what's going on ladies and gentlemen
here we are at the crossroads of life
Hey it is the end of an era some would
say no one says but I'm gonna say this
is the final four or four episode thank
you so much for tuning in this September
29 2017 I'm joined by a fluorophore
all-star and a couple people in the
studio thank you for being here and Russ
yeah thanks for everyone for being here
Russ Rustica as always co-host Jill
Schlesinger is in the studio for a round
of applause for Steve sphere Guttenberg
and one of the originals back with us
for the last episode mr. Wilson tang how
are you great joke like for Jews in an
Asian nobody used to be two Jews in an
aid to age did you do a podcast studio
this food is all getting sent to that
that's right I want this dryer is a
doggy bag and the manager so this is
gonna be a weird one there's no other
way to put it
this is a fast and loose kind of episode
I don't have that much of a plan it's
tough to encapsulate yeah I know right
why start now let's do a toast all right
thank you to everyone who's been a part
of this very over-the-top very long and
annoying thank-you list at the end
though really before you guys can all
check out your old credits hmm to the
fans as well of course to the fairness
to the fan the number one what you read
ever I went on but it would be authentic
Beacon wine on the Upper West oh yeah
that's right so I just wanted to kind of
run through some stuff I want to talk to
Wilson first because Wilson we haven't
seen you in so long
wasn't like a stranger things thing
where you were in the upside down for a
while is like in the Oh a yeah it's just
like trying to warp myself back here
okay you made it yeah well done so what
have you been up to what are you
currently doing how many kids do you
have do kids get married I got married
holy smokes where's your ring
I didn't see no wedding ring on there he
took it up here just you know but ya
know I have a very it's weird cuz I get
out cuz I wanted to do something new
yeah just you know we it was so much fun
doing the 404 and I just wanted to do
something new with my life and what was
super ironic about it was like I you
know I balanced from a couple of
agencies and I landed at this company
called Freeman and lo and behold will
produce all the shows that you guys are
all ready yet so so like yes yeah just
when you get a second come on Reb you
back here yeah but it's been a lot of
fun I lead a digital studio so what we
do is we have a bunch of artists a bunch
of producers and developers and we come
up with really cool ways to use
technology so argument a reality virtual
reality I've heard of that yeah that's
awesome it's very cool very fittings I
would say yeah yeah it's married life I
want aa great
good answer yeah yeah I'm probably had a
couple calls after this but no life's
great Dianna is she's a casting producer
or director at any networks well still
have part of the family in the media
business but it's nice to kind of get
away from the grind
yeah is this a grind no oh so Wilson
tell me about you know like you're kind
of like first memories and and all that
junk and what you know I I don't want to
put you on a spot and make you like you
know pour out your your crying's but
well it comes to you you know to be
frank I don't never in my wildest
imagination imagination thought that the
show was going to do ten years because
it was always like well you're telling
me when we first started it was like you
know it was kind of substitute
subterfuge like we were just like you
know what let's just put a couple mics
in that really hot closet the computer
and then we started piling in way way
too much equipment and I think anyway
yeah was daily and I think the the most
shocking thing was I remember one day
somebody finally pulled some numbers for
us they're like yeah eighty thousand
people are listening to you and I was
like wait what cuz we were honestly and
hopefully I can do this we were we were
just dicking around
yeah we have a choice of Richard Inc
there's Richard shooting yeah it's a lot
of that ya know for sure like it was
definitely a rad and kind of like weird
ride and I mean ten years ago like
obviously podcasting was you know
predates that but I don't think it was
something that like we thought had likes
at all like oh let's get away doing this
for channel who gets credit for the name
oh I think it might have been me but I
don't really enjoy taking credit for
like they are the original original name
was the dude cast playing cuz that's the
name but like that
five I've ever heard well you know Otto
in 2007 it was still bad yeah but in
2007 like you probably could have gotten
away with that for like nine months Wow
yeah I know
hey man we're chewers children yeah and
I remember when we started doing in you
started getting popular and then finally
like the you know the powers that be
upstairs like recognized it and they're
like coming up to us and they said you
know you picked the worst possible SEO
name yeah it's from the planet right
we're like thank you we know we know
that yes so what else from the beginning
and or you you know is that really a
video yeah you know that was that was
when we started having to wear makeup
and you loved that talked about me you
know you're here Instagram like those
cameras they were like for 20 P like
well right so that was a thing first we
added cameras into that shitty pocket
yeah yeah I love that yeah that makes
one of us and and then we went into the
first version of the story were in right
now which was like a night and day kind
of hangover just realize like oh that's
what we look like
that's not shiny
that's all that's not about so so yeah
no yeah I remember every day like we
would come and do the show we were in
that closet with like no air and the
lights would be on and it was just a
struggle just like to breathe in there
yeah one day would be like 85 Radio it's
in between there and and mess up your
settings and and it was hot in there
like we should forget that yeah I was
here you were here you had like a
supercomputer underneath the desk yeah
that's right it had like a nuclear
accelerator on it does explain on Steve
and Jill you guys were among the first
guests that we ever had on the Pro
what what are your first memories of
that if you want to share that with our
listeners yeah I wanna I know I know you
guys combined I've done probably 200
episode how did you even like get like
because obviously like you know you were
working in the same sphere boys behave
but but like how did you guys approach
one another just came up yeah but I
don't remember I think what were you
doing at the time you mean that second
no I mean what were you doing work-wise
and that's fine when you it's funny to
say now I have a blog yeah and my blog
started slightly before the 404 so I was
working really hard on getting that
gaudy ophelia right yeah so then you
know so I was here a lot and I was doing
more stuff so that's why but indeed we
used to go out to lunch a lot right
we've got so much and I feel like what
was happening was like I was maybe
editing some of your like speed you were
you know it was nice FIRREA no no no you
had an evolved after that just yeah I
just remember you know we talk at lunch
and be like I think you make sense on
here let's let's do that I just couldn't
believe the energy and the chemistry of
it all oh that's when we decided my fate
was that I would always bring you a list
of things to talk about because I didn't
want to be part of this but the thing is
that you guys I always thought didn't
have any preparation and yet it just
happened anyway right no is it we used
to prepare for this year and a half we
had a run down all right what about what
about you Jill I think that Wilson asked
me a financial question was because we
were are my office was on the same row
as you guys when CBS Interactive
launched MoneyWatch right and I was
brought in to help be part of that
launch team and Wilson as always the
financially curious Wilson would ask me
some financial questions and then I
think you sent me you know what it would
be if I have these questions maybe our
listeners do why did you come in and be
on the show and it was
was definitely there was like in the
midst of the Great Recession yes it was
all of us were essentially like we had
you on the show but all of us were
essentially trying to figure out okay if
the world falls apart like how much
money do we need me be stashed away yeah
exactly it was so I think I started
working in 2009 so as soon after I
started here and and then I went on the
show one time and I made a joke that I
said oh my god I'm so old I could be
your mother and you said not really my
mother more like my cool aunt right like
my younger sister at which point Jeff
started the hashtag aunt Jill right and
which has stuck a little bit it has and
then I just did I fell in love with
every iteration all the hosts all the
the topics all the fun questions we
would field and I I always you know I'm
always here for you Jeff def I know this
yeah and we'll send even though you
never talked to me and for anyone out
there you know it's it's like a gift to
be able to be able to talk in this way
it's very with you guys and be able to
talk about things you care about but
mostly it's just an absolute best
experience so much fun to be here I
think that means a lot thank you very
much what did you be honest though what
did you think of us in the very
beginning where you're like I know I got
off and I I got off the air the first
time by the way by the way this is the
first time you guys have ever it was
almost like a odd camaraderie
I didn't realize start our own I didn't
realize well you know that she was
jealous fear yeah I've got a strange
paradox game over here minded so I got
off the air and Jack otter walked into
my office and he was like well how was
that I'm like you know what it was
absolutely awesome I loved it in fact it
totally reminded me of like old school
talk radio yeah and when I was an
investment advisor million
years ago I used to go on these talk
shows and there's just tons of time to
fill and it's relaxed and you could
really get into a topic and in
personalities come out and that's that
was the it was obvious I actually also
went home and I said to Jackie I don't
don't take offense I'm like these kids
are incredibly talented and I said kids
because you guys are so young but I said
these kids are incredibly talented and
so she always knew that she calls you
the four oh four boys and forever boys
we will be indeed little boy that's very
cool I am Russ
yeah yourself were one of the very first
guests I went back and I looked and you
were I think in the 60s episode pretty
early very early on yeah we had just met
actually I think it was Dan Ackerman in
the studio introduced us thank you for
doing that Dan it was some sort of party
for Dan Aykroyd it was a it was a Dan
Ackerman Tetris party he was there
organizing and I remember you know like
pitching the idea to you to come on yeah
yeah well we had just met right and you
were like hey you should come on this
show I was like okay sure you yeah I
could see it in your face well I didn't
know I don't want to do this
well because I didn't understand that it
was already a developed thing it sounded
like a limo but still 60 up sure pretty
pretty far in and I remember coming on
Randall was still on the show and it was
it really went great at the first time
and then the second time I showed up and
Jeff didn't show up for about an hour
and a half there were a lot of like
there were a lot of moments we cover it
up during the show because we were still
trying to figure out exactly how so it
would be professional and not a part of
our now thanks for it's like I don't
think Jeff knew to put this on the
calendar right so I obviously you know
very nice and in the in the shows career
and I think what had happened was I was
very bad and probably still and bad at
planning things pretty good oh thanks
generally that's nice of you to lie
eyelashes and I think I was like at a
meeting with like seeing a game
yeah then and I and I just remember
being like Oh Russell understand oh my
god I was bad don't oh roommate don't
make that face in meet you what happened
I just hung out in that video it was bad
and it was better an episode where like
it was like you and Justin who like
famously didn't play any video games
yeah and like nothing did yeah yeah
that's what I like it when he would pipe
in because it would be some like weird
like the one game you play otherwise
it'd be like actual boy right it's funny
because I remember that but I should say
something that the fact that I continued
coming back for many many times after
right poor judgment on your van
it really was I just did not think that
through but I really honestly did always
have a great time when I was on that was
never like a bummer show that I did and
even when it required assisting your
lack of presence more than happy to come
and and do the show with you guys
because it really was a blast yeah right
I appreciate oh yeah we do one other
thing is that early on of course I love
the fact that Justin could get me
printers the reason why you came on the
show cuz you'd spend half the time
talking about what drivers are installed
so we had a great trade a financial
advice for tech support it was a great
choice okay and then he would be like
buy this printer ink we're just treating
services it was Barnes most professional
right so yeah I mean I guess you know
the thing for me and and the thing when
we announced that we were ending and you
know this has been something that we
kind of want to do for a while
I started getting a lot of you know
people on Twitter emailing the the show
asking hey this is how can I listen to
everything Oh where's the library right
the box says how we gonna monetize that
right well no we we don't have a way
just yet some okay so so I have a couple
things there on our subreddit someone at
one point at around episode 1200 don't
worry what are you sure you know that
cuz I hold a reddit thing I don't do it
somebody at one point wrote a script
that essentially sniffed out every mp3
that we ever upload how consistent is
that naming structure it's pretty
consistent that's good I feel safe for
like maybe a hundred or so episodes out
of 1,700 fine so they are they're all on
the Internet but what I kind of and this
is sort of like an open call for a
little bit of help because for posterity
for this show to kind of live on and be
archived we need a little bit of
wrangling to go on we need a little bit
of you know organization and curation
and I'm definitely willing to you know
do do my part and help out but if anyone
has a kind of ideas as to how we can
maybe automate the process a little bit
I reached out to the person who
originally wrote the script that's if
that all the mp3 files but there's got
to be a way to do it there's no like
auto download the motor now or to like
you know have an i or an idea of how to
do it better and more efficiently I'm
sure we can you know make like a torrent
of it somewhere I just have it and good
to go
Jill how do we do it let me tell you
exactly what I would do Joey do you have
an idea you know I would talk to a guy
and see net and find out whether you
could do it Yeah right and then we
should have somebody on the Internet
right has someone seen it
fabulous podcast do we do we have a
sense of like if you strung them all
together how long it would be that's
that's easy that's pretty easy math
what's our what number show is this this
the final one this one is seventeen
fifteen seventeen fifteen and they're
mostly well between saying I have two it
I'd say like first thousand were an hour
really yeah okay and then we kind of
went like actually no that's wrong we
were doing like a half hour right yeah
but there are some that were an hour
that was that's the thing like we never
really stuck to any kind of time so I
gotta go we gotta go do this other thing
right it would depend on like what we
had going on that day um Joey you're
here grab that mic I want to talk to you
for a for a second because you came on
the show a bunch tell us - are you
getting him in the mic there Brian -
what uh I I do wanna mention Joey's
literally sitting next to three super
nintendo class they have their own seat
on the couch here I don't want to put
you on the spot but dude what do you
what do you have any like outstanding
memories of the shuttle acts of a couple
and a lot of them seem to stem from
Justin who I wish was here today yeah
one and it stands out really vividly
especially when you guys are talking
about you being in my a for a show was
there was a time Justin tried to do a
show by himself it was like 20 minutes
of dead air oh my God he's bombing I got
Julie jump to do it another one another
one was how you'd always bake me I think
I think San Francisco hates me because
just would always plug in some sex
related topic cuz you know it would just
send my radar I would just send me over
the top and that's probably why I
haven't been on the show since so my
apologies the SM allowed Justin to bait
me that reminds me I think the scariest
moment we had was it was a CES I think
we were waiting for Eliza Dushku and I
think it was Wayne Brady okay and we and
they were supposed to come in at like a
very specific time and you know
unsurprising that they were late yeah
and so we had prepared a show like pre
their arrival that was supposed to last
45 minutes and I remember Chris Parker
in the background being like just to see
Eliza yeah yeah just to see the life of
douche kun we're sitting there like oh
my god so Jeff how's uh how's the I want
to count to a thousand look at the
dictionary dancing this thing by the
time she gets here man I'm glad you
brought up CSCS was always like a wacky
Danny DeVito yeah sorry I asked you what
was your favorite star interview was it
Danny DeVito
the other thing was like a whirlwind
sort of like uh how this I I don't this
is crazy
cuz we didn't we didn't know we were
getting him until like 24 hours before
we uh we only had found that he was
gonna be in Las Vegas maybe two days
prior and I remember I spent the entire
day working with his like management to
make sure he would come by and of course
he was like ninety five minutes late
also but that's fine it's Danny DeVito
he's earned the right to be that late
but yeah that was a that was
lotta fun obviously I remember that was
the one dude and I've never really
talked about this a lot but that was the
one dude that I was just like oh I can't
handle this like I like him too much
like I'm sorry I was yeah like and I had
you know I've met a lot my fair share of
celebrities and I always really was like
very level-headed but the second he
walked in I just started sweating I
started you remember you were so
identify oh my God he's in the room like
he's got a whole entourage like
everyone's just like yeah it is Danny
we're walking around with and I just
remember and the bet the best was Justin
kept telling me he's like dude you're
sweating why are you sweating so much
I'm like I don't know it's just it's
Danny DeVito you're writing a lot of my
father's to like you and he's from an
inn he's a Jersey so he's like start
talking I'm just like oh man it really
is you are just like my dad and he's
like I remind you of EJ is it good clean
this up
I wasn't getting dizzy but I was like
freaking out so so this is crazy so we
get up there and I've I'm already like
blur I've lost my mind just freaking out
that I'm about to interview Danny DeVito
and we get on stage and Justin's like
cool as a cucumber
you this was f you weren't there I
remember I think I was in this one yeah
yeah so justin is is up there and and
Danny DeVito's behind the the backstage
and Justin I are talking I'm introducing
and I'm taking way too long to do it I
should just be like get him out again
there and if you do is yelling at me
saying why don't you put a new shirt on
Jeff the one you're wearing
right now I couldn't handle it and yeah
you listen to it now have you listened
to it since I've never listened
really I listen to it maybe like right
after just to make sure it sounded clean
and made sense like you know see if we
had to edit it or anything but holy I'd
lost it that was the one dude where I
was just like nope that's it that's
where I draw the line can't do that
anymore yeah I thought you were close
that way with a Tony Hawk no I think I
think went like those guys like the
action sports you guys like Tony Hawk
and Shaun White like those dudes are
just laid-back yes
California guys who just want to like
chill out there onto ours definitely
wasn't yeah they were there a little
you really don't call them the fly yeah
yeah it's like a megyn kelly moment yeah
but yeah you know we you know we
obviously haven't had like we were at
one point we were sort of like part of
like the junket tour you know we would
have people come in and we developed
good relationships with with
entertainment PR and they would be like
oh you should totally have you know this
guy this guy who's your favorite
celebrity guest that we had the first
one I remember was Jonathan Coulton yeah
he kind of liked and he wrote a lot of
like jingles for us that yeah yeah well
one of some of it was stock stuff but
Arielle Nunez who produced the show for
many years was responsible for some of
the happened the first time I came in
and heard that music
I totally insulted him did you you don't
remember okay so I come on I'm like
what's with this music like in my
typical way like you're like oh you
literally were like giving me the hammer
I'm just like are you okay okay what's
wrong no I love it
I told
well covered yeah uh do you like who can
you think of any other slippery that
really stood after you for me like
having Marc Maron a couple times yeah I
remember Michael Showalter Wayne Brady
and honestly Wayne Brady came back to
New York to Adam at CES and he was in
New York yeah I remember him talking
about how we could buy illicit drugs
from the cabbies and CES right he's like
he's like you guys need know and
actually I got to go back to Eliza
Dushku that that memory was burned in my
head that's understandable
she was a very pleasant yeah I know you
interviewed Marc Maron yeah it's Weiss
so and and when was that the last time
we had him was maybe 14 2028
the first time he gave me a lot of
like that's not like what am i what am I
doing here yeah unusual Marc Marc Marc
Maron being Marc Maron and then the
second time he like you know obviously
remember me and I was like oh we talked
a lot about music which you super into
before the show and and he he was
definitely more well behaved and were
you surprised that he has are are you
surprised that he has become as big as
he has become am I surprised I think
he's surprised no I'm asking you know
did you sense like wow this dude's on
the precipice of yeah 14 he hadn't read
the president no so no but but still he
had definitely you know made his way I
think you know and I used to listen to
show all the time and definitely at the
time when he when he was on and I would
ask him like oh you know did you expect
this sort of pop and he's very much
aware that like he kind of struck at the
right time when podcasting became this
invaluable medium but it's he was the
right guy
oh well condition bright and fine for
that gig totally one of my favorite
hosts guess we ever had was Reggie Watts
that was amazing
yeah Reggie Watts did a whole like he
brought like all these bizarre
instruments or we know we had found a
really bizarre like
micro piano we started like you know
freestyling on and that was that's a
cool that was it yeah that's for sure
and that was before the whole James
Corden thank you what about interviewing
your boss like when land zone came on
you have like the boss of the whole you
know business year net that that would
be very freaky yeah yeah I mean you know
I think like I don't know I gotta give
it to us and like Wilson put that
together do you remember like that was I
said I'm healing I think he had just
become CBS I president for like a like
two months or something like that and
we're just like yeah why don't you come
on the show and then well I was like
wait a minute we we really should have
thought this one out before why just
never being like oh you're gonna talk to
him right cuz I don't know what the hell
it's like learning on the air really
like amber I was like you have to do cuz
I'm not jeopardizing anything I married
I like the fact that we're able to dick
around an hour and not have to do
anything else you better not screw that
up for us and now is Wilson sweat woman
I know yeah I remember bringing in the
the Perry air yeah yeah
yeah this is the Jim lands on green room
in fact you paid for it they had a title
for the door that's you remember I came
on the show right after I had been on
the air with Katie Couric talk about
that and Justin made like that funny
like hard thing because I said I was in
love with Katie Couric right you and you
did answer I loved her go to this day
yeah of course I mean we remember but
you know it's funny like when you talk
about like getting really nervous it and
you know sometimes random people make me
nervous so bizarre surprising yeah
that's that's what I think is always
interesting that someone walks in the
studio or that like someone walks in the
studio and there's instant rapport and
then you're not like you're nervous in
the moment and then like oh I feel great
like I think it's so awesome that Danny
DeVito's like yes I'm like your father
but you did a great job you said yeah I
appreciate that so yeah there's a lot of
like stuff I want to do I want to read
some emails from listeners obviously
being a very important part of the show
we'll get to that I'm serious about the
posterity thing help us out if if anyone
has any ideas these alternate you know
yeah I want to hear because I know you
always prepare for this yeah there is a
sheet yes I sheet of scroll yeah this is
office okay so when you have those
get-togethers with your fans oh
look appearances as the three of you
yeah what was that like to actually meet
them the people who are out there list
it felt this is such a funny over hold
you I thought this is so funny
everyone's coming by and showing us that
they bought a Super NES Jeremy Tommen is
now login zero
that's the best day ever
got a gyro end as an advice does they
come with games or it's all built in so
back to your question Steve the meetups
we had what three or four meetups you
had three for meetups and they were
actually surprisingly well produced so
yes and well attended and I will say
this there it was way more of a turnout
than I ever in a million years would
have imagined a because we never
understood our audience early on in
terms of size and and breach and when
we've said oh let's invite people in New
York which is you know yeah it's a huge
city but like how many listeners could
we have in New York and we would I
remember there was one there was one
event the the Delancey one where we had
to turn people away oh yeah yeah I know
at the the Cena problem story there was
there was that that was the one on
Mulberry yeah yeah and also we do
there's a couple burgers it was always
very you know to meet the people say oh
yeah this thing is I mean that was the
most surprising part so like doing
podcast you expect your audience to be
worldwide right and then you know we're
like oh look it'll be nice we get a big
a dozen or two people and then like a
hundred people would show up yeah and
some of them would tell us like yeah we
drove up from like Florida or you know
Philadelphia to come and say yeah like
we're not good yeah I remember this one
gal never forgot his name was Marcus he
and his wife drove from Toronto oh my
gosh and I was just like that is just
unbelievable man and I felt like I
needed to just spend the entire time
with him because I was just like you
earned it like I'm forever great truth
be told he was a drug actually I think
that was that would probably be like the
most meaningful part because you know
for the most part the show clearly
hasn't changed that much
really all that beard yeah we just
walked in a room talked about anything
for about an hour and a half yeah but
the messages that we would get from
people were always like I feel like you
guys are my friends because this is
exactly and that yeah that meant so much
for sure to hear that little bit of any
children named Jeff no but I remember we
see what a Comic Con where we used to go
to comic-con and we would we would have
events I remember there was one time at
that restaurant Lou and Mickey's
remember the restaurant Oh what was his
oh he's gonna he's gonna hear this is
gonna be so mad it was like a band or
what oh he brought his daughter and his
daughter was wearing a four-four t-shirt
because we like made like a makeshift
DIY t-shirt with the stickers that was
like a really touching kind of thing
just seeing like people you know you
just meet people and you meet their
families and I'm like oh show such a big
part of my life I still have like a box
of stickers and a couple of posters that
fans made like that like we and we
didn't push them it'd just be like one
day would be sitting there and we don't
get mail from somebody unknown just to
the floor for really it's either anthrax
or in some short yeah shake it should we
look Justin see if it first made a
plaque yes no I have one of those like
dear aunt Jill on it and it's in my
office we've got the 404 Rebel Alliance
helmet in the back behind Wilson's head
there right the wood plaques there's the
two SNES box arts that that someone did
first well a while ago just really
start a fan question yeah what's up so
did you over there in the tie-dye really
eat all that crap is it eating like
peanut weird sandwiches and stuffing his
face oh like that that's the card like
everybody won't wonders like what is the
know Justin used to eat that kind of
shitty food everything all the time
Garrity I'm like you have to stop going
out for lunch
you grounded him you totally grounded
for life you're not going out for lunch
Justin stop it boy bring your lunch
bring your life oh and the fry daddy
yeah that guy never gained a pound 7,000
calories a day not a inch of fat on the
guy don't know anything about it what
Justin know me yeah you know anything
about not gaining weight don't you
totally foreign all right I think we can
shift into like some interaction stuff I
wanted to read some stuff but let's
first go to some voicemails let's play
few voicemails from people who have
taken the time we got a bunch I
appreciate it so much that people took
the time to send us a message I'm just
gonna play I took I highlighted about
four here Oh mark let's say ladies and
gentlemen take the chance to say hello
how are you mark yeah there's a wireless
mic over there if you want to tell you
in a second there before we play these
you have that yeah I have that one oh
that's awesome
I feel terrible but I'm not yeah I want
to say very gentleman named Joe and
Connor but that could be wrong and I'm
sorry that's been many years so thank
so mark yeah tell us why this was the
best part of your time here at CNN
short-lived in three I hate to put you
on the spot but you you know in the
early days you were on all I just always
remember being super unprepared
it's okay pretty I was doing I was
filling in for Natalie on a show one
time and like right in the middle of the
show Justin pulls up a freeze-frame
of me on camera and I guess like my nips
were popped out two giant red air
you made Ben Fox Ruben very at the end
of one show and you were like so mark
tell us the story the way I'm doing it
right now yeah yeah and I don't remember
what I talked about but I think it was
like the weekend before I was in Fire
Island and I talked to someone that was
on a cruise with Chaz Bono and I guess
like from what he said she's a big gamer
and that was like my story came and when
we needed you most
just like you always never did yes
thanks for being a part of this thing
and thanks to Ben studio here
thanks Ben for BLR help us out in the
last few months of this show we really
appreciate it yeah be hi hi yes I don't
know pressure you have to say or just
I'm also completely unprepared it's just
been fun to listen to you guys this is
like I was coming on later on you know
like this thing has been going on for
like ten years and this is pretty
amazing to like I mean like I don't I
don't think we've ever yeah Benna know
like some of these stories are pretty
incredible to me it's just like you know
Jeff for us and I just get into the room
and you know completely unprepared just
like shoot the for a couple like
for an hour yeah and I got to miss a
weekly news meeting yeah you know just
hearing some of this stuff that you guys
actually like had fan events and like
fan art and different stuff like that
it's just like new to me and it's kind
of cool to hear about so this is quite
quite a education about the four oh four
yeah this is totally the crash course
definitely well thank you seriously Ben
for helping us out the last few months
it's been a pleasure having you it's
been a pleasure of mine as well
excellent thank you for that I gotta say
that the one person I we remissed not to
give a shout out to is Miss Caroline
McCarthy absolutely because I'm positive
it weren't for her we wouldn't be doing
yeah she's in my notes here you come you
blew it you blew it you but no but
you're right uh it's definitely
important to mention her separately
before the van there she she basically
told us you should do a podcast and
literally I've ever owned the story
correctly we were all sitting around
Randall's desk and for 45 minutes we
were just making fun of whatever
Facebook was doing at the time in
Caroline I think was diligently working
on a story and she was an actual it was
actually doing the job like I'm not she
should be like I'm gonna go on to do
better things let me do my work right
now shut up
but yeah you should start a podcast yeah
yeah I know so she looks over at us cuz
she's like yeah you guys have a good
chemistry you should just start
recording this yeah that's really what
how it started didn't even know yeah you
know but give her credit like she's
definitely on the right direction we
should recognize something okay let's do
a few voicemail things because we have
to do that because you know the
listeners of the show are what you know
gave us material for all those years and
continue to do so for the vast majority
of the show so let's just go through
four then I've highlighted here we're
gonna play right now thank you
and the forest full team this is poll
from Melbourne Australia just ringing to
say hi and thanks for all the great
shows I thought of listening about five
years ago I was about finished up and
straightaway knew that 404 was more my
style of texture great over the years
with you and all the other sorry arrests
forget that Jim Denari oh I was in
flavor to every episode I did appreciate
you keeping your share going as long as
you got all these videos are so many
years and I want you to have the child
it's hard how to keep it around on the
same page but I I know I speak for all
the listeners out there that we
appreciate the shows there always been
great really enjoyed
well you get like Jo and Shannon see and
I think you and Russ and then Fox Rubin
most most recently have been a great
combination and it's finally I say my
baby we understood it's probably one of
Explorer for me to judge John Hodgman
now the great podcast close enough to my
favorite podcasts coming together all
the best to everyone to the future and
good to you from the Royals again soon
thanks all right now it's very touching
I'm so much for that all right this next
one's a little short and sweet here we
go hey yo this is a California from you
lie thanks for everything
just wanted to leave you with this
little throwback this was the show where
we all sing like so we remember putting
Jonathan Coulton
handful of other like jingles like built
into the board and I have to ask like at
one point you just took my laugh and
built it into the board yeah yeah so it
was when you left you know there we got
our single royalty check from notes a
chicks in the mail I remember when you
you know when we found out you
definitely were you know leaving I
remember someone made it for us remember
Jay Jamie Lewis oh yeah yeah very big
part of our program thank you to him an
amazing voice amazing talent amazing
audio engineer he you know for the for
for nothing in return just you know the
the opportunity to be a part of the
whole thing would send us amazingly
produced audio bites yeah and I believe
he put together your laugh for us and
was like well Wilson's gone but here's
his laugh
and there it is in the flesh once again
so thanks to Jamie for sure yeah
all right that's right about John
Hodgman that he brought that up that was
another great episode here's the next
hey guys it's your buddy new hampshire
from lorenzo just calling to thank you
guys for years and years of
entertainment you were one of the few
podcasts that I couldn't system we
listened to was always entertained made
me laugh I'm gonna miss all the gang of
characters that would come on the show
from Justin and Wilson I mean Natalie
every minutes everybody brought
something amazing to the show so thanks
a lot guys for years of entertainment
which is go on but hey everything good
has to come to an end
so wish you the best bye oh thank you
very much I like that everyone is still
honoring the strange weird like you know
name your state before your name I you
know we've talked about it before but
like I still honestly don't remember the
like how they like I don't you know we
we knew how it evolved but we don't know
why it happened and I think maybe it
might have been someone like
accidentally dang it you're swapping and
be like no no that's fine we'll go with
that but yeah they get any messages from
Saskatoon no we didn't know what that
was a town we didn't actually believe we
actually yeah we were obsessed with the
Canadian with Canada in general but
Saskatoon always like boo you know
befuddled us so shout out to Saskatoon
ah here's the last voicemail we'll play
hey for for guys and gals this is mama
and the guy from Trinidad classic with
the very last guy damn I'm gonna miss it
I'm gonna miss all the four or four
things from the guys Rondo Jeff Justin
Wilson Arielle jams Bridget I am Russ to
the four four things Tina Schwartz
thanks audio draft the crazy guy from
the tail that time hang that tune
there's been a great run it was great to
be a part of the community that you guys
created it was great to see you
grow develop and be the awesome podcast
and the best podcast ever MC mmm thanks
mmm enira there was a great hero and I
wish you guys and everyone all the best
and all your future endeavors but I miss
you guys and of course if you have an
imprint of that any one of you you can
just let me know you'll be treated like
anyhow Oliver later and Marlon has
talked about someone who's been there
since the start I mean that guy's
episode zero it's so great though yeah
that's that's super touching him you
know Marlon was definitely someone who
who wrote in and called in very very
often kept us level-headed and kept us
bad he was sort of like always that
guardian you know that that that
guidance you know that that moral
compass a little bit so a big shout-out
tomorrow and thank you so much for all
that I appreciate it all right what do
you say we get the we got to do some
emails right let's talk to the people I
see that you've printed out I did do it
we got a ton of interaction once we
announced the show was ending so a big
thank you and a big shout out to
everyone who sent in a note who tweeted
who called in a voicemail I couldn't we
couldn't do 40 minutes of voice all
those 404 Twitter followers - at Jalan
money one-time transfers and I'll give
you the wire number obviously it's been
a humbling experience having everyone
reach out because you know we do the
show Russ right we've been sharing for a
couple years it's very through the
motions kind of thing and I think when
we finally announced it it took me a
little bit by surprise that there were
so many people speaking up and saying
hey you know it's kind of like this
one-way street but like we love that you
guys have been doing this thing yeah so
it definitely reminds us of why we
started the show why we continued to do
the show I do have a question are you
are you gonna cry I'm not gonna cry
okay maybe I'll cry Marina thank you
okay you know a little emotional here of
course my father is texting right I'll
see in this weekend okay here a few
emails I first want to shout out a will
from nodding him I won't read his email
but he shared a very touching and
emotional story with with us you had
anything to do with being the sheriff of
Nottingham's no that's the let's not
let's not conclude this without a rather
also thank you will for your touching
story that meant a lot that was the
closest I came to crying thanks to prime
for sending in another old school of 404
listener for sending in an email and all
those kinds words here's an email from
Nick W I won't say his last name but
Nick works at CBS really and he's a 4/4
listener and has been for for quite some
time I want to send a thank you for all
the time and effort you've spent making
the four four happen the four four is
one of a small number of weekly shows
that I look forward to listening to I
get bummed out if my phone hasn't
automatically downloaded the show from
my drive home on Fridays we're pretty
similar in age he goes on to talk about
his career and I an eight or nine years
ago I was able to watch four oh four
episodes and play hours of video games
each night which I'm sure Nick you and I
both missed very much now I'm lucky to
listen to the weekly episodes within a
week after they go out and I haven't
gamed regularly since the Xbox one came
out the show has helped me stay current
on things I enjoy from time from a time
when the responsibilities of life wasn't
so heavy the show will be missed please
send my thanks and appreciation Jill to
the other guys who have been involved
all along Justin Wilson and Russ PS go
see the total eclipse in 2024 he's gonna
figure out a way for all of us to see
that in New York thank you so much Nick
so much for from hearing from you really
appreciate that
shout out to Nick next we've got Mike
Marilyn from Mike here I hope you
haven't lost I hope I haven't lost you
all because of the subject in this email
I wanted to write and say a couple of
things I first stumbled across your show
in the summer of 2010 the daily format
of your shows back then helped me with
my daily commute that's the best thing
all the commuters who really reported
this and being in golf with your stories
might have made me miss a train stop or
two once or 404 times I was a daily
listener up until 2012 where life got in
the way and I stopped listening
everyone's got that kind of story where
like they have kids you get married you
do you know life happens the particulars
owed if I remember vaguely was the one
where one of the listeners called up to
talk about using Google glass to watch
porn on his Retina display it didn't
make any sense but I thought it was
funny although the lady sitting next to
me didn't appreciate my sudden burst of
laughter since then I went without my
daily dose of the four four four four
years thankfully my podcast client kept
downloading the episodes in four years
down the road I decided to drive around
the u.s. that gave me a chance to binge
listen to all the episodes and boy was
that a doozy the changes of the cast
through four years absorbed in a
three-week period was bittersweet that
scene through four years and three weeks
man first off I want to say
congratulations to you and your wife on
the birth of your side that's so fine
thank you very much he's two and a half
almost I would like to pass that
congratulations to Arielle as well on
his marriage and I know him a couple
years late but better late than never
secondly I want to I would like to thank
you I have tears rolling up in my eyes
as I'm writing this because I feel as if
this is one big family that is breaking
apart that's not true we're just having
a separation don't worry daddy
balloons right mommy and daddy's dying
look the dog very sick we have to put
him down okay he's been limping for
years it's upsetting everybody Minds me
of the the I think one of the most
common messages we would get from fans
were oh my god you made me look like an
idiot I've been sitting in this meeting
or working at my cubicle or traveling to
work and I'm the guy like laughing in
the corner and everybody thinks is like
what the hell is going on yeah those are
always the best if just that it just
just makes you feel happy yeah what's
that no you keep looking at me like I'm
gonna rupture but I this is such an
emotional I know
don't cry ever such a sweet letter the
hours of entertainment that you guys
brought us over the years is just
staggering Mike now you're really I know
but this is a show that we things are
going wrong because this is it baby I'm
pretty sure there's no other pockets out
there where you can find tech news sleep
advice hiking survival tips financial
advice TV show tips and music
recommendations all in one I truly hope
you guys can sit back and appreciate
what you have made for your listeners as
much as we do I hope the farewell
episode is great I think it's going okay
much love to Jeff just an Arielle where
is he by the way Russ Shannon and Jill
Steve the sleep doctor we got to mention
the sleep doctor dr. Michael Bruce and
everyone else I've had a pleasure of
listening to over the years
PS the number of jobs our beloved audio
philia has never ceased to amaze me how
old is that guy you disclose that early
I'm not gonna have him go through that
again thank you so much I do like the
fact that he said hiking survival tips
when in fact that was the worst possible
secret of a worst race that could ever
be communicated I when when I first ran
into him after that incident I'm like
hey how are you he's like don't ask yeah
so at first I thought it was gonna be
something dopey I'm like oh my god you
actually almost died I mean it was a
Dobby oh series of bad choice
yes yes I think so I think it's
definitely worth mentioning that that is
the most popular show ever in the
history of 404 Justin's almost a
shortened the word Justin just basically
talked about for 45 minutes about he
almost died a thousand times and like
when I say the most popular it's like by
like thirty thousand down it's like out
of control because that every now and
then that show will have like a new
Renaissance where people discover it and
it's it's just a show that
I remember you get to bleep this stuff
out afterwards
Justin explaining what had happened to
him he looked like he had come right in
from the swamp and I'm like what
happened branches in his hair yeah it
was crazy he was like wearing twigs and
I'm just like - you look terrible what
happened he started telling likes you
shut your mouth yeah he would go right
in this pocket and you explained tears
know what and he told the story so well
it's unbelievable and then he came into
work John were you were you his boss
back then when that happened when Justin
almost died that happened exactly like
not on company not CBS Interactive and
no liability I'm scarily like completely
uninformed about all that honestly I had
a few did listen to that episode
I've ratcheted up all the the past eight
hundred episodes and I knew a
cross-country road trip so I can just
there you go I have two questions for
you guys
oh I mean coming up for a name for this
oh where did you are here earlier you
run just cut me no mark and
it was like working I was just the dude
cast yeah yeah thank you for that
painful reminder then when you said you
gonna cut this out but there was like a
whole like that was there break before
like before like it was effective like
had to be pg-rated yeah oh that's a good
point we've got bought by CBS yeah but
we I don't know whenever can tell so I
was like stop saying that word it wasn't
like that I think what happened was it
was just something we kind of decided
internally like hey it seems like more
people are listening says maybe we don't
say MRF or every the den of indecency
I think indecency maybe that would be
the dance studio because Justin in
particular danced on that line every I
remember the reach-around I will say
like the is the first time I've seen
Wilson since I think I mean yeah but the
the Wilson laugh track very much missed
for this show absolutely well maybe you
can just repurpose that for something
else somewhere yeah rerecord fortunately
that thingy signed as he walked out the
door we have the rights that everything
every time you live you owe us money I
mean watching some CBS sitcom in else
it'll be like my voice yeah that's
actually what young Sheldon is mister
Moonves is listening we have we have
some lawsuits to find but so I want to
ask you real quick Jon what when when
this first started happening I know you
were a little weary and maybe not super
stoked about it
nobody I would just say this is general
advice to the world and I think it's
it's been borne out no one should do a
daily podcast remember full-time job
full stop yeah
nobody should do daily podcast if they
purportedly have a real job right not
doing the daily podcast right agreed but
that would be hired yes all wait a
minute I have a question hang on a
second no you guys you guys left and I I
said that out loud though you just right
there wait a second so when I was
definitely wearing a shirt do we well
thank you for agreeing to let me work I
appreciate that
I just had my ten-year yeah
congratulations Thanks what'd you get
for that you know we're gonna give you
CBS all access for free with the
limited I I mean I have no idea who the
other candidate was but I felt like we
called you back for like a second
interview which it took a really long
time and for you know 25 year-old Jeff
was didn't handle it too well I lost
about 20 pounds there was a great day
much like Justin surviving his
near-death experience in it a happy
ending worked out all that matters no
but thank you for giving us that long
leash early on really you know it was
cool that you uh were cool with that
well very smart on you to go straight to
the VP in charge of the whole thing so
John is is correct that was that Larkin
or not was Larkin is Oakley so well look
now that's definitely what happened but
I almost but to be clear though I don't
think it was I think it was a little
piece of advice that you gave to where
you were like you should probably talk
to him deceive because I think you're
like cuz I'm sure should not take you
let's Molly do anything like the other
amazing thing was I said it's insane to
do a daily pikas there were two that it
was it was sort of like the morning show
and then on the East Coast the afternoon
show right cause like you guys and it
kind of bled into buzz out loud right
and for a while they were like we should
just have like a six-hour live blog or
oh yeah yeah which that's now called
cbsn but I remember we took over vo
Elle's podcast feed and we got
simultaneously like the best emails ever
and the worst feature
yeah there was nothing in the middle it
was like what are you doing
and it was like oh this is like what the
funny thing about that is two months ago
or something we did a one-off podcast
for Minority Report yes and Jeff it was
just Scott me and Jeff and Jeff was kind
enough to let us just pop it in the 404
feet because I think it worked out then
you even like not there that week right
it was perfect um and and it was like I
got like the five very supported tweets
I was like this is great the the key the
key is I think one reason that was
well-received is like PS they got Jeff
so all was well but what when you I
think when you take over other people's
feeds that it can definitely be
something yes this oh yeah your any
further I'm totally going for it yeah
pop it right into jail on money okay can
we do that why not I don't know most
students here write better off smoke I
know so we got to get through this
thanks to everyone who's hanging out
with us live if you want to hear some
more emails I told people that I would I
would read them on air the ones that I
select this so I feel bad if I don't but
thanks for those words John I appreciate
that I mean seriously it's been a great
run congratulations to you Jeff Wilson
welcome back Justin we love you wherever
you are glad you're so lovely in from
the wilderness Russ thanks for standing
by how long it's been that you've been
on its come on only two years but
probably like a year and a half I want
to say yeah that sounds right yeah when
against our desvarieux when was your
first appearance on the show it's
hosting or as a guest a guest yeah we
were saying it was like what episode 60s
do something really yeah quite might
even be earlier but whiter I was the
first year that we were doing it for
sure well I'll put the mic down and
probably to sneak out in a couple
minutes but well done good thank you
thank you appreciate it all right this
next email is from Rob who's a flying
donkey he wants to tell us if from the
old chat room that we used
there's a live chat room yep many years
that always was like are these guys
gonna start right just refresh yeah
seriously I wanted to send my thanks to
appreciation for everything you've done
with the 404 podcast I listened I
started listening sometime in o8 and
there was just an instant connection I'm
the same age as you guys so I think it
left even more of an impression because
I could relate to all of you I felt like
we were growing up and progressing
through our lives and careers together
for some reason I vividly remember the
show where you talked about buying your
engagement ring with a lot of cash and
the show where you did a recap of your
wedding it was almost like hey my friend
Jeff just proposed to his girlfriend and
the friends I've got married over the
weekend I can say honestly for the
longest time when it was you Justin and
Wilson sorry Ross you got you guys were
the highlight of my workday time that
means a lot Robert appreciate it I know
that sounds sappy but it's the truth
listening and watching you guys over was
better than any book TV show movie or
game Wow
goes on to flatter us even more than we
probably deserve so thank you so much
Rob really appreciate it and thank you
so much to everyone in our subreddit
there's a couple thousand subscribers on
in there so we appreciate everyone who's
chimed in started a thread interacted
that really means a lot this is from Joe
I'd said to he dear Jeff and Russ it
said to hear your ending the show but
I'm glad that you have been a part of my
life and daily weekly routine for the
last six to seven years you guys along
with Justin I as Arielle Wilson and all
of your wonderful guests have been great
to hear day-in day-out this show was the
first show I ever called in to and
I called into aunt Jill show once upon a
time as well I even have the resister
urge to say Florida from Joe when
calling in on other podcasts thanks for
bringing the news and commentary on
daily life to your audience for as long
as you have this show is the first show
I think of when asked for podcast
recommendations and I'm sorry I gotta
stop doing that now see you guys around
good luck and good luck to you Joe thank
you so much for writing in all right
this is the final part okay hold on I
got to get ready to cry we have to say
our thank you
if there's anyone you have to thank well
I do I do want to request I have a spot
right here for you but you want to do an
hour there no it's fine I ever I have a
request before we get into final thank
you okay
Steve what is the weirdest that you
brought on that piece of paper I feel
like it's fitting we need to see at
least one weird-ass thing that's on that
piece of paper you mean today yeah every
time you'd be on I just kept I want to
also show the camera your ridiculous
chicken scratch yeah that needs to be
seen by other people I've seen it what
do you got in there
what is that no there's no books in said
yeah okay yeah but it's just your Fisher
cream-of-the-crop thought they're on
there well you know the one where I was
going to talk about how I could save the
oh okay all right
you know I cuz it was a thing it was
someone who was doing some kind of
podcast on the Brooklyn promenade okay
and they had a thing like a podium with
a microphone and they made say you can
just tell the world you know what's
happening like speaker's corner and
Linda sure okay so I got up and I said
you know I think I have a way to save
the world you know for future
generations okay
and it wasn't I told this story on the
show then I was in this videos I showed
you the video because rice on somebody's
prairie and I said what has to happen is
over the next let's say 100 to 200 years
you you asked sure no I want to eat this
is vet great way to go out the human
race needs to get a lot smaller oh so
then yeah hi oh you mean shorter shorter
that you met
I thought your about yeah I was like
that's bad houses could be smaller cars
could be small try everything okay a lot
smaller appetites so if our human was
not man wasn't six feet well if he was
three feet tall right way like sixty
pounds when I become all hobbits right a
long way to go on this they stolen from
me they saw me on that I'm not sure
there's a better way to go out with one
of the exaction shirts and everything
thanks for it clearly
thank you so much Jill and Steve you
guys definitely look forward to every
time I was on it was the highlight of my
day or my week I appreciate that I mean
that means I always exceeded my
expectation oh I wanted to do it all the
time I thought it was going to be the
southern guests or the southern anchor I
was Jeff like you know I will
say you never bug me I put I once put an
episode up on Facebook and somebody at
CBS because I said this is the most fun
ever that I have and it's really
supposedly work and somebody who is an
anchor at CBS not that one
said to me what do you mean what about
coming on our show and I'm like oh yeah
you're good too can only be a couple
people yeah Wow thanks Joe appreciate
all right here come the thank yous got
to do this it's I know it's tough to do
thank you for like it's like the
warranty or the APR financing no these
are heartfelt I'm not trying to like
downplay their obviously we have to
thank Randall Bennett and Wilson Tang
the original hosts helping launch the
show and putting the amazing amount of
time and effort into this entire
endeavor Caroline McCarthy like you said
for being you know that first glue
unfortunately he couldn't be here today
but a big thank you and shout out to
Justin you who stepped in very early if
you remember episode 100 and being an
incredibly unique and hilarious voice
all those years and for getting lost in
the woods Arielle Nunez who
unfortunately couldn't be here today
either for producing the show for so
many years who assured the show into the
age of video he was the guy that really
helped us do that successfully he had a
very balanced voice on the program and
that we desperately need at the time
when it was just me and will said me and
Justin and for compiling a composing
original music for the show and
obviously he continues to be a great
supporter and friend to the scenic video
team Bridgette Sally
Richard gems we didn't even get to say
hi big shout out to Richard you have a
gem for us now or now did you save one
for the last no that's fine that's fine
- Richard - Marc Lesya MTI if you
remember from the early days of the show
for all their support of course - is
also close to the show Ben Fox Ruben who
guessed it many times Scott Steiners
here have been on the program a bunch of
times joey Kaminsky's here todd
Pendlebury is here thank you for joining
us today ty and for the entire edit team
who gave us such a long leisurely on and
supported and believed in what we were
CNET we have to thank as a whole for
taking a chance on a thing called a
podcast giving us the freedom to have
our little experiment Steven page at CBS
radio who was a big supporter of ours in
the beginning helped us get on the first
time I was on the radio was with Steven
page that was a weird experience that
was super we the first time somebody was
like wait a minute you're that guy that
does the voice in the news I mean he had
us on huge markets in the country that
was super important and that was a big
process recording that every day and he
really molded us into like being actual
radio people we got I think Natalie
Morris who was a big part of the program
early on as well Marc Larkin who
actually gave us the official greenlight
gave us the first degree still your boss
Jill what Jill how are you today
who gave us in did he not Wilson he gave
us invaluable advice from the get-go
a big thanks to Lindsay turn Tyne as
well for all the years of support to
bonny Gannon honey
Bonnie Gannon oversaw the show for years
and years and years and years
she was our really our biggest fan right
she's my that's like a rabbi to the show
like she kind of guy yeah my favorite
thing about Bonnie would be like after a
show you know we'd have a great time
then I get back to my office and then we
call from Bonnie and she's like that was
great you can't say that yes that was so
funny if you ever say that again I'll
fire no she really was her biggest fan
and like you said she used to call us up
after the shows she loved us and she
made us feel important yep
right and that's really what was what
was encouraging so thank you for all
that guidance and support to Blake
Stevenson who Capote provided tons of
endless creative support including every
logo the show has ever had he had
designed so thanks to Blake to every
single person who ever listened to the
show told their friends about us who
called in wrote an email participated in
contests tweeted thank you very much who
else is here
Sarah too always able to take celebrity
photographs with us thank you so much
Sarah for being there for us to all the
originals in the early days of the chat
room you were the daily glue where they
not Wilson they held it all together and
they actually did provide somewhat of a
moral compass I'm not sure you guys
should maybe talk about that and thank
you to Russ thanks for coming in here
when the show was just about to go under
thank you for helping rescue it and
thanks for being such a dependable
friend I really appreciate that thank
you for taking the time to come in every
week even though you don't work here no
one's paying for me it's not serious
thank you and thank you to everyone who
lets you be here and the fact that you
you know could make it work every week
and I couldn't be happier that you're
the one who closed it out with me I
appreciate it in that I'm gonna get if
you have anything to say you covered
everything I couldn't possibly do a
better job apart from thanking you thank
you to hug oh hi for the audio I want to
personally thank my family my mom my dad
my brother John his wife Malorie for
their endless support and feedback and
words of encouragement making me feel
like I was doing a good job to my wife
Stacy for being my biggest fan I thank
her first that's okay when you guy get
your awards friend thank you to her
being the show's biggest fan and the
neverending love and support for the 10
years we've been doing this and I guess
that's how you say thank you for Thank
You Dylan of course thank you I'll say
Thank You Dylan even though he's too
young but later on he'll hear it and
I'll be like oh you did a thing one time
if you want to stay in touch with anyone
here please do everyone's on Twitter
make sure you do that russ has there's a
lot of content follow Russ subscribe to
Jill's show on iTunes wherever you get
your podcasts it's called better off
right right yes yes best guest ever
Jeff mr. Steve sphere Guttenberg please
follow Steve on Twitter and follow your
audio field like blog you have a podcast
as well you're doing now pixels and bits
pixels and bits NASA standard vision
make sure you subscribe that and you're
also doing stuff on YouTube now we're
gonna get you an actual channel that
people research that'll be great thank
you to Wilson follow Wilson on Twitter
as well yeah right what is it
and thank you once again to everyone
that'll do it for us until we meet again
there's so much for everyone to hanging
out in the studio for this live send-off
yeah oh so bad I didn't call out
Brian builder personally do you record
that I'm gonna put that in at the end
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