
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Bonaverde Berlin Coffeemaker

we all know the same fresh is best for food but it also applies to coffee this is the bond of a table in an all-in-one roaster grinder and coffee maker the went gangbusters on crowdfunding platforms to use the machine you need to buy green coffee beans that come inside this special pouch a sticker with an RFID tag tells the Machine how to roast them fill up the water reservoir adjust the grind with this wheel then put the beans in the top tray depending on the beans the roasting process can take around eight minutes and all up your coffee should be ready in fifteen to twenty minutes and because this is a video you can't smell what's going on but trust me it's strong there is a replaceable HEPA filter that does dampen part of the odor this is the first time that I've had freshly roasted and ground coffee beans I can definitely taste the difference from a regular cup of coffee it is more fragrant and it feels a lot smoother to drink but there are some caveats the first is price which is set by the coffee grower that's in the range of 1 to 5 dollars per pouch which gets you around 6 to 10 small cups of coffee in the future there will be the capacity to use your own beans and an app to tell the Machine how to roast them then there's availability the company is shipping beta units this year to backers in Germany and Europe but if you're in the US you'll need to put down a $20 reservation to hold a machine they're expecting to ship them in December 2017 or January 2018 for $1,000 you
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