shows
where they get some you know ugly couple
oh yeah you know say hey Joan and bread
are you know they're looking for from
new hampshire house to grow their family
and have to and have dogs yeah uh and on
and then on the other side of it have
you ever seen this have you seen this
stupid stupid ass show where like they
these people are looking for like
microhouses what I I think I saw a clip
of it were they there was one that was
in London where it was like well here's
all you can afford and it's like six
feet wide by like 12 feet long and that
the whole house right but like these
people on this show are actively
pursuing oh that's what they like they
want to really I was only like you want
to live in like a little like container
box yeah like they want to live in a
closet right and these people are so
dead set on it and I mean yeah the
houses are like 50 thousand dollars if
I'm like that's all or like 30,000 right
that's it but it's like not even a room
I'm just like I did a shower there's the
showers always like the shower and
toilet or like together and I just don't
understand I and people are gonna write
in and be like oh you're you're not
sensitive to people's financial things
are just like I don't think it's a
financial thing I don't know like these
people they're not they're not like I
need to really add you know downsize
it's not like that they just want to
lead these super uh you know simple
simple I guess if you were living like
imagine you're living in somewhere like
really rural but beautiful so like in
the middle of like Yellowstone National
Park obviously you can't live there but
just for argument's sake and I don't
think you two people could
really do it but sure let's say they
could like that seems like it'd be
pretty cool to like have this tiny
little spot that you sleep and read or
whatever in and then the rest of the day
you like go outside and you hike and you
do whatever that's the thing like they
walk in and they're like we could
entertain here like no I can't know that
only your hand head to the line gets
drawn and that's what it I get it if you
want to be the supers uh uh you know
minimalist and you wanna like have this
totally carefree water down low I get it
you want like don't nature don't expel
all in the front door and be like all I
could really see us hanging out here and
like no you're buying a box yeah with
wheels on it and that's where you're
gonna live yeah and then they bring they
every now and then the like bring
someone from the real world yeah to just
be like I've try to talk them out of it
be like look Larry you should not buy
this five by five little box right yeah
I think it's a bad move and just like
the look on their faces amazing I'm just
like you know this is seems awful but if
you like if it was like a summer box
that'd be kind of nice like there's
always like funny like really miniature
landscaping leading up oh yeah yeah
we're just like playing a path like a
rock my god they really took care of it
yeah hope it doesn't you know have a
hope it doesn't be was not windy here
yeah I can't climb up a ladder to get to
my bed anymore I'm sorry no way no free
second hundred twenty I swore that off
it's so weird the show like the first
time I saw that show mike is this a joke
are these people even the realtors are
like yeah you have the the hot tubs
under the bed right inside the jacuzzi
course of the oven they're not excited
because they get about three dollars
with bugs and conversion oh that's
terrible it's not worth the effort
that's fun um well yeah I mean I would
say I if those people are very weird but
I also get like cuz i live a very
minimalist life and we're talking about
this earlier hey you're not into
anything I'm like into stuff but are you
into I'm like I what's the nerdiest
thing video games is the by far the
nerdiest thing I'm into that doesn't
count anymore man everyone's into that
so I need what you want and you want me
to be into something super esoteric
something that's not plugged in right or
if it is it's still obscure I'd yeah
like what do you do when you're not
playing games I'm I go outside and I
read and I watch sports i sold my normal
i know that's the problem stop being so
normal I mean I think there are like
like yeah I don't know what I could say
I'm like and that that's a really good
thing is like the stuff that I by could
really fit into one of these little
cubes because like I don't like clothes
I buy like mostly like when I need them
i don't like wow I really will like that
sweater i'm gonna buy it I'm like I need
a sweater I'm gonna buy a sweater so
you're just on lane you're just vanilla
frosting hey I'm a very simple man and
it makes moving much easier I guess so
could you just need like a lunch box
right good to go and it's uh yeah I
don't know what I can say like I don't
have a lot of like physical like stuff
that I'm like we went to austin i didn't
but like apart from the food and the
photos we took we we didn't bright but
bring back anything it's just i don't
know like if i didn't have things to
keep me busy and be in not in love with
like just to dabble in and yeah
experiment with like i love things i
love like products that p but like weird
things that people make i love like coin
yeah you know i love like weird
gadgettrak I'll see stuff that I love
that's like that and like occasionally
I'll buy it but I have like like on my
desk I've like up a bomb from Mario okay
sitting on my desk and that's like it
that's literally it you put that up
there you're like look I'm into stuff
Boop I have personality I don't know
what I you know it doesn't and and like
the whole like digital video games going
digital is great for me because it's
like I don't want I've shelters no water
yeah I mean Alex and I might fiancé
Alex and I um have not fights but
certainly like she had she loves books
and we sort of have this arrangement
were like we have a bookshelf the
bookshelf gets filled and if more books
need to come in something's got if
something's got to go it's fair and so I
and I you know I
I don't mock her love of books like we
went into a few bookstores in Austin and
she loves like looking at them and stuff
like that I have a kindle I have
everything I need in this little square
technology is working in my favor at
this point because my lack of clutter
your personnel it's great it's perfect
because everything just gets smaller and
more compact and I like for like
emotional stuff pictures are great like
that checks the box of like oh I
remember when I want Austin I look at
photos I mean I don't need so we went to
this place in on South Congress south
congress is like a strip of like antique
stores and like weird music stores and
stuff like that kind of kooky stuff and
we went to one store called uncommon
objects which is a very like famous
weird antique store and we're walking
around I'm looking at stuff and I found
like a weird armadillo like a metal
armadillo and i'm looking at i'm like
this would be kind of cool and then i
was like no do you always just talked
yourself out of stuff no not i mean but
i need a go i need a good reason in
there needs to be a really good reason
for is she so and and with her just
physical books it's just books with her
like why what's oh I'm fasten I used to
kinda almost collect books okay where I
had a lot i just i recently just got
donated yeah 300 block to the march to
the fire I don't burn books but there's
a there's a bunch of like local
bookstore mom and pop kind of places no
bouquet sure they're definitely have a
long history ahead of them yeah they're
gonna be really financially better on
forever man okay other all you know it
is it's almost like now they're I guess
they're clean they're clean and like
they better start sewing candles on that
now they're hope their whole purpose it
seems like is to just like recirculate
books yeah and like preserve sure is
like their prayer book how that
translates into paying the rent every
month they have more of a chance than
like a Barnes & Noble does totally yeah
totally yeah cuz they can do whatever
they want and their overhead is armed so
I get it was she into anything else like
I get the boys like knitting okay that's
another fit that's I'm talking about
like basically simple things um I which
kind of flies into the face of like
being living this digital
life right it does I've got there have
been times when I always thought about
wanting to paint that's nice or draw but
the painting aspect requires a lot of
bass and mess and like I have to put a
sheet down I need an easel just like
wine your way out of it I do you're like
I kind of way I don't want to get dirty
drawing maybe but I've never been good
at drawing cuz I've never really tried I
feel like I should just be good straight
at the beginning yeah like most artists
or calligraphy would be fun I actually
do think that would be fun because I
like things I think I might have talked
about this before but of the instruments
that I would want to pick to learn
harmonica oh good easiest most portable
instrument on the planet it'd be great
how many famous harmonica players do you
know John a joke John popper next uh
Billy Joel I don't know if that counts
he plays the harmonica yeah but like in
like seven songs but yeah it's only
barely in his tool belt but well I don't
know that he has a tool belt like John
popper and his boat in his musical
instrument to belt it's maybe I usually
think about don't need to be a famous
harmonica player but if I had to like as
a fun thing to learn an instrument or
monocle is the way to go if there was
like a tiny little horn I'd probably do
that too is there like a little horn I'm
not gonna lie man you're funny today
you've been funny today um what are you
into I know you've got toys collectibles
have I I have a lot of a lot of
stuff I I like stuff yeah like little
toys I love little like trinkets yeah I
am just into out like I just like things
yeah if something was missing would you
notice um something significant ok but
like one of the like middle middle of
the road things yeah I need to like I
need a very specific exists rick is like
I know a lot of what i have right uh
maybe somewhere something could fall
through the cracks why did you would you
steal for my place it's
two years so I did though get into
something very recently okay where I'm
still as we speak falling down this
rabbit hole okay that has greased
aluminum sides that I cannot attach any
sort of friction as heroin move on nope
it's better baby now and that's not
funny um it's funny so you know I I
think I've discussed this before whether
or not it's on this show or the Beast
guests like I mean I like stationary I
like weird Japanese stationary things
that don't move things that don't move
oh no like paper like products got it
the other stationary uh so like it
started when I was younger and I wasn't
like moleskine notebooks I do like mosca
notebook there we have it but that's not
weird that's not weird i'm not making no
yeah they're just really it's good paper
a good quality a lot of people in the
stationary scene say that mole skins
fallen off recently or really the
quality is phone the people are saying
there there little lamer interesting but
um but I I'm into like that so I get
that because it's like a utilitarian
right like putting the pen to paper I
like pens I like different kinds of pens
on stuff like that I like really smooth
and fine pens and like is a recent thing
is this the pen and and paper stuff as
always is probably been a thing for me
for like 20 years okay and for taking
notes are drawing or arm I sty I too was
like an aspiring artist I I was ok I was
not good i was just okay in their heart
I kind of ya hands are real tough they
always wind up looking like weird
flowers and you're just why everyone
just wears mittens it right seven thumb
in like a clump so yeah so there's that
and then only recently I kind of got
into fountain pens okay so fountain pens
correct me if I'm wrong are the ones
they're metal at the tip and and you
don't dip them in something no there is
that and there is there is a scene for
that you'd be like why don't do you
gotta wear like an ascot I mean you need
to wear a wig and that pens
like a feather yeah I'm not that I'm
into I'm I'm stuff so somebody sent me
but there them it's the metal tip with
like the way it's like a weird curved
mike metal tip is like a wet the tip is
it it's called a nib oh my god you know
the term what about you have to know
what it is a fine and that is like where
the the that's what touches the paper
yes and through that the ink sort of
through like capillary of force is that
a capillary sure like the ink gets
sucked through this feed okay and then
the nib is where you were you right okay
and you can have like a thin a fine one
or shared one and that's like what
calligraphy is like a thick nib okay so
anyway I one where it's like it
separates but metal separates the harder
you push it makes like thick so I think
that's called flex nib that's not as
popular anymore as it used to be got it
that's more for like fancy click I guess
so I'm not like i said i'm not terribly
familiar with the scene but lark i have
fallen into this because like there's
all these inks you get different inks
and people are like all these cool
colors and some of them are like
shimmering and like they're just really
interesting you know what this sounds
like and like I've I just the only
reason I got into it it's cuz somebody's
was like hey I heard you talk about like
cool pens once yeah I sent me this
fountain pen okay and it's by this
company called twizz be okay and i'm
using this pen I'm like I'm like looking
around like this is kind of awesome what
would you what we do I was writing I'll
just like writing words I'm like there's
something amazing about it because it's
very analog sure where you have to like
build a pen with ink how you doing use a
plunger like the back of the pen has
this thing on that twist I'd be so messy
no so you dip the the nib into like a an
ink thing and then you turn the cap at
the top okay it just sucks it up and
it's really cool so you don't have to
it's not like a turkey baster no it's
not you can do that for chanakya like
I'm like oh my god this is rad right
that's cool and I just kind of fell in
love and I just was like men I want to
buy some different inks okay so i bought
some ink so I just color like you can't
write is that you're not buying ink for
like the texture or whatever I there's I
don't know out like
I'm surface of I'm sure someone out
there's like this is the smoothness this
is the rough this guy thing but like I
still you know the second you like write
that word into google it's like oh oh
you want to get you want to get down
with this current do you like fountain
pen into Google yeah then you find the
the height the the pen and hot ass I'm
doing it is their pen pal yeah yeah
there's a pet pack is called the pen
addict and they're like really populist
not the pen 15 Club no that's penis I
don't know dude I don't want to go crazy
with this but like I was blown away and
I can see my jetpens jetpens seems to
have paid the most to get on their SEO
optimization is that like a store h I
think it's probably a maker of hens I
think Japan's is a store okay the Amazon
a pan but again it's like a lot of it is
like Japanese kind of culture thing you
know coming in and and for me that's
like I kind of like that cuz I like
their stationery so this is so I'm
looking at jetpens okay which is a store
not currently a sponsor of the form now
but maybe one day so there we have the
pilot metropolitan fountain pen which is
1450 okay and we have the pilot
vanishing point fountain pen which is a
hundred twenty seven dollars what
happens between those two pens that's a
great question I vanishing point I don't
know let me see it it's okay oh oh I
know I cuz the cuz the the nib
disappears like a clickable fountain pen
why why does they clicking okay sure why
does the clicking technology cause $115
I mean look at those reviews man's
like five stars people are buying it
they're liking it they're liking that
bad action is it that complex maybe like
I don't know I'm just saying if you're
out there and you're listening to this
and you're like no I get it Jeff
fountain pens are cool they're cool I
mean I they're really really cool
whenever whenever I have a good pen at a
restaurant that I'm signing a check with
I'd steal that pen steal that
you're kidding always so that I do get
that aspect of it so so at this point
how much of you invested in your in your
pan of not a lot not a lot but like is
that what is there like like I went on
Twitter right okay I was like I like
pens yeah like
40 people follow me Wow hey 10 people
yeah Penn people and then like the guy
who does this pan addict yeah sky of the
hell's his name bread i think his name
is sure like listening to I wish I like
tuned into one of the podcast this is
the whole thing okay but I like food and
I was like what is this about litter is
like there are people listening to that
is there like regular pen news yeah like
what there's new ones and they review
them and look again have there been
advances in pen technology apparently
not if this is like a 200 year old
technology where they're just like but I
but like for me it's just like oh I have
the kind of personality that falls for
stuff hard and I fallen for this yeah
well this achieve now cheap activity at
least it's it there could be a worse
addiction yeah I would think you know
like a drug sure that's all I'm saying
is don't start injecting the ink I just
wanted to talk about like you know and I
think it's an interesting thing to bring
up too because it's like we have so many
things in our world we're just like jot
notes digitally yeah do all that stuff
but for the last 10 years I carry a
little notebook in my jacket yeah like I
do that yeah and for me that's easier
than like grabbing my grab my phone yeah
opening the notepad app writing stuff
yeah and then auto correcting and then
doing all that by the time I'm done
I'm like oh I forgot my thought you also
if you're covering an event taking notes
is like on a phone is like not viable
for a couple reasons one it looks like
you're texting and not paying attention
right and do it on laptops a little
easier a little easier on a laptop but
um yeah I on a notepad if you're like
walking around and like interviewing
people that's the way to do it
definitely and it makes you feel like I
wear my press hat right the little white
card and this is a fresh yeah and people
know I'm in the press obviously it's
cool man I don't know do you think any
less of me i just i think it's rad i
just think it's i will asians are cool a
part of me does wish that I had that
equivalent why don't you go buy one you
won't go no I'm not gonna get it depends
that's your thing now first I don't own
it something i don't have anything right
like physically I don't know why I like
it so and and I would also say like I've
used pens that I got a lot of enjoy
out of that were like simple ballpoint
pens that just feel really good and
that's fine for me like I don't need to
go deeper than that right but sometimes
it's like all those you've never had the
pleasure how long does like if you fill
it up how long can you write before you
have to depends on the capacity of the
pen but the one you have the 1i has
probably a month you can use it for a
month and not have to fill it out yes I
don't know I don't know if I know the
right answer to that cuz I was expecting
but there's like maintenance like you're
gonna like clean it ofn yeah and like a
gun that's why I'm like so I can already
tell like Miss hobby nokia today's gonna
go for as long as you can without
maintenance and then you'll be like I'm
gonna like break the pen by access like
okay moving on next day yeah but I don't
really have I mean like I go to like
yeah but I don't have like a weird
esoteric I think I honestly do the
extent that i play video games is
probably esoteric enough I know but
that's me too man yeah I'm so I mean and
I get into like there are I would say
weird video games like firing bombs no
longer weird it there was a time when it
was like a weird series that I was into
and now it's selling like a million
copies in a month which is pretty crazy
it's really um so like I guess there are
like instances that I'm like really into
certain specific types of game but yeah
I don't know i wish i had some like
weird physical thing of like cooking or
like I can make moroccan food would be
like a cool thing to say but all I can
make is like toaster waffles and pasta
the food things I get that too like
people are super into that yeah you know
but I'm curious if you are into anything
off the beaten path of tech I want to
hear about it and convince me I into
something that I'm not into right now
yeah I'm well I want you to take
something up yeah or at least like for
me it's like you know what maybe i won't
be like the greatest you know fountain
pen calligrapher guy i have like i want
to experience it i wanna like you know I
like things that are tangible you know
what I mean like I just start building
ships in bottles that's a thing man I
want to undo that you don't have to be a
ship is it always ships wouldn't it be
cool if someone built like a smaller
bottle legs I Magus in a bottle Oh like
no one's ever like yeah
no one's ever been like I'm gonna build
the Pacific Rim beauty inside a bottle
no so he's gotta be of I went into
a um what are they called it's like
glass and there's like ferns and stuff
inside of it it's like a glass container
um I don't oh I know what you're talking
about talking about yeah I went into one
of those stores um in Brooklyn there's
like exclusively just sells those things
right terrarium the terrarium yes and
there's no animals or anything like that
it's just like little white green fern
yeah like that I went the second planet
like need like barely any writer you see
you it and it's like done um and I went
to the store and they had like in each
of them was like a little diorama where
it'd be like it'd be like little
dinosaurs like moving together I like
that data Walking Dead will have that
and I likely I'll end up eel to me yeah
and also because like it's very
contained because I don't like a lot of
clutter so like the second you're done
with it it's like there's your bottle it
goes here and it's done and it's done
you'll have to like what mate right no
maintenance nothing like that like Lego
or it's like also the lego thing while I
get it satisfying you know just building
the by-the-book seems boring to me I
will say this as much and i know i just
finished talking about how i'm currently
really into fountain pen yeah I don't
get Lego I get it there is a weird like
it's a satisfaction you get from
building ikea furniture same idea i
don't find any satisfaction now i just
want to get it done I like I it's pretty
cool sent us the the ecto-1 or whatever
it was or the DeLorean like yeah that's
really cool with square wheels it's just
like Lego yeah I don't know what it is
and I think Lego have has found a lot of
newfound success people they really
never went away bright like the whole
8-bit thing well in all so easy that
they're like so tied in with brands
definitely and I'm not taking it I just
I don't know if I totally was ever a
lego person I understand the
satisfaction out of it but I don't feel
like I get a lot of satisfaction is like
oh I followed the instructions exactly
yeah and and at the end result was the
picture on the box right like it's
putting a puzzle together and that
doesn't really satisfy me either yeah
jigsaw puzzle people kind of creeped me
yeah yeah enough already kick some
puzzle people
right like I get he should have I get it
oh thanks for letting me into your house
what's that the table in the diner I've
been working on that 30 35
thousand-piece puzzle have been working
with cooking that for 18 months haven't
you I hope that really out that picture
of yankee stadium really comes together
I really do literally but let us know
I'm curious and I'm sorry if I bored you
I'm sorry if you think of me differently
now that you know guys are my dark
stationery and pen loving secrets but I
let it out and mend that feel good as it
feel good this the Stasi approve of your
pen low and I also listen to metal while
I write with my fountain pen see by the
only pans kidding I don't listen to them
listen to classical music okay that's
not yet very much sense yeah I'm kidding
I don't do that either so is Stacy okay
with this newfound love um I think she's
come to understand that like Jeff gets
obsessive about stuff yeah for like six
months it was your baby right now it's
just everyone away okay uh the toy
stuffed never went away yeah I don't
know how long the fountain because I'm
already like seeing the light at the end
of the top good okay I'm glad we spent
where is like talking about it dunno I
think it's just cool interesting it's a
and it's a scene and there's a
significant reddit thing and there's a
pen blog thing in these guys need for
everything man and there's like shows in
the country where people fly from all
over the world to like look at penn's
yeah it's ready you know I feel like you
say that about like comic books to some
people and they give you the same day
and comic books are done in terms of
being like esoteric um but pens are
definitely still in that category like I
don't yeah yeah they're still there yeah
thanks so much for tuning in today we're
back next week with a brand new show 866
44 cnet I I I screwed up there's
voicemails but they're like 17
voicemails apparently we got in the
hopper I didn't listen to him I haven't
listened to them all the problem is that
i just kind of forget and I used to have
like an alert system that would let me
know and for some reason that it like
broke maybe I'll just text you as I'm
coming in to tell ya and I'll start
screening them hopefully they're not
terribly dated yeah but nevertheless
next week I promise we'll do it one of
the voice modify
and two if by sea right I think we
missed the window on yeah somehow
they're able to email that prefer or
voicemail that uh that's gonna do it
right I want to mention the podcast of
course my guest yes I I'm sorry that's
okay don't worry about it I host a West
Wing podcast you might find that
interesting because another West Wing
poet podcast was Mary talking about
announced uh featuring a member of the
cast of The West Wing that was West Wing
podcast I don't know is probably
terrible Ivan let's do it yet but ours
is terrific it's called The West Wing
history class and if you like the West
Wing here's the deal if you like if
you're listening to the new West Wing
podcast that everyone's talking about
and you want more and maybe you want to
dive in to a little more of a critique
of the west wing as a show and maybe not
as much for love fest and also learn a
little bit of history behind the West
Wing check us out west wing history
class and we also have a Facebook page
West Wing his request so there you go
there you have it that's how it is I was
really ahead of the game wasn't I three
months I beat that and now he's the talk
of the town was it Joshua Malina is the
host of the other one he played a minor
part on the west wing and now is ruining
my life what are the odds of that I
guess pretty good I guess reasonably
good it's funny what a jerk what a dick
um all right follow us on twitter at
fresh a trust fresh dick at jeff bakalar
and we're back next week right in the 44
at cnet com we'll see you next time have
a fantastic weekend i'm jeff beck a lot
i'm russ fresh dick this has been before
four sho high-tech lowbrow precedes me
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