
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Apple Byte: Feedback Special 2016

hey there guys and gals brian Tong here with the apple byte and we have produced over 400 episodes so far and really we couldn't do it without your inspiring messages and you're encouraging comments that have helped us do what we do why is this guy in this channel still relevant LOL dude with a skunk stripe on his head says he doesn't like the way air pods look this guy becomes more of a twat every year Ichigo Oliver chunky come there I'm glad Brian doesn't look at me before he takes a bite from the Apple anymore it was a little weird Brian song don't down to thump downtown this man looks like you got a shirt from the old navy girls section but then again don't we all show me that sexy dongle do you use lipstick where's am I am oled screen why yes that is how I look trying to find my wife's g-spot brian Tong runs like a girl what's wrong with that corrales the toughest in Devon oh is it weird when that segment with maca Sierra comes on that I say it at the same time Mako's so weird i found that outfit sexy brian Tong has had the same hairstyle since the launch of the first iphone thanks for noticing your sister's hot give me your number man seriously don't you guys have anything better to do all right so we're gonna be gone for the next few weeks we're on our break but please send us more encouraging messages words of inspiration just like this you can email us at the apple pie de cnet com or to me at brian Tong and we will be back next year it's g-spot I know where that is it's right here
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