I've been working on windows for 10
I've been working on UNIX for 7 and I've
hated Macs my entire life the new Mac OS
is the bomb I have some very cool apps
that are bundled with with me like what
do you what do you got calculator that's
anything else clock sounds like hours of
fun yeah I think there is a profound and
enduring beauty in simplicity yeah how
many ounces in a cup this might answer
your question no I knew that
I remind me in an hour and put the
gazpacho on ice
here's your reminder and the new 17 inch
PowerBook the world's first and only 17
inch notebook computer some of us are
some thrive on comedy I've sailed up on
the seven seas and stopped in every land
merry little Christmas let your heart be
loved we started school because we
wanted to show Detroit in a positive
light to help repopulate it I wanted to
change my environment
the plan was let's start a bike ride and
see if people were gonna buy books at
the core of it it was about reconnecting
call me but love and for I never will be
with you my love is deep more I get
today a thousand times good night
come on we need LPN Dean there's not a
where are we man I don't know anyway
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