The 404 Show - Proxima b, Uber's big loss, unsubscribable email lists, Ep. 1673
The 404 Show - Proxima b, Uber's big loss, unsubscribable email lists, Ep. 1673
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hey what's up everybody Friday August 26
2016 my name is Jeff Bakalar I'm sitting
across the table from like giggling like
an idiot Vinnie Caravela it's so hot
Bintang alright we're not we're not on
that level it's it's hard to start a
podcast isn't it is that hey everybody
hey everybody where do you go
look Vinnie yeah I know you've been
doing this a long time - hey everybody
you just do it well could you take
everybody takes a pause before they say
hey we're gonna start okay I'm really
ready we're gonna start and then it's
cold if you have to just be like it's
basically you opening your door naked
right you just got to be like oh well
the funniest thing is that when I watch
you do it on these calves you always
laugh I laugh because I love your your
the beats that you take where you're
just like okay
you must be talking yourself on that
myself up like okay this is gonna be a
great show professional professional
just hear silence don't look at Jeff
don't look at if we're on our way
I feel like I opened my mouth it's just
constantly like anyway thanks for having
me here look it's a damn pleasure people
were people start okay let's fold
transparency and our Sun our subreddit
if you were like oh another effin rerun
isn't that awesome a copy rerun last I
did a rerun last week we've done like
two reruns in the last month which is
which is kind of a dick move
especially for a show that is a we're a
show that relies on the current ongoings
of internet culture you don't even cut
up a best of show you're just like oh I
don't know I'm just like you're hearing
this guy that's just gonna republished
this one I sort of like this old
chestnut you love this one right this is
the one that brings you back let me tell
you a little something about the market
crash here's what's going on everybody
with the housing mark I just had a piece
of ice in my thing - I told it we're
drinking sparkling water which I've
never had before that's flavored with
berries and ice so and it's too cold and
there's some ice in it that's refreshing
yeah so reruns are I am against them and
I but I understand why you do them and
maybe I treat this show like I don't do
you know why you like what I one would
do water and I'm sorry I so I just want
to take 30 seconds to say I'm sorry Russ
is on his honeymoon I'm very busy here
I've just taken on a number of new
responsibilities at CNET yeah and I do a
four-hour podcast every week anyway you
know what my art teacher once said hmm
just hold on there's literally no way
for me to know what your art teacher
once said just show the work what does
that mean it means just don't I don't
get up there and talk about oh you know
I had a listen this is my art piece and
like it I would want to do the
inhumanity of man against man but I ran
out of number four pencil and like the
red represents communism and shut up if
you need to show the work stop talking
about it don't doesn't that mean show
don't tell show don't tell Yeah right
because I feel like it somebody else
probably put it better sure well no it
means like don't get up there and
explain all the stuff let the work speak
for itself right it's similar to like I
took star apologize don't qualify this
thing right it's similar to the the
creative writing script writing classes
I took in college where they know
everyone be like don't know don't tell
yeah what he's thinking Oh show me show
me why it's obvious that character is
thinking that yeah but it would also be
like if you went up there and be like
loosen I had a really rough night light
night last night my goldfish was sick
and like I didn't have a lot of time to
write a good script so like this kind of
came out fast or whatever my shut
just read it just read it and tell yeah
you're right this sucks
yeah now what tell me why now you can
definitely apologizing for having me on
the show and that of any slightly better
than a rerun that's basically what
you're saying look listen I didn't want
to put another rerun up so did the
second least amount of work grab this
other guy that's in the office and we're
gonna do a show I knew for a fact you
should probably start there I know it
has story I knew for this is welcome to
four four land I knew I was doing a show
today I knew Russ wasn't gonna be here
so we made arrangements earlier in the
week and I'm I'm very grateful that you
were able to accommodate
be here it's great you have me any
bootleg the studio we just got yeah shed
yelled as I our studio the first time
that I think goodness he I didn't get
yelled at because I'm just a guest here
today that was the first time where he
looked at me in the eyes and was like
you're getting detention yeah what are
you doing not booking the room yeah he
was upset he was he's got the room
booked he's got he's got the I moved
into yeah it's why you left
but we've doesn't matter you hear
through the walls anyway if you know
we're talking about whenever for for
does record the giant bomb fella maybe
this is more recognizable that guy that
idiot from okay what do you got to talk
about today job there's a bunch I want
to talk about real quick though yeah I
feel like there are there are some
people who don't know maybe exactly who
you are
okay so yeah Parabellum from giant from
the website Giant Bomb calm runs up all
the video yeah yeah overseas a good work
cuz you have a lot of help from drew
Scanlon and Jason Easter writer right
out on the west coast yeah I could just
cut his own video pieces right so that
it was really good it was very good
I liked how he was doing the zoom in so
we sat and talked about it yeah I was
like hey listen if you don't have a cut
here's a good way to fake a cut just but
don't go past like 50 60 percent because
I know just look like a pixelated unless
you wanted to look like a pixelated mess
that's got to do with intention right so
it's beautiful came out really really
Vinny runs all of giant bomb video
overseas it helps and on the East Coast
here I mean you know there is it is
quite a small team here it is doesn't
get much if it were any smaller I would
be by myself I'm not sure you can even
call it a team it's a couple it's just a
tree it's a doodoo oh wow it is a doodoo
oh it's uh Alex and I are here I do want
to say good I don't want a drew and
Jason over on the west coast yeah they
kill it over there I basically just
check in and say what do you guys need
and then they they run that show because
I do feel like this is an episode of my
show where a lot of giant bond people
will probably listen in if we tell them
you're here I would never do that right
so just fall into the ether
and it's understandable you already
stole my advertisers I am gladly
inserting myself into your fantastic III
guess who else is on the giant bees cast
another dummy named Jeff back basically
the giant bees cast just without Alex
this is what it would sound like this is
basically it if Alex came in here this
would be the same podcast
although yeah but like we're not gonna
talk about video games yeah it would be
the same podcast I was still I was
explaining that pockets to one of my
friends and I'm like yeah it's a video
game pie guys so I just lesson if I like
it it was the video games and then he's
like three hours later he's like you
guys don't talk about video games I'm
like look as long as you like it there's
a next week hey heads up next week
there's gonna be a sale on giantbomb
calm it's right next week I think next
week at some point so you can get a
premium we have a premium subscription
model over there we're trying to move
away we've been trying for a while to
get away to see if we can get away from
the whole advertising thing not gonna
wait exclusively but if you get a
premium membership you don't get ads and
you get some extra content well worth it
you don't have to think about it you
know what's awesome about it I'll just
I'll be serious me for a second it's
awesome because we don't doesn't make us
beholden to do that kind of stuff like
with the advertisers that sure we used
to hate doing years and years ago of
like well we can do this or you could go
home break it was like okay well no now
the audience is paying us directly so we
just do this up they want us to do right
which is a lot more isn't that nice yeah
the freedom uh it was awesome and I'd
love to keep doing it thank you very
much go giant Bob calm and next week in
Center for sale
don't go I got a giant bomb hat yeah I
know you didn't I didn't yeah really
nice thanks can I explain how I got this
out cuz I feel like it's safe to say
yeah but we should move on to your show
so I had someone first of all you can go
to Jim Bob calm slash whatever the merch
you are LS prime merch that's a story
you find it on the website you got some
websites or so I love that Giant Bomb
hat they're the new era of robot 5950
snapback so I was like hey I need to get
my hand
on that half what do I do and I
basically go jump on through I didn't
buy it through like some back channels I
found someone who had one and I got it
through a friend of a friend in the San
Francisco office then they flew out here
to do some business and a couple days
later it was on top of my head he saw
that I emailed I had a meeting with my
boss and was like how do I get a hat
like buy it
devious you know I talked to him I said
maybe a box that's I emailed them I was
like please send me the Hat is nice oh I
like fitted caps but I haven't had a
fitted captions like 1997 they're there
the snap backs are back in vogue how was
that right yeah grandma roll it up like
a new server
it came to me flat and I give it the
slightest Bend
I like to pull off the full flat brim
it's just not no I can't either so then
I would usually go I was like a baseball
glove okay that's pretty bent so like
put a baseball in there right rubber
band around it right with what do you do
gore-tex like leave it sitting in the
closet put the foam on it rub it in and
then leave it in a closet for a month
it's not the way to operate hats but
it's fine everyone has a secret sauce I
like it what's a don't rub the secret
sauce on it yeah go to Arby's get some
of that horses sauce Oh rub it into your
hat throw it in the garbage seems about
a good time to pivot into what I did
have plans talked about today on the
program I thought this week was one of
the most interesting what's that I was
gonna positive what is the 404 would it
would like water what are we doing right
now like what do you do you what's your
what's your one-liner
what's your elevator pitch the
intersection of pop culture and
technology awesome let's talk about pop
culture pop culture and Technology here
you go we'll talk about what I think is
one of the most significant astronomical
events in recent memory so we've found a
planet it's about four light years away
Oh Proxima Proxima B yeah which I guess
like NASA is amazing but maybe they're
not the best at naming stuff like I feel
like people would give more of a
about these fantastic discoveries yeah
if they named these planets
cooler name
I'm not gonna burst your bubble here
mayor will I know they're older they're
pretty old
they're definitely older it's not just
nest I understand it's like you know
Galileo a t-shirt but like Neptune is
pretty dope name no that's fine but like
out of Sun outside of our solar system
the outside of our solar system
guess what NASA I won't care if you
change the name to Deadpool or whatever
it is like Arnold's like I wouldn't care
if you change the name of a planet
outside of my solar system come to think
of it I really wouldn't care if you
change the name of Uranus that seems to
be the punchline just say you're honest
that's the solar system's punchline for
the last 4,000 years everybody needs a
good joke come on right maybe we change
that I like something cooler coolest
coolest thing for a planet Mars is
pretty cool place Mars is all right I
think mercury is pretty cool that's a
pretty cool one even Jupiter is pretty
rad Jupiter that's the planetoid yeah so
what's up with Proxima B where's Proxima
a so I don't know it's a great question
thank you I don't know what that is
thanks dad so scientists now they think
they've the thing about this planet
which is amazing about it where is it
it's four light-years away I don't know
if it's in Alpha Centauri star system
named - it's so much better than the
Milky Way oh I'm sorry it is Milky Way's
a galaxy we're in Milky Way gallons and
we're in the Sol system and Alpha
Centauri is you ever been playing enough
no man Scott to talk about this I have I
played a Mass Effect a whole bunch sorry
I before you get corrections in the same
Milky Way's not a solar system it's a
galaxy you got you can't screw around
with that there's a lot of people who
take science seriously like most of the
populace knows the Milky Way's of
galaxies if we made that dumb dumb you
know you're not the dumb-dumb so alpha
Centauri's a dope name it's a dope name
okay game this Proxima B planet is
Proxima Centauri which is our closest
neighboring star it's the star the
closest to our Sun okay okay it is a
four point two four light year trip
that's nothing what
we can't go the speed of light now yeah
I believe they're talking about sending
drones there Jerome drone derivative be
good luck Jerome we wish you the best
see you guys
suit up pack up launch with a giant
slingshot and off goes Jerome so here's
the deal I was watching a an interview
with Miguel gaku you know that is the
extra famous astrophysicist you know
that guy gray hair Asian dude
yeah that's how you say his name it meet
new Mike Mike ooh it's something
michio kaku sky coupe not Geico what do
they call a futurist that's what he used
to build so I think it's a lot of
different they here right anyway he's
talked to each you does it meet you okay
I'll look it up sure and basically they
think that this planet orbits its star
its Sun oh it's a Goldilocks yeah it's a
Goldilocks I think it's just good enough
where water on that planet is liquid and
not guess and not ice ice so and there's
water right and once you well they think
so and once you have that water that's
all you really need for there to be no
earth centric it is very selfish of us
so selfish is that is that planet like
us yeah why can't we go and that was the
liquid nitrogen and have stuff in it I
don't know I don't think that is the
right ingredients for life our life
right but like and I and I understand I
need to think about this with an open
mind as please but like wouldn't you
think that life forms on a molecular
level on an atomic level what I do think
that I'm just saying and I don't know
maybe scientists agree or disagree on
this but wouldn't you think for the most
part organisms life form from the same
sort of building blocks well I think you
form from the materials you have at hand
right but like if there's just nothing
but titanium and
I earn on a planet I don't think life is
just gonna show up from there
like yours that harbin you need organic
material right no not according to Mass
Effect I think I think people have
theorized that what's the other there's
a geez I'm sorry right his listening to
this but there's a if you look at the
periodic table like there's a carbon
yeah is likes to bond right sure and so
that's why I think makes it very very
good building block for life right right
but right or color that is also another
element that I think also has one empty
slot I forget if it's one of you slot or
as too many look at the periodic table
is its ills poison yeah silicon silicon
because right under this whole column
right is stuff that the it wants to bond
pretty easily yeah it's ready to give up
or take I can't remember
no one's gonna fault you for it okay and
so you can have silicon based life and
that's what I think Mass Effect made the
Garris forget yeah but garish is part of
the get no no no he's part of the no am
I wrong guitar are you the gift are the
robots yeah that's what I thought Oh
Gary's isn't a robot Harris is the bird
guy I've never played massive are you
anyway Proxima be yeah so they think
it's in this like you said this
Goldilocks zone in its solar system no
that couldn't uh you know have water on
it and reasonable temperatures is to
sustain life or something similar to
what we have here doesn't say that like
every fuse like Oh Europa like it's got
water under his ice and like it's cool
it's gonna have giant space whales I
don't get excited that excited about
this stuff anymore until it's like you
know get something over there let's find
but that's so and and again like in this
article be read off of also says like
well calling it earth-like is kind of
like a misnomer it's more they think it
could have water you know and in that
Suites liquid water that's basically
like the best we can
it's got the scoop the thing that is
most amazing though is how close it is
Florida like look like that look in
terms of the universe for five years
it's nicer so from across a river
yeah so they were talking about sending
drones over there at 20 percent the
speed of light so 80 years right it's
all right no and now it less oh it's
four light years and you said it's
twenty percent so I just multiply four
by twenty is that are we doing the wrong
man of course I did terrible man before
my art teacher said you know your this
is a good thing you're in art Carvelli
it's a good thing you can't drugs you
don't know map either no let's figure
this out so if you do it I'm gonna sit
back so 20 percent the speed of light
yeah point K point two zero point two
zero that means it would take you five
times the normal way to go right sounds
good to me right so it is long it is to
twenty years now so it's four so if it's
taking you 20 percent the speed of light
that's five times for each light year
mm-hmm so it's long it's it will take a
really long time to get there what's the
number this is just five times to learn
so it would be twenty would be twenty
years that's times four that's why say T
you're right is eighty it's 80 years
thank you this is cool news it's but so
to take a drone 80 years to get there
that's nothin no that that's a problem
because then what do you do you have
this amazing scientific project that
spans generations yeah so we're sending
these drones with this other planet and
not only that it's like oh we don't know
a lot about Proxima B and they're
already talking about how like we just
think it's probably in that Goldilocks
pot do you invent like maybe we can go
more than 20% the speed of light maybe
maybe like don't things accelerate
indefinitely when they're in space if
they have power if they're power it will
speed up it will stay at the same speed
oh really you can't accelerate if you
have power so if you I guess you at some
point you wouldn't be getting the energy
from the Sun right to charge a solar but
I don't know how
I feel like wouldn't you just kind of
exponentially keep going faster if you
can get be out of propulsion because
there's no friction right right but you
wouldn't increase speed with a long shot
around these planet me I mean I don't
know but you dude space big ok tell you
just like big boom they're I mean
they're already trying to land a this
sort of bus-sized rocket up and close to
an asteroid that's crossing through our
neck of the woods in the next couple
to do what just to like scrape it see
like hey what are you made of any
organic material on here because a lot
of people think like life on Earth could
have been created by an asteroid
determined so um or these stemmed from
something like that mining some water
from comets and right all that stuff
funding line earth I find an asteroid
that's is like it's made of pure gold oh
there's a diamond asteroids there it
goes we just apparently there's like
diamond planets - that's awesome
way more variation than intense guy that
uh it's this one of those 2001 books I
think they fund the plan is just
diamonds a good time diamond I mean
diamond is just a natural occurring
element on our burn under pressure right
right that's it pressure sure what so
there's no real plans to get there but
that's cool it is very cool and speaking
of pretty Oh Kaku Michio Kaku there you
go you got it you know good for you and
with that we'll take a break the for for
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all right welcome back to the show
Vincent Caravelle from Giant Bomb I know
is here shooting the breeze with me
while Russ fresh dick is on his
icelandic honeymoon that's cool yeah
he's got some amazing photographs from
that everything good for him he'll be
back next week here's a tip from out the
old V man what's that if you're gonna go
on a honeymoon if you're if you're with
your partner and you're like we should
go on a honeymoon just do it don't put
it off yeah don't put it off I still
haven't got on my honeymoon really yeah
oh I didn't want to bring that up you
know was it is that weird wait how I've
been married seven years I've been
married six that's incredible
you okay do you know when your
anniversary is it makes a log yeah I
think so you see do ya
okay I'm not telling you no no I wasn't
looking to find out I just think that's
uh uh yeah and we were like oh you know
this industry this video game in this
life there's never dislike this thug
life there's never a good time and we
got married in November and it's like
that's really season yeah and it's a go
okay well we'll do our honeymoon later
cuz I don't know then it's game of the
year right came to fast forward seven
years that's hard seven years it's
always something
both of my kids born a one unpacks East
one unpacks bottom I think I know what
you guys need to do go on a vacation
yes make it your honeymoon call it your
honeymoon but any of the kids get that
you have in-laws and grandparents uh-huh
you just gotta do it it's offload just
gotta do it that's what we're doing for
Italy that's amazing we're just we're
literally they don't even know they're
watching you're not coming back one day
yeah we're just going to show up and do
like the the basket with a little pin no
it's a safety pin in a note yep that
safety atomically large safety pin they
sell them Halloween's around the corner
and you gotta buy like a cloth diaper
it's fine and then we're gonna find the
right basket I know and bonnets are
talking about
but we'll make it work and to get that
organ organist to play the the music
right there I wish you luck on that I
have a phrase bring it in June well call
you champ I'll put a bottle up on them
it's just obviously it's just their
knees down and the other thing I want to
tell you about my buddy Alex okay I got
a buddy Alex who threw his own set of
circumstances wound up getting himself
on the Donald Trump mailing list okay
did you sign him up I didn't do that
that is bye-bye as we're going to
discover that is one of the meanest
things you can do not somebody up for a
mailing list you know for this specific
Donald Trump mailing okay I want to talk
to him at the campaign specific yeah
this is the official make America great
campaign don't rap look trump pens 2016
yada yada yada I don't know how he got
on this list he did it to himself I
think he was like ironically I think
before I don't think enough politics
sure he's got all out of control okay
cuz this one was back in 2000 okay
2004 light years ago basically so for
whatever reason he finds himself on this
mailing list and recently they've been
ramping up their spamming sure because
the heaters on time time is money and
time stuff right yeah right what could
he do what kind of things come on I'm
like mailing lists like this like hey I
just want to remind you were still
running for president in case you forgot
don't forget our campaign of fear and
hate is it's continuing well wouldn't
what do you what are they what are they
what did I ask you to do so a lot of it
a lot of the correspondence was just
like don't forget mr. Trump's gonna be
in Manchester New Hampshire on Tuesday I
don't live near there that didn't matter
they let you know what happened it's
just I'll kick what keep us up-to-date
get tickets do your thing it's my buddy
Alex this guy he's had enough of it okay
it's not fun anymore
okay yeah guys I did this subscribe to
like write fences national but like that
was this is no longer yeah this is no
longer the ironically funny thing right
it started to be that it was started for
rather so he basically started clicking
on that unsubscribe subscribe button and
subscribe and you would think you know
usually most males services yes you
click on that and they're like oh you
there's a human here I'll keep sending
is rough now forward this information on
to everybody else at the worst it'll say
something like please allow five days
for your record usually it's like 30 B
it's like oh thanks about 30 days for
this automated thing to process easily
you know workable I got a fine I've got
to find the pan eraser and who knows
where those are right who knows where
that weird eraser that can magically
erase bananas make those anymore issues
to to highlight a row in a spreadsheet
and hit the delete button I mean this
was done in Lotus Notes I've gotta
install that again just give me some
gosh could you just subscribe again
anyway they just they just confirm that
you're a human there when you hit those
things right exactly that means more
it's like when you pick up a
telemarketer call and it's like you
answered oh you answered oh yeah don't
call you anymore you got it there's
somebody there human anyway back in July
Alex hit the unsubscribe button okay and
he did get a message right away that
says we're so sorry to see you go if you
ever want back just what we're here for
you know right sorry to see you go and
you didn't hear anything for I think he
said like three weeks okay
until two weeks ago until two weeks when
the emails started coming again okay
and he then wrote a email and said and
he would cut clicking the unsubscribe
doing it over I think it didn't work I
mean it didn't work just wasn't work was
when he clicked it did he say what
happened when he would click for it
it would bring him to a webpage where he
had to re-enter his email address yeah
and hit the unsubscribe and usually it's
like you
it's there but this that's not how this
worked for him any wrote
started writing personal emails he said
I've to unsubscribe to these emails
numerous times please remove me from any
and all lists mr. Trump mister please
Donny some other ideas they finally got
a human response one that looked like
one it said good morning this is from
the Trump camp good morning we were
second we respect your opinion and we
were started to receive your letter mr.
Trump is fighting for every vote we
believe the information you have been
provided about mr. Trump's views is not
correct wait what wait what are you
writing his unsubscribing email you saw
the email let's scroll back up and read
it again he goes I've unsubscribed to
these emails numerous times please
remove me from any and all lists also
Pluto's not a planet I'm subscribed
please remove me thank you Alex Thank
You Al and the way it says sorry we
believe the immigration we believe the
information you have provided about mr.
Trump's views is not correct they're
they're they're inferring we know we
don't the little hands that you heard
I've been down this road before do you
know we know we know what you heard it's
silly Trump writing this I don't know
what you heard it's not true feels like
someone that's disease is inferring or
maybe they just had to do so many
amazing this is the copy paste right
what else does it say is not correct and
we encourage you to visit our website
for more information on mr. Trump's
policy positions and his Plast and his
plan to boost incomes rebuild our
military protect against terrorism and
to fight for you and all Americans
against the special interests sincerely
team Trump so it's not stuffed what what
so eight did he's respond to this so he
responded to this and said oh no he
didn't respond to this he didn't he
didn't this he sent me this last week
and he hasn't forward along anything
else but it
see him on Monday yeah and I said he's
still getting him yeah I think he's
still getting him his views are
obviously hey unsubscribe me from this
thing Donald doesn't want that
isn't that weird no it's totally but
it's we know the weird thing is not the
unsubscribe hasn't stopped because
that's also really can you try to get
off a link to him I know it's impossible
they won't let you get claim fee I don't
know what you've heard about LinkedIn
but you should come check us out we're
great we don't have you have you been
looking for a job again again no take
that stop sending me emails that's not
yeah that's not gonna happen it's it's
weird this is one of those things in
like I I've been talking to people
around here at Cena and I'm sort of like
man I can someone do a little bit of
like investigative because this is a way
into the Trump stuff just like how hard
it is to unsubscribe from this guy's
list I gotta follow up with Alex again I
don't know the current state but that
was what it was last week that's haha
it's pretty it's funny that they're just
like this is rote response that's like
no no no listen don't did stuff you keep
hearing about the crazy and the statues
with the little you know wieners and
stuff like that that's that's all fake
what no what are you been talking about
yeah the part where he's doing biopsy
like on human brains that's not what are
you wait what yeah it's pretty funny
it's pretty funny we talked a lot about
uber on this program and I think it's
worth yeah it's worth talking about them
right now because over just posted a one
point two billion dollar loss for the
first half of 2016
that's right you hurt me correctly money
for people it's good timing Thanks
autoplay so uber did they just also
announced recently and you would know
more about this than I do because I
don't really keep abreast of this stuff
but didn't they recently say something
like a word the automated car thing is
gonna make jobs and like we're way into
robot cars so to think of uber as a hell
riding a he'll come what is hailing
he'll hailing car service like a taxi is
they are not that they the way most
consumers interface with this company is
that but they have many more lofty
ambitions behind that oh yeah I know
they're one of the biggest big robot car
people so they're I don't know if
they're investing in the technology like
privately on their on their and
internally I think they are spending
billions of dollars on R&D
unlike an extracurricular I think
they're working with automated car
services I don't know if they're
actually doing it themselves but they
had read I thought I'd read something a
while ago about how like like right out
of MIT all these guys are getting
scooped up by like uber and Google oh
yeah they're all getting poached I mean
so in a couple cities in America there
already is an uber self driving so test
Austin okay let's Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh has it and I think Austin is
next or already has it okay
so it's kind of amazing because this is
a company that like did you guys talk
about this already I don't want to
retread we've talked a little bit about
this specific story not about the loss
that they've posted but the fact that
like a couple years ago when uber first
came on the scene and you started
hearing like pepper rings of like oh and
one day we're gonna have all automated
cars but the fact that like they've
actually rolled it out in Mike's market
it's kind of remarkable yeah my brother
is like I won't drive on the road if
there are self-driving cars I said
that's what are you gonna do buddy yeah
because you I mean it might have like a
lane for auto driving in a lane for
manual but like I'd way rather be in the
auto don't ever tell you my like
screenplay can I share this with you
sure trademark self sell it to mice so
in the future there's gonna be of the
auto driving lane right it's gonna be
like the the world is gonna have like
for the rich people will be self-driving
cars and like it'll be super efficient
right because there's no traffic because
all the cars right but they're expensive
cars to buy and pay into the
infrastructure because you have to pay
higher taxes because of the way it goes
what do you mean the infrastructure you
know the lanes there's gonna have to be
some maintenance on the roads because
you're saying you're saying
infrastructure like the the
the d-o-t is gonna basically have to
yeah revamp some stuff they're still
like only the wealthy can do it right
okay so imagine why would they split it
out like that well because they can't
afford it how do you gonna afford your
new Tesla I don't know but they're about
to be super cheap but in your version of
the play it's if there's a disparity
well right so right so all the people
who are like not super rich or like yes
they can't afford new cars still have to
drive on the road right like they're not
hasn't like a petaca peasant in their
carbon car yeah but like who's gonna if
you enter the mix of the automated cars
you ruin everything
no cars the automated cars you're gonna
slow it all down because they're going
so friend everybody introducing the
human element yeah which is so easy so
these automated cars can go like 110
miles an hour because they're all
hivemind right they all know when
they're supposed to turn like a flock
right yeah but if you bring in your so
you can't join in this right so all the
carbon cars so imagine a ramp coming
down from like Elysium right and the
ramp coming up from the under under
yeah and they drive next to each other
right and it's all traffic and snarled
and congestion on the right hand there's
no piercer yeah it's all traffic over
here and then all these cars are zoom in
super fast but this you're just sitting
in traffic looking over at the super
fast and they're all like sipping
champagne and they have like a little
shame theirs are facing each other
because they're all like cards yeah but
you can hardly see them cuz they're
moving so fast right you can't even keep
up and so then like and all the trucking
industry is like all these guys are
losing their jobs to robot trucking
because like who needs a person trucking
stuff right so like all the jobs and all
these people are just disgruntled and
taken and then they're in their traffic
jam car but like oh no like somebody's
tire pops as they're moving and lay of
the car with like a family veers into
the lane with the super fast cars and
get hit right and like this is like the
the big plot point yeah everything gets
hit oh like it stops that Lane from
going lanes next so they're still going
super fast but this Lane is stopped and
they get out the cars the automated cars
all stop they don't hit it because yeah
and like Oh guys in like business suits
with their champagne get out and
drag the car out of the lane and drag
the like bodies out of the lane and just
get back in the car and start going
right my god and then cuz they're like
gosh they're just freaking poor people
right yeah
so then racket so then a guy in a truck
puts it into gear and he's like screw
that and drives his semi because in the
lane because he sees though people yeah
yeah and like that's the start of like
the big robot war epochal and like
that's the like the thing that sets it
off and so you see all this in the
beginning of the movie from like the
video camera style like on the TVs like
yeah tensions boil as like you know the
events on the BQE did neo BQE you know
that's the neon be yeah and like that
starts the whole pie yeah the Domino I'm
telling you that is a cool dystopian
sort of sci-fi thing it's a good start
it's a class sort of warfare thing
that's the trademark hit that out
because we have to go make that yeah
okay no that is really cool I think like
you can't really imagine a future where
something and again like I think you're
what you your vision is maybe like a
hundred years from now what do you do
with all that maybe it's like I do feel
like you ruin the appeal of the rowboat
self-driving car if you have people in
the mix that you write your own agency
you say you're saying they can't coexist
right because like a person will crash
into the robot car but like maybe you
don't allow a person boom that a person
will rubberneck a robot car won't won't
give a won't give a poop won't get
it at all I feel like they would fit I
don't know I don't know how this is
gonna roll out like we talked about this
we do talk about this specific topic a
lot like how will this roll out will we
get solo well we get to the point where
it's all one or the other or will there
be this transitional period like it's
gonna be Back to the Future 2 or it's
like get your retrofit right like I
could tell my 1970s do
a flying car and glider like yeah I
don't know I don't know
so how did they post the loss is it from
R&D so so they said this is actually a
story that Bloomberg did some reporting
on and found out through their sources
so uber didn't actually come out and say
hey we lost this much money but through
some you know reporting and journalism I
was able to find this out the zubur
publicly-traded know they okay so their
private ended this is what they found
out and you know it makes you wonder
like oh okay uber is the poster child
for the share economy for the shared
economy gig economy the whole sort of
like look we don't need to buy a car
because you rent essentially our trips
that we take oh sure yeah perv
you know use case so this definitely
throws a lot of you know caution and
sort of pause into that conversation
when you say oh the shared economy is
the future of business they are maybe
it's not all the way i oh they are i
think i don't know if it has to be all
or nothing
uber certainly has its problems it does
but beyond the service or whatever i'm
sure financials like that company is
also a poster child for a lot of other
icky things i'm definitely they seem to
gotten past I hope so because I actually
I actually do think they have a good
from a consumer standpoint the service
works well it does like you you call
that put drop the pin all the over
drivers I've had it have been super nice
yeah always a clean car I burn eyes it's
a good product and like I hope they
treat their people well and all of that
stuff aside of like benefits and
attracting their people it's I find it
just very convenient more so than I've
ever found lyft or even a taxi uh-huh so
I hope in cities it works really well
cabs didn't do you ever take a cab back
from Newark it's not the best it's it's
not the best it's like a million dollars
it is a shocking amount of money it's so
like it is almost three times what you
pay in an uber yeah and I don't know if
that's an unfair price that the uber if
they're under charging or what but is a
big price difference
and you have to wait in a weird line and
you gotta like basically write a check
it adds I would say it takes you twice
the amount of time when it's all said
and done and costs you three times more
and then like getting an uber ad in New
York is that kind of tough because you
have to go like secret handshake and
find the like yeah it's and like and the
guy the guy will you know he'll get out
of the car and be like just hug me hug
me a kiss on the cheek just hug me it's
called it's called me dad just hug me
say call me big brother front seat it's
this smiled smiling like talking through
their smile in the car front seat now
don't look around me a high five don't
put your money away all right so in this
story they've 1.2 billion so they've
lost at least 1.2 billion or they're
just in there saying it's a loss yes
just in the first half of this year so
so much so a lot of it is you know it's
look you can boil down boil it down to
oh it's there you know dealings in China
that has put them in their Spengler's
they're spending a lot of money there
they're doing so much Rd and all these
self-driving initiatives and all this
other stuff that they've got their toes
sort of dipped in yeah I guess uber is
sort of the unicorn because they do have
so much cash they have eight billion
dollars in the bank just from
fundraising and VC stuff but they said
the money they took in versus the money
they spent even though they have a loss
last quarter a year
let the last two quarters the first half
of 2016 lost one point two seven one
point two seven billion more than they
made yes even though they have eight
billion in the bank yes
so it's not their net worth if they're
not in the holes not the net or if it's
their operating costs are exceeded their
revenue the money they bring it in so
they've they could have invested yeah
but it's still like you're you know
you're Silicon Valley and you're like
looking at uber is like the poster child
for like entrepreneurship and amazing
you know a technological achievement
leading the forefront of this shared
economy could also be like well they're
sinking in look at lift lift tried to
sell itself like a week know we're lying
but I think lift is evaluated at six
billion dollars oh yeah
they've got over a billion dollars in
the bank themselves of there somebody I
work with in San Francisco said he does
a thing where he drives his car to work
and then there's an app on his phone
where he hits the button and a guy comes
and picks his car up drives it to like
the lot for the company and then when he
leaves work he pings it and they pick up
the car and they drive it's basically a
yes valet it's valet but like they drive
it to like their own lot and it's like
so you like you don't have they will
find parking
he's right how do I find parking in San
Francisco it's just like it's like a
valet FLA she's and I were trying to
come up with an idea we're in big cities
where there's street cleaning yeah when
we were living in Hoboken before we had
a garage that was like the bane of our
exalted side of the story it was every
other day we had to move the car and
almost like states we gotta figure this
is ridiculous Hardison so maybe we come
up with like an app a service where
people are constantly like moving each
other's cars and I was like no that's I
feel we hit we said we thought it out a
little bit yeah but then we're like well
how's this gonna work
everyone's just gonna have each other's
car keys like what was that guy how's
that gonna fly I don't understand that
maybe your listeners can tell me this I
know it would add some cost but bear
with me are we at the point yet where
you can have another set of like four
little wheels drop down from like the
undercarriage of the car that are
sideways and just put out and it would
just roll to the other side of the
street you're just talking about
parallel parking yeah weird like if you
have to move your car the other side and
then like it was a car for himself aware
and just moves through the other like or
sideways something there there's nothing
there is that side of the street has to
remain clear house but that's where the
fire hydrant is on the other side then
you hit well then you have to get in
your car move it I'm sorry but like what
like where are where is that house why
is that not a that's at one o'clock
every day the left side of the street
becomes the right side that's it I don't
know that's the easiest thing also like
it's her book and they're not really
clear ministry actually why not here's
an it here's another one okay you can
stay on that side of the street you
how you stay on that side of the street
install this thing that cleans wherever
you park oh I like that better okay you
got a look I think that's the better you
get sprayers and a little brush on your
car and it's like oh he's got a sticker
on it he's actually a mini street
cleaner huh
there's a yes I'm I'm with a new car
rolls away I with you the guy who says
hmm the way we're cleaning streets right
now with that Zamboni not be a better
like oh there's a bicycle there that
part of the streets just not getting
clean love it and fills it just like
goes around it what what are you gonna
do I know I know I'm just saying there's
got to be a better who's got to be a
better way
we'll finish things up with Google Fiber
okay yeah because we got to get you out
of here
and we're almost at the hour mark do you
know anything about Google Fiber is it
is it just like FiOS it is okay but it's
it's really good it's one gigabit
broadband okay which is great and that's
like actual deliverable speeds yes mmm I
mean it's like it's in seven markets so
like people are like I'll go gig up and
down it's really fast feels like all
right heard my questions for you tech
guy what can what are you gonna write to
that fast you're you're you can stream
4k and livestream that's fair you know
all these things at once okay pipe is
that thick it's your am I still gonna
have like seven hops to get to my
destination seven hops yeah like what I
like do you ever like traceroute your
okay and it's just like oh why is this
ping so horrible and it's like you trace
route and it's just like Oh cuz you're
hopping from like Verizon here this one
number three and then you bop to here
and then the Oh number four doesn't even
respond but you're gonna see noticeable
increases in speed but again you're also
tethered and victim to at the mercy of
whatever the other completely like
server speeds and then like everything
in between and then you know also your
local nodes and nodes and like
infrastructure but that's the thing like
if but in those situations where they're
serving it as fast as you can take it
you're tired of the ideal okay yeah I
know we have real problems here like we
have in our other studio we have the
Verizon FiOS like 140 package right it's
similar to what I have at home and
sometimes that steam will download at
like 2 kilobits per second yeah and I
said what is going on yeah I don't know
I don't really have a lot of problems
with steams specifically the steam is
like the one I use because steam is
actually usually good seems the only one
I'll ever get past like 10 megabits per
second yeah I'll get at home I'll get
like 12 yeah and like it's the only one
the PlayStation Network never never Xbox
never have wished or a game I was
downloading but like I don't know if you
did do that if I did it'd probably be
slow yeah but like yeah like steam is
usually the one I could be like ok the
faucets open but it's not a hundred and
forty and I know if it hits megabits and
megabytes whatever I might be looking at
different numbers but it's it's very
rare I feel like yeah I'm paying that
good money right no it's look I'm with
you anyway that's a gigabit per second
did you ever think about putting Aggie
network in your or not Giggy it's 10
times 10 base forgiveness I don't know
better it's the better one the better
one no I haven't thought of doing that
I'm pretty satisfied with what I get
from Verizon ok and that's not an
endorsement it's just I think it's too
much money but it just happens to work
pretty well for the most part there's
actually a for the first time in six
years since I've had it there was a
massive outage in Hoboken on Monday
which was kinda I'll tell you what I
would like there to be some competition
totally like let's where's that because
they stopped laying fiber yeah
everywhere well guess what Google Fiber
is gonna stop laying fiber oh and that's
what the story's about oh sorry I
thought it was gonna be a good story
like they're moving well short of their
subscriber goals back in I think it was
2010 Google first announced plans to
build a fiber network and had
aspirations of reaching five million
customers within five years yeah well in
2014 they'd only reach 200,000
so that is not five million what are
they gonna do keeping score at home well
they're gonna cut cost and they're
actually gonna you know cut operating
costs of Google Fiber by about half what
does that mean so they're probably gonna
get rid of some people they're gonna do
laughs at Google Fiber yeah at the
Google Fiber Division of alphabet okay
if that yes if that is not the most
compelling thing it's definitely laying
into my like dystopian car wreck few
oh the alphabet oh you're an alphabet
person who live in Alphabet City yeah
there you go
so yeah they had recently put the they
stalled construction that was happening
in San Jose they're gonna bring Google
Fiber there that is now on hold it's not
not coming but it's just on hold because
they're exploring other ways that don't
involve digging freaking holes in the
ground to send fiber through they
acquired a company called what did they
do they acquired a company reached a
virus called FiOS 5 Verizon no it's a
company that specializes in sending
high-speed Internet signals Wireless
they've also been a big player in the
conversation about who's going to get to
play around with that 3.5 gigahertz band
that is currently being auctioned off by
the government is that one of them with
phones and like your home phone he's the
operating on a 3.5 gigahertz wireless
phone at home anymore yeah no that was
two point five it was two point five
routers do two point four and five
gigahertz okay I believe what was the
three point five reserved for I don't
ham just ham radio we're kicking off all
the ham radio people so they anticipate
that perhaps being the future combined
with some other technologies of Google
Fiber wasn't you not a musk also like
what's beam internet to everybody he
wanted I believe he had ideas to do that
Facebook's had a lot of ideas to beam
internet through drones yeah they
actually had a really successful test a
couple months ago whisper networks which
which was the thing but yeah it's
weird Internet's weird you know you I
feel like one in 20 years if you get
your internet from the ground maybe
you'll be considered antiquated I don't
know orbiting the number one on this
Call of Duty charts maybe but you know
look there they're gonna have to figure
out a way to get Internet in everyone's
car and right now the best way to do is
LTE or or the evolving WiMAX platform so
we'll see if you ever get grandfathered
in on like your phone plan did you
change it I was so in college before
data you really needed the day yeah 45
bucks a month yeah that but I paying for
text oh yeah yeah oh yeah you're paying
for a hundred texts a month or so yeah
and that's and that's that that's all we
got wait that's the end of the show I
think that's it don't you do questions
or anything uh we usually do voicemails
but the two that I want to play this
week or for us oh I'm sorry yeah so
you're not him I know and it's your
it's my parents fault
no no they they're they're not the
victim here it's it's we are and it's
your fault okay they're not the crooks
you are oh I'm a crook yeah I don't know
why now you're a criminal
you just are I'm sorry I wanted to say
more about the fire the Verizon's then
say it
no okay save it for next time we talk
about I'm kidding what can people find
you on the internet if they want to live
you can go to Giant Bomb calm and you
can see all the cool stuff that we just
had an awesome feature which I really
enjoyed was it called the giant beast
Academy where um a friend of ours Alex
Sandra came over and she made a game or
tried to make a game was it like
functional she used a construct - which
is one of those like game maker ask the
things yeah it's fun and we would just
be like all right make the guy okay
I don't know if I can I say the word
poop on your show I think okay dudes in
the main character just pooping more a
little gay and she was like yes yes and
I think something we can okay can he can
they all pile up in a pile and then all
right player 2 moves those guys it's
great you should go check out that she
was so
it was basically a game making improv
where she just wouldn't say no and she
was able to do this up her back I would
love to be getting on yeah I was super
fun I should go check that out and of
course you go check out the giant beast
cast with Jeff Bakalar also on giantbomb
comm yeah if you want twice this if you
want or 2.5 times that it's longer and
probably if you really enjoy you know
science and poor analysis you can get
more of that of the video game industry
we have a correction section so that
might tell you something yeah and that
is the longest section of the show and
that's pretty good getting longer it's
taking over the regular email one yeah
it's that
I feel like emails should just be called
Corrections now yeah you know we got to
do the email so we can have correct we
could we got to do the first part of the
show so we can have the corrections
every opportunity to be incorrect about
something probably well I look forward
to it then I'm on I'm on Twitter and
that's basically the social media
platform I've hitched my wagon to all
right there you have it thank you so
much to mr. Binney Caravela we're back
next week Russ is back it'll be a good
time we'll hear all about how he
survived Iceland
thanks for having me thanks for being
here man all right until next time have
a fantastic week
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