welcome to CNET's the fix the show about
do-it-yourself tech and how to I'm
Donald Bell and I'm Eric Franke and this
week we're gonna show you how to
optimize your phone since most of you
can't ever seem to put them down I'm one
of them
I can't ever seem to put my phone down
but I do wish it was sometimes faster
yeah well one thing that could be
slowing you down is your web browser
this week we're gonna put three web
browsers to the test and seeing it going
with the new browser could give you an
we're here at the k1 speed racetrack
what better venue for a mobile browser
speed test we've got three different
browsers here we're gonna see it going
with one over the other could give you
an advantage that's right in order to
make it a fair test we're all using the
same phones we're all using iPhone 5s
--is we're all connected to the same 4G
wireless hotspot and we all make sure
that we've cleared our caches cleared
our cookies and cleared our browser
history and what we're going to do is
load three types of web pages okay we've
got a new site a picture heavy website
and a media rich site and I'm going to
use Chrome I'll be using Safari
I've got opera the underdog all right
new york times at first sure let's go NY
key rhymes calm I'm gonna go one two
three go and on go thank you go alright
one two three go all right we're off
yeah you're out a gun I'm still lagging
way behind this part and I'm done all
I you want some coffee I'm taking a bit
longer than I expected yeah I think it
knows I press go come on opera you sure
we're all connected to the same 4G
hotspot does it not like opera what do
you think about moving on we'll come
back so just it got a hiccup but I mean
I think that's a real-world result you
know for whatever reason we that happens
for sure all right well maybe it's going
to do better in the next round all right
where we going up we have one of my
favorite websites pinterest.com water
come on my favorite obvious I hope I
spelled it right all right come on two
three go all right we're off again yeah
and the sharon done already problem I've
said I'm like a quarter of the way up
I'm done I think you
that's why did you search for pinners no
no no that was an accident so I'm done
now she has done all right
I went that one opera what are you
killing me nice nice
came through finally now we're later
alright operas let me down okay last one
giant bomb dot-com I love it already
one two three go alright come on giant
bomb time bomb come on come on Safari I
think I might win this one again I might
run this again waiting thoroughly there
it's that's like almost there finally
oh oh I got some HTML fun maybe our hot
spots for to reception it's not super
excellent little weird glitchy hiccup do
you guys mind if we do that and get that
email we'd have to clear the cache yeah
so guys let's redo this because my
loading experience ran into a little
glitch so we're going to clear our
patches and try that one again it
happened sometime dude we're doing a
real-world test ready yeah yeah yeah
count one two three go alright
I'm nervous the age of Opera has the
page up we're still on white pages no
problems again it's button it's a reset
all right 40 hotspots rebooted it says
it's ready to go maybe that's gonna help
us get a little extra speed one two
three go
all right wow this is so much better dad
yeah done I knew it I'm sorry to say
that I had a lot of I had a lot of hope
for opera
yeah but opera just flopping all over
the place
so yeah real quick let's go through some
how-to tips some quick tips for each of
our browser okay all right so on opera a
couple different things I would do to
really optimize the speed here maybe
actually get me to finish loading a page
I'd go into settings and there seems the
first two options here are for loading
images you guys could turn load images
off especially on a text heavy page like
New York Times that might be helpful or
if you want to keep your images there
but change the quality of them I could
change the image quality from high down
to low and see if that helps me and I'll
just say briefly about safari is that it
is your default browser so any link you
click on like an email or something it's
gonna open in Safari that's a nice
little perk right there but also if you
have an iPad you can take advantage of
the reading list so if you don't have
time to read a story on a web page you
want to just push it to your iPad you
can totally do that very easily with
Safari and chrome is jam-packed with
features one of my favorites is that one
that preloads pages based on where the
browser thinks you're going to go next
and then another great one is tab
syncing so if you're on Chrome desktop
and you move over to your phone you're
going to be able to load those exact
same tabs pick up just where you left
off all right we can all safely say that
Chrome was the winner of this particular
test yeah
yeah no no chrome is the winner I mean
everyone thought it was good you press
the button I press the magic button with
my magical fingering yes sorry guys
I demand a rematch you crazy
oh that was a rigged race was it rigged
there was no way that was fair I had no
we'll do a rematch we'll make sure you
win this time okay that's all I'm asking
we're gonna take a quick break when we
come back Sharon Vaknin joins us and
she'll have some great tips on how to
extend your Android phone battery life
welcome back have you ever wished that
your phone's battery life would last
just a little bit longer maybe even a
lot longer thankfully Sharon back miss
coming up she's gonna have some advice
for all you Android users that have you
reaching for your chargers a little less
often you know Android gets a pretty bad
rap for having a short battery life but
if you spend a few minutes with your
phone settings you can easily turn that
around today I'm showing you a few tips
using the Nexus 5 running Android 4.4
KitKat but if you have any phone running
4.1 and above these tips will apply to
you too
for starters tone down that GPS there
are lots of ways that sucks up your
battery life even when you're not using
Google Maps so head on over to your
phone settings then location and choose
location services from the bottom here
and you'll want to disable both location
reporting and location history chances
are you're probably not using them and
another tip for GPS back in that
location menu head on over to mode and
choose battery saving mode when you
don't absolutely need pinpoint location
reporting this way your phone will use
less resources to find out where you are
and here's another really good tip you
know Google now ok Google where is the
nearest pizza place you might not
realize it's using a lot of your battery
life so head on over to the Google now
interface and scroll all the way up to
this magic wand top it and from here you
can see what Google now is showing you
you've got your sports teams your stocks
your places the ones I use the most
battery life are again the ones that
rely on GPS so go down to everything
else and disable all of the features
that you really don't need like traffic
reporting and nearby places if you don't
use those features you're just wasting
battery life for absolutely no reason
and here's one that everyone should know
even you iOS and Windows Phone users
Wi-Fi and brightness will always hog the
lion's share of your battery life
you don't want to disable Wi-Fi you
still need to use it but to stop in the
blow head on over to your settings and
then to Wi-Fi and here tap the menu
button and go to advanced in this menu
disable scanning always available so
it's not looking for networks when
you're not trying to connect to Wi-Fi
for brightness make sure that Auto is
disabled and that you're adjusting your
brightness manually to the lowest
comfortable setting you'll be surprised
how much battery it saves you finally
there may be some apps that are draining
your battery life but without you even
realizing it so to find out what those
apps are and to get a sense of your
battery usage in general go to settings
then battery and here you'll have a list
of apps and services that are using your
battery with the top two almost always
being your screen and of course Wi-Fi so
there you have it hopefully those tips
will help you get a little bit more
mileage out of your Android phone those
are some pretty good tips yeah and up
next Eric here breaks down everything
you wanted to know about your phone's
battery including when to replace it if
you've all your smartphone for at least
two years you probably notice that your
battery doesn't last quite as long as it
used to you that's because most
smartphones use living and ion batteries
which typically only function normally
for about two to three years so how can
you tell if your battery needs a
replacement well here are three easy
ways to figure it out the first is that
your phone just isn't lasting very long
now this is pretty obvious but if you
charge your phone and then you unplug it
and it dies immediately or even if it
dies in like an hour or two a so
telltale sign that there's something
wrong you also want to make sure that
it's not a software problem so you'll
want to make sure that it's happening
consistently also check for any software
updates that may address the issue make
sure you have the latest offer updates
that's always important
number two is that your phone gets hot
and I'm talking really hot like
uncomfortably so a normal functioning
battery will periodically vent excess
heat but one that's on its way out will
have a lot of trouble doing that which
will result in you playing a hot potato
which you're really really hot phone and
lastly if you can access your
smartphone's battery you'll want to
check for any swelling or bulging on the
physical battery itself now this is a
properly functioning new battery so you
won't see that here swelling or bulging
occurs when one of these cells inside
the battery has ruptured due to
overheating so you'll definitely want to
stop using it immediately because it can
still explode or catch fire now two ways
to extend the life of your battery is to
one never leave it plugged in and
charged to capacity for an extended
amount of time and to never let it
deplete completely to zero doing either
of these will adversely affect the life
of your battery the big takeaway here is
that lithium-ion batteries don't last
forever and eventually you're gonna have
to replace them whether that's replacing
just the battery or your entire phone
that's it for this week's show thank you
all so much for watching if you want to
reach us here with any show ideas i'm at
donald on twitter on twitter I'm at lead
opal and next week is all about
televisions how to set them up and even
some tips on installing them I'm gonna
set one up in my new place cool dude
see you guys next time
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