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The Cozzia Qi Chair

this is the cozia chi currently available for $13,000 at cozia so yes I know that sounds like a ton of money and it is but wait until you hear about what this thing can do so yes it is a typical massage here in a lot of ways it has rollers it has foot compressors it'll massage your whole body or certain targeted areas but it also has a really interesting piece of integrated tech that makes this more of a smart home product than any other massage chair I've ever seen so the cozy Chi app for Android or iOS actually has this biometric reading tech so you hold on to this little device and it calculates your biometrics so all sorts of different sensors and things but especially your perspiration so basically how tense you are it'll gather that information and then decide basically what sort of massage you need so it'll customize all of that for you but you can also use the app to set your own types of massage so you can go for all sorts of different types you can customize your own or you can use different settings that are available within the app so it really gives you a whole new perspective on massage instead of just the basic massage chair that we've seen before this device also has integrated lighting that basically can change based on your mood it also has integrated speakers that connect through bluetooth so you can play soothing music or energizing music as you so desire and they're also planning to integrate some voice control integration sometime in the future this isn't available now but at some point you might be able to say cozia Qi start my massage you
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