
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The 404 - at CES 2013 Where that just happened

what's going on everybody welcome to Las Vegas we are the 404 show live from the cnet stage here at CES 2013 I'm Jeff Bakalar and I'm Justin you and we want to tell you guys just a little bit about our show real quick we're seeing it's a scathing pop culture and tech program every day we sort of make fun of the internet and we have a great time doing it you can check us out every single day monday through friday at 12pm eastern time cnet com / the 404 you can also follow us on all the social networks Facebook Twitter Instagram and snapchat if you're feeling freaky yes we feel freaky all the time let's get to our guest for today's show she is the creator of the YouTube hit the guild and has appeared on an array of film and television programs including Joss Whedon's Emmy award-winning internet musical dr. horrible's sing-along blog this year she's the entertainment matters ambassador here at CES ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for Felicia Day hello Felicia there you are I like to forget to give you a sash CES is this year oh hey there's a man there was a man in my pants um CES made me this because I was tweeting the last couple months that I was ambassador I'm gonna breeze my all my privileges and I needed a tiara and a sash and last night at the party the midea lake party they gave me a sash and I said could I wear this when I do all the press for you guys and they were actually cool with it so I just say thumbs up because I did not think they would be cool with it that's pretty are there any special powers that come with the sash I mean there's going to be a lot of responsibility there do you get to cut in line at the bathroom or i would like to abuse any power that i have regardless of whether i'm wearing a sash or not so cutting line getting I mean I did cut in line at the at the razor booth I was like can I can I see the edge please just flash your sash and you're like hey ambassador it actually kind of devalues me a girl wearing a sash does not maybe get you all the places you wouldn't be here but the good thing is I get to go see I I picked out a bunch of things that I wanted to see I got to you know get tours of things and hopefully if I park anywhere I don't get a ticket very good you just leave the session on your car and then yeah equivalent of a hand again so um so you are the entertainment matters ambassador here at CS what's that mean what's that all about uh yeah it's a cool program where i get to highlight or just kind of represent the cross-section of entertainment into technology and there's so much of it this year i think is a particularly important year for it not only are their tablets everywhere sure and screens everywhere i mean you have to put something on those screens and that's why content content and the things that people are consuming is becoming even more more important and there are a lot of tracks here with variety and AOL that are doing seminars and things about you know making content for digital and other platforms and other screens and then there's the iaw TV awards which is the international academy of web television it's highlighting web video and sets tonight the the awards are streaming live tonight so I'm I get to wear if I'd a nice dress I'm nominated my channels nominated so yeah that's gonna be really great alright excellent oh you know obviously this isn't on any of our first CES is we are veterans now and I think we've all kind of gotten the hang of what to bring and how to survive but I know a lot of people for them this is their first time coming to CES and it's kind of a daunting thing to walk the showroom floor I find that waving your arms in a windmill whereas you walk around really helps to clear the crowd yeah i mean i would say like automatically put a blinder on any iphone case yes there is literally every icon case i mean not to insult iphone cases because there are so many i yeah you can only put one on your phone at a time I know I only 02 and they were both briefest do you would you switch off between them just like oh you know wednesdays and thursdays I'm gonna do one girls change their purse I just use mine until there's so much garbage or the bottom of it have you seen the people who they use they change their iphone case depending on their wardrobe those are the girls I admire and can never aspire to be it would not yeah you'd I mean listen it's hard to put an outfit together I actually tried to put outfits together without showing up with like a free gamer shirt and dirty jeans here so I put a little effort in it actually is a lot of creativity I don't want to discount anyone but my tips would be to be really targeted for the last week or so I've been you know just looking at news coverage and following the brands that I really like and see like what exactly do I want and then it's it's a little bit like tower defense you have to be like okay in this area I can do this in one it's in two hours i can go here and like a group of these five things and then i'll go here because honestly it's like nothing I've seen before like comic-con is nothing compared to all forget the floor carnival it is it really is so you definitely have to prioritize where you want to be for sure yeah definitely um we were reading an interesting article on sina com that basically said that the locals were complaining about the CES demo saying that techies aren't social yeah what a lot of cabbies talking about how a lot of their business just completely stops around 10pm which is normally for vacations I didn't know people from Vegas are called vacations you sounded a little bit offensive I can't had something to do with you know I was gonna say that it sounded like you were saying yeah hey like vegetarian yeah um but yeah they're saying that vacations don't really go out at night especially around CES because maybe I don't know they're too busy working or if tired themselves out from walking the floor maybe they smoke too many cigarettes on the floor it's possible what you have to say about that I don't know I mean I can't defend everybody I'm not very social i went to better to love him yeah maybe i'm just the problem here part of the problem is where we say um alright we want to get into a new segment that we're gonna try out maybe you can help us out with it okay every time we come to CES we try out new segments last year we did something called tech confessions that didn't go over to on iOS alright well it was okay this year it was downloaded into oblivion this year we're gonna try out something new we're focusing on the press conferences that happened last night did you catch any of those no but I heard some very weird things I saw some weird things on twit when I woke up so Twitter imploded people lost their minds they thought it was a big parody it was real everything we saw last night really happened so that leads us to a segment that we're going to call that just happened we have there we go that just happened there you go okay it's happening right now so we're going to show something from the Qualcomm press conference last night you have I love that you think this is like me reacting to something it's because we actually need to be at least organic reaction Aria let's play that first one right now from Qualcomm coming up with the next billion-dollar idea check this out imagine funny cat videos meez Gangnam style boom dude it like it oh man it's like it's like one more empowered or more connected than any other generation in the history of man dude it's it's like we've evolves we're like modern nomads can you take it happen what I just said almost all of us back I think ten years yams if we're nerds have come how do you feel about that as a diplomat I was missing yourself you have to be diplomatic Eric Foner I mean he seemed pumped up pumped up but uh I mean I can't follow the guy i mean here's the thing when you're on stage you're playing to thousands and thousands of people ah the graphics look cool the graphics did look cool yeah that was a very safe answer I am an ambassador you are an ambassador you're very good to know that Qualcomm has such a great idea of what kids want these days the grasp on what how kids act yeah like I rename our generation generation em that was the big focus of the conference that true yeah what happy to go all the way around from a to 8a tell if te skip every letter one right to em it's unfortunate but um you know I want to get into a little bit about more about what you do you're responsible for the web show the guild I'm sure we have some fans in the audience who have seen the guild round of applause for the guild everyone psyched about that awkward it's it's in the sixth season already we actually released our finale episode today my youtube channel geek & sundry right so that's where I produce a whole slate of contents I run a network which is crazy but we released a guild season 6 on that platform and today is a finale so go watch everyone go check out the finale of the guild season 6 60s that's that's amazing we were talking before that that that's longer than them than most sitcoms get on regular TV what is it how does it feel to just completely shame them it's uh it's it makes me really proud I mean it really has been a phenomenon and the fact that we we've still been we shot my house again I mean really it's a it's been a journey that I don't know if you can't really compare it to anything else and we've really the front the fun thing about it is that this show has you know grown with what social media is like five years ago I joined twitter before any other actors or anything we're on there and it was it was really knew I did it because I tech people I admired were on it I was like this service kind of seems fun and the minute I got a mobile phone in my hand it just became huge so and now people just take it for granted that all these things that we are so used to you know exist and these were just literally like baby things when we first start the show and whenever I saw a new technology that I enjoyed I would use it to grow the show so really the show has grown with the internet and it's been an amazing journey and I that's kind of a cool thing about being the Ambassador between entertainment at Tech because that's what I love I am an actor but I've always grown up on games and technology I was a prodigy addict when I was like 12 I posted fanfic for Ultima games on the prodigy ultima board like that's what people need to appreciate how insane that is that you're admitting that right now well yeah I got my hair professionally done so I feel not a shame but um but you know it's been it's something so literally it's the world's are melding and like when you go to the floor here you see people with their ideas and they make me wacky crazy ideas but really now is the time if you have a wacky crazy idea to get that idea made because the the barriers are so much lower and whether you're making content you're making entertainment are you making the tech that is serving that content and and and that's what's exciting to me you can invent the new world it's pretty cool because if you watch the first season of the guild and then sort of see how its evolved yeah not just in terms of you know the content but just production value wise the the leaps and bounds that the show has made really is an unbelievable sort of you know evolution to watch yeah we've been on so many platforms we were we started on YouTube we were funded by people on paypal before Kickstarter started and then we were really fortunate to go to xbox and for four seasons did our show there and then we came back to YouTube to kind of do this season yeah it's literally just everything has grown with the show and that's why i love you know there are a lot of opportunities for me to just become an actor but i love making stuff online when i can be one click away from the person who loves or hates me but uh that's just what i love I mean you guys do the same thing right that's why you do this that's why a few more people watch your stuff though we have to if they're like siphon off some of that you probably have some viewers to spare maybe you can it's all a communal pot right I like that answer you know technology addiction is something that you you know obviously talked about a lot on the show and something that I think we all have in common coming to CES every year got the itch maybe there's a story on cnet earlier today I don't know if you read this but Christmas check wrote a story about a father in China who actually hired digital hitman to kill his sons character in a video game that he felt like he was playing too much and wasting his life on oh how you feel about that I mean technology addictions crazy these days do you think that was the best route to go or maybe you should have sent her to one of those addiction camps or maybe you should have just SAT him down and like hey stop doing that yeah maybe cuz like he's just get a respawn right it doesn't seem like it seems like a dude who doesn't understand games this sounds 35 years old by the way oh okay well that's another thing that I like I mean I do you know having been i created the gill because i didn't think that people represented gamers in the way that i experienced gamers and it was a very small you know online gaming was much smaller 56 you know 10 whenever i do many years ago and i thought that the best of the world could be encapsulated with the internet because you don't have to feel isolated if you don't like something that everybody else doesn't like you can find other people who love what you do and you can celebrate it with them and you can feel included and accept yourself in a way and you know having started from there and I still love the internet i think it's it's very much can be that but there's also the other side of the internet where people can isolate themselves into only hearing what they that they think they believe sure and they don't ever grow out of their cage in a sense I mean that was one of my resolutions this year was to change all my RSS feeds and I know that that's really stupid but like I want to become I want to grow as a person I don't always have the same input and just be preaching you know preaching to the choir myself I have to expand my worldview in order to be able to do that to the people who listen to me and I think that's something we just have to be conscious of that we're not isolating ourselves and like our truths are not what everybody else believes because we're just listening to our truths over and over again right on that's that's some lofty aspirations though I'm going to try and do the same myself a couple hours again we have to take a break when we come back we're going to talk some games with Felicia Day stick around the 404 show will be back right after this break you back to the 404 show live from Las Vegas we're a round of applause for Felicia Day right now I'm fan today that's the Ambassador way mistress arm arm that hand gets encapsulated in glass every night I'll have you know creepy um so we're back here on the 404 show with felicia day I think it's time for another that just happened arielle please show us what's next i'm here to show you something pretty special yeah and you're a bird khatir today uh-huh yeah I'm also a bird khatir today yeah hey flap those wings okay just happens you're right wow so big bird making an appearance at CES i I've had the unfortunate circumstance to work with that guy he's a dbag not a skinny I just can't afford to do this oh no I just heard my diplomacy no no no he's just a diva he has a lot of writers in his contract vinum only only yellow M&Ms only did you know anything oh it has to be yellow really yeah Wow listen would you learn today today I learned big birds a douche bag what clarifying that big bird himself showing up was the guy dressed in a skin suit of big bird like a texas chainsaw massacre in Thailand big bird out yeah that was weird you killed somebody wrapped his skin around your head a whimsical homemade quality to it yeah absolutely all right that happened so let's get into a little bit of gaming discussion because and I just want to apologize to Justin for people don't know on our show whenever we talk about games that's when Justin goes out and has a coffee yeah you know takes a little break I want to know what you're playing now what did you play last year that you really loved what are you trying to blow what are you looking forward to answer all that right now right now um last year um well I love dishonored of course I only killed three people which in retrospect it's like why was I so lazy why not just clean up a little bit after myself and get the achievement so that's a ghost achievement right the yes did any fans have dishonored in the in the rain today no no one played Bethesda's the game of course they did they're in the back come on guys that was a good game that was a great and that was my number one game of twins whoa girl building I really thought the mechanics were really fun i love the stealth mechanic i'm a member of a sniper because i really i get like really flustered like a far cry 3 i just started playing that and i don't know how much farther i can go because I pretty intense I can't stand the peeling of the animals and like when people come up me I'm like kind of spazzing out I'm just shooting everywhere you know I'm much more like eyeballs creep up and i will pick them out and i will still kill all of them right which takes like 10 times as long but it's so much more satisfying oh my god those animations are pretty awesome right now I would have to give that game that I mean but as far as like the peeling of the animals it's a little I want to explain that to Justin because that sounds awesome know that we're talking about video games is a very terrifying you kill a lot of animals there's animals everywhere you kill them you skin them it's all the hunting and like for some reason if this was like a bear in Skyrim I'll kill 40,000 of them but like what's line though just merge genocide bear genocide exactly but one dog in Far Cry actually maybe it was cry I think I can't do this well you're not so said in far cry when you kill a dog it goes like yes yeah that's it you're like peeling it yeah and the guy you skin everything so falling so you skin you skin these animals so that you can carry more guns right now so that's obviously so this is a wallet you wanna carry you can't possibly have another pocket right exactly he the guy he's got a very limited you know sort of inventory you know we finish back a little bit right little brother though o.o his brother was I was like he was a hot guy than in the opening thing spoiler he gets killed I was just like no I would have played that guy my wife saw that scene I by the way the boss the villain in that game is out of control oh yeah no the writing is really good I was what I was playing it my wife was watching and when he got killed so early she was like I can't watch this it was me it was Ted so uh I actually um I've just finished the skyrim dlc okay odd dragonborn and then and I love that game so much I will sit there and just like sort tomatoes sometimes and I just I just installed it for the pc because i played on xbox number he's always like okay you're new but I'm like well shut up because people are so they get really bitchy oh yeah they get really upset when you post anything about Apple Oh Android boys will just you know they'll be very mad at me and then you do android on the mac people be mad it's just like okay guys back off I'm not going to play on PC it's so good on PC because you got all the mods for sure and you load in and out so much faster through doorways so like now I'm starting from zero after two hundred and twelve hours in Skyrim xbox two hundred and twelve hours yeah you got that you're able to come out to this show is good i've included every quest every single quite like a hundred percent rest no i have a couple of like kill that dragon and kill that vampire but you know like make that you know brew in though i'm a good backspin alchemy excellent no no blacksmithing blacksmithing i can make everything i have a bow and I name them you know I need them things like icy hot it is fire and ice damage then where are we need more women like you in the world I think they're out there they aren't there they just they just you know they have a voice you didn't yeah she set the Lord just how yeah exactly right anyway and i'm looking forward to bioshock a lot in simcity sorry i love the city bringing some city back which is we have sim city fans in the in the audience today no one has ever played a video game there we go step 5 I mean come on give to the foot SimCity uh this has been in production for years I know it's finally finally ready to see the light of day have you played it all yeah no but I'm angling I'm angling you know so what else so cause I think so so what else in 2013 has caught your eye Bioshock obviously for me that's definitely where you at la yeah I did play a little bit in LA and I'm like this is unbelievable yeah those guys just they're on a different level I mean it's it's just consummate storytelling I think that um you know there it's evolving so that story is very very important especially in these epic games and they're basically the same footing is like a triple a movie right now Triple A titles budget as well yeah the budget too but with the kind of storytelling and attention to detail like these games are you know they forever absolutely uh we get a lot of uh do have a huge sort of demographic that listens to our show some people are not gamers some people are hardcore for people who maybe are just trying to get into gaming people like this guy who he picked up a place is hard blowing into this is I was a big pc gamer back in the day I played Warcraft but I always just sent the peons out to go harvest like wood and steel and bigger Kilties exactly yeah I didn't I didn't do anything finally related a big farmer yeah your firm I love for me too I was addicted to puzzle pirates there's a java game it's actually the secret of the guild is not it's it's about wow a little bit because I was a huge wow addict but before that I was addicted to puzzle pirates which is basically you're a pirate and you have a guild and you sail the seas and you and there's a lot of resource gathering and I love resource gathering that's why i love tabletop games now too because they're a lot of resource gathering games and i would recommend you know there's a lot i would definitely recommend xbox because that's the thing I'm most comfortable with and they have a great day arcade games are the best at castle crashers I love steam as well like I'm a huge team addicts I've spent so much money on Steam especially their sales and you know games like trying try to like look small ones like that i think in anything by popcap i recommend those are the kind of the entry level games that i recommend to people because i understand the intimidation i never had a console before i was in a dull and when i picked up my ex why I was like I don't know where all these buttons are but you get really comfortable really quickly and he just had to have the confidence to not give up so you don't to jump into call of duty or something that sets the worst very humiliating experience particularly yeah alright very cool before we say goodbye i think it's not for one last that just happened let's check it out you should be scared let's see where we have up next here yep hop to the top we got a hip hop to the top I got more so than i can control today with my friend hopper hopper you the best that just happened wow that's that is amazing that would he was channeling Belushi and Aykroyd right there what do you think about that you know what the hardest thing to do as an actor is to commit and I have to give him I am committed yeah how many practice sessions do you think it took for him to get that rap down to it seems like that was very well-rehearsed I could give him that right I kind of a business the kangaroo was totally phoning it in though yeah totally founded a totally he was a last minute addition for sure oh we want to tell everyone where they can find you on the Internet obviously the guild wrapping up season six today you said that was Wednesday and we also have another show space janitors that comes on yeah geek & sundry is my network like I said it was a funded one of the funded YouTube channels and i created a everything you know the business to create a lot of different shows we have seven shows our biggest show is called tabletop which is was created by me and wil wheaton it's about of people paying you know borg a different board games every show to highlight sort of this culture that I don't feel like it's highlighted as as much as it should be absolutely where you're definitely fighting the good fight thank you so much check out geek and sundry it's geek and sundry com you can follow Felicia on twitter at Felicia Day is her handle and that's going to do it for us today thank you so much everyone for checking us out be sure to come back right here tomorrow 1pm we'll be welcoming Danny DeVito to the stage so that's gonna be a lot of fun you know really I need of you want to come back and hang out I love it so funny i love tax I mean I left here of course can I stalking you look you may ok you may we just got in trouble but that's fine there's our thanks so much arrow for tuning in we'll be back tomorrow goodbye
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