
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Show - Snapchat passes Twitter, paintball, texting etiquette, Ben Fox Rubin, Ep. 1664

hey what's up it's friday june third it's four-four time i'm jeff bakalar got Russ fresh dick across the table up that's that's great how I say hello to you all the time write what they rest but oh that's my tagline easy laughing uncontrollably and flanking us is mr. Ben Fox Rubin back on the show welcome in effect seal clap Thank resuming what uh what's hello everybody yeah sounds right so uh we'll get into a few things right from the start here but first things first that I want to lay on you we got the next time Ben was on the show he talked about oh yeah bay door alright like selling your mom's clothes yes and people like one right success with great success people are like is she doing it behind her back is he pocketing the money like what is going on joee me too okay so you got more questions about I need to I need to provide more information basic I don't know if you need to provide more information but maybe just like clear the air yeah I'm not stealing my mom's clothes it'd be more fun if you were yeah it would be I'm fun or totally messed up both totally you can have your cake and eat it too she's such a nice mom she's like look I was gonna give this away to goodwill why don't you sell it it's a very nice blouse see how much money can make off of it oh you're good son yeah so we got a lot of feedback about that i just want clear the air and sort of honor the story and let you know that people care neri that's very sweet of you and i was i I was I was new as I was talking about that that I was putting myself out on ya being like this is probably gonna come off as creepy but I'm gonna do it anyway and I love your your fearlessness it was not fearlessness there was great fear as I was describing it all right either way but I did it anyway either way it worked out for the for the benefit of the show so real quick we'll talk about this one subject then we'll pop right into the stories we have planned for the day last week we had a very engaging conversation about the etiquettes when you meet someone do you give them kiss on the cheek you hug them we're just going for that casual never go wrong handshake we got someone who called in I want to play that and then we're gonna ask Ben what he thinks about all this let's play this voicemail hi guys this is timmy girl kali from miami i'm calling about the whole kiss situation as justice said we are since i am from a man we kiss everybody i didn't know that but um it's a very delicate situation it all depends on how you meet the person and how you feel in the greeting ok if it's a very friendly greeting very a lot of smiles are going on yes it's very nice friendly going I guess a situation cuddly yeah but he's kissing went out at one goal and we know there's different kinds of crises there's some in the cheek regardless of the situation because I want to let go or ease the tension ok at least on my side yeah yes I'd I'm something yellow that's what I do he says help them out a lot Sharon attention where you kiss them also where you hold the person as you're going out the kiddies we didn't really try reaching in the back of the arm are you grabbing their hands arm even sometimes you could do a combination where you reach in the back of the hand putting your hand on the waist that's pedal essential option when you're you know it come on you're sending your sending messages yeah when you waste grab I'd say touch the small of someone's bad not doing that to a grandma no no oh my god no so all right that was our buddy from Miami thanks for a very very helpful very helpful very insightful he also went on to say like yeah we don't kiss guys though raucous guys right we're like I don't know about you were like I kiss a couple guys I kiss deeds kiss the guy oh it says good it feels good to say I kiss of Judas Kiss dudes in it it's ok yeah yeah normal how do you feel about that whole thing so I'm I'm probably a hugger I go in I I hug just about everybody even especially if it feels awkward right if I'm having an awkward conversation with somebody if this isn't going well in like middle of the conversation just going for a hug why not why not if if anything it's the same thing with the guy from Miami it'll at least help me out Shirley's make me feel a little less tense like all right you're kind of a schmuck if you don't think you know if you're not gonna calm down and you know chill out after i'm gonna gave you a weird bear hug right I'm gonna pull back the curtain a bit cuz we this is the second time we're meeting oh yeah okay and you came in and I was sitting and I I guess we shook hands I I like extended my hand to you and you were a little taken aback by it yeah yeah so should I have stood up and hugged I have a weird I have a really weird protocol there's a bit of fun uncanny valley for me okay when it comes to meeting people sure first time you meet somebody very obvious for a guy very obvious handshake right right yeah second time now we're kind of friends yeah do I give you a high-five it's no longer a handshake so high five would be the upgrade something or nothing either a high five or nothing maybe third time right I think it depends and we're gonna hug it out it depends on how well your first interaction went right like that sets the stage for the rest of your sort of touching so I wasn't I wasn't up to high-five caliber you would have had to pull the brakes on my handshake and been like no no we're high five it was it felt too formal again I handshake okay yeah that makes sense yes oh so that's what you like that's what you were sensing I was seating I was seated so maybe that added some complexity to it was like do I stand up and then like go for a bite your backpack my degree tell you what I'm a dad now sure I probably should have just gone in and kissed you I will know forehead forehead kisses is very it's very paternalistic sure it makes people feel very supported yet very comforted yeah I can work my baby so much yeah okay kisses like constantly exactly like I it's the point where like I'm just making out with it tricycle I like I'm just got something great about babies though you don't care yeah well they'll just take all know any other world that's all day right it's just so funny like the constant like barrage of like you know saliva to know you know I have twins right yo so I'm just I come home and I'm surrounded by flesh yeah a lot of you have we have my three-year-old we have the twins I my wife you just everybody gets in there's just like one group hug it happen like what's times yeah sure so as every less drugs as everyone who listens to this show is well aware I am quickly turning to mush the older my kid gets yes and the freaking more adorable and awesome he gets and now i'm at the point where like oh man it's so cool the guy he hears my voice I'm like hey dog comes racing in so that's the cute Dylan like oh that the got the funny looking guys back yeah like he's back I'm gonna goes so he crawls over and does his crawl and he's just the whole time he's just like dr. got the whole time like old is he he's like 14 months very cute and he's just and then the second he like gets within eyesight the arms go up yeah there's like you need to lift me we need to share something that's is great yeah it's great God you are I'm you're a shame if I is like baby her she's not even lifting yeah they're just like oh yeah yeah okay you're getting it that's like one of the first words that they learn up simple she's left me up sit yeah yeah my three-year-old she's she's now at the point where I try to attack her like I attacked the twins she's she's grown up now she doesn't need it anymore dad please yeah please dad yeah yeah so so soak it all in while you can I know that's that's the eyes i'm here in a lot speaking of the kids uh are you guys on snapchat now god yeah we have to be i I keep meaning to its it's the thing I think I've said this before that makes me feel the oldest yeah because it's the thing like the new tech I mean it's not even that new but to technology thing I just haven't wrapped my head around so let me give you some advice okay and I'm not saying this is coming from like the correct place vomiting rainbows that's all I know or whatever it is it's a good start so snapchat is actually a lot of fun sure and I think once you I started doing it like six months ago and the second i was able to wrap my head around it and like be active quote unquote successful with it yeah it's a lot of fun the reason I bring this up is because today this week it came out that snapchat has roughly 10 more million 10 million more active users monthly users than two so really yeah which is like oh yeah 150 about 140 okay which should kind of an during some of our way skewing away younger yeah for sure which is which is watching the tech world yeah yeah so that one right is gold I mean no one who uses snapchat has any money but i guess like that they're still value when they all get jobs I know out of them right you not even jobs like in college like those kids spend money in stupid way they do they spend their parents money right yeah but where's the work what's the cachet wait how do you know that you're important on snapchat you don't get that verified cheque you know don't have those like all wars there's actually is a school year the score is weird and it's some you know magic algorithm behind the curtain sort of thing of how that's calculated I don't necessarily think that equates like success necessarily blame your school you can see it in your profile sort of there's a spot where you can look at your plow yeah okay I know what you're talking you can ok but right it's just not as obvious is that would our where lies very dubious in vague okay arm but i think you know once you really get past the opening we were like what how I you think yes for its delisle like it's deliberately confusing maybe that's a means is like enforce exploration maybe and encourage that arm but it's really good yeah it's really good i have to disagree i I've tried to get into it I really haven't been able to meet got stein traded a few snaps see that's not how you have to play okay with stories stories is the way to go that's like multiples those stories are basically like snaps that you do that last 24 hours and slowly run out of you know the hourglass slowly runs out and then they're gone forever then they're gone forever now you could save your own like you could like if you like the thing you did you can save that right move on with your life but no one can see that if you save it right but uh no no I thought I don't think you can save other people's you can save your own but okay if you just like a little detail yeah but you with giant eyes and yeah I don't know lightning striking hers but what's nice is like now they let you view you all of the stories of people you follow and you can kind of have like a five-minute thing yeah uh where you just watch it all and sort of consume what all your friends and all the brand's you follow yeah just described like your most successful I don't know what it is okay but while they are out of probably Dillon were like he's yeah it was amazing I'll we were blown bubbles out on okay and one of the bubbles landed oh no I'm sorry we're blowing bubbles on that dinner and then he snot bubbles at the same time like it was like a bubble coming out of his nose and real bubbles around it was pretty good yeah that's pretty good it's not bad that's like lightning in a bottle but again like I still maintain that Twitter is the most important social network no yeah I think so what about Facebook no crazy these books not important like no the facebooks not changing the world and they faced with the more subtle in how much impact it has on you but I think Facebook has way more impact on the world and Twitter does I don't know facebook has not overthrown any government I think it was just right that's kind of right but Facebook is also essentially the news again it will see comes from facebook simple facebook is become the news for people yeah where's Twitter sort of like the status update or like real-time reporting right which I think in my opinion has like pivoted into a utility sort of situation as opposed to Facebook where it's like you're still kind of like socializing you're having having a party have a good time right is that make sense more yeah I guess so it's more of a mix of Facebook is more of a melange thing yeah I I'm gonna I'm gonna get business reporter II for a second here but ya know that snapchat is still a privately held company right but they're making money right apparently but once they actually do go public if they actually do then they're gonna come out with quarterly reports they're going to say how many active users they have every three months and you're gonna come out with these damn stories every single quarter that are gonna say snapchats dead snapchats like winning everything snapshot is going to run the world different stuff like that so they get to exist in this mysterious space right now now where they still don't have to provide a lot of magic Sakura voice that's like it could could be the best red could be the most amazing and and they and it feeds into that too by the fact that like everything about it is uh what's the word ethereal is it's there and then it's gone again so I they get to be this cool little mystery social network do you know what their value that no not off the top of my head the last I checked was like 16 billion or something which may be more than Twitter yeah it's gotta be more than Twitter right yeah I don't know I don't know I feel like Twitter still in this sort of mode where it's like look we're not the the Wall Street darling you wanted us to be you know just let go you're stuck with us yeah but which is the real estate and said it's it you know what to help twitter is performing you know what's going on because it's all out there right right right oh yeah it's it's a much harder place to be in position to be in yeah yeah I you know I don't know uh I know people only want to watch stuff right now I really like even texting is kind of I feel like a thing that just won't be around no you're crazy well no I'm saying like oh you know how I thinks now I voice text yeah i do that i do I you know Siri do this do you think whatever I do a walking down the stairs yeah yeah so that's fine boys I'm fine with that what are you saying like people like it is very obvious that the Internet is switching to a video-based sort of thing like right my deeds are not gonna be able to read let's be honest i'll be able to read they just may never like you know compose anything you know what I'm even worried is substantial yeah like to me you know and and there's like people who out there who think like the internet is prime for a slowdown in terms of like the use because there's just no more texts as the text doesn't have to be as important on the internet as video does and we're there with right wait so how does edge there how does that create a slow down it just doesn't the need to like get quicker isn't there do you mean like yes the compression algorithms will get better but like when it comes to bandwidth like we're all right right now yeah but the quality of video is only getting that recess compression technology and stuff yeah yeah you know bandwidth will allow bandwidth already allows for a really good-looking stuff sure you know we need Pied Pipers what saying maybe for a few asha jell-o constantly you really like that yeah I do the game of thrones thing and I why that how it's working I you know I'm kind of like hot and cold with that show it's definitely funny yeah yeah I don't think it's like the best written show on the planet it's pretty good i find it very entertaining I think they have a really great diverse set of extremely likable characters um but I don't know every now and then I'm just like oh okay well you know go wrong at the end of this up you know the main character but like the danger awkward we are dominated bitch it's so so I bummed yeah but I didn't know that I bumped into him at a restaurant nearby num pang okay and um I came up to him I was just like hey Richard Hendricks how are you which I'm sure actors that's what do that yeah that was probably imagine most people coming up to me like Jon Snow news don't you die oh you dick so what did he do was he like well he yeah he like was trying to blow me off as quickly as possible as it was like eating his bowl of food yes like what you I don't do values even know the other thing is not like a restaurant it's a sandwich shop the sandwich shop yeah and so I saw him there and I like the show and I would ya gonna come up and say hi to even like a hey man I really like your work is better than being like hey whatever like character name hey mortared Hendrix's here yeah go ahead in my card i was like we'd love to talk to you Peter Venkman and now that I'm telling the story realize this was faux pas han faux pas the carling number two days already talked with us oh yeah if freakin what's-his-face Tong did a video with it oh yeah I probably bumped into a week after that right he's like who is this she go rid of the sea view is this idiot that's funny that he was like right after yeah uh guys really funny like he's very talented and funny and you don't really see well he's very one-dimensional on that very one dimensional in the show but he does like crazy voices and characters in his stand up and he was part of like a sketch team right I think so any and he has a twitch channel that he streams like nerd vicos returnee in like new games yeah called I think Middleditch on twitch huh you lost me there the actor his name is bought again Thomas Middleditch and he get like a brief cameo in wolf of Wall Street's been a bunch of stuff yeah I feel like these obviously is big absolutely this is this breakout and we'll see a lot more of it yeah I think hopefully an overhang I hopefully can see more of you though he never called obviously obviously he never I don't know if you waited for you to leave before he like threw that car by bihari into a sandwich can I just put this right here awesome good for you I like that you told us that story yeah entertaining myself oh yeah no this is this is my life is it just a series of embarrassing moment just faux pas after faux pas I love what I do I love it um all right let's talk about this story that Russ put in the show notes here a story of a real-life x-men yeah this is an ex person or it's a man who has mutant powers is all them whatever so this is a real story yeah it's actually a story it's the Guardian wrote about it under a reputable establishment okay um so this guy um and I don't have my computer in front of me but his name is Dean Karnazes I guess that's what that looks like it spells yes and apparently he's got this weird condition where okay so if you go running obviously you get sore after certain out of time your muscles get tired and you get sore yeah yeah it's a chemical right last tater lakh lakh to take lactaid it's not like I do something with that you're along those line and the idea is it diffuses the acid that your muscles build up so it's sort of like negates it but eventually it sort of catches up with yeah you know the asset sort of takes over and you get tired you can't move anymore so this guy does not have that situation his muscles don't get tired his muscles muscles never get tired because he's producing more of one and not the other and so he can essentially run non-stop he says in this interview that he ran non-stop for like three days without sleeping well he started up but he started sleep running at one point that's pretty cool but like physically it does not um slow him down so he can just do megaman our time after mega marathon and it does not impact them so long as you have the stamina like the heart Brett's gonna say it's not just a muscle right of course but if you take muscles out of the equation and it's just a like cardio question and like that's sort of I mean it'd be very easy and also all of his muscles I'm sure are in great condition because he could just keep going it's like he's taking constant sorrow but isn't but so I maybe a maybe I'm just not understanding his condition well enough yeah but like there's got so so his body's not producing this chemical or its producing one chemical faster than the other so it's so it's perfect it's essentially like a the perfect ratio so you're telling me like we could essentially evolved to this yeah well that's why you're my sweet that's the our next forty thousand years right well it's story is that you have these rays lead in an individual person who has a crazy condition you know there's a lot of stories about people who can't feel pain which is obviously a very dangerous condition we're getting into James Bond territory but like that's the right I mean essentially you are I mean but all what's to stop us from um speeding that process up right like you could program a baby engineering yeah sure sure absolutely and that's that's the next big thing oh come on dew point by the time we're grandparents okay I prot there are the human genome print like I'm telling you I don't like it I mean we are already doing they will be done by the way to make sure a baby will never have cancer but we're already doing stuff like that you realize not just can't but like in the case of like you know they know if a baby's gonna have down syndrome for example and right i mean that's that's like a 12 or one that's been around but that's stuff again that's been around for a while here's my problem your stuff first of all it's totally creepy and equality plain phone maybe you will only be available to rich people right but its own so we're basically you know ensure scientists are going to ensure that rich people will officially be our betters because clearly will be superhuman it's called Lee Attica yeah movie about it oh my god you're right it's true but clearly the rich people are the best people yes of course that's why they're rich and that's why they're running make America better they're the best people are gonna make America great we dug we always fall down this rabble like why do respect people with have a lot of money like yeah they're not as the best I don't really you don't because you're small you're smarter than most people um so what I want to know is like what else yeah like so this is the only instance of this and again this is actually a three year old story you should he should procreate as much as possible obviously where this guy was gonna say like will this gene can it be passed on like does he have kids would write i don't i don't have the latest update i literally just realized just now that it's a three run this whole time yes ran right past he stopped long enough to be interviewed um but like I find the stuff interesting because okay so if this guy let's say he had this ability like that he is such an edge over like copy in competition right but that's in he like stamina competition his mutant ability is like on guitar okay so what if some little my fingernails grow real quick say made from you're born where your arms are just constantly the longest possible arms and you want to play that way different than this guy that's you know it's a mutation it's just another mutation some of them are diseases this is I might be wrong about this but apparently rachmaninoff had a very specific disease in which his fingers didn't stop growing and that's why he composed like I did you stop growing but it's not like his fingers you know but like he had yet freakishly long well your ears and nose never stop growing that's right you ever see an old eat like a real giant here it's got lobes down to his shoulders bras it can't wait for that yeah you just started looking like Mel Brooks in Spaceballs you know it's just like come on and out a lot of these oh I cause a lot of health problems later on obviously I mean look at Andre the Giant obviously you consider that a mutation or a disease or whatever was but he was super giant and died it what was he 35 who's young he's young so I'll you know a lot of stuff has problems but there will be instances where a mutation is all upside and no downside and those are potentially the mutations that you know again 50 million years down the road you could see it impacting or we take that guy's blood and do stuff with it and then now everyone has it oh man yeah I I think a lot about like how we're just kind of gonna miss all that like I don't I think we'll see sequent be able to take advantage of some of it uh basically saying cuz I want to like start treating my body really bad I think we'll have any concise like they already have very basic cyber eyes now and I think as we get older like if you went blind in 50 years I'll bet you would be able to get a cyber I do you in 50 years will be 84 right like come on if I live that long oh you'll make a date absolutely think so they're like easily writings man he's like that's disingenuous sounding what are you talking about Jeff Julie forever dude that was not intended to be sarcastic alright alright no no I also work on ism I mission right again try it again why Ben I'm gonna live to I'm 84 years old absolutely i'll see you then along for the ride join in the crash that's not is very interesting I like it I like talking about weird stuff i think uh i would love like an eye implant that lets me sort of see a HUD like i think i would be into that I mean they're they're essentially their will they have like I implants for blind people were you see like a very low res it's like a yeah it's just a matter of increasing improving that technology right 10 years from now like can you imagine where the technology is gonna be I think it's gonna be way more advanced like I won't be really careful with that I think it was dymond age God what movie what book was that it was either diamond it was um it was one of the books where if you do have a cyber I yeah like a connected I or whatever people could then you know do like a computer virus in it and then you'll just have like advertisements keep oh yeah right right yeah that would yeah you have to update your I firmware Rachel really piss me off better watch out for that all we're doing is writing black mirror episodes is all we're doing right now absolutely just I phone us ey e phone dork speaking of our vision yeah new game coming out next week Mirror's Edge colon catalyst yeah is a first-person free we're gonna make you interested in this I realize your eyes are already glazing over bana yeah you know that I do yeah yeah yeah I gotta switch and he was like super scared Oh what is it twitch Jude wait a second yeah I dumped like eight games in your inner pocket and I haven't heard anything he's ty started I I started playing DMC and then definitely car fell out of it and and now I just played slither I owe on my iPhone really really lame so that nature that pile of games is just collecting dust yeah I oh I do you know that go i don't i'm sure it's like snake so like rain on my nokia 1985 right right that's basically what i do wasting my time these days it was funny about those nokia phones like I feel like that phone didn't change for four years but only thing that changed is like the number yes the model number it was like give 6820 know I was 73 30 anyway there's a same damn phone this green was green for a little while I'm at it turned blue yeah and then what else there was no it wasn't quicker wasn't better resolution what the hell was going I can't wait for flip phones to come back you cannot but dial with a flip phone it is foolproof and you can't nobody bought thousand and we're with touch phones oh they happen i get bugged on my mom all the time yes your mom tells your mom right so there you go so that's not nobody ah my mom also bought dials me really yeah like mom mom oh no what is yelling at nothing to know you don't know I believe I just hang up and call them back yeah oh I don't even call back yeah okay I just hang up just happy to get back to SLO there I am Oh God anyway we bring up this game oh yeah like I said just realized I gave been all these games in how many hours you put into DMC which is I started I got into it I got into it I gotta get back it's fun right it is mad fun yeah it is a good game anyway Mirror's Edge catalyst is again coming out on ps4 xbox one and pc on tuesday yeah it's from dice and EA it's the freerunning it's a parkour garrison it's a horse person parkour game so you're clean any I play I played a bunch of it play it started it last night so it's related to this conversation so we're not going to talk too much about the game but all you need to know if you don't know a first person parkour game you don't have any special powers you're just like jumping over stuff vaulting on stuff hang on stuff etc so I started playing it like two days ago I was actually supposed to review it for polygon and I played for about a half hour and then wanted to throw up all over my lemon oh yes oh my god and I do not have I've had it a few times with VR which is normal I think certain VR games making me a little sick and and one of the game called soma which may be a little sick but everything I play all sorts of first-person shooter games don't have this problem all sorts of games don't have this problem and this game I was like super super ill what the hell's going on with you so it's the game and it's actually pretty common so I did some google searching and the original mirrors that just came out a few years ago had the same problem a lot of people were sick the problem is that one of the ways you can counter motion sickness with first-person games is that there's a gun in front of you there's a big theme balances you to focus on and it's like a stable n point that tells your body oh you're not really moving but without the gun all you're seeing is I'm moving like and you see hands in front of you moving and it look I'm getting sick just thinking well I think you're just it's not just me though just queasy you did I mean I have a queasy guy but it is like I can't imagine you on a roller coaster I don't get sick on roller coasters weird they know how is that possible no i get i get second cars if i read so like every good at not everybody I don't some people don't maybe maybe that runner the runner can you can read in the car my wife gets sick yeah and I'm always just like what's wrong with you wise like oh so the reason I brought this up is because I know why why so so you're you can't play Mirza I can play for about a half hour and then the real lifetripp you or my vehicle that's it and I actually had to do that for a live stream so this video of me attempting to play the dry heat Jackie like dear i know it's worth it oh that's so do you guys know why we get nauseous from motion sickness nikis cuz you're weak now why do you miss you've never gotten majestic does it have something to do with like your inner ear it does everything okay so why would your inner ear cause you to get my options let's talk this out think think about it I like that melua door something in the ear and if right balance but why does that make you sick why is it making nauseous I was after your stomach um because it okay I'm totally making up stuff pulling it directly out of my butthole yep but I'm gonna say that it's because for whatever reason imbalance triggers a digestive thing and you did not answer the question at all that but that you just repeated what restaurant I added the digestive thing right yeah you'll need somebody to work yeah I guess no but like I'm trying to think if I ever got motion sick this may be on a bed zone once right okay on one very common sure but that was it and that was only because I was wasted yeah like I had drank so much so you could have puked from that oh well yeah yeah I'm saying like just the dumbest thing ever not to totally change I was I was on an excursion for a cruise sure and they they had us go swim with turtles okay I'm swimming with turtles oh my god is great wasted then they get you back on the boat and the second you get back on the boat then I go but up your gully gonna just pour vodka down this is a great is it is it because then you get back on the cruise ship and I puked for three hours yeah because I was just like this nope that's not what's good anyway and you have a guess guess for me Ben uh why is it happen why does it get you sick why like why would you need to why is it why is the the motion sickness I'm having I really don't know okay so the interesting thing is basically so your brain and your eyes are seeing hey I'm moving they see movement in front of them everything is telling them hey I'm moving by your inner ear which senses movement is saying nope I'm not moving there's nothing going on it's completely flat hmm and what that is your body then thinks oh hey I'm poisoned because my brain and my ear working two different things wait a minute that takes a lot of liberties with like how the human body what body is pretty on that poison I'm poison it's saying time something's weird I'm poor I got poison things are not communicating as they should I need to puke this out that makes a lot better i love the human body isn't that's the totally cool it's very cool i get it with like alcohol when you're like your body's like oh I'm poison but I need to get a little poison but your body in the same way that like allergies so that your body is reacting the dumb things that it shouldn't be allergic right and the way it handles it is like by a variety of reactions so it's a sneezing exactly sits down and let's get this out at a hundred miles an hour so that's no it's not always one to one the best thing your body could be doing but you know you can't be picky well hopefully when we start uh engineering the human body right we can eliminate we should just secrete Dramamine whenever we feel that would stop the properties I just push the right button on your I hood and a little bit of that I'd hide a heads up you say it okay you know you play a game you see like this this your health and the thing yes or that's a HUD ok yeah got it a HUD HUD I'll be rabid I'll be writing next time you guys'll wrong word gave you a hug okay in the movie cloverfield the main character was named HUD he's a shot in first person whoa that movie has layers that's very funny then that is a deep ass movie as can't believe that I'm a monster yeah uh you guys so so so anyway you played the game for a little bit you like it it's okay i think it aside from the Buchan the game is fine i think it doesn't really do a whole lot more than what the first game did so if you like the first game it's a lot more of that there's like a few new abilities and stuff but for the most part space so you're not so so you basically like told your guy piling you're like I can't review the game it's gonna make me sick yeah I told them almost immediately I got the code and a half hour Arthur who's our reviews editor I was like I'm sorry Arthur this game and it sucks because it's came in so late so we're gonna call you did he call you a nasty named after mm-hmm was it like you was grumpy anybody he understood like what are you gonna do huh like what are you gonna do if you all right please would you like me would you be able to review that game if you felt felt like I realize you've never other what other I guess what other types of excuses can a game reviewer provide uh maybe it's like like I have a like I'm ethically against shootings do I mention I I think zombies free range yeah so I've got another one who color blindness yeah certain games I can physically not play is your color blind because I'm combats it because to me that's a handicap whereas your motion sickness is just funny make fun of me tons of times my car no that's not fair there's nothing you could do about that ditto with the motion thing yeah you do that is funny because you just like take dramamine do something well they're upset we've talked about is 600 our glasses I could be wearing to fix my color bias right no one sent them to me yet oh we gotta get those going just needs to send it to me I didn't know that was a thing yeah I can XCOM eyes yeah there they it's amazing how do we get them as sponsors I don't know I feel like I haven't heard about them since we did that story so they're not be a company anymore um all right let's go from Mirror's Edge and pivot into the great game of competitive paintball fan have you ever gone paintball oh yeah yeah yeahs play there's really many times you're an expert not an expert I'm actually really bad at it sure but yeah I play paintball quite a bit the problem for me is is that usually my glasses fog up when I first couple seconds and then somebody just shoot me in the back cher quite and and that's very pain yeah glasses are not really made for paintball now it's terrible I've been payable only like three three or four times um I like paintball I'm not the biggest fan of like paintball culture it's a very intense is you gonna me please show up and it's like you're on the FOP like people are ready to go out yeah like they are decked to the nines and easy the guys and girls who are like hardcore like you know they're very Navy SEALs like that kind of resume a little more I don't know I find that like it's like you're let you've landed on another planet like it's a very weird experimental weird stuff in it um and this is athletic and its strategic a cool uh so you went for your bachelor party that I just had this message thank you and tell us how to come it was great we had a really good time the place was out in Long Island and I've only gone once before and the place I went before was just like hey you're in a forest and whatever there's ropes determining where the map ends here they had like jit courses there was like a full-sized crashed plane that's cool like fuselage that you can go through tanks of like old-timey whatever military vehicles there was a full castle map so were you Michael you can call him up to the ramparts and like cover people do they do like capture the flag stuff uh the castle map did have a capture the flag element most of it is just straight team deathmatch yeah with a timer they call it death match no I kept calling it that and they looked at me a little weird but like no one's gonna die here but just paint yeah but it um it's very intense it was my bachelor party so my brother got me a smoke grenade oh no she goes also spoken aids I was able to like her and like that was cool um it was it was super fun we went for five hours and like flew by ya 85 degrees outside hot Sun but I was like you totally just turn that part of your brain off right and and I'm still sore I've been five and six days house or your feet it's not your feet feeling hits your thighs and come on put it from crowd yeah sure cuz almost all the time you're like crouch down right um and I've got I mean I should hear why not look at that's provides a welt yeah bruise that's not a nice and even L ahead cuz that sometimes bruises turn yellow after wired so looks like somebody just painted last time I went I got shot yet right below my wet ends the worst place you well it's it just it hurts the most you are exactly and I had a bloody circle yeah like that was sort of intercepted by my ring it was crazy that's gross it's gross in like when you get shot you know you don't start bleeding right away and then you start bleeding you're like oh damn it what what is that and then you're like oh my god it hurts it hurts a lot yeah yeah well you're lying there is an amazing comradery though because I what we were at six people in total and you guys didn't know we were together here your own team yeah but we were playing randoms and we were matched with random so each of the games it was like ten on ten so wait against maybe maybe some of those like super hardcore people the funny thing I've noticed about the super hardcore people do their own thing not only they're not always that good like you'll see the people come in like full tactical gear like they bought all the stuff and no like older guys sometimes because they have a like a lot of disposable income but they're not like the crazy ones you have to watch for are like the dude in flip-flops shorts and like a wife be a no I just like sprint at you like a madman in one hand to guns yeah by crazy stuff so those are the ones you have to watch I mean I like that people get super into it but they tend not to be the most intense guys to fight um I just like there's a weird bonding that you feel their brothers your brothers in battle like it's like you finish a game and like it goes well and like i'm using cut by watching this guides back that I've never ever met before yeah and then it ends and you're like like doing the like food you know the buddy like arm bash thing yeah for this dude I've never met before and I was just like very that's cool it's much better than like Gigi you suck my gaming week at the end of a match in call duty so yeah I love it I think the thing people don't realize the most is like dude paintballing will kick your ass what are you in my physical standpoint yeah it it's it's tough I mean you definitely to work out you need to it's a workout it's absolutely workout um and you get bruised up and and sore as I said like my my thighs don't you take that mask off don't you dare take that well they're there the place we went to was like very careful of course they all are yeah cuz it's like oh we don't want people going blind right there goes another customer ya know for sure you don't know that one of the things that we did I was at a bachelor party a couple years ago and what we did at the very end when we had like already exhausted all the other stuff was we did jousting matches Oh basically you had one guy on one side of the course the other guy on the other side of the course they would run at each other shooting and then the first guy was like basically like a duel and the first guy first guy to get shot loses sometimes both get you it's the same time I was where the awesome got shot like a ricochet yeah so that's my biggest problem with paintball and I guess that's like the first issue plaguing that scene is like how do we determine you know who's in something lately shot like I'm a prideful unlike I go by like honor system and i will like call myself out but a lot of people are just like i'll keep going until the ref calls me yeah gracias that's ya know because do not know if I'm shot so I'm shot in a place that you can't tell that I was shot okay I'll just keep going that's so dick yeah I know I know it's ethically questionable that is I I've done it cheating I guess I'm like knitting cheating it's like with the diving in FIFA actually there's this one map I played last summer uh I my brother's bachelor party where my brother's to be brother-in-law shot me on my own team friendly fire style asian know like because you didn't realize Shami in the thigh and Here I am like in the middle of like the woods looking around like who the just shot me like I was going on here and I'm you know you sort of like raise your gun yeah in the air like I'm out I'm out yeah and I'm like what the hell is going on and then at the end of the round the guy comes as like I think I shot you yeah why don't you say something I could have played for 20 more minutes yeah yeah yeah man paintballs not it's not all sunshine and roses no it's very intense very intense yeah I see you gotta be honest though your shot get out that's how that's what I say to mike sugar fighting I I better i'm fine with untrustworthy I mean I'm just gonna keep playing until like it's very obvious I've do you have like 30 fresh wealthy the problem is is that then you get lit up afterwards you get hit like in the top of the head or something it's very a and it can take 20 minutes before the next game so you don't want to get out early right so I get that instinct sure but it's like it's come on its competition yeah actually next bachelor party you go to we went we went skeet shooting oh I've never done that before yeah with like shotguns is it was cool yeah it's for a pigeon yeah that's cool that sounds awesome um alright I I really enjoyed the conversation we had last week about the social etiquette stuff uh I test Russ on the spot to come up with the next subject for for that topic of conversation that I can have with Ben so what do you have ok this is a big deal for me that Jeff's is skeptical that this is a bad best and thats a generous judge really caused a lot of interesting social problems with people that I'm very close to my fiance for one and either close to her you're pretty reasonably even you know that person you know give or take ok you know their middle nah so it's about um texting specifically and about using periods in texting it can apply to emails two but for the just to focus it will talk just talk about texting now when I am texting with someone I'm very careful about where I use periods in the text specifically at the end of the text because i feel like if you use periods throughout and at the end it indicates kind of a dour almost down either pissed off about something or depressed or not happy mentality that I have right I'll give you an exact right wait so so you're saying you use the periods mid text I'll use it yeah so if I need to end a thought in the middle / use a period that's fine at the end though no period no re i think i'm with you on that unless i'm like pissed off at the end right you do realize though that makes absolutely no sense like why did that happen sure why i know i am not like because because using proper punctuation should be something that we should do sure but you establish that like in the world of this sort of munication i am what have you proper punctuation is not really Thank chore and it also brings on a different connotation in to what texting has become yeah you know I mean like same thing goes with like Twitter like I won't put a period at the end of a tweet that I because I don't want it to mean something I quite see ended to it has a lot of weight to it periods mean a lot now what yeah yeah but they didn't used to meet you just read a magazine article or newspaper article or book and they would be there because they should be there and that's how things work yeah so how did they become cuz it was right up with emotion they weren't instruments of like conversation I know also the other that just blew my mind did it you kind of that deep no but listen like that were feel weird but that doesn't like like why did that happen I'm an exploit so evolution of this is my theory yeah the reason it's pregnant with emotion good good description of it is because a period is not necessary in texting or I am or what have you right doesn't need to be there so by putting the effort in and saying I'm gonna put a period here at the end indicates there's a reason you're doing it a mad at you you're already or whatever I'm feeling grumpy or something like that already it's already clear that the sentence it's not like a normal sentence in an article on in a magazine where there needs to be a period to separate the next sentence the text is over it's clear that this is the message so i remarried it's almost like double ending the message in a very kind of abrupt yeah yeah you're right curly right you already pressed send exactly present is essentially area yes yeah deeper than I thought it was when we were talking about this before the show I was I was a little on the fence too i have to admit russ is like I don't know that this is gonna have the same significance as a kiss on the cheek versus a kiss on the elbow apparently but this goes way island where I come from everybody kisses on you so the really tricky thing about this is that I feel like there's a lot of people that don't even realize that they're doing it so the conversation doing what sending those periods and sending those messages exactly well its generational well I'm not going through my thing it's not though so I was talking to my fiance about it cuz they're like I your fiance is older no she's younger than me actually but not dramatically so and the she would do it and it was clear that she was only doing it when she was upset but she didn't realize that she was doing that what's even weirder so I sat next to her on the subway and scrolled through text and ninety to ninety-five percent of the text that ended with periods were like I have a headache or I'm feeling grumpy today cuz work was really crappy crappy or the subways delayed is actually a fascinating social experiment that she was actually doing it without even realized and I think ever I think a lot of Illinois something you want and I'll to here's another product reading texts proof positive yeah hex from my mother even she does okay not that she is beneath me in terms of technology or as a person but but she does it she tell me she's on a cruise right now she's telling me about it and in no period periods mid text yeah but at the end nothing nothing because I have an anger like I I'm upset those are tougher to find ok let me maybe stay forever contentious relationship with no I mean I really don't with people all right I'm just looking at it's not even being upset with you it just means the person is upset about something potential right and and if I do find a period it's like a mistake you were like I would imagine it was just accidentally or like it meant to be a question mark is there is there something about capitalization that fits into this construct in some ways I don't know how to use capitals apps caps are still they use like all caps sometimes all caps is a little bit different right you know sometimes if I'm like if I'm constructing a tweet yeah I phone yeah I just won't capitalize but but like if I'm on a keyboard that's a little bit different but this phone automatically does that yeah phones are the particular period but like if I'm doing a proper noun in the middle of the word or even middle a sentence yes I'm not gonna do that and to me that that conveys a certain level of whimsical pneus sure to the 10 more gradual little cash sure kind of thing totally my it's funny say that though because that's changed for me because the keyboard i use now is predictive and a smarter keyboard and caps the things that should be caps automatically I don't have to hit like right shift and for New Jersey like it just does yeah I think I phone use them yeah yeah so that's kind of going away too but what about trunk doesn't know how to write out trunk we're gonna crawl gonna go with trunk okay tails trunk oh it's see Jeff doesn't know what it's the Tribune I online online content content the worst the worst name ever can we contribute to explain what that was a tribune company which owns the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune renamed themselves to sound cool and jazzy I think this is just happen yesterday just happened yesterday trunk with a lowercase T that's not good and its trunk incorporated so it's TR 0 and C all lowercase int I NCBI is got past and the logo is like a weird rainbow logo okay it's really bad that's really but like that so that was a case where I was like do I mean do how do I capitalized this when I was tweeting about it in a snarky way yesterday huh when I got a trunk three alien wars that's not bad pretty good pretty and this so I guess there's gonna lie how do they been totally miss that it just happened yesterday it was it was like you're not very honky tonk I know about the gorilla I know but God everyone knows about gorillas very sad was a long day said by the way it was very funny Donald Trump had his press conference on Tuesday and because we're in the world that we live today they asked him about the gorilla did then he was like very sad very sad you know that this happened I don't remember exactly what happened but like it was supposed to be like residential right but oh my god for its they're like let's talk about whatever you must go let's just like throw every moment he'll answer the question he loves it oh he does this thing um so that's all that's all I have to say I think it's probably not just periods I'm sure there's a lot of other things so if people can think of things call in or right in and man it I would love to hear them but I really think there's a lot of a lot of subtext that people do not realize that are in that's in texting and emails that um you know you just should think about yeah I have to say also that I didn't realize this at all until I write about it that you're not really it's actually you're sounding more pissed off than you actually are if you are adding a period yeah right text so I actually stopped doing it because like I'm a reporter obviously my intention is to be you know do the punctuation garage right so I actually stopped doing it because I was sending the wrong message right now it's amazing it's amazing how that can affect and you know it's amazing that we all decided it equally silently various like conscious just like all subconsciously agree to one but everyone's a while you come on a person that like does it I know I charge you this narrative yeah and then you have to like look through their ever like the evidence of previous texts and whether that match yeah that's weird yeah oh look man I had my doubts but you you really pulled it all Lana you really did a good job right you brought it I'm gonna do more than shake your hand now oh you guys came straight I heard it he's gonna hug and kiss we're gonna do that is like the arm bump whatever whatever it wasn't paintball uh well this has been great before we go I want to just quickly bring up one of the voicemails we got I feel like we would be doing an injustice if we didn't address this tech question as my Sarah non tech podcast as we are someone called and wants to know about a way to get more reliable Wi-Fi in a bigger house you know we're kind of in a bubble here in the New York area being in apartments and smaller living spaces routers they do what they have to do we don't really pay attention to like oh you have to a two-story house that's how can fill that up with Wi-Fi I don't really have a definitive answer uh you can buy routers that obviously boast longer ranges but there was one product that I never checked out and I don't really know if it's good or not but maybe this would help the person who called in check out cnet review yes I did we review it I think we must have right it's called arrow and again maybe we heard it I don't know euro gyro it doesn't matter it's eer oh go to eer Oh calm and it's all about blanketing your entire home in reliable Wi-Fi I don't think it's cheap now can't be cheap I'm just looking at judging by this website this is like a three-hundred-dollar thing that's the least uh but check it out because I remember when it might have been a Kickstarter thing uh but but check it out it's a system that you can sort of why yeah so you can buy this Wow okay that it it can be as much as 500 bucks for for three of these sort of repeater router things or 350 for two of them and you can get you can get cheaper routers you know that that will repeat that yeah yeah you can use them as boosters and other errors in your how I don't know this guy is doing that already this could this is likely the higher end solution on but Ben is right and I do this in my parents house I have to basically two routers that just act one is the source and one is the bridge repeater yep and that you can probably do for under Georgia bucks look at that you should answer that guy's quite I did I essentials like think you know what I would also say is like if you're near what if you live near like a best buy or something like that I don't go cheap with a router because it makes a difference in terms of range but so I go out there by like a hundred fifty dollar router and try it out for a day and see if it makes a difference if it's if it's not doing the trick return it by a two hundred radder and see if that does it and keep ramping yourself up and maybe you'll get there just with one router just keep spending money just keep spending money in controllably and it is what is best buy and no go to see that calm story you sell routers you know I got no but like we are we are correct on our best buy link given the product page no but obviously we have like a best of you know routers catechols a router guy around here I feel like it might be justin is it dome could be dome I don't know I don't know I parties are never drink that person is that way yeah mom you don't think they'd be fun at the party who knows uh so go check that out but thanks for the email and voice mails 866 404 cnet hit us up on voicemail Orson as an email the 404 @ we got an email from our old friend of the show and gabby who really liked seeing Justin thought she thought we were
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