The 404 - Windows 10, Wet Hot American Summer, N++, vaporwave, Ep. 1624
The 404 - Windows 10, Wet Hot American Summer, N++, vaporwave, Ep. 1624
hello and welcome to a brand spanking
fresh hot out the oven episode of the
four for show I'm Jeff Bakalar joined by
the one the only the very skinny the
very lightweight very pale very pale and
frail I'm joking you're not frail no I
have a very strong immune system I'm
sure you do mr. Russ fresh dick boy
there a holy boy oh I didn't realize
we're on the poop deck some we are I'm
having a push oh so I didn't know that I
didn't know having a push meant going
number two it's because you're improper
is that how they sit in in the
Queensland the Queensland the queen says
having a push I'm having a push oh my
corgis they're running around my feet as
I have a push oh darling put on my
gloves so I might have a push Oh loves
then you have to throw the gloves away
which I guess wouldn't be a problem for
the Queen oh man will you drink in there
guy what does that got myself some
seltzer the Jewish man's equivalent of
what other people drink water okay I
feel like Jews on the whole drink a lot
of salt sir more so than most people
okay once again you're just is that
removing the fact that I am the least
Jewish jus ever yeah I mean no jus on
the planet plays hockey so that's pretty
evident that you're not really doing
that was number one I hate florida
number two well i think young Jews hate
Florida I think that's the universal
grow into it you do is your second
barmouth yeah give it a few decades
you'll be on board with Florida it's not
just the Jews what is it with you
seltzer people who like that is the
grossest what were you ever why with the
button will do you like soda I did hook
the bubbles that throw you off or so
here's what I'm thinking right here you
got a perfectly good drink you've got
lemon water essentially love lemon water
you're drinking lemon seltzer so I'm
using sure I'll be carbon not sure and
you like lemon order would sure but
guess what i'm not i don't i don't drink
a sip of lemon water and go to myself
hmm be sure great if this would make me
burp I mean that burping is just a side
effect also burping feels
great when you do it let me just say
when you need it but the priority is not
the burping it's the mouthfeel of
bubbles on your everyone loves bubbles
did you say the mouth feel ya look when
you're yet the forest floor the okie
rosiness the nose of it it's not a
bloody fine wine dude it's a canister I
don't know is how yeah I was raised with
seltzer in the house I never really
liked it and then I turned 30 and
suddenly seltzer so I think it might be
like Florida just kicks in all earlier
it just seems like an unnecessary
extravagance when you when you just when
you when you bubble it I don't
understand you so you're against
carbonation it's just like in it's an
unnecessary carbonation what is a
necessary carbonation soda even though I
don't drink soda and i don't i don't
like soda anymore because the bottles
well because of the sugar and the sugar
the shot screw the bubbles that the
sugars the culprit but you you've said
unnecessary carbonation like there's an
instance where carbonation is necessary
right what in soda i think it is because
if soda wasn't right it'd be even more
distinct just be black syrup yeah sure
sure sure I don't know I feel like so as
Seltzer makes water more interesting
it's like getting some water drunk
that's great seltzer making water more
interesting since 1798 or whatever the
hell they even know when they invited do
you think like what how do you even
invent that when it's the 1700s like how
do you get carbonation into water yeah
that's a great i'm looking it up and
what this should be our explain like i'm
five yeah we don't have one this way so
carbonated water what's the etymotic
what is what's what where's it go back
where does the boar was it born in 1872
it was introduced out into the public in
in britain did they do to like heroin or
something that they injected into it to
make the bubbles i don't i feel like
they used choline for everything back
then there's a lot of cocaine yeah so 18
yeah 18 oh look here's what it says okay
check this out these three okay yeah
we're getting we're getting freakin deep
today we're quite deep in the arts are
nothing going on the tech world this
week so just sucks screw windows
in 1767 joseph priestley ok discovered a
method of infusing water water with
carbon dioxide when he suspended a bowl
of water above a beer vet at a local
brewery in Leeds England the air
blanketed the fermenting beer called
fixed air well you're with me a fixed
air got it was known to kill mice
suspended in it Priestley found water
weight they had to suspend the mice in
the air that's weird i'm putting them on
little mouse broke little fishing line
yeah this seems like the easiest way to
kill these myself let's just sort of
over carbonate them Priestley found
water thus treated had a pleasant taste
that's his shitty damn straight that's
his shitty opinion and he offered it to
friends as a cool refreshing drink then
in 1772 priestly published a paper
entitled listen to this impregnating
water mixed air yes damn straight in
which he describes dripping oil of
vitriol okay which is so free eric acid
great in to chalk to produce carbon
dioxide gas seem safe seems real safe
seems like the Seltzer should add a
surgeon general's warning on it back
then and encouraging the guests to
dissolve into an agitated bowl of water
he then referred to this invention of
soda soda water odor solar water as
being his quote happiest discovery damn
straight screw you an actress of Bruce
Lee that guy was probably super racist
probably hated all types of people but I
gotta say I forgive him because he gave
a seltzer it's so and then JJ schweppe
yeah I know that guy who's the shrimps
personally I know he developed a way to
mass produce it and make it like ah in
1783 here there you go it's old it's
been around almost 300 years sure 250 to
be a little more accurate and thank God
it's still here today and today on
national cell today we remember Joseph
Priestley and his bubbly shitty water
likely slave owner Joseph Priestley the
death many nice met their early doom to
a truss fresh dick lemon filter in a cat
it's a great way to go that's how I
would die if I could man if I ever do a
drunk history I wanted to be on their
dance I Joseph Priestley and JJ schweppe
that's a good story Derek waters if
you're listening to this please make it
happen hook a brother up all right
Windows 10 yeah windows 10 hit hit the
internets this week how carbonated would
you say Windows 10 is on a scale of what
allows kill you imagine flat cymatics
killing man people are loving it I know
well I don't know man stole it no okay
no Anna we'll get to that a second I so
I read a lot of reviews it sounds like
people are like I wouldn't say loving it
people sound like it's good i like it
you know aight that's them saying it
hangin broken it hasn't broken mike and
i haven't heard complaints about it but
i don't think anyone's like my life is
changed because of this OS right i think
i think people are more pleasantly
surprised and it and a lot of that is
just because it just reverted back to
like XP essentially yeah it's definitely
I think this is the most evident in
terms of like software where you're
seeing Microsoft kind of listening to
feedback instead of imposing by our
Metro tiled will people well I thought
8.1 was like a step in that direction
where they're like this is the least we
can do in the shortest amount of time
uh-uh get rid of it but still have it I
guess yeah it's it's definitely a step
in the crowd-pleasing direct yeah now so
but I haven't installed it as you know I
have a gaming PC in my apartment um I
literally only use it for gaming I have
a work piece i use my macbook air for
work right it's just exist for gaming
and I for a second i was like maybe i
want to install it my fiance installed
it almost immediately on her time you're
getting good at in fianc I'm getting on
it yeah and I was like why for the three
seconds and I'm not staring it like a
game loading up in steam is it worth
like going through the process and like
I post on Twitter whether people like
whether I would run into issues with
graphics drivers
people like maybe I was like well so
what do I need it for I did so that's my
big fear right like you don't want to go
into it and just break everything you
only have been reports that some games
work better okay like apparently the
witcher runs better your knives are
sharper and Geralt has like better
flowing listening head like a pink
streak in it yeah and you can see the
definition okay it's probably because of
the his codpiece yeah it's really
because of the conditioner he uses of
course nevertheless yeah really good
wait it's you know it seems like they
did their homework they I know they
reached out and kind of I don't know how
closely they did work but Microsoft did
get in touch with NVIDIA sure which is
important and was like hey hey let's not
eff this up let's not you know we're
gonna make this as easy as possible is
if windows screws up an nvidia feels yep
to be clear people get bummed out with
graphics drivers updates and whatnot so
let me boil it down though because
obviously I'm the windows moron and I'm
sure there's a lot of Windows morons
listening as well you're an official
Seltzer drinking windows moron as I
understand it the big change that
everyone's badly going about is their
turn of the start bar right and the
excisemen of the full page horror show
right which which was so jarring and are
comfortable the worst but I did notice
as I was peering over my fiance shoulder
that the squares are still there it was
a menu like it was what yeah why did it
was like someone on their last day of
retirement was like one more thing Bill
Gates or whoever was purchased on them
you don't know make sure they stick
around those squares that's my life's
work swisha keep the judges they know
everyone literally hates them so why put
them in just because of a connection to
Windows Phone like what is the rationale
the tiles have been such a punchline
yeah to the windows experience over the
last five years you would you would you
would hope you would think that hey
maybe the most ill-received notion move
as far away from that as possible but
it's there it's there so I think it is a
form of them
sort of sort of bowing out with it but
saying hey it's like they're winding
down yeah there's sunset let's let's use
that I don't get the logic behind that
at all I don't either it's really
bizarre I do like the fact that like
they launched this brand new browser and
most people won't know cuz it's still an
e logo bright eyes so that's crazy so
Microsoft edge was the new browser and
supposedly if they're a mess yeah people
say knowing it uh still resembles
internet explorer and and as I was
thinking about it I think the most
logical scenario is that like Grandma
boots up her new computer and she's like
I want to look at pictures of Jimmy can
I I gotta click on the e for that yeah
she cooks on the e she has no idea it's
called edge now it's just a knee there
are my mother-in-law she came in this
morning to help watch dylan yeah and as
I'm leaving she's like I need to talk to
you about Windows 10 I was just like oh
oh wow how savvy is she um I don't
I feel like she might be listening to
this so and so if you are Barbara you're
very savvy okay your muscle close your
ears she's awful oh no I'm kidding but
she's off yeah no it's not she not know
she's very good better than a lot of my
relatives she knows what's up and you
know what it is she doesn't here's why
she's great she doesn't fear windows
okay like a lot of people who suck and
they're not savvy yeah ethnically savvy
they they they're scared of computers
yeah so she's not she takes it on right
she got okay let's let's see what this
button does okay uh so yeah apparently a
lot of the start menu stuff confuses her
right news as well right place ok I do
understand it's quite a leap if you are
used to one way of functioning anyway
that's the quickie sort of stylistic uh
take on Windows 10 yeah there's some
other stuff we need to get into before
we move on I honestly have no idea so do
you don't you know nothing about the
privacy stuff no you don't know anything
about that no you didn't put a link in
the rundown so I
let's put the nail records I wanted to
drive this up there's a massive privacy
freak out okay for this I heard there
was something with Wi-Fi sharing is that
we're talking about that there's there's
a little bit of weirdness there maybe
that's too into the weeds okay this is a
more general and and concerning issue
for for most people are not unlike the
UH laundry list of settings that are
available for you to tick and untick in
terms of like your Google Experience
yeah location history or Facebook yours
privacy privacy stuff a lot of that's
baked into Windows 10 okay to the point
where they're gonna sell your
information they're gonna share your
step on by default and it's on by
default window which when you really
think about it is like why it's free
right right so yeah they just want you
in on that they want you feeding they
want you sucking on that T down so that
you can then pass along your valuable
data yep arm in this age where nobody
really wants to pay for anything and you
have to like dig in the settings to get
to that stuff apparently it's not that
much of an excavation bar the you would
need to know to look yeah and and you
can do it on the install you just have
to do like a custom customized
information you can do it after the fact
as well and there's plenty of guides and
I'm pretty sure we're putting up
something unseen it about that as well
yeah but you gotta be aware of that
because there's a lot of that baked into
the to the mentality of Windows 10 now
let me ask you something do you actually
get pet when you see that like we're
gonna take your usage data or we're
gonna like use your testing data right
that's the freak you out personally uh
it I like uh I'll you know you gotta
read you gotta read that quick little
thing I'm not saying you gotta read the
49 pages service but you gotta read that
that quick blurb and and really digest
in and and unpack what it's saying sure
arm I'll be honest most of my life is on
Google yep and there's not a whole lot I
there's some stuff that I opted out of
sure but but most of it I I'm okay with
ya and you
to see what you will I got a buddy who
freaks out over that yeah just like
okay I'm I i know i only turn on gps
dude you're walking around a gps
transponder in your freaking pocket or
what is gonna have like there's gonna be
a CIA dude with a sniper rifle on the
roof now look dragging his GPS people
who make fun of that side way of
thinking me like oh that's how it begins
you know and it's a slippery slope and
soon you just yeah right sure it
probably would begin there I live in the
real world were like hey this super
useful right and also the government is
not nearly that coordinated with
anything yeah I think people give the
government too much credit anyway uh
that they so that's where the privacy
stuff is is sort of orbiting right now
yeah that's ex potentially a key
especially if they're doing stuff like
taking your email address and then
giving it to people to like sell stuff
it's a big deal they they'll associate
your email address with your windows
login and there's a lot of icky stuff
yeah there's a fantastic could do
yourself a favor if you really want to
settle this now and I'm sure someone
from scene it's gonna be upset for me
sending you here yeah but uh go to
search for the website Rock Paper
Shotgun oh yeah and they did a real
great breakdown / how-to on why this is
the case in Windows 10 and the steps you
can take to opt out of all this sort of
privacy stuff so yeah go do that okay
all right uh other than that you know
windows you've come a long way yeah come
a long way from it was your first
windows uh you want I guess 31 because I
remember using das on my grandparents
computer so I must have whatever the
like yeah I probably was 31 right I mean
so apparently there was a Windows one
that yeah for our I definitely have
never I was watching a video that was
like going through the history and I had
never seen one right so that was 1985
and then there was a version were like
they allowed for overlapping windows
which I didn't even realize that wasn't
a feature in Windows one it was like a
huge huge deal windows 2 point 0 which
was two years after one point okay
December of 87 yeah uh it was basically
at the time from what I've gathered
again I was 50 as came in yet what else
was happening in your there was your
pant I was not five now five years old
probably once a while I guess maybe like
a realtor Sean toys r us or something
like that uh yeah that was introduced
the overlapping windows and then windows
3.0 was nineteen ninety okay that was
probably my first and then offered
better multitasking of older ms-dos
based apps there was also a lot of color
introduced in three point o fair and
then 3.1 was like the one you probably
had for a while because that lasted
until you guessed it windows 95 windows
595 windows move I remember I this is
crazy I got windows 95 as like a gift ya
like my it was like boy a box and like
happy birthday windows 95 bizarre
install it but before we move on to
windows 95 I do want to say one windows
3.1 story which was I was playing a game
called Wolfenstein 3d oh that little
game which is one of the first
first-person shooters ever made where
you shoot Nazis I was playing it because
every time I would visit my grandparents
in California they let while I was there
for the week they'd like let me buy a
computer game that would keep me
occupied me and my brother and so we got
wolf 3d which is really appropriate for
a seven-year-old sharing really bloody
Hitler and um they were very clear with
me though they said when our cleaning
lady comes in you have to lower the
volume because she's German and the game
is filled with like German cars for his
job shiza and things like that so that
was really memorable they all screamed
the same thing and that was also the
first time I ever used a cheat code
goobers was the cheat code what did that
give you god mode all sorts of it was a
delight god mode turned on infinite ammo
I just I can't wait to tell my kid like
an when I was your age there was only
one code you needed for doom it was God
just typed in God right is that your God
do anything my favorite thing in Doom
was the no clipping oh yeah you just fly
through walls yeah amazing it's pretty
great windows 95 I had a very sincere
memory that sticks with me to this day
because it perpetrates a fear that I
have a one of these weird fears that
people have mine is moldy bread I'm like
a little bit terrified of moldy bread
how does that tie into windows 95 and
windows 95 launched it launched
alongside encarta and that encarta
included like 12 videos you can watch in
windows and watching a video on your
computer was a big deal back then and
there were numerous videos it was like
moon landing remember the one video that
was in there I mean there was like a
view there's one that I remember through
it that's moldy bread moldy bread was in
there's a video of moldy bread was
speeding up it was a process a time
lapse of showing bread growing mold and
it freaked me out and still freaks me
out to this day that is kind of fun yeah
I want to find that on YouTube I'm sure
it's on you do okay but there's also
another video a music video okay I
renault right on Windows 95 one of the
best music videos of all time right I
don't remember what it was now I don't
know if this was like a special thing
that I got through the computer like
they were something that was bundled
yeah with it now I know so I know it
jazzy without it but i kinda you want to
try to get me i don't know if i want to
get you there because i want you to like
remember it because it was truly
included with Windows 98 wasn't like REM
no but it was a band from 1994 pearl jam
nope for peace ah the video was a
throwback of an old TV show Oh Weezer
yes yeah yeah it was Buddy Holly buddy
holly right was emma is now do you
recall the lord of rings a bell but I
was not a big research it back then so
so I someone write in and tell me if I'm
wrong but I really vividly remember
buddy holly being sort of baked into
windows 95 that video from harry odds
the Happy Days video very odd great
video great video alright then windows
T was introduced which became the
first-ever 32 bit version of Windows
yeah by the way I still have no idea
what 16 verses 32 bit OS makes just like
an art processor architecture sort of
thing and faster I guess the more the
better okay you will 64-bit is that
exist yet it does okay and I that I but
I'm pretty sure that's what they all are
now sure yeah don't work you don't have
to work my face with that worry about
that in a more uh geekier danske
granular show windows 98 was released in
june of 1998 and they're like that
favorite time for windows yeah starts
now when you had windows 2000 thousand
which is basically windows NT but sort
of consumer eyes if we wait did we miss
Emmy in this process no because that
came after windows millennium edition
also enjoy a cluster f permission was
probably the first awful version of win
two thousand and Emmy isn't that really
complicated I I just don't know what to
tell you and it was it like just a boil
down version 2 2000 I feel like 2000
came after now it was a stopgap okay
between 98 and XP so it just sort of
like my eyes like an increment by yeah
like hey this is the bridge that's going
to get you to XP here and then of course
windows XP my favorite her terrific Oh
what it be is perfect people stayed on
XP like a lot of them through at for as
long as you possibly could I am willing
to bet there is a significant yeah
amount of corporations out there still
running XP is it still supported I
believe they recently said they're
stopping it yeah they're stopped they're
gonna stop support crazy then comes
along windows vista and the plane
crashes into that yeah now is a disaster
oh my god I don't even know any feature
of Windows Vista apart from it sucked
like serious hardcore sucking I think it
was there was nothing redeeming up there
was something about see through windows
their error he threw window people that
really hated yeah it was bad I think my
parents laptop still running that
so we're gonna have to fix that
yeah I believe anyone with vista or
above can upgrade for free I then yet
windows 7 which is definitely an
improvement yet when 07 was fine oh and
I kind of do like Windows 8 1 yeah it
was like everybody one but even a one
had the like hot corner crap yet you can
turn off or as like oh I'm on the right
side of the screen I better take over
the entire computer that makes great
sense yeah it's it's a weird you know
little upgrade and now uh we're at
Windows 10 which is really just like
overturn to Windows 2000 pretty much
pretty like they essentially just dialed
it back to Windows 2000 and there you go
30 years of windows them and all I want
to do is run wasteland 2 that's all I
want so so you're saying that's the game
I've been playing that for the last
month or so I'm gonna check that out
yeah it's rugged game speaking of things
to check out oh my god do you know what
today is uh Friday yes by Friday July
thirty-first its mother effing wet hot
American summer ah big day huge big day
you know how I feel I know you've been
obsessed with this movie I feel like
since it came out uh or maybe in DVD for
like since 03 03 came no.1 sure we're
talking about over a decade definitely
this this movies 14 years old and now
this series comes out which is literally
like a prequel series to the movie with
the same actors obviously made ten years
in the future but they're pretending to
be a month younger in the movie right
which is hilarious elf um and I feel
like in terms of like buildup of like
classic comedies this is on par with
like the arrested development like
fervor I think so at least for fans that
are fans of right ought american summer
it's definitely not on the radar as
prominently sure not as broadly known
but I think it's more of a cult classic
yeah then arrested development where
rest of element like had this amazing
mainstream success and still got
cancelled it didn't really have a
mainstream success until Africa yeah I
guess but it but for whatever reason I
don't classify arrested as a cult
classic because it crossed over eventual
yeah where's wet hot still sort yes i
agree has never really been like a
massive success but in our generational
circles has just become very impactful
without a doubt that the sort of like
comedy of our generation in in many ways
which is ironic because it's not really
I guess it is I guess that's sort of I
what is it said it's it's a 8181 so it's
before I was born raised before I was
born here before I was born uh I think
my generations comedy is probably said
to say uh are we not hardly way are we
not part of that seem to know what the
hell you're 84 i was born in 83 are
generate a t2 that do not like that
generally our generation is the like
early nineties generation totally uh but
what i'm seeing but but fact is that
prevent movie came out yes i understand
at the perfect on and you know it's
crazy can hardly wait when is that come
at 96 I think was 95 four or five I want
to say 96 or 97 why what is your point
my point is that so it was 98 wow it's
only three years between that and went
hot no I understand it's just set in our
time p.s exactly nevertheless any which
way you slice it uh the fondness we have
for this movie cannot be excited an
excellent it is so funny and at the time
got destroyed by the critics yeah and
now when you compare the rotten tomatoes
score of wet hot the movie and wet hot
the show yeah I think the show has like
97 billion and the movie had 20s I
haven't looked at the the reviews of it
at all I've been kind of a little bit
dreading it me too after the disaster
that was they read the arrested
development season they're doing more of
those probably god I know someone
something very odd about that well and
and this is why I was so worried about
wet hot is because the all big reason
why that season fails is a scheduling
reason right that they couldn't have all
these stars who really became stars
after the show together at once so they
needed to shoot it in such a way that
like each person has their own little
story line when in truth a rest of Elmet
succeeded when they're Amish all
together yeah like and how is it family
interpipe with one another so and this
sort of the same situation like Paul
Rudd is one of the biggest stars in the
planet right now because I ant-man but
even before that even before that but
still a man definitely pushed him into
another level and a lot of these people
are you know granted a lot of them are
not like rocket huge stars but still
like reasonably well known people sure
um so getting like how much of this show
is like individual scenes although the
original movie was individual scenes
with like payers for the most part two
they did pair off a bunch but what
you're getting at is totally right they
got everyone yeah everyone to be there
from what I understand yeah at
relatively the same time they didn't did
they film it the same location probably
not I don't know that's a good question
i would guess not because i think it was
filmed in like Pennsylvania or something
they probably found somewhere I mean you
build that anyway yeah arm but they they
seem to be able to pull it off I
remember saying to myself I'm not gonna
read any reviews because you want to go
and fret I want to go and fresh and then
they were unavoidable I mean I have a
voice oh god all right well I'm about to
say something you might not I don't want
to know all right well no I just already
said it with Ron tomatoes oh that it's
been supported good get my people don't
really love it okay great so yeah I'm
really looking forward to it it's
amazing uh you really only need netflix
yeah I mean it's go and I don't know
that I'm so you know contrived but you
only need it there have been times when
I've hit the bottom of the barrel with
netflix i feel like there are at least
one dozen series that i could watch but
I've why watched all of them like have
you had f of X Files I've watched West
Wing talk about Neil original stuff are
you a Gilmore girl I love Gilmore girl
alright that's that's a story for
another time there are you talking about
original series yes so in terms of
original series I actually still watch
um let's see um so let's list them off
okay you got orange is the new black I
still watch that and enjoy it so you
wouldn't you still like you just watch
like I haven't stopped what like there
are shows like for example the Kevin
Spacey has a cross you stop that now
after watching house cards why because
after season two is awful and I
one episode of season three I guess and
I was like I have no interest in this
one people oh that's weird cuz people
seem to still I really enjoy got so
hammy and outlandish like season two I
didn't like at all okay there's
literally hamster house of cards ours is
the new black black mirror yes I'm sorry
can include that's not yeah that's not
an original i watch one episode of that
the pig effing episodes in like I
thought it was amazing I just like
couldn't emotionally go out another
episode know they're they're all
unrelated I know I know I just do it's
been tough to motivate that's the that's
the most traumatic one okay for sure it
was tough how insane insanely insane you
you keep watching that pilot you're like
oh this is gonna keep going it was crazy
yeah um I feel like what else is there
that Oh daredevil daredevil I love all
of the first season although I'm a
little worried that the second season
might not be able to match that right
I've heard some stuff about that as well
but I I don't think you really need to
worry too much about that sure arm you
got wet hot yeah I've got uh apparently
everyone is super in love with
unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt oh I like that
show you're right right you got that
yeah you've got bloodline I haven't
watched that everyone loves blood lead a
yeah do you arm there's a lot of
original comedy ya rijal comedy stand-up
things you've got your so support it's
like you're doing its head talk on how
amazing netflix i'm just saying like
theirs theirs i know i watch it to the
problem with all this since a Tiva not
really a problem yeah is that I end a
bit you know finishing an entire series
over a weekend or whatever a week and
then it's another year before oranges
new black comes out so it's like whereas
something would be drawn out and I'd be
like digesting it my game of thrones
over those a series of months you know
you go through these so quickly that if
it was a normal network and this is the
number of shows they had it be fine but
because you go through it so quickly
it's sort and it's weird that I'm
complaining about it because it's not a
bad thing right but it's just the nature
of it like I've we've watched everything
that's on original programming we've
reached the end of the internet so I
watched a documentary about Antarctica
instead she's pretty good is it
shrinking no it's okay it's okay
it's fine Bojack horseman yeah so I
watched I haven't watched the new season
which has been out for a couple weeks
now but i did watch the first season and
it's too weird trip I don't know how you
how much you've watched I've seen like
three okay I liked it yeah I was
watching it I'm like I like all the
actors that are in it I love a
missionary Amy Sedaris is fantastic but
the jokes were not landing for me like
it's just like it just felt like kind of
and like it was okay like clearly they
were trying to make jokes and they were
like sorta kind of funny but like in a
network TV kind of funny and then slowly
as the season progressed it just got
darker and more effed up in terms of
like his life and how he wants to kill
himself and like his relationship with
this girl that he loves and she loves
the Southard got it just got like super
dark and I got more interested as it
went on because of that because it felt
so discordant with like the rest of the
show yeah but sort of similar to black
mirror because of that it's been hard to
like moat it's like watching schindler's
list again I've been hard like I
motivate no one's ever done that but
that's what I'm saying it's hard to
motivate after you've watched something
that's like emotionally intense were
like be like oh I'm gonna watch more of
that's his car it's a cartoon I know but
it's varied all right uh I guess I'll
just have to take your word for it
everyone I've talked to just it doesn't
doesn't go through that emotional true
Atta it's I don't know it feels so light
because the sense of humor is like very
light and kind of a little bit dumb yeah
but then it just gets so depressing huh
all right I'm gonna give it another gay
give another go let us know what Netflix
series you're obsessed with because I
feel like think renamed them I know
right feels like it but even though you
you feel like you hear about every
single one yeah you turn around and then
someone goes oh dude you watch the fall
on netflix I'm like know what the
Julian it is Gillian Anderson awesome
I'm like what didn't even hear about
that yeah is that even a thing that's
what's weird that I feel like netflix
has a problem with that discovery
problem yes yes they have a definite
discovery problem and if I'm Netflix I'm
sorry this is gonna sound may be crazy
ternet he I'm I'm the regionals netflix
i am the service personified sure call
me Bartholomew netflix okay sure if i am
that service I put myself constantly
streaming on like the netflix channel ok
this is gonna sound weird science to you
so within the netflix service yeah you
just have this channel that's always
running you don't ok I like this idea so
you're saying you turn on netflix you're
like I don't know what I want to watch I
guess I'll just put on the channel and
it's just like a programming that we
made but you don't have to think about
because that's the biggest problem is
like I'm sitting there I'm psychology of
choice so like I can't decide what I'm
gonna watch just and a lot of people
just want something I'll in the
background I've been preaching this for
as long as I can remember and I know it
goes against the the evolution of
consuming media but I still think
there's something like everyone mostly
in the world yeah has not yet cut the
cord has had some experience with
watching standard TV where is just
on yeah and there's something kind of
nice about that here's my guess why it
hasn't happened yet because its
seemingly easy well it's probably
because it's I think it's a licensing
problem because you're essentially pay
they pay I think purview essentially do
they I think they do I think that's how
the pace can you do work out a deal well
then you just give everyone a fair
amount of exposure okay and you you do
an apple does words like if you get of
surfaced on the app store they take a
little bit of a percentage and that acts
as exposure for people to watch I'm sure
there's a diplomatic way to figure it
out yeah and you would have channels for
like comedy and drama i I don't I don't
say you get to you know granular but I
think you can really do it uh in a
generalized way where maybe you have
like even if there's one channel no you
can't do that what is then you can't
have like it's just the discord enough I
go someone just after pig followed by
Bojack horseman 5i kimmy schmitt yeah I
guess you'd have to break them up until
yes three yeah and and one jobs could
just be like weed documentaries cuz is
about 30,000 wait there's a few of them
we get it we know what it does you know
what is it on the couch and yeah you
just watch we document
it's going this is what eyes on my table
and it's on my TV too man whoa all right
take a break smoke em if you got em
we're gonna have more 404 after this
including some stories about Apple TV
well drones and some more fun coming
right your way stick around Oh Russ what
I'm just trapped what were you trapped
I'm trapped in my inbox oh really I that
is like a glass case of emotion yes that
is a metaphor for my situation okay fair
enough are you spending too much time on
email this is a major deal too much
productivity lost trapped inside the
email yeah very impersonal the email
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calm / the 404 show that's HipChat calm
/ the 404 show hey welcome back before
four sho I have plenty of Netflix tough
to watch now so I'm very excited that
has a long list
tell us about this uh drone traffic
control story okay so I I think a lot of
people are aware that amazon has this
grand plan they released about a year
ago this video of a drone flying off
picking up your package at their
warehouse flying into the sky landing at
your door dropping the package and
leaving seems like the most impractical
thing ever that it did seem outrageous
but if you think about it if you know
there's like a house that's like 300
miles from anywhere and you had a drone
that can make it isn't that a lot
cheaper and money-saving compared to you
know driving someone out there I guess
that was Russell like man that drone is
kind of vulnerable on its way in and out
okay so a good shot think of the amount
of money that potentially they would
lose on drones getting shot down by
crazy people versus the amount money
they're spending on gas and and
employing people I'm not saying it's
good because it will cut down a like job
I'm sure the lost their losses are less
where the with the drone here's what I'm
saying when I go into CVS and it doesn't
have the audio check out I'd leave
immediately do you really almost always
what's this what I cannot deal with it
anymore I'm done dealing with people
they are much slower than robots so what
let's solve the problem in that
application yes yes and I think for
drones as well that's the future okay so
Amazon in order to make this actually a
reality sort of needs a lot of
legislation passed to make it work and
one of the big parts is how we're going
to have all these drones flying in the
sky and not crashing into one another or
in planes or what have you and then
crashing into each other then plummeted
and plummeting to earth hurting you you
just put pillows on the bottom it's easy
so Amazon is coming ahead and saying we
need a new air traffic control system
for drones exclusively that sits below
yeah well below the air travel plane a
layer that's just for drums so you have
now I know there's like a helicopter
height sure which is its and that in
that helicopter airspace is probably
shared by like
commuter planes but no I have the little
propeller planes like not not a mere oh
you mean like a sess like a single
engine like 23 passenger like the red
baron Frank plane ray ray bradbury so
yes is they want in on that they wanted
on that um the problem is there's like a
lot of walls to prevent that from
happening not the least of which is uh
it's the sky there are no walls there
are no roads either uh so the issue is
obviously they need to get this passed
and you're right the second that one of
these things crashes and lands on
someone or even lands like close to
someone that's deep trouble uh-huh for
drones yeah and I don't like could you
make them out I feel like you could
probably make them out of something that
like could like float safe way to ground
oh my god no what are you talking about
cuz right now drones have this mode
where like if the battery is getting low
it they automatically just like slowly
lowered to the earth oh that's smart so
that is a good start I don't know feels
like there's some options so here's the
thing you could prop you could maybe do
something where when it's like crashing
it makes a noise so people can learn if
it's legit crashing no one's getting out
of the way they're gonna be like what
that noise up there in face yeah this is
not I mean there you're telling me
there's gonna be an entire network of
drones yes flying a thousand feet above
everyone's head yeah and who is owning
this network like Amazon can't own it
because that's like it's just can't
deeply concerning and like one more step
closer to Cyberdyne right now I don't I
just don't understand a world where this
works I'm not saying you can't yeah
right now it seems like it's more likely
that we'll just have self-driving cars
that do this and they just like launch
packages at doors like paper boy yeah I
think that's more likely cuz that I
don't know you're right like that's just
had to I flying cars never happened
right well fly Carlos never because you
woulda great you would lot of logistic
you would have to basically rewrite the
you're yeah our transportation
infrastructure sure I don't know drugs
are pretty smart they could probably not
crash into things yeah I mean this guy's
pretty big yeah who knows but this is an
interesting story thank you a lot of a
lot of roadblocks yeah Airbus Kaiba
skybox the call Skyblock uh we talked
briefly about Apple TV before the break
what's going on with Apple TV so apple
TV is rumored to come out uh this
September's new version Apple TV which a
lot of people like who cares a box not
the bumpy yeah not an actual TV but
that's apparently never good but even
then people are like who cares there's
been a bunch of these boxes they're just
like I said top Roku equivalent exactly
kind of nothing special anymore sure but
what people are saying is that the new
apple TV is actually much more involved
than that and effectively it's more like
an iPhone 6 in a box that you plug into
your TV and which is way more powerful
than an apple TV I mean there's
essentially no processor in a current
Apple I mean there is one but it's like
it could run eight runs Netflix like
it's that involved it's this really
nothing going on in the current Apple TV
if you throw an iphone 6 and plug it
into your TV what essentially what that
is is Apple launching a gaming console
effectively like well so here's this all
the apps with theoretically support it
right but in what a bit but how are you
controlling it with so I thought a good
question we've done our iPhone yeah so I
don't potentially with your iPhone
although I do you think that's clunky
and most people just use their iphone I
think what you would see if that
actually happens is a bunch of new games
that are released specifically for use
with the controller and a bunch of old
games that are redone to work with a
controller and now you're asking are
people going to bother buying a
controller probably not unless Apple as
the remote for this Apple TV it doubles
as a game controller and suddenly you
have a game console where you know I buy
a game for 60 bucks your Apple is
selling a new game for a dollar or free
and yeah and then you have like what ooh
you wanted to be right but it's Apple so
they have apples like work and like
full development support it's pretty
interesting uh I think it's gonna be me
we've speculated about this before yeah
I I mean just Apple really like going
whole hog into the idea of like doing
this I would buy one I honestly pretty
quickly if that's what it is and I think
given that it's effectively an apple on
iphone 6 with no screen and no touch
controls the deep you can get that like
150 no 200 no more it's gonna be old
hardware by then the iphone 6s will be
out so it's gonna be alright like still
that's that's gotta be at least 200 okay
maybe one night I think well if I'm
paying 199 then you can get the
step-down one that's just a roku box for
a 100 right but if i'm paying 199 yeah
I'm like and I'm playing the M playing
these uh these cheap games that aren't
giving me I'm book i get i get what
you're saying you are trying to play a
little bit of a v-neck shirt because i
think these two game trajectories are
operating on different octaves you know
what I mean like I think you have
console stuff sure that now with that
you think that would be like a
legitimate competition to this or do you
think like this is only in its own arena
I think it's legitimate competition if
only because I think there are kids
growing up now that all day every day
they play on their iPhone and if they
were given a choice like hey do you want
to buy an xbox one do you want to buy an
iPhone or an iPhone for your TV it might
buy an iphone they might i don't know i
don't know because i always would think
like uh you know an eight-year-old just
wants to do minecraft on their phone
yeah but maybe they want to do it on the
TV too but yeah and they are and they
don't have to rebuy the game right right
and i just got it just transfers because
the same plan I mean this is all
speculation we don't know for sure this
is where they're going but I would be
shocked if they didn't it's surprising
that Apple really hasn't done this yet
am i yeah yeah well they've been focused
on like watch stuff and it's I don't
know it is surprising though it seems
weird that the apps haven't they every
time a new pie forum comes out it's just
weird that the apps are so split it's
like oh now there's Apple watch app so
now there's ipad apps and app store apps
that are like just for desktop
seems weird that they're not more
unified right and this might be their
solution for doing that I don't know I
don't know how it's all gonna shake out
yeah but I would definitely be
interested to see uh how Apple uses
their unique philosophy with all this I
just want to see an apple controller
like I'd be really interested see what
Apple we do with a game controller
definitely even though that's like such
an antiquated idea for them because
there's no touch it's all you want your
mind to control speaking speaking of
games that probably can run on your
iPhone 6 Shores about n plus plus I
remember n plus yeah so n plus plus uh
it was featured on product hunt which is
where I work visit product hunt calm for
all your I don't know various cool
things check it out sure that I can tag
line of the site is it not I it is and
we actually had the developers at
product on games the makers of n plus
plus a team called medinet which is
really just two people in Toronto right
we had them on to do an ama this week
and the game is essentially a platformer
it's a 2d platformer where you play as a
ninja and you have one and a half
minutes of life and the only way to
extend that life is by collecting gold
but it's really just like a super super
hard platformer kind of like a super
meat boy if you play that or I very hard
very hard I feel like we're not even
explaining well enough how impossibly
hard this game I mean it's it's not
impossibly hard but it's difficult it's
certainly up there uh and i love these
games these are like totally my kind of
jean yeah because i love just like
beating my head against the wall and
then finally getting it because that's
what you're gonna do with this game
you're gonna smash your head and tool
yeah probably you will die many many
times but i feel like there are people
that like like that sadomasochism kind
of thing they're just they're just total
you know say it is it's also really good
for same system co-op which i think a
lot of people are desperate for okay
couch couch cone you can do couch co-op
with four players and there's like race
modes and stuff like that I love this
game it's funny that you say that it can
run on an iphone it's actually
surprisingly um intensive graphically
like you couldn't run it on a Vita
really because they're running it at
like 16 times oh wait like any LS saying
all sorts of stuff like that
okay so there's a lot of like graphic
yeah Faxon and it's tough yeah and it
runs at 60 frames really smooth and like
it's deceptively heavy but it's a very
cool game if you dig platformers you can
check it the AMA out on product hunt or
just download it's on a Playstation 4
right now yeah it came out this week
I've i played i want to see maybe 10
levels and yes like all right I like it
I I prefer to page one baby Jeff I plead
n plus on the 3d ass or the two dias off
terrible on the d/s it the S yeah not a
good version yeah but it's it's
definitely it's it's cool because it's
you're gonna look at any more like what
the houses yeah thank you little game
but then you really like oh man it's
hard and yeah really you know cleverly
and if you're looking for a good party
game it's actually pretty good for that
alright check it out and plus plus you
can check out the house cuz he fretted
the AMA over at a product hunt arm so I
got I kind of gotten into this new it's
not a new type of music it's been around
for a while okay and I only recently
kind of found the right maybe genre the
right label okay um the label that the i
guess the catch-all label they're using
for it is called vaporwave now care for
that you're not a fan of that lately it
seems a little marketing douche yeah
it's definitely a douchey label I don't
go around telling people I listened to
vapor we've while you're doing that
right now to me except right now uh I
got into this guy called com trues okay
cute yeah who does this like the first
time I heard this music I was like oh
man so he's taking like the music from
Beverly Hills Cop sure and he's tweaking
it and he's and he's like honoring that
that tracking issue sort of like a fast
slow cassette running out of batteries
weirdness all while creating new beats
with that arsenal of like phonic range
you have it so is the actually sampling
or is he making so he's not a sample of
doing stuff so I've been listening to
calm throughs for a while okay I'll if
you've watched the movie
arrived a lot of that soundtrack is like
that ed synth inspired sort of stuff
human be exactly like it's all like it's
all basically likewise this new music
cut out of a nineteen eighty four cheesy
movie only and now there's a real new
wave of these artists coming up with
this 80's influence style of music and I
came across one that I really like and I
just want to play it for a little bit
because we can probably only get away
with like we're gonna talk about it
editorially so it's fine right we're and
because we do that editorially we do
have this freedom to do that to play
music that maybe we don't have the
rights to but I'm sure this guy would
love us to play this and then tell you
where you can go buy this so the artist
I just want a sample for every one night
right now it's called street cleaner
okay and the song is called nightlife
okay and it just gives me this like vice
sort of almost like vice city okay I
kind of vibe I'll I Miami hotline Miami
that kind of thing you can go to street
cleaner bandcamp com okay in traditional
spelling right pay for this guy's a
record it's really good it came out late
last year but I just want to play a
little sing got a lead into it like
you're a disc jockey all right new one
from street cleaner this one's called
Oh welcome Mercedes to the stage
see like only that like a lot of those
sound yeah are basically Axel Foley
stuff yeah that's synth drum yeah yeah
am I crazy or I just love no it's all
right it's great i didn't feel like i
need a pastel suit and to be doing rails
right off the table it doesn't make me
wanna do okay but that's the image yes
like it is it's Miami Vice like culture
like I feel like but this is new like
you can hear the like
yeah like more moderate it's a little
more complex yeah
yeah anyway now I get it's very good I
really enjoy yeah there's a there's a
lot of these guys now but the street
cleaner guys the the one dude that I
think is doing it in a way that um I
haven't really heard that much more it's
it's it's pretty damn it cue that up on
Spotify i'm sure i don't know if it's on
a lot of fights to New ratified I just I
don't know if it's I think mr. free
cleaner maybe thought it was like not
worth it real oh yeah cuz the returns
are not good but mr. street cleaner
doesn't really have a career does he I
don't know he bite you he's from San
Diego and I don't even know if it's a he
or she but you know a street cleaner oh
yeah you fell about a fight one word
free Claire Oh God flesh nope no no if
that's the same though here's a band
that came out this fan came out in
nineteen ninety eighty nine that is an
album called street cleaner by God flesh
huh I wonder if it sounds like that
maybe that's the inspiration for the new
street cleaner so what's really cool is
like a lot of these uh I'm not gonna say
vaporwave anywhere i'm gonna say these
retro synth 80s inspired musicians yeah
they're they're obviously inspired by
those movies in the culture of the
insurance so this guy street cleaner
tries to tell like a story you know like
there's a motorcycle chase and then
there's like a shootout wait when did it
doesn't go through the music tell like
tells that story what when did it do
that not maybe I think this was like
driving like this was like the driving
okay you know what I mean word or like
could you come to the same story like if
two people listen to the same song would
they know the same story I for is it
just like intuition I really believe you
can tell the story just with sound I
think you can too and I think like that
time when he went down to georgia and he
had enough violence and fat no one
georgia uh no no I know you mean you
know what I mean like any and and with
stuff like this especially with scores
like you can easily tell heightened
scenes of action yeah uh but yeah it's I
really love the stuff and I wanted to
give some love that's good street
cleaners way I for a second I thought
you were gonna rickroll me but it really
does actually turn into a song oh no
it's a real song but that intro is your
extended Jack June do
I like it I do actually like it
unfortunately I had to search vaporwave
to find more of this stuff yeah I don't
know if you need to do that there's a
lot of ones on Spotify uh Kavinsky it
has that famous one from drive okay um
and come true said calm throughs is
really good he's all over spot Ok Go
which we and even like the 404 opening
theme song yeah is is cut from that
cloth a little bit uh little bit of an
Inside Story here we were in touch with
come true Oh to get him to do our new
theme song and I just think they did
wanted so much money our day was like oh
my god I think we're gonna quote him I'm
not gonna say how much but like we we
had a number yeah he wanted ten times
wall so he like did he have a career
when you know he's big time okay he's
big time and he's great noisy does he
play like raves orda like I don't
suppose the vague like this is where I
don't what I don't get and it got a
generational thing because there are
people who go out and like watch a DJ
perform yes like if you have done
Skrillex yeah I what just got the hell
are you doing I've got once it was as a
press event and I was in uh Ibiza and
they got us to it a tiesto yeah and I
had never in my life heard or seen
anything like a DJ right only college a
concert yeah and in all honesty I just
got really effed up and had a great time
right but I think that's the only way
you can't just like ghosts and they're
sober and stare at the stage and have a
good time so that's my thing like maybe
you can you're like dancing and stuff i
don't know those concepts from those
shows are parties were like you go with
my chrome shoot natick has lasers and
bones and if I'm and I get it in
and I'm not taking anything away from
any of these people share talented like
I kinda really like girl talk to ya
never ship DJ a different situation
there's more to look at I feel like girl
talk maybe I don't know if he does that
stuff live if he does I think he does
that's pretty impressed I remember years
ago I saw him but like a guy who just
sort of Gaia girls just sort of doing
one thing I don't know any I'm not
taking anything away Lenny when I hate
mail me but
like if I'm going to see a concert with
a band yeah I'm like what I wanna watch
that drummer sure do that song alive
because I don't believe he can do yeah
is it so awesome you know II stuff like
that yeah I got weird like just seeing
someone like using a touch pad I mean a
guy holding up a headphones with his
shorter like I get it I get it I know
you're getting late later yeah your
macbook's awesome okay you put a book
put a really dope-ass decal on your on
your macbook dude i have a kitty yeah
are we gonna finish things off with the
weirdest thing I've heard of all week
just what the hell is the story Russ you
creep real animal stories it's a real
animal story maybe that's a new segment
we can do on the show I was looking
around and I saw this story popped up
from my newsfeed and the story actually
the headline is just spectacular it's on
LiveScience calm and the headline is
python eats porcupine or get regrets it
later and in parentheses here's why I
think I need to like read this I think I
know wow I thought I just thought the
same thing um if you click through the
link you can see there's this Python
here and he has eaten a porcupine and it
looks like the body of a teenage boy
yeah it's the city nests its massive
it's like and not like a spell teenage
boy like he you know has husky he's been
teased a little he's a husky boy husky
boy so apparently this this Python when
I had eight a porcupine ill-advised it
would via and a cyclist actually spotted
this after he ate the porcupine so he
just saw this like car that wound up
being a snake and porcupines are large
as you work like they're not hedgehog
sighs they're like they're the size of
like like choose two cats stuck together
and they've been eating a lot that's how
you don't know with your other an
anteater I don't know what the armadillo
the comment maybe like an armadillo no
no much bigger than Armand
a porcupines bigger than armadillos like
the size of like a hedgehog well maybe
like two hedgehogs I'm not sure we know
how large a hedgehog is a hedgehog is
like it's a size 0 like a king swirl no
Baker a hedgehog's not bigger than us
it's bigger than a squirrel no it's not
I had a hedgehog growing up I had as a
pet oh it's terrible terrible pet it
sounds like it would recommend it anyway
so the snake eats this porcupine a
cyclist spots it it's like oh that's
weird ya later on the a park rangers
find the part of the Python dead Oh No
but they can't figure out whether you'll
to know whether the whether the Python
died from eating the porcupine which
seems likely or falling off a ledge
apparently they found it at the bottom
of light like right next to a cliff oh
that's so and they think it might have
fallen and when it fell the spines in
the Python body like poked out and like
pierced it that's because really they
eat porcupines on the reg but it's not
an issue or just like the spines likes
it in their body I don't know it put
them out yr pythons eating porcupines
that's what they do that if you could
eat a porcupine when you eat it no it's
like oh can I eat a pinecone I wouldn't
get be discouraging I would also say if
it was me I would probably eat it like a
taco and leave the taco shell and just
eat the inside I would define it yeah
but important but he doesn't have hands
it's just like oh what's that your
cactus with feet let me eat that well
the inside and you just flip it around
that's what I we do is just flip it
around and just you know seems like a
soft it just seems like a porcupine
should not be the natural prey for an
atom I don't know the default for a but
if you're a hungry Python you see this
thing that's like walking around it's
like I could probably eat that maybe was
a dare a Python dare and he's just like
he lost he paid the ultimate price well
you know he had to go through with it it
was either that or like french kiss his
like brother for Python Henry the Python
paid the ultimate price um so yeah I was
surprised it's cool to see that pythons
can do that and it's unfortunate to see
that they really can in hindsight it's
so it's the white snakes eat stuff is
pretty stupid
uh yeah it does not it's it's mostly
because it's like oh you're gonna eat
something that like severely limits your
ability to move afterwards yeah but I
guess we do too no way if you
thanksgiving dinner yet you're not going
for a run after guess but it's not like
i don't become noticeably larger yeah
but they don't really like there's
nothing preventing it it's funny that
they like I am thinking I just have to
eat everything hall and what I just at
the one but every but then they could
like take a week off from eating like if
you'd be sated by eating once a week
when you do that totally it's just so
gross because you're it's just got to
sit there and decompose in your snake
body yeah that actually reminds me of
further have you seen the movie anaconda
yeah okay so I decide with ice cube ice
cube is in it and um Jon Voight in his
greatest role and Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez so Jon Voight spoiler
alert gets eaten by the Anaconda at one
point later on in the movie jennifer
lopez is getting attacked by the same
anaconda and it vomits out Jon Voight
fine partially digested partially
digested covered in like digestive juice
so fine weird unexpected even weirder he
falls Alina jolie comes up behind him he
falls to his knees looks at Jennifer
Lopez and winks at her Oh what is that I
can't it's never again addressed in the
movie like what that he whether his her
is he alive is why did he wink what
happened it's never again addressed and
it's so vexing to me would is he dead if
he wasn't dead well wouldn't you
reference it with like a scene of him in
the hospital at the end being like man
that was a close call with that snake
when I got eaten oh god it's so
confusing if anyone knows the truth
behind that scene please fill fill us in
Oh on the subreddit cuz I'm really
desperate well I'm hungry yeah I don't
know about you in time for a meal good
time for a meal and I guess a good time
to end the show good time to die it's a
good time to get partially digested by a
gigantic Python you know what you know
what Jeff is also a good time for what's
that the good times
and review the 404 podcast which you can
do on iTunes you can just give us five
stars you don't have to write anything
if you want to write something that's
cool too it's a big help to us because
it increases the rating sista it makes
the 404 go up in the rankings and all
that junk and gets more listeners and
the more listeners we have the more
money we have to spend on color blind
fixing sunglasses which is really cool
um and how about this whole did you have
another I was also gonna say you can
subscribe to the podcast if you want to
do that as you should be dealing and
here's another thought it's the summer
right yeah you're going on road trips
you're going oh yeah totally hey you've
got friends don't you you do why don't
you do this yeah taking a trip to the
beach sure it's an hour drive yeah you
tell your friends hey why don't you
watch you let me don't you let me drive
and I'll I'll play a podcast right on
the way down have some good times listen
to some some two dudes talking about
stuff various things right snake ooh
pines once you try that once you put
that in your pipe and smoke it seems
like a good scenario i like that
scenario right so know that spread the
love feel like they're driving a woody a
wat a woody a wood-paneled surf car oh
they're called woody said I'm learning a
lot today yes with your Seltzer loving
porcupinie thank you fine eating
personality so do that try that out be
that guy yeah suggest the podcast be
back I never is gonna be like oh god
Jeremy you and your podcast ethical
Jeremy you're just be all you're such an
inconvenient ooh walk the moon the whole
way down well guess what but that the
police song huh no walk the moon sings
that shut up oh yeah like that song you
can listen to listen to that in between
yeah that's nice little break on the way
back listen to walk the moon going down
listen to our show eight six six four
for Cena is our phone number I I think
there might be an issue with that number
but as you try calling it I did it seems
to work okay I don't know anyway get in
touch with the show the 404 at cnet com
follow myself at Jeff Bakalar you can
follow Russ at Russ fresh dick easy
enough for you and we will be back next
week with a brand new show have a
fantastic weekend stay cool it's hot out
there it is okay set your thermostat you
know at a responsible temperature yeah I
don't want any brown out now all right
no breath no brown outs as much what's
that have a push have a push no
Brandon's will be back next week have a
fantastic weekend until then I'm Jeff
bakkalon Ross rustic this has been the
404 show hi teddy lowbrow CC
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