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The 404 Yuletide Mini-sode 2013: A tour of the new studio

what's up guys welcome to our special Yuletide episode of the 404 show the tour of the old studio in a tour of the new studio so reminds will get the old one out away yeah you want to know what's it before picture look like bad news just want to prep you guys there's a lot of wires in there it's kind of fire hazard you think we'll make it hard check it out so we have a fancy card scanner and this is what you guys used to see every day here we are the skeleton of the old studio remarkably it actually looks cleaner in here now that is it when we are actually podcast it definitely looks better now there's no doubt about it so yeah this is where I said obviously Justin Arielle yeah Oh things are a little in disarray now because we're in much better facilities right now but this was it and all that's left is a couple compressed pressors an xbox one which is kind of cool that it's here let me get that off you and that's really it on the old masters of this situation here's the mixer that we used to use an old maki and this is where the show is produced every single day obviously all the cameras are gone we've moved them into the new studio yeah the TriCaster used to sit back there which is where it used to make the room about I want to say like a nice 97 degrees if you ever wondered why the show maybe didn't sound as good or if we had technical errors let me just guide you over here this is this stuff let me do these wires right here is the source of the problem it's like a radio shack threw up it's bad there's a lot of random junk in here half of which I don't think was ever even plugged in while we were broadcasting so now we're just using this studio for some recording we've got one mic hooked up there still an ISDN which lets us talk on the radio and get really good sound quality all that is remarkably functional some way I don't know what's going to happen with this room we kind of want to keep it for audio recording and stuff like that all right put enough of this junk really what we forgot one of them important things about the old co that I think we should actually move into the new one it's right behind Arielle here this is our hall of fame it's the wall of fame wall of fame it actually started before i joined the 404 you guys started yeah and we basically had these business cards that we had all of our guests signs so you can see claymores is on here in Libby goad ye olde natali del conte dr. Bruce's first appear look at 2008 I don't know when that was but I bet you can get some good money on ebay yeah oh yeah this is murderer if you're really a 404 fan you remember James Ray that's correct what is manslaughter yeah let's be specific but you know let's get our camera McCarthy yeah Phil Ryan the brothers look at this david karp that's worth what's up billionaire well not billionaire but mega mega millionaire yeah so good times gone by good times gone by all right let's go out with the old in with the new Justin lead the way to the brand new studio this is gonna be fun all right we're gonna go in the subway and go a long travel I know wait let's also show this part oh just sort of the 404 graveyard here this has been like the the studio overflow some some of the stuff that doesn't really work anymore kind of lives here in the graveyard right yeah here check this out this is what the inside of the internet looks like looks like that look at that doesn't work too well yeah all right let's continue I'll walk over here hey Sally hey Sally all right so here we go the short walk knocking over here arielle's cube hello are you all right guy so here we are sophisticated equipment here saw on air light do you want me to make it from the old studio right let's go in after you whoa you guys should play like super chanty I opening music right now yeah here we are in the brand-new studio that we can do miss it whoa oh I think I've ever seen you move I know yeah that's cool I'm sore like so check it out the new studio it's divided into quarters the first you know ours is obviously kind of like the bigger sort of section here this is where we do the show now this is where we're going to do our new show you come where I'm standing and look at Justin you can check out this is update corner of the studio yeah I mean look how good this man looks on that kind I don't know if a lot of people knew that update and the 40 for the new versions that were both filmed in the same studio but we're actually right next to each other very cool it's pretty rad and so this is brigette stuff and then over here this is my favorite part of the whole studio which is the control center this is where if our yellow hi to Mike he would be describing right now haha but he does not get some of that board man we paid good money for that yeah show it off pretty dope got some of that board porn yeah also as we call it in the business and here is the section of the room they have a nice foot tall stage and some really cool space interview people live performances there's already been what like a half a dozen people come in here do a little live set they have a cool sort of setup for live music that works out really well check out some of the equipment we got all brand-new cameras we got a friggin crazy gosh look at that looking pretty tight obviously we moved the tricaster back in here and all the same problems followed along with yeah yeah no but I guess that's it right no that's not it what else is so much more to look at oh come over here are you there's more I wanted to sort of get a close-up of the stuff that we have on the shelves though this is a work in progress it'll kind of it'll be fluid so these things will change out every once in a while but Jeff do you want to sort of give a tour of your side because we kind of split it up Jeff side and my side so this is this is all just oh well so I was home for Thanksgiving and look what I found a bunch of old Nintendo games all kidding aside these are like a classic classic classic unbelievable stuff the price bar worth something yeah two three dollars maybe most old-school Dreamcast come on you got to respect that taxi cab for sweet Lou yeah and then I mean the Holy Grail which i think the freaking cartridge is still in there that's pretty what am I thinking bringing this in I'm Genesis anymore so I can't me play but uh but yeah we got our 40 for custom controllers and you guys remember from from last time oh this is my favorite piece right here this is a Riddler trophy from the Arkham City video game classic like thanks to the guy's a triforce for that pretty sick yeah we also found these novelty CDs only look how big they are right it's gonna create and they're black we found them on the street yeah I couldn't find a player for him yet that'll doesn't matter they do look really cool man I didn't realize we had all that Beatles record yeah yeah all right so swing around to the side much cooler side in my opinion yeah you true yeah we'll start with my Ming plant and my fern you'll see these plants get switched out too so I'm just go in the next half hour talking about the different plans what are their names this is Beyonce and Sierra we have all the other characters in the room but you'll see them as we broadcast so that's the plants and up here we got some books more records this I am very excited about if there's anyone who's into keyboards out there and I know there's at least one maybe two aside from myself this is the model m but if you'll notice it's the ten keyless emergence of no numbers this thing is worth 150 or 200 dollars you know he throws a great party and he has great like he's a great party home yeah millions come over to my apartment like he's the talk of the freaking taxi dinner you want to be there so this next thing is uh what sort of the same thing as Jeff's old genesis games I found a bunch of these VHS tapes at my house back in huntington beach that's cool these are actually tapes that my mom recorded old television shows on too so there's Ninja Turtles power rangers Fantastic Four pretty rad yeah those are also only got a you know a couple of the books and then the old junk the old junk shelf over here it's going to say that this is junk no of course not it's cool that people get to see like the close-up of like what actual like all these little you know panels come out which is kind of amazing yeah everyone did such a good job we've got some cool lighting in case you wanted to see like what the deal was with this we could change the colors of that you're going to go do that I'm gonna try I'm gonna check it out right now okay ready watch this watch this much as I hope he knows how to use those three switches do you think he knows how to do it probably not I want this to be red come on make it red like red oh it's just turn are you serious oh you be man yeah i got a letter stand for purple no red just the are just about right there it is wow that took forever that's why he sits here yeah so check it out like getting a little techy little nerdy all of our mics pop into this dope little bored we got there their snake through the room it's not the most glamorous solution but you can't see it when it's on video and it looks fantastic yeah I got a couple cubby shelves over here there's a lot of room over here so that's what's going on with the table I didn't realize when I first saw the designs for the set that the back of the table was Hollow yeah it was pretty cool well instead of you thought it'd be one big piece of wood but it's cool that where you're sitting there right now that's our view that's what we see when we're doing the show you care about that you know we move this camera around and that's how it works so yeah I'm pretty psyched about the tour yeah I hope you guys dug it and thanks for bearing with us during this interesting time in 2013 as we transitioned into the new studio but I think from all of us we want to wish everyone a very happy holiday and a happy new year and thanks for sticking with us yeah a lot more awesome crap is coming your way in 2014 we'll see you guys at CES yeah after siesta cool stuff starts out for sure all right well thanks for you guys
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