
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The CraveCast talks sex in space and finding exoplanets at a quicker pace, Ep. 14

welcome to the crave cast minions i'm your host eric mack and today once again we're talking about one of craves main obsessions hey we talk about a lot but I've got a feature on Sina today that I've been working on for a while and we're also going to watch part of a follow-up interview with one of my favorite astrobiologists in a few minutes plus we'll talk about sex in space and the latest space inspired games to come out of III this week so it's a space show everyone can relate to and speaking of relatable people i'm joined today by stephen Beecham GF sparkman KO c atoms in the cnet studios in san francisco and also via the magic of skype from Texas is craves dedicated microgravity pornography correspondent Danny Gallagher hi mom how does everyone doing yeah great good now if you want to join in on the conversation ask us any questions or leave some comments you can always tweet at us at crave CRA ve on twitter and there's also a livestream chat room and the youtube chat room is going on as well right now and as always a big thank you to the award-winning taos news who loans us this t1 line for me to do the creative cast here from Taos New Mexico each month and this week my hometown newspaper has a really cool story on some local folks here that are working to help out people in nepal by delivering lightweight efficient stoves to the earth quake stricken area it's a really cool story so check that out and let's move right into space news so to set this up a little bit this is the story if you got it Stephen that went live this morning on that's the credit cast one yeah the the exoplanet story I've been working on for a couple of years off and on our at least thinking about it to kind of set the scene take you back to 2013 i went to a panel at South by Southwest there it is of the panel on with NASA folks on the James Webb Space Telescope which is the Space Telescope that's going to succeed the Hubble and all these NASA folks and these kind of smart astronomer type people were all just talking about finding life beyond Earth with these next-generation telescopes just like it was kind of it and an inevitability and a year later I made a visit to the mound aquella Manichean Hawaii where there's a lot of the biggest telescopes on earth I spoke to people there who kind of have the same sentiment and so I've been looking into this over the past few years talking to astronomers astrobiologists and the result is of this piece that went up this morning and we're also going to hear in just a few minutes from one of the astrobiologist that I talked to for the story our dr. Abel Mendez from the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo there is and so there's also a astrobiology conference going on this week in Chicago so seemed like a good reason to do yet another space show and so the basic thrust of the piece is basically the James Webb Space Telescope launches in 2018 there's another companion telescope that goes by the name of tests it's an acronym that I forget at the moment transiting exoplanet survey satellite there it is boom and that's a good number watching that's in 2017 that that one's launching and then there's about a half-dozen other ones that are going to be coming online in the next decade or so and so all this basically gives us an entirely new set of hardware to look for signs of life beyond Earth and we've been relying for a few decades now largely on telescopes like a Kepler and Spitzer and Hubble all of which are pretty much at the end of their life Hubble was built get get this in the 1980s so wow I read about that time yeah it's actly so that's the technology look here plz upload an upgrade yeah there's hardware bra drops right every time they look in the dial it makes this noise like well that's what they've been doing a couple for years I was upgrading it but they have to send astronauts up there to physically do it they can't just do it with a software update like which will be awesome will still pay yeah people still paying for ll email yes I mean at some point I mean you could try to load mass effect on your Atari 2600 and at some point it's just not going to work but actually now cartridges right but the big thing really with telescopes is the size of the lens so that you know that reflects the light back from what you're looking at so at some point you've just got to upload you know the CPU which in a telescope is basically the lens and what really size does matter as I'm sure we'll get to in our in our second segment so I spoke with dr. Abelman des and he down at the University of Puerto Rico which has they have one of the biggest radio telescopes down there and we're one of the first people to one of the first facilities to accidentally detect a planet beyond our solar system all the way back in nineteen ninety two so I mean what kind of blows my mind here and what I talked to dr. Mendez about is in the last 20 years or so we've gone from living in a world where we couldn't confirm more than one planet beyond our own solar system to now we've confirmed at least a couple of thousand and we're pretty sure there's literally billions more dr. Mendez has actually started keeping a catalog of the confirmed ones and I like dr. Mendez because he's really a realist in this area and we talked to NASA folks they kind of have to be like we're going to do amazing things and we're going to find this inevitably because they're they're constantly trying to keep their budget going so we have to keep excitement in the public going but you get a really a good picture from dr. Mendez and if you've got the video from last night I spoke with him again last night from that astrobiology conference in Chicago and we talked a little bit about you know where his mind frame his frame of mind has gone from when he started this search and which is probably kind of where I'm at right now where it's like very exciting and then you get into it and the reality of it of it hits here's dr. Mendez and then when you start working in this field you feel that you are quite positive that given the sheer number of stars that they the possibility of a planet just like air because we have the evidence evidence that that is possible is just us so it's just finding what more but the more you know the details of all the different things from from this astronomy or the limitation for the geology and the pollution of the planet and all the limitations of biology used it seems harder and it looks more like the planet just like Earth they seem to be quite rare so that that make it harder to discover them it's see it seems like it's almost all about gambling because the the chances of there being nothing else in you know the vast universe seems impossible but the chances of like you're saying everything being exactly perfect for complex life-forms is almost just as as against the odds right yes yes if you look at Earth in the history of Earth I'm finally almost five billions of history most of the time has been without complex life only in the last third percent of the history air the thing that's very interesting because obscenely was a increase and co2 levels decrease and the temperatures were stabilized then you have the right conditions for life so maybe if we have those conditions earlier maybe it happened he could happen a little bit earlier in the planet evolution because evolution you would take any but it's impressive that just in less than seven hundred million years you have a large evolution of life on Earth from simple to complex that's what I called the Cambrian explosion it was a so he shows you that you have the great condition life will go but the programming is just finding the right conditions seems to be a problem and not only of time but also of space and and something rare for further what to look for so there you go that's dr. Abel Mendez from the University of Puerto Rico at arras evo he's in the piece that I wrote it up on crave today on the the new tools that are going to be coming online in the next decade to help us find evidence of life beyond Earth any faster reactions you guys that's cool I mean finally like a scientist thing yeah there's probably lots of life out there and we just need to find it it's gonna take us a while it's very rare but you know usually it's always guys saying now there's nothing out there with the only thing here you know it's that's always the line everyone toes so that's cool dr. an older generation you know the one that size in movies always asking science or faith you know that's that's the human only model yeah well you're saying oh go ahead no go for Jenni well I was just say is he saying that like the first step is we have to figure out which of these planets can sustain life and then is that enough to determine if that there is life or do we you know have to literally find someone with a high their sign on a planet I mean I think I I I think when you talk to these people they're definitely kind of trying to set expectations low because the odds are you know if we find anything it's probably going to be a bacteria right like it'll be evidence of a you know methane or bacteria Jinora something that's maybe being created by some microbe you know somewhere on another another planet because what he was saying is the conditions that have to exist for complex life like humans or cheetahs or whatever to form is like mathematically crazy but it's also mathematically crazy that it wouldn't exist anywhere else what's so this is kind of you know what's called the Fermi paradox like it must be out there so why haven't we seen it well one of the reasons might be that the the scales of distance and time that you're dealing with on a cosmic level are crazy I mean we can't really even conceive of how ours the universe is and the amount of time that Earth has taken to form you know if you've watched cosmos with neil degrasse tyson he goes into this a little bit but i mean the amount of time that humans have existed on the planet is like nothing so we have to not only be looking for a planet that could conceivably have life on it but we have to be looking at it at the right moment in its history when it could be supporting life so which it's a crazy needle in a haystack thing about this specifically what we're looking for in addition to conditions that could support life that we're familiar with what Danny was saying you mentioned in your article Eric that they're looking for biosignatures waste products basically gases like methane carbon dioxide right and I mean and and even then when you find I mean really what would be kind of the home run would be to find lots of oxygen you know in the atmosphere of a planet but even then it's not you know they're like methane and other thing and other bio signatures they can be created through processes that don't involve life so even if we find these bio signatures which is what we think we'll be able to do with these telescopes then there will probably a process of building something even more advanced to confirm that it's not a false positive or something so you know it's it's an interesting balance of trying to be realistic and enthusiastic about it because it's still a long way to find this however it's crazy how far we've come in five or or 15 years you know and another thing that he talked about that I didn't include in that clip was I asked him you know a lot of the exoplanets we know now can't come from Kepler right and so I asked mom did you expect Kepler to be as successful as it has been and he said you know we tweaks we knew Kepler was going to find exoplanets we did not know that it was going to find exoplanets so similar to earth um you know with with water and and rocky you know rocky land and basically what you need to to foster life as we know it that's cool so I mean they're finding that stuff on Mars recently they found methane and other kinds of gases that were bribed products of life-forms you know so yeah it's not as closer than we think you know I was really surprised how soon Eric you were saying they were expecting to get some kind of yeah and I mean that you know the date the dates vary um one of the most sara seager who's in the it was in the Peace she's at MIT you know she's one of the more optimistic people and she thinks you know these next telescopes with a little bit of luck should be able to help us find you know some planets with oxygen in their atmospheres and then there's a guy at NASA named Kevin hand who's actually put a date on it he thinks by about twenty thirty four that's that's kind of his deadline for when he thinks we should find life elsewhere so yeah it's closer than you think in I like the way you know Sara Seager puts it she's like it could be it could be decades but you know she still expects that at some point in her life you're going to be able to go outside with your children point to a star and say that star has a planet around it with life on it maybe just bacteria but there's something up there so they're yummy stuff Stephen Hawking doesn't want us to find find life rags he's afraid they'll all come kill us right isn't one of the fun fake way to make my life okay okay yeah okay which he claims he isn't but but now is John Oliver pointed out how do I know if someone wanted to warn me about artificial intelligence and hide the fact that they were artificially intelligent you would be the ideal person to hide the fact that there's artificial intelligence and that's when I think Hawkin called him an idiot and then they just moved on this sounds like the way that exchange should go that's important story walking written by Christmas but just I I have a hard time to his name I actually looked this up on one of those how do you pronounce names sites one time and found three different variations on it so I can't tell you either it could be majestic it could not be yeah well while we're on the subject of what's that I call him Chris yeah that seems to work on the subjective of life we could get to the more tradition way of creating life and Danny you had a piece recently about another effort they're both egg way to do something by the corner literally nothing to do with any way that's okay I'm about I'm about to bring this whole thing way down anyway so um with my story cuz i love how we started with this oh there's there's life on Earth and now porn in space well we were talking about bacteria boom yeah I'm say there you go that's how you do a Segway I'm kidding uh so earlier no it was last week I'm sorry uh apparently a website uh that i'm told offers free porn called pornhub is launching an IndieGoGo campaign to film the first adult film in outer space oh and hi mom crowdfunding other words they call it it's they want 3.4 million dollars they say they need 3.4 million dollars to film the first outer space adult film that they've called sex pleurae shin which I that's weak yeah come on you know you couldn't do I came up with the upright stuff see that's good uh feel free to add your own hashtag jeff has so no I don't guys no no let's get him out right now I was just pitching what she said I just pitching my idea to Jeff of a crowdfunding site just for porn anyway carry on I think there was one like that actor must Bob I can't say the name yeah yeah exactly that's why i was typing in but it rhymes with Kickstarter that should be a thing I started a family podcast so these are our astronauts here in the video yes there um what are their names i evoke they don't even try anymore Olivia or lovia Johnny much in the secrets named johnny sins very biblical pair of names right there on the thing yeah and they're sitting on i came up with i think the greatest porn name of all time uh where was I called I just got they were sitting on the set of Cosmos a spank time odyssey sorry Neil death Tyson I'll leave um I thought at all XXX is good too yeah oh thank you so yeah so they want it I just can't get they want 3.4 million just to go up in space to see if they can act badly that that seems like a little bit well like how many is going to the plot yeah exactly i want to know how much in lighting script make yeah well i'm gonna know about zero gravity isn't that the big question right and i think there with this case i mean i don't know if they're going through like Elon I hope they're not going thru Elon Musk at least no direct well they're not gonna get his eyes aza back yeah but yeah it I assume they want to do more than just go up in the I don't know the technical term but the vomit comet company yeah yeah they want to actually go into space so which I you know SpaceX is awkward enough it's gonna be you know it yeah you know it when it happens to me at least like you know I always say to myself well things could go bad but at least I have gravity yeah you know that's that's that's my plus I I don't go ahead god I've got so many things I just I can't yeah hi I'm sure you got plenty of questions but I don't think it wouldn't worry like like like physically like don't you need like blood flow going in a certain direction and there's no gravity in space so you know well and you know they're just just physically there's like Newton what Newton's laws are you know like things need an equal and opposite reaction and you know you're gonna either there's gonna be nothing to there's there's problems of thrust let's just put it on her name yeah look um and also I haven't checked this today but last I heard they were still way pretty far off from their goal right 515 $1,000 right now wow so pretty they have I Shenmue III lie its ass that's right yeah I mean this is a site that is mostly renowned for its free content right so viruses yeah in so many forums ah well but I actually I watched thick to the IndieGoGo pitch and it's terrible I guess it's a very like hastily put together I mean just from a production standpoint um like if they I mean did you study a lot of production yeah for comparison for science ever my days may I assume let's make it like a new de Hagen acting coach that would be awesome feels good that would be this is the creepiest guy in the whole video I don't know if he's real about to do yeah oh you can't show it okay yes I he just I'll just say this I know where they're at 50,000 because of that guy really everybody nobody look like it's you gonna be in the movie well I'm not giving money to that guy yet yeah i mean just logistically i don't know what are they gonna they're gonna go to this space station or I mean it seems like it would probably have to be a suborbital flight right which is I don't like a virgin galactic thing yeah virgin colada yeah this is Phil you don't need to put a lot of thought into preparations that's why they think oh we can just give 3 million to some space company that's and that's probably what they call it will give it to some space company and they'll let us go into space and no there's like to me just just just I don't want to get too technical but there's its space so liquids don't yeah you know that something's get like can you Scotchgard a whole ship basically they do is my issue because you said you had three mellitus only for done are we done talking about this is mine okay you wonder last word okay where he saying Danny no I'm done how's answered a question I think we're all done good I think that's how the script ends Thank You manner okay it's a nice to see that what I was gonna say was so I have a forward review of this future movie if it ever gets made Lex realistic boob physics yes and that is a video game segue to e3 Eric there you go all right well um you broke from our glorious future to space porn too you know what I mean let's just bring it down to video games what's going on in e3 there's like games and stuff what wait III is beneath porn we're my twitter feed yesterday III is foreign yeah porn for everyone I work with and me so some pretty excited people there it's porn that doesn't require Scotchgard well we've got it we do have at least a few space related games that were introduced I think yesterday add in at e3 in LA starting with the star wars battlefront which there's some interesting things going out on souls wife and that but here's the trailer on si juice why do you have to bring us down right before this amazing trailer nobody think about Han Solo's wife for a second just look at this it's long though we don't like oh it's certain person yeah well this is actual this is supposed to be actual gameplay footage right not just a trailer yeah this is game plan bro sorry nice so I mean there's a big difference there in terms of so it's Wolfenstein Star Wars I like it but wait till they get outside dude I was saying on Twitter I always forget that Star Wars is supposed to be about wars because I'm also remember a bunch of stealth missions you know hiding sneaking flirting dekinai this I have the same thought about Star Trek it's about trekking certain amount of trick I do so I mean at this point in it how many Star Wars first-person shooters do we have this can't be the first obviously ah there's a nice of the one of it I think neither a one or all of the Knights of the Old Republic no no no or jedi jedi knight dark forces that was like long time horses there hasn't been learning a while I don't think I think dark forces really like it's just been Battlefront and that I'm really aware of the most popular one and then there's the Force Unleashed which I love we have a sword the whole time huh star wars old republic has a minigame section called galactic starfighter that looks like it's just been completely eclipsed by this anybody who wants to play this kind of things I think gonna move over so why should I care about the this one that was introduced yesterday as a total noob like what's what's the what's cool with this one well it's a new EA game in its star wars battlefront Darth Vader's in its 2015 their jetpack actual looks guy yeah there's jetpacks there's there's stars in there's Wars you can apparently blood and a DAT with a pistol which is a bit of a shock oh yeah we saw that you gotta hit it in just the right spot I don't know wait wait wait here we go we're flying in a speeder here and it's gorgeous Eric oh my God look at that oh and since should we count rebel assault as a first person yeah that was like you were enough yeah in this one of these right coverage either yeah well I know punch chips yeah yeah oh and so technically she's action whenever they said that they got the they got permission to use no don't point that go back go back look at the thing never mind I'll start talking I think it looks good it looks totally fun I mean you know it's gonna be really popular I'm sure why they haven't done it sooner they're probably time everything for the film to come out blah blah blah all the merchandise people are gonna get burnt out star wars before it comes out we've had people say it already yea i meant why you haven't done a first-person star wars game like this sooner I mean I know the film you got to tie it to the film and merchandising and everything but I mean this this is this to me looks like pretty much what they've been asking for this makes up for bounty hunter yeah ollu like you don't like bounty hunter no no I mean I really wanted to like it and then when it came out and I played it I was like I've never been more disappointed holy crap battlefronts do get him out in 2005 wow this is a very three announcement yesterday Star Wars all the games coming out all the Star Wars games coming out Oh Star Wars unos coming out Oh they've already have that it's impeach aren t it well then it but you don't have the new Star Wars oh yeah yeah they're gonna have like chrome cards and stuff right sit Beecham had you not heard about on so his wife I haven't heard about in Hansel his wife well are you my ears closed great to inform you that um according to the new Canon that they're doing now which I'm gonna say right here I'm starting to reject the concept that they can decide what Star Wars Canon is for me Star Wars Canon is those first three movies and I'm stopping there everything else is just an interesting idea whose today here yay I think Disney well Disney colleges now yeah yeah so they threw out all the extended universe that doesn't count anymore but they're doing new ken and now and apparently these comic books they're doing now count as part of the star wars universe which means that it is now canon truth the Han Solo was married at the time he met Princess Leia and the two of them run into his wife later I wait was he married a Chewbacca no no her name's sana solo I believe and they say she's human in the wiki that she looks like a Cathar to me but I'm anyway so she hates him she's a bitter ex basically only they're still married and she's tracking him down and he's been also they're pulling a blues brother anyway it's all very depressing and I've ejected frankly I'm good I got into that ring I have to stop that's creepy because you know Carrie Fisher was John Belushi's crazed X and the Blues Brothers oh yeah so is the whole Mookie gonna be like Chewbacca and honest hello in a phone booth and then Carrie Fisher walks in with a flamethrower they're gonna drive through a mall at some point right let's hope so I mean that that's you sound like yeah like carrie fisher's home movies yeah yeah that's what you which could be quite interesting based on her memoir that came out of a few years back oh you guys reading you that oh yeah yeah she's like wishful drinking or yeah let's cut from the edge yeah sorry um so um by the way that jetpack gameplay looked amazing fantasy yes we're talking about we first watch yeah we're like they have jet packs it looks like it looks like they're gonna have jet packs and mass effect for a fighter jet pack here and at some point Admiral Ackbar talks to you and does not say that it's a trap okay see it's an analyst that's a situation where are they unexpectedly got you it's a sneaker it's a quagmire yeah it's funny but IDK i play star wars the old republic and somebody makes and it's a trap joke like every single night and has done for the last couple of years no one ever gets tired of that one it's me it's a trap as the new was up honestly it's it was funny when Robot Chicken did it I gotta see I gotta see there he is there's a Hefner I bar was he say okay to go crash site but it looks like they am I ovary to first prepare to defend yourselves until we could get there that sounds like a longer way of saying that yeah your things are there already waiting for you they're gonna shoot unexpectedly what it's not a trap okay watch this jet pack yeah I understand that sold me right so I'm sold to yeah you can do that instead I game bounty hunter has a move called death from above where you you go up in a jet pack and then you fire down into it see ya know I got to play that again bounty hunter on a gamecube I still have it on gamecube yeah meets it well my son has it oh cool sometimes he lets me play it I have to ask nicely he's not actually kidding about that no I'm not he commandeered all of my old consoles wow so that's a whole other show yeah so another game from e3 Mass Effect Andromeda anyone follow this one um so I am I the biggest mass effect fan here and I'm thinking you are ya okay if the check it's not important carry on shoulda thing yeah so basically this is set after the controversial end of mass effect 3 I think long after and it's definitely not starting Shepherd for obvious reasons they're in a new guy this music selection kind of it is in fact on you Josh they credited it at the bottom nice yes significance in the music selection I think it's because it's a wild frontier like you're in a new galaxy you're exploring um but you know honestly I didn't really get very much from this trailer except that it's supposed to look gorgeous than there will be jet packs and you're still in n7 there's a strong about I think there's a close up on the shirt you're still in m7 but you know why we're they haven't really told us yet who we're supposed to care about or why or what's going on it's just sort of another Mass Effect game like its mass spec we sat down on the kids and here we go just shows up at a plan that pulls out his gun yes I'm done here I'm universe serie a season okay there you go limit limited jetpacking I'd still take limited Jack that's not the main character they said by the way oh really yeah they said more on that later I don't know why they chose to feature this that's cool jetpack move right there yeah you know sometimes you know you get up up near the top of the stairs you're just like cheese you know just need that little extra boost to get you all the way exactly this is the first boost and punch type of Jetpack rather than the flying dad package I think if I think it's more fractal yeah yeah dude none of that was gameplay was it no that was a tenth all render ok as a trailer yeah they say they're using the engine that they're planning to use in the game what it was something funny it's like this represents the their goal for the gameplay which means like after a little rat way back yeah it's actually a 16-bit game that they could do that big word Mass Effect 8-bit cinema I'll that'd be cool does that exist yet it should ask my picture yeah I feel like I can remember some ads like back in the 90s for like nintendo super nintendo games where they they have like you know movie cinematic quality trailers and then there's no indication of you know what the actual 16-bit is going to look like well even remember being very disappointed like the old Atari games if you looked at like the cover art on those it's like amazing there's like oh my god you have like this magic wand and you're like getting rid of it and then like you know you're square or Barbies yeah actually Barbie drawing a Barbie yeah that was so relevant everyone pip-pip injury does the other day face now they think of it the only game that doesn't work that way the original Mega Man cuz the cover was so bad it's like well the game's got to be awesome they clearly didn't hire a good artist it's true I don't omit some of the pac-man cover Evers a copper creepy looking like for reals I want to set expectations whoa yeah that's what's different about today's gamer today's gamer you look at a you look at a trailer like that and you're like oh the game could be this awesome but when we were kids you'd see like the Super Nintendo commercial and you're like I'm gonna get to do that and then you play the game and it's two dots fighting up square hey when you think about it we had the body you know what I'm surprised us in our game right now two dots fighting ask where i can see that on steam a lot i'm launching an IndieGoGo for it there you go fetch it'll go faster than that movie two dots in the square if it doesn't work is it a game at work as it do does it comic 1 square it's a place coming this fall to ABC so before we started the show we started talking about all these games coming ahead at e3 and Steven then feverishly loaded every trailer that he could so now that we got a couple of minutes left what what announcement out of III space related or not is is most exciting so that we Steven can play some entry okay I saw we saw the I'm just gonna talk about this hollow lens Oh God oh yeah thing is so cool so this is uh the hollow lens is this piece of gear you wear on your head you wear like glasses right and it's made by microsoft and they did a really cool demo of it at e3 it's augmented reality yes yeah this was the minecraft yeah this is a minor yeah okay so I mean imagine having a Mario level on your table let me just fast forward here real quick so this is like this is kind of like Microsoft Google glass but it actually been designed it for things that make sense yeah it's like a hologram vr kind of thing so watch they put this level into this table here and this is the coolest thing ever I would play mario like this I would stand at a table and play mario like this wow so when I picture this war is D&D like that guy's Dungeon Master's your the helpless little person walking on and he starts destroying stuff all around you lightning strike magic missile so she's playing the game holding a tablet and that's her character in the game right yeah that's so cool I'm just imagine I mean people meet making games could use this to oh yeah the sims god no Lydia loud oh I can zoom in and out for a better perspective closer where's the Sanford is somebody's gonna use this to make an adult though oh yeah totally it's stay on that be Danny yeah that's why I'm here really I went to a talk on hacking the connects to do porn one time oh yeah yeah that was like two years ago too so me yeah there's oculus rift there's all kind in this room they always innovate yeah that's yeah a lot of money sorry I than moving the table or just moving around I think they are he is moving the table see how he grabs it he's pulling it around yeah oh he's pulling most of all around oh no I stalling the level around okay it's cool yeah none of this is really happening so again when you buy this it'll be just 16 bit okay they're gonna do everything lift it up now oh yeah that that would come in very handy it tells you where you can take for resource against and there's this whole underground oh that's so cool so it kind of reminds me a jurassic world when you know there's all those Holograms of dinosaurs oh yeah visitor center and you know just be such a cool learning tool like an awful lot i DNT like really you need 16 blocks strategy she's not worried about conserving resources hololens ipad sit and all know a wholesome man's in Minecraft I think they need a better sound effects for this model game I can just focus my gaze do they do the users program sound effects or how does that work no it comes with I mean you can get I step back I know somebody has like done like mods and stuff where you can like somebody added like 8-bit sounds so it actually will sound like an Atari game when you're like chillin like creepers and stuff Pigpen depicts need an upgrade I'm pretty sure you can change the sounds if you want did she just put it he just did a lightning strike on the pic make it a zombie Pigman huh like you do see oh we lost Eric oh no I'm so I'm still okay uh yeah it's just having video issues um well that that's about all the time that we have we have one more awesome trailer or anything that we want to go out on um well that everyone's really excited about this last the last guardian game I don't know much about it but you guys know anything about it wow yeah this is one that's been like in development hell for like forever a millennium yeah it was kind of a big surprise everyone's like oh sorry game yeah I read an article last year her someone was saying you know this is never gonna happen we shall just accept that here here's why that's okay yeah but it didn't help uh-huh yeah so what does this game about I don't even know prob about six guy who he's the last guy he's a guardian which is a guardian physique easy laughs are involved but is it be necessary when you say lasts I mean influence interest as opposed to a male heir guardian if you're let's remember time yeah oh my god are there sure so say stop grammar time I'm sure they're there have to be well so this this trailer made Scott's done very sad cuz he's all by himself no no he's not by himself that's the thing he's got this friend who may be dying such a while a rafter kind of lump Scott caught at a giant puppy dragon but chihuahua raptor works to ya anyway so their friends and apparently it's always tragic oh I can't getting my hat he's part cat occurring does he have emerald horns yeah at least for nubs or nubs anyway so this was just a gameplay demo huh you know I don't know anything about this game looks like a little guy yeah all I've known is that it's just it's been in work forever this looks like this looks like high definition Monument Valley on acid yeah I keep thinking of like the neverending story yeah something that's supposed to be sad and touching and that kind of thing which I was wondering if it's based on the last unicorn in a way oh yeah worry if george RR martin wrote peach dragon hahaha did you look what's happened to pass on makati did you interview where George Martin he was saying that when he read to learn the Rings trilogy he thought that Tolkien's plans to pick all the characters off one by one genuinely thought Fred it was dead when she'll have stung him I'd I think that really tells you something man his mind think so I know that's off topic but I just lending object permanence it's funny we were gonna talk about Game of Thrones last night and so less than I watched the finale and that was my first game of Thrones episode ever how you feeling and the only I enjoyed it but they it was funny because the only preparation that any my friends ever gave to me was she says the first thing you need to know about game with rings Game of Thrones is that george RR martin it's a cruel bastard and so and so I went into it with that and I'm like yeah that that's pretty much does it make any sense to you know cuz I didn't know any of the characters or you know I mean I know Jon Snow Johnson oh I say that right yeah I look like that's more on right now I know about John I look like my dad I know about Jon Snow um so but that was the weird part was knowing that I kind of but I could see a certain moment coming but it still was like oh that was if I if I'd been up to this point I'd probably be crying right now uh but no it was yeah so that was that was my george RR martin story yeah do you think if george RR martin were in charge of the Lord of the Rings universe that the The Hobbit race would be extinct by now the way he would handle it unquestionably anyone would be raped and then dead Frodo's head would be on a stick somewhere and on that note yeah was it on a stick ZDNet does have them tons of e3 coverage going on right now in a week so be sure to check out cnet com for all that and you can also go to cnet com / crave to find the stories that we've talked about today including myspace story and Danny space porn story so there's really something for everybody and as always be sure to check us out on twitter at crave and i'm at erics e MEK and you can tune in to us next month so for Kelsey Adams and Jeff Sparkman and Steven Beecham and Danny Gallagher and the recuperating recuperating Bonnie Burton we miss you Bonnie I don't know if you feel better and we hope to see you next month and thanks for watching
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