
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 Show - the last VCR, Elon Musk's masterplan, Facebook Aquila, Comic-Con, Ep. 1670

the 404 show is supported by city cards with Android pay are you listening to our fine program on your phone well now you can pay while you listen using the same device just tap and go download the Android pay app on Google Play or visit city comm slash Android pay to get started Android pay is available for eligible City consumer credit and debit cards hey what's up everybody welcome to the for horse show my name is Jeff Bakalar I'm joined by Russ brush dick actually he could not be here today it is I Barney he would you think of his Bernice hello Justin yeah Justin what do you what do you think do you think this is where the country is going I think you said Barney that doesn't sound like it's born at all yeah it does sort of sound like you're swallowing your words I feel like this is the last time that I will be a relevant person so if ever I had to make this voice it is now and now alone the best part about all this is that Russ is like sitting on this Bernie Sanders thing not telling anyone that he's gonna be whipping it out it just like starts going in like Gary areas this is what I can say I need to be in control of my own future and if that means bashing ahead and through anyone that stands in my white Soviet Soviet if it's Justin if it's Geoffrey he would call me Geoffrey first sure that's what I would say how long are you gonna let this I know I the top of the podcast what's funny cuz like remember when I used to come on and do those like ridiculous Michael Caine Michael Caine was good this is Bernie I'm sorry don't you have to be in Philadelphia yes goodbye I need to be speaking soon I will be playing Pokemon while I'm in Philadelphia Mew is there I don't approve of him he goes over the 150 original Pokemon Bernie what did you think about a Trump speech yesterday where he was welcoming all of your previous followers to his camp yeah you know what to them where they're gonna go to Hillary now good you gotta go it over here like Larry if you're not collecting pidgeys right now and saving them for your lucky egg you are doing it wrong well he knows a lot of it I'm surprised how much Mr Sanders knows about Pokemon goes what can I say I started with Pokemon red yellow Nixon no no like a JFK thing yeah yeah yeah all right Bernie you take care with Montana Philly hey Russ come in come in oh hey guys what's up who's that guy you see you see do you pass by senator Bernie no I saw someone with white hair looking down at his phone Oh was he chasing a Bulbasaur he might have been Justin you on the program today just used back in action hey what's up duuude here's my thing about Pokemon go okay why why doesn't the app the characters in the app why don't they make the same sound as they did in the TV show what do you think it's saying that they don't say their own names well I don't think they want to pay for the voice acting yeah but I thought if it was owned by the same company that put out the first TV show voice well you got to know you would have to pay those actors again you already know more about Pokemon than I do I don't even think in the games they say well no they do in the games they say them now originally they just went so they could afford its own Game Boy that's all they could handle it's all the bandwidth could afford um so today's been a week it's been a thing today it's been a week I'm sorry this week's been a week it's been a week as of 7 degrees outside Jeff's face sufferable dude how are you wearing pleasing studio how's your week on it's going pretty well yeah I've been exposed to a lot of Pokemon I'm not playing Pokemon myself which I feel like Jeff you and I might be the only people in the office that are not playing it I'm surprised about because I know a lot of people that didn't play the game boy game and didn't watch a TV show but just but are now getting into Pokemon go as they're older which is weird weird yeah we're the same age I'm Russ we're all no 32 no that's what I'm saying is that there's wait you're 32 now oh no 32 no that's what I'm saying so oh so that sort of defeats my heart he proves my point yeah okay so there was but that we were all sort of on that borderline window where it's like if you were a little bit younger a hundred percent yeah and Jeff was far too old I mean you know far too far too old the pipe bug lunge how old are you now I'm a 32 going on 33 in October yeah Warren it might have been the cutoff maybe yeah sure if you want to assign a specific age to it I love Pokemon I think this is all great I play it every day hmm my now wife and I literally walked a target a target opened in our neighborhood recently literally walked the target just cuz like it was a good excuse to catch pokemon yeah doesn't have enough people stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to look at their phones so I'm really happy to put yeah thanks for being part of the problem no problem nothing like a variable suddenly changed directions in front of me well I have a high end Pokemon I'm trying to capture I stand to the side yeah let people go I'm not standing in the middle I am a New Yorker at heart yeah I'm also a polka maniac so like those two things are not mutually exclusive right like you just want to punch him right you're like actually punching in the face they were here first man yeah they were here first they're the original they're the natives all right so we obviously don't want to spend any more time talking about that speaking of things that are going out of style real soon like real soon Justin you wrote a story on seeing it about the last VCO oh yeah it's like the last he the last of the Mohicans in other news VCRs have been manufactured for the past 30 years apparently I had no idea until I was researching the story but it's true the last remaining VCR manufacturer which happens to be in Japan they distribute I think to companies like sanyo okay another news Sanyo is still a company I do yeah they're called I forget what they're called Funai electric isn't a Japanese company and it's weird because VHS tapes cassette tapes are still going to get manufactured just like this still make regular audio cassette tapes okay it's er that you can no longer on what are you what are they VHS tapes Bank no yeah yeah they're blank and so you can tape your soap operas everyday okay so the follow-up question of that is if let's say I feel like there's archivists and stuff like that that might need a VHS so essentially they're just gonna be repairing the old ones that exist yeah yeah I think so okay so they're like pinball machines at this point I feel like look at the story there I think it was around 300 no no I'm sorry 750,000 that were sold last year which is really a worldwide number yeah but see oh that is like you wrote the word only but it's like you should've built with a with I can't believe this 3,500 no 750 that's a lot man I guess so for a day how many beta tapes are being what was the last time you even seen a VHS player 50,000 like we you would kill for that number yeah that is so amazing I can't believe that how are you sure that's right that's true wow that seems unlikely you said there been steadily declining over the last few decades right know what the peak was that's obvious yeah fifteen million units a year it's okay for me yeah I still think this is a lot who are these people who are the only proposed last time you've even seen a VHS tape that was a life story I've seen uh weirdo whenever here's where you see them when you rent places right oh yeah yeah it's like a summer home yeah right four by three TV yeah Sound of Music VHS by the way and then they just have like Brazil on VHS for some reason you're like all right I guess I'm gonna watch Brazil right now well there was a remember that was an app that got really popular last year that made anything you record on your phone yeah but that's not gonna come around to where vinyls come around yeah there's no legacy where it's like this was really the best quality there is no sort of novelty yeah using but yeah whew those like throwbacks like that Donald Trump movie that Funny or Die did run shot like it was a VHS mm right a lot of this a lot of a dose and stuff yeah so all right that's the story with that last of the vh VCRs are relevant at all in August so I guess blu-ray is still like the thing that for physical media is that it for physical media it's gotta me is this the end that's what we done with this dear God let us be done how on earth does it make sense to continue to make physical media like you would need something that increases in fidelity so outrageously that you no one has the harddrive space for it but even that's a sense the cloud would make more sense it does not make sense for these intangible things it makes me so huge it all zeros and ones to be held on to write like on your purse unless it's a collecting issue which a lot of people do collect movie that's do they do but like that is kind of going away too okay well I know like I mean in the same way that like all I listen to now is spot of a stuff on Spotify like I don't listen oh I get it any physical stuff I haven't bought a physical piece of music in probably a deck I haven't even bought a digital piece of music and probably a decade because I also a piece of streaming services for the streaming service but like that's not the same as going to iTunes and buying an album I don't do that it is not it is not and that's where things are going I feel very happy that I never like bought into the blu-ray thing I bought in the DVD thing a little bit I did I jumped in part yeah I bought like a hundred DVDs real maybe not like a keeper now there are no movies that I want to re-watch that many times because it's so easy to watch a new movies and then right so it's like overload of content and choice right the hassle of like getting up and putting something in I realize that's lazy and stupid I just remember it's so much easier just use a remote it's so funny you bring that out like for a very long time my brain was fixated on the problems of physical media and how like how do we leave e8 yeah how do we like get rid of like the of like I was like wait so my dad had a five DVD disc changing right mmm oh it's like a frickin gun it's like a revolver like a bullet chamber for the 300 discs each I had that like outrages through it that's really cool no I had a Sony 200 CD disc change cool and like you could go in and program each slot ya know so like what you did was we put in like the names of stuff so there was a point where like some CDs were made with there's like a little logo on the jewel case called like CD text and like that would send metadata to player yeah so you could be like oh this is Red Hot Chili Peppers right so like I remember so the thing I had had that Tech in it but like only an eighth of the CDs I had damn so it like so it'll be like give us an hour and we'll check off you like let it run its course and you're like alright you stopped to fill in a hundred and eighty you know maybe CDs I'm like screw this I'm not doing that you know anybody that had one of those multi-disc changers in their car yes yeah not 50 but I had ten I think I tend it's not very much yeah yeah my mom in the trunk yeah oh no so my mom had a 2004 Jeep Cherokee that had it in the glove box oh no it was in the middle divider oh yeah you lift it up lift it up and you could just take the the magazine in and then to my stupid-ass car I had a 1999 cougar mercury cooler that that's the stuff I've just changed was in this freaking trunk you're done after like a week and you just like how to open a door redic and I finally like replaced the head unit and at least you had the multi one I had the single disc and then the - my sleeve yeah you talked about I was talking about laziness and I feel like the epitome of that is was this purchase I just made for the echo which I bought during Amazon Prime I talked about it prime day whatever where it's literally I've gotten to the point where I'm too lazy to switch inputs on my TV and pull up my Spotify app to play Spotify through the PlayStation 4 I just want to talk and have music be presented to me like that's how lazy so what did you more I bought an echo ok and and like I'm it comes today I'm very excited I will report back to see whether it's changed my life Jeff is very jealous oh that's super jealous I just think like why would you say I'm jealous cuz I'm you said you won't yeah you said you wanted one yeah I don't know do you have one of those no I don't but you don't have to go in and sort of specify like what you all your favorite orders are or yours just say you assign so you log in as I understand it you log in through the app into your Spotify account and once you do that once the the echo knows oh this is your Spotify account so then you can just say hey Alexa yeah play sting fields of barley yeah which I'll be doing non-stop I'm learning a lot of that should've been a discover playlist a few months back and it really made just who's discovering sting apparently Spotify wants me to discover do you have your entire music library in your head where you can just conjure if you want to just like look at your library and just click on so the way I listen to Spotify is like oh hey I want to hear whatever I was listening to the mountain goats this morning I want to hear the mountain goats so I can literally just be like hey wax have played me the mountain goats and I could specify an album if I wanted right you specify a song you can specify a song I don't know how it works with like like if there's multiple songs with the same name whether it asks you or how that all works but yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna be messing around with it this weekend a very cool and it's lazy and it but it is the most like demolition man thing I own or will own right you walk into the hotel room and you could be like lights on yeah welcome John Spartan use the three seashells I do morning mode two right where you have like soft music playing yeah yeah so apparently I heard that apparently I heard yeah that's what I heard um the tap oh yeah they're making a new one that's why they don't sell me so the tap is like just the puck I wonder what their changing oh no the dot I don't this is the yeah yeah right so that echo so there's an echo it's a full size one the tap which is like a portable one like the size of a water bottle yeah and then the dot is just Alexa in a hockey puck yeah and like you can put like uh you know you put into everything into something yeah okay so what's the water bottle one day that's like a portal you bring that to the beach yeah that's the one that's like a wireless Bluetooth speaker that you bring anywhere but it works with voice yeah it's got a battery in his got better but it yeah so that's that it's weird yeah yeah I want that I wanna so I want the brain you don't mean like I wanted the dot right but I want that to be easily synced with something that's like kind of always on and again like my biggest hang-up was I don't want an echo because I don't want to play the music out of that shitty speaker yeah I don't think it's that shape look you're the bars low I can't bars low yeah your your sonically handicap music think of how much money that saved me like I can listen to streaming it doesn't bother me I can Street garbage music if you actually do you have bad no ears no but I'm not picky so like I don't need to listen to one one 60s ABS yeah is mp3 I think it's average at best no I know people that listen in 96 to consider Oh savages yeah yeah I wonder what Spotify screams out I have no idea Spotify I think high-quality streams at 3:20 yeah yeah okay uh but yeah so we'll put well we'll get off that Amazon let me know how it is because if it's cool and my people do up - yeah right you want to go in on that yes but it you get it Mondays and Wednesdays joint custody does that work done ah let's talk about Facebook you guys remember a while back Mark Zuckerberg had these like super lofty ambitions of bringing Internet to like vastly remote places on earth I also remember he wanted to kill his own meal remember that little bit I was like flirting with that lifestyle for a while and then he's like wait a minute I'm a billionaire I could have people cook things for me I could yeah this is a little bit it's similar though because he's trying to bring to third-world countries bring the Internet and they might have to kill their own meal yeah sure if that's how you want to you know so he's bridging the gap suss it out so they secretly kind of did this test launch of a drone Oh God that will hopefully one day be able to deliver internet service mmm Wi-Fi to extremely remote places on earth okay so they're calling the drone akela so it's AQ u ila akela it's got the wingspan of a regular jet but it's like a full-size jet yeah well that's it it's kind of just the wings okay oh it looks like a looks like a bee - yeah yeah crazy but there's like nothing there and it does kind of have like missile e looking things which is I guess a little upsetting but anyway that's gonna bring Wi-Fi to my office you're gonna deliver Wi-Fi it's really scary and they won't know it is almost like a predatory looking sort of drone anywhere that this flies above like they're not gonna know they're gonna think they're about to get bombed well you know here's why they won't know because this thing is supposed to fly 60,000 feet oh that's very high above the surface of the earth which is roughly twice the cruising altitude of a normal commercial jet you might still be able to see that though up just the wings that's gonna be tough seriously how does this distribute Wi-Fi so that the tech behind that is kind of still top secret okay but what's really cool is that they want to have these drones going up in like fleets and the drones will communicate over laser communication okay okay so now so it's like a satellite but low satellite connected yeah a little lower satellite connected 60,000 feet altitude drone Wi-Fi delivery service okay now just think about how freaking sci-fi crazy that sounds right yes they not only that they're hoping these drones can fly for three months at a time yeah that's not surprising no drone has ever even come close to that little bit drones that they're using now I have like all sorts of like cameras and bombs and stuff in them right much heavier so these are solar powered right obviously they use the same power that three hair dryers were draw yeah okay yeah but it doesn't dry your hair no not from that height look Facebook they can't do every now there are limits it's insane they had only planned to test this for 30 minutes but there you wind up going three times longer I guess cuz they were just having so much fun to an hour and a half bombing internet to everybody ah yeah really really crazy unbelievable kind of fantastical stuff how would they like it lasted three times longer than what they thought it would last no it wasn't like Hanukkah that's what I thought no they just had only planned for 30 minutes but they wound up there like fun we got a mood meeting pushback I feel like we were making this for three years I kind of want to get a little bit of more of our money's worth Google has talked about doing very similar things with blimps very similar idea like a Zeppelin why does f-1 Wi-Fi thing and to give access to the Internet to like third world countries and also countries where they had like a natural disaster yeah so all the wires and stuff per hour would be cut but this is an access although I guess you would need the power whatever device you are using I just want to know like why this is the best solution for this well because at Facebook as a company it bent it benefits them dramatically they have more people connected especially people connect oh no no I understand own I understand the reason to bring Internet look I'm saying why is it through drones why is that them what's the alternative yeah I don't know obviously the they find this to be the most cost efficient if you're running a wire you can like zero like signal to like a seagull that doesn't seem like that's a lot of seagulls so yeah really cool like I saw this sounds like wow ah color me impressed yeah yeah you guys see the I think they put out a new design for the New York subway cars really no not to take away from this story but this this story kind of feels like it's closer to home yeah I guess I think people know they're gonna have Wi-Fi on the subway cause I was thinking like if they have this why don't they happen on the subways right it's actually coming I mean they do have it in stations they have yes yeah so like and I get actually a cell signal almost my entire commute in you know it's all underground yeah so they have that but you're saying it'll be in the cars yeah I guess they're gonna have Wi-Fi inside the cars where you're traveling okay and then they're also gonna have power outlets inside the car oh that USB port not a good idea not a good idea cuz we don't have fights enough fights in New York City well it's also gonna be like people are gonna that's gonna be the new like Starbucks where someone's just gonna like camp out yeah in a but like how long are you on the subway for well if you wanted to be on there all day jump on that ac3 right exactly free air conditioning and Wi-Fi and power yeah go it's like a little mobile office for you I heard a funny story I'll tell you about that right after this quick break the four for show is supported by city cards with Android pay how cool is it that we live in a world where you can use the same device to listen to our fine program and buy your morning coffee groceries and more and did I mention it's a super fast way to pay just use your city card with Android pay at the register get in get it get going download the Android pay app on Google Play or visit city comm slash Android pay to get started Android pay is available for eligible CD consumer credit and debit cards so I was watching the news and they were talking about the Staten Island Ferry and now they've had to deactivate all of the outlets on the boats oh no because these asshole people are fighting each other like like animal to recharge to get access like you're on the boat for how long yeah I don't actually know how long to think to get this thing I don't know 15 minutes okay so they go so they're interviewing someone who who witnessed a fight and the kids like yeah people are super stun like one guy's like oh I've got 50% you've got ten yeah it's like what a nightmare just jump off the boat just get out well here's what I would do no ticket when I when I travel I always bring a multi-port plug with me so I I will always be able to get a plug when I'm waiting in the terminal because I can just say hey I have this and we'll both plug into it and then everything's good they'll be like no you're you're you're splitting mice my juice that's a great hack right great let you bring it like an entire power strip no it's it's a mini travel power strip essentially like two inches long they're like it's yeah it's got like three plugs in it it has USB chargers and on the side of it love it I read you're such a peacemaker yeah well I bet you save situations all the time well I'm not a peacemaker cuz the it's all about just benefiting me which is to say I always have a plug because I just go onto any blog and be like hey I'm gonna use this if do you even say anything or you know I just unplug at least I'd be like hey I got this thing has anyone ever said no I know it's never no one's ever said I don't just anyone ever been like all right they do sometimes they look at me weird but like they won't say no because whatever who are they care yeah do you ever see people in New York plugging into the bottom of lightness people and all that's meant for a construction where kind of comes off all of them in saying I don't like that I don't like that those panels come off so easier like you could hide in there yeah I don't like that it's like a good dead drop spot it is a good geocaching spot yeah that worries me and also those random ass gas canisters that just sit on the sidewalk hydrogen tank we got to the bottom of that before we meet me out it seems like but I know they look like helium take a look like that man yeah traps so all right I think I'm gonna guess because I think I remember okay if you walk around in New York sometimes you'll see just on the sidewalk maybe three or four giant gasp like maybe hundred all you can do is type NYC space in the I yeah and what came up is if I should mention tanks on the street going back to 2008 and it's got the Miss post okay and yeah here's a recent one from July last year they actually say liquid nitrogen yes so here's what I think and I'm not gonna read this I'm pretty sure it's too cool something underground hmm are they plugged into something yeah yeah they're not just chilling out I thought they were just chilling they're just chilling out acting like a light post testicles okay just like just trying to do anything why would they need construction or something down there yeah so here's what it is it's pressurized it's a pressurized system to keep cables dry when repairs are going on because there's too much steam okay so it's kinda in the ballpark okay you're terrifying though yeah like they so own so then there's also like the weird air monitoring things in Subway's yeah ever seen that I've seen those yeah those I don't know that's what they are like it's like subway air monitor air maybe they're air filters I don't know it's not showing up as easily but like there are these weird things in the subway yeah that look like they're testing for like biological attacks and they're labeled they're not labeled they have like my PD stickers on them okay but they're not like the sell your things that hang from the ceiling no okay no I can't pull anything out here that falls in line with that but that's not the best feeling when you see those no that's scary those aren't fun yeah they're weird-looking machines they almost look like the overhead display of like the transparency sheets and you've seen high school that's kind of what they look like if that makes sense yeah yeah real we're with the neck yeah it's weird all right so we covered some stuff there that was fun uh Ivonne Musk back in the news as he does once or twice a month he has a vision for the future yes or Tesla's vision for the future Russ what do you know phase 2 for Elon Musk I believe that's what there are we are we at phase 2 for him well it's just starting phase - yes phase 1 was a huge success with just the SEC you made a bunch of money selling electric cars and launching things into space there you go master plan part deux was the title of this post and the big focus is essentially on solar power specifically for homes so his plan is to essentially build solar panels that'll just sit on your roof and power your entire house now I think if anyone were to say this anyone other than him were to say this we'd be like yeah okay sounds great man but like dude came through with part one dude came through so he envisions a fully autonomous solar-powered future yes which makes so much sense the Sun is used for everything it's the reason we're here is reason there's plants and trees and all this other - look at all the waste right now all it's been doing is giving us skin cancer we might as well like get some Ben tell me about it so I feel like what like so so so what is so he says be hey remember that plan I played out ten years ago I'm almost done right what else am I still think I'm worth it saving the planet right this is kind of crazy so he claims that he's at the final stages of his 10-year master plan and he just I mean the fact that he figured out a way to make like his cars relatively like reasonably priced always low-end low-end is cheap the low-end is cheap right that's what I'm saying falls in line with the cheaper so if you're looking for this net like this technology clearly he knows how to put these pieces together where it's not out of reach of normal man especially when you factor in oh I'm gonna save X number of dollars on heating and cooling cost you know I I believe that I think you could pull it off and that'd be pretty crazy it'd be very crazy if we all of a sudden just kind of unplugged off the grid and like everyone while everyone's their own grid everyone's their own grid yeah like are we gonna live to see that I think so you share yeah why not well I mean if you're in an apartment you would have to share I feel like I feel like the future that we'll see like when we're senior citizens is like the Power Cell future yeah we're like you can hold on to power like I'll bring these Power Cells with you and like they'll last a week right do you know I mean like yeah they called this backpack as a Power Cell backpack I mean but we already have like I'm not saying week but we have like we have okay stuff sure I think to me the least impress a least impressive but I think the room for improvement lies in batteries we're like yeah Internet's pretty fast kind of we're kind of yeah we're bad good fidelity graphical fidelity we're getting to a K and then that's kind of like the ceiling right I guess energy power yeah like Oh Apple watch home Leslie it's yeah like we're not at that like to me that's the next great evolution yeah your your cell phone should last as long as your Kindle does right and like the Kindle no lis reason that's the case is because the Kindle not using name it's not using any pound you know yeah you want to go like weeks at a time yeah like I really think like that's where we're headed and we're like a very interesting Power Cell future like they'll unlock something and I you know I think whether it's solar whether it might be like a who knows if it's like a micro fusion thing that knows what it is yeah but like they'll figure it out make it portable and that's what the new energy commodity will be and then the weapon to beat that all down as clouds like a lot of clouds right someone that eyes in and like seats the class like no more solar no more sweet sweet solar any although guess what what that it goes through clouds does it as potent lee though biodome biodome no it goes through and it makes it through high so you know I'm not moving anytime soon but I'm moving within maybe five years out of ho here I want the house I move into to have like a solar ready situation I guess any house can be retrofitted to support that yeah but like when I move I would really almost pay extra yeah be in a solar situation guess what Jeff you can't I know but like I look at we look at a lot of houses just you know sort of leisurely and and you know prospectively but we don't you don't see that yeah like I feel like no one's selling their awesome super solar-powered house yeah cuz it's not there's no like mass-market solution right now I feel like it's a lot of like small companies kind of forcing it and but if Tesla got in the game and then as we've seen with other car companies trying to like chase Tesla you know these all these big companies start getting in that game then yeah I think it becomes like more of the norm so are you did you understand anything else that he laid out cuz it's not just about power right that's true it's not just about power he said something about he was talking about yeah try transport I'm like upgrading transport systems where you know we've been talking a lot about autonomous vehicles and how we're not there yet but like his end goal was to essentially get there and to cut down on accidents and stuff like that almost entirely like they basically would never happen cuz everything is fully autonomous yeah and again like this has I would say way even more problems than the power idea of making it happen because you have to factor in like all the people that would be like I want to drive my own car yeah and the legacy people the legacy people who we should just put on a boat somewhere something so yeah on a boat have a like a you can have like a Disney World but it's like oh I can drive my Subaru here and only here and then once you leave the Disney World sorry back to riding in style and not getting car accidents anymore yeah of all the places to have this conversation in the world I had it in my hockey locker room we were talking about like what how long is this gonna take for that for this to happen and so like the question I like to ask people or like just you know bring up was like oh well Dylan will Dylan have a driver's license all right like will he grow up and have a driver's license and I feel like here who is a year and three months old yeah he's like the perfect candidate yeah maybe that generation that sure won't I think he might I think like I think it also depends on where you grow up right like where you're raised and what your economical situation is and what your social situation is but I think based on like what his life and where he's like wait are you saying that they would just stop giving our drivers licenses entirely I don't know or like what would that look like like what will it what will it be like when we when we were 16 17 you got your permit then you got your license I was that any kids not always not always it but that that's what I'm saying where it depends on where you go up sure I think for him if you're comparing it to the conventional like suburbia you know yeah turn 16 you start your permit and then you get your license right I don't know if that's gonna be the norm anywhere will it be like we're only certain kids decide to get it where it's like not everyone gets it cuz now no one needs it because my family has an autonomous car so I don't need it like right you know what I mean yeah but you could still theoretically knee I feel like 15 years from now you're still gonna need some level of knowledge of how to maybe drive a car maybe I mean a lot changes in just three years yeah that's true I don't know and I again like we've talked that we've beaten this topic to death but it's like and a fully autonomous driving situation will take a massive overhaul of the infrastructure of of what this country looks like do you think that before Dylan graduates high school you will be putting him into an autonomous car and letting it drive him place and maybe without you in it maybe I feel like 15 years for that isn't it enough he no but I would I know but like you wouldn't you feel more safe to have an autonomous vehicle than your 15 year old son you driving the car here I would because you'll because they'll be data by then where it's like robots only kill six people right right teenagers kill for forty thousand and you're like what the hell am I even thinking about yeah weird dark future get ready for it it's happening it's coming it's he well what does anything freak you like I'm really freaked you out yeah having kids oh wow I mean come on why you got one the oven no definitely not I thought I know what about you rest no not that I just got married gratulations by the way buddy thank you very much it's done it's done I'm wearing the shackle or am i riding in a shackle yeah that's fine I do I have been taking it off I feel like everyone has tips for rings and like one person was like you never take it off just leave it on all the persons wrong person gave a lot of weight and can't remove it and they get rashes on their finger and they're allergic to that metal yeah this or they don't yeah clean it enough or whatever so alright a record I've never clean my ring not once I mean I've watched you take it off but I've wash also washed my hands with it on so therefore it's clean I did isn't there like a metal that's like antibacterial like copper or something I don't think there's like a metal out there that's just like kills germs there is because sometimes they use it for a bathroom handles because it kills germs right on the bathroom handle it's like I don't know a middle germ cleaning middle yeah killing metal maybe uh this is telling us how to clean metal yeah no I think there are metal there is metal that does that you're saying like a germ resistant metal yeah see that heavy metal toxicity and resistance not getting to where you need to be no bad bad googling only get the only good the Parral ago dynamic effect what is that oh yeah this might be it it that thing I just said raptured Oh silver spoons self sanitizer yeah there you go due to the only god dynamic effect I think that's holy good dynamic probably the root of oligarchy meaning rich or head of state this is kind of crazy kids we're on earthing something so the metals react with feel and a mean they have groups of enzymes or proteins a mode of action to which micro organisms may develop resistance so silver and brass you can just leave out you could poop on a silver spoon and the poop just vanishes Wow that's science science is amazing I go over to your place and then they kind of go through like a bunch of elements here and there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't that that can do it zinc tin zinc oxide is used as well that's what I didn't know that know that I want to know about so so I I've had my dermatological issues over the last six months as everyone's aware and I feel like every time I come here we talk about dermatology I know so like I ask me or do you guys know it's just a coincidence I am we haven't brought up in a couple shows okay so I had a follow up again for my leg and the doctors like this looks great it's healing real nice you're looking good I'm like cool I go how I go lay it on me doc like what's the deal should I not go into that like what's the deal with the Sun and me yeah yeah and I'm like is that 15 minute burn thing a real thing he's like no that's oh really yeah he's like you don't be in the Sun at all doesn't watch yeah he's like it's not about it doesn't take 15 minutes for your skin to mutation so makes like the second the Sun touches Oh God it's like the second you're in the Sun it's doing things to you yeah so I'm like so even I'm like is the radiation so I told them I'm a shadow jumper we're like I just I am a shadow hopper you'll cross the street and and like it's really tough because there's only a very sweet spot in the morning we're like once I was fully covered okay for me I have to constantly because I don't start walking till like nine o'clock yeah sure I feel like constantly yeah be moving move like you're looking for pro-gay stops sure you need an umbrella so I am so I did bring an umbrella I have one in my bag now where like I've had to use it a few times where I'm just like look that is a long-ass corridor there's no shade yeah I am F so it's you and it's like HBase don't have as much hair on my head as I used to like you pop your heads a problem oh yeah it's it's a thing it got eliminate all your black t-shirts from this season it's not a problem but that it does but like I the Sun so yeah not in the Sun the black shirt doesn't do anything yeah so you dermatologist actually told you not to he said never go in the Sun now he said you should wear sunscreen every day regardless in the winter - in the winter - although we are the sun's a little further away but like you do that I don't know winter no no see right now so I so I put on moisturizer that has it in it but isn't like a 5 it's like 15 yeah so I was asking them and I'm asking people who are listening I need like at least 30 yeah so baked into a moisture while you just do moisturizer and 30 because then I would look like Casper I can't do that I go on camera too much I can't do that yeah so I need to find this kind of solution and when I saw this thing on this you know freaking Oleg isn't wholly good yeah how do you say that holy guard them dynamic Oleg oligo dynam a legal dynamic sounds about right they're talking about zinc and zinc is one of the ingredients in a lot of sunscreens okay yeah I don't know not really relevant to the burning situation I'm just saying like I know but he's scared the out of me yesterday when he's like no dude it's it's all the time so does he just go in like like a a sheet he was wearing a hazmat suit yeah let me said that to me I mean it's I I think about that stuff a lot because I'm obviously very pale and I also like whenever I go to the beach I'm just like shade 100% yeah there is no moment I'm just like ah the sun's hitting me it's not fun it's just too high he said the best thing is shade she's bought my girlfriend and I bought this really really cool Sun tent that you can bring to gauge well cool is relative going it's awesome well yeah you look a total dork when you're yeah it's inside of it but it's awesome you can unfold it it you know it's maybe the size of like a windshield shade so it's design what is it unfold and it's basically like a like a camping tent but half of it is open sure you could just crawl inside and and have a makeshift cave for yourself cool and you don't have to worry about the Sun hitting you it's a very comfortable way to enjoy the beach that's what you guys look I like that I like that and now I get super paranoid with the little guy you know he's like a little marshmallow I'm like oh god don't toast yourself right so what we just we just turn them upside down lather up and like a fondue yeah just dip dip them right off terrible for parents in the summertime that have to wear those baby Beorn's just to have like this hot rock again oh my god it's crazy like this other thing that's 98 yeah I guess I never thought about you know we don't weird but dipping him in that's how Achilles was made and that's why he had a weak point on his ankle right as he was dipped and we hold his big toe we all combined so that's his weakness yeah so we just did that and then he gives us the thumbs up when he's running out of air and then we just pulled my up it's a it's actually a really seamless process on man yes he's so funny when we put him when we put all the sunscreen on him because he's this little white baby he's just a little whiter he's very white so I wanted speaking of ghosts I want to talk about the ghost he's in the bus these yeah no idea what you guys ghostbusters okay a film so the original the so the review so when we talked about it again I know this is like the 83rd time in a row we're talking about this yeah well you brought it up what do I want to say about it I just want this so the reviews have not been enormous ly glowing they're like bees it's like bees yeah bee bee - etc for comedy it really needs to be pretty glowing for me to go and I just like have no like after having read a bunch of reviews even the positive ones I just have no desire because all the reviews are just like yeah it's a fun time right there's like no passion behind any of the conviction or write ever it's because people are afraid to have an opinion about this movie and I don't think that's what no I think like all of the controversy has just compromised everything like you know but like but I don't you don't think you think it's a great movie and people are afraid to say no I agree I don't think that I just think like people are just treading lightly I think it's probably a fun summer movie to go to but not obviously better than the original right well the yeah but I'm not I'm not expecting now like I'm not either and I don't think anyone's trying to do that yeah I think they're just you know it's fine I get it like I want to see the movie I'm gonna see you tonight I guess I just don't have a lot of passion for movies and particular especially like where they bring back old franchises to the point where it's like well if this movie's bad I'm just gonna be like so pissed at them know like the last time I felt that it doesn't happen often it happens a couple times Batman the third Batman movie in the Chris Nolan movies I was pretty pissed off it wasn't that bad it wasn't that bad but I was disappointed I was disappointed with the two but I still thought it was pretty good as Batman and Indiana Jones for then we were the last two times that I was like you know what enough but like for the most part I just don't I like remain very zen about it and the reviews come out there I don't have it I just won't go or I'll see it on Netflix or I'll see it on whatever and like I'm just I'm totally fine with that I have been hearing enormous ly good stuff about one movie like consistently from multiple people the Weiner documentary yes Todd Solondz movie I didn't know he directed it yeah I believe he did Wow so it's called wiener dog what really I think it's called weird this was called Weiner no waiter dog yeah yep Todd Solondz wait no that's not a documentary though it's not a documentary no I'm talking about something else oh I'm talking about Anthony we wait yeah no you manners yeah this is an actual dachshund movie yeah yeah yeah oh okay now I've no no relation that's funny that we just did that that is I guess Weiner is blowing apology you really like this day talking about the the Anthony Anthony Weiner documentary which is supposed to be like one of the best documentary here not I don't believe he was like sort of supporting it I think they just did it yeah he let them into their his life I take that all back yeah and they actually have that so his whole controversy obviously happened where he was sad or something about his did yeah Twitter he sent like a dick pic to someone it is a lot of people that I eventually why not well yes several oh yeah he said I know Carlos danger Carlos danger was his name and so that happened and it sort of like just kind of ruined his career and then he was making a comeback and then it turned out he did it again yeah and so what was amazing was the crew was actually this I haven't seen the documentary but I've heard amazing I've heard literally from everyone I want to watch this the crew was with him when the second scandal broke so they literally are in the room with him when it becomes out that he's still doing this and he got caught again oh that scene and it's supposed to be just like the most fascinating thing yeah and and the other crazy thing I've heard about it is that people that go in sort of feeling lukewarm or passive about Anthony Weiner wound up liking him wind up like definitely really interested I mean so like I don't know if it's playing near you I I've heard excellent ex variety called it the most relevant documentary since Fahrenheit now that's what I'm saying man and that so that's the movie I go see in a theater or whatever like the movie that is just like universally glowing I will go see yeah the movie that's like a it was fun it's a fun the summer movie is not enough for me unless you have kids yeah I guess I don't know I do want to see The Secret Life of pets yeah I mean that didn't get amazing reviews no I thought it two weeks in a row it's number one it's like well I just wanted like it's making money iOS I thought it was like around Ghostbusters in terms of reviews okay yeah I I want to see it I I have I just want to like I want to hear Ghostbusters music no yeah you don't want to hear that theme song why they do it different you guys didn't even make vision of the original hold on I'm changing my plans yeah you're gonna hate that song Dillons too young for movies I understand I'm just saying there are bad bad parents out there Stacey and I have the night to ourselves this evening so we're gonna go out to dinner on a date and then I'm gonna take my date to a movie ghostbusters you're gonna move the arm rest up and snuggling close uh yeah that's we're gonna and lean back a little bit yeah I'm excited I still want to see it though screw you guys I mean I'll see it on TV but just like you know it's responding to our books ya know 15 bucks left that oh we're sneaking in we're not gonna work out smart we're stealing it we're gonna steal this movie yeah and then finally before we say goodbye Comic Con is going on yeah Comic Cons happening this week in terms of like news stuff yes like is there a Marvel thing going on there like or do they have you that anymore it's day two is today day two I think I feel like the big news would happen during the week so they can look like an ape get coverage I think what's happening to comic-con is cs2 yeah right where it's like we don't need like I know Steen it doesn't CBS isn't officially there from our site like interactive I think she's doing Star Trek stuff right yeah but interact there's not there a couple people from scene at San Francisco were there just because it's like a 40-minute flight yeah and I but we're not covering it in any like ultra official capacity the last year I went was the year after you stopped going yeah so I think my last year there was 13 yeah feels about right did you enjoy it when you were there I enjoyed never gets kind of like a big party for geeks which is fun yeah yeah I enjoyed it I enjoy it like kind of buying stuff I just love buying like yeah you know comic right temperate there in San Diego supposed to be very nice oh he's very nice yeah but the scene is not temperate yes it's kind of it's kind of wild yeah that place is really crowded yeah it's a bit much is there any comparison to New York comic-con yeah like similar New York comic-con is a solid 1/4 okay of what San Diego size or event I feel like everything yeah okay like the cosplay the the vendor's epic cosplay in New York um there is but it's a quarter short you really get out there and the panels I think are like yeah wait time that's definitely true I guess so yeah like there's a lot of exclusive stuff that you can get only a comic-con and then like they want end up releasing it like right on yeah but in terms of like the news and all that stuff yeah I feel like a lot of these guys are saying you know what why do we need this flagpole event just to get lost in the ether like we can do a right thing and not have to that's like Apple the way they treat it yes it's like tapping it's all these companies for whatever reason the expo circuit is like the last to get the message well it's because well a there's a bunch of companies like read pop etc that built their business around this country so of course they're gonna try to do a four they have can they have a new trip but it's it's the nature of social media it's the nature of like the fact that anyone could do a live stream from their phone means that like being in a physical space somewhere is no longer the value so you know having your own event where you can control when you have all the eyes focused on you rather than sharing the spotlight it makes perfect sense it's funny it's just like it's all really just become a gigantic cosplay party yeah and like if you're an artist you can go there and sell some of your work yeah I do find it interesting cosplay is interesting I know you love Halloween right where'd you hear that I think it's your favorite holiday if I recall oh not accurate no it's up there it's I enjoy that time of year Halloween the way I treat Halloween is I don't want to be the asshole that doesn't dress up but I also don't want my night to be ruined by what I dress up as which is to say like if I'm walking around with a giant like cumbersome costume it kind of ruins the night for me and I can't have a good time cosplayers all the time are walking around in these like giant mech suits that have got to be just hot and miserable and like but just being seen is enough for them and ours them through just getting someone to take a photo they love it that's it it's it's their sustenance I mean look today it's 75 degrees there's lovely freakin gorgeous really nice like what else could you ask for you know in Japan the cosplay culture is a little bit different where you're not supposed to take like random photos of people you need to get their permission obvious ort of a nice how do you know them cuz when I went to TGS this was told to me before I went this was a couple years ago but it's still the case cosplayers are so serious there that they everything about their presentation is like very curated and they can only be shot at certain angles and like okay can only be like yeah pose they want to do they don't want to be caught in line for the bathroom yeah so right they don't want to be on their phone right yeah so if you even if you're like like someone's posing for someone and there's like a crowd of photographers in front of them and you're not like on the in front of them they're on the side they don't want you taking that photo they want you to wait for them to like make their pose to you or whatever it is yeah you wanna make eye contact with the lens yeah that's a tough damage control but culturally I mean it's sort of it's an unwritten law kind of yeah it's just like a thing that's the norm over there it's really interesting I spend that much time on a costume why would you want a crappy photo yes so ya know it's he went there was a guy walking around called the cosplay doctor and he just had a bunch of tape on him and like random pieces of PVC pipe and stuff like that and he would walk around and you know you could hire him to fix your cosplay cause he's cool on the showroom floor yeah just amazing just cardboard and stuff like that and paints and whatnot and look like he was given a lot of work we have good times out there man I feel like those Expos are cool because they had the space for people to come in and do really big things you won't be able to see anywhere else when we went they had all the Batmobiles from the various movies and TV shows and right they had the real estate to just Park them all back and I was really cool but come on if those go away and like be a bummer but come on what was the best thing we ever did there The Walking Dead thing yeah what was that so they took over so who put it together I forget who put it together it was like AMC and image teamed up with some sort of event company yeah and turned a section of Petco Park or the Padre splasher into a walking dead obstacle course okay with like real zombies yeah sure and it was a game by grabbing you yeah yeah well trying to grab you yeah you basically imagine if you're at a game Brian all of a sudden a zombie apocalypse broke out yeah she was like set up like a baseball yeah a baseball game and it's it was in the stadium it wasn't like you have said she walked through the I say bleachers and stuff like that and they be grabbing you through fences the coolest part of that was they had the original makeup artists from the TV show right doing the zombie good uh and this was like the GoPro breakout year so like everyone did it wearing now yeah he'll be cameras and we did as well there's actually that video still up on Sina it's really good it's fun I saw this year they're doing another event where I think you can get your head bashed in quote from negan there's something where you can sign up and and I forget how they do it and they do like makeup yeah yeah that's cool yeah that's always like the fun stuff yeah where it's like yeah you guys spend a lot of money to do that it's like I don't think that helps Walking Dead like everyone I mean no it does because people think photos it's like you do oh sure they do but my own thing was like men like how much was that running with the walking dead like that must've been like a two million dollar but they also have their budget they didn't spend their they lose it yeah it's fun it's a good time out there if you're out there I hope you're having a good time and whatnot all right I think that's where we're gonna call it kids everyone have a fantastic weekend thank you Justin you for sticking around yeah appreciate it buddy eight six six four four Cena is our telephone voicemail number do that leave us a voicemail and then hit us up on email if you'd like to four four at we're back next week with a brand new show until then I'm Jeff Bakalar Ross roughly and I'm Justin you this has been the 404 show take care thanks so much for joining us
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