
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - Your attention span sucks, Light Phone, Internet security, rooting, roms, Ep. 1615

the hey what's going on ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in to the 404 show on this friday may 22nd 2015 very happy to be here today because we're welcoming for the first time ever in the history of the show mr. Zack Whittaker good mo'nin how are you hungry well thank you how are you everyone I'm fantastic thank you everyone's gonna fall in love with your voice because you have no come on the strategic situation I mean it's on a level of charm that begin to whisper it sometimes yeah are you talking yeah so they can hear it in their ears later on okay I could should i do one now like you should good afternoon oh it's so good really um I'm I'm like you know people say to me on an almost daily basis I've been in New York fair what two years now more than two years people say to me almost every day oh I love your accent and it's like well it's I I never get tired of it of course because such a class is very flattering her Americans have a fascination with the British accent and I don't know what more so than any other regional dial it sounds more intelligent it's likely is it the reverse southern accent it with that and I believe if you slow down a British accent it sounds southern is why someone told me once if you'd slight like the southern accent though I've been to Georgia and I do I enjoy it yeah that deserves me a great deal what is it's very um it's what we considered to be American I suppose that's strange like you guys think southern well think about it but I would think other countries that are less familiar with America would assume we all speak like Cowboys yes like I would think everyone in North Korea thinks you assume correctly we're all John Wayne and Clint Eastwood hear any much um today is an interesting day in the office zach zach is here joining us that's making it interesting point one thank you you are a writer for ZDNet and seen it yeah you cover a wide gamut of topics mostly nowadays security cyber security law politics I've fallen asleep yeah it's fine this boring no I find it very interesting but not many people find it right especially with the law and the politics and the last few weeks has been nothing but Patriot Act there's an Patriot Act that and NSA this and it gets very tiring I enjoy considerably I love it that's great alright as long as you enjoyed your accent doesn't like translate to the actual writing because I Jesus nephew right is great but then it's like see I reviewed all his stuff in an accent that's what needs to be done maybe it should say at the top of your post read this in a British accent weight is in a really charming British I see the same employee with Morgan Freeman you can say anything yeah and it's that you just you see his face I found yeah well hit him explaining space is one of the great things your ears can enjoy I wanted to also talk about real quick so we have a silent guest in our studio today little four and a half year old Aldrin Akhtar is here hey sitting in the red chair in the back if you haven't seen the studio a little chair he's got my iPad he's got a bard pair of 24-karat monster headphones on I'm just really old okay I'll even tell I just miss barn from justice desk after has to put a borrows medicines there's a five year old here just chilling out watching bill he's very happy it's amazing those freakin headphones are like perfect they block out everything was like that scene in old school you could say anything he's like dad Optimus Prime is here so pulled a headphone away from his earrings like oh oh they don't learn that most people don't ever learn these I gotta teach in that a little bit but yeah so he's in and like it's the day before a long weekend so there's a lot of kids running around the office yeah and there's no like there was no memo about this mmm oh I thought as he doesn't is hiring people very very young not as proud of myself I start that scene that when I was nineteen that was did you actually as it turns out this later this month I think May thirtieth so in about a week will be seven years from me and I'm 22nd grats thank you very much i know i can't think of anything else i've done you no longer than seven years been at it for over seven years I've had an accident that I've been vegetarian longer than seven years I've been I've been alive smoking and now what I smokings been seven we get I smoked for many many years as you know I it's been about 210 so this is something I always wanted to ask you and I wonder if there's a correlation shoots so ack has Tourette syndrome drugs and you smoked and I always and you'd stop smoking cigarette did and I wanted to ask and we never got because I'm always very interested in your yeah very flattering that you thought you'd pay so much you know interest well no I'm any good will do it helps create a certain sort of awareness people have this very stigmatized perception of of Tourette's and I want to and my I always ask you questions cuz i know you take medicine for it I know it's it's it's a big deal yeah did the smoking ever affect that yeah actually made it to make anything but it made life easier for me it did the strangest thing is that for my you know the symptoms are known as text you know you have vocal tics you have the physical tix where you lash out you you hate yourself ya know flail your arms sure I've got the whole range the whole spectrum your opportunity yeah absolutely and so I am I used to smoke to calm myself down to feel like I was calm really used to regulate my breathing which is one of the things that you very rarely have in in this condition is the ability to shut yourself you know shut the world out for a few moments right just enjoy a cigarette and you regulate your breathing you calm down you get into a little space for two or three minutes and then you go back to the real world again and it just gave me a few moments of relief right in between shouting swearing you know and I do have that that symptom I do have the swearing tick I have had that for years I actually have the the quintessential condition as it were but it's it's it's almost not noticeable because of the medicine that mod it really is amazing I mean the medicine I'm on is it takes away maybe ninety five percent of my position that so how does it work like what does it does she bloody magic it's just so it just goes it's microscopic wizards and they enter your bloodstream honest I couldn't tell you how it works it's um you know IIIi don't shy away from this topic I actually wrote a piece some weeks ago the medicine I take is the most commonly taken in America abilify and I take a very small dose of it yeah but they generate billions in revenue for vs yeah and it's time for people with you know some mental health issues certain illnesses but for me it just it just takes the edge off don't know how don't know why it just does that's great yeah looks at me and I hope it works for others excellent all right arm we have a lot to cover today not just Zacks Tourette's which we could we could strange I suppose we could spend a great deal of time on it um but I want to talk about a few things that's going on first off I just have to I have to tease this real quick for myself it's it's selfish it's in nature okay but as we all know the Giant Bomb people now share the office with us and they started doing elisa so there's only two guys here from from giant bomb Oh is all dhryn okay yeah cause little coughing okay fair enough you good buddy he's not looking at me um that thumbs up their thumbs up excellent that's all Indian life so it's just Vinnie and Alex and they're uh across the cafeteria there I should go and say hello say I should maybe she'll go let's go it's a neighborly thing of this yeah and they started a brand new podcast on the east coast called the giant beast cast the congratulations to them so I got to appear on the first episode that sounds sarcastic i can see it did but I you know that's your nature sorry people don't know you they they should know that everything you say should be taken with a gigantic grain of salt um and yeah it's uh it's it was great it was it was great fun and I was on their show search on iTunes the giant beast cast and i was on the thing for two hours with them there's a lot of fun so the best of luck to them and that's all I got to say about that if you want to hear me get into games like I want to do sometimes on this show but kind of alienate everyone else in the studio at the same time that's my fault but ya know it's not anyone's fault but go listen to that we talked a great deal about games okay enough of that I should probably admit something admit it you've never played over no I have but I don't I don't yeah it's not if that's my bad thing is okay no sound come a lot of people don't play games okay I would say so I just I feel sorry I'm I knowledge ethic you shouldn't be apologetic I wonder what the numbers are like I wonder how many Americans or have not even working across the pond it how many people in first world countries the percentage so what are we were like that 25 to 40 demo right who how many of how much per they have what's the percentage of those people who play games what's the game definition is it like this casual games on phones utama consoles console cuz i saw one plays tiny Angry Birds handheld ones about diac no talking about conscious a whore's be almost a console if you're playing vida you own a bike honestly if you spent over like a hundred dollars for the hardware I think that might be there they'll want sure so how what's the percentage what are we guessing I'm thinking 60 I think a lot of people at least i would say maybe 60 65 right I'll say 30 do you think thirty percent including it's both male female male and female I think a lot of people do it and don't necessarily add not admit to it but they don't think of it as something that they should necessarily does happen we haven't done a time period is like I'll often they plan for a week would never own a console okay on a kind of play and they play twice a month Frank Underwood the the fictional President of the United States plays video games and house of cards does early he's the Beast of President James he plays games you played games didn't Lee I'm sure you want to get to that season thanks a lot there Zack oh gotcha makes me really yeah it's not the biggest sport in the world and breaking his on reddit without knowing that I was it go he turns into president how did you do that exactly I haven't finished likes I'll just season 1 haven't bought any on season one I haven't finished two or three I think what season Leon sorry I know I think they want a cigar yeah 3 it's so heavy I just can't walk I don't play games and you then watch house of cards two very different than noble house of causes but they requires a lot of attention at my point come on that's why the reason why I didn't finish house of cars the one season of Kevin Spacey be in the president who cares come on one I'm sure it's great it's partially spending through the west wing and the the the funny thing is that the west wing is almost exactly like I don't there's no way that show is better than a game of thrones when house of cards comes over the Goodyear aim yeah i'd be interested in i won't even i won't even the Shaam when zombie president chose Oh enough freaking zombies Jesus Christ alright let's let's get into a few of these stories we have here in our rundown we've got good stories this week this is going to be fun uh the headline for this one is goldfish may have a better attention span than you the smartphone user it doesn't have the word man it's this goldfish have a better ten definitively once the wall is the attention span of a zombie zombie it's gotta be pretty good they just don't let up right yeah they're persistent they don't worry what their focus your fairy folk they have they have one plan in mind and that's it brains so so what's the what's the way yeah how is this possible because the quintessential like awful attention span is that of a goldfish or someone who watches MTV so how on earth could this possibly be a real thing yeah there was a study by Microsoft and this print that came out in spring 2015 but the results are from back in 2013 and a bunch of Canadians of doing research on so these might only apply to Canadians okay okay just deal with that one first of all historically great attention and polite very polite so the thing is the resort very nice people they clock the average human intent attention span dat just eight seconds where are you talking about exactly eight seconds now that's one second below a goldfish in two thousand it used to be 12 seconds we used to be able to do that and of course the study is saying that people are more easily distracted in the presence of devices with screens so basically our smartphones have made us lower our attention span now when a set like when is the point of joy to my phone I even think we know that was like no i didn't i was looking at i got an email through i was looking at that but i did trail off at the end did you see the sign on the door that says leave your phones outside he's got his phone where's your phone outside wha now that's a joke um I think we're like when did attention span necessarily equate with intelligence like I get it you having a long attention span is likely a good qualit wait a sec I think I think has to do with intention intelligence if you can actually keep track of what's going on in like I don't know like a lecture in school cuz you say second you like wait what did he just put his dad with that moves because someone who has a 88 second attention span isn't watching a film and just mind wandering every eight seconds there there's gotta be some sort of his done you've got a phone in your hand you can expect I can spend all day on reddit today i learned i get i can just go through it you know that powers yeah you as you're diving deep into the new submissions i don't know i really do but that I think that can captivate me for you no good in serious in terms you know 20 25 minutes that's longer than eight seconds so why does that why does that mean you know any difference from listening to a lecture right talking to you or to anyone else so the question is what environment were were these sort I think the metrics more lately I'm not sure exactly environment but there's an upside this whole thing okay a positive about the study sorry even though attention spans are lower now with these devices that because we have these these screens that people who use these digital lifestyle they called it are better at simultaneously processing information from different sources so they can look down and listen to you and put in more information than they used to so multitask yeah my girlfriend wouldn't agree with that well then she's gonna argue with Microsoft and Canadians know she has evolved with me I don't I though is is too often that I i am in grazing my phone and I need yeah I did this a lot I I will I I do this I I'm in the conversation as well I'll pick up my phone and I'll scroll for an email I will forget what the yeah that's bad you can't do that you can't do that and you can't maybe this is what they're trying to get our is that they do you can't keep a focus without having to check your phone for something because we are arguably in the most connected age you know we've got facebook and there's no doubt it text messages but I think that I think that's where like the rudeness factor enters because you there's there's a very big problem with people detaching from reality yeah when engrossed in a conversation like the second you have a start a conversation with someone you have signed an unofficial contract to continue to continue until you either gracefully exit either party terms right whether or not it's amicable sometimes that's fine its nature of conversations on I was gonna end with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek okay having conversations with you oh um so I don't what I don't understand is like that's that for me that is the biggest sort of issue with the end with with being distracted by cell phones and you're apparently a culprit I'm terrible at it I I will admit that I can be on face time with my parents who are in England yeah and as Mike because I using my mag on my iPad I will slide my phone underneath the webcams that I can play it on my phone that is pretty good there is also a sickness as there is a sickness so the bed talk to me and they can under the thing is it's about keeping it because my mum can tell when my eyes are sort of like you know wandering down to my phone she's like she'd snaps her fingers and says it's in the second window that's all you need or you could attach it I saw like one these little how-to so when these have two videos if you hook up your phone to your Mac and then you go to the QuickTime Player you go do new movie recording you can actually see the screen of your phone right in the window so you could do that don't make this easy for me I should be I'm trying to make no of course gonna make this easier I should you know I should spend a bit more time if you focused on listening to what people are saying is that what is that the way you commonly interact with your parents facetime you know really it's it's free and it's easy and it's I've got to admit it's better than skype by a long stretch oh I'm not talking about what's better Scarface time but I fitting for you but it's got it that's got to be a generational thing how old are your parents like 40 my parents are in the I shouldn't say in case they listened but they are in the early fifties all right so they're young they are young I bought them an ipad I think three years ago when I was on my way to your country and we've been face time he ever since it's it's free and it's easy right it's easy for them sure and they get it near love it yeah money that you like I wouldn't I feel like that's never gonna happen with my parents they're just I folksy space that long does for the boy when he's over all right maybe it's not maybe once Dylan is older and that oh no why not just right now yeah the things i have dogs and my mom's allergic to dogs so like when he's around she wants to see him without like her eyes closing up so that's a lot of a lot of face time with us too uh I did not hear that correctly that sounded like your mom was allergic to seeing dogs to actual dogs yeah but you differently I would face that I'm coming to play for that that's why she uses face time to see the boy when he's over with oh because she won't go there she comes to my apartment she basically will be messed up with like a day or two man that sucks sorry mom oh that's a bummer dogs only have like five or six years left so i guess so i guess that's a good way of thinking about it just survive don't worry mom come over soon the dogs will be dead in half a decade Hey look I gotta spend it positive somehow right that's a truly sick way I look at it sent to humor that's okay alright fair enough so i'm going to learn to somewhere you know right I get it did you imagine that somebody taught me to be this way I don't want to think about that so there you have it thanks get the gold now I'm just I'm just I'm just silently judging once that's good that's the best way to judge better I think um yeah so there you have a goldfish are essentially smarter than or our superiors they are whoa hail goldfish yeah soon to be our aquatic over Lloyd's all right uh here is a fantastic idea it's a Kickstarter for a phone that is actually a phone so I'd be seen it's a Kickstarter right it's this little credit card sized phone I saw this a couple of days ago and all it is is this tiny look at those little Chiclets remote you used to get you right about like that old school watch battery credit card sized remote that would like control I don't know what a little control like Ellie the color lights yeah there's little chance of things it's sort of that size I didn't have the little bubbles for the buttons resident bubble keys is only a phone it doesn't do texts it doesn't do apps it doesn't do anything other than receive and make calls and I think a speed dial for ten different number right so it's for drug dealers but the idea is you what I mean if I'm a drug dealer I'm buying this phone if you pledge a hundred dollars you can forward your phone number your phone calls over to it and the idea so you can disconnect because it's called the light phone because you know we're so connected so you leave your phone at home you install an app it'll forward everything over to this phone that can fit in your wallet they will show people putting in their wallet but that only applies to phone calls yeah only this is brilliant this is what I want to take on vacation with me you really what couldn't you just take your phone and just not look at the others no no no that's not how that works we just covered we just covered how impossible it is to get notifications man do you know do you how cool my phone is I do not will find you did you sing everyone's phone is cool man oh right so there's a lot of cool stuff on there and it's distracting and when I'm on vacation I want to be enjoying the the beach or wherever the hell I'm looking at okay this can't do that I was expecting you to completely hate this thing's a hundred doll it's cool basically a second phone that's a phone the iPhone this is great I think it's smart I know I know this is mine do not adjust your radio I don't think I've ever heard him say anything nice about and anything no oh guess what this happened I love it has changed you man that's not your about that but guess what I'm the old Jeff Berg guess what I possible can we come me I'm sure it'll come back to in the middle don't worry there's gonna be something that'll piss me off enjoy this while you can okay a broken clock is Right twice a day so let's keep it at that is it not no he's technically true he's right i more than like white an analog clocks there it is i love it i want it i want this fun it's it's a tiny little thing and it to me it's brilliant there are plenty of instances where I only want to be alerted at a phone call they wanted two hundred thousand dollars and they met their goal alreadies 222,000 I'm not the only one opinion to go they got 1,700 backers a hundred dollars for this thing Zack do you want one of these things uh one oh yeah it's cool I mean it's not something I would I would take it I don't know if I'm about by this but i would buy i would buy if it was 50 bucks maybe go on askin say here's my thought who actually really calls people nowadays I it's an emergency I dude yeah I do like calling people um but we take a lot of people don't and I found that a lot of people when i call them they're surprised or they don't pick up yeah like what about yesterday see mind they see my name come often think I'm not gonna talk to her I'm gonna hold to that jackass okay so but now I find that some people don't like to talk and that's fine maybe it's for people who don't want to buy a phone can you can you put your own sim card in there yeah it does take a sim card odo but the thing is this phone when you buy it has its own prepaid sim so it's a second line effectively so it can't brought you can't buy it unlocked essentially i I'm not sure because it's just still kick star but then again couldn't you just get a crappy little flip phone and you're the same thing it's got like snake on it and that's gonna be too much of a distraction snake is too much of a distraction you'd be surprised I get desperate man there's times where like man I need to play something you just program sup to a calculators yeah I'll play sudoku on the back of some stupid magazine that's how desperate i'll get wow you you almost as bad as i used to be when it came to flying yeah well know what do you mean when okay so there's that is that five-minute period we can't have any devices on okay sure i would bring like an analog book an actual book or like a notepad or something just so i could not have any time where I have to sit there all that psychotics that's that simply so that's like how do you would pay a hundred dollars for a stupid said I'd paid 50 oh sorry they gave it to you but you would use this thing yeah I would use alright well look when when i get mine over either of you drug dealers uh not anymore anymore yeah what year is it I know I not anymore no not not anymore no I can I can see this having some uses but I don't it's not right I don't need for me as a burner value to throw is a burner phone it's the sort of thing that you see him just do a burner sin like you could do you can you can do that were sense definitely or is there something connected I'm sure somebody knows this you're a drug dealer yeah already drug dealers the send us you would it was that with an anonymous email lava email love bit the other day no more Ramona okay security expert where don't you send an anonymous email you can use a number of white enum you can use a push mail you can you push now um p GP GP GP g I'm sorry I asked all right so you didn't like yeah let's move along to Scrabble while things are really heating up let's move along to scrap it had gone there from facetime that's just gotta got added as one of the words and scrabbles really there's like 60 100 words or something they were added to scrabble dictionary i saw this because I've seen some of these words and I've tried a mic on my phone is whatever apps and like no this isn't a word so can you so is the a scrabble obviously if they were smart as a companion app right where you can look up if you challenge a word and uh it's called a dictionary you know I don't know addiction oak is apparently the scrabble dictionary and the Webster's dictionary would likely have different entries in them so what I want to know Beyonce now proper now yeah so what I want to know is like is there a companion app to Scrabble where you can pop you know type in the name the word whatever it is and see if it's okay i want to i actually want to read some of these things out in an english accent and see what they sound like I'm I'm English and I want to see what this all right so let's try well okay let's try this now I feel like it should haves like backing music I can add it later they're so beautiful classical yeah that sounds appropriate so these are some of the new scrabble words that have been entered into the scrabble dictionary I don't know how to say that one okay you know what that one though see that how'd you say that captain cash 00 cash it's cash okay cazh that's stupid how is that a word get out of here why scrabble just changing the rules all right go about noob n ewb noob is really spelled n00b that's really old to some that's why I waited or yeah ok or n 00 be how about shizzle shizzle like for shizzle that's how shizzle that's a good one just if you have easy you're stuck with them yeah what kind of an asshole uses shizzle well now scram any asshole can that is ridiculous it's true lolz stop a busy scrabble all your credibility just went out the window completely it's ridiculous unbelievable um all right III guess we have to take a break because I don't know what else to do here more 404 right after a word from one of our sponsors we'll be right back a big thanks goes out to igloo for sponsoring today's episode of the 404 show igloo is an intranet you're actually going to like it's a cloud platform that can help you do your best work share files blog updates coordinate calendars and manage your projects it's easy to use easy to configure even for the most non-technical users it's built using a responsive design which means that everything you do at your desk you can now do on the go on your phone and on your tablet the responsive design is meant to look great on all of your devices no matter what you're using whether you're a large enterprise stuck using SharePoint or a fast-growing business overwhelmed by apps create an intranet that matches your brand's look and feel simplifies how you work and is accessible on your phone sign up now and try for free at igloo software com / cnet make sure you use / seen it don't forget its igloo software com / seen it and invite up to 10 of your favorite co-workers to try it out with you hey welcome back to the 404 today we're joined by Zack Whittaker from ZDNet and soon it hello security expert cyber security expert extraordinaire but might be pushing are you stealing people's credit card numbers online yes or no no have you ever no I don't have a credit card okay I'm not kidding adjacent to steal them then oh that's why you know is it's a perfectly good reason to although I haven't how'd you get into all this cuz I would imagine you have to have some sort of nefarious backgrounds and security not really um why are you so fascinated with it because it's seemingly mind-numbing Lee boring ya know it is I find he's like that's what it is is it to a lot of people is very dull but it's this new intersection between tech and law and politics and it all all intersects in the middle and it's a great new space to explore I mean people are making laws about technology about privacy and freedom on the internet which is the same as freedom offline as well what's the biggest security issue facing the world the inner net today that most people have turned a blind eye to honestly probably no I want you to lie to me okay I'll learn to you know in all seriousness it's probably freedom of speech I would say that's one of the biggest issues that faces our not I suppose humankind why how is it being compromised how is it being threatened because so many companies and lawmakers are pushing to enact laws that they interpret for their own means and their own lot you know the for their own purposes a lot of it comes down to intelligence agencies trying to gain access to our information which you know is what they do but in changing our behavior is not a way of being able to be free and being able to do what we want to do you see citizen for I did do you like that very good films very good did you see it the ed Snowden I have a teen it was a good film it's a good film because you know and obviously it's basically Glenn Greenwald and this um filmmaker what looks waitress attorney Laura Poitras she directed she won an Academy Award for right he won an Oscar yeah I it seemed to me like it was almost too good to be true what was happening what was unraveling before yeah and she issued the whole time she's probably like holy I got I got something something's happening right now and basically from a hotel in china hong kong hong kong sorry same thing but almost year they basically change the world from hotel room you know that laura portress lives in Berlin no because she can't come back but she can't come back she's an American from where from from what I understand but she kept being held at the US border right comment we just keep screwing with her yeah and but the thing is like she is trying to do her job she's trying to document and she said she's a journalist she's a film major documentary maker and she is being held up at the border where even Americans have almost no rights whatsoever the only right that you really have is the right to silence right and that's that they can't refuse you access to your own country it we've turned her into this trader figure I think some n we've done that to Snowden as well yeah I mean a lot of people think you know you know patriot or traitor well you know what at the end of the day no matter what you say or what you think he has his actions have spurred on a huge amount of discussion and the laws are changing after the fact I think he's important because and not because he's basically fundamentally changed the way people look at the internet which they had which has happened I mean when you look at you know BS and AAS meeting before Snowden and after Snowden people change the way they search on Google exactly I things have changed forever so if you have changed your actions I'm not saying necessarily you but if you have change directions are you really free to do what you want to do right and that's the bit that's the thing is that freedom of speech is an freedom of expression has been you know it's been considerably you know it's it's having some serious difficulties at the moment you know people are not being free to do what they want to do and what they want to say within the realm of freedom of expression is it actually crazy that people are paying more attention to like Bruce Jenner then this stuff because I know well now wait because the Bruce Jenner thing is an important issue in its own yes of course Jenna thing I meant more when there was this there was a magazine at the tabloid tabloid yeah there was a magazine was somebody actually put paint on his face right airbrushed that particular sure sure sure no offense to anything else there but I'm saying like when celebrity is discussed much more than like your actual rights you does that bug you it does well in interest rates it's a cognitive novacane i mean it's it's people don't want to deal with the real issues of the laurel the thought of people having what they think of rights and then they don't you know take advantage of them i supposed to a degree it hurts I don't like the idea of people posing on celebrity culture over their own personal rights I don't like that idea but again it's it's up to their own you know the funny thing is is that they have the freedom to do what they want to do I come from a country that doesn't necessarily have freedom of speech believe it or not it right it doesn't exist it doesn't exist in a way that it constituted us here right why they're not in reality are certain things that you cannot certain words that you cannot say in the UK um and who's your biggest freedom fighter Banksy oh but so you can't say certain things you can be arrested on the spot for saying certain words how does that happen a lot it can't I wasn't it happen it does yeah like what kind of thing now obviously I'm certain so certain words that are what we call racially aggravated so certain words so basically we have fair speech and it's not a bad system but it's not perfect either sure you can say certain things I don't like this person I don't like this I don't like that and it's fine but you can't say something that's going to offend someone and because of something they can't help or because of something they they have no control over yeah but don't we have a similar a slander you do but that civil case this is criminal you can't say you can't say certain work and you know I'm okay with that I don't think you should say certain words obviously but it says compromise a truly free jersey because it does so basically you know no one has this quite right yet and you'd think that after maybe no almost 300 years of your country and God knows how many you know years or might you think that some would have this nailed know by now no no yes that was too difficult just a speck on on the under on the timeline there all I know is that you can't I mean having too little freedom of speech is not a good thing yeah i'll for sure no one's gonna argue with that unless well well maybe I do know some people who yeah all right what that's interesting so that so there that's the interest then again microphones results the same country that you can you know you can go to war at the age of 16 but you can't buy call of duty until two years later that come on you're preaching to the choir there we go you can only not do that here now you can you'll go to war at 18 but oh it's 16 for us yeah you go to word 18 and uh you know you'll you'll pay taxes but you can't you can't buy alcohol come back you know and you and you can't rent a car which is just the biggest how old you have to be to rent a car 25 25 yeah yeah well I know quarter century it's ridiculous then that's what I fight for um so that's important right so it's so it's good to know what where you're you know entry level is like why you're so passionate about that sort of stuff and I do think it's a major issue and you know it makes me sick what people are more interested in I mean just don't ever go on facebook and you won't have to deal with that upchuck reflex that you get when you see what people are sharing and interested in the thing is you know I a lot of people say that I've got nothing to hide that always cracks me up Greg Glenn Greenwald he was that the forefront of the Snowden leaks he said some I think last year to a TED talk he said if you've got nothing to hide email me your passwords right and no one has taken him up on the collar and it makes you think we know what maybe some people do have things that everyone has something to hide well the thing is is that and you know it's a technicality but there's there's there's a there's different levels of privacy sure right is that of course because there is buzz what's in your mind yeah and then there's like what's tangible yes so there's that's a that's a 2 system sort of like concept of privacy there is but again you know privacy to a degree more privacy privacy no matter how you say is it should be absolute I mean totally you have you know in in the in Europe you have a right to a certain level of privacy as long as it doesn't infringe on a law enforcement investigation or something similar you know but it's enshrined in our rights so what do you say about this so the big big topic conversation in privacy this week is that there was like 140 companies that collectively wrote a letter to the White House saying we don't think you should offer backdoors into messaging services like I message and and other you know the problem is with back doors is that they are used and designed for law enforcement sure and that's fine you understand that they need to crack down on crime they need to you know catch criminals but if there's a if there's a hole that can be exploited it can be exported by anybody sure and the concern is is that they're essentially weakening their own systems because if there is a floor it can be found and right Oliver and they'll always find it before they will always find it before the government so now what do you think is the right answer I don't think there is a right hands now I think I I struggle to find the answer to this one I think is will take legal scholars academics security experts countless countless years to work out exactly what works all I know is that you can't you can't compromise someone security for the sake of of privacy and their rights yeah isn't that the whole idea by an open source items so like instead of using an iMessage instead of using a FaceTime study using these these protocols that are proprietary you and abusing an open source solution because everyone can see the source and those things get fixed a lot Master sure it's in general they do but also the code itself the code that actually pieces the software together isn't it can be inspected so it's very difficult to put a secret backdoor in there for the NSA to you know access the data and other thing is with facetime is a good example actually because that's encrypted and apple doesn't have the keys right between to decrypt that which is what makes the NSA and the federal government so angry that they can't access half of the things on my phone Rhino else's because 30 years it was just phones it was a song you know that's it are we have a phone tap we have a phone touch with ecology years hitting a button yeah so now they have to come to people if they want my date they have to come to me and say what's your PIN codes so now but now you know I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but don't you think do okay so do you think there needs to be something in place for that kind of snooping to occur do you think that the way it's been since the since you know the the modernization of the telephone infrastructure how we've been able to tap phones and stuff like that it would be grossly naive to think for a second that we don't need intelligence agencies right because we do when I need a level of surveillance to keep us safe for the problem is that it doesn't work sure you know you have you know phones and all these amounts of data and a lot of it stored in the cloud and can be accessed the problem is is that you have government agencies taking the law and interpreting it secretly sure and using that secret interpretation do a lot more oh my god what the statute actually explicitly says and this is the problem with the Patriot Act and a lot of people are getting exhausted with hearing about it it's set to expire is set to expire and the government has until what the the lawmakers humming till June first but actually because of a recess they have it's now coming up to what two o'clock they've now got about eight hours left before they do anything about it man that seems like a good gig being a lawmaker oh so much time off you have recess and you can night filibuster whatever you want yeah they have recess was less than me at recess elementary school right this is true I'm sorry Elementary Elementary yeah you know all right well this that was a great conversation man I like here and we and I'm surprised the lawyer had nothing to well this was one I'm not an expert in you Kayla yeah second thing step everything saying is fine yeah well that's good right now about the shot well I'm just I forgot you went to law school I can please allow so yeah I was pondering I gotta sit here and think I'm not gonna just completely jump uh yeah also like it's bit heavy it's it is I apologize I feel like you handled that I roll them at the time down yeah there's no low brow today I'm sorry mitac that's all it is today all right let's bring things down just a little bit arm this is kind of ridiculous but you know I read this a few times when i read the variety article and there's something then this is actually the right move okay we're talking about the week of March 25th right that's the batman/superman launch right and what else My Big Fat Greek Wedding part to the deuce baby is actually a movie first of all yeah and as it should has been scheduled by Universal Pictures they are the guys who've decided or they're the people who've decided my big fat greek wedding too will open against Batman V Superman dawn of justice yeah and if you're really a sick individual you get that double pack and you see them back to back right you're not gonna do that well my question is what do you thinks gonna do better at the box office wait you say March 25th or May 24 it says Marge I thought this is coming out is this coming out this week because it's the 20 no known until next its own next year the current month is May oh I don't plan any further than like the end of day most the time fair enough you know I know you asked me was gonna do fall on the weekends it's Memorial Day I've no idea I didn't realize I thought that I thought Batman Superman was this was this summer it's not that we just been hearing about it to death oh god and it's just it's zack snyder's benitez been tweeting like here's a picture of Aquaman here's a picture of Wonder Woman is a picture of my socks and like oh my God look it's with Wonder Woman socks wilderness yeah but Universal Pictures people would pay a great deal of money for that of course the universal universals got the right idea this is exactly how you're supposed you're supposed to match up um your movie with a polar opposite and that is what this is if and when this movie does better than Batman oh it's not gonna do both know it could so what's happening in the second big fat greek wedding are they renewing their vows do they get divorced a new wedding that's the best question I've heard I don't know how this works well see that's the mystery right there right there not tweeting about it we have the noise we have no wonder and there's that much more intriguing versus when will we get the leaks I lose my big fat greek wedding too at least with some head in at least with some headlines you you know what you're expecting Four Weddings and a funeral that's pretty straight up that it even need I've never seen the film do you know why cuz I know what's on the box right example what is in the funeral it's like any cousin between don't care it's like any Cameron Diaz movie ever she's only in movies with titles of exactly what the film is about okay I've got story do you want the story except there's something about mary no we don't know what that something else nope there's just something I suppose no you're right right sex sex tape bad teacher I mean come on she's only in films that are exactly what they're about it's true look out the year over talking about target engines want a gold night hunt great so get any spam that it wasn't oil done I was curious your demo is only in the Cameron Diaz okay something like Adam Sandler's deep male equivalent of sure waterboy the cobbler braised with a cobbler yeah he's a shoemaker I didn't he's not actually know me you're making me I'm not making that up is the cobbler all right what's the plot to this film so we could move my story follows that lovely love lovably loud porta hallows family whose return after a family secret is revealed and a bigger fatter wedding brings the Big Fat Greek family back together oh what a cash grab that's what's the big secret it's not the the big question mark over I'd imagine so it's a secret oh so whatever comes I would you not just name this sequel my bigger fatter creak wet it might be called that I don't want you who I can't stand to I hate sokoine it's lazy that they how he's all anything about this half-baked they're just gonna slap it to in it walk away it's freaking ladies motorman too yeah it's lazy man too um so you know what I've gotten into this is we got a little geeky but secure I don't know if I want to know this so long so I've oh but you know I've had a lot of downtime last couple weeks yeah how is jr. he's good thank you for asking why he sleeps a lot so i'll have like like father like son exactly i seem this is des went over to cat naps under yesterday I woke up and Zach had a mirror under my nose like what are you doing is like just checking for your life lovin uh so very good excellent oh uh so uh you know I had a lot of down time I've had I have spans of time of three hours plus to do nothing and I started fool around with my android phone and now I'm like a hard core routing custom firmware rom guy so you got a LG g3 I'm that guy I now and people think you know their their list I remember when it was cool i was i remember when he was you know I window yeah oh that's out the window dude that's me now I'm that guy what exactly are you getting into particular what what roms are you in uh cyanogenmod that's pretty good it's good so it so Android do you know about this secure I know I know about of course I mean sure android has which isn't but that was a security story couple years ago when it became legal to do so yeah absolutely yeah so basically you strip all of the that comes on your phone with you know you buy an LG phone it comes with their stupid android overlay sort of software and then god forbid you have to deal with the verizon junk that litters your phone look it's disgusting I hate it right so bad taking ball two normal just fine I know a boy a flame I was waiting for it all your RAM year it's a resource hog so what I did was basically stripped all that out i rooted my phone meaning i gave i opened up root access to give yourself full permission of the phone right your thing you should have to do whatever you want with it and I did and then I I uploaded a custom rom which is a custom firmware custom software of Android to my phone and now I'm just living the dream with a phone that works acts performs and does exactly what I wanted to do thank you yeah well good that's as it is my galaxy s3 yeah while ago messing with roms those are like really fun you can get really lost it is a slippery slope that's the time when you actually care if your phone has an SD card slot yeah a load bunches of roms try out different stuff like my phone is jailbroken now yeah and I'm like oh this crap on this I can do that I couldn't do a man so what's that I mean the Android benefits are very obvious what are the Apple it's even but when you get another store if you want to get other so you just get I understand you can load non-official apathy there are apps that are allowed to touch parts of the software and hardware then normally are not touchable like wha what's the best what's the main reason for jailbreaking your phone well the main reason let's see one you get to use more the screen real estate like that's the biggest one is like normally every time I see anybody's regular iphone it looks like a fish apology want your grid you want a great i want to be able to have widgets on the actual screen but like for me I like if you never use activator man activator is like that basically you can assign functions to basically anything life I double tap the time is should go to last pass like just like that what's last pass last passes my password managers no one makes you have everything they're usually need to pass for something so activator is sort of a launcher for Senna launcher so much it can assign functions two different things if I triple press the home button it'll go Google instead of it being just nothing it looks like you got a little widget action to now which is a which is a very naughty word and elaga the top there my little a bar there got my little android guy up instead of thee and then you can change those icons you can change because if this is your carrier says you know verizon or AT&T I've got you can put your name or whatever I just put an end roid up there these little extra things that I enjoy cuz i miss my android i miss my endured a lot animistic customization the customization that camera still on the iphone is really really good oh it's very good it's annoyingly good and it's getting like it's getting to the point was i know the s6 is supposed to be great but one of the things about the s6 is they took out some of the cool like taking out the battery and putting SD card slots into so they might as well be stuck with the iphone again if I'm gonna be stuck I'll be snide yeah I guess so but the I'm curious like the good reasons though I feel like it's you could still do more with Android right uh you know activator functions that are not on Android not the same way that's one of the things so like think what pic triple presses brother bring me to google play which doesn't do all the time yeah I mean doesn't always work and that's it's got a doc to their my doc is like I've got eight things in there well are you impressed by stuff like this Zack I am I used to jump up my phone yeah and then I I just didn't i got this what the iphone 6 sure um when it came out yeah that's a sick i haven't really done anything with it since frankly all right oh yeah you can bring android like think so if i hold down the Wi-Fi button control center it'll bring up the Wi-Fi settings like an android and how is it with batteries it ruin your battery that's fine same thing almost exactly the same okay okay we'll see I am thinking about switching carriers so maybe when i moved to t-mobile you're moving to t-mobile I just can't do I can't do a verizon anymore i paid so much money so here's the thing i'm on t-mobile i find an i travel internationally to the UK a lot the benefit is that i spend maybe eighty dollars I think sorry free internet free to miss international data it's not perfect but it's for general age buying a card when you get the absolute is far cheaper you can I can call home there's in the city it's fantastic it's great coverage out in the sticks not so much alright that's where it gets problematic if you ever travel you know but the thing is you do have access to Wi-Fi calling right so if you've got access to a Wi-Fi network you can just pick up the matteson that's great I love that's how tmobile essentially fixed the gap in its giant network you know Meads it's got a huge network but it's nowhere near as big as AT&T and Verizon so basically by giving everyone the opportunity to have their own Wi-Fi router in the house then they can they can make Wi-Fi calls where there isn't any traditional signal yeah it's pretty fantastic one more break when we come back we'll hit the reddit portion of the show just a few things to chat about their more 404 right after this we'll finish up the week with Zach stay tuned these days you can get anything you want on demand like our show you're getting that on demand so why are you still going to the post office and dealing with their limited hours dealing with the people who work at the post office dealing 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anything else click on that microphone in the top of the homepage and do yourself a favor and type in cnet that's C n e.t.b that's stamps calm and enter seen it at the top okay welcome back to the 404 show we're gonna finish things up with Zack Whittaker here how you doing there little guy nothing nothing still will you talk to me for a second okay hello what is he why'd he move off the cast it seems like a less comfortable place did I can ask him yeah let's ask him hey it's too hard for him to do this he's got he's got a an ipad air in his hands okay sorry and I put these earphones on wrong so I'm gonna fix that alright he is quite an adorable little doubt of the year alright dad of the year right here as soon as I swear to pee for them let's get those of your mom she's Matt yeah I'll show i'll post a picture that giant monsters headphone and basically now he's gone through my email let me fix that can you can you put an iPad in like kid mode and just completely are you calm I think android Hannon and relate isn't Larry um I'm sure there's a way similar you can vent kids you can lock them out and everything that I can just do this one kid matters a lot of guest mode right now why is that not a thing that's what iOS 9 you can users what an idea all right going to the reddit section of the show head over to reddit com / r / the 404 click on the show thread dump whatever you want in the corresponding show week thread and we'll read some of this junk on the air okay ah this was a up most upvoted comment of the day of the week wrong holiday weekend but do you still do the annual trip to mcdonalds you guys should tell us what you would get should tell us what you would get off their menu and then how eating the food would make you feel afterward so this was the thing what we used to do way back when we go to McDonald's for breakfast why would you do that to yourself could you do once a year we would do it we haven't done it in two years but July those it was delicious when you're a kid yeah July oh no we would do this on for 10 I know that that's why you still do it I remember it being good sure that stemetil seed that was planted the last time i went to mcdonalds maybe was about two and a half years ago I went in in London in Covent Garden just use the bathroom that's how auntie McDonald's I am why then again I'm vegetarian I don't eat meat or fish there's nothing you don't need fishy fish what about what do you eat cuz you're eating some fade vegetables yeah vegetable rec fost you can have the pan like tofu ok you got pancakes in the hash browns that's all vegetarianism bacon of course yeah bacon it's the grows on trees raised on piggy trees it's really crazy uh so we haven't done this in a while I i haven't had mcdonalds breakfast and probably yeah year and a half uh but i would love to do it this year if you're down I'm definitely definitely usually do with the all you know I have a wedding this July 4th will have to look at the dates and see what gets Maryland you like fourth some people celebrating their independence by getting dependent bye bye pletely giving it up yeah and creating dependence right exactly so it's all kinds of suffixes and prefixes so yeah well we'll try it out thank you flying donkey below what would you get oh man I love that the bacon egg and cheese biscuit with the hash brown sign me up and might just get regular egg mcmuffin now you can ask Brown the bacons where it said there's something about the buff the biscuit it's on this gets gross no I know but that the biscuit doesn't even feel like food it's agreed that is obviously that's where you like that unlike that's a little growth it's like hey you allowed to have this sugar or maybe it's just crazy maybe you pick for me and i'll pick for you all right i'll be like god damn it i would be okay with that uh the chatham says jeff has mentioned a couple times that he has an ass at home it'd be great to hear his experience and if he has any general recommendations that's an S particularly regarding media streamer that never attached storage well I have a tiny little box yeah the company i use and recommend a synology they make really good stuff they have proprietary software never heard of it being called an ass before yeah yeah this is like cloud in your home but the thing is is like storage is so freakin cheap now that you kind of don't really need an ass anymore I guess unless you want to serve yourself stuff mo like outside of your house which is kind of cool I wish I had an ass with solid state so you just don't have to though background pose don't even have to worry about the reliability issue either where you know hard disk drives can and will eventually break down you can get server great hard hard disks for that yes but the reason why I had an ass at the house even though everything was in the cloud already was when either the internet was weird and my boy wanted watch Netflix and didn't work or if whatever else wasn't working on the network like okay so this this isn't working this actual machine or the least the NASA is attached to a the network in the actual computer that way he could watch something even when something went wrong right which you can't it's hard to explain like a two-year-old oh look at the Internet's down right right so what does that mean like well you can't watch what you want to watch right now what do you mean by that don't understand yeah no I get it so there you have it synology is the company i use media streaming i don't really do that much of it to be totally honest streaming remotely from my house I just don't do it I use pogoplug for that it's this way easier at this point yeah it's an old man way to do it I mean we're just not safe like it might not be safe it's like if you've got internet somewhere I don't know I you know what I do also like you own the shelf in the jaw always keep that internet just in case you need it just when it's 10 just harvested yeah you know just store it up um so yeah that's uh that's really like the the long shore but I with USB 3.0 I've actually started bringing files with me cuz it the transfer rate is so fast that was right because you have to wait yeah you put it you put it like a thumb drive look I got 15 min I got 15 minutes to move you to go but now you as you can transfer like 40 gigs in like five minutes it's insane how fast USB 3 point is so that's kind of where I'm at with that arm and then this was interesting and I wanted to put this out to you guys if you had any insight on this Hydra master says I was in a best buy the other day and saw a phone case that supposedly extends the range of a phone's antenna we've seen snake oil products like this in the past none of them have worked I wonder if you guys have tested it or used anything like that I've never heard of that no I think years ago you used to get cases or little add-ons like small metallic source trips that use on the back of your NT used to boost you and talent nowadays you don't really need yes it's not it's more a case of the the Wi-Fi no Wi-Fi the data the data network is is strong enough and it's it's everywhere especially major metropolitan cities like New York you can get a repeater which is expensive and you gotta plug in and it will boost the cell signal in your area yeah you can get them in your house as well right that's femtocell technology right you plug into your Wi-Fi network and it turns into your own cell surface right I would not buy a case that promises to to boost your signal I think we test them here though now interesting to try out no you're right that does kind of fall into the snake oil category ah well that's it folks thanks so much to Zack Whittaker for joining us today where can the good people who listen to our show find you on zdnet com and on twitter and what's your twitter handle ATS Zack Whittaker full name now you then you spell it with k's za ck w h ret ta Keo there you go mr. Whitaker thank you so much you come back in the leysomme security knowledge on us again in the future thank you for having me alright that's going to do it for us 866 404 seen it is the number to call we had a few voicemails but not enough time to play them today so I apologize to those people but hopefully we get to do that next week we'll have Jill Schlesinger on the show she will be talking finance and information about that and that's going to do it for us have a fantastic holiday weekend until next time I'm Jeff Beck a lot am i as actor I'm sorry Whitaker this has been the 404 show high tech lowbrow thank you so much between in the TC a big thanks goes out to igloo for sponsoring today's episode of the 404 show igloo is an intranet you'll actually like it gives you the flexibility to get your work done how you want it where you want it and on whatever device you want it's built with easy-to-use apps like file sharing calendars social news feeds and task management igloo is the cloud platform that can help you do your best work get your free trial today do yourself a favor head over to igloo software com / cnet and invite up to 10 of your favorite co-workers
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