we all know YouTube is a great way to
upload videos and share them online but
did you know that YouTube also makes a
great bare-bones video editor if you're
in a pantry just too intimidated by most
video editing software I'm gonna show
you how to make some simple changes to
your videos using YouTube first things
first you gotta upload some videos to
YouTube once you do that head over to
youtube.com / editor and you're gonna
see a list of all your uploaded videos
on the right and then a little video
editor on the left to start editing find
a video you want to edit and then drag
it over to the little corner here which
says drag videos here once you do that
the video is going to start playing and
you're gonna see some options over here
on the right auto fix brightness
contrast slow-motion all kinds of fun
stuff you can do with your video clip on
a separate tab over here you're going to
see filters kind of like Instagram
filters that you can use to process your
video you can lay texts over your video
and you can also adjust the volume of
your videos if you want to pump up the
volume a little bit another thing to
know if you're actually going to fiddle
around with the filters and fixes is
that if you check the box down here at
the bottom that says preview effects
side-by-side with original video you're
going to get a extra little window here
that will show you the original video
next to the affected one and it's a good
way to see if the changes you're making
we're actually making the video better
or maybe you're layering on a lot of
filters that don't need to be there now
of all the tools here the most useful
one is actually down here on the
thumbnail you have the thumbnail
selected you can use the edges of it to
trim the beginning of the clip or the
end of the clip maybe the beginning was
a little shaky maybe the end goes too
long you can also hit the scissor icon
here to split the clip so maybe if I
split it in the middle I can actually
intercut other clips into it so if I
wanted to cut in a little clip here from
the county fair right in between the two
clips there you go now while you have
your video library open here on the
right you're going to notice that some
other tabs up here to explore you've got
a tab for adding Creative Commons videos
into your own video so that you want a
nice royalty-free video of Beach rocks
to open your video you've got to here
free to use you'll also notice you've
got options here for adding your own
this to your video adding music to your
video but the most useful two tabs up
here are the tabs for transitions and
for titles with transitions you can add
a crossfade or a cross blur other kinds
of nifty transitions in between your
clips and then with the title tab you
can add a centered title or a banner or
a sliding title kind of nifty different
effects here you just drag a title on to
the timeline and then enter your text
and it's immediately there all right now
that you got the basic idea let's do one
in earnest i'm going to start from
scratch i'm going to delete the current
project the leap it's not the leading my
videos is just deleting the project here
for the editor and i'm going to get
these clips of my kid at the county fair
I'm gonna add them all to the timeline
here drag them down this clip the first
one it's a minute of my kid going up and
down on a county fair ride I probably
don't need the full minute I'm just
going to trim that that will move on to
another 30 seconds of him going around
on a helicopter ride again 30 seconds
might be too much to bear for that one
so now I've got four relatively short
clips I'm going to go to the transitions
tab and drop a few fades in between them
they kind of make it have a more
professional look and then to cap it all
off I'm going to give it a title he's
dragged title down to the beginning of
the timeline
alright and there you go I got a title
I've got all these little Clips stitched
together in a way that makes the whole
video more interesting now when I'm
ready to publish this it's going to go
up here to this button at the top says
publish my video gets processed now once
you publish is still going to take
YouTube a few minutes to get your video
edited just the way you want here we go
fun at the fair
it's a masterpiece so there you go
that's how to edit your videos using
YouTube and nothing else pretty simple
although there's a lot more to it than
you being able to show in this video you
can really take this thing pretty far
edit together your masterpiece and share
it with the world
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