
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Show - Suicide Squad, No Mans Sky, Green Day, tech support scammers, Ep. 1672

the 404 show is supported by citi cards with android pay are you listening to our fine program on your phone well now you can pay while you listen using the same device just tap and go download the Android pay app on Google Play or visit citi com / android pay to get started android pay is available for eligible city consumer credit and debit cards hey what's up what is going on it is Friday August 12 2016 you are listening to the 404 show coming to you from the website cnet com / the dash 404 underscore websites how are you rest fresh to I wanted to see how long you can monologue for it just on your own I could probably do it you think you could do a full hour of just you talking if I had somewhat of a great run down yeah but even that I feel like you'd run through each of the points so quickly like an hour of straight-talking just you think about it no one does that like no one even if you're even though your own radio show you got commercials like that you got the whole thing and and if it's like an emergency like a Tom Brokaw an emergency happens you're cutting two interviews your you've got like whatever producers in your ear but just you monologuing I mean unless you're calling Quinn doing a Broadway show yeah that's the right analogy I think no I don't know I think you do I think like there is a certain kind of gate you need to have because right a more casual a swinging gate right and and and you know how you have to know how to use like pauses effectively yeah and take beats where it's can I try to do a brief pause effective faucet yeah let me hear it so today we're talking about suicide squad and that's I liked it that's a lot that was like shockingly long okay I thought it I'd like thought it I'll bet listeners find that disarming and more engaging like orally yeah maybe I feel like people there will be at least one or two people who think the podcast broke okay and and but then they look down at their their phones like all this 40 minutes left right exactly and how long is he gonna go for ya Yugi done it if you hadn't talked I might have gone for another 30 seconds oh good who know it's god help us we do have a lot to talk about today we do um a lot happening in the world of gaming and tech we'll get to some movie stuff first thing I want to talk about real quick is a biz news 'ok um so when little Jeff was like 10 11 12 yeah he was introduced to a band called green day dookie uh yeah it was about that time maybe a little before um when i was 10 i believe their their second record kerplunk came out okay um and I got into them through a for a family friend had a mix CD or something like that and green day was on it and it was welcome to paradise it was like the older recording of it sure and green to kind of like guy got into that's how i got into green day yeah and i was really a green day fanboy for probably a decade sure uh from like maybe the early 90s all the way probably more two decades I mean it's american idiot like american idiot was such a strong record yeah um all things considered anyway in the last five years Green Day sort of taken a back seat they haven't have they been putting out albums yes so they put out a trio of Records I want to say two years ago maybe in 14 okay that was called like uno dos and Trey okay like their drummer tré that's funny is hilarious and I don't know I I feel like they had sort of been castrated a little bit right like their music didn't really have the energy and sort of speed and in turn in two old dudes and moment I mean like they're all in their early to mid 40s yeah they have children or they have wives if families to have that edge I mean they'd last for very long time it's hard to have that edge when again you lose that like creative motivator for a lot of people like it's like whoa I whatever I take first class everywhere it's fine right like what do I be Punk about it anymore and you know that was like their biggest criticism i guess uh especially when they broke out on the scene and like I want to say that was like 90 for sure uh was like oh these guys are posers there this is like a pop-punk band which they are there pal punk band sure um but like there was also this attitude they used to have that they kind of lost not to their own fault yup they grew up a little bit and that's what happens anyway the reason I bring them up is because they released a new song yesterday akka single akka single what is that so when caen sets were Baker which many years ago yeah and singles would come out cassettes would be sold with just the single no I remember that and they called him it was like a foot of tape anyway they come out with this new song called bang bang and when I played it for the first time it was the first time I got that feeling of what I used to get when I would pop in a new green days when you feel wishes and listening to green and we're not talking about that we're talking about like when that record insomniac came out to follow up to Dookie sure which is a very good record I realized it uh you just get the feeling was like they're back exciting back you're pumped about it this song's fast okay it's loud yeah and I want to play some of it forget free people I'm gonna play some green day on the show this is like something I feel like I should have done many moons ago seriously but here's their new song that's called bang bang I get my kicks rager I got yeah so weird it's kind of quick so yeah it is yeah I like it a lot um it is weird because it does sound like tonally very much like how they sounded originally course which is again weird when you consider that they're 45 yeah i mean this song would not have been on american idiot now this song wouldn't have been on anything that they've done in in the last 10 years yes I mean like the breakdowns good yeah anyway yeah I don't think we could play the whole thing or like YouTube like trying to you know it's ceiling fan we're in trouble but uh yeah man I don't know meant to it yeah it's a it's a good track um I mean it sounds like very much like a green day oh for sure it does not feel like they're dipping into new waters and I don't think they ever will there was a time when they did that yeah but this is just for me this is like mid 90s green day you know what kind of cool it's like when everyone freaked out about the mini nes that Nintendo selling doesn't it feel like that this is just like this rust you don't think you understand what I'm saying though no I'm saying that this I think and it's a little crass to think of it as like a marketing tactic but like they know or why stranger things is blowing up they know nostalgia works okay Green de has no one to impress like they don't need I do I'm just I think they care that people of that their music is popular I think they do I don't think you're wrong with that I think it's a mixture of a lot of things right like when you are in a band like this and especially you look like bands like blink-182 kind of like real their wave not to say that grande like started pop punk music but they definitely put a projected it into them sure the limelight sure I'll help do that so I don't know it's just I think it's like a fun thing where it's like oh yeah okay do something you guys did 20 years ago totally and that's what I'm saying it's like a nostalgia move for sure yeah definitely you're you're absolutely right damn how about that it's good man yeah I records called revolution radio comes out in October all threads so they're all still in it they're all still in it and they do have another they have like a fourth guy who's been with them for like 15 years is he play like the symbols now he plays triangle okay no he uh he's like their second guitar player um I actually think he like just beat cancer a little different too so that's all done great story uh but yeah they uh they've been touring with that guy and then I didn't know this either but Billy Joe from Green Day has been in a few movies has he yeah and he just well he was in american idiot on broadway for a while oh I like performing yeah I saw him I saw it he played the character or characters yeah but not like the main guy no he wasn't like the the do you okay I see the play but it's wasn't the best but like sure it was weird like Tommy essentially maybe that's I'm in the army that's what they're trying to share I think so he was in this movie called geezer where he basically plays himself sure not but like I wouldn't call Billie Joe Armstrong washed up because he's I think he's very much part of the the musical zeitgeist yeah sure uh he plays someone who's washed up and hasn't been in a his punk band was great sort of late he's been 10 years on hiatus so like a bird man type thing exactly and writing phenology fred armisen xin it i think someone blares in it like this and he's like the main character apparently they sold it at Sundance so that's different work can wear them on top it's crazy anyway little green day update or 12 year old Jeff yay 12 year old Jeff thanks you for four listen day on Friday um so all right so we got some stuff where do you want to go first here because we've got we want to talk about movies I want to talk about no man's sky i bet on sky for a little bit i realize not everyone um plays video games listen to the podcast or most people maybe but at the same time like you probably have heard about it yeah it's it's been in the sort of mind frame of a lot of people for really two years because it's had so much hype to it right if you've heard absolutely nothing the logline pitch of it is you're in a spaceship um there are a quadrillion randomly generated planets and animals and I think it's a teen whatever quintillion an astounding number generated by algorithms made by these 10 15 people in England and the idea is you fly around the galaxy and you explore all these random things and you take pictures of things and and it's sort of for a long time was this like mythical beast of a video game which is the Jesus game it was the Jesus game which is like this is gonna be my hole I'm just gonna spend my entire life going from planet to planet and like what's here right yeah I won't need to buy another game I won't ever buy another because this will be it and okay so so that's sort of the baseline it came out this week um I started playing it last week we got a bit of an early copy somehow and then but it came out this week have you played it yeah I'm imply play like 15 an hour okay so I I think the general response is that most people are oh well I wouldn't say most people but a lot of people are unhappy because it did not live up to the outrageously stupid expectations that they might have had for this all that yeah that goes without saying later I it's amazing to me that like at still still people yeah put this emotional investment into something they know nothing about really well they and they put a monetary investment so it's like of course and I get it yeah right I get that um but like people project like this game has been a prime example of like how how vulnerable people are to their own projections about what games what they want games to be exact and like what the what's in your head and what's reality yeah and this game is just it's just not what everyone wants it to be what's and what's so weird about it is the more so I went in when I initially heard it I was like wow that's cool but they probably can't pull it off and then I started seeing it at e3 s a few times so I saw them like showing and early dinner and I was like this doesn't look super good like it ran really janky and it looked kind of crummy and whatever yeah so I so before the game came out I was like my expectations were pretty low actually you know I've played a lot of those games like spore that we're supposed to be life changing and ended up coming out and sucking right and with that mindset I actually ended up liking it more a lot more than I thought I would because they actually were able to pull off i would say ninety-five percent of the promises that they made about this game were accomplished yeah it's a question of how you mean but it's the execution of that that people are not super stoked on yeah but at least had misconceptions about misconceptions maybe and and and I'm not saying that they pull up everything like there are certain things they were I don't know intentionally deceptive but certainly weirdly cagey about multiplayer for a very long time and still comin still kind of our and there really isn't any multiplayer really um but for the most part they pulled everything off now what people I don't know for sure what people would have wanted necessarily I think there are limitations in the store a game they built so they built a game that's generated by math right no one's designing these levels they plug in an algorithm they add a number variable whatever however however works and the math spits out a planet and animals and weird stuff like that so like for me and and we were talking about this yesterday with alex from giant bomb like the reason he loves this game so much is because he just like seeing what happens when the dice gets rolled yes and like getting into a new planet is always you know you kinda have an idea of like what it's probably gonna look like at least you have personally sort of understood the gamut of assets that are yeah that that this games drawing from and the whole idea of like getting in there and saying hey this is you know what exactly are what's possible in this sort of game you know once you wrap your head around it it's tough to get super surprised sure yeah i would say there's like what let's say that there's like eight to ten kinds of planets so whether that's a jungle planet or grass planting rice or whatever and then it's like is it acid rain is it a fire why is it which comes as well which doesn't super enemy I'll change the visuals of it yeah and the atmosphere changes color and stuff like that so the so yeah I mean I've probably put in 10 or 20 hours and at this point like I'm not really running into planets that look that dramatically different right and I think that's the issue that a lot of people have is that you lose that sent the first five hours a game are outrageous and like super amazing yeah and that sort of wayne's very quickly yeah and it's also an issue because there's not like a lot to like strive for I mean essentially all you're doing is finding things that like make your jetpack a little faster or make your sprint a little longer or whatever your ship a little bit faster so there isn't necessarily that tug but i also think what people underestimate is like this was made by 15 yeah keep like let's appreciate how amazing of an achievement is crazy and the scale like the sense of scale that they were able to pull off like planets are the sizes of plan and you feel small on a lot it like you're like whoa there there's a giant like rock formation frontman you feel tiny i think people are a little pissed off at the price tag which is probably a legitimate maybe cuz it's six hours which is like a full price of games I I wouldn't say I think it's certainly more worth more than 20 um but when you compare it to you know a lot of well I don't know it's hard to say because there's a lot of crappy Triple A game yeah that aren't worth sixty dollars orders um but the value proposition aside I think the ring that I have to tell people about this game is that you're gonna spend a lot of time in the menus yeah crafting shit yeah getting stuff too like lineup be chasing down ingredients yeah and resources and like you know what for me chasing all that stuff down and the monotony of and repetition of that yeah is simply not fun like I don't want to manage inventory beyond a very sort of like surface-level sort of thing yeah I I get it like games have to have that in games but like this game kind of like leans into that show much for me now the question I have for you is what would like if they were let's say they removed the inventory but let's say there's no inventory issue right so ever there's not a lot of game that is not a lot of game that's exactly right and I so what the why they from a design perspective why the inventory is there and I realize we're getting a little game nerdy for a second it's too slow you down yeah to make sure that you're not seeing 60 planets in an hour and then being like oh those planets are kind of similar right it maybe yeah so each planet feels a little bit more unique for a little bit longer so you have that five to ten hours originality rather than one to two hours and now it's so there's a reason for it i'm not saying like I think the UI has serious issues I think there's a lot of issues for it there's a reason they did them and they for what it's worth they are planning a lot of free significant updates and if you write and that would be cool to scrap load of money for sure and I'll be cool to see like where they can and I want to do based Hill thing and a bunch of the rock and roll I say if you have the means try it out if you don't want to spend six dollars wait till they discount this thing in a couple months in my 40 throw in if i sell the cell the engine to Star Wars and I'm like buying this game again yeah hardwell I know that how awesome would that be it would be all right right I guess so this game too I don't know green day green gauges have a space opera with green day yeah um yeah so that's no man's sky if you want to read more about that we've gotta impressions post on the site and some gameplay stuff that i did got if you are playing the game and you want some tips like how to boost jump or how to increase your inventory space really fast yeah polygon slash polygon hi there you go to a bunch of videos that are like guide videos there you go the first and you can hear my first real-time competition mid-air collision happening on for four sho we're going to take a break when we come back much more to talk about please stay with us the 404 show is supported by citi cards with android pay how cool is it that we live in a world where you can use the same device to listen to our fine program and buy your morning coffee groceries and more and did i mention it's a super fast way to pay just use your citi card with android pay at the register get in get it get going download the android pay app on google play or visit citi com / android pay to get started android pay is available for eligible CD consumer credit and debit cards hey welcome back to the 404 show man up Suicide Squad yeah Suicide Squad got obliterated in reviews just tomorrow Suicide Squad was taken out back and beaten with a hose really crushed into oblivion yet you people well you hbu people know when I saw ya and and mass like it made a ton of money on the first it made well over 200 million dollars yes right yes which is astounding amount of money but this oh so okay what go on I just want to say like the same thing happen to Batman or Superman and you put the drop off the drop-off was he was like 17 I think you're gonna see the exact same thing because even people that are fans of comic books in DC it seems like everyone is pissed off it got a B+ on CinemaScore which is like an FML is in humanity if see if Suicide Squad did not get if it got more mediocre reviews yeah as opposed to the abysmal interviews it earned what do you think it would change anything I think the fall off would be less and I think there would be maybe some more of a chance of like blu-ray sales if that's even still a thing um and but like at this point like they'll cheer the fat they got a huge opening weekend but like man fire everybody at DC making these movies fire Moulton at war nor in water at Warner um that's what I mean uh whoever this guy directors had a pretty good pedigree it airs is very hit-or-miss he's had some like he did fury right if you're it was just a good Hippolyte he's also had some like pretty thinkers bad movies and so so there's a lot of weird things about suicide squad I think the big weird thing is that the first trailer came out and the company that made that trailer which is a company called trailer park is like very known as made one of the best trailer makers in the business you know and it basically promised a movie that was not in existence it promised a fun silly over the top heroes villains getting together fighting over Queen music and when that trailer was cut it didn't exist the movie didn't know that that movie did not against the movie that existed was dark it was from the director of fury it was a bummer and I'm not saying you can't make a dark superhero movie look at dark knight by clearly you can that's kind of like lightning in a bottle right so the trailer but the trailer promised Deadpool essentially it was promising an experience like Deadpool Deadpool Ian and they even did reshoots because they knew that that first shower was so popular and the movie was nothing like the more traditional approved the trailer I mean no well so at that point you're like oh we have this super successful trailer that's going to encourage a much people see our movie we're gonna toss that out because or maybe maybe they you know temper expectations with it a little bit or like get the messaging of what the thing they created but I think they knew that the thing they creative is not very good and and they have as you said lightning bottle with that trailer the enthusiasm was over the roof why would you as a money-making endeavor be like yeah I know you guys are pumped for this but it's actually this super dour blame not funny experience that you're gonna say they just thought that's not how people work um they just need to at this point they've had been a man of steel they've had a Batman vs Superman they've had this movie three movies that were critically panned progressively more pan with each movie coming out like you just need to overhaul the entire organization and I've heard of like a lot of things structurally of like how Warner Brothers works is like very it's just like structurally not in a healthy place um and this sort of exemplifies that I've heard a lot of comparisons to like Microsoft at certain points in brass knobs career where it's like everyone needs their hands on it everyone needs a little bit of credit everyone needs to like feel like they impacted it and the end result is this hodgepodge of like marketing schlock and like not fun drag whereas like say what you will about even the bad Marvel movies there at least kind of entertaining like there's not been a Marvel movie in the last 10 years that was like I'm completely bored row I think you're wrong what was what fan tastic for sorry sorry I should be clear I mean the Disney Marvel knows okay not the sony one not the Sony because that would sony i think sony has fantastic and spider-man in spider-man yeah so I'm just talking about the Disney are volson if it's fine so and I kind of want to backpedal just a little bit when I was like you people yeah I mean you're so here's my thing right like someone comes up to me and goes off you can see Suicide Squad right and I'm like no this really happened yeah okay like it happened a bunch okay no I'm not gonna see that why not that's totally up your alley no no it's not like why you don't even like I'm actually a little surprised I could not give less of a shit about finally because of the pedigree of like what they've been doing recently no no not at all like you because I am very open about the fact that I judge a lot of stuff by its cook by its cover right I've judge books by their sure right fine I think you have to in this age of over by the time rightly fun um my life is x money times precious ya gotta pick and choose what you can do you know what I ain't gonna watch breaking bad I'm probably never gonna see it I'm gonna see it I'm not saying it's bad it's saying at this point in my life yeah I just don't think I can add that on I'm doing too many other thing I understand sure ok that's retire well sure act audition when when Netflix 4000 is out right so um I saw those trailers yeah and like everyone's like super psyched on this trailer I like the first hour but I was a queen I Sauvage there's some shit at it okay number one no dialogue fine but then they're like new trailers that came up maybe this is after the Bohemian Rhapsody okay yeah harlequin has a line we're bad guys it's what we do red flag yeah that's that's right a vigorous flag number two yeah jared leto yeah Joker just visually has a joker tattoo yeah what Joker as a joker tattoo it's a Jagger or is a picture of the Joker there is a lot of promotional material out there again I have not seen this movie I think that's abundantly clear but when I saw the a few of the production stills or some promotional material share of the Joker oh it died yeah a dude's got hahahaha tattooed all over head and damaged in very fancy script on his forehead right yeah like the Joker would do yeah and he also has in gothic writing on his abdomen yeah it says Joker red flag too yeah that's a problem Jeff no see yeah it's hard to imagine the Joker sitting still and I attach your chair right what like oh I like the shading get out of here man Joker should have nothing of coloring this later and again like people are gonna say Jeff you're projecting heath ledger's joker you should you're projecting a certain kind of Joker I've read a lot of Batman graphic novels I've done my research on what the Joker is and don't get me wrong I welcome other variants and other interpretations of what the the soul of of he of him yeah or if you want to make a female do whatever you want to do is ever cool I don't know they should guess Harley Quinn sure whatever you want to do is cool but the essence of that character and what they were clearly going for in this this is not a joker yeah that would tattoo haha it's hot topic Joker it's hot topic Joker yeah a hundred percent so get the hell out of here not seeing your stupid movie um yeah those are all completely valid things I saw a what I was missing and what made me very suspicious is that like none of the trailers had like they would have liked one-liners that you mentioned one of the bad ones but they never had a scene and I about a few a couple weeks before they had one scene in like a business room where they showed enchantress for the first time right and it was just the most stiff wooden like soulless crap and I was like it felt like the first time I saw a scene from Jurassic world I was like nope not for me this is gonna be bad and yeah bad I wish it worked out because I of course who doesn't want every movie to be good well but the spirit and the spirit of it I like the spirit of Suicide Squad I like the idea of it I think it could be fun I think with good writers it has potential I don't know that DC's supervillain catalog is that robust the necessary support when you have a dude whose probability is tying knots you might be hitting a wall I think they could do something with the Batman villains yeah I think maybe you could do something with a Batman villains but like I guess these are supposed of them or some of them sup 20 Yankees yeah yeah I don't know it's undead shot awful and I guess isn't that his name dead shot or dead shot shatter shot bitch I think it was Will Smith's character dead dead shot dead shot is whatever she some fused people dead he's a Batman villain yeah i mean this crossover up were there were they all Batman no no no no I I don't think ya know it was like DC yeah it kind yeah you know the critic you remember the critic the good show the cartoon of Jon Lovitz John Levinson of course there's a stinks yes and and there's a moment does episode of The Critic where Jon Lovitz has to teach English for cab drivers because his show gets canceled and he ends up broadcasting live on a local cable access and he does this whole monologue about if the movies think if the movie stinks just don't go people you know the movies thinks I know oh just we have it fall off a cliff you know what it's just just have it die have it don't go next week if you've heard bad things don't assume that you're gonna like a thing like I truly believe the the stoop d the stupidity of crowds is such that people can't a they sure she can't handle the fact that something that they want to be good yes actually ones it being shit sure they come up with these asinine conspiracy theories that the whole film press is out to get DC stuff get your head out of your goddamn ass right yeah um and then and then you have like you know the the idiocy of crabs words like well maybe it's not that bad I need to see it for myself which is fine like Duke you are hey I know totally do friend friend you are allowed to spend your money on whatever you want you earned it you go do it but don't be surprised when this happens right it's like you go to the restaurant the guy in front he orders the soup he kills over and dies thought maybe soups not that bad imma try it I know strong stuffing no that's not the case you are going to die as well and that bullshit argument of like mobile movie critics don't like popcorn films that is going wrong you they love them Deadpool is a popcorn film that was critically reviewed and well-liked movies got like ninety percent on rotten tomatoes and so those exist there were just way more bad popcorn films and there are good ones um so you just be my there's so much good stuff you could be doing with your life don't waste it watching this crap or if you're gonna watch this crap watching on USA at 3pm hey like guys look I'm not I'm not about to stand on a soapbox and try and dictate taste Yeah right that's not what I'm trying you're sitting outside sitting on it yeah i'm just trying to i'm just giving out free advice you know we kind of do it for a living so cream should rise to the top don't give bad things your money ah you know that's why I added that's the attitude so I meritocracy I had an interesting thing happened the other day was in the car driving a hockey was talking to my buddies yeah the other they're a little younger about probably eight years younger than me ourselves if again and we were talking about movies and I forget that we got into it but we're talking about sci-fi and I think we're talking about maybe stranger things to start and then we got to the point where we were talking about science fiction and I had asked them if they had seen the fifth element okay and I got like a whole face like didn't even know it existed I'm not hundred a hundred percent sure they didn't know it existed but and I hope they're listening but uh there was just now no we didn't see that work that yeah what is that and I and I think I definitely have to like go through the cast with them right although I was Bruce Willis and Chris Tucker like who's Brij Mohan Singh Kristen no they don't they know those guys but like milla jovovich wasn't like necessarily something of course Gary Oldman ever knows Gilman and it got me thinking like oh god it's not it's not them it's me it's you you year old is that what it is yeah it's a little guy because I don't think I'm an old guy not old year old no don't say that because I'm old year old ok I got a couple years I didn't realize 34 was like the cut off uh it definitely made me feel old and sort of like question like oh shit is like that movie not as popular with a generation behind me I'm gonna ask you a question sure have you seen the movie All the President's Men No from sight All the President's Men was like a movie that everyone watched in the 70 or whenever came out was like all right Evan either ad with keep going down the list like I don't like that's one last because I speak that might the point I'm I'm uh eventually hoping to arrive at you that I think it's generational thing because like I also think like if someone asked you are I like have you guys you guys haven't seen the Godfather like no of course we've seen the gun but I would also say like I was telling you before we started I haven't seen Casablanca and there are like that movies literally from the 40s and but but i would say like with the godfather the more time that goes on the more likely that god father becomes casablanca which is to say it becomes a movie that like oh yeah i heard you're supposed to watch it but i haven't watched yet you know I mean yeah so there's what likes it just is not enough times past like fifth element isn't only 17 years old like it's not that old so how I'm sorry no it's it's a 19 / they won so they were six I guess it's fine that's okay blatantly a blade runner came out the year we were boy I was born and I still made a busy but I would for any one blade runner yeah I didn't see Blaine right in his hole I would say five years ago it's the first time I saw it that's late that's really it for you yeah so for RJ and and it's that that's the situation which is like especially now with like so much TV being good and so much stuff and that's my point is that there's content overload now when you and I were 18 there wasn't yet so we were able to nail it all down that's completely right I think I think that well not only nail it all down it's like movies room I think a much bigger deal than of course going to the going to blockbuster go into the local store yeah was a thing was an event and I'm not saying like I'm I yearn for that I don't I think it's way better now right but it was also liked so much more of an investment emotional choice you're making a mental choices not just like oh what's on netflix today Oh remember this documentary it's way better now yeah it's way better now but it's not as I guess impact like I've have such clear memories of going to see seven in the theater yeah and 12 monkeys and like that era of movies yeah whistle was the last movie was so like they knew 12 monkeys to a monkey's came out like right around the same time that's so like that's just a question of like a way where their focus was I guess or like but it is a little weird they've never heard fifth element well maybe they heard of it but like 5th at like nine oh yeah and if you listen to the show let you know how strongly we feel about this element what was your first movie memory uh ghostbusters 2 and back to the future too okay I remember seeing back to the future two in the theater and could not understand how they had the trailer for three yeah I was like and what the what is this I feel like I asked my mom was like what how they doing that you know now she didn't know she like a second this is from the future you I was like you mean the past whoa um ghostbusters 2 for sure cuz I was 89 yeah uh and i think in the first real this is an event going to the oh and obviously the Ninja Turtles movie yeah but the first thing where I was like by myself seeing a movie that made me feel scared and and some things apart was dress / yeah you were you went alone does he dress so with a friend yeah yeah I guess so I was probably like what was that 94 so I was like 10 yeah when that came out so I I had that I was my birthday uh-uh we had a bunch of friends and one of my friends cran crying down the aisle huh he's 93 yeah you know it's a scary movie ik i was I 11 was I 11 once I'm up I was like I I do want to say I think in the engines 3 was the first movie I remember seeing the theaters Louis crusade yeah which is just like fantastic is your movie that you've had that experiences we're like you cannot believe someone hasn't seen you know I don't do that anymore there was a time I think you I you can't tell me you've never seen back to the future and I me not like have my head spin there was a clear how old you are no there was a time when I was like that word feel like you haven't bought you haven't Baba and it just like I get it now there is just so much out there yeah it's it and this Raymond amount of time right have no business saying that and it's and honestly it gets me more excited than shocked because it means like like Alex she is a few years younger than me and we've been able to watch all these classic movies that I love from the 90s that she's never seen before shawshank usual suspects Jurassic Park she'd never seen Jurassic Park until we watched it like a month ago that's crazy right that's weird weird that's dad is weird so but that's the thing like she sounds like she's close to the age of my buddies yeah and like yeah I'm sure they've seen Jurassic Park ninja and she had an older sister which I think has a little bit more of an impact because you're like you do what they do and they're her parents Tucker two movies a lot but even then like they still missed a lot of stuff not seeing Jurassic Park is bizarre yeah having gone this long even auntie it's on to it was on to you like you just run into seeing that movie blue we watch clue together it was great by the way the reason clue I'm sorry working on a history of clue video but little preview of it of the board game or the film both really I'm so good so the reason good the reason clued the film became a cult classic you know this a tanked in the theaters it in depth the alternate ending no so it tagged in the theaters made very little money it would be politically pant like that doesn't make sense because it is i think it is a pretty damned funny movie it is a hilarious movie but i don't know i guess then at that time forrest was not really a top priority yeah um the reason it's a cult classic is because when the came out on VHS to get more blockbusters to carry it they lower the price normally a rental tape cost a hundred dollars for for a rental place to get and it's a high quality tape it require you know you can watch it a bunch of times without it breaking so they charged a hundred dollars per tape but clue is much cheaper because it was pan so a lot of rental places got a bunch of copies of clue because it was much cheaper and therefore it was easy to rent so a lot of people saw it and also it was cheaper to like syndicating some interesting yeah it's very good you haven't seen clue go watch clue perfect perfect um Tim Curry so damn close granite up so yeah so yeah that's that's all we got to say about that right now or movie you ever see Forrest Gump no I've never seen Forrest come have you not seen forrest gump right that would be that I would not want to motivate myself to watch again no but it would be weird it would be able to work Stacy had never seen 12 monkeys we watch that together couple months ago she loved it she had also never seen usual suspects but she did not like it as much and she figured it out yeah which like by today's standards you can figure that maybe out real quick which is an interesting sort of like social experiment one of the first of those cotton when it came out yeah nah twisty all right let's get into the tech portion of the program there's a lot happening if you care about technology which cnet com / technology is a destination for all your technology needs we are a website about technology and technology news and Pokemon go yep so there's new MacBook Pros coming everyone's kind of not given much craps about the iphone 7 iphone 7 is going to be announced on September seventh yeah we'll be covering that so make sure you keep it here for that but new macbook pros are like four years overdue are they the last update was 2012 no yeah macbook pro no no no I'm look at that refreshes that what do you set what I'm saying is an update not like a mint a major major overhaul I understand okay right like a spec update one thing they have not and they've added stuff like forced touch and whatever all right yeah but but like massive form factor chore so the rumor about the new macbook pros is that they're going to have which is crazy they're going to have a potentially as a rumor yeah i'm going to have like a touch strip screen yeah that would sit in between the top row of numbers on the keyboard yeah and the screen it simply replacing the function keys right yeah kind of crazy I yeah it seems unnecessary it does seem unnecessary I don't know I mean it's kind of cool that you could like it could visually change based on what you were doing but like Dean no you don't you don't need that I'm like to me I'm like no no route that battery right up drain that's going to be need to do that and the thing last long yeah not to mention the fact that like you know if you have to look down to your keys like yeah you feel like a dick ya doing that I don't know is that the only aspect that they're really revamping I'll be further obviously they're gonna try and make it thinner they're gonna try and cram better graphic so what so what how does that sound like a major update to you form factors gonna change gonna be thinner that's a thing do you that is a different shell for this computer yeah but like that much thinner USB 3.0 ports okay don't just okay me yeah okay your do you sound excited about it I don't know I like Mac computers again but but like I've been a little bit disappointed in their in their last refreshes especially the macbook which is the one that like got rid of all the ports yeah only have one port dude that coffee I just don't get that compute I mean I get it but like it seems so underpowered I think it's gotta go I think it's got like a 1.5 gigahertz processor and it just like dude that's a facebook machine yeah it's there just get a macbook air macbook air is a great machine it is but like MacBook Airs also severely outdated in terms of the the build of the computer like there's that huge ugly bezel around the screen like a lot of great screens now are our edge to edge they look a lot slicker they gotta update that but they can they can keep the price down which is good i guess i love the macbook air I know you do that's why you have your macbook pro but it the dongle thing it's just like I know who I know we're in a weird spot with laptops right now because you know not only laptops but cell phones as well we're about to run into it with 90 17 would Oh what about oh because it's not going to have a headphone jack yeah but what the hell I'm very upset about that like I get it they're going to be able to have a lightning port that goes to headphone right is anything yes that will be a thing but we usually get a adapter for that bright you better come with the damn phone you you are not you are not about to sell me a phone but even if it does I'm still stop at that yeah because I don't wanna dongle hanging out my probably not going to be that bad like what's the difference if it just extends the length of your headphone jack like two inches do you mean like it's just gonna scoop out the bottom of it I guess it I don't think it'll be that bad but don't you for a second make me pay for that i'll be like 15 i've had i've been using headphones for 84 years and you're just gonna take that poured out and not even give me the adapter in the box it really it really better be that much space that the headphone aspect really take us of that much bass I don't know I guess it does it's okay I don't know they're putting a speaker in its place just put meant you preach to the choir man you really thats of all the decisions that are coming like I get excited about new iPhones I really course it's a thing it's an event but how do you not have a headphone jack it's I use headphones with my iPhone every single day every day and needing to have an adapter bums me out bums me out and bluetooth headphones suck they're just not there yet no I they would need to last a week without charging just not there and they're not there and they don't sound that great no I've heard one or two that are acceptable but I have those audio files doors so I guess the question is is any is there any chance that any of this is wrong no I would I really shocked right kind of bet anything at me too alright well we'll keep it there for for Apple like it's just get me mad I know Stacy's in the market for a new phone and I'm just mean yeah I yeah it'll be interesting because they didn't yeah yeah there's nothing really I can say well yeah look like there's going to be a demand for a lot of like older maybe I phones for people I feel like that six now is or 6s yeah success is like the one to get yeah for right for the foreseeable managers like the macbook air whereas the new iphone 7 will be like the macbook which is like oh you like ports yeah headphone jacks no here you go so no man's sky came out on monday for press I got my code early Monday morning I'm playing it all day I get a phone call about two o'clock in the afternoon and as a man with an Indian accent ok and he says um not gonna do that accent that's that's wise does tasteless but yes he goes hey this is uh tech support ok I was like uh tech support for wat yeah he's like sir are you in front of your windows machine I said I am he said good there's something wrong with your computer ok and I need you to follow these directions so we can fix it oh so like obviously I know he's foolish ok yeah and then I'm like look I'm like okay hold on hold on yeah and I'm looking on my phone for the recording button oh sure I'm like oh shit i know i can view this somewhere where is it where is it I never oh I know I know I not suck I know I know but don't worry the call didn't last long ok uh I go so he goes open up your web browser ok and go to this website yeah and I was like sure hold on wait people hold on yeah where are you calling from again yeah said Washington ok I was like state or DC washington ok great sure pop up up up yeah okay I didn't go to the website obviously because who knows yeah yeah we're kind of you know uh so II egos are you there I go yes sir I'm there yeah it goes good I need you to fill out the form ok and we can get this fixed for you for a one-time fee of 49 99 and that's kind of like when I ok was just like I was like dude how many people do you I said f how many people do you I'm gonna how many people you fuck over every day yeah and here's like wat sir this is important your computer is vulnerable and I was like is this your job man yeah like what is this your job and then the jig is up right sure calls me a mother effort oh he goes you mother you're sitting there I'm like you're sitting there what I don't know it was like I mean we're setting that was like yep is a you mother I was like get a job and hung up yeah then I'm on the internet and bowling bowling on Wednesday has a story about tech support scammers wow so this kid from the UK ya got the call I think it sounds like okay and was like super polite about it sure was like hey i know this is fake yeah but can you stay on the line with me because i want to talk to you okay and he got like an interview sure is the thing okay they call my cell which I'm super pissed about her super pissed about yeah don't like the fact that that number is out there I get robo calls all the time I don't get him that often but I but you can you can block those numbers and that's not the worst idea anyway he goes any names luis the interviewer and he's from birmingham UK and I'm Birmingham was a Birmingham yeah birmingham birmingham yeah Berman continue uh and he's been making videos about tech support scammers yeah and he interviewed someone from Delhi India who told him about the whole operation now is up in a room with 50 to 60 other scant scammers yeah he's forced to do this because he signed a five-year contract it's like some weird thing that has on over there sure but apparently they make decent money I'm sure they do I wasn't doubt me I own doubt that at all and he says on any given day he can he can scam about 10 people yeah which that's 500 but what's amazing about this is um I guess I was surprised because what i was expecting was it was a fishing call and he would direct you somewhere to like tie pin up I hope I got another one you know no but like the fact that he already jumped in today we need fifty dollars seems like a like a bad move it's weird that he called me mother fucker so quick yeah well he called it very quick he must yeah I mean he must've you think he calls everyone that that that plays around with him a little bit I yeah I guess maybe I mean like he was from being so polite and like looking to help to be like you my mother I mean this is the thing like India has some pretty severe poverty issues I know and if that you know i'm not saying this is a noble profession in the least i'm not saying it's obviously not it's obviously not but like if you can't get bread on the table just cause you mother I was like whoa we've if your option is like shoveling shit or sitting inside in front of a computer and talking to people on the phone like we can't we can't imagine ourselves right I'd like that I'm saying you're trying not I know what you're saying you're saying but this is what it is there it's what you're saying yes and I get it forget it yeah I'm not mad at that guy no I'm matted obviously think that you made it the world the work the work your world that allows the staff you're mad that this is even a thing yeah oh yeah it that's a weird situation it reminds me to call my mom and remind her to not do give out information on the phone and you really think she would do that she has done it not credit card information but like bit she's falling for phishing attacks and and how I've almost fallen for phishing attacks sometimes they're like wat what was the closest okay so i thought i was being fished because the rhr website has like a weird sub URL which was asking me for a password my password wasn't working and i actually had to ask our HR and they're like oh no that's fine that's actually part of the site it just doesn't work right now yeah but I was like is this did I just like type in all of my passwords that I could possibly remember into the site and give them then give them everything um so like I or like whatever you redesign the chase site and you have one letter typed wrong now and it brings you it to a chase look-alike site yeah but like there are little nuances that legitimate websites all have sure that our artifact very much impossible to come factor authentication stuff like that but it like my mom doesn't have any of this you're right I get it like we this is gonna sound super lame but we do speak a different language than our parents general yeah and I'm sure our kids will do the same thing like I you know I think there were self there were so we know how shit works know where you don't think they're gonna have technology that we don't understand but I'm just saying like they're gonna be like what you just use the blorp what an idiot so we used to have this conversation all the time where it's like yeah the generation behind us like they're definitely more set on relying on technology yeah but like we could we are of the whole thing was like we might know how it all works better than they do where it's just like they just have the ipad I know that the screen works nothing they didn't know the baseline right yeah like they were which we're in a very unique thing and it's obviously a very self they will self-important way to look at they will have a new form of technology that we don't know the baseline of core up yeah maybe I will maybe like some sort of weird ocular implant Thanks yeah we're all getting comp digital content surgically installed um yeah no III know you mean no and it's yeah that's yeah it's a bummer but like it'll it'll always have it will always exist of course that stuff will always of course it's a new form of pickpocketing said it's the one of the oldest profession Oliver said you've got to pick a pocket or two actually I believe that was Fagan that said that I don't know who did in Oliver I don't know who exactly did that but I will finish on this cat-and-mouse game that's going on between Facebook and adblock if you are one of those people that uses facebook com I've used it have you been there yes it's a website about social networking did you delete your account yet no but I haven't been on about five days which is like such a cathartic experience um so adblock which is the infamous browser plugin at blocks ads which we obviously can't endorse because we are completely based on ads yes our websites um but a lot of people use them an insanely popular facebook has a bit of a problem with that block because well the majority of their revenue surrounds is surrounded by ads yeah it comes from as like a new facebook makes a buttload of money because they are able to serve billions of ads so they've been going back and forth on the desktop version of Facebook because Facebook rewrote code that prevented adblock from sniffing out ad servers and blocking them sure but then adblock pushed a update that circumvented Facebook's coding and this morning Facebook has come back and be like no we got you back yeah so I don't know I just want to talk about this real quick before we say goodbye for the week don't buy it like it I think the bigger conversation is is adblock okay and I guess on paper it is even though your it's like basically i know i don't think it's you don't think it's okay no it's not illegal it is not illegal I think it's morally not cool dude I do plenty of things that are not more good and and using a buck would be another war Leon cool thing what is so I'm not gonna get into them but here's the argument for why people use adblock all I know why they don't want to see ads fine but but their moral high ground argument is well these websites put on really a like bothersome ads where they play audio or they whatever that's bullshit and that's but that's why people say like if that's your only reasoning that's cut your kind of bullshit you're associating yourself which is to say you know what the response to that is then don't go to the website right if you like their content you should be watching wouldn't you ads and if you think the pads are bad enough to not go to the website you should go all right I'm a TV exec okay I think people who fast forward commercials are immoral yeah who's right who's more right I think it's a very similar situation I think morally it is questionable too fast dude come on thing I'm saying you DVR'd you do all the time I'm not saying I'm I don't innocent nobody nobody watches commercials they've recorded true on purpose yeah I'm purpose sometimes they'd remotes on the other side of the room and Nate just like sometimes just gonna sit through it you're just gonna sit through it and like obviously on sports you generally just sit through cuz it's live right but you know TV executives have found a way to make a profit on the amount of ads that are watch that are watched by people that are not fast-forwarded through now so whatever or oh it shifts the paradigm where everything goes subscriber base like f yeah yeah I've we're definitely headed we are there as a subscription-based future internet reality but I don't know it's you know facebook is not Facebook's in a separate category for a lot of reason sure but when it comes to Ed's facebook ads are so ingrained to the philosophy yeah of their network like you're seeing this ad because of the social network relationship you have with people on this service yes like that is why you are seeing this and then that's what the way a lot of ads work on the internet but um you know what I would do well I think this is the salt I I know a lot of sites block people there like Facebook in this case block people from using the site i would let them read like one article and block everything else if that technology even exists more like maybe give them like a 30 second counter or something like that which is like we know you have an ad blocker on uh if you dug this article you can read the rest of the site you just have to turn it off or you just do what they're doing where they're figuring out like face don't tell me that the people at adblock are wiser than the people people at facebook i'm sure there are more people I don't know how I baucus is it like a free do whatever ya apparent and you know how it works alright not really it's just kind of like nose advertising server oh I understand okay so is the way I understand it I would imagine it's difficult to keep up with like that ever changing thing yeah and it's essentially an anonymous I'm sure is supporting it you know Facebook has to pay employees there's a reason why VLC is the very best media program on the word in the world is because it's farrah free to use by everyone and so it's the best possible product so Facebook's never gonna have that some people would disagree with that you don't think it's the best I I like it I like it a lot I think it's for viewing there's some people who don't like it some people who there's some some purists they're wrong some better using some time some video playing purists would disagree uh but yeah that's that's the story going on with Facebook versus adblock and that is the story with the 404 show this week thank you so much for tuning in it is a great pleasure for us to provide you with an hour of entertainment a week hope you enjoyed what we had to say today 86 644 cnet that is the number or we could email us the 44 at cnet com happy to take your emails as well yes please do what else Russ I'm gonna be gone for two weeks oh you're just gonna spring that on me right now goodbye yeah going on my honeymoon so I will not be here for the next two weeks Jeff will probably do something interesting so let's look at a calendar because you're not going to be here for the next two weeks and then I'm not gonna be here the following week so I'm gone on the nineteenth and the 26th right and then I'm gone on the second no I'll be gone the yeah no I'll be here I'll be here 2016 2 i'm going to Italy in September whoa my own we'll cross that bridge when we get to it that's exactly right model uh yeah so everyone have a fantastic weekend we were back here next Friday I am at least we'll figure out what we're going to do with Russell's absence but don't worry we'll make it work promise you that have a fantastic honeymoon there sir thank you sir enjoy it All Right see you guys soon I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm real rustic this has been the 404 show thank you so very much for listening as you soon you
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