The CraveCast gives Hobbits a day, but Star Wars takes the whole year, Ep. 17
The CraveCast gives Hobbits a day, but Star Wars takes the whole year, Ep. 17
welcome everybody to the crave cast once
again I'm your host Eric Mack and I've
live for my delightful little hobbit
hole here in New Mexico and joining me
just a little further south is craves
Amanda Kooser and also live in the scene
at studios in San Francisco the rest of
the crew is Kelsey Adams Bonnie Burton
Jeff Sparkman and behind the controls
Stephen Bilbo Beecham I have made the
hobbit references and adorned myself
with the fro circa Eric Mack 1994
because it is Hobbit day ladies and
gentlemen September 20 seconds is the
reputed birthday of both bilbo and frodo
baggins so i have donned the fro in
order of Frodo hahaha and also today
we're going to talk a little bit about
some things from a world maybe a little
bit more like Middle Earth and then
later on we'll get back into the swing
of things and of course because we can't
help ourselves we'll talk about star
wars and the hype around star wars and
we'll see what we can do to hype the
hype and also stay tuned because going
to have a very interesting discussion
about sex robots no that'll keep a lot
of yes we are around if nothing else and
because it seemed appropriate I I have a
robot here to chime in on the discussion
we've got we've got the Amazon echo this
is Alexa oh my gosh a little bit for you
I'm pretty sure you can make any robot a
sex robot so just be careful about I
have a really contentious relationship
with my echo but I would never have sex
important no fortunately we do not have
an infographic for that but yeah alexis
is gonna provide some comic relief so
Alexa can you tell us a joke Alexa
typical gosh she's always like that
you're ignored just like a loser
camembert Wow shut up shut up all right
Oh excellent we're just liked it does it
say that I do not provide jokes for that
thing yeah that's horrible joke you're a
cup with her amazon humor ladies
um we should also point out that Kelsey
brought doughnuts so we can have
elevenses since its Hobbit day so we're
eating you can't have hobbit day without
food uh-oh delicious what the speaking
about the day do we have any of the
audio Stephen of talking reading reading
the hobbit uh keep talking and I will
get that is that keep talking it's in
it's in the Google dolly bow bilkins
song from either Shatner or Bach because
i think it's copy written and we'll get
in trouble oh really well if it's on
soundcloud it's good right so here it is
ya think we should be fine no oh my god
you're so not a lawyer on Sound Cloud
it's fine as long as already been booked
a stolen okay right away then who's
talking okay that's hear him deep down
here by the dark water live gold gold I
don't know where he came from know who
or what he was he was gullible as dark
as darkness Shepherd ooh big round pale
eyes get a boot he wrote about quite
quietly on the lake a lake igual y in
deep and deadly cold he paddled it with
large feet dangling over the side that
never were too little eight not he he
was looking out of his pale lamp like
eyes for blind fish if he could have
with his long fingers as quick as
thinking he liked me too cobbling
thought good and he could get it but he
took care i never found him out he just
rattled him from behind if ever they
came down alone anywhere near the edge
of the water while he was prowling about
a very seldom did for they had a feeling
that something unpleasant was lurking
down there darlin the roots to the
mountain that Carl the lake when they
were tunneling down long ago and they
found they could go no further see kids
thanks right before tea i'm gonna say
he's really good i would say
we had just segue from sexbot so it
still sounded like weird erotica to me
so let's face it it was always going to
it was always going to I don't know I
have this problem that if I kind of
tuned out when someone's talking I just
pretend it's erotica that they're saying
and so it's not a crime has that a
problem no it's a problem when you do
the opposite when you're like in a
meeting and then you're just pretending
I know now when I would drive his test
yeah there's I I know every time Tolkien
talks it just sounds like the drunk
uncle from Thanksgiving that's talking
about eating so I just he was describing
a hobbit sexing right yeah I mean there
is hobbit erotica I'm not going to go
there but you can google it and you're
welcome well I'm serious Bonnie if you
can put that kind of creepy habit to the
test with this next story our first guy
why yes I can this is not a big
challenge for me so yes so Amanda you
had our first own middle earth or
medieval themed story there was a
skeleton right odd place and you covered
it yeah this is a comes out of ireland
there was a very old beech tree about
215 years old that got knocked down in a
pretty major storm so we're talking
about a very large tree not too unusual
except that inside the roots of it they
found a skeleton or we'll have a
skeleton because the other half was in
the ground yeah that one in half when
the chief dinner so they called it
essentially an archaeological CSI unit
to come in and find out you know where
the skeleton came from because you have
a 20 year old tree on top of it right so
that what they discovered was it was a
young man no more than 20 years old
knife wounds to the ribs to the hands
and that have dated from the early
medieval period so we got a very
fascinating thing is kind of copy the
internets interest because well probably
mainly cuz the weird way it was found
it's also an interesting historical
artifact of course I love that there's
an archaeological CSI why is that not a
show I know cyber CSI is pretty silly
but I would watch archaeology CSI
once to the hands there's a defensive
way that's right yeah defensive wounds
it's not like he had did he have a blow
to that this is a skull was there like
yeah us all about the ribs and the hands
but they said it's a man so that's
defensive wounds you're right way to use
your CSI end well little lingo lingo I
know why they don't have a show of it
how do we know the change was already
taken uh how do we know the tree didn't
kill him what tiny adultery knives I
don't know tree is younger than good I'm
just gonna say you call that an alibi we
can break that I'm just gonna say I've
been watching a lot of evil dead and you
don't reach add the tree and in The
Hobbit and Lord of the Rings also evil
trees there's also evil trees and Lord
the red maple trees is the actual theme
of it I think this is it and I think
this is an int murder and I think that
also could be a show yes I ain't ya like
it and see like trees that kill trees
who kill that's a lifetime show the
women who live and the women who love
them yes if you if you were murdered I
guess by trees i guess that be what like
slow motion stabbing by sapling I don't
know the roots yeah well we will leave
that right there oh sorry ooh hey Amanda
I was doing some research on this
actually after you wrote the story and
it's it's pretty common to find medieval
skeletons underneath things like parking
lots and stuff I was actually pretty
shocked I was like wow it happens all
the time i Richard the third so it's
pretty yeah Richard the third was found
in a parking lot or something that's
what happens we have said we're such a
young country no we all we find her like
arrowheads and Indian burial grounds
under suburbia and like we don't really
get that pretty excited to go back a
couple hundred years yeah i mean like
any time we see anything like medieval
stuff we instantly think King Arthur or
demons I always Oh think Hellmouth but
that's just the Buffy in me but uh I
always love hearing these types of
stories I just hope that more trees you
know give up the corpse yeah come on
over there screams people knock over the
pave the earth calm I want to see like
more stories like this because I think
this gets the interest of the next
generation of archaeologists because
they realize oh there's stuff in my own
backyard or oh there's things I can find
now I just it'll just be interesting to
as more and more towns get gentrified
and more more construction happens and
maybe more ears areas they'll find work
jumpstart those bones jump-starts those
bones I loved this story I thought it
was great I I like anything where it's
all of a sudden you find the medieval
corpse in the most unexpected places
which is another show that could happen
well we don't have more medieval corpses
Bonnie but we do have medieval
ceremonial grounds or maybe I don't know
maybe actually this is an example of
medieval gentrification actually because
around the same time the skeleton was
found I wrote about a the bigger brother
of Stonehenge which was actually
discovered just about a mile and a half
from the actual stone engine of the huge
rocks there is actually a second one
that has like even more it's like a line
of huge stones that they found using
ground-penetrating radar and other
high-tech stuff there's basically
there's the video of it that's pretty
cool this is a digital 3d animation but
you can see there there's a big line of
huge boulders and now this is showing
what it would have looked like maybe a
thousand years ago or so before these
boulders were actually buried but most
of them are still under there so again
this is just about a mile and a half
from Stonehenge and it's actually even
bigger than stone but they're just in a
row so how do we know they're just not
funds posts like medieval fence posts
well they're huge I mean some of these
are like 12 feet tall and then they were
apparently somehow like placed and
knocked over to kind of form the barrier
of what was probably like a ceremony
ground and they said that like at the
time in the Middle Ages this may have
been one of the largest settlements in
Western Europe wow so pretty interesting
stuff I mean you think like you have
something you know stone in just one of
the more amazing medieval monuments but
actually the big thing was just buried
right next well it's also it's
interesting to so many conspiracy
theorists think that Stonehenge is
either either has an ancient alien
aspect to it or as some sort of Merlin
esque uh you know witchy magic I
I saw Halloween three and all I mean
Merlin approaches the Stonehenge thing
and Stonehenge is used in so much like
sci-fi and and fantasy that'd be
interesting to see now that this has
been discovered if more authors try to
incorporate like a made-up history of
they were stargates so stargates yeah no
I love this stuff because it means we're
going to get more interesting fiction so
I know there's King that's a good and
another ancient alien series maybe I'll
actually know celestia Michelle star um
reported on this it said they've
actually found 17 previously unknown
monuments in this area so they vow once
once they get down to it we could be
funny I want that land does that
government land or is it some really
lucky farmer that's gonna make a ton of
money like I'm just curious is it
considered Stonehenge considered like
one of those definitely it's already
part of the National Park is it okay i
sent it one of the seven wonders of the
world to is it we're shipping out on
that i don't think it's just 71 does
remain but it's like yeah well my
Gardens of Babylon is all I can ever
remember yeah but uh but um Eric come on
how glasses it roads do you know how the
how they though these stones were buried
was it just over time they just were
buried or did someone actually bury was
it a wizard itself it sounds like they
were buried on purpose as like kind of
like a barrier or like the side of this
kind of encampment like a hinge is
actually a word for this kind of like
ancient um like like settlement area or
ceremonial area like this it's actually
a like medieval architectural thing so
it sounds like it was it was buried on
purpose maybe they were getting attacked
by those worm things from trimmers maybe
can you so are they gonna let the public
visit this cuz I know now because
there's someone thought they locked it
down well Stonehenge is locked down
because of graffiti and people were
chipping away at the rocks to steal it
for like probably Americans stealing in
a way for like you know their own little
curio cabinet source on ebay I don't
know so it was getting to the point
where whoever is in charge of the
tourist asked tourism aspect of
Stonehenge it's now closed off to the
public so you can't go up in like
join the rocks and pretend you're like
out outlands Outlander back when my mom
went to Stonehenge you could just walk
up in touch it yeah fence there's no
organization yeah but now with so many
people ruined it so you can't get up for
the hole so if you can't get up to it
and like you know get up close and
personal with a hinge can you do it with
this new one that picked up I guess
which they probably wouldn't oh I
thought this was already David it's
still that's gonna giant stone yeah well
that ruins the story I thought it was
already up and you could like 90 right
on any stone giant ones okay nevermind I
clearly wasn't paying attention to the
story why did I know what your mind was
on but I know sorry porn right 90 giant
hello you know let's just dig deep into
your also tons of rock is just a rock
you know I don't always think they guys
I see right well you wrote something I
think yesterday it was yes hey Bonnie
yes um talking about sex robots so
alright so so last weekend or are you I
think I don't like friday uh there was
something called campaign against robots
are camping against sex robots I
remember that the campaign title i think
it was campaigning against sex robots
and it's it was a psychologist that was
our sociologist or I think she was
called a robot anthropologist which I
don't even think you could be one but I
don't want to be one now that's another
TV show right like these Cena articles
and I see these titles that people just
make up for themselves it's kind of like
remember when everyone was a web ninja
when the internet started that's
like--that's that doesn't make sense
like ninjas would never sit by a
computer and like type HTML all day so
that's where you wouldn't think to look
so I don't know what a robot
anthropologist is but the sociology or
whatever a person decided to publish a
paper warning humans that if we have sex
robots we're going to objectify humans
and love relationships not all I kept
thinking is where have you been since
Adam and Eve BR says we're going to
objectively in objecting objectifying
hmmm I mean that's all of advertising
made up everything
that's why I'm here really I mean half
the Bible's like that like I mean it's
not anything new but I guess people are
worried that this will objectify women
you know think of the women in the
children it's always that argument never
think of the second I think it's
basically that she's saying that if
people get used to thinking of sex is
something I get from an object that I
control and can abuse me like a vibrator
that has been around forever let me
special I think this is her argument
then they'll extend that to thinking
anything any person that I get sex from
is also an object I don't abuse i think
is the argument that's being made which
was odd man pain against sex odd coming
from a woman considering that you know
there have been sex toys and sex and we
have it not all of us name them so I I
don't know and these sex robots that
true companion is a company that's
bringing them if they're kind of like a
like real doll I think most people would
know what that is which is the number
one sex doll company for realistic
expensive-looking dolls and we talked
about those indie romance yeah we talked
about this earlier that you could get
them in celebrity forum and I think
Margaret Thatcher was number one the
true companion you can either oh don't
go any further I know is there's a bunch
of lawyers just went yeah don't do that
don't click on anything called video but
there's Roxy's seven thousand dollars
yeah so it's Roxy rocky butts forever I
mean if you if you actually pinpoint how
much you spend on a real human that's
pretty chi that's getting off cheap
literally how would you even collect on
that warranty though would you have to
mail it back I I don't know like I can't
warn I kept thinking of the Black Mirror
episode with what sort hey David Cameron
no no not the pig not a pig not the pig
one it's the one with um agent Carter
hey what's her name Haley not move
Hayley Atwell and uh the oldest Weasley
brother dragon guy Dominic who's gonna
be in a Star Wars movie yeah um he plays
a robot companion that looks like her
late husband and to help her get over
his death but and in the end you realize
she's just enabling okay so true
and said it's not just for sexist for
lonely people's for people who want a
companion and there's been movies made
about people who fall in love with the
robot companions or use that's the guise
of guys most right or use their robot
companions to get them drugs like Anne
Frank I mean there's what happened so I
my whole pitch with this whole article
this whole commentary was that I'm not
worried about humans objectifying other
humans because of this because that's we
already do that I'm worried about robot
abuse so it's like the Spielberg movie
AI which there are sex robots in that as
well and they do have sex robot fight
it's like the robots against row it's
the gladiator scene with the robots in
the poor little teddy bear Robot like
all I kept thinking is just let the
robot be like I did you know they were
just there to love us and now we're
abusing them because they're machines
and they don't have any rights and
exactly what Steven Spielberg was trying
to do and that's exactly what he was
trying to but there's so many science
fiction writers out there and films out
there about these types of robots and I
tried to show off cherry teeth oh well
that's Austin Powers so yeah we all know
how that ended up and that's just
basically never trust a fembot because
they're gonna kill you yeah well there
are two maybe two basic types there's
the type that's sort of a victim where
we worried for their personhood yeah and
then there's the type that is a threat
for maybe we also root for them I don't
know I think Austin kind of he deserved
threat he deserved that I mean that
Austin's the threat and this yeah look
at that that's threatening no
threatening and all that hair that would
they call that when the hair goes all
the way down that's just not good happy
trail happy trail no stop stop showing
him I want to want to hit him you want
cherry cherry 2000 is the movie that I
referenced quite a bit in the article
because one it's a great movie if you
haven't seen it's on netflix it's on are
you watch are we gonna watch a little
movie this is not the trailer I don't
know how long ago it was right here's
the thing meg ryan's in it with the
original meg Ryan face are not meg Ryan
I'm sorry what sorry Melanie Griffith
with originally Melanie Griffith face
but the cool thing about cherry
2000-2002 years away so that's this is
this is the sexbot straight two thousand
they don't have cover look how great
should look at it everyone wants that
and but the problem is she malfunctions
in the bathtub because you really
shouldn't get your sex pot in a mat and
a bathtub hello what I'm just picturing
Leslie our editor right now going to why
you showing this don't show you some
robot it's not so there she goes robot
robot robot so he has to go get her
fixed but because it's a model that's an
old model kind of like some of us who
still have our iphone 4 mm-hmm he has to
go and find her parts in the middle of
nowhere and that's where he meets
Melanie Griffith who's like this you
know renegade it's pure its pre mad max
but kind of close to Mad Max so you have
to go in mad maxvill to find her parts
get her fixed fall in love with her all
over again but as we know when rom-coms
he's going to fall in love with a human
because that's how that goes sorry just
spoiler but you should watch the movie
because it's got some really good
references also um humans which is a new
TV show that we've talked about on scene
that I didn't even think to put that in
the article but that's also something to
think about with human helpers and how
much they're going to help us in
everything wink wink nudge nudge and
then I was also a referencing blade
runner in the article because we're
getting a new blade runner movie so be
interesting to see if they talk about
sex bots but of course there is a sex
pot and Blade Runner there and Priss
who's actually a deadly sexpot so again
these are BOTS that don't need my
sympathy they probably can fight their
own battles but I am worried about the
future which isn't too far away of us
having robots in their homes as part of
her family like wall-e and we shouldn't
abuse them yes I want I know why did you
say walling I'm thinking Wally erotica
he just ruined that's exactly uh so
anyway so my article wasn't necessarily
about hey humans were degrading into a
scary race of sex depraved people that
will screw anything with an outlet
that's not what I was trying to go for
the pole point we never said we objected
to that yeah I'm just saying the whole
point today the whole point of my
commentary was eventually we're probably
going to have to deal with robot rights
if they are looking more and more like
us they have AI so they can think for
themselves and that's what these true
companion robots I have a
now so they're programmed to have
conversations with you now whether or
not they can debate the GOP debate with
you or talk about stocks or whatever but
they can't I don't know if they're gonna
like the Barbie the new Barbie robot
yeah oh my god is crazy a life-size
Barbie that can talk but it's supposed
to have conversations with you and you
can have and you can even ask for it to
be argumentative or you can ask for it
to be really docile and agree with
everything you say so I know this sounds
really scary but that is the future and
not something we could think about and
so anyway so my column was well yeah
this is something way to think about but
keep in mind eventually we are going to
be voting on whether robots can marry
robots which I did an article on cnet
not long ago and we're gonna have to
think about well what does what kind of
rights should robots have if they have
AI and can think for themselves and feel
and have emotions and all this stuff so
it'll be very interesting in the future
I don't think we're quite there yet
right now we're just having sex with
them let's let's test it out why don't
we test it out live right now and see
were right um what are we testing do you
find me attractive I didn't find that in
your past orders you forgot to tell her
to tell you you're awesome that's what
10 again Alexa do you find me attractive
beauty is in the eye of the beach I so I
could behold yours she flirt advances
learning with you was expecting yeah
that almost sounded like it was gonna go
into you have a nice personality I'm
probably too mean to mine that's why she
doesn't talk like that to me yeah I
tried when Sri first came on board I I
tried to flirt with Sri and it was she
wasn't having it she kept giving me
directions to like some like weird
massage parlor so here's the thing I
haven't looked at the comments of this
article so if any of you are looking at
this article went up yesterday and it
would no please don't don't worry about
louder 6 comments really there's only
six no there were 16 last time oh no
you're not looking at the right cut you
know I'm on your story here ya know
there's 50 no layout is different you
have to show comments and then
it shows maybe top six and then I'll go
are you in the right article yeah I
don't believe you there's no no I'm
sorry I'm on the visit and visibility
called you my bad that's a different
except that's a different exists by
anyway it's an interesting concept i
probably will be talking about this more
often I don't know I it was I just
wanted to talk about because i'm just so
tired of humans telling other humans
that were going to be more depraved
because we fall in love with machines i
don't think that's we already are in
love with machinery I married aren't you
dt I'm perfectly fine well I've heard
stories about that yeah well we have an
open source marriage oh well so you can
see other droids I can see other people
works out great but no I I just thank
you for bringing that up i'm glad i
could ruin our crave cast talking about
robot sex well I I plan to continue the
discussion a little bit in the next
crave cast well actually I interviewed
the transhuman transhumanist party
candidate for president I'll zoltan East
Vaughn that's a great name it is a good
name and and he's a good-looking guy too
so but anyway we're working on that
that'll be ready for the next crave case
and the the article in the interview
will be up in the next couple of days on
Cena so try to spy oh I found him I felt
I will say though if you Soltan handsome
he looks like a young Putin with hair I
don't I don't I don't know I wanted him
to look quite a little wackier he lives
in millville you're like Swiper fine
tinder uh tender candidate um yeah oh I
did want to if we are gonna segue at
some point into Star Wars i will say
there is a pleasure bot in star wars in
the prequels and she's nicknamed Betty
bot she was designed after Betty Page
because George Lucas is a Betty Page fan
and she's called Betty bot and she's in
the prequels so you will have to watch
it but she's in revenge of the sith so
she's in the most tolerable of all the
priests and it's in the opera scene
which we always called squid lake uh
yeah because there's opera and there's
there was supposed to be a whole you're
supposed to be able to see it
of like in fifth element bomber singer
was weird that was great yeah was
supposed to be like that but I guess we
ran out of money I don't know did I say
we like my last names lucasfilm um yeah
dancers in course she's in CLE she also
did she become available on for Friday
Oh everything else did but I i if you
look at bb-8 as a sex robot I can't help
you I'm sorry I'm sure that's right
since I dated r2d2 but I'm just saying
look sorry let's go to let's go to
Amanda and Amanda tell us about some of
the the Star Wars merchandise you've
seen already lately cuz I was that I was
at a kid's birthday parties kind of why
we're having this discussion over the
weekend and the birthday party was like
nothing but Star Wars Episode 7
merchandise I mean it was it's all it's
all out there Bonnie you've covered it
too yeah yeah i did a force friday
gallery which I'd like the best up but
there's so much stuff that there's I
know Amanda's covering a lot of stuff I
definitely forgot but there was so many
Lego kits so many has broke its and then
of course if you go on seen it and do a
search for BB dash 8 you'll see all the
sparrow videos we did we not only
unboxed Sparrow played was Pharaoh we
dissected Sparrow so you could see what
his innards look like I mean Porsche
Bureau it's like he went through like
the scariest of science experiments
because of seeds so he's all over the
place that I would say Sparrow was
probably the number one toy that was
talked about during fourth friday
because everybody wanted one as tiny i
did a story about it with Vanity Fair
from Vanity Fair they had dogs chasing
it and the video looked like suero was
huge but then I found out the dogs were
all tiny so that's why first respects
all pup force force perspective nice
even sure and then Amanda you did an
awesome gallery of weird Star Wars stuff
and the BB pillow too yeah yeah there's
a thinkgeek is having pre-orders for a
full size of bb-8 you know um plush so
essentially you know it's a big the head
doesn't move it doesn't roll but it's
giant and squishy and so i guess if you
wanted to hug a droid that's probably
your best way to do it most comfortable
to do it there's some other interesting
little products out there there's Falcon
toys who kind of makes like remixed
sci-fi toys came out with a super
limited edition sorry it's sold out a
poptart that it's actually made out of
vinyl but it has a Han Solo frozen in
carbonite on the frosted front of it see
I think that should be a real sandwich
iron I don't see any real jb it they
make stuff like that in japan all the
time yeah the only problem is I don't
think Lucas film has their poptart
license anymore or else that could be a
thing but vinyl toys I don't know if
that was licensed though I feel like it
was enough ya know and it was not
marketed as a poptart aura the Star Wars
thing but it's it's Han Solo frozen Anna
on what looks like a pop tart it was a
vinyl toy which vinyl toy collectors are
huge so they they probably I mean the
carbonite I would think Han and
carbonates them one thing that gets done
over and over and over I just the
blazing on target I did the article on
the if you pre-ordered star wars
battlefront from walmart and you paid
sixty dollars extra you got the
mini-fridge of Han and Carbonite mini
fridge uh what I thought was pretty
means I'm free but I mean we've done hon
and Carbonite desk tables we've done hon
and Carbonite everything really drugs i
mean think geeks great if you just do
han in carbonite you probably find
everything you could ever want for your
home in carbonite what's funny is
instead a sector like the not a sexpot
now the MMO they act like freezing
people in carbonite it's just a normal
way of transporting the office if you
actually watched the movies it was this
thing they improvised on the spot they
weren't sure it was going to work and
everything well the weird thing is is
that in the clone wars cartoon they do
it again they do it not with hamsa
completely different they know they
can't they do it as an experimental
thing and then eventually vader gets his
hands on one and I feel like he's kind
of like the beta tester for the
Carbonite the freezing chamber and then
after that I wonder if in the new movie
since its many many many years after if
that will be that you have a better
technology I feel like that's the uber
of Star Wars is carbonite like maybe
they just got back or fedex carbon x I
feel like that's like everybody gets
karbonn not carbonated that's different
but carbonated yeah but there was
something great my favorite thing from
your gallery amanda was was the
Chewbacca Crocs oh yeah share those
pairs that's like two of the worst
things to have your feet hurry and Crocs
it's like I'm just looking at that
thinking of how much cream you're gonna
have to buy for your athletes foot and
how bad they smell they must smell like
a wet wookie after a while so I think um
Chewbacca Crocs almost makes a point for
me which is is this amazes too much high
but it feels like this is way more oh we
need more I think I think it's too much
this is too much I already know so much
about the movie too i don't want to know
anything about the movie this is a way
to her it's been a bigger lead up to
this one then of than even a basso Duan
right oh okay so i could tell you right
now a Phantom Menace was badly the
number one marketing don't witches do
not make a zillion Jar Jar toys until
you find out people like Jar Jar and it
was it's interesting because those of us
that grew up with Star Wars I remember
getting the Star Wars toys before Empire
Strikes Back so I got the boba fett toy
and I thought he was gonna be a major
character with all these lines and I was
like I called him Nigel a night like
gave him all this like I made up this
huge backstory for but then when I
finally saw the movie he is like what
three lines we barely see him he
actually says more in the star wars
cartoon that was in the store all day
special that he does in the movies and
it was just like wow so it was an
opposite with jar jar where they meet
everything from vibrating tooth brushes
which is also pretty disturbing if you
really look at it they had stole much to
charge our merchandise before they
realized wait a minute there might be a
whole generation of people who hate Jar
Jar where their jar openers for you add
flow that would have been great we
almost did that for Star Wars shop where
it was their large our ears for the open
did they have cookie jar jar's though I
mean like I felt no really but the only
thing I didn't do that every
do anything on his name as a pun but
everything else and with this I feel
like we're teetering close to that over
marketing but you have to remember this
is Disney so Disney Lucasfilm now and if
you know anything about Disney you know
they market the crap out of their movies
and there's toys and toys and toys and
toys of just one movie so of course
they're gonna go completely whole Hut as
it were and just completely go overboard
and do all the toys I just but I'm with
you Steven like if you're trying to stay
somewhat spoiler free don't look at any
of the toys because they're gonna give
away names and the vehicles and the
planets even the battle names they've
already revealed in the LEGO sets so
you're like wait a minute what master
obsession said the death of or the
battle of you're like holy crap what's
happening so getting off the point if
you want to stay spoiler-free stay away
get out of toy stores and don't be
online ever again until January so you
did that huge round up for force Friday
did you have any favorites from then I
I'll of so i got the spiro robot that
was 150 bucks uh I wanted to see if my
dog go chase it and she sniffed it a
couple of times and then slept with it
she actually put it in her mouth brought
it over to her dog bed dropped it into
her dog bed and slept with it so I'm
gonna do a video for cnet of my dog
sleeping which is where oh it's just
gonna be sleeping the sparrow that's all
in it periscope yeah um but I really
liked the RC toys the remote-control
drones and I think because we I mean we
had done so many remote control Star
Wars toy articles of people that just
DIY their own yeah but now you can get
them so you can get a millennium falcon
that you can fly around like a drone and
that's for sale now but I personally
love think geek stuff because it's home
decor it's tough for your home so I'm
getting the Millennium Falcon dinner
tray and the bento box that's the bento
box are you doing to you this is cool to
see how cool is that and you could like
imprint the Death Star into your
sandwiches and I mean they've already
have a lot of r2d2 stuff from Japan like
soy sauce containers and thanks this is
priya may she did a bento roundup last
year I'll cool that you can make you a
little yeah and there's the Duster play
yeah bologna sandwich Death Star
I mean come on there's an exhaust port
Jokers I know I know I just I I'm gonna
make dust our grilled cheese sandwiches
like crazy like I mean they should never
have a stormtrooper doing a cooking show
though you can't see anything it's like
the heavy metal cooking show to have on
YouTube I know how's he seeing anything
I mean they can't even hit up yeah he's
got better aim there I know they can't
hit the broad side of a dust our little
make a sandwich but whatever Amanda what
do you think is this all too much oh
yeah but I love it opinion but I bring
it on have you gotten any stomach what
have you what have you gotten so far
Amanda I'm curious what you buy if you
were gonna buy stuff well I haven't
actually bought anything yet partly it's
it has been an overload like where do
you start I am a fan of home decor items
but I mean we're gonna have to see here
and we're still we're still kind of far
away from the movie coming out and we
got a couple months here yeah so I'm
kind of I'm kind of holding out I'm like
waiting for that thing that just totally
jumps out a wild me Jen sure will happen
at some point I feel like the closer we
get to Christmas and Hanukkah the more
we're gonna see like even crazier stuff
to buy and to have for presents and I
think it's a great time to be a geek but
it's a great time to be a geek with a
disposable income because this is that
would be nice there were a lot of people
online and in our comments talking about
forced friday how they're gonna have to
open another credit line because there's
just so many and lego is not cheap those
lego sets are not cheap and hasbro adds
up its twenty dollars in action figure
and i know i have to buy two sparrows
cuz my sons are gonna yeah it's like I
feel bad I want to blow I feel bad for
parents cuz when we were kids such
things were cheap and now there really
is that not yes my parents yeah what am
I made of money polio I I'm excited and
played with stick I think it's a game
time to be a star wars fan and a Star
Wars collector and a Star Wars kid like
I think all those three it they
intersect to how much stuff can you cram
into your house from toys r us or
wherever you buy your toys uh I don't
know I don't even it's funny i buy
everything online now so I haven't even
inside of a toy store in fryer I
almost have gone into toys r us a couple
of times yeah I'm like new but I heard
that both target toys r us walmart all
the places that have really great star
wars selection and just just stores in
general that have all these things that
for force friday they did the midnight
you stood in line with all the people at
midnight and then they open the doors
and everyone brushed by everything and
that was that's the one thing Star Wars
fans do really well is wait in line and
make friends and so I just the people
brought their tauntaun sleeping bags to
sleep outside of toys r us and I love
that so it's just it's a fun precursor
to what we're gonna get standing in line
in these movies and it's just a great
way to bond with Star Wars fan so I I
was super excited for first friday i
spent way too much money on things i
probably don't need I don't care you buy
me i I didn't I tell me buy something
I'll make you a vent I'll make you a
duster bologna sandwich okay okay I
think Hillary is that very cozy hey hey
where you say well I don't know what
Kelsey wanted to see what you can say
healthy I'm just gonna say I think
people you know we were all culturally a
lot let down by the Phantom Menace I
think people are optimistic again
because it's JJ Abrams that's always
gonna say yeah my theory is that the
only reason we're tolerating this much
hype is because it's a nice distraction
from the only thing that's more overhype
which is the presidential election how
can we mix the two oh there's so many
things I want to say that we shouldn't
say I know celexa who are you voting for
yeah ask Alexa who she's voting for her
oh yeah okay I hope she says Darth Vader
ask her ask her hmm Oh make a stance
evasive so uh without the last few
minutes that we have left we have
requests to throw it open to a few other
things that we're looking forward to
that I haven't been paying much
attention but the flash is coming back
and also tonight Muppets hell yeah and
by the way I am team Miss Piggy I I'm
really pissed off that Kermit dumped her
for a younger pig and I really want miss
picky to get together with Nathan
Fillion they've been hinting at it in
the previews oh yeah and I know Nathan's
got castle but I would really love
nathan fillion to come on as a love
interest for Miss Piggy on the Muppets
no and I know Bill preity so I'm gonna
bug him until he does it so if anything
the nag factor should help that's my two
cents okay that was an excellent too son
your what else what it looks like the
reasons I think your frog what's a
Yakuza oh definitely piggy all the way
yeah hey you know what she's probably
better off without him yeah she'll say
that too so what's up with the flash you
guys who watch this I don't watch it
starts on october fifth Jeff and I are
both really excited Jeff yep uh yeah and
this season they're bringing in a new
Pig no I'm just like I basically get
phone calls from my brother every other
day dude you she would come into the
flourish uh that's actually how he
sounds uh and it's just like all the
stuff from like the comic books and
there is we're just kind of like having
this recurring like holy crap they're
actually gonna put that in a TV show um
I'm just I'm really looking forward to
it when's the spin-off from flash the
legends of oh yeah yeah tomorrow so that
starts in January hai capito and it's a
it's a cross it's a spinoff from both
the flash and arrow that combines
characters from both the shows have been
crossing over a lot and we were just
talking about how great it is because a
lot of shows when they do crossovers it
just kind of a gimmick to make you watch
but on the flash and arrow they actually
really use it to cast um you know shine
a light on the character development on
both shows and contrast them and the
characters actually learn stuff from
each other and go back their own shows
and do things differently it's pretty
cool and when does arrows start up again
oh yeah ask me something ahead looked oh
I haven't been watching a refurb oh yeah
I know they were shooting and then
Minority Report happened last night
right I think that day bude I'm so
behind on my TV show so I and I'm I've
cut the cord so i only do with netflix
and online so I'm just trying to figure
out one thing I'm mostly excited for
Jessica Jones we've done a bunch yeah so
hyped for that I've been reading the
comic books to get ready I wrote a
column for sfx magazine that's coming
out in a couple of months about why I
think squirrel girl deserves our own
movie and the reason i bring up squirrel
girl is because if you know in the
comics and i don't know if they're going
to do this with the jessica jones and
the loop cage TV shows
are both on Netflix but those two get
together in the comics so hopefully
they'll get together in the TV shows
because when they get together in the
comics they have a kid and squirrel girl
is their nanny and so I really want
Squirrel Girl to show up somehow
somewhere in the jessica jones show so
here should be on the seven ders october
seven maybe yeah so we'll see I mean she
was part of the Great Lakes Avengers
which was my favorite Avengers group
because their Midwest they had Deadpool
someone always died and it was like the
misfits that the Avengers the real
Avengers wouldn't take and they even
tried to shut down great lake Avengers
because they used the name like there's
like a copyright battle between the
Avengers good was just so prissy but i
really want there to be a squirrel girl
movie so if you don't know anything that
squirrel girl look her up on Wikipedia
or wherever you look up stuff and she is
somehow connected to jessica jones and
look Kate as I understand it they're
gonna do individual shows for Jessica
Jones the cage and a couple others and
then they're gonna do one big group show
yeah of them yeah but there is gonna be
some crossover on both and also there's
gonna be crossover on daredevil because
they've already said jessica jones and
daredevil are gonna have crossover and
other characters like rosario dawson is
supposed to show up at all three shows
so it'll be very interesting to see how
they do cross over because like you say
when arrow and flash do it you learn
about each others shows and he doesn't
care meaningful yet even though they're
different styles of show everyone's kind
of darker than the more like my family
yeah flash is more like golly gee
willikers but they got dark on flash in
the last few episodes so we'll see i
don't know i just love crossovers ever
since magnum p.i and murder she wrote
I'm all for crossovers so much to look
forward to alright well we should
probably leave it there we should
probably get going before Bonnie's mind
starts to drift and I start to sound
like vodka ah before your hair gets any
just agree with oh yeah hey thank you
thanks park man so uh thanks for
listening once again and for joining us
and keep in mind everything we talked
about you can find at cnet com / Craven
so much more a whole universe of geeky
wonderful science pop culture and
everything that should matter so check
that out cnet com / crave and we'll be
back next month with another crave cast
for Bonnie Burton Kelsey Adam Steven
Beecham Jeff Sparkman and Amanda Kooser
i am eric mack we'll see you next
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